OnixS C++ Eurex T7 Market and Reference Data (EMDI, MDI, RDI, EOBI) Handlers  18.0.1
API documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAccruedInterestCalculationMethodAccrued interest Calculation Methods
 CAuctionTypeExposes list of available auction types
 CBookTypeExposes list of available book types
 CBusinessDayTypeExposes list of available feed types
 CCachedDepthIncrementalListenerCached Depth Incremental listener
 CCalculationMethodTypeExposes list of available calculation method types
 CClosedBookIndicatorExposes list of available closed book indicators
 CComplexInstrumentUpdateListenerComplex Instrument Update listener
 CCouponTypeCoupon Types
 CCoverIndicatorCover Indicator
 CCrossRequestListenerCross Request listener
 CDecaySplitExposes list of available Decay splits
 CDecimalDecimal type for better precision
 CDepositTypeDeposit Type
 CDepthListenerDepth listener
 CEmdiHandlerEurex Enhanced Market Data Interface Handler
 CEmdiHandlerManagerEMDI Handler Manager
 CEmdsHandlerEurex Extended Market Data Service Handler
 CEobiHandlerEurex Enhanced Order Book Interface Handler
 CEobiHandlerManagerEOBI Handler Manager
 CErrorCodeKnown (selected) error codes
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExchangeTradeListenerOTC trade listener
 CFeedActivityListenerProvides notifications about feed activity events
 CFeedDescriptorFeed descriptor
 CFeedEngineThe Feed Engine machinery
 CFeedEngineThreadIdleIdentifies reasons feed engine threads becomes idle
 CFeedEngineThreadPoolA pool of threads executing feed engine tasks
 CFeedTypeExposes list of available feed types
 CFieldField primary attributes (tag and a reference to a value)
 CFilteringTraitsExport/Import template instantiations
 CFlatIndicatorFlat Indicators
 CFlexibleInstrumentUpdateListenerFlexible Instrument Update listener
 CHandlerSettingsHandler base configuration settings
 CHandlerStateDefines the state that the handler is in
 CHandlerStateListenerStatus Listener
 CInstrumentScopeOperatorExposes list of Instrument scope operators
 CInstrumentStateChangeListenerInstrument State Change listener
 CInstrumentTypeExposes list of available instrument types for tick rule
 CInterfaceDescriptorInterface descriptor
 CLegSecurityTypeExposes list of available leg security types
 CLegSideExposes list of leg sides
 Cless< OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::StringRef >Allows using of StringRef in collections like std::map
 CLogLevelLog level
 CLogSettingsLogging options
 CMarketConditionIndicator for stressed market conditions
 CMarketDepthTraitsExport/Import template instantiations
 CMarketImbalanceIndicatorExposes list of available market imbalance indicators
 CMarketSegmentRelationshipExposes list of available market segment relationship types
 CMarketSegmentStatusExposes list of available market segment statuses
 CMarketSegmentSubTypeExposes list of available market segment subtypes
 CMarketSegmentTypeExposes list of available market segment types
 CMassInstrumentStateChangeListenerMass Instrument State Change listener
 CMatchAlgorithmExposes list of available match algorithms
 CMatchTypeExposes list of available match types
 CMDEntryTypeExposes list of available entry types
 CMdiHandlerEurex Market Data Interface Handler
 CMdiHandlerManagerEMDI Handler Manager
 CMDOriginTypeExposes list of available origin types
 CMDUpdateActionExposes list of available update actions
 CMessageListenerAuxiliary messages listener
 CMessageStringingFlagContains flags which affect FIX message textual presentation
 CMonthDefines all the months in the year
 CNetFeedEngineProcessResultDesigned to reflect various aspects of feed engine processing flow
 CNetFeedRoleFeed roles (primary, secondary)
 CNetFeedTypeFeed types based on type of market data service
 CNumberHelper class for conversion from string to number
 CONIXS_ILINK3StaticAssert< bool >
 CONIXS_ILINK3StaticAssert< true >
 COpenInterestListenerOpen interest listener
 COrderBookListenerOrder Book listener
 COrderBookListenerOrder Book listener
 CPacketListenerProduct State Change listener
 CPriceLevelEncapsulates price level concept
 CPriceLevelEncapsulates price level concept
 CPriceLevelCollectionsMiscellaneous traits for PriceLevel class
 CPriceLevelCollectionsMiscellaneous traits for PriceLevel class
 CProductInfoProduct information
 CProductStateChangeListenerProduct State Change listener
 CQuoteRequestListenerQuote Request listener
 CQuoteSideIndicatorExposes list of available Quote side indicators
 CQuoteSideModelTypeExposes list of available quote side model types
 CReferenceDataListenerReference data listener
 CRefreshIndicatorExposes list of available sub book types
 CReplayListenerListening interface for log replay-related events
 CReplayModeLogging options
 CReplayOptionsDefines params which affect replay
 CScaledSimpleInstrumentUpdateListenerScaled Simple Instrument Update Listener
 CSecurityStatusExposes list of available security statuses
 CSecurityTradingStatusExposes list of available security trading statuses
 CSecurityTypeExposes list of available security types
 CServiceDescriptorService endpoint description
 CSettlementListenerSettlement listener
 CSettlPriceTypeExposes list of available settlement supplements
 CSideExposes list of available aggressor sides
 CSoldOutIndicatorExposes list of available sold out indicators
 CSubBookTypeExposes list of available sub book types
 CThisThreadCurrent thread related tasks
 CThreadAffinityRepresents set of CPU indices
 CTimeSpanFormatsTime span formats supported
 CTimestampRepresents timestamp without time-zone information
 CTimestampFormatCollection of timestamp formats supported
 CTopOfBookImpliedListenerTop Of Book Implied listener
 CTrade< TTradeEntry >Trade
 CTrade< MDIncrementalEntry >
 CTrade< MDSnapshotEntry >
 CTradeConditionIndicates whether a synthetic match is occurred
 CTradeConditionExposes list of available trade conditions
 CTradeListenerTrade listener
 CTradingSessionIdExposes list of available trading session IDs
 CTradingSessionSubIDExposes list of available trading session sub IDs
 CTradSesStatusExposes list of available trade session statuses
 CTrdTypeExposes list of available trade types
 CUSApprovalExposes list of available market segment types
 CWarningListenerWarning listener
 CWatchServiceAbstract watch service
 CYearMonthDayYear, month, day fields