188 friend class VarianceFuturesStatusWrapper;
bool standardVariance(Decimal &value) const
Used as a variance reference for the trading price conversion and the settlement price calculation...
bool relatedClosePrice(Decimal &value) const
Closing price of the underlying on the product level and used to calculate the realised variance...
bool annualTradingBusinessDays(UInt32 &value) const
Approximate number of trading days during one year defined as a constant on the product level and use...
bool totalTradingBusinessDays(UInt32 &value) const
Total number of trading days of the instrument, including the first and the last trading day...
bool volatility(Decimal &value) const
Accumulated return on modified variation margin represents the economic cost of the variation margin ...
MarketSegmentId marketSegmentId() const
Product identifier.
SecurityId securityId() const
Instrument identifier.
Exposes list of available calculation method types.
bool settlPrice(Decimal &value) const
Settlement price in clearing notation. Only provided for previous day.
Decimal type for better precision.
BusinessDayType::Enum businessDayType() const
Business date type.
Int64 SecurityId
Alias for Security Id type.
ClearingPriceParameters clearingPriceParameters() const
Clearing price parameters.
bool vegaMultiplier(UInt64 &value) const
Constant multiplier of the Notional Vega defined on the product level and used for the clearing quant...
CalculationMethodType::Enum calculationMethod() const
Indicates whether the automatic calculation of the parameters has been disabled and parameters have b...
Exposes list of available feed types.
bool clearingPriceOffset(Decimal &value) const
Price constant defined on the instrument level and used for the clearing price conversion.
UInt32 MarketSegmentId
Alias for Market Segment ID type.
bool tradingBusinessDays(UInt32 &value) const
Total number of trading days already passed since the introduction of the instrument.
Variance futures status message.
Clearing price parameter.
bool realisedVariance(Decimal &value) const
Calculated from all underlying closing prices since the introduction of the instrument adjusted by An...