▼NOnixS | |
▼NEurex | |
►NTrading | |
►NAuditTrail | |
CDirection | Indicates message flow direction |
CEntry | Collects Audit Trail file record fields |
CReader | |
CAddComplexInstrumentRequest | Add Complex Instrument Request Message |
CAddComplexInstrumentResponse | Add Complex Instrument Response Message |
CAddFlexibleInstrumentRequest | Add Flexible Instrument Request Message |
CAddFlexibleInstrumentResponse | Add Flexible Instrument Response Message |
CAddScaledSimpleInstrumentRequest | Add Scaled Simple Instrument Request Message |
CAddScaledSimpleInstrumentResponse | Add Scaled Simple Instrument Response Message |
CAdminListener | Admin listener |
CAffectedOrderRequestsGrpElem | Affected Order Requests Group Element |
CAmendBasketTradeRequest | Amend Basket Trade Request Message |
CApplId | Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream |
CApplIdStatus | Subscription status |
CApplResendFlag | Indicates a retransmission message |
CApplSeqIndicator | Indicates if the order is a Lean Order or a Standard (non lean) Order |
CApplSeqStatus | |
CApplUsageOrders | Type of order processing |
CApplUsageQuotes | Type of quote processing |
CApproveBasketTradeRequest | Approve Basket Trade Request Message |
CApproveReverseTESTradeRequest | Approve Reverse TES Trade Request Message |
CApproveTESTradeRequest | Approve TES Trade Request Message |
CArgumentException | Argument value error |
CArgumentRangeException | Argument value range error |
CAuditTrailMode | Audit trail mode |
CBasketAnonymity | Used to indicate anonymized trades in baskets |
CBasketApproveBroadcast | Basket Approve Broadcast Message |
CBasketBroadcast | Basket Broadcast Message |
CBasketDeleteBroadcast | Basket Delete Broadcast Message |
CBasketExecGrpElem | Basket Exec Group Element |
CBasketExecutionBroadcast | Basket Execution Broadcast Message |
CBasketListener | Basket listener |
CBasketResponse | Basket Response Message |
CBasketRollBroadcast | Basket Roll Broadcast Message |
CBasketRollRequest | Basket Roll Request Message |
CBasketRootPartyGrpElem | Basket Root Party Group Element |
CBasketSideAllocExtBCGrpElem | Basket Side Alloc Ext BC Group Element |
CBasketSideAllocExtGrpElem | Basket Side Alloc Ext Group Element |
CBasketSideAllocGrpElem | Basket Side Alloc Group Element |
CBasketTradeReportType | Basket operation |
CBidPxIsLocked | BidPx is locked |
CBroadcastErrorNotification | Broadcast Error Notification Message |
CChargeIdDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show Charge ID |
CCLIPDeletionNotification | CLIP Deletion Notification Message |
CCLIPExecutionNotification | CLIP Execution Notification Message |
CCLIPListener | CLIP listener |
CCLIPResponse | CLIP Response Message |
CConnectionRetries | Connection retries settings |
CConnectionState | Defines the state that the Handler's connection is in |
CConnectionStateChange | Defines the interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about Handler state change events |
CConnectionStateListener | Provides events representing changes in the Handler's connection state |
CCrossedIndicator | Indicates SMP involvement |
CCrossPrioritization | Prioritization of a cross order |
CCrossRequest | Cross Request Message |
CCrossRequestAckSideGrpElem | Cross Request Ack Side Group Element |
CCrossRequestResponse | Cross Request Response Message |
CCrossRequestSideGrpElem | Cross Request Side Group Element |
CCrossRequestType | Type of the Cross Request |
CCrossType | Type of cross being submitted to a market |
CCustOrderHandlingInst | |
CDeleteAllOrderBroadcast | Delete All Order Broadcast Message |
CDeleteAllOrderNRResponse | Delete All Order NR Response Message |
CDeleteAllOrderQuoteEventBroadcast | Delete All Order Quote Event Broadcast Message |
CDeleteAllOrderRequest | Delete All Order Request Message |
CDeleteAllOrderResponse | Delete All Order Response Message |
CDeleteAllQuoteBroadcast | Delete All Quote Broadcast Message |
CDeleteAllQuoteRequest | Delete All Quote Request Message |
CDeleteAllQuoteResponse | Delete All Quote Response Message |
