126 friend class ComplexInstrumentUpdateWrapper;
bool quantityScalingFactor(UInt32 &type) const
bool legRatioMultiplier(UInt32 &type) const
Common integer multiple of the option legs for Option Volatility Strategies.
SecurityId securityId() const
Instrument identifier.
StringRef securityUpdateAction() const
Security Update Action.
bool transactTime(UInt64 &time) const
Creation time of complex instruments.
Both implied in and implied out.
UpdateInstrumentLegs legs() const
InstrumentType::Enum productComplex() const
Type of Market Data update action.
SecurityType::Enum securityType() const
Type of security.
Int64 SecurityId
Alias for Security Id type.
bool impliedMarketIndicator() const
Implied market indicator.
MarketSegmentId marketSegmentId() const
Product identifier.
StringRef securityDesc() const
Security description.
UInt32 MarketSegmentId
Alias for Market Segment ID type.
friend class ComplexInstrumentUpdate
Complex instrument update.
bool securitySubType(UInt32 &type) const
Standard strategy type for complex instruments, e.g. BER-C.