OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.10.1
API Documentation
Session Class Reference

#include <OnixS/FIXEngine/FIX/Session.h>


class  MsgBatch
class  MsgBatchHelper
struct  ProxySettings

Public Types

typedef std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > LocalPortRange
typedef MsgBatch< MessageMessageBatch
typedef MsgBatch< FlatMessageFlatMessageBatch
typedef FlatMessageBatch SerializedMessageBatch
typedef std::set< std::string > InboundMessageLogFilter
typedef std::set< std::string > OutboundMessageLogFilter
typedef std::vector< TagScrambledFields

Public Member Functions

 Session (const std::string &senderCompId, const std::string &targetCompId, const Dictionary &dictionary, ISessionListener *listener, SessionStorageType::Enum storageType=SessionStorageType::FileBased, ISessionStorage *storage=ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR)
 Session (ISessionReactor *reactor, const std::string &senderCompId, const std::string &targetCompId, const Dictionary &dictionary, ISessionListener *listener, SessionStorageType::Enum storageType=SessionStorageType::FileBased, ISessionStorage *storage=ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR)
 Session (const std::string &senderCompId, const std::string &targetCompId, const Dictionary &dictionary, bool keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout, OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener *listener, SessionStorageType::Enum storageType=SessionStorageType::FileBased, ISessionStorage *storage=ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR)
 Session (ISessionReactor *reactor, const std::string &senderCompId, const std::string &targetCompId, const Dictionary &dictionary, bool keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout, OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener *listener, SessionStorageType::Enum storageType=SessionStorageType::FileBased, ISessionStorage *storage=ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR)
 Session (const std::string &senderCompId, const std::string &targetCompId, const Dictionary &dictionary, bool keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout, OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener *listener, const std::string &customSessionKey, SessionStorageType::Enum storageType=SessionStorageType::FileBased, ISessionStorage *storage=ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR)
 Session (ISessionReactor *reactor, const std::string &senderCompId, const std::string &targetCompId, const Dictionary &dictionary, bool keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout, OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener *listener, const std::string &customSessionKey, SessionStorageType::Enum storageType=SessionStorageType::FileBased, ISessionStorage *storage=ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR)
 ~Session ()
SessionclearOutboundQueue (bool removeFragmentedPacket=false)
SessionState::Enum state () const
EncryptionMethod::Enum encryptionMethod () const
SessionencryptionMethod (EncryptionMethod::Enum newEncryptionMethod)
int listenPort () const
SessionlistenPort (int listenPort)
std::string localNetworkInterface () const
SessionlocalNetworkInterface (const std::string &localNetworkInterface)
unsigned short localPort () const
LocalPortRange localPortRange () const
SessionlocalPortRange (LocalPortRange portRange)
bool tcpNoDelayOption () const
SessiontcpNoDelayOption (bool improveLatency=true)
bool sendLogoutOnException () const
SessionsendLogoutOnException (bool sendLogoutOnException)
bool validateUnknownMessages () const
SessionvalidateUnknownMessages (bool)
bool validateUnknownFields () const
SessionvalidateUnknownFields (bool)
bool validateRequiredFields () const
SessionvalidateRequiredFields (bool)
bool validateFieldValues () const
SessionvalidateFieldValues (bool)
bool validateEmptyFieldValues () const
SessionvalidateEmptyFieldValues (bool)
bool validateRepeatingGroupEntryCount () const
SessionvalidateRepeatingGroupEntryCount (bool)
bool validateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag () const
SessionvalidateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag (bool)
bool validateDuplicatedField () const
SessionvalidateDuplicatedField (bool)
bool validateChecksum () const
SessionvalidateChecksum (bool)
unsigned messageGrouping () const
SessionmessageGrouping (unsigned numberOfMessagesToGroup)
ThreadingModel::Enum threadingModel () const
SessionthreadingModel (ThreadingModel::Enum value)
bool useSpinLock () const
SessionuseSpinLock (bool value)
int reasonableTransmissionTime () const
SessionreasonableTransmissionTime (int value)
SessionreconnectAttempts (int value)
int reconnectAttempts () const
SessionreconnectInterval (int value)
int reconnectInterval () const
SessionreceiveSpinningTimeoutUsec (int usec)
int receiveSpinningTimeout () const
SessionsendSpinningTimeoutUsec (int usec)
int sendSpinningTimeout () const
SessionsupportNextExpectedMsgSeqNum (bool support)
bool supportNextExpectedMsgSeqNum () const
std::string sslCertificateFile () const
SessionsslCertificateFile (const std::string &file)
std::string sslPrivateKeyFile () const
SessionsslPrivateKeyFile (const std::string &file)
Cryptography::SecureString sslPrivateKeyPassword () const
SessionsslPrivateKeyPassword (const Cryptography::SecureString &password)
SessionsslVerifyPeer (bool verify)
bool sslVerifyPeer () const
SessionsslCaFile (const std::string &value)
std::string sslCaFile () const
SessionlogonAsAcceptor ()
SessionlogonAsInitiator (const std::string &host, int port, bool setResetSeqNumFlag)
SessionlogonAsInitiator (const std::string &host, int port)
SessionlogonAsInitiator (const std::string &host, int port, int heartbeatIntervalSec)
SessionlogonAsInitiator (const std::string &host, int port, int heartbeatIntervalSec, bool setResetSeqNumFlag)
SessionlogonAsInitiator (const std::string &host, int port, int heartbeatIntervalSec, Message *customLogonMsg)
SessionlogonAsInitiator (const std::string &host, int port, int heartbeatIntervalSec, Message *customLogonMsg, bool setResetSeqNumFlag)
Threading::SharedFuture< void > logonAsInitiatorAsync (const std::string &host, int port, int heartbeatIntervalSec, Message *customLogonMsg, bool setResetSeqNumFlag)
Sessionlogout ()
Sessionlogout (const std::string &text)
Threading::SharedFuture< void > logoutAsync (const std::string &text)
Sessionlogout (Message *customLogoutMessage)
Sessionlogout (FlatMessage *customLogoutMessage)
Threading::SharedFuture< void > logoutAsync (Message *customLogoutMessage)
Threading::SharedFuture< void > logoutAsync (FlatMessage *customLogoutMessage)
SessionbreakConnection ()
Sessionsend (Message *msg)
Sessionsend (FlatMessage *msg)
Sessionsend (FlatMessage *msg, SessionSendMode::Enum mode)
Sessionsend (MessageBatch &msgs, size_t maxPacketSize=(std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)())
Sessionsend (FlatMessageBatch &msgs, size_t maxPacketSize=(std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)())
Sessionsend (FlatMessageBatch &msgs, SessionSendMode::Enum mode, size_t maxPacketSize=(std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)())
SessionsendAsIs (FlatMessage *msg)
SessionsendAsIs (FlatMessageBatch &msgs, size_t maxPacketSize=(std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)())
Sessionthrottle ()
SessionthrottlingLimit (size_t messagesCount, size_t intervalInMs=1000)
SessionwarmUp (FlatMessage *msg, int warmupFlags=0)
void preFill (Message &msg) const
void preFill (FlatMessage &msg) const
void preFill (FlatMessageBatch &msgs) const
Sessionshutdown ()
 operator const std::string & () const
const std::string & storageId () const
SessionflushSessionStorage ()
std::string counterpartyHost () const
std::string counterpartyIpAddress () const
size_t counterpartyPort () const
const std::string & customKey () const
size_t outboundQueueBytes () const
int heartbeatIntervalSec () const
bool logInboundMessages () const
SessionlogInboundMessages (bool value)
bool logOutboundMessages () const
SessionlogOutboundMessages (bool value)
InboundMessageLogFilter inboundMessageLogFilter () const
SessioninboundMessageLogFilter (const InboundMessageLogFilter &filter)
OutboundMessageLogFilter outboundMessageLogFilter () const
SessionoutboundMessageLogFilter (const OutboundMessageLogFilter &filter)
bool logBeforeSending () const
SessionlogBeforeSending (bool value)
SequenceNumber inSeqNum () const
SessioninSeqNum (SequenceNumber seqNum)
SequenceNumber outSeqNum () const
SessionoutSeqNum (SequenceNumber seqNum)
SessionresendRequestMaximumRange (int range)
int resendRequestMaximumRange () const
SessionresendingQueueSize (size_t value)
size_t resendingQueueSize () const
SessionRole::Enum role () const
const std::string & senderCompId () const
bool specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed () const
SessionspecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed (bool specify)
bool updateSendingTimeField () const
SessionupdateSendingTimeField (bool specify)
SessionsendingTimeFormat (TimestampFormat::Enum format)
const std::string & targetCompId () const
Dictionary dictionary () const
const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexesreceivingThreadAffinity () const
SessionreceivingThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes &cpuIndexes)
SessionreceivingThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex cpuIndex)
const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexessendingThreadAffinity () const
SessionsendingThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes &cpuIndexes)
SessionsendingThreadAffinity (const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex cpuIndex)
int receivingThreadPriority () const
SessionreceivingThreadPriority (int priority)
int sendingThreadPriority () const
SessionsendingThreadPriority (int priority)
int receivingThreadPolicy () const
SessionreceivingThreadPolicy (int policy)
int sendingThreadPolicy () const
SessionsendingThreadPolicy (int policy)
MessagefindSentMessage (SequenceNumber messageSequenceNumber)
FlatMessagefindSentFlatMessage (SequenceNumber messageSequenceNumber)
MsgBatchTraits< Message >::MsgBatchType findSentMessages (SequenceNumber beginSequenceNumber, SequenceNumber endSequenceNumber)
MsgBatchTraits< FlatMessage >::MsgBatchType findSentFlatMessages (SequenceNumber beginSequenceNumber, SequenceNumber endSequenceNumber)
SessionreportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages (bool report)
bool reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages () const
SessionsendResendRequestOnEachMessageGap (bool send)
bool sendResendRequestOnEachMessageGap () const
SessionrequestOnlyMissedMessages (bool request)
bool requestOnlyMissedMessages () const
SessionconsiderRejectOnResendRequestAsGapFill (bool consider)
bool considerRejectOnResendRequestAsGapFill () const
SessionignoreLessThanExpectedSequenceNumber (bool ignore)
bool ignoreLessThanExpectedSequenceNumber () const
SessionresetLocalSequenceNumbersOnLogon (bool reset)
bool resetLocalSequenceNumbersOnLogon () const
SessionincomingMessageGapQueueMaximumSize (size_t maxSize)
size_t incomingMessageGapQueueMaximumSize () const
SessionregisterListener (ISessionListener *listener)
SessionunregisterListener (ISessionListener *listener)
SessionunregisterAllListeners ()
SessionresetLocalSequenceNumbers ()
SessionresetSeqNumViaLogonExchange ()
std::string senderSubId () const
SessionsenderSubId (const std::string &value)
std::string targetSubId () const
SessiontargetSubId (const std::string &value)
std::string senderLocationId () const
SessionsenderLocationId (const std::string &value)
std::string targetLocationId () const
SessiontargetLocationId (const std::string &value)
SessionvalidateSequenceNumbers (bool value)
bool validateSequenceNumbers () const
std::string threadNameSuffix () const
SessionthreadNameSuffix (const std::string &value)
SessionsendTestRequest (const std::string &testReqId="", const TimeSpan &timeout=TimeSpan::zero())
SessionsendResendRequest (SequenceNumber beginSeqNumber)
SessionsendReject (SequenceNumber refSeqNumber, const std::string &text)
Timestamp creationTime () const
std::string toString () const
OnixS::Sockets::Handle socketHandle ()
SessionsocketOptions (const OnixS::Sockets::SocketOptions &options)
SessionlogDirectory (const std::string &value)
const std::string & logDirectory () const
SessionresendTimeout (const TimeSpan &timeout)
TimeSpan resendTimeout () const
SessionscrambleLogonFields (const ScrambledFields &fields)
ScrambledFields scrambleLogonFields () const
SessionsendQueueMaxSize (size_t size)
size_t sendQueueMaxSize () const
SessionconnectTimeout (const TimeSpan &timeout)
TimeSpan connectTimeout () const
int receiveBufferSize () const
SessionreceiveBufferSize (int value)
int sendBufferSize () const
SessionsendBufferSize (int value)
void scheduleShrinkToFit ()
SessionproxySettings (const ProxySettings &settings)
ProxySettings proxySettings () const
MessageMode::Enum messageMode () const
void messageMode (MessageMode::Enum mode)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool checkWarmupFlags (int warmupFlags, unsigned short baseListenPort=5000, const std::string &localNetworkInterface="")

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int ResendRequestMaximumRangeNoLimit
static const int UndefinedPriorityAndPolicy
static const OnixS::Sockets::Handle InvalidSocketHandle


class Engine::Impl

Detailed Description

Definition at line 97 of file Session.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 862 of file Session.h.

typedef std::set<std::string> InboundMessageLogFilter

Incoming message types to be filtered out from the logs.

