196 KnockedOutAndSuspended = 8,
235 BothImpliedInAndImpliedOut = 1,
260 AuctionClearingPrice = 4,
367 LiquidityImprovementCross
370 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
419 ScheduledIntradayAuction = 4,
428 ContinuousAuctionIssuer = 7,
431 ContinuousAuctionSpecialist
484 OpeningAuctionFreeze = 6,
490 IntradayAuctionFreeze = 8,
493 CircuitBreakerAuction = 9,
496 CircuitBreakerAuctionFreeze = 10,
502 ClosingAuctionFreeze = 12,
508 IPOAuctionFreeze = 14,
526 CircuitBreakerAuctionTriggeredByStaticLimitBreachFreeze
542 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtended = 1,
545 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtendedAgain = 2,
570 OfficialClosingPrice = 16,
573 LastAuctionPrice = 32,
576 OutOfSequenceETH = 64,
579 PreviousClosingPrice = 128,
585 TradingOnTermsOfIssue = 512,
588 SpecialAuction = 1024,
632 EntitlementOrEligibility = 3,
638 AccountSelection = 5,
658 EligibleForAllTradingActivities = 1,
661 NotEligibleForOTCTradeUpload = 2,
664 EligibleOnlyForOTCTradeUpload = 3,
681 return (value_ & value) != 0;
741 std::string toString()
Side 835 SimpleInstrument = 1,
838 StandardOptionStrategy = 2,
841 NonStandardOptionStrategy = 3,
844 VolatilityStrategy = 4,
850 InterProductSpread = 6,
853 StandardFuturesStrategy = 7,
865 CommodityStrips = 11,
868 ScaledSimpleInstrument = 12,
871 NonStandardVolatilityStrategy = 13,
874 TotalReturnFutureStrategy = 14
906 IPSImpliedVolumeWithoutQuantityRestriction = 0,
909 IPSImpliedVolumeWithQuantityRestriction = 1,
956 IndividualLegOfMultiLegSecurity = 2,
1029 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1041 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1053 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1065 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1077 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1088 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1100 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1111 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1125 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1140 PreviousClosingPrice = 101,
1141 OpeningAuction = 200,
1142 IntradayAuction = 201,
1143 CircuitBreakerAuction = 202,
1144 ClosingAuction = 203,
1148 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1156 ScopeDefinition = 0,
1177 OrderBookMaintenance = 1,
1178 OrderBookExecution = 2,
1183 CrossTradeAnnouncement = 7,
1185 MarketSegmentSnapshot = 9,
1186 SingleInstrumentSnapshot = 10,
1187 OrderBookSnapshot = 11,
1191 ComplexInstrument = 14,
1192 TesTradeReport = 15,
1194 FlexibleInstrument = 17,
1205 IntradayAuction = 3,
1206 CircuitBreakerAuction = 4,
1210 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1221 LiquidityImprovementCross = 13,
1222 ContinuousAuction = 14
1225 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1236 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1245 SimpleInstrument = 1,
1246 StandardOptionStrategy = 2,
1247 NonStandardOptionStrategy = 3,
1248 VolatilityStrategy = 4,
1250 InterProductSpread = 6,
1251 StandardFuturesStrategy = 7,
1254 FlexibleInstrument = 10,
1255 CommodityStrip = 11,
1256 ScaledSimpleInstrument = 12,
1257 NonStandardVolatilityStrategy = 13,
1258 TotalReturnFutureStrategy = 14
1261 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1272 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1284 KnockOutRevoked = 7,
1286 PendingDeletion = 11,
1287 KnockedOutAndSuspended = 12,
1290 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1300 MarketImbalanceBuy = 7,
1301 MarketImbalanceSell = 8,
1306 OpeningAuction = 204,
1307 OpeningAuctionFreeze = 205,
1308 IntradayAuction = 206,
1309 IntradayAuctionFreeze = 207,
1310 CircuitBreakerAuction = 208,
1311 CircuitBreakerAuctionFreeze = 209,
1312 ClosingAuction = 210,
1313 ClosingAuctionFreeze = 211,
1315 IPOAuctionFreeze = 213,
1320 CircuitBreakerAuctionTriggeredByStaticLimitBreach = 220,
1321 CircuitBreakerAuctionTriggeredByStaticLimitBreachFreeze = 221
1324 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1337 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1349 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1361 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1371 OutOfSequence = 107,
1372 MidpointPrice = 155,
1373 TradingOnTermsOfIssue = 156,
1374 SpetialAuction = 596,
1379 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1391 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1404 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1419 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1434 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1448 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtended = 10,
1451 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1464 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1474 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtended = 10,
1477 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtendedAgain = 11,
