90 MultiLegInstrument = 2,
96 TotalReturnFutures = 4,
105 TradeAtReferencePrice = 7,
108 ExchangeTradedFund = 8,
111 ExchangeTradedCommodity = 9,
114 ExchangeTradedNote = 10,
205 PredefinedMultilegSecurity = 0,
208 UserDefinedMultilegSecurity = 1
224 FuturesStyleMarkToMarket = 1
275 PaymentVsPayment = 2,
303 ClearingOrganization = 0,
317 DesignatedSponsor = 0,
333 Auslandskassenverein = 0,
336 Girosammelverwahrung = 1,
339 Streifbandverwahrung = 2,
342 Wertpapierrechnung = 3,
485 static std::string toString (
Enum value);
535 MinimumReserveOrderQuantity = 0,
537 MinimumDisplayQuantity = 1,
545 MarketTypeSupplement = 5,
551 ProductAssignmentGroup = 8,
553 ProductAssignmentGroupDescription = 9,
555 PreTradeLISValue = 10,
557 VDOMinimumExecutionVolume = 11,
559 IlliquidAsDefinedByExchange = 12,
561 MarketMakingObligation = 13,
563 LiquidAsDefinedByRegulator = 14,
565 EligibleForStressedMarketConditions = 15,
609 CapitalAdjustment = 2,
647 CentralCounterparty = 2,
1665 friend class InstrumentSnapshotWrapper;
StringRef relatedSecurityIDSource() const
InstrumentAttributes instrumentAttributes() const
Instrument attributes.
bool minTradeVol(Decimal &value) const
The minimum tradable unit of a bond.
Accrued interest Calculation Methods.
bool minPriceIncrementClearing(Decimal &price) const
Defines the minimum increment for trade prices in clearing notation (clearing tick size)...
MarketSegmentId marketSegmentId() const
Product identifier.
PostTradeAnonymityType::Enum postTradeAnonymity() const
Only for cash.
bool legRatioMultiplier(UInt32 &value) const
Common integer multiple of the option legs for Option Volatility Strategies.
AccruedInterestCalculationMethod::Enum couponDayCount() const
Defines the Accrued interest Calculation Method.
SettlMethod::Enum settlMethod() const
UInt64 relatedSecurityId() const
bool instrumentPricePrecision(UInt32 &value) const
Instrument Price Precision.
bool quotingStartTime(StringRef &value) const
bool minPriceIncrement(Decimal &increment) const
Defines the minimum price movement in ticks (tick size).
bool contractMonthYear(UInt32 &value)
Contract start month.
InstrumentType::Enum productComplex() const
Type of Market Data update action.
ContractFrequency::Enum contractFrequency() const
Indicates the kind of regular expiration pattern, in the context of ContractCycleType(30865).
bool maxTradeVol(Decimal &value) const
bool contractMultiplier(Decimal &multiplier) const
Contract Multiplier.
InstrumentPartyRole::Enum role() const
bool quoteSizeRuleMinBidSize(Decimal &value) const
Bid side minimum quote quantity.
ValuationMethod::Enum valuationMethod() const
Traditional or futures margin style.
bool volatilityCorridorContinuous(UInt32 &value) const
Reference to Volatility Corridor Table in Continuous.
SecurityClassifications securityClassifications() const
StringRef id() const
Identifies a party associated with an instrument.
MultilegModel::Enum multilegModel() const
Multileg model.
TradingSessionRules tradingSessionRules()
bool couponPaymentDate(UInt32 &value) const
Upcoming Coupon payment date.
InstrumentPartyIDSource::Enum idSource() const
DisplayDayOfWeek::Enum displayDayOfWeek() const
The day of week of the weekly contract.
SecurityClassificationReasonType::Enum securityClassificationReason() const
bool previousCouponPaymentDate(UInt32 &value) const
Previous coupon payment date.
ContractDisplayInstruction::Enum contractDisplayInstruction() const
Defines the instrument display instruction.
bool couponRate(Decimal &value) const
Instrument identifier of the leg security.
DepositType::Enum depositType() const
bool settlCurrency(StringRef &desc) const
Settlement currency.
bool displayRelativeDay(UInt32 &value)
Display Relative Day.
bool displayMonth(UInt32 &value)
Display Month.
bool transactTime(UInt64 &time) const
Transact Time.
bool securityDesc(StringRef &desc) const
Security description.
InstrumentAuctionType::Enum instrumentAuctionType() const
PriceType::Enum priceType() const
The unit in which an instrument is quoted/stated when buying or selling. Only for cash...
Defines all the months in the year.
SecurityId securityId() const
Instrument identifier.
bool optAttribute(UInt32 &attribute) const
Version of an option. Version can change as a result of corporate actions or events.
DisplaySeason::Enum displaySeason() const
Defines the instrument display instruction.
bool symbol(StringRef &value) const
Decimal type for better precision.
TradingSessionSubID::Enum tradingSessionSubID() const
Defines the trading session sub ID.
bool volatilityCorridorIntradayAuction(UInt32 &value) const
Reference to Volatility Corridor Table for Intraday Auction.
Int64 SecurityId
Alias for Security Id type.
bool currency(StringRef &value) const
Currency as published in ISO 4217.
Events events() const
InstrumentSnapshotLegs legs() const
bool securitySubType(UInt32 &type) const
Standard strategy type for complex instruments.
bool contractGenerationNumber(UInt32 &number) const
Contract generation.
UInt32 tradingSessionID() const
Trading Session ID.
bool issueDate(UInt32 &date) const
Issue date of instrument.
ExerciseStyle::Enum exerciseStyle() const
Exercise Style.
bool quoteSizeMinOfferSize(Decimal &value) const
Bid side minimum quote quantity.
SecurityClassificationValueType::Enum securityClassificationValue() const
ImpliedMarketIndicator::Enum impliedMarketIndicator() const
Implied market indicator.
bool securityExchange(StringRef &exchange) const
MIC (ISO 10383), used to identify an instrument of a co-operation partner.
bool underlyingMarketSegmentID(UInt32 &val) const
Refers to MarketSegmentID (1300) from the underlying Product Snapshot.
bool underlyingSecurityID(Int64 &val) const
Refers to SecurityID (48) from the underlying Instrument Snapshot.
bool contractDate(UInt32 &value)
Actual contract start date.
FlatIndicator::Enum flatIndicator() const
The Flat Indicator of a bond.
Represents timestamp without time-zone information.
bool maturityMonthYear(UInt32 &monthYear) const
Expiration month (YYYYMM).
CoverIndicator::Enum coverIndicator() const
bool cfiCode(StringRef &desc) const
Indicates the type of security using ISO 10962 standard.
bool displayDay(UInt32 &value)
Display Day.
bool isPrimary() const
Defines, if this contract based on its contract generation cycle, is considered primary.
ContractCycleSubType::Enum contractCycleSubType() const
Indicates the kind of regular expiration pattern, in the context of ContractCycleType(30865).
ContractIdentificationEligibility::Enum contractIdentificationEligibility() const
Defines the granularity which suffice to identify a standard e.g. non - flexible contract uniquely wi...
SecurityType::Enum securityType() const
Type of security.
ContractCycleType::Enum contractCycleType() const
Defines the instrument cycle type.
bool strikePricePrecision(UInt32 &precision) const
Strike Price Precision.
SettlSubMethod::Enum settlSubMethod() const
bool displayName(StringRef &desc) const
Display Name.
bool settlBusinessDays(UInt32 &value) const
Settlement Business Days.
bool lowExercisePriceOptionIndicator() const
Lepo Flag.
bool assetSubType(UInt32 &val) const
StringRef securityAltID() const
Alternate instrument identifier.
bool priorSettlPrice(Decimal &price) const
Previous day's settlement price. Converted in trading notation in case of variance futures...
CouponType::Enum couponType() const
Coupon Type.
WarrantType::Enum warrantType() const
InstrumentParties instrumentParties() const
Instrument parties.
StringRef countryOfIssue() const
The accrued interest is rounded to the 12th decimal except for Country(421) = HU, rounded to the 7th ...
Exposes list of Instrument scope operators.
SecurityStatus::Enum securityStatus() const
Security Status.
ContractMonthType::Enum contractMonthType() const
Defines the instrument cycle type.
bool volatilityCorridorClosingAuction(UInt32 &value) const
Reference to Volatility Corridor Table for Closing Auction.
bool volatilityCorridorOpeningAuction(UInt32 &value) const
Reference to Volatility Corridor Table for Opening Auction.
PutOrCall::Enum putOrCall() const
Put Or Call.
InstrumentPartyRoleQualifier::Enum roleQualifier() const
InstrumentAttributeType::Enum type() const
Decimal minPriceIncrementAmount() const
Defines the minimum price movement in the respective currency (tick value).
bool contractDateType(StringRef &value)
A symbol to describe the type of ContractDate.
UInt32 eventDate() const
Event Date.
UInt32 MarketSegmentId
Alias for Market Segment ID type.
bool maxTradeVal(Decimal &value) const
bool origStrikePrice(Decimal &price) const
Original strike price prior to corporate action, e.g. 5.20.
Alternate identifier entry.
bool priceDelta(Decimal &value) const
Previous day�s option delta provided for option instruments only.
bool strikePrice(Decimal &price) const
Strike Price.
bool securityReferenceDataSupplement(UInt32 &value)
ListMethod::Enum listMethod() const
StringRef midpointExecVenueId() const
StringRef underlyingSymbol() const
Underlying symbol.
bool refTickTableID(UInt32 &time) const
Reference to tick size table identifier from product level message.
bool unitOfMeasure(StringRef &val) const
StringRef securityAltIDSource() const
Security alternate id source.
bool roundLot(Decimal &value) const
SecurityAlts securityAlts() const
bool displayWeek(UInt32 &value)
Display Week.
EventType::Enum eventType() const
Event Type.
UInt32 priceRangeRuleID() const
Bid side minimum quote quantity.
static Timestamp parse(const std::string &, TimestampFormat::Enum=TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSNsec)
bool quotingEndTime(StringRef &value) const
bool assetType(UInt32 &val) const
LastFragment::Enum lastFragment() const
Indicates whether this message is the last in a sequence of messages that together convey a joint lis...
MidpointTrading::Enum midpointTrading() const
MaturityFrequencyUnit::Enum maturityFrequencyUnit() const
bool displayQuarter(UInt32 &value)
The Display Quarter denotes the three-month period inside a year.
bool displayYear(UInt32 &value)
Display Year.
bool maturityDate(Timestamp &date) const
Actual expiration day of the instrument (YYYYMMDD).
Exposes list of available security types.
bool quantityScalingFactor(UInt32 &value) const