CDeleteBasketTradeRequest | Delete Basket Trade Request Message |
CDeleteCLIPRequest | Delete CLIP Request Message |
CDeleteOrderBroadcast | Delete Order Broadcast Message |
CDeleteOrderComplexRequest | Delete Order Complex Request Message |
CDeleteOrderNRResponse | Delete Order NR Response Message |
CDeleteOrderRequest | Delete Order Request Message |
CDeleteOrderResponse | Delete Order Response Message |
CDeleteOrderSingleRequest | Delete Order Single Request Message |
CDeleteReason | Reason for deletion |
CDeleteTESTradeRequest | Delete TES Trade Request Message |
CEffectOnBasket | Transaction effect on a basket |
CEnlightRFQAvgRespRateRanking | Enlight RFQ Average Response Rate Ranking |
CEnlightRFQAvgRespTimeRanking | Enlight RFQ Average Response Time Ranking |
CEnrichmentRulesGrpElem | Enrichment Rules Group Element |
CEnterBasketTradeRequest | Enter Basket Trade Request Message |
CEnterCLIPRequest | Enter CLIP Request Message |
CEnterTESTradeRequest | Enter TES Trade Request Message |
CErrorCode | Known (selected) error codes |
CErrorListener | |
CEurexVolumeRanking | Eurex Volume Ranking |
CEventType | Code to represent the type of event |
CException | Basic exception class for this namespace |
CExecInst | Instructions for order handling, represented as a bit map |
CExecRestatementReason | Code to further qualify the field ExecType (150) of the Execution Report (8) message |
CExecType | The reason why this message was generated |
CExecutingTraderQualifier | Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader. It is required to distinguish between natural persons and Algos |
CExerciseStyle | Type of exercise of an instrument |
CFillLiquidityInd | Indicates whether the order added or removed liquidity |
CFillsGrpElem | Fills Group Element |
CForcedUserLogoutNotification | Forced User Logout Notification Message |
CFreeText5DisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show FreeText5 |
CGatewayStatus | Status of ETI Gateway |
CHandler | Eurex ETI Trading Handler |
CHandlerSettings | Handler settings |
CHandlerState | Defines the state that the handler is in |
CHandlerStateListener | Status Listener |
CHeartbeatNotification | Heartbeat Notification Message |
CHedgeType | Hedging method |
CHedgingInstruction | Indication for the hedge transaction |
CHighResolutionTime | Miscellaneous time traits |
CHighResolutionTimeFields | Fields of HighResolutionTime |
CImpliedCheckPriceIndicator | Indicates whether a option strategy synthetic BBO is used for the price improvement check |
CImpliedMarketIndicator | |
CInfoListener | Info listener |
CInputSource | Role on/for a message |
CInquireEnrichmentRuleIdListRequest | Inquire Enrichment Rule Id List Request Message |
CInquireEnrichmentRuleIdListResponse | Inquire Enrichment Rule Id List Response Message |
CInquireMarginBasedRiskLimitRequest | Inquire Margin Based Risk Limit Request Message |
CInquireMarginBasedRiskLimitResponse | Inquire Margin Based Risk Limit Response Message |
CInquireMMParameterRequest | Inquire MM Parameter Request Message |
CInquireMMParameterResponse | Inquire MM Parameter Response Message |
CInquirePreTradeRiskLimitsRequest | Inquire Pre Trade Risk Limits Request Message |
CInquireSessionListRequest | Inquire Session List Request Message |
CInquireSessionListResponse | Inquire Session List Response Message |
CInquireUserRequest | Inquire User Request Message |
CInquireUserResponse | Inquire User Response Message |
CInstrAttribType | Code to represent the type of instrument attribute |
CInstrmntLegExecGrpElem | Instrmnt Leg Exec Group Element |
CInstrmtLegGrpElem | Instrument Leg Group Element |
CInstrmtMatchSideGrpElem | Instrument Match Side Group Element |
CInstrumentAttributeGrpElem | Instrument Attribute Group Element |
CInstrumentEventGrpElem | Instrument Event Group Element |
CInventoryCheckType | Indicator for checking open orders and quotes |
CLastFragment | |
CLastMkt | Last market |
CLastPxDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show last deal price |
CLastQtyDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show last deal quantity. Can only be set to 1 (Yes) if LastQtyDisclosureInstruction = 1 (Yes) |
