OnixS C++ Eurex T7 Market and Reference Data (EMDI, MDI, RDI, EOBI) Handlers  18.0.1
API documentation
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData Namespace Reference




struct  AccruedInterestCalculationMethod
struct  AlgorithmicTradeIndicator
struct  AllowOneProductStrip
class  ArgumentException
class  ArgumentRangeException
struct  AuctionType
class  AuctionTypeRule
class  AuctionTypeRules
struct  BookType
struct  BusinessDayType
class  CachedDepthIncrementalListener
struct  CalculationMethodType
class  ClearingPriceParameter
class  ClearingPriceParameters
struct  ClosedBookIndicator
class  ComplexInstrumentUpdate
class  ComplexInstrumentUpdateListener
struct  ContractCycleSubType
struct  ContractCycleType
struct  ContractDisplayInstruction
struct  ContractFrequency
struct  ContractIdentificationEligibility
struct  ContractMonthType
struct  ConversionMode
struct  ConversionModeQualifier
struct  CouponType
struct  CoverIndicator
class  CrossRequest
class  CrossRequestListener
struct  CrossRequestType
struct  DataSource
struct  DecaySplit
class  Decimal
struct  DepositType
class  DepthIncremental
class  DepthListener
class  DepthSnapshot
struct  DisableOnBookTrading
struct  DisplayDayOfWeek
struct  DisplaySeason
class  EfViFeedEngine
struct  EmdiDescriptor
class  EmdiHandler
class  EmdiHandlerManager
struct  EmdiHandlerSettings
class  EmdsHandler
struct  EmdsHandlerSettings
struct  EobiDescriptor
struct  ErrorCode
class  ErrorListener
class  Event
class  Events
struct  EventType
class  Exception
class  ExchangeTrade
class  ExchangeTradeListener
struct  ExerciseStyle
class  Feed
class  FeedActivityListener
struct  FeedDescriptor
class  FeedEngine
struct  FeedEngineThreadIdle
class  FeedEngineThreadPool
struct  FeedEngineThreadPoolListener
struct  FeedEngineThreadPoolSettings
class  Feeds
struct  FeedType
struct  Field
class  FieldSet
class  FieldValueRef
struct  FilteringTraits
struct  FlatIndicator
class  FlexibleInstrumentUpdate
class  FlexibleInstrumentUpdateListener
class  FlexRule
class  FlexRules
class  Group
class  GroupInstance
struct  HandlerSettings
struct  HandlerState
class  HandlerStateListener
class  HHIInterval
class  HHIIntervals
struct  IInterfaceDescriptorProvider
struct  ImpliedMarketIndicator
class  IncrementalTrade
struct  InputSource
class  InstrumentAttribute
class  InstrumentAttributes
struct  InstrumentAttributeType
struct  InstrumentAuctionType
class  InstrumentIncremental
class  InstrumentLeg
class  InstrumentParties
class  InstrumentParty
struct  InstrumentPartyIDSource
struct  InstrumentPartyRole
struct  InstrumentPartyRoleQualifier
class  InstrumentScope
struct  InstrumentScopeOperator
class  InstrumentScopes
class  InstrumentSnapshot
class  InstrumentSnapshotLegs
class  InstrumentStateChange
class  InstrumentStateChangeListener
struct  InstrumentType
struct  InterfaceDescriptor
struct  LastFragment
struct  LegSecurityType
struct  LegSide
struct  ListMethod
class  LocalWatch
struct  LogLevel
struct  LogSettings
struct  MarketCondition
struct  MarketDepthTraits
struct  MarketImbalanceIndicator
struct  MarketSegmentRelationship
struct  MarketSegmentStatus
struct  MarketSegmentSubType
struct  MarketSegmentType
class  MassInstrumentStateChange
class  MassInstrumentStateChangeListener
struct  MatchAlgorithm
class  MatchRule
class  MatchRules
struct  MatchType
struct  MaturityFrequencyUnit
struct  MDEntryType
struct  MdiDescriptor
class  MdiHandler
class  MdiHandlerManager
struct  MdiHandlerSettings
class  MDIncrementalEntries
class  MDIncrementalEntry
struct  MDOriginType
class  MDSnapshotEntries
class  MDSnapshotEntry
struct  MDUpdateAction
class  Message
struct  MessageStringingFlag
struct  MidpointTrading
struct  Month
struct  MultilegModel
struct  MultiLegPriceModel
struct  MultiLegReportingType
class  NetFeedEngineProcessResult
struct  NetFeedRole
struct  NetFeedType
class  NicWatch
struct  NoDelayReplay
class  NotImplementedException
class  NullArgumentException
struct  Number
class  OpenInterest
class  OpenInterestListener
class  OperationException
class  OrderBook
class  OrderBookListener
struct  OriginalDelayReplay
class  PacketListener
struct  PostTradeAnonymityType
struct  PriceLevel
struct  PriceLevelCollections
struct  PriceNotation
class  PriceRangeRule
class  PriceRangeRules
struct  PriceType
struct  ProductInfo
class  ProductSnapshot
class  ProductStateChange
class  ProductStateChangeListener
struct  PutOrCall
class  QuantityScalingFactor
class  QuantityScalingFactors
struct  QuoteCondition
class  QuoteRequest
class  QuoteRequestListener
struct  QuoteSideIndicator
struct  QuoteSideModelType
class  QuoteSizeRule
class  QuoteSizeRules
class  RdiHandler
struct  RdiHandlerSettings
class  ReferenceDataListener
struct  RefreshIndicator
class  RelatedMarketSegment
class  RelatedMarketSegments
struct  RelatedPriceType
class  ReplayListener
struct  ReplayMode
struct  ReplayOptions
class  ScaledSimpleInstrumentUpdate
class  ScaledSimpleInstrumentUpdateListener
class  SecMassStat
class  SecMassStats
class  SecurityAlt
class  SecurityAlts
class  SecurityClassification
struct  SecurityClassificationReasonType
class  SecurityClassifications
struct  SecurityClassificationValueType
struct  SecurityStatus
struct  SecurityTradingEvent
struct  SecurityTradingStatus
struct  SecurityType
struct  SecurityUpdateAction
class  Semaphore
struct  ServiceDescriptor
class  Settlement
class  SettlementListener
struct  SettlMethod
struct  SettlPriceType
struct  SettlSubMethod
struct  Side
class  SnapshotTrade
class  SocketFeedEngine
struct  SoldOutIndicator
class  StringRef
struct  SubBookType
class  TarpsClearingPriceParameter
class  TarpsClearingPriceParameters
class  ThisThread
class  ThreadAffinity
class  TickRule
class  TickRules
class  TickRuleScope
class  TickRuleScopes
class  TimeSpan
struct  TimeSpanFormats
class  Timestamp
struct  TimestampFormat
class  TopOfBookImplied
class  TopOfBookImpliedEntries
class  TopOfBookImpliedEntry
class  TopOfBookImpliedListener
class  TotalReturnFuturesStatus
class  Trade
class  TradeAtReferencePriceStatus
struct  TradeCondition
struct  TradeConditionSet
class  TradeListener
struct  TradingSessionId
class  TradingSessionRule
class  TradingSessionRules
struct  TradingSessionSubID
struct  TradingStyle
struct  TradSesStatus
struct  TrdType
class  TrfsClearingPriceParameter
class  TrfsClearingPriceParameters
class  TypedGroup
class  UpdateInstrumentLegs
struct  USApproval
class  UtcWatch
struct  ValuationMethod
class  VarianceFuturesStatus
class  WarningListener
struct  WarrantType
class  WatchService
struct  X2SpeedReplay
struct  YearMonthDay


typedef std::string MarketSegment
typedef UInt32 MarketSegmentId
typedef UInt32 MarketDepth
typedef UInt32 PartitionId
typedef Int64 SecurityId
typedef UInt64 Quantity
typedef unsigned Tag
typedef unsigned EobiTag
typedef size_t CpuIndex
typedef PriceLevelCollections::Array PriceLevels
typedef PriceLevelCollections::ArrayEntry PriceLevelsEntry
typedef PriceLevelCollections::ArrayConstEntry PriceLevelsConstEntry
typedef ProductInfo::Collection ProductInfos
typedef FilteringTraits::PartitionIdFilters PartitionIdFilters
typedef FilteringTraits::MarketSegmentIdFilters MarketSegmentIdFilters
typedef FilteringTraits::SecurityIdFilters SecurityIdFilters
typedef MarketDepthTraits::MarketSegmentId2Depth MarketSegmentId2Depth
typedef EmdiDescriptor::Collection EmdiDescriptors
typedef MdiDescriptor::Collection MdiDescriptors
typedef EobiDescriptor::Collection EobiDescriptors
typedef IInterfaceDescriptorProvider::MarketSegments MarketSegments
typedef TimeSpanFormats::Enum TimeSpanFormat
typedef Int64 Ticks
typedef char Int8
typedef unsigned char UInt8
typedef short Int16
typedef unsigned short UInt16
typedef int Int32
typedef unsigned int UInt32
typedef double Double
typedef Int64 DecimalMantissa
typedef Int32 DecimalExponent
typedef std::vector< FieldFields
typedef unsigned MessageStringingFlags
typedef unsigned int SequenceNumber
typedef std::vector< std::string > FilesList