1480 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1493 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
1503 AlgorithmicTrade = 1,
1506 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1522 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1532 LegSecurityMultiLeg = 0,
1535 LegSecurityUnderlyingLeg = 1
1538 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1551 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1573 KnockOutRevoked = 7,
1579 PendingDeletion = 11,
1582 KnockedOutAndSuspended = 12
1585 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1598 MarketImbalanceBuy = 7,
1601 MarketImbalanceSell = 8,
1616 OpeningAuction = 204,
1619 OpeningAuctionFreeze = 205,
1622 IntradayAuction = 206,
1625 IntradayAuctionFreeze = 207,
1628 CircuitBreakerAuction = 208,
1631 CircuitBreakerAuctionFreeze = 209,
1634 ClosingAuction = 210,
1637 ClosingAuctionFreeze = 211,
1643 IPOAuctionFreeze = 213,
1658 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1674 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1684 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtended = 10,
1687 PriceVolatilityAuctionIsExtendedAgain = 11
1690 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1703 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1720 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1736 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1752 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1768 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1779 ExchangeForPhysical = 2,
1781 PortfolioCompressionTrade = 50,
1783 ExchangeBasisFacility = 55,
1786 EFPIndexFuturesTrade = 1002,
1787 BlockTradeAtMarket = 1004,
1788 XetraEurexEnlightTriggeredTrade = 1006,
1789 BlockQTPIPTrade = 1007,
1790 TradeAtMarket = 1017
1793 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1809 MultiLegSecurity = 3,
1812 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1828 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1844 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1866 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1889 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
1911 static std::string toString(
Enum value);
unsigned int SequenceNumber
Alias for sequence numbers.
bool containHighPrice() const
bool containRetail() const
bool containOutOfSequenceETH() const
Exposes list of available trade session statuses.
UInt32 PartitionId
Alias for Partition ID type.
Exposes list of available sold out indicators.
UInt32 MarketDepth
Alias for Market depth type.
UInt32 senderCompID
Unique id for a sender.
bool containSpecialAuction() const
Timestamp packetReceptionTime
Time when the packet was received by Handler from UDP, in system ticks,.
Exposes list of available book types.
Indicator for stressed market conditions.
Exposes list of available security trading statuses.
bool containOpeningPrice() const
Exposes list of available origin types.
UInt32 performanceIndicator
bool containPreviousClosingPrice() const
Exposes list of available update actions.
bool containLowPrice() const
Exposes list of available market segment statuses.
bool containOfficialClosingPrice() const
Origin is unknown or lost.
Exposes list of available trade types.
Exposes list of available security statuses.
Exposes list of available trade conditions.
UInt64 sendingTime
Time when market data feed handler writes packet on the wire.
Exposes list of available trading session IDs.
Timestamp originalPacketReceptionTime
SequenceNumber packetSeqNum
Packet sequence number.
const MarketSegmentId UndefinedMarketSegmentId
Int64 SecurityId
Alias for Security Id type.
std::string MarketSegment
Alias for Market Segment type (Product name).
Exposes list of available instrument types for tick rule.
Feed roles (primary, secondary).
NetFeedRole::Enum Origin
An origin of the packet.
char Base
Integral base type of enumeration.
Represents timestamp without time-zone information.
bool containMidpointPrice() const
Exposes list of available sub book types.
bool containExchangeLast() const
bool containTradingOnTermsOfIssue() const
Exchange for Physical Fin trade.
Feed types based on type of market data service.
bool contain(TradeCondition::Enum value) const
Exposes list of available trading session sub IDs.
bool containTradeAtClose() const
MarketSegmentId marketSegmentId
bool isLastInPacket
Indicates whether a message is last in the packet.
char Base
Integral base type of enumeration.
Exposes list of available entry types.
UInt32 MarketSegmentId
Alias for Market Segment ID type.
Market recovery for MBP (Market By Price) books.
bool containLastAuctionPrice() const
SequenceNumber packetMessageSeqNum
Packet message number.
Exposes list of available aggressor sides.
UInt64 Quantity
Alias for Quantity type.
Indicates whether a synthetic match is occurred.
TradeConditionSet(UInt64 value)
Exposes list of leg sides.
bool containVolumeOnly() const
Volatility auction trade.
List of known feed roles.
Feed types based on type of market data service.