CLeavesQtyDisclosureInstruction | Leaves quantity disclosure instruction |
CLegalNotificationBroadcast | Legal Notification Broadcast Message |
CLegInputSource | Role on/for a message |
CLegOrdGrpElem | Leg Ord Group Element |
CLegPositionEffect | |
CLegSecurityType | Indicates type of leg |
CLegSide | The side of the individual leg of a strategy |
CListUpdateAction | List update action |
CLogLevel | Log level |
CLogon | Initial logon message parameters |
CLogonResponse | Logon Response Message |
CLogSettings | Logging options |
CMarketId | Market ID |
CMassActionReason | Reason for mass cancellation |
CMassActionSubType | Restriction for MassActionType (1373) = Release_quotes (2) |
CMassActionType | Specifies the type of action requested |
CMassOrder | Mass Order Message |
CMassOrderAck | Mass Order Ack Message |
CMassQuoteRequest | Mass Quote Request Message |
CMassQuoteResponse | Mass Quote Response Message |
CMatchingEngineStatus | Informs if trading is active for grouping of Eurex products |
CMatchSubType | Indicates the auction type the trade originates from |
CMatchType | The point in the matching process at which this trade was matched |
CMDBookType | Type of market data |
CMDSubBookType | Sub-type (qualifier) of market data |
CMessage | Message base class |
CMessageEventSource | Receiver of a message |
CMessageInfo | Message info |
CMMParameterDefinitionRequest | MM Parameter Definition Request Message |
CMMParameterDefinitionResponse | MM Parameter Definition Response Message |
CMMParameterGrpElem | MM Parameter Group Element |
CMMRiskLimitActionType | Action for reaching risk limit |
CModifyBasketTradeRequest | Modify Basket Trade Request Message |
CModifyOrderComplexRequest | Modify Order Complex Request Message |
CModifyOrderComplexShortRequest | Modify Order Complex Short Request Message |
CModifyOrderNRResponse | Modify Order NR Response Message |
CModifyOrderRequest | Modify Order Request Message |
CModifyOrderResponse | Modify Order Response Message |
CModifyOrderShortRequest | Modify Order Short Request Message |
CModifyOrderSingleRequest | Modify Order Single Request Message |
CModifyOrderSingleShortRequest | Modify Order Single Short Request Message |
CModifyTESTradeRequest | Modify TES Trade Request Message |
CMultilegModel | Specifies if a strategy is temporarily (user-defined) or permanently (predefined) available |
CMultilegPriceModel | Price decomposition method for legs of a complex instrument |
CMultiLegReportingType | Indicates if the trade resulted from a single order or a multi leg order |
CNewBasketDataBCGrp | New Basket Data BC Group |
CNewBasketDataGrp | New Basket Data Group |
CNewBasketInstrmtMatchSideGrpElem | New Basket Instrument Match Side Group Element |
CNewBasketSideAllocGrpElem | New Basket Side Alloc Group Element |
CNewOrderComplexRequest | New Order Complex Request Message |
CNewOrderComplexShortRequest | New Order Complex Short Request Message |
CNewOrderNRResponse | New Order NR Response Message |
CNewOrderRequest | New Order Request Message |
CNewOrderResponse | New Order Response Message |
CNewOrderShortRequest | New Order Short Request Message |
CNewOrderSingleRequest | New Order Single Request Message |
CNewOrderSingleShortRequest | New Order Single Short Request Message |
CNewsBroadcast | News Broadcast Message |
CNewsRtmServiceStatus | State of the News Retransmission Service |
CNotAffectedOrdersGrpElem | Not Affected Orders Group Element |
CNotAffectedSecuritiesGrpElem | Not Affected Securities Group Element |
CNotImplementedException | Method doesn't implemented |
CNullArgumentException | Null argument value error |
CNumberOfRespDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show total number of Respondents in a SRQS event |
COfferPxIsLocked | OfferPx is locked |
COldBasketDataBCGrp | Old Basket Data BC Group |
COldBasketDataGrp | Old Basket Data Group |
COldBasketInstrmtMatchSideGrpElem | Old Basket Instrument Match Side Group Element |
COldBasketSideAllocGrpElem | Old Basket Side Alloc Group Element |
