223 friend class TotalReturnFuturesStatusWrapper;
BusinessDayType::Enum businessDayType() const
Business date type.
Clearing price parameter for total return futures status message.
bool settlPrice(Decimal &price) const
Daily settlement price of the current day in trading notation (TRF spread).
MarketSegmentId marketSegmentId() const
Product identifier.
bool relatedIndexValue(Decimal &value) const
Distribution index, defined for the current day. Becomes available in the morning before trading star...
bool remainingCalendarDays(Int32 &value) const
bool accruedPaymentParameter(Decimal &value) const
bool annualCalendarDays(UInt32 &value) const
Annualisation Factor, a constant value that represents the number of calendar days during one year as...
Decimal type for better precision.
Int64 SecurityId
Alias for Security Id type.
bool currentPaymentParameter(Decimal &value) const
Daily funding, calculated from the funding rate applied to the previous day underlying index...
bool relatedClosePrice(Decimal &value) const
The previous day�s underlying index close value.
bool overnightInterestRate(Decimal &value) const
SecurityId securityId() const
Instrument identifier.
ConversionModeQualifier::Enum conversionModeQualifier() const
TrfsClearingPriceParameters clearingPriceParameters() const
Clearing price parameters.
bool currentAccruedInterestAmt(Decimal &value) const
Coupon payment, for which the coupon period is ongoing, multiplied by the ratio of the already passed...
ConversionMode::Enum conversionMode() const
SecurityType::Enum securityType() const
Type of security.
bool accruedCollectionParameter(Decimal &value) const
UInt32 MarketSegmentId
Alias for Market Segment ID type.
Total return futures status message.
bool currentCollectionParameter(Decimal &value) const
Daily distribution, calculated from the difference between the current and the previous day distribut...
Decimal priorSettlPrice() const
Daily settlement price of the previous day in trading notation (TRF spread).