OnixS C++ CME MDP Premium Market Data Handler  5.8.10
API Documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAggressorFlagAggressorFlag type
 CAggressorSideAggressorSide type
 CAtomicScopedStore< Type, Value >
 CBaseBookManagement< BboTracking >Parameters affecting book management machinery for a particular book type (direct, implied, consolidated)
 CBaseBookManagement< DirectBboTracking >
 CBaseBookManagement< ImpliedBboTracking >
 CBaseBookManagement< MboBboTracking >
 CBboThresholdDefines tracking attributes for a particular BBO parameter
 CBidsTag class for accessing bids in templates
 CBinaryBlock< Container, BlockLength >Exposes base services to access fields stored in a SBE-encoded block of fixed-length fields
 CBinaryBlock< BinaryGroupEntry< GroupSize8Byte::BlockLength >, GroupSize8Byte::BlockLength >
 CBinaryBlock< BinaryGroupEntry< GroupSize::BlockLength >, GroupSize::BlockLength >
 CBinaryBlock< BinaryGroupEntry< Length >, Length >
 CBinaryBlock< BinaryGroupEntry< MessageSize >, MessageSize >
 CBinaryBlock< BinaryMessage, MessageSize >
 CBinaryGroup< EntryType, DimensionType, LengthType >Encapsulates operations over SBE-encoded repeating group
 CBinaryGroupEntries< EntryType, BlockLength, NumInGroup, Length >Encapsulates operations over SBE-encoded repeating group entries
 CBinaryGroupEntries< EntryType, typename Dimension::BlockLength, typename Dimension::NumInGroup, LengthType >
 CBinaryGroupEntries< GroupEntrySource, MessageSize, MessageSize, MessageSize >
 CBinaryGroups< Length >Encapsulates services for manipulating SBE-encoded groups stored sequentially in SBE-encoded message
 CBinaryMessageIteratorIterator over SBE-encoded messages
 CBinaryMessagesCollection of encoded messages stored in single packet
 CBookStateState of order book
 CBookUpdateErrorArgs< Book >Exposes details of book maintenance failure
 CBookUpdateNotificationDefines book update notification strategies
 CChannelFeedListenerA listener for the feed-related events in the bounds of a single Handler instance
 CConsolidatedPriceLevelPrice level data attributes of bid or ask of consolidated order book
 CDataCenterTo optimally service customers and meet regulatory requirements for out-of-region recovery capabilities and timelines, CME Group utilizes a two data center model comprised of a Primary and a Disaster Recovery (DR) data center
 CDebugLoggingSettingsParameters affecting what's logged at a debug level
 CDecimalA real number with floating exponent
 CDefaultListenersDefault listeners used by the Handler if no user-defined instances are provided
 CEntryTypeMDEntryType type
 CEntryTypeBookMDEntryTypeBook type
 CEntryTypeDailyStatisticsMDEntryTypeDailyStatistics type
 CEntryTypeStatisticsMDEntryTypeStatistics type
 CEventTypeEventType type
 CFeedConnectionSettingsThe collection of parameters defining feed connection
 CFeedEngineThreadPoolA pool of threads executing feed engine tasks
 CFeedEngineThreadPoolListenerListener for thread-related events
 CFeedEngineThreadSettingsThe collection of parameters affecting behavior of a Feed Engine thread pool
 CFeedSettingsBase< Layout >Collection of parameters which are common for all types of feeds
 CFeedSettingsBase< RealtimeFeedLayout::Enum >
 CFeedSettingsBase< RecoveryFeedLayout::Enum >
 CFieldRepresents the field in the FIX message
 CFieldSetThe abstraction of a source of FIX information which provides access to the FIX fields by their tags
 CFileLoggerListenerCollection of events raised by FileLogger during its life time
 CFileLoggerSettingsBase parameters affecting synchronous logging services
 CFixedPointDecimal< MantissaType, ExponentType >Represents real number with constant exponent
 CGapAndErrorHandlingOptionsDefines the way Handler has to handle gap in real-time (incremental) data
 CGroupImplements a FIX repeating group over the SBE-encoded binary data
 CGroupEntryAccessorProvides FIX-like access to the fields stored in a SBE-encoded repeating group
 CGroupSizeRepeating group dimensions
 CGroupSize8Byte8 Byte aligned repeating group dimensions
 CGroupSizeEncodingRepeating group dimensions
 CHaltReasonHaltReason type
 CHandlerEncapsulates all the machinery related with market data processing from CME Market Data Platform
 CHandlerListenerEvents raised by Handler while processing market data
 CHandlerSettingsUseDefines whether processing and other settings must be extracted from logs and used during the replay, or the original settings as they were defined by replay invoker must be used
 CImpliedBboTrackingDefines tracking for BBO in implied books
 CImpliedPriceLevelEncapsulates price level concept
 CIncrementalRefreshBookCombinedEntry< Order, Price >Data for MBO book atomic update gathered from IncrementalRefreshBook message containing atomic updates for all types of books
 CInstAttribValueInstAttribValue type
 CInstrumentRecoveryOptionsDefines different ways of instrument definition recovery
 CInstrumentSelectionRepresents selection of instruments whose market data is to be processed by the Handler
 CIntegralConstant< Type, Constant >Integral constant
 CIssueCollection of issues Handler may report during market data processing
 CIssueArgsGathers information about the issue Handler may experience while processing market data
 CBinaryGroupEntries< EntryType, BlockLength, NumInGroup, Length >::IteratorProvides iterating facilities over SBE-encoded group entries
 CJoinRecoveryOptionsDefines type of recovery to be done by Handler at the time it joins market
 CLegSideLegSide type
 CListSetting< Type, Container >Represents a setting which is a list of values
 CListSetting< std::string >
 CLocalWatchLocal watch
 CLogCategoryCategories for information being logged
 CLogEntryAbstraction of log entry in logging services
 CLogEventBy default, logging machinery provides access to the entry with ability to store arbitrary text
 CLoggerAbstraction of logger
 CLoggingDefaultsProvides default functionality for the logging-related services
 CLogSeverityDefines severity levels for log entries
 CMarketDataListenerCallbacks invoked by Handler during market data processing to reflect various stages of processing
 CMarketRecoveryOptionsDefines market state recovery options
 CMatchEventIndicatorMatchEventIndicator type
 CMaturityMonthYearYear, Month and Date
 CMboBboTrackingDefines tracking for BBO in MBO books
 CMboBookBasePrivate base for MBO book
 CMbpBook< EntryType, DepthType >Base attributes of order book
 CMbpBookFactory< PriceLevelType, DepthType >Serves as a factory for book of given type
 CMemoryPoolMemory pool abstraction
 CMemoryPoolAllocator< Object >
 CMemoryPoolSettingsMemory pool settings
 CMessageAccessorImplements FIX-like services for the SBE-encoded message
 CMessageArgsExposes the FIX message being processed by the Handler and the packet containing it
 CMessageArgs< MessageType >Collection of market data supplied via message processing callbacks
 CMessageHeaderTemplate ID and length of message root
 CMessageTracingDefines how SBE messages are traced
 CMoneyOrParMoneyOrPar type
 CMonthIdentifies months in year
 CMultiContainerSequence of tag-value pairs preserving order of pairs and allowing presence of multiple tag-value pairs with the same tag value
 CNetFeedBase attributes of market data feed
 CNetFeedConnectionNetwork feed connection attributes
 CNetFeedConnectionLessEstablishes the order between two connections
 CNetFeedConsumerRepresents an interface through which the Feed Engine pushes market data received for the feeds
 CNetFeedEngineAbstraction for the Feed Engine machinery
 CNetFeedEngineProcessResultDesigned to reflect various aspects of feed engine processing flow
 CNetFeedLinkAbstraction of a link used by the NetFeed instances to cover transportation layer
 CNetFeedListenerCollection of the events raised by the NetFeed at various stages of its lifetime
 CNetFeedRoleFeed roles (primary, secondary)
 CNetFeedStateDefines possible states for the feeds
 CNetFeedTypeFeed types based on type of market data service
 CNicWatchThe network interface watch
 CTcpRecoveryService::NoDetailsServices as a marker for special construction
 CNoVerifyUsed to identify the necessity to omit verification where that's applicable
 CNullDecimal9Null values definition for optional Decimal9 field
 CNullDecimalQtyNull values definition for optional DecimalQty field
 CNullMaturityMonthYearNull values definition for optional MaturityMonthYear field
 CNullPRICE9Null values definition for optional PRICE9 field
 COffersTag class for accessing offers in templates
 COpenCloseSettlFlagOpenCloseSettlFlag type
 COrderOrder as the member of the Market By Order (MBO) book
 COrderTraitsSome basic traits for the order
 COrderUpdateActionOrderUpdateAction type
 CPacketRepresents CME binary packet containing SBE messages
 CPriceSourcePriceSource type
 CPutOrCallPutOrCall type
 CRealtimeFeedLayoutDefines feed layout alternates available for real-time feed like incremental one
 CMemoryPoolAllocator< Object >::rebind< Other >
 CRecoveryCompletionArgsGathers information about the recovery completion
 CRecoveryCompletionStatusCollection of statuses of recovery completion
 CRecoveryFeedLayoutDefines feed layout alternates available for recovery feeds like instrument and snapshot
 CReplayDelayerControls the replay delay
 CReplaySettings< DataSource, DataSourceLess >Various supplemental settings affecting the way the logged data is replayed
 CReplaySettings< ChannelId >
 CReplaySettings< NetFeedConnection, NetFeedConnectionLess >
 CReplaySpanDefines range of log entries to be replayed
 CReplaySpeedControls speed of market data replay
 CRepoSubTypeRepoSubType type
 CSchemaTraitsAttributes of SBE message schema
 CSecurityAttributes associated with security
 CSecurityAltIDSourceSecurityAltIDSource type
 CSecurityDataArgs< Container, Data >Collection of attributes associated with security-related data in security listener callbacks
 CSecurityDataArgs< Summary, Data >
 CSecurityListenerCallbacks invoked by Handler to expose market data entities
 CSecurityTradingEventSecurityTradingEvent type
 CSecurityTradingStatusSecurityTradingStatus type
 CSecurityUpdateActionSecurityUpdateAction type
 CSettingChangeControllerRepresents a service controlling change/update operations for the collections of settings
 CSettingChangeGuardScope guard to update setting in the safe way
 CSettingGroupBase services for settings grouped by a certain criteria
 CSettlPriceTypeSettlPriceType type
 CSideSide type
 CSocketFeedEngineSettingsRepresents a collection of settings affecting the behavior of the multi-threaded feed engine while working with network-related services
 CSolarflareFeedEngineOperatingModeDefines modes in with the Solarflare Feed Engine can operate
 CSolarflareFeedEngineSettingsRepresents a collection of settings affecting the behavior of the Feed Engine while working with virtual interfaces
 CStaticAssertionFailure< bool >
 CStaticAssertionFailure< true >
 CStrRefProvides efficient way of accessing text-based values without copying content of the text being referred
 CTagValueRepresents a pair of a tag and a value
 CTagValueSelectionIteratorIterator over tag-value pairs having the same tag value
 CTagValueSelectorFunctor to be used in algorithms to find tag-value pair in collections by tag component
 CTcpRecoveryServiceTCP Recovery Service
 CTcpRecoverySessionSettingsCollection of session settings related to TCP recovery
 CTcpRecoverySettingsTCP Recovery settings
 CThisThreadCurrent thread related tasks
 CThreadAffinityRepresents a set of CPU indices
 CThreadPoolSettingsThe collection of parameters affecting behavior of a thread pool
 CTimeSpanRepresents time interval
 CTimeSpanFormatCollection of timespan formatting patterns
 CTimestampRepresents time point without time-zone information
 CTimestampFormatCollection of timestamp formatