OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.11.0
API Documentation
EngineSettings Class Reference

#include <OnixS/FIXEngine/FIX/EngineSettings.h>

Public Types

enum  HeartbeatResolution { DecisecondsHeartbeatResolution = 100, SecondsHeartbeatResolution = 1000 }

Public Member Functions

 EngineSettings ()
 EngineSettings (const std::string &configuration)
 EngineSettings (const EngineSettings &)
void loadFromConfigFile (const std::string &configFile)
 ~EngineSettings ()
EngineSettingsoperator= (const EngineSettings &)
EngineSettingscreateEngineLogFile (bool value)
bool createEngineLogFile () const
EngineSettingsdictionaryFile (const std::string &value)
const std::string & dictionaryFile () const
EngineSettingsdialectString (const std::string &value)
const std::string & dialectString () const
EngineSettingslistenPort (int value)
int listenPort () const
EngineSettingslistenPorts (const ListenPorts &value)
const ListenPortslistenPorts () const
const LocalNetworkInterfaceslocalNetworkInterface () const
EngineSettingslocalNetworkInterface (const LocalNetworkInterfaces &)
EngineSettingslocalNetworkInterface (const LocalNetworkInterface &)
ThreadingModel::Enum threadingModel () const
EngineSettingsthreadingModel (ThreadingModel::Enum value)
bool useSpinLock () const
EngineSettingsuseSpinLock (bool value)
EngineSettingsthreadPoolSize (int size)
int threadPoolSize () const
EngineSettingslicenseFile (const std::string &value)
const std::string & licenseFile () const
EngineSettingslicenseStore (const std::string &value)
const std::string & licenseStore () const
EngineSettingslicenseString (const std::string &value)
const std::string & licenseString () const
unsigned licenseAlertingDaysBeforeExpiration ()
EngineSettingslicenseAlertingDaysBeforeExpiration (unsigned value)
EngineSettingslogDirectory (const std::string &value)
const std::string & logDirectory () const
const std::string & logFileName () const
EngineSettingslogFileName (const std::string &value)
bool logInboundMessages () const
EngineSettingslogInboundMessages (bool value)
bool logOutboundMessages () const
EngineSettingslogOutboundMessages (bool value)
bool logBeforeSending () const
EngineSettingslogBeforeSending (bool value)
bool localTimeUsage () const
EngineSettingslocalTimeUsage (bool value)
EngineSettingsprocessDeliverToCompId (bool value)
bool processDeliverToCompId () const
EngineSettingsreasonableTransmissionTime (int value)
int reasonableTransmissionTime () const
EngineSettingsreconnectAttempts (int value)
int reconnectAttempts () const
EngineSettingsreconnectInterval (int value)
int reconnectInterval () const
EngineSettingsresendingQueueSize (size_t value)
size_t resendingQueueSize () const
EngineSettingsresendRequestMaximumRange (int value)
int resendRequestMaximumRange () const
int receiveBufferSize () const
EngineSettingsreceiveBufferSize (int value)
int sendBufferSize () const
EngineSettingssendBufferSize (int value)
EngineSettingssendLogoutOnException (bool value)
bool sendLogoutOnException () const
EngineSettingssendLogoutOnInvalidLogon (bool value)
bool sendLogoutOnInvalidLogon () const
EngineSettingssslCertificateFile (const std::string &value)
const std::string & sslCertificateFile () const
EngineSettingssslPrivateKeyFile (const std::string &value)
const std::string & sslPrivateKeyFile () const
EngineSettingssslPrivateKeyPassword (const Cryptography::SecureString &value)
Cryptography::SecureString sslPrivateKeyPassword () const
EngineSettingssslListenPort (int value)
int sslListenPort () const
EngineSettingssslListenPorts (const ListenPorts &value)
const ListenPortssslListenPorts () const
const LocalNetworkInterfacessslLocalInterface () const
EngineSettingssslLocalInterface (const LocalNetworkInterfaces &)
EngineSettingssslVerifyPeer (bool verify)
bool sslVerifyPeer () const
EngineSettingssslClientSni (const std::string &hostName)
const std::string & sslClientSni () const
EngineSettingssslCaFile (const std::string &value)
const std::string & sslCaFile () const
EngineSettingsserviceThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes &cpuIndexes)
EngineSettingsserviceThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex cpuIndex)
const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexesserviceThreadAffinity ()
int serviceThreadPriority () const
EngineSettingsserviceThreadPriority (int priority)
int serviceThreadPolicy () const
EngineSettingsserviceThreadPolicy (int policy)
EngineSettingstcpNoDelayOption (bool value)
bool tcpNoDelayOption () const
EngineSettingsreceiveSpinningTimeout (int value)
int receiveSpinningTimeout () const
EngineSettingssendSpinningTimeout (int value)
int sendSpinningTimeout () const
EngineSettingsmessageGrouping (unsigned value)
unsigned messageGrouping () const
unsigned long long fileBasedStorageSegmentSize () const
EngineSettingsfileBasedStorageSegmentSize (unsigned long long value)
unsigned asyncFileBasedStorageQueueMaxSize () const
EngineSettingsasyncFileBasedStorageQueueMaxSize (unsigned value)
EngineSettingsasyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes &cpuIndexes)
EngineSettingsasyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex cpuIndex)
const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexesasyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity ()
bool ignoreFileBasedStorageIntegrityErrors () const
EngineSettingsignoreFileBasedStorageIntegrityErrors (bool value)
bool specifyApplVerIdField () const
EngineSettingsspecifyApplVerIdField (bool value)
bool specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed () const
EngineSettingsspecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed (bool value)
bool reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages () const
EngineSettingsreportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages (bool value)
int expectedIncomingMessageSize () const
EngineSettingsexpectedIncomingMessageSize (int value)
EngineSettingsscrambleLogonFields (const Session::ScrambledFields &fields)
Session::ScrambledFields scrambleLogonFields () const
EngineSettingssendQueueMaxSize (size_t size)
size_t sendQueueMaxSize () const
EngineSettingsfirstLogonTimeout (unsigned timeout)
unsigned firstLogonTimeout () const
bool validateUnknownMessages () const
EngineSettingsvalidateUnknownMessages (bool)
bool validateUnknownFields () const
EngineSettingsvalidateUnknownFields (bool)
bool validateRequiredFields () const
EngineSettingsvalidateRequiredFields (bool)
bool validateFieldValues () const
EngineSettingsvalidateFieldValues (bool)
bool validateEmptyFieldValues () const
EngineSettingsvalidateEmptyFieldValues (bool)
bool validateRepeatingGroupEntryCount () const
EngineSettingsvalidateRepeatingGroupEntryCount (bool)
bool validateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag () const
EngineSettingsvalidateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag (bool)
bool validateDuplicatedField () const
EngineSettingsvalidateDuplicatedField (bool)
bool validateChecksum () const
EngineSettingsvalidateChecksum (bool)
EngineSettingsheartbeatResolution (HeartbeatResolution resolution)
HeartbeatResolution heartbeatResolution () const

Static Public Attributes

static const int UseDefaultReceiveBufferSize
static const int UseDefaultSendBufferSize


class Engine

Detailed Description

Definition at line 45 of file EngineSettings.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

The heartbeat resolution enum.


Definition at line 552 of file EngineSettings.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

The constructor.

EngineSettings ( const std::string &  configuration)

The constructor to create the EngineSettings from a Configuration string.

The copy constructor.

The destructor.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned asyncFileBasedStorageQueueMaxSize ( ) const

Gets the log queue maximum size of the asynchronous session storage.

EngineSettings& asyncFileBasedStorageQueueMaxSize ( unsigned  value)

Sets the log queue maximum size of the asynchronous session storage.

EngineSettings& asyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes cpuIndexes)

Sets the CPU affinity of asynchronous session storage threads.

EngineSettings& asyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex  cpuIndex)

Sets the CPU affinity of asynchronous session storage threads.

const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes& asyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity ( )

Returns the CPU affinity of asynchronous session storage threads.

EngineSettings& createEngineLogFile ( bool  value)

The option to create the FIX Engine log file.

bool createEngineLogFile ( ) const

The option to create the FIX Engine log file.

EngineSettings& dialectString ( const std::string &  value)

Specifies the plain text string with a description of the FIX dialect.

const std::string& dialectString ( ) const

Returns the string that contains the plain text string with the description of the FIX dialect.

EngineSettings& dictionaryFile ( const std::string &  value)

Specifies the path(s) to the XML file(s) with the description of the FIX Dictionary(s).

More than one file could be specified. The symbol '|' is used as the file name delimiter.
const std::string& dictionaryFile ( ) const

Returns the path to the XML file with the description of the FIX Dictionary(s).

int expectedIncomingMessageSize ( ) const

Gets the expected incoming FIX message size.

The value represents an average FIX message size that is expected to be received by the session during the lifetime. It is used as a hint for the optimization of the deserialization of large FIX messages with a lot of repeating groups.

The large value of the setting can increase the memory consumption by the incoming Message object, so try to increase the value only in case of a latency degradation of the large incoming FIX messages deserialization.
EngineSettings& expectedIncomingMessageSize ( int  value)

Sets the expected incoming FIX message size.

unsigned long long fileBasedStorageSegmentSize ( ) const

Gets the segment size for the file based session storage.

EngineSettings& fileBasedStorageSegmentSize ( unsigned long long  value)

Sets the segment size for the file based session storage.

valueThe maximum size of the single segment (single file) of the storage, in bytes.
EngineSettings& firstLogonTimeout ( unsigned  timeout)

Sets the timeout (in seconds) between an incoming TCP connection is detected and the first Logon message is received.

If the first Logon message is not received during this timeout + reasonable transmission time, the connection will be closed.

unsigned firstLogonTimeout ( ) const

Gets the first Logon timeout.

EngineSettings& heartbeatResolution ( HeartbeatResolution  resolution)

Sets the heartbeat resolution.

This setting should be used only to speed up heartbeat related Unit Tests.
HeartbeatResolution heartbeatResolution ( ) const

Gets the heartbeat resolution.

bool ignoreFileBasedStorageIntegrityErrors ( ) const

Gets mode of the file based storage integrity errors checking. Valuable only when the value of fileBasedStorageSegmentSize != 0.

EngineSettings& ignoreFileBasedStorageIntegrityErrors ( bool  value)

Sets mode of the file based storage integrity errors checking.

Valuable only when the value of fileBasedStorageSegmentSize != 0.

valueThe mode of checking: true - ignore errors and create a new storage, false - throw an exception.
unsigned licenseAlertingDaysBeforeExpiration ( )

Returns the number of days to alert before the license expiration.

EngineSettings& licenseAlertingDaysBeforeExpiration ( unsigned  value)

Sets the number of days to alert before the license expiration.

If the amount of remaining license days is less or equal to this number then the warning will be reported to the FIX Engine's log and IEngineListener::onWarning callback will be invoked. The verification is performed during the following events: the FIX Engine initialization, Session::logonAsAcceptor and Session::logonAsInitiator calls.

EngineSettings& licenseFile ( const std::string &  value)

Specifies the path to the license file.

const std::string& licenseFile ( ) const

Returns the path to the license file.

EngineSettings& licenseStore ( const std::string &  value)

Specifies the path to the license directory.

More than one license store could be specified. The symbol '|' is used as the license store delimiter.
const std::string& licenseStore ( ) const

Returns the path to the license directory.

EngineSettings& licenseString ( const std::string &  value)

Specifies the string of the license content.

const std::string& licenseString ( ) const

Returns the string of the license content.

EngineSettings& listenPort ( int  value)

The FIX Engine listens on this port for incoming "plain text" connections.

If '0' then only session-initiators can be created.
If '-1' then the telecommunication level is disabled and only message parsing/assembling can be used.
int listenPort ( ) const

The FIX Engine listens on this port for incoming "plain text" connections.

If '0' then only session-initiators can be created.
If '-1' then the telecommunication level is disabled and only message parsing/assembling can be used.
EngineSettings& listenPorts ( const ListenPorts value)

Set listen ports.

const ListenPorts& listenPorts ( ) const

Returns listen ports.

void loadFromConfigFile ( const std::string &  configFile)

Loads Engine settings from a Configuration file.

const LocalNetworkInterfaces& localNetworkInterface ( ) const

The FIX Engine listens on these local interfaces for incoming "plain text" connections.

EngineSettings& localNetworkInterface ( const LocalNetworkInterfaces )

Sets local interfaces where the engine listen for incoming connections.

Each local interface specification could specify the local IP address and port. For instance, "localhost" and "" are valid values. When a local interface specification contains the same port as specified at listenPort settings the listening appears only on the interface and port specified at the localInterface setting.

At least a single listen port have to be specified to make the engine able to use this setting.
EngineSettings& localNetworkInterface ( const LocalNetworkInterface )

Sets the local interface where the engine listen for incoming connections.

Each local interface specification could specify the local IP address and port. For instance, "localhost" and "" are valid values. When a local interface specification contains the same port as specified at listenPort settings the listening appears only on the interface and port specified at the localInterface setting.

At least a single listen port have to be specified to make the engine able to use this setting.
bool localTimeUsage ( ) const

Gets the usage of the local time in FIX Engine events and log files.

EngineSettings& localTimeUsage ( bool  value)

Specifies the usage of the local time in FIX Engine events and log files.

valueIf it is true - the local time is used, if it is false - the UTC time is used.
bool logBeforeSending ( ) const

Returns 'true' if outbound messages are logged before sending, otherwise - 'false'.

EngineSettings& logBeforeSending ( bool  value)

The option to switch on/off logging of outbound messages before/after sending.

EngineSettings& logDirectory ( const std::string &  value)

Inbound and outbound messages, session's state data and the FIX Engine log file (FixEngineLog.txt) are stored in this directory.

const std::string& logDirectory ( ) const

Inbound and outbound messages, session's state data and the FIX Engine log file (FixEngineLog.txt) are stored in this directory.

const std::string& logFileName ( ) const

Returns the FIX Engine log file name.

EngineSettings& logFileName ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the FIX Engine log file name.

bool logInboundMessages ( ) const

Returns 'true' if inbound messages are logged, otherwise - 'false'.

EngineSettings& logInboundMessages ( bool  value)

The option to log inbound messages.

bool logOutboundMessages ( ) const

Returns 'true' if outbound messages are logged, otherwise - 'false'.

EngineSettings& logOutboundMessages ( bool  value)

The option to log outbound messages.

EngineSettings& messageGrouping ( unsigned  value)

Sets the message grouping option: Value 0 means the default grouping - the messages will be tried to send ASAP and pending messages (if any) will be grouped till reaching of the TCP buffer size.

Value 1 means the messages will be sent ASAP and never will be grouped. Value 2 (or greater) means the messages will be sent ASAP and pending messages will be grouped maximum by 2 (or greater).

unsigned messageGrouping ( ) const

Gets the message grouping option.

EngineSettings& operator= ( const EngineSettings )

The assignment.

EngineSettings& processDeliverToCompId ( bool  value)

The option to process the DeliverToCompID (tag 128) flag.

bool processDeliverToCompId ( ) const

The option to process the DeliverToCompID (tag 128) flag.

EngineSettings& reasonableTransmissionTime ( int  value)

The reasonable transmission time as % from the HeartBtInt value.

When either end of the connection has not received any data for (HeartBtInt * (100 + ReasonableTransmissionTime)/100) seconds, it will transmit a Test Request message.

If there is still no a Heartbeat message received after (HeartBtInt * (100 + ReasonableTransmissionTime)/100) seconds then the connection should be considered lost and a corrective action should be initiated.

See also
If you need to change this option for the separate session, please use the OnixS::FIX::Session::setReasonableTransmissionTime(int).
int reasonableTransmissionTime ( ) const

The reasonable transmission time as % from HeartBtInt value.

When either end of the connection has not received any data for (HeartBtInt * (100 + ReasonableTransmissionTime)/100) seconds, it will transmit a Test Request message.

If there is still no a Heartbeat message received after (HeartBtInt * (100 + ReasonableTransmissionTime)/100) seconds then the connection should be considered lost and a corrective action should be initiated.

See also
You also can get a value of this option for separate session using the OnixS::FIX::Session::getReasonableTransmissionTime().
int receiveBufferSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for receiving data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

EngineSettings& receiveBufferSize ( int  value)

Sets the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for receiving data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

EngineSettings& receiveSpinningTimeout ( int  value)

Sets the non-blocking receive spinning timeout (in microseconds) before the receiving thread enters into the blocking wait mode.

Should not be greater than 1 sec (minimal Heartbeat interval).
int receiveSpinningTimeout ( ) const

Gets the current receive spinning timeout value (in microseconds).

EngineSettings& reconnectAttempts ( int  value)

Sets the number of attempts to restore the FIX connection.

int reconnectAttempts ( ) const

Returns the number of attempts to restore the FIX connection.

EngineSettings& reconnectInterval ( int  value)

Sets the time interval between the attempts to restore the FIX connection (in seconds).

int reconnectInterval ( ) const

Returns the time interval between the attempts to restore the FIX connection (in seconds).

bool reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages ( ) const

When the message gap is detected the "Resend Request" FIX Message is sent and the Session state is changed to "AwaitReplyOnResendRequest".

By default, in this state the incoming new messages (without the PossDupFlag (tag #43) flag) are ignored because we expect them to be re-sent later again with the PossDupFlag flag.

This property allows to change this behavior and report the new messages anyway.

In this mode, messages could be reported out of the original order: e.g. MsgSeqNum could be: 3 (original), 4 (original), 2 (PossDupFlag='Y'), 3 (PossDupFlag='Y'), 4 (PossDupFlag='Y') and some messages could be received two times: first time without PossDupFlag='Y' and second time - with this flag.
EngineSettings& reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages ( bool  value)

Sets the option to report new messages while waiting for missed messages.

EngineSettings& resendingQueueSize ( size_t  value)

Sets the number of sent messages that are available for the resending on the counterparty's Resend Request <2> message.

size_t resendingQueueSize ( ) const

Returns the number of sent messages that are available for the resending on the counterparty's Resend Request <2> message.

The zero value means that sent messages are not available for the resending. The value cannot be negative.

EngineSettings& resendRequestMaximumRange ( int  value)

Sets the maximum number of messages to be requested in one Resend Request (MsgType=2) message.

int resendRequestMaximumRange ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of messages to be requested in one Resend Request (MsgType=2) message.

EngineSettings& scrambleLogonFields ( const Session::ScrambledFields fields)

Sets the option to scramble fields in the Logon(A) message, in the session storage and the FIX Engine log, for security reasons.

Session::ScrambledFields scrambleLogonFields ( ) const

Gets scrambled fields in the Logon(A) message.

int sendBufferSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for sending data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

EngineSettings& sendBufferSize ( int  value)

Sets the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for sending data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

EngineSettings& sendLogoutOnException ( bool  value)

Returns the value of the option to send the Logout message before dropping the telecommunication link in case of Exception during the processing of incoming FIX message.

bool sendLogoutOnException ( ) const

The option to send the Logout message before dropping the telecommunication link in case of an Exception during the processing of an incoming FIX message.

EngineSettings& sendLogoutOnInvalidLogon ( bool  value)

Returns the value of the option to send the Logout message before dropping the telecommunication link in case of an invalid logon attempt.

bool sendLogoutOnInvalidLogon ( ) const

The option to send the Logout message before dropping the telecommunication link in case of an invalid logon attempt.

EngineSettings& sendQueueMaxSize ( size_t  size)

Sets the send queue maximum size in bytes.

size_t sendQueueMaxSize ( ) const

Gets the send queue maximum size in bytes.

EngineSettings& sendSpinningTimeout ( int  value)

Sets the send spinning timeout (in microseconds) of the Session::send(..) method to wait for the socket sending buffer availability in the spin loop mode before placing the message to the outgoing queue (to be sent later by the sending thread).

Should not be greater than 1 sec (minimal Heartbeat interval).
int sendSpinningTimeout ( ) const

Gets the current send spinning timeout value (in microseconds).

EngineSettings& serviceThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes cpuIndexes)

Sets the CPU affinity of Engine service threads.

EngineSettings& serviceThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex  cpuIndex)

Sets the CPU affinity of Engine service threads.

const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes& serviceThreadAffinity ( )

Returns the CPU affinity of Engine service threads.

int serviceThreadPolicy ( ) const

Returns the policy of Engine service threads.

EngineSettings& serviceThreadPolicy ( int  policy)

Sets the policy of Engine service threads.

int serviceThreadPriority ( ) const

Returns the priority of Engine service threads.

EngineSettings& serviceThreadPriority ( int  priority)

Sets the priority of Engine service threads.

bool specifyApplVerIdField ( ) const

Gets the option to specify the ApplVerID(1128) tag in all application FIX messages when a FIX protocol version FIX 5.0 and above is used.

EngineSettings& specifyApplVerIdField ( bool  value)

Sets the option to specify the ApplVerID(1128) tag in all application FIX messages when a FIX protocol version FIX 5.0 and above is used.

bool specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed ( ) const

Gets the option to specify the LastMsgSeqNumProcessed (tag=369) field on every message sent. Useful for detecting a backlog with a counterparty.

EngineSettings& specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed ( bool  value)

Sets the option to specify the LastMsgSeqNumProcessed (tag=369) field on every message sent. Useful for detecting a backlog with a counterparty.

EngineSettings& sslCaFile ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the path to the trusted certification authority certificate file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

const std::string& sslCaFile ( ) const

Returns the path to trusted certification authority certificate file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

EngineSettings& sslCertificateFile ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the path to the SSL certificate file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

const std::string& sslCertificateFile ( ) const

Returns the path to the SSL certificate file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

EngineSettings& sslClientSni ( const std::string &  hostName)

Sets the client-side SNI-extension field.

When it is not empty, then this field provides SNI-name. When the field value is "*" (wildcard), then the SNI name will be taken from the connection URL.

Connection URL cannot be an IP address when the value "*" is used.
const std::string& sslClientSni ( ) const

Returns the client-side SNI-extension field.

EngineSettings& sslListenPort ( int  value)

The FIX Engine listens on this port for incoming SSL connections.

If '0' then only session-initiators can be created.
If '-1' then the telecommunication level is disabled and only message parsing/assembling can be used.
int sslListenPort ( ) const

The FIX Engine listens on this port for incoming SSL connections.

If '0' then only session-initiators can be created.
If '-1' then the telecommunication level is disabled and only message parsing/assembling can be used.
EngineSettings& sslListenPorts ( const ListenPorts value)

Sets SSL listen ports.

const ListenPorts& sslListenPorts ( ) const

Returns SSL listen ports.

const LocalNetworkInterfaces& sslLocalInterface ( ) const

The FIX Engine listens on these local interfaces for incoming SSL connections.

EngineSettings& sslLocalInterface ( const LocalNetworkInterfaces )

Sets local interfaces where the engine listen for incoming SSL connections.

At least a single SSL-listen port have to be specified to make the engine able to use this setting.
EngineSettings& sslPrivateKeyFile ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the path to the SSL private key file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

const std::string& sslPrivateKeyFile ( ) const

Returns the path to the SSL private key file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

EngineSettings& sslPrivateKeyPassword ( const Cryptography::SecureString value)

Set the password to load private keys that are protected by a password.

Cryptography::SecureString sslPrivateKeyPassword ( ) const

Returns the password to load private keys that are protected by a password.

EngineSettings& sslVerifyPeer ( bool  verify)

Set the option to request client certificates and perform the certificate verification.

bool sslVerifyPeer ( ) const

Returns the option to request client certificates and perform the certificate verification.

EngineSettings& tcpNoDelayOption ( bool  value)

Sets the option to improve the latency at the expense of the message throughput (TCP_NODELAY).

bool tcpNoDelayOption ( ) const

Gets the option to improve the latency at the expense of the message throughput (TCP_NODELAY).

ThreadingModel::Enum threadingModel ( ) const

Returns the default mode for outbound and incoming connections.

EngineSettings& threadingModel ( ThreadingModel::Enum  value)

Sets the default mode for outbound and incoming connections.

EngineSettings& threadPoolSize ( int  size)

Sets the thread pool size.

int threadPoolSize ( ) const

Returns the thread pool size.

bool useSpinLock ( ) const

Returns the default mode for using a spin lock.

EngineSettings& useSpinLock ( bool  value)

Returns the default mode for using a spin lock.

bool validateChecksum ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the checksum of incoming messages.

EngineSettings& validateChecksum ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the checksum of incoming messages.

bool validateDuplicatedField ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the duplicated field.

EngineSettings& validateDuplicatedField ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the duplicated field.

bool validateEmptyFieldValues ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the empty field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

EngineSettings& validateEmptyFieldValues ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the empty field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateFieldValues ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

EngineSettings& validateFieldValues ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateRepeatingGroupEntryCount ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the repeating group size of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

EngineSettings& validateRepeatingGroupEntryCount ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the repeating group size of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the repeating group leading tag of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

EngineSettings& validateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the repeating group leading tag of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateRequiredFields ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the presence of required fields in inbound and outbound messages.

EngineSettings& validateRequiredFields ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the presence of required fields in inbound and outbound messages.

bool validateUnknownFields ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the presence of unknown fields (fields that do not belong to the message in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

EngineSettings& validateUnknownFields ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the presence of unknown fields (fields that do not belong to the message in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateUnknownMessages ( ) const

Gets the option to validate the presence of unknown FIX messages (messages that do not belong to the message in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary).

EngineSettings& validateUnknownMessages ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the presence of unknown FIX messages (messages that do not belong to the message in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary).

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Engine

Definition at line 569 of file EngineSettings.h.

Member Data Documentation

const int UseDefaultReceiveBufferSize

Specifies the usage of the operating system default RecvBuffer size.

Definition at line 266 of file EngineSettings.h.

const int UseDefaultSendBufferSize

Specifies the usage of the operating system default SendBuffer size.

Definition at line 277 of file EngineSettings.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: