OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.11.0
API Documentation
Condition Class Reference

#include <OnixS/FIXEngine/Threading/Condition.h>

Public Member Functions

 Condition ()
 ~Condition ()
void signal ()
void signalAll ()
void wait (Mutex &lock)

Detailed Description

The condition variable enables threads to atomically block and test a condition under the protection of the mutual exclusion lock (Mutex) until the condition is satisfied.

Definition at line 33 of file Condition.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Condition ( )

Initializes the instance.

~Condition ( )

Destructs the instance.

Member Function Documentation

void signal ( )

Signals the one waiting thread.

void signalAll ( )

Signals all waiting threads.

void wait ( Mutex lock)

Blocks on a condition.

lockRepresents a reference to the Mutex which is used to protect the condition testing.

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