25 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h" 33 namespace OnixS {
namespace Eurex {
namespace Trading {
55 std::string toString()
58 friend class Serializer;
134 std::string toString()
137 friend class Serializer;
139 void nativeSerializeTo(
void* nativeMessage);
ExecRestatementReason::Enum execRestatementReason
Code to further qualify the field ExecType (150) of the Execution Report (8) message.
UInt64 clOrdId
Unique participant defined order request identifier.
unsigned long long UInt64
CrossedIndicator::Enum crossedIndicator
Indicates SMP involvement.
LastFragment::Enum lastFragment
Triggered::Enum triggered
Indicates if an order has been previously triggered.
SInt64 cumQty
Cumulated executed quantity of an order.
OrderEventReason::Enum orderEventReason
Action that caused the event to occur.
Indicator for a delayed transaction.
The reason why this message was generated.
UInt64 orderId
Exchange Order ID generated by Eurex System; it remains constant over the lifetime of an order...
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
Order Event Group Element.
std::vector< OrderEventGrpElem > orderEventGrp
Order Event Group.
UInt64 execId
Transaction timestamp.
SInt64 securityId
The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
Code to further qualify the field ExecType (150) of the Execution Report (8) message.
TransactionDelayIndicator::Enum transactionDelayIndicator
Indicator for a delayed transaction.
Indicates if an order has been previously triggered.
SInt64 cxlQty
Total quantity cancelled for this order.
ProductComplex::Enum productComplex
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
UInt64 trdRegTSTimeIn
Matching engine in timestamp.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, ConnectionState::Enum)
Make it printable using C++ I/O streams.
SInt64 orderEventPx
Price level for the order event.
UInt32 orderEventMatchId
Unique identifier for each price level (match step) of an order event.
UInt64 trdRegTSTimeOut
Matching engine out timestamp.
ExecType::Enum execType
The reason why this message was generated.
Conveys the current status of an order.
SInt64 leavesQty
Remaining quantity of an order.
Indicates SMP involvement.
OrdStatus::Enum ordStatus
Conveys the current status of an order.
Modify Order NR Response Message.
SInt64 orderEventQty
Quantity for the order event.
Action that caused the event to occur.