CAccruedInterestCalculationMethod | Accrued interest Calculation Methods |
CAggressorSide | |
CAlgorithmicTradeIndicator | |
CAlgorithmicTradeIndicator | |
CAllowOneProductStrip | |
CApplSeqResetIndicator | |
CAuctionType | Exposes list of available auction types |
CBookType | Exposes list of available book types |
CBusinessDayType | Exposes list of available feed types |
CCachedDepthIncrementalListener | Cached Depth Incremental listener |
CCalculationMethodType | Exposes list of available calculation method types |
CClosedBookIndicator | Exposes list of available closed book indicators |
CCompletionIndicator | |
CComplexInstrumentUpdateListener | Complex Instrument Update listener |
CContractCycleSubType | |
CContractCycleType | |
CContractDisplayInstruction | |
CContractFrequency | |
CContractIdentificationEligibility | |
CContractMonthType | |
CConversionMode | |
CConversionModeQualifier | |
CCouponType | Coupon Types |
CCoverIndicator | Cover Indicator |
CCrossRequestListener | Cross Request listener |
CCrossRequestType | |
►CDataContainer | |
CDataSource | |
CDecaySplit | Exposes list of available Decay splits |
CDecimal | Decimal type for better precision |
CDepositType | Deposit Type |
CDepthListener | Depth listener |
CDisableOnBookTrading | |
CDisplayDayOfWeek | |
CDisplaySeason | |
CEmdiHandler | Eurex Enhanced Market Data Interface Handler |
CEmdiHandlerManager | EMDI Handler Manager |
CEmdsHandler | Eurex Extended Market Data Service Handler |
CEobiHandler | Eurex Enhanced Order Book Interface Handler |
CEobiHandlerManager | EOBI Handler Manager |
CErrorCode | Known (selected) error codes |
CErrorListener | |
CEventType | |
►Cexception | STL class |
CExchangeTradeListener | OTC trade listener |
CExerciseStyle | |
CExerciseStyle | |
CFastMarketIndicator | |
CFeedActivityListener | Provides notifications about feed activity events |
CFeedDescriptor | Feed descriptor |
►CFeedEngine | The Feed Engine machinery |
CFeedEngineThreadIdle | Identifies reasons feed engine threads becomes idle |
CFeedEngineThreadPool | A pool of threads executing feed engine tasks |
CFeedEngineThreadPoolListener | |
CFeedEngineThreadPoolSettings | |
CFeedType | Exposes list of available feed types |
CField | Field primary attributes (tag and a reference to a value) |
►CFieldSet | |
CFieldValueRef | |
CFilteringTraits | Export/Import template instantiations |
CFlatIndicator | Flat Indicators |
CFlexibleInstrumentUpdateListener | Flexible Instrument Update listener |
►CGroup | |
►CHandlerSettings | Handler base configuration settings |
CHandlerState | Defines the state that the handler is in |
CHandlerStateListener | Status Listener |
►CIInterfaceDescriptorProvider | |
CImpliedMarketIndicator | |
CImpliedMarketIndicator | |
CInputSource | |
CInstrumentAttributeType | |
CInstrumentAuctionType | |
CInstrumentPartyIDSource | |
CInstrumentPartyRole | |
CInstrumentPartyRoleQualifier | |
CInstrumentScopeOperator | Exposes list of Instrument scope operators |
CInstrumentStateChangeListener | Instrument State Change listener |
CInstrumentType | Exposes list of available instrument types for tick rule |
►CInterfaceDescriptor | Interface descriptor |
CLastFragment | |
CLastFragment | |
CLegSecurityIDSource | |
CLegSecurityType | Exposes list of available leg security types |
CLegSecurityType | |
CLegSide | Exposes list of leg sides |
CLegSide | |
Cless< OnixS::Eurex::MarketData::StringRef > | Allows using of StringRef in collections like std::map |
CListMethod | |
CLogLevel | Log level |
CLogSettings | Logging options |
CMarketCondition | Indicator for stressed market conditions |
CMarketCondition | |
CMarketDataType | |
CMarketDepthTraits | Export/Import template instantiations |
CMarketImbalanceIndicator | Exposes list of available market imbalance indicators |
CMarketSegmentRelationship | Exposes list of available market segment relationship types |
CMarketSegmentStatus | Exposes list of available market segment statuses |
CMarketSegmentSubType | Exposes list of available market segment subtypes |
CMarketSegmentType | Exposes list of available market segment types |
CMassInstrumentStateChangeListener | Mass Instrument State Change listener |
CMassMarketCondition | |
CMassSoldOutIndicator | |
CMatchAlgorithm | Exposes list of available match algorithms |
CMatchSubType | |
CMatchType | Exposes list of available match types |
CMatchType | |
CMaturityFrequencyUnit | |
CMDEntryType | Exposes list of available entry types |
CMDEntryType | |
CMdiHandler | Eurex Market Data Interface Handler |
CMdiHandlerManager | EMDI Handler Manager |
CMDOriginType | Exposes list of available origin types |
CMDOriginType | |
CMDReportEvent | |
CMDUpdateAction | |
CMDUpdateAction | Exposes list of available update actions |
CMessageListener | Auxiliary messages listener |
CMessageStringingFlag | Contains flags which affect FIX message textual presentation |
CMidpointTrading | |
CMonth | Defines all the months in the year |
CMultilegModel | |
CMultiLegPriceModel | MultiLegPriceModel |
CMultiLegPriceModel | |
CMultiLegReportingType | |
CMultiLegReportingType | MultiLegReportingType |
CNetFeedEngineProcessResult | Designed to reflect various aspects of feed engine processing flow |
CNetFeedRole | Feed roles (primary, secondary) |
CNetFeedType | Feed types based on type of market data service |
CNoMarketSegments | |
CNumber | Helper class for conversion from string to number |
CONIXS_ILINK3StaticAssert< bool > | |
CONIXS_ILINK3StaticAssert< true > | |
COpenInterestListener | Open interest listener |
COrderBook | |
COrderBook | |
COrderBookListener | Order Book listener |
COrderBookListener | Order Book listener |
COrderDataListener | |
COrderInfo | |
COrderType | |
COrdType | |
CPacketListener | Product State Change listener |
CPostTradeAnonymityType | |
CPotentialSecurityTradingEvent | |
CPriceLevel | Encapsulates price level concept |
CPriceLevel | Encapsulates price level concept |
CPriceLevelCollections | Miscellaneous traits for PriceLevel class |
CPriceLevelCollections | Miscellaneous traits for PriceLevel class |
CPriceNotation | |
CPriceType | |
CProductComplex | |
CProductInfo | Product information |
CProductStateChangeListener | Product State Change listener |
CPutOrCall | |
CPutOrCall | |
CQuoteCondition | |
CQuoteRequestListener | Quote Request listener |
CQuoteSideIndicator | Exposes list of available Quote side indicators |
CQuoteSideModelType | Exposes list of available quote side model types |
CReferenceDataListener | Reference data listener |
CReferenceDataListener | |
CRefreshIndicator | Exposes list of available sub book types |
CRelatedPriceType | |
CRelatedPriceType | |
CReplayListener | Listening interface for log replay-related events |
CReplayMode | Logging options |
►CReplayOptions | Defines params which affect replay |
CScaledSimpleInstrumentUpdateListener | Scaled Simple Instrument Update Listener |
CSecurityClassificationReasonType | |
CSecurityClassificationValueType | |
CSecurityIDSource | |
CSecurityMassStatus | |
CSecurityMassTradingEvent | |
CSecurityMassTradingStatus | |
CSecurityStatus | Exposes list of available security statuses |
CSecurityStatus | |
CSecurityTradingEvent | |
CSecurityTradingEvent | |
CSecurityTradingStatus | Exposes list of available security trading statuses |
CSecurityTradingStatus | |
CSecurityType | Exposes list of available security types |
CSecurityType | |
CSecurityUpdateAction | |
CSecurityUpdateAction | |
CSemaphore | Semaphore |
CServiceDescriptor | Service endpoint description |
CSettlementListener | Settlement listener |
CSettlMethod | |
CSettlMethod | |
CSettlPriceType | Exposes list of available settlement supplements |
CSettlSubMethod | |
CSide | |
CSide | Exposes list of available aggressor sides |
CSnapshotListener | |
CSoldOutIndicator | Exposes list of available sold out indicators |
CSoldOutIndicator | |
CStateChangeListener | |
CStringRef | |
CSubBookType | Exposes list of available sub book types |
CTESSecurityMassStatus | |
CTESSecurityStatus | |
CTESTradSesStatus | |
CThisThread | Current thread related tasks |
CThreadAffinity | Represents set of CPU indices |
CTimeSpan | |
CTimeSpanFormats | Time span formats supported |
CTimestamp | Represents timestamp without time-zone information |
CTimestampFormat | Collection of timestamp formats supported |
CTopOfBookImpliedListener | Top Of Book Implied listener |
CTrade< TTradeEntry > | Trade |
►CTrade< MDIncrementalEntry > | |
►CTrade< MDSnapshotEntry > | |
CTradeCondition | Indicates whether a synthetic match is occurred |
CTradeCondition | Exposes list of available trade conditions |
CTradeConditionSet | |
CTradeDataListener | |
CTradeListener | Trade listener |
CTradingSessionId | Exposes list of available trading session IDs |
CTradingSessionID | |
CTradingSessionSubID | Exposes list of available trading session sub IDs |
CTradingSessionSubID | |
CTradingStyle | |
CTradingStyle | |
CTradSesEvent | |
CTradSesStatus | Exposes list of available trade session statuses |
CTradSesStatus | |
CTrdType | Exposes list of available trade types |
CTrdType | |
CUSApproval | Exposes list of available market segment types |
CValuationMethod | |
CWarningListener | Warning listener |
CWarrantType | |
►CWatchService | Abstract watch service |
CYearMonthDay | Year, month, day fields |