COperationException | Operation exception |
COptionalEarlyTerminationIndicator | Indicates whether the counterparties have the right for early termination |
COrderAttributeLiquidityProvision | Order attribute liquidity provision |
COrderAttributeRiskReduction | Order attribute risk reduction |
COrderBookItemGrpElem | Order Book Item Group Element |
COrderCategory | Indicates if the trade notification results from an order or quote |
COrderEntryGrpElem | Order Entry Group Element |
COrderEventGrpElem | Order Event Group Element |
COrderEventReason | Action that caused the event to occur |
COrderExecNotification | Order Exec Notification Message |
COrderExecReportBroadcast | Order Exec Report Broadcast Message |
COrderExecResponse | Order Exec Response Message |
COrderHandlingListener | Order Handling listener |
COrderOrigination | Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access customer |
COrderQtyDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show total quantity |
COrderQtyIsLocked | OrderQty is locked |
COrderRoutingIndicator | Indicates if the participant application is an order routing system |
COrderSide | Side of the order in the original Eurex strategy |
COrdStatus | Conveys the current status of an order |
COrdType | Order type |
COwnershipIndicator | Ownership indicator |
CPartyActionReport | Party Action Report Message |
CPartyActionType | Party action type |
CPartyDetailRoleQualifier | Party detail role qualifier |
CPartyDetailsGrpElem | Party Details Group Element |
CPartyDetailStatus | Party detail status |
CPartyDetailStatusInformation | Reason for a responder reject |
CPartyEntitlementsUpdateReport | Party Entitlements Update Report Message |
CPartyIdEnteringFirm | Entering Business Unit |
CPartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier | Party ID investment decision maker qualifier |
CPartyIdOriginationMarket | Party ID origination market |
CPartyIdSettlementLocation | Settlement institution |
CPartyOrderOriginationDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show buy-side user information |
CPartySubIdType | Party sub-type |
CPingRequest | Ping Request Message |
CPingResponse | Ping Response Message |
CPositionEffect | |
CPreTradeRiskLimitResponse | Pre Trade Risk Limit Response Message |
CPreTradeRiskLimitsDefinitionRequest | Pre Trade Risk Limits Definition Request Message |
CPriceDisclosureInstruction | Price disclosure instruction |
CPriceValidityCheckType | Indicator how price validity check should be performed by the exchange |
CProductComplex | This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex |
CPutOrCall | Indicates whether an option contract is a put or call |
CQuoteActivationNotification | Quote Activation Notification Message |
CQuoteActivationRequest | Quote Activation Request Message |
CQuoteActivationResponse | Quote Activation Response Message |
CQuoteAndCrossRequestListener | Quote And Cross Request listener |
CQuoteCancelReason | Reason for quote cancellation |
CQuoteCondition | Status of the quote |
CQuoteEntryAckGrpElem | Quote Entry Ack Group Element |
CQuoteEntryGrpElem | Quote Entry Group Element |
CQuoteEntryRejectReason | Reason code indicating why the quote entry has been rejected |
CQuoteEntryStatus | Identifies the status of an individual quote |
CQuoteEventGrpElem | Quote Event Group Element |
CQuoteEventLiquidityInd | Indicates whether the quote added or removed liquidity |
CQuoteEventReason | Additional information why quote side was removed |
CQuoteEventSide | Side of the quote |
CQuoteEventType | Conveys the quote event type |
CQuoteExecutionReport | Quote Execution Report Message |
CQuoteHandlingListener | Quote Handling listener |
CQuoteInstruction | Quoting instruction |
CQuoteLegExecGrpElem | Quote Leg Exec Group Element |
CQuoteSizeType | Identifies the quoting model |
CQuoteSubType | Sub-type or qualifier of QuoteType |
CQuoteType | Quote type |
CQuotingStatus | Quoting status for the executing party |
CQuotReqLegsGrpElem | Quot Req Legs Group Element |
CRefApplId | Reference to the unique application identifier |
CReject | Reject Message |