Definition at line 1088 of file Session.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> LocalPortRange

The local port range type.

Definition at line 299 of file Session.h.

Definition at line 861 of file Session.h.

typedef std::set<std::string> OutboundMessageLogFilter

Outgoing message types to be filtered out from the logs.

Definition at line 1107 of file Session.h.

typedef std::vector<Tag> ScrambledFields

The collection of scrambled tags.

Definition at line 1672 of file Session.h.

Definition at line 863 of file Session.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Session ( const std::string &  senderCompId,
const std::string &  targetCompId,
const Dictionary dictionary,
ISessionListener listener,
SessionStorageType::Enum  storageType = SessionStorageType::FileBased,
ISessionStorage storage = ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR 

Creates the FIX Session.

senderCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (SenderCompID (tag=49) field value in outgoing messages).
targetCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (TargetCompID (tag=56) field value in outgoing messages).
dictionaryThe FIX dictionary to be used by the session.
listenerAn instance of the ISessionListener interface, which will receive and handle miscellaneous Session events.
storageTypeThe session storage type.
storageThe pluggable session storage.
Session ( ISessionReactor reactor,
const std::string &  senderCompId,
const std::string &  targetCompId,
const Dictionary dictionary,
ISessionListener listener,
SessionStorageType::Enum  storageType = SessionStorageType::FileBased,
ISessionStorage storage = ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR 

Creates the FIX Session.

reactorAn instance of an externally managed reactor.
senderCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (SenderCompID (tag=49) field value in outgoing messages).
targetCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (TargetCompID (tag=56) field value in outgoing messages).
dictionaryThe FIX dictionary to be used by the session.
listenerAn instance of the ISessionListener interface, which will receive and handle miscellaneous Session events.
storageTypeThe session storage type.
storageThe pluggable session storage.
Session ( const std::string &  senderCompId,
const std::string &  targetCompId,
const Dictionary dictionary,
bool  keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout,
OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener listener,
SessionStorageType::Enum  storageType = SessionStorageType::FileBased,
ISessionStorage storage = ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR 

Creates the FIX Session.

senderCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (SenderCompID (tag=49) field value in outgoing messages).
targetCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (TargetCompID (tag=56) field value in outgoing messages).
dictionaryThe FIX dictionary to be used by the session.
keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogoutThe option to keep sequence numbers after the exchange of Logout (MsgType=5) messages.
listenerAn instance of the ISessionListener interface which will receive and handle miscellaneous Session events.
storageTypeThe session storage type.
storageThe pluggable session storage.
Session ( ISessionReactor reactor,
const std::string &  senderCompId,
const std::string &  targetCompId,
const Dictionary dictionary,
bool  keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout,
OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener listener,
SessionStorageType::Enum  storageType = SessionStorageType::FileBased,
ISessionStorage storage = ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR 

Creates the FIX Session.

reactorAn instance of an externally managed reactor.
senderCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (SenderCompID (tag=49) field value in outgoing messages).
targetCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (TargetCompID (tag=56) field value in outgoing messages).
dictionaryThe FIX dictionary to be used by the session.
keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogoutThe option to keep sequence numbers after the exchange of Logout (MsgType=5) messages.
listenerAn instance of the ISessionListener interface which will receive and handle miscellaneous Session events.
storageTypeThe session storage type.
storageThe pluggable session storage.
Session ( const std::string &  senderCompId,
const std::string &  targetCompId,
const Dictionary dictionary,
bool  keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout,
OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener listener,
const std::string &  customSessionKey,
SessionStorageType::Enum  storageType = SessionStorageType::FileBased,
ISessionStorage storage = ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR 

Creates the FIX Session.

senderCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (SenderCompID (tag=49) field value in outgoing messages).
targetCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (TargetCompID (tag=56) field value in outgoing messages).
dictionaryThe FIX dictionary to be used by the session.
keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogoutThe option to keep sequence numbers after the exchange of Logout (MsgType=5) messages.
listenerAn instance of the ISessionListener interface which will receive and handle miscellaneous Session events.
customSessionKeyThe custom key that can be used to distinguish sessions with the same values of the SenderCompID, TargetCompID and the FIX Protocol version.
storageTypeThe session storage type.
storageThe pluggable session storage.
Session ( ISessionReactor reactor,
const std::string &  senderCompId,
const std::string &  targetCompId,
const Dictionary dictionary,
bool  keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogout,
OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener listener,
const std::string &  customSessionKey,
SessionStorageType::Enum  storageType = SessionStorageType::FileBased,
ISessionStorage storage = ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR 

Creates the FIX Session.

reactorAn instance of an externally managed reactor.
senderCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (SenderCompID (tag=49) field value in outgoing messages).
targetCompIdThe assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (TargetCompID (tag=56) field value in outgoing messages).
dictionaryThe FIX dictionary to be used by the session.
keepSequenceNumbersAfterLogoutThe option to keep sequence numbers after the exchange of Logout (MsgType=5) messages.
listenerAn instance of the ISessionListener interface which will receive and handle miscellaneous Session events.
customSessionKeyThe custom key that can be used to distinguish sessions with the same values of the SenderCompID, TargetCompID and the FIX Protocol version.
storageTypeThe session storage type.
storageThe pluggable Session storage.
~Session ( )

The destructor.

Member Function Documentation

Session& breakConnection ( )

Terminates the FIX connection in the non-graceful way (without the exchange of Logout (MsgType=5) messages).

This call is thread-safe.
static bool checkWarmupFlags ( int  warmupFlags,
unsigned short  baseListenPort = 5000,
const std::string &  localNetworkInterface = "" 

Returns 'true' if the given flags work as expected and a real data is not sent to the wire, otherwise - 'false'.

warmupFlagsWarmup flags for checking.
baseListenPortThe base listen port to use during the checking.
localNetworkInterfaceThe IP address to bind for listen and outgoing test sockets.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& clearOutboundQueue ( bool  removeFragmentedPacket = false)

Removes all messages from the outbound queue.

removeFragmentedPacketThe flag specifies whether to remove the last packet which is partially sent.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& connectTimeout ( const TimeSpan timeout)

Sets the socket TCP connect timeout.

This call is thread-safe.
TimeSpan connectTimeout ( ) const

Returns the socket TCP connect timeout (30 sec by default).

This call is thread-safe.
Session& considerRejectOnResendRequestAsGapFill ( bool  consider)

By default, if the "Session Level Reject" message is received in replay to the "Resend Request" then this is considered as a serious problem and the FIX connection will be closed.

This property allows to change this behavior and consider the "Session Level Reject" on the "Resend Request" as the "Sequence Reset Gap Fill" message.

bool considerRejectOnResendRequestAsGapFill ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the "Reject" on the "Resend Request" is considered as the "Sequence Reset Gap Fill" message, otherwise - 'false'.

std::string counterpartyHost ( ) const

Returns the counterparty host name.

The method performs a DNS request for the first time. Therefore, it can block the thread execution for a long time until the DNS request is completed.
This call is thread-safe.
std::string counterpartyIpAddress ( ) const

Returns the counterparty address.

This call is thread-safe.
size_t counterpartyPort ( ) const

Returns the counterparty port number.

This call is thread-safe.
Timestamp creationTime ( ) const

Returns the time when logical session was created or the last sequence number reset operation was performed.

The originating value is extracted from the attached storage using the ISessionStorage::sessionCreationTime() method.

This call is thread-safe.
const std::string& customKey ( ) const

Returns the Session's Custom Key.

This call is thread-safe.
Dictionary dictionary ( ) const

The instance of the FIX dictionary or standard FIX messages dictionary which is used by the session.

EncryptionMethod::Enum encryptionMethod ( ) const

Returns the current encryption method.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& encryptionMethod ( EncryptionMethod::Enum  newEncryptionMethod)

Sets the encryption method.

This call is thread-safe.
FlatMessage* findSentFlatMessage ( SequenceNumber  messageSequenceNumber)
MsgBatchTraits<FlatMessage>::MsgBatchType findSentFlatMessages ( SequenceNumber  beginSequenceNumber,
SequenceNumber  endSequenceNumber 
Message* findSentMessage ( SequenceNumber  messageSequenceNumber)

Returns the sent message if it can be found by the given message sequence number, otherwise - NULL.

The returned message is owned by the application and should be released after usage.
This call is thread-safe.
MsgBatchTraits<Message>::MsgBatchType findSentMessages ( SequenceNumber  beginSequenceNumber,
SequenceNumber  endSequenceNumber 

Returns an array of sent messages if it can be found by the given message sequence number range, otherwise - empty array.

The returned messages are owned by the application and should be released after usage.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& flushSessionStorage ( )

Flushes all internal buffers of the underlying storage.

This call is thread-safe.
int heartbeatIntervalSec ( ) const

Returns the Heartbeat interval (in seconds).

Session& ignoreLessThanExpectedSequenceNumber ( bool  ignore)

By default, if the incoming message has a sequence number less than expected and the PossDupFlag is not set, it indicates a serious error and leads to FIX connection closing.

This property allows to change this behavior and consider the sequence number of the incoming message, which less than expected, as an expected one.

bool ignoreLessThanExpectedSequenceNumber ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the sequence number of the incoming message, which less than expected, is considered as an expected one, otherwise - 'false'.

InboundMessageLogFilter inboundMessageLogFilter ( ) const

Returns incoming message types to be filtered out from the logs.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& inboundMessageLogFilter ( const InboundMessageLogFilter filter)

Sets incoming message types to be filtered out from the logs.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& incomingMessageGapQueueMaximumSize ( size_t  maxSize)

If the requestOnlyMissedMessages option is true and the sequence number of an incoming FIX message greater that expected then the resend functionality is run and this incoming message is stored in the incoming message gap queue for further processing.

This property allows to set maximum size of that queue.

size_t incomingMessageGapQueueMaximumSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum size of the incoming message gap queue.

By default, the value equal to 1000.

SequenceNumber inSeqNum ( ) const

Returns the expected sequence number of the next incoming message.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& inSeqNum ( SequenceNumber  seqNum)

Sets the expected sequence number of the next incoming message.

This call is thread-safe.
int listenPort ( ) const

Returns the port to listen on for incoming FIX Connections in the Acceptor mode.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& listenPort ( int  listenPort)

Sets the port to listen on for incoming FIX Connections in the Acceptor mode.

This call is thread-safe.
std::string localNetworkInterface ( ) const

Returns the local network interface from which you intend to send and receive data.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& localNetworkInterface ( const std::string &  localNetworkInterface)

Sets the local network interface from which you intend to send and receive data.

This call is thread-safe.
unsigned short localPort ( ) const

Returns the local port from which you intend to send and receive data.

This call is thread-safe.
LocalPortRange localPortRange ( ) const

Returns the local port range, the first available port from this range will be used to send and receive data.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& localPortRange ( LocalPortRange  portRange)

Sets the local port range, the first available port from this range will be used to send and receive data.

This call is thread-safe.
bool logBeforeSending ( ) const

Returns 'true' if outbound messages are logged before sending, otherwise - 'false'.

By default, the value is 'true'.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logBeforeSending ( bool  value)

The option to switch on/off the logging of outbound messages before/after sending.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logDirectory ( const std::string &  value)

Inbound and outbound messages, the session's state data are stored in this directory.

This method can be called only when the session is disconnected.
Anexception if the session state is not Disconnected.
This call is thread-safe.
const std::string& logDirectory ( ) const

Inbound and outbound messages, the session's state data are stored in this directory.

This call is thread-safe.
bool logInboundMessages ( ) const

Returns 'true' if inbound messages are logged, otherwise - 'false'.

By default, the value is 'true'.

Session& logInboundMessages ( bool  value)

The option to log inbound messages.

Session& logonAsAcceptor ( )

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Acceptor.

The Acceptor is the receiving party of the FIX session. It listens for the incoming connection on the pre-defined port. The acceptor has the responsibility to perform the first level authentication and formally declares the connection request "accepted" through the transmission of an acknowledgment Logon message.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logonAsInitiator ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
bool  setResetSeqNumFlag 

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Initiator using the ResetSeqNumFlag (tag 141) field.

The Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via the transmission of the initial Logon message. The method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logon message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logonAsInitiator ( const std::string &  host,
int  port 

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Initiator.

The Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via the transmission of the initial Logon message. The method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logon message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logonAsInitiator ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
int  heartbeatIntervalSec 

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Initiator using the given Heartbeat interval (seconds).

The method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logon message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logonAsInitiator ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
int  heartbeatIntervalSec,
bool  setResetSeqNumFlag 

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Initiator using the given Heartbeat interval (seconds) and the ResetSeqNumFlag(141) field.

The method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logon message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logonAsInitiator ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
int  heartbeatIntervalSec,
Message customLogonMsg 

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Initiator using the custom Logon message.

The method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logon message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logonAsInitiator ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
int  heartbeatIntervalSec,
Message customLogonMsg,
bool  setResetSeqNumFlag 

Establishes the FIX Connection as an Initiator using the custom Logon message and the ResetSeqNumFlag(141) field.

The method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logon message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval.

This call is thread-safe.
Threading::SharedFuture<void> logonAsInitiatorAsync ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
int  heartbeatIntervalSec,
Message customLogonMsg,
bool  setResetSeqNumFlag 

Establishes the FIX Connection asynchronously as an Initiator using the custom Logon message and the ResetSeqNumFlag(141) field.

The method returns immediately without waiting the acknowledgment Logon message. Returns the SharedFuture object that can be used to wait for the result of the asynchronous logon method.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logout ( )

Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logout message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval or, in case there are no incoming messages, heartbeat interval plus reasonable transmission time.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& logout ( const std::string &  text)

Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logout message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval or, in case there are no incoming messages, heartbeat interval plus reasonable transmission time.

textFree format text string that is sent to the counterparty in the Text(58) field of the initial Logout message.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& logout ( Message customLogoutMessage)

Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method is blocked until the acknowledgment Logout message is received or the timeout expired. The timeout value is equal to the triple heartbeat interval or, in case there are no incoming messages, the heartbeat interval plus reasonable transmission time.

customLogoutMessageThe custom Logout message that is sent to the counterparty.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& logout ( FlatMessage customLogoutMessage)
Threading::SharedFuture<void> logoutAsync ( const std::string &  text)

Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method returns immediately without waiting for the acknowledgment Logout message. Returns the SharedFuture object that can be used to wait for the result of the asynchronous logout method.

textThe free format text string that is sent to the counterparty in the Text(58) field of the initial Logout message.
This call is thread-safe.
Threading::SharedFuture<void> logoutAsync ( Message customLogoutMessage)

Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method returns immediately without waiting the acknowledgment Logout message. Returns the SharedFuture object that can be used to wait for the result of the asynchronous logout method.

customLogoutMessageThe custom Logout message that is sent to the counterparty.
This call is thread-safe.
Threading::SharedFuture<void> logoutAsync ( FlatMessage customLogoutMessage)
bool logOutboundMessages ( ) const

Returns 'true' if outbound messages are logged, otherwise - 'false'.

By default, the value is 'true'.

Session& logOutboundMessages ( bool  value)

The option to log outbound messages.

unsigned messageGrouping ( ) const

Returns the number of messages that should be written to the outgoing TCP buffer together.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used (0 by default).

Session& messageGrouping ( unsigned  numberOfMessagesToGroup)

Sets the number of messages that should be written to the outgoing TCP buffer together.

MessageMode::Enum messageMode ( ) const

Returns the session message mode.

void messageMode ( MessageMode::Enum  mode)

Sets the session message mode.

operator const std::string & ( ) const

Returns the text description of this session.

This call is thread-safe.
OutboundMessageLogFilter outboundMessageLogFilter ( ) const

Returns outgoing message types to be filtered out from the logs.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& outboundMessageLogFilter ( const OutboundMessageLogFilter filter)

Sets outgoing message types to be filtered out from the logs.

This call is thread-safe.
size_t outboundQueueBytes ( ) const

Returns the total number of bytes in the outbound queue.

This call is thread-safe.
SequenceNumber outSeqNum ( ) const

Returns the sequence number of the next outgoing message.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& outSeqNum ( SequenceNumber  seqNum)

Sets the sequence number of the next outgoing message.

This call is thread-safe.
void preFill ( Message msg) const

Pre-fills session-level fields that are constant during the session's lifetime - SenderCompId, TargetCompId, SenderLocationId, TargetLocationID, SenderSubID, TargetSubID.

This call is thread-safe.
void preFill ( FlatMessage msg) const

Pre-fills the following fields in the message or messages batch for sending as is:

  • Session-level fields that are constant during the session's lifetime - SenderCompId, TargetCompId, SenderLocationId, TargetLocationI, SenderSubID, TargetSubID.
  • The MsgSeqNum field in accordance with the session outgoing sequence number.
  • The SendingTime field.
  • BodyLength and CheckSum fields.
This call is thread-safe.
void preFill ( FlatMessageBatch msgs) const
Session& proxySettings ( const ProxySettings settings)

Sets HTTP proxy settings.

ProxySettings proxySettings ( ) const

Returns HTTP proxy settings.

int reasonableTransmissionTime ( ) const

Returns the reasonable transmission time as % from the heartbeatIntervalSec value.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used (20% by default).

Session& reasonableTransmissionTime ( int  value)

Sets the reasonable transmission time as % from the heartbeatIntervalSec value.

When either end of the connection has not received any data for (heartbeatIntervalSec() * (100 + reasonableTransmissionTime())/100) seconds, it will transmit a Test Request message.

If there is still no a Heartbeat message received after (heartbeatIntervalSec * (100 + reasonableTransmissionTime())/100) seconds then the connection should be considered lost and a corrective action be initiated.

int receiveBufferSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for receiving data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& receiveBufferSize ( int  value)

Sets the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for the receiving data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

This call is thread-safe.
int receiveSpinningTimeout ( ) const

Returns the current receive spinning timeout value (in microseconds).

By default, the value is zero and the receive spinning is not used.

Session& receiveSpinningTimeoutUsec ( int  usec)

Sets the non-blocking receive spinning timeout (in microseconds) before the receiving thread enters into the blocking wait mode.

Should not be greater than 1 sec (minimal heartbeatIntervalSec()).
const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes& receivingThreadAffinity ( ) const

Returns the CPU affinity of the receiving thread.

Session& receivingThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes cpuIndexes)

Sets the CPU affinity of the receiving thread.

Session& receivingThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex  cpuIndex)

Sets the CPU affinity of the receiving thread to a CPU.

int receivingThreadPolicy ( ) const

Returns the scheduling policy of the receiving thread.

Session& receivingThreadPolicy ( int  policy)

Sets the scheduling policy of the receiving thread.

int receivingThreadPriority ( ) const

Returns the priority of the receiving thread.

Session& receivingThreadPriority ( int  priority)

Sets the priority of the receiving thread.

Session& reconnectAttempts ( int  value)

Sets the number of attempts to restore the FIX connection.

int reconnectAttempts ( ) const

Returns the number of attempts to restore the FIX connection.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used (3 by default).

Session& reconnectInterval ( int  value)

Sets the time interval between the attempts to restore the FIX connection (in seconds).

int reconnectInterval ( ) const

Returns the time interval between the attempts to restore the FIX connection (in seconds).

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used (180 by default).

Session& registerListener ( ISessionListener listener)

Registers the Session listener.

Anexception if the listener is already registered.
Session& reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages ( bool  report)

When the message gap is detected the "Resend Request" FIX Message is sent and the Session state is changed to "AwaitReplyOnResendRequest".

By default, in this state the incoming new messages (without the PossDupFlag (tag #43) flag) are ignored because we expect them to be re-sent later again with the PossDupFlag flag.

This property allows to change this behavior and report the new messages anyway.

In this mode, messages could be reported out of the original order: e.g. MsgSeqNum could be: 3 (original), 4 (original), 2 (PossDupFlag='Y'), 3 (PossDupFlag='Y'), 4 (PossDupFlag='Y') and some messages could be received two times: first time without PossDupFlag='Y' and second time - with this flag.
bool reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the new messages are reported even when the message gap is detected and the reply on the "Resend Request" message is expected, otherwise - 'false'.

Session& requestOnlyMissedMessages ( bool  request)

By default, the "Resend Request" message requests all messages begin from the first missed one.

This property allows to change this behavior and request only missed messages.

This method can be called only when the session is disconnected.
bool requestOnlyMissedMessages ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the "Resend Request" message requests only missed messages, otherwise - 'false'.

Session& resendingQueueSize ( size_t  value)

Sets the number of sent messages that are available for resending on the counterparty's Resend Request <2> message.

This call is thread-safe.
size_t resendingQueueSize ( ) const

Returns the number of sent messages that are available for resending on the counterparty's Resend Request <2> message.

By default, the value is -1 that means that the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('1000' by default).

This call is thread-safe.
Session& resendRequestMaximumRange ( int  range)

Sets the maximum number of messages to be requested in one Resend Request (MsgType=2) message.

See also
rangeThe maximum number of messages to be requested in one Resend Request (MsgType=2) message. Cannot be negative.
This call is thread-safe.
int resendRequestMaximumRange ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of messages to be requested in one Resend Request (MsgType=2) message.

By default, the value is zero (no limit).

See also
This call is thread-safe.
Session& resendTimeout ( const TimeSpan timeout)

Sets the timeout during which counterparty should send a reply to the "Resend Request" message.

If a counterparty does not reply or reply incorrectly during this timeout, then the ISessionListener::onWarning is called. By default, the resend request timeout equal to zero, which means an infinite timeout.

The resend timeout is checked when an incoming message is received or when the receive timeout is elapsed. Therefore, the actual timeout can be greater than the specified one or can be rounded to the value equal to the heartbeat interval + reasonable transmission time.
This call is thread-safe.
TimeSpan resendTimeout ( ) const

Returns the timeout during which the counterparty should send a reply to the "Resend Request" message.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& resetLocalSequenceNumbers ( )

Backups the current log files and resets the local sequence numbers to 1.

This method can be called only when the session is disconnected.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& resetLocalSequenceNumbersOnLogon ( bool  reset)

The option to automatically reset the local sequence numbers to 1 during every logon.

bool resetLocalSequenceNumbersOnLogon ( ) const

Returns 'true' if local sequence numbers are reset automatically to 1 during every logon, otherwise - 'false'.

Session& resetSeqNumViaLogonExchange ( )

Sends a Logon message with the ResetSeqNumFlag set.

This call is thread-safe.
SessionRole::Enum role ( ) const

Returns the session role.

This call is thread-safe.
void scheduleShrinkToFit ( )

Schedule the memory usage optimization.

The session will perform the actual memory usage optimization in two phases:

  • After receiving and processing the next incoming session-level message (receiving part).
  • Before sending the next outgoing session-level message (sending part).
Session& scrambleLogonFields ( const ScrambledFields fields)

Sets scrambled fields in the Logon(A) message, in the session storage, for security reasons.

This call is thread-safe.
ScrambledFields scrambleLogonFields ( ) const

Returns scrambled fields in the Logon(A) message.

Session& send ( Message msg)

Sends the message to the counterparty.

As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

This call is asynchronous.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& send ( FlatMessage msg)
Session& send ( FlatMessage msg,
SessionSendMode::Enum  mode 

Performs sending via a specific API (e.g.

zero-copy send) of the message to the counterparty.

As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

This call is asynchronous.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& send ( MessageBatch msgs,
size_t  maxPacketSize = (std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)() 

Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty.

As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

msgsThe message batch to send.
maxPacketSizeThe maximum number of bytes written to the socket's send buffer together. This parameter could be used to reduce the probability that the operating system will fragment a FIX message across multiple TCP packets.
The message batch should not be empty and the maxPacketSize parameter should not be less than any message size in the batch. Otherwise, the method call can produce an error and the session can close the connection.
This call is asynchronous.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& send ( FlatMessageBatch msgs,
size_t  maxPacketSize = (std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)() 
Session& send ( FlatMessageBatch msgs,
SessionSendMode::Enum  mode,
size_t  maxPacketSize = (std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)() 

Performs sending via a specific API (e.g.

zero-copy send) of messages to the counterparty.

As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

This call is asynchronous.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& sendAsIs ( FlatMessage msg)

Sends a serialized message(s) to the counterparty without any fields updating.

One can use the preFill method to prepare a message(s) for sending.

As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

This call is asynchronous.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& sendAsIs ( FlatMessageBatch msgs,
size_t  maxPacketSize = (std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max)() 

Sends a serialized message(s) to the counterparty without any fields updating.

One can use the preFill method to prepare a message(s) for sending.

As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

msgsThe message batch to send.
maxPacketSizeThe maximum number of bytes written to the socket's send buffer together. This parameter could be used to reduce the probability that the operating system will fragment a FIX message across multiple TCP packets.
The message batch should not be empty and the maxPacketSize parameter should not be less than any message size in the batch. Otherwise, the method call can produce an error and the session can close the connection.
This call is asynchronous.
This call is thread-safe.
int sendBufferSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for the sending data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& sendBufferSize ( int  value)

Sets the size of the TCP buffer allocated to the FIX connection for the sending data.

If '-1' then the default operating system value is used.

This call is thread-safe.
const std::string& senderCompId ( ) const

Returns the assigned value used to identify the firm sending message (the SenderCompID (tag 49) field value in outgoing messages).

This call is thread-safe.
std::string senderLocationId ( ) const

Returns the SenderLocationID (tag 142) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& senderLocationId ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the SenderLocationID (tag 142) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
std::string senderSubId ( ) const

Returns the SenderSubID (tag 50) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& senderSubId ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the SenderSubID (tag 50) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes& sendingThreadAffinity ( ) const

Returns the CPU affinity of the sending thread.

Session& sendingThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndexes cpuIndexes)

Sets the CPU affinity index of the sending thread.

Session& sendingThreadAffinity ( const OnixS::Threading::CpuIndex  cpuIndex)

Sets the CPU affinity index of the sending thread a CPU.

int sendingThreadPolicy ( ) const

Returns the scheduling policy of the sending thread.

Session& sendingThreadPolicy ( int  policy)

Sets the scheduling policy of the sending thread.

int sendingThreadPriority ( ) const

Returns the priority of the sending thread.

Session& sendingThreadPriority ( int  priority)

Sets the priority of the sending thread.

Session& sendingTimeFormat ( TimestampFormat::Enum  format)

Sets the time format of the SendingTime of every sent message.

By default, the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMsec format is used.

bool sendLogoutOnException ( ) const

Returns the option that controls whether to send the logout message before dropping the telecommunication link, in case of an exception.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& sendLogoutOnException ( bool  sendLogoutOnException)

Sets the value of the option that controls whether to send the logout message before dropping the telecommunication link, in case of an exception.

Session& sendQueueMaxSize ( size_t  size)

Sets the send queue maximum size in bytes.

The TCP connection will be disconnected when an overflow issue happens and the sending queue size exceeds this size.

This call is thread-safe.
size_t sendQueueMaxSize ( ) const

Returns the send queue maximum size in bytes.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used (0.5 GB by default).

Session& sendReject ( SequenceNumber  refSeqNumber,
const std::string &  text 

Sends the Reject (MsgType 3) message.

refSeqNumberThe MsgSeqNum of rejected message.
textThe message to explain the reason for the rejection.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& sendResendRequest ( SequenceNumber  beginSeqNumber)

Sends the Resend Request (MsgType 2) message.

Normally, the "Resend Request" message is sent automatically. This method allows to simulate a sequence gap by sending this message manually. This can be needed in some venue specific cases. This method should not be used in the normal work.
beginSeqNumberThe begin sequence number of the first requested message in the range.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& sendResendRequestOnEachMessageGap ( bool  send)

By default, the "Resend Request" message is sent only once - when the first gap is detected.

This property allows to change this behavior and send the "Resend Request" message on each detected message sequence number gap.

bool sendResendRequestOnEachMessageGap ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the "Resend Request" message is sent on each detected message sequence number gap, otherwise - 'false'.

int sendSpinningTimeout ( ) const

Returns the current send spinning timeout value (in microseconds).

By default, the value is zero and send spinning is not used.

Session& sendSpinningTimeoutUsec ( int  usec)

Sets the send spinning timeout (in microseconds) of the Session::send(..) method to wait for the socket sending buffer availability in the spin loop mode before placing the message to the outgoing queue (to be sent later by the sending thread).

Should not be greater than 1 sec (minimal heartbeatIntervalSec()).
Session& sendTestRequest ( const std::string &  testReqId = "",
const TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan::zero() 

Sends the Test Request (MsgType 1) message.

If the timeout is specified, the method blocks until the heartbeat message is received from the counterparty or timeout ended.

testReqIdThe identifier included in the Test Request (MsgType 1) message to be returned in the resulting Heartbeat (MsgType 0) message from the counterparty.
timeoutThe maximum interval to wait until the reply is received from the counterparty.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& shutdown ( )

Shutdowns the session.

This call is thread-safe.
OnixS::Sockets::Handle socketHandle ( )

Returns the socket handle which the session uses to transmit the FIX data.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& socketOptions ( const OnixS::Sockets::SocketOptions options)

Additional options, which should be set to the session socket when it is created.

For initiator sessions, options are set before the socket connect(..) call. For acceptor sessions, options are set after the socket accept(..) call.

bool specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the LastMsgSeqNumProcessed (tag 369) field is specified on every message sent, otherwise - 'false'.

By default, the option value is false.

Session& specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed ( bool  specify)

The option to specify the LastMsgSeqNumProcessed (tag 369) field on every message sent.

Useful for detecting a backlog with a counterparty.

The option does not affect the FlatMessage send.
Session& sslCaFile ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the path to the trusted certification authority certificate file in (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

This call is thread-safe.
std::string sslCaFile ( ) const

Returns the path to the trusted certification authority certificate file in the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base64 encoded (.pem) format.

This call is thread-safe.
std::string sslCertificateFile ( ) const

Returns the SSL certificate file.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& sslCertificateFile ( const std::string &  file)

Sets the SSL certificate file.

Only the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base 64 Encoded (.pem) SSL certificates are supported.
This call is thread-safe.
std::string sslPrivateKeyFile ( ) const

Returns the SSL private key file.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& sslPrivateKeyFile ( const std::string &  file)

Sets the SSL private key file.

Only the (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Base 64 Encoded (.pem) SSL certificates are supported.
This call is thread-safe.
Cryptography::SecureString sslPrivateKeyPassword ( ) const

Returns the SSL private key file password.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& sslPrivateKeyPassword ( const Cryptography::SecureString password)

Sets the SSL private key file password.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& sslVerifyPeer ( bool  verify)

Set the option to request peer certificates and perform the certificate verification.

This call is thread-safe.
bool sslVerifyPeer ( ) const

Returns the option to request peer certificates and perform the certificate verification.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

This call is thread-safe.
SessionState::Enum state ( ) const

Returns the Session's state.

This call is thread-safe.
const std::string& storageId ( ) const

Returns the underlying storage Id.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& supportNextExpectedMsgSeqNum ( bool  support)

Sets the NextExpectedMsgSeqNum field (tag 789) support in Logon messages.

bool supportNextExpectedMsgSeqNum ( ) const

Returns 'true' if the NextExpectedMsgSeqNum field (tag 789) is supported in Logon messages, otherwise - 'false'.

By default, the option value is false.

const std::string& targetCompId ( ) const

Returns the assigned value used to identify the receiving firm (the TargetCompID (tag 56) field value in outgoing messages).

This call is thread-safe.
std::string targetLocationId ( ) const

Returns the TargetLocationID (tag 143) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& targetLocationId ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the TargetLocationID (tag 143) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
std::string targetSubId ( ) const

Returns the TargetSubID (tag 57) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& targetSubId ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the TargetSubID (tag 57) field values for all outgoing messages.

This call is thread-safe.
bool tcpNoDelayOption ( ) const

Returns the option to improve the latency at the expense of the message throughput (TCP_NODELAY socket option).

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('true' by default).

Session& tcpNoDelayOption ( bool  improveLatency = true)

Sets the value of the option to improve the latency at the expense of the message throughput (TCP_NODELAY socket option).

ThreadingModel::Enum threadingModel ( ) const

Returns the connection mode.

Session& threadingModel ( ThreadingModel::Enum  value)

Sets the connection mode.

std::string threadNameSuffix ( ) const

Returns the thread name suffix for receiving (R:threadNameSuffix) and sending (S:threadNameSuffix) threads.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& threadNameSuffix ( const std::string &  value)

Sets the thread name suffix for receiving ("R:threadNameSuffix") and sending ("S:threadNameSuffix") threads.

If the threadNameSuffix is not specified, it is set by default to ("R:senderCompId-targetCompId")("S:senderCompId-targetCompId").

This method can be called only when the session is disconnected.
Anexception if the session state is not Disconnected.
This call is thread-safe.
Session& throttle ( )

Performs the throttling of a session that must be called before each of a send function call.

If the count of messages per a time unit exceeds a throttling limit, the function will be blocked until the given time interval is passed.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& throttlingLimit ( size_t  messagesCount,
size_t  intervalInMs = 1000 

Sets throttling limit parameters.

messagesCountThe message limit per a time unit.
intervalInMsThe time interval to limit messages.
This call is thread-safe.
std::string toString ( ) const

Returns the session string presentation.

This call is thread-safe.
Session& unregisterAllListeners ( )

Unregisters all Session listener.

Session& unregisterListener ( ISessionListener listener)

Unregisters the Session listener.

bool updateSendingTimeField ( ) const

Returns 'true' if updating of the SendingTime is turn on for every message, otherwise - 'false'.

By default, the option value is true.

Session& updateSendingTimeField ( bool  specify)

The option to specify updating of the SendingTime of every sent message.

bool useSpinLock ( ) const

Returns whether the Session uses the spin lock.

Session& useSpinLock ( bool  value)

Sets the Session to use the spin lock.

bool validateChecksum ( ) const

Returns the option that controls the validation of the checksum of the incoming message.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateChecksum ( bool  )

Sets the validation of the checksum of the incoming message.

bool validateDuplicatedField ( ) const

Returns the option that controls the duplicated field validation.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateDuplicatedField ( bool  )

Sets value of the option that controls the duplicated field validation.

bool validateEmptyFieldValues ( ) const

Returns the option to validate the empty field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateEmptyFieldValues ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the empty field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateFieldValues ( ) const

Returns the option to validate the field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateFieldValues ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the field values of FIX messages in accordance with the FIX protocol or its FIX Dictionary.

bool validateRepeatingGroupEntryCount ( ) const

Returns the option that controls the repeating group entry count validation.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('true' by default).

Session& validateRepeatingGroupEntryCount ( bool  )

Sets the value of the option that controls the repeating group entry count validation.

bool validateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag ( ) const

Returns the option that controls the repeating group leading tag validation.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateRepeatingGroupLeadingTag ( bool  )

Sets the value of the option that controls the repeating group leading tag validation.

bool validateRequiredFields ( ) const

Returns the option to validate the presence of required fields in inbound and outbound messages.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateRequiredFields ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the presence of required fields in inbound and outbound messages.

Session& validateSequenceNumbers ( bool  value)

Options to turn on/off incoming message sequence numbers validation.

bool validateSequenceNumbers ( ) const

Returns the current status of the incoming message sequence numbers validation.

By default, the option value is true.

bool validateUnknownFields ( ) const

Returns the option to validate the presence of unknown fields.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateUnknownFields ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the presence of unknown fields.

bool validateUnknownMessages ( ) const

Returns the option to validate the presence of unknown FIX messages.

When it is not set, the corresponding Engine setting's value is used ('false' by default).

Session& validateUnknownMessages ( bool  )

Sets the option to validate the presence of unknown FIX messages.

Session& warmUp ( FlatMessage msg,
int  warmupFlags = 0 

This method warms up the sending path.

msgThe message to warm up the assembly part of the sending path.
warmupFlagsSpecific flags which can be used to turn on the warmup feature for a specific NIC.
This call is thread-safe.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Engine::Impl

Definition at line 1809 of file Session.h.

Member Data Documentation

const OnixS::Sockets::Handle InvalidSocketHandle

Represents an invalid value of the socket handle.

Definition at line 1617 of file Session.h.

const unsigned int ResendRequestMaximumRangeNoLimit

Represents an unlimited number of messages to be requested in one Resend Request (MsgType=2) message.

The default value is 0.

Definition at line 1170 of file Session.h.

const int UndefinedPriorityAndPolicy

Represents an undefined value of priority and policy.

Definition at line 1298 of file Session.h.

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