 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, Settlement)
bool operator== (const FieldValueRef &ref, const std::string &str)
bool operator!= (const FieldValueRef &ref, const std::string &str)
bool operator== (const std::string &str, const FieldValueRef &ref)
bool operator!= (const std::string &str, const FieldValueRef &ref)
bool operator== (const FieldValueRef &ref, const char *str)
bool operator!= (const FieldValueRef &ref, const char *str)
bool operator== (const char *str, const FieldValueRef &ref)
bool operator!= (const char *str, const FieldValueRef &ref)
bool process (FeedEngine &engine)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, FeedEngine)
std::string enumToString (HandlerState::Enum)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, CrossRequest)
bool operator== (const StringRef &ref, const std::string &str)
bool operator!= (const StringRef &ref, const std::string &str)
bool operator== (const std::string &str, const StringRef &ref)
bool operator!= (const std::string &str, const StringRef &ref)
bool operator== (const StringRef &ref, const char *str)
bool operator!= (const StringRef &ref, const char *str)
bool operator== (const char *str, const StringRef &ref)
bool operator!= (const char *str, const StringRef &ref)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Message &message)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, MassInstrumentStateChange)
bool operator== (const PriceLevel &l, const PriceLevel &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PriceLevel &lvl)
bool isValid (const PriceLevel &level)
void checkSanity (const OrderBook &book)
TimeSpan operator- (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Timestamp &timestamp)
bool operator< (const Decimal &l, const Decimal &r)
bool operator> (const Decimal &l, const Decimal &r)
bool operator<= (const Decimal &l, const Decimal &r)
bool operator>= (const Decimal &l, const Decimal &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const ServiceDescriptor &descriptor)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FeedDescriptor &descriptor)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const InterfaceDescriptor &descriptor)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RdiHandlerSettings &settings)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const EmdiHandlerSettings &settings)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MdiHandlerSettings &settings)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const EmdsHandlerSettings &settings)
template<typename Enumeration >
Enumeration::Enum getIntEnumFieldValue (const FieldSet &fieldSet, Tag tag)
template<typename Enumeration >
Enumeration::Enum getNonZeroIntEnumFieldValue (const FieldSet &fieldSet, Tag tag)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, SnapshotTrade)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, IncrementalTrade)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, FlexibleInstrumentUpdate)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, QuoteRequest)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, DepthSnapshot)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, DepthIncremental)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, ComplexInstrumentUpdate)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, TopOfBookImplied)
void gatherFiles (FilesList *gatheredFiles, const std::string &root, const std::string &extension)
void gatherLogs (FilesList *gatheredLogs, const std::string &root)
void replayPcap (const std::vector< EmdiHandler * > &handlers, const ReplayOptions &options)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, InstrumentStateChange)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, ProductStateChange)
std::string enumToString (LogLevel::Enum)
LogSettings::Enum operator| (LogSettings::Enum a, LogSettings::Enum b)
std::string enumToString (ErrorCode::Enum)
void replayPcap (const std::vector< MdiHandler * > &handlers, const ReplayOptions &options)
 ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL (class, ScaledSimpleInstrumentUpdate)


const MarketSegmentId UndefinedMarketSegmentId = 0

Typedef Documentation

typedef size_t CpuIndex

Zero-based index of CPU.

Definition at line 183 of file FeedEngine.h.

Definition at line 60 of file Numeric.h.

typedef Int64 DecimalMantissa

Definition at line 59 of file Numeric.h.

typedef double Double

Definition at line 57 of file Numeric.h.

typedef unsigned EobiTag

Alias for EOBI tag numbers.

Definition at line 32 of file Tag.h.

typedef std::vector<Field> Fields

Ordered collection of fields.

Definition at line 62 of file FieldSet.h.

Ordered list of files to be replayed.

Definition at line 37 of file Replay.h.

typedef short Int16

Definition at line 37 of file Numeric.h.

typedef int Int32

Definition at line 40 of file Numeric.h.

typedef char Int8

Definition at line 34 of file Numeric.h.

Alias for Market depth type.

Definition at line 43 of file Defines.h.

typedef std::string MarketSegment

Alias for Market Segment type (Product name).

Definition at line 37 of file Defines.h.

Alias for Market Segment ID type.

Definition at line 40 of file Defines.h.

typedef unsigned MessageStringingFlags

Collection of message stringing flags.

Definition at line 48 of file MessageStringingFlags.h.

Alias for Partition ID type.

Definition at line 48 of file Defines.h.

Sequence of price levels.

Definition at line 135 of file OrderBook.h.

Iterator over read-only collection of price levels.

Definition at line 141 of file OrderBook.h.

Iterator to access price levels with write permissions.

