OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.11.0
API Documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAttributesTCPDirect attributes to pass configuration details (a wrapper around the zf_Attributes struct)
 CBase64EncodingThe BASE64 encoding service
 CConditionThe condition variable - a synchronization objects that allows threads to wait for certain events (conditions) to occur
 CFlatGroup::ConstIteratorThe constant iterator to iterate over all group instances in the repeating group
 CFlatMessage::ConstIteratorThe constant iterator to iterate over all fields in the given FlatMessage instance
 CFieldSet::ConstIteratorThe constant iterator to iterate over all fields in the given FieldSet instance
 CCounterpartyThe collection of parameters required to establish a connection with a counterparty (session-acceptor)
 CCryptographThe cryptography service
 CDayOfWeekSpecifies a day of the week
 CDecimalThe Decimal type for a better precision
 CDecoderPerforms the FAST to FIX decoding
 CDecoderPerforms SBE to FIX decoding
 CDictionaryIdentifies the FIX messages dictionary
 CEncoderEncodes FIX messages into the FAST representation
 CEncoderEncodes FIX messages into the SBE representation
 CEncryptionMethodDefines encryption methods
 CEngineThe FIX Engine
 CEngineErrorReasonThe error reason
 CEngineSettingsFIX Engine settings
 CEngineWarningReasonThe warning reason
 CErrorReasonThe error reason
 CEventBasedDecoderPerforms the FAST decoding using IDecodeListener to inform a user about the decoding process
 CEventBasedDecoderPerforms the SBE to FIX decoding
 CexceptionSTL class
 CFieldField primary attributes (the tag and a reference to a value)
 CFieldInfoIdentifies attributes of a FIX field
 CFieldSetEncapsulates primary operations over the collection of FIX fields like a FIX message and a repeating group instance are
 CFieldValueRefImplements a concept of a read-only reference to a FIX field value
 CFlatFieldField primary attributes (a tag and a reference to a value)
 CFlatFieldKeyKey to a serialized field - represents another way of accessing fields in an editable serialized message
 CFlatFieldRefRepresents a temporary reference to a field in an editable serialized message
 CFlatGroupEncapsulates operations over the FIX Repeating Group
 CFlatGroupInstanceA single instance of the FIX Repeating Group
 CFlatMessageProvides an access to FIX fields from a flat (tag=value) message
 CFutureBaseThe base implementation of the SharedFuture<T>
 CFutureGetReturn< T >
 CFutureGetReturn< void >
 CFutureStatusThe state of a SharedFuture object (similar to std::future_status,
 CFutureValueImplementation details
 CGroupEncapsulates operations over the FIX Repeating Group
 CGuard< Acquirable >Performs the automatic acquisition and release of the synchronization object
 CIDecodeListenerThe decode session's listener
 CIDecodeListenerThe SBE decode session's listener
 CIEngineListenerThe Engine's Listener
 CInsertModeThe insert mode of FlatMessage::insert() methods
 CISbeCompositeDecoderThe interface of the custom decoder for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages
 CISbeCompositeEncoderThe interface of the custom encoder for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages
 CISbeCustomCoderLibraryThe library that contains user-defined SBE coders
 CISbeFieldDecoderThe interface of the custom decoder for the FIX field
 CISbeFieldEncoderThe interface of custom encoder for the FIX field
 CISbeGroupDimensionDecoderThe interface of the custom decoder for the group dimension composite
 CISbeGroupDimensionEncoderThe interface of the custom encoder for the group dimension composite
 CISbeNameDescriptionThe name and the description of an SBE entity
 CISessionListenerThe session's Listener
 CISessionReactorThe session's network stack reactor interface
 CISessionStorageThe session's pluggable storage
 CISessionStorage::ISessionStorageListenerThe Session Storage listener that is used to replay messages
 CISessionStorageListenerThe Session Storage listener that is used to replay messages
 CItemBaseThe base class for custom items which can be stored in thread-safe containers
 CGroup::IteratorThe mutable iterator to iterate over all group instances in the repeating group
 CKnownFlatFieldKeysKeys are constant during the serialized message lifetime
 Cless< OnixS::FIX::StringRef >Allows the use of the StringRef in collections like std::map
 CMessageModeThe session message mode
 CMessageParsingFlagThe collection of flags which affect the way the FIX message is parsed from its raw (tag=value) presentation
 CMessageStringingFlagContains flags which affect the FIX message textual presentation
 CMessageValidationFlagThe collection of flags which affect the way FIX message is validated
 CMonthDefines all the months in the year
 CSession::MsgBatch< MsgType >Message batch types
 CMsgBatchTraits< MsgType >
 CMsgBatchTraits< Message >
 CMulticastClientProvides the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multicast mode network services
 CMutexProtects a resources from the simultaneous access by multiple threads
 CNumberThe helper class for the conversion from a string to a number
 CPoolAllocatorBaseThe base class for a custom pool allocator to provide a strategy to create/destroy items for the thread-safe pool
 CPromiseBaseThe base implementation of the PromiseFuture<T>
 CProtocolVersionThe FIX Protocol version
 CSession::ProxySettingsHTTP proxy settings
 CPtrTraits< T >
 CRawMessageThe helper class to represent a raw FIX message
 CISessionStorage::RawMessagePointerThe pointer to the native (tag=value) FIX Message
 CRawMessagePointerThe pointer to the native (tag=value) FIX Message
 CReactorTypeThe network reactor type
 CSbeBinaryOutputStreamThe stream to write the encoded data
 CSbeConstFieldAccessThe Accessor to the field content
 CSbeEndiannessThe byte order of the message schema
 CSbeFieldCodingSettingsThe coding modes management
 CSbeFieldDecoderOutputThe output interface for the data decoded by the custom decoder
 CSbeFixSemanticTypeThe FIX semantic type of the SBE-encoded field
 CSbeGroupDimensionInputThe input interface for the data about the repeating group
 CSbeGroupDimensionOutputThe output interface for the data about the repeating group
 CSbePresenceAn appearance of the SBE-encoded field
 CSbePrimitiveTypeThe primitive type of the SBE-encoded value
 CSbeSpecialCompositeInputThe input interface for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages
 CSbeSpecialCompositeOutputThe output interface for composites that are not used inside of FIX messages
 CSchedulerThreadingModelThe way in which the Scheduler will utilize threads
 CSecureStringThe immutable secure string
 CSecureStringBuilderThe editable secure string
 CSemaphoreThe limits number of threads that can access the shared resource simultaneously
 CSequenceNumberResetPolicyDefines the session sequence number reset policy
 CSessionThe FIX Session - a bi-directional stream of ordered messages between two parties within a continuous sequence number series
 CSessionConnectionSettingsThe collection of connection-related attributes for the session
 CSessionDurationSpecifies an activity time frame for the session
 CSessionRoleThe session role
 CSessionScheduleDefines activity time frames for the session
 CSessionSchedulerThe scheduler performs the session connection maintenance according to the specified schedule for session activities
 CSessionSchedulerListenerSessionScheduler events notifications
 CSessionSchedulerOptionsThe collection of miscellaneous parameters which affect the session scheduler behavior
 CSessionSendModeThe session send mode
 CSessionStateThe session state
 CSessionStorageTypeThe session Storage type
 CSocketOptionSocket option of the SOL_SOCKET level
 CStringRefProvides an efficient way of accessing text-based FIX field values
 CTagTraitsTag traits
 CTcpClientProvides client connections for TCP network services
 CThisThreadExposes manipulations over the current thread
 CThreadManipulates a thread
 CThreadAffinityRepresents set of CPU indices
 CThreadingModelThe way in which the Engine will work with sockets
 CThreadSafePoolThe thread-safe pool of objects by pointers
 CThreadSafeQueueThe thread-safe queue to send data from some thread(s) to another single thread
 CThrottlerThe throttler class to perform the throttling
 CTimeDetailsTime related constants
 CTimeOfDayRepresents the time of the day
 CTimeoutTimerThe timeout timer to control the time interval in a loop
 CTimeSpanThe time span related functionality
 CTimeSpanFormatThe collection of time span formats supported
 CTimestampThe timestamps related functionality
 CTimestampFormatThe collection of timestamp formats supported
 CValidFieldValueIdentifies attributes of a valid FIX field value
 CVersionIdentifies the version of the product
 CWarningReasonThe warning reason
 CYearMonthDayYear, month, day fields