OnixS C++ Eurex T7 Market and Reference Data (EMDI, MDI, RDI, EOBI) Handlers  16.1.3
API documentation
Feed Class Reference

#include <OnixS/Eurex/MarketData/ProductSnapshot.h>

Public Member Functions

FeedType::Enum mdFeedType () const
BookType::Enum mdBookType () const
bool marketDepth (UInt32 &depth) const
bool marketDepthTimeInterval (UInt32 &interval) const
bool mdRecoveryTimeInterval (UInt32 &interval) const
StringRef mdPrimaryFeedLineID () const
UInt32 mdPrimaryFeedLineSubID () const
bool mdSecondaryFeedLineID (StringRef &id) const
bool mdSecondaryFeedLineSubID (UInt32 &subId) const


class TypedGroup< Feed >

Detailed Description

Definition at line 575 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool marketDepth ( UInt32 depth) const

Maximum number of price levels for the product.

Definition at line 592 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

bool marketDepthTimeInterval ( UInt32 interval) const

Netting interval for low bandwidth feeds (0=no netting).

Definition at line 598 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

BookType::Enum mdBookType ( ) const

Book type.

Definition at line 586 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

FeedType::Enum mdFeedType ( ) const

Feed type.

Definition at line 580 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

StringRef mdPrimaryFeedLineID ( ) const

IP Address for Service A.

Definition at line 610 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

UInt32 mdPrimaryFeedLineSubID ( ) const

Port number for IP address Service A.

Definition at line 617 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

bool mdRecoveryTimeInterval ( UInt32 interval) const

Recovery interval (duration of one cycle).

Definition at line 604 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

bool mdSecondaryFeedLineID ( StringRef id) const

IP Address for Service B.

Definition at line 623 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

bool mdSecondaryFeedLineSubID ( UInt32 subId) const

Port number for IP address Service B.

Definition at line 629 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TypedGroup< Feed >

Definition at line 635 of file ProductSnapshot.h.

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