CRelatedProductComplex | Instrument type of the original Eurex strategy |
CRequestingPartyIdEnteringFirm | Requesting party ID entering firm |
CRequestingPartyIdExecutingSystem | System ID (1 = Eurex Clearing) |
CRequestingPartySubIdType | Party type initiating SRQS deal deletion |
CRespondentType | Specifies the type of respondents requested |
CRetransmitMEMessageRequest | Retransmit ME Message Request Message |
CRetransmitMEMessageResponse | Retransmit ME Message Response Message |
CRetransmitRequest | Retransmit Request Message |
CRetransmitResponse | Retransmit Response Message |
CReversalCancellationReason | Reversal cancellation reason |
CReversalIndicator | Indicator whether the reversal of the TES trade is electronically requested or not |
CReverseTESTradeRequest | Reverse TES Trade Request Message |
CRFQRequest | RFQ Request Message |
CRFQResponse | RFQ Response Message |
CRiskControlRtmServiceStatus | State of the Risk Control Retransmission Service |
CRiskLimitAction | Risk limit action |
CRiskLimitPlatform | Scope for Pre-Trade risk limits |
CRiskLimitQtyGrpElem | Risk Limit Qty Group Element |
CRiskLimitRequestingPartyRole | Requesting party role for a pre-trade risk limit |
CRiskLimitResult | Risk Limit Result for failed events |
CRiskLimitsRptGrpElem | Risk Limits Rpt Group Element |
CRiskLimitType | Type of risk limits |
CRiskLimitViolationIndicator | Indicator for a pre-trade risk limit violation |
CRiskNotificationBroadcast | Risk Notification Broadcast Message |
CRootPartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier | |
CRootPartySubIdType | RootParty sub-type |
CRRAUpdateBasePartyAckGrpElem | RRA Update Base Party Ack Group Element |
CRRAUpdateBasePartyGrpElem | RRA Update Base Party Group Element |
CSecondaryGatewayStatus | Status of Secondary ETI Gateway |
CSelectiveRequestForQuoteRtmServiceStatus | State of the Selective Service for Quote Retransmission Service |
CSelectiveRequestForQuoteServiceStatus | State of the selective service for quote service |
CSelfMatchPreventionInstruction | |
CServiceAvailabilityBroadcast | Service Availability Broadcast Message |
CServiceAvailabilityMarketBroadcast | Service Availability Market Broadcast Message |
CSessionListener | Session Listener |
CSessionMode | Type of Eurex ETI session |
CSessionRejectReason | Error code |
CSessionsGrpElem | Sessions Group Element |
CSessionStatus | Status of an ETI session |
CSessionSubMode | Session sub mode |
CSettlMethod | Settlement method for a contract or instrument |
CShowLastDealOnClosure | Instruction to show last deal information after negotiation closure |
CSide | Side of the order |
CSideAllocExtGrpElem | Side Alloc Ext Group Element |
CSideAllocGrpBCElem | Side Alloc Group BC Element |
CSideAllocGrpElem | Side Alloc Group Element |
CSideCrossLegGrpElem | Side Cross Leg Group Element |
CSideDisclosureInstruction | Instruction to show side |
CSideIsLocked | Side is locked |
CSideLiquidityInd | Order initiator is passive or aggressor |
CSideTrdSubTyp | Sub-type of a trade type |
CSkipValidations | Indicator to skip validations |
CSmartPartyDetailGrpElem | Smart Party Detail Group Element |
CSRQSCreateDealNotification | SRQS Create Deal Notification Message |
CSRQSDealNotification | SRQS Deal Notification Message |
CSRQSDealResponse | SRQS Deal Response Message |
CSRQSEnterQuoteRequest | SRQS Enter Quote Request Message |
CSRQSHitQuoteGrpElem | SRQS Hit Quote Group Element |
CSRQSHitQuoteRequest | SRQS Hit Quote Request Message |
CSRQSInquireSmartRespondentRequest | SRQS Inquire Smart Respondent Request Message |
CSRQSInquireSmartRespondentResponse | SRQS Inquire Smart Respondent Response Message |
CSRQSListener | SRQS listener |
CSRQSNegotiationNotification | SRQS Negotiation Notification Message |
CSRQSNegotiationRequesterNotification | SRQS Negotiation Requester Notification Message |
CSRQSNegotiationStatusNotification | SRQS Negotiation Status Notification Message |
CSRQSOpenNegotiationNotification | SRQS Open Negotiation Notification Message |
CSRQSOpenNegotiationRequest | SRQS Open Negotiation Request Message |
