OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.11.0
API Documentation
Dictionary Class Reference

#include <OnixS/FIXEngine/FIX/Dictionary.h>

Public Types

typedef std::vector< ValidFieldValueValidFieldValues
typedef std::vector< std::string > MessageTypes
typedef std::vector< FieldInfoFieldInfos
typedef std::vector< TagTags

Public Member Functions

 Dictionary (const char *id)
 Dictionary (ProtocolVersion::Enum version)
const std::string & id () const
ProtocolVersion::Enum version () const
const std::string & fieldName (Tag tag) const
Tag fieldNumber (const std::string &name) const
std::string fieldValueDescription (Tag tag, const std::string &value) const
ValidFieldValues validFieldValues (Tag tag) const
MessageTypes messageTypes () const
std::string messageName (const std::string &type) const
FieldInfos messageFields (const std::string &type) const
Tags tags () const
bool operator== (const Dictionary &other) const
bool operator!= (const Dictionary &other) const
void swap (Dictionary &other)


class MessageOperator

Detailed Description

Definition at line 73 of file Dictionary.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<FieldInfo> FieldInfos

The collection of the FIX field information.

Definition at line 136 of file Dictionary.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> MessageTypes

The collection of message types.

Definition at line 124 of file Dictionary.h.

typedef std::vector<Tag> Tags

The collection of tag numbers.

Definition at line 142 of file Dictionary.h.

typedef std::vector<ValidFieldValue> ValidFieldValues

The collection of valid field values.

Definition at line 114 of file Dictionary.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Dictionary ( const char *  id)

Initializes the dictionary according to the definition from the Engine configuration file.

idThe identifier of the FIX dictionary as specified in the dictionary XML description by the 'id' attribute of the 'FIX' node.

Creates the dictionary that corresponds to the given FIX Protocol version.

Member Function Documentation

const std::string& fieldName ( Tag  tag) const

Returns the name of the corresponding FIX field.

The name of corresponding FIX field or an empty string if the field is unknown.
Tag fieldNumber ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the tag number of the corresponding FIX field.

The tag number of the corresponding FIX field or 0 if the field is unknown.
std::string fieldValueDescription ( Tag  tag,
const std::string &  value 
) const

Returns the value description (if it exists) of the corresponding FIX field value.

The value description of the corresponding FIX field value or an empty string if there is no a description for this field value or the field is unknown.
const std::string& id ( ) const

The dictionary unique identifier.

FieldInfos messageFields ( const std::string &  type) const

Returns a collection of field descriptions that belong to the given message.

std::string messageName ( const std::string &  type) const

Returns the message name by the given message type.

The message name by the given message type or an empty string if the message type is unknown.
MessageTypes messageTypes ( ) const

Returns a collection of types of all messages available in this particular FIX dictionary.

bool operator!= ( const Dictionary other) const

Compares two dictionaries by their identifiers.

bool operator== ( const Dictionary other) const

Compares two dictionaries by their identifiers.

void swap ( Dictionary other)

Swaps two instances.

Tags tags ( ) const

Returns a collection of all tags which belong to the dialect.

ValidFieldValues validFieldValues ( Tag  tag) const

Returns valid field values (if they exist) of the corresponding FIX field.

A set of valid field values of the corresponding FIX field value or an empty set if there is no known valid field values for this field or the field is unknown.
ProtocolVersion::Enum version ( ) const

The version of the FIX messaging specification (protocol) on which the dictionary is based.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class MessageOperator

Definition at line 157 of file Dictionary.h.

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