CAttributes | TCPDirect attributes to pass configuration details (a wrapper around the zf_Attributes struct) |
CBase64Encoding | The BASE64 encoding service |
CCondition | The condition variable - a synchronization objects that allows threads to wait for certain events (conditions) to occur |
CFieldSet::ConstIterator | The constant iterator to iterate over all fields in the given FieldSet instance |
CFlatGroup::ConstIterator | The constant iterator to iterate over all group instances in the repeating group |
CFlatMessage::ConstIterator | The constant iterator to iterate over all fields in the given FlatMessage instance |
CCounterparty | The collection of parameters required to establish a connection with a counterparty (session-acceptor) |
CCryptograph | The cryptography service |
CDayOfWeek | Specifies a day of the week |
CDecimal | The Decimal type for a better precision |
CDecoder | Performs the FAST to FIX decoding |
CDecoder | Performs SBE to FIX decoding |
CDictionary | Identifies the FIX messages dictionary |
CEncoder | Encodes FIX messages into the FAST representation |
CEncoder | Encodes FIX messages into the SBE representation |
CEncryptionMethod | Defines encryption methods |
CEngine | The FIX Engine |
CEngineErrorReason | The error reason |
CEngineSettings | FIX Engine settings |
CEngineWarningReason | The warning reason |
CErrorReason | The error reason |
CEventBasedDecoder | Performs the FAST decoding using IDecodeListener to inform a user about the decoding process |
CEventBasedDecoder | Performs the SBE to FIX decoding |
►Cexception | STL class |
CField | Field primary attributes (the tag and a reference to a value) |
CFieldInfo | Identifies attributes of a FIX field |
►CFieldSet | Encapsulates primary operations over the collection of FIX fields like a FIX message and a repeating group instance are |
CFieldValueRef | Implements a concept of a read-only reference to a FIX field value |
CFlatField | Field primary attributes (a tag and a reference to a value) |
CFlatFieldKey | Key to a serialized field - represents another way of accessing fields in an editable serialized message |
CFlatFieldRef | Represents a temporary reference to a field in an editable serialized message |
CFlatGroup | Encapsulates operations over the FIX Repeating Group |
CFlatGroupInstance | A single instance of the FIX Repeating Group |
CFlatMessage | Provides an access to FIX fields from a flat (tag=value) message |
►CFutureBase | The base implementation of the SharedFuture<T> |
CFutureGetReturn< T > | |
CFutureGetReturn< void > | |
CFutureStatus | The state of a SharedFuture object (similar to std::future_status, |
CFutureValue | Implementation details |
CGroup | Encapsulates operations over the FIX Repeating Group |
CGuard< Acquirable > | Performs the automatic acquisition and release of the synchronization object |
CIDecodeListener | The decode session's listener |
CIDecodeListener | The SBE decode session's listener |
CIEngineListener | The Engine's Listener |
CInputDataTraits | |
CInsertMode | The insert mode of FlatMessage::insert() methods |
CISbeCompositeDecoder | The interface of the custom decoder for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages |
CISbeCompositeEncoder | The interface of the custom encoder for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages |
CISbeCustomCoderLibrary | The library that contains user-defined SBE coders |
CISbeFieldDecoder | The interface of the custom decoder for the FIX field |
CISbeFieldEncoder | The interface of custom encoder for the FIX field |
CISbeGroupDimensionDecoder | The interface of the custom decoder for the group dimension composite |
CISbeGroupDimensionEncoder | The interface of the custom encoder for the group dimension composite |
►CISbeNameDescription | The name and the description of an SBE entity |
CISessionListener | The session's Listener |
►CISessionReactor | The session's network stack reactor interface |
CISessionStorage | The session's pluggable storage |
CISessionStorage::ISessionStorageListener | The Session Storage listener that is used to replay messages |
CISessionStorageListener | The Session Storage listener that is used to replay messages |
CItemBase | The base class for custom items which can be stored in thread-safe containers |
CGroup::Iterator | The mutable iterator to iterate over all group instances in the repeating group |
CKnownFlatFieldKeys | Keys are constant during the serialized message lifetime |
Cless< OnixS::FIX::StringRef > | Allows the use of the StringRef in collections like std::map |
CMessage::MakeShallowCopy | |
CMessageMode | The session message mode |
CMessageParsingFlag | The collection of flags which affect the way the FIX message is parsed from its raw (tag=value) presentation |
CMessageStringingFlag | Contains flags which affect the FIX message textual presentation |
CMessageValidationFlag | The collection of flags which affect the way FIX message is validated |
CMonth | Defines all the months in the year |
CFutureBase::moving_init_t | |
CSession::MsgBatch< MsgType > | Message batch types |
CSession::MsgBatchHelper | |
CMsgBatchTraits< MsgType > | |
CMsgBatchTraits< Message > | |
CMulticastClient | Provides the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multicast mode network services |
CMutex | Protects a resources from the simultaneous access by multiple threads |
CNumber | The helper class for the conversion from a string to a number |
CPoolAllocatorBase | The base class for a custom pool allocator to provide a strategy to create/destroy items for the thread-safe pool |
►CPromiseBase | The base implementation of the PromiseFuture<T> |
CProtocolVersion | The FIX Protocol version |
CSession::ProxySettings | HTTP proxy settings |
CPtrTraits< T > | |
CRawMessage | The helper class to represent a raw FIX message |
CISessionStorage::RawMessagePointer | The pointer to the native (tag=value) FIX Message |
CRawMessagePointer | The pointer to the native (tag=value) FIX Message |
CReactorType | The network reactor type |
CSbeBinaryOutputStream | The stream to write the encoded data |
CSbeConstFieldAccess | The Accessor to the field content |
CSbeEndianness | The byte order of the message schema |
CSbeFieldCodingSettings | The coding modes management |
CSbeFieldDecoderOutput | The output interface for the data decoded by the custom decoder |
CSbeFixSemanticType | The FIX semantic type of the SBE-encoded field |
CSbeGroupDimensionInput | The input interface for the data about the repeating group |
CSbeGroupDimensionOutput | The output interface for the data about the repeating group |
CSbePresence | An appearance of the SBE-encoded field |
CSbePrimitiveType | The primitive type of the SBE-encoded value |
CSbeSpecialCompositeInput | The input interface for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages |
CSbeSpecialCompositeOutput | The output interface for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages |
CSchedulerThreadingModel | The way in which the Scheduler will utilize threads |
CSecureString | The immutable secure string |
CSecureStringBuilder | The editable secure string |
CSemaphore | The limits number of threads that can access the shared resource simultaneously |
CSequenceNumberResetPolicy | Defines the session sequence number reset policy |
CSession | The FIX Session - a bi-directional stream of ordered messages between two parties within a continuous sequence number series |
►CSessionConnectionSettings | The collection of connection-related attributes for the session |
CSessionDuration | Specifies an activity time frame for the session |
CSessionRole | The session role |
CSessionSchedule | Defines activity time frames for the session |
CSessionScheduler | The scheduler performs the session connection maintenance according to the specified schedule for session activities |
CSessionSchedulerListener | SessionScheduler events notifications |
CSessionSchedulerOptions | The collection of miscellaneous parameters which affect the session scheduler behavior |
CSessionSendMode | The session send mode |
CSessionState | The session state |
CSessionStorageType | The session Storage type |
CSocketOption | Socket option of the SOL_SOCKET level |
CSslProtocolMinMaxVersion | Defines SSL/TLS protocol minimal or maximal versions |
CStringRef | Provides an efficient way of accessing text-based FIX field values |
CTagTraits | Tag traits |
CTcpClient | Provides client connections for TCP network services |
CThisThread | Exposes manipulations over the current thread |
CThread | Manipulates a thread |
CThreadAffinity | Represents set of CPU indices |
CThreadingModel | The way in which the Engine will work with sockets |
CThreadSafePool | The thread-safe pool of objects by pointers |
CThreadSafeQueue | The thread-safe queue to send data from some thread(s) to another single thread |
CThreadSafeQueueResult | |
CThrottler | The throttler class to perform the throttling |
CTimeDetails | Time related constants |
CTimeOfDay | Represents the time of the day |
CTimeoutTimer | The timeout timer to control the time interval in a loop |
►CTimeSpan | The time span related functionality |
CTimeSpanFormat | The collection of time span formats supported |
CTimestamp | The timestamps related functionality |
CTimestampFormat | The collection of timestamp formats supported |
CValidFieldValue | Identifies attributes of a valid FIX field value |
►CValueBase | |
CVersion | Identifies the version of the product |
CWarningReason | The warning reason |
CYearMonthDay | Year, month, day fields |