Definition at line 138 of file OrderBook.h.

typedef UInt64 Quantity

Alias for Quantity type.

Definition at line 54 of file Defines.h.

typedef Int64 SecurityId

Alias for Security Id type.

Definition at line 51 of file Defines.h.

typedef unsigned int SequenceNumber

Alias for sequence numbers.

Definition at line 29 of file SequenceNumber.h.

typedef unsigned Tag

Alias for tag numbers.

Definition at line 29 of file Tag.h.

typedef Int64 Ticks

Integral type presenting internal ticks.

Definition at line 84 of file Timestamp.h.

Time span format.

Definition at line 47 of file TimeSpan.h.

typedef unsigned short UInt16

Definition at line 38 of file Numeric.h.

typedef unsigned int UInt32

Definition at line 41 of file Numeric.h.

typedef unsigned char UInt8

Definition at line 35 of file Numeric.h.

Function Documentation

void OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::checkSanity ( const OrderBook book)

checks whether the given book is properly built

std::string OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::enumToString ( ErrorCode::Enum  )

Returns string representation of ErrorCode value.

std::string OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::enumToString ( HandlerState::Enum  )

Returns string representation of HandlerState value.

std::string OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::enumToString ( LogLevel::Enum  )

Returns string representation of ErrorCode value.

void OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::gatherFiles ( FilesList gatheredFiles,
const std::string &  root,
const std::string &  extension 

Gathers files which are stored in a given folder.

void OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::gatherLogs ( FilesList gatheredLogs,
const std::string &  root 

Gathers log files which are stored in a given folder.

Definition at line 76 of file Replay.h.

Enumeration::Enum OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::getIntEnumFieldValue ( const FieldSet fieldSet,
Tag  tag 

Definition at line 228 of file FieldSet.h.

Enumeration::Enum OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::getNonZeroIntEnumFieldValue ( const FieldSet fieldSet,
Tag  tag 

Definition at line 235 of file FieldSet.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::isValid ( const PriceLevel level)
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::ONIXS_EUREX_EMDI_API_DECL ( class  ,
bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const FieldValueRef ref,
const std::string &  str 

Definition at line 232 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const StringRef ref,
const std::string &  str 

Definition at line 249 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const std::string &  str,
const FieldValueRef ref 

Definition at line 250 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const std::string &  str,
const StringRef ref 

Definition at line 267 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const FieldValueRef ref,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 270 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const StringRef ref,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 287 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const char *  str,
const FieldValueRef ref 

Definition at line 288 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator!= ( const char *  str,
const StringRef ref 

Definition at line 305 of file StringRef.h.

TimeSpan OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator- ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Definition at line 256 of file Timestamp.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator< ( const Decimal l,
const Decimal r 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const ServiceDescriptor descriptor 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PriceLevel lvl 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FeedDescriptor descriptor 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const InterfaceDescriptor descriptor 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Message message 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const RdiHandlerSettings settings 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const EmdiHandlerSettings settings 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const MdiHandlerSettings settings 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const EmdsHandlerSettings settings 
std::ostream& OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Timestamp timestamp 

Definition at line 266 of file Timestamp.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator<= ( const Decimal l,
const Decimal r 
bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const PriceLevel l,
const PriceLevel r 
bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const FieldValueRef ref,
const std::string &  str 

Definition at line 223 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const StringRef ref,
const std::string &  str 

Definition at line 240 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const std::string &  str,
const FieldValueRef ref 

Definition at line 241 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const std::string &  str,
const StringRef ref 

Definition at line 258 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const FieldValueRef ref,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 261 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const StringRef ref,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 278 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const char *  str,
const FieldValueRef ref 

Definition at line 279 of file FieldValueRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator== ( const char *  str,
const StringRef ref 

Definition at line 296 of file StringRef.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator> ( const Decimal l,
const Decimal r 
bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator>= ( const Decimal l,
const Decimal r 
LogSettings::Enum OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::operator| ( LogSettings::Enum  a,
LogSettings::Enum  b 

Typed logical operator helper.

Definition at line 86 of file LogSettings.h.

bool OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::process ( FeedEngine engine)

Carries out pending actions like data retrieval and event dispatching.

The returned value indicates whether any events have been handled by the engine.

Definition at line 132 of file FeedEngine.h.

void OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::replayPcap ( const std::vector< MdiHandler * > &  handlers,
const ReplayOptions options 

Replay pcap files.

void OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::replayPcap ( const std::vector< EmdiHandler * > &  handlers,
const ReplayOptions options 

Replay pcap files.

Variable Documentation

const MarketSegmentId UndefinedMarketSegmentId = 0

Definition at line 45 of file Defines.h.