CSRQSOpenNegotiationRequesterNotification | SRQS Open Negotiation Requester Notification Message |
CSRQSQuoteGrpElem | SRQS Quote Group Element |
CSRQSQuoteNotification | SRQS Quote Notification Message |
CSRQSQuoteResponse | SRQS Quote Response Message |
CSRQSQuotingStatusRequest | SRQS Quoting Status Request Message |
CSRQSStatusBroadcast | SRQS Status Broadcast Message |
CSRQSTargetPartyTrdGrpElem | SRQS Target Party Trd Group Element |
CSRQSUpdateDealStatusRequest | SRQS Update Deal Status Request Message |
CSRQSUpdateNegotiationRequest | SRQS Update Negotiation Request Message |
CStrategyCreationListener | Strategy Creation listener |
CSubscribeRequest | Subscribe Request Message |
CSubscribeResponse | Subscribe Response Message |
CSwapClearer | Swap clearer for EFS Trades only |
CT7EntryServiceRtmStatus | Informs if Trade Entry Retransmission Service is active for grouping of Eurex products |
CT7EntryServiceStatus | Informs if Trade Entry Service is active for grouping of Eurex products |
CTargetPartiesElem | Target Parties Element |
CTemplateId | Template IDs |
CTESApproveBroadcast | TES Approve Broadcast Message |
CTESBroadcast | TES Broadcast Message |
CTESDeleteBroadcast | TES Delete Broadcast Message |
CTESExecutionBroadcast | TES Execution Broadcast Message |
CTESListener | TES listener |
CTESResponse | TES Response Message |
CTESReversalBroadcast | TES Reversal Broadcast Message |
CTESTradeBroadcast | TES Trade Broadcast Message |
CTESTradingSessionStatusBroadcast | TES Trading Session Status Broadcast Message |
CTESUploadBroadcast | TES Upload Broadcast Message |
CTimeInForce | Execution and trading restriction parameters supported by Eurex |
CTMTradingSessionStatusBroadcast | TM Trading Session Status Broadcast Message |
CTradeAggregationTransType | Trade Aggregation Identifier |
CTradeAllocStatus | Status of an allocation in a Trade Entry Service trade |
CTradeBroadcast | Trade Broadcast Message |
CTradeManagerStatus | Informs if trade broadcast dissemination is active for a grouping of Eurex products |
CTradePlatform | Indicates trade platform. Can only be used for EEX |
CTradePublishIndicator | Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service |
CTradeReportType | Identifies the type of trade notification |
CTradeRequestResult | Trade request transaction type |
CTradeToQuoteRatioRanking | Trade to Quote Ratio (TQR) Ranking |
CTradingCapacity | |
CTradingSessionStatusBroadcast | Trading Session Status Broadcast Message |
CTradingSessionSubId | Marks a a certain order as a closing auction one |
CTradSesEvent | Trading session event type |
CTradSesMode | Trading session mode |
CTransactionDelayIndicator | Indicator for a delayed transaction |
CTransferReason | Identifies the role for which the trade notification is received |
CTrdClearingPriceLegGrpElem | Trd Clearing Price Leg Group Element |
CTrdInstrmntLegGrpElem | Trd Instrmnt Leg Group Element |
CTrdRptStatus | SRQS deal status |
CTrdType | Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service |
CTriggered | Indicates if an order has been previously triggered |
CUnderlyingStipGrpElem | Underlying Stip Group Element |
CUnsubscribeRequest | Unsubscribe Request Message |
CUnsubscribeResponse | Unsubscribe Response Message |
CUpdateRemainingRiskAllowanceBaseRequest | Update Remaining Risk Allowance Base Request Message |
CUpdateRemainingRiskAllowanceBaseResponse | Update Remaining Risk Allowance Base Response Message |
CUploadTESTradeRequest | Upload TES Trade Request Message |
CUserLoginRequest | User Login Request Message |
CUserLoginRequestEncrypted | User Login Request Encrypted Message |
CUserLoginResponse | User Login Response Message |
CUserLogoutRequest | User Logout Request Message |
CUserLogoutResponse | User Logout Response Message |
CUserStatus | User status |
CValueCheckTypeMinLotSize | |
CValueCheckTypeQuantity | Indicator for checking the maximum order or quote quantity by the exchange |
CValueCheckTypeValue | Indicator for checking the maximum order/quote value by the exchange |
CWarningCode | Known (selected) warning codes |
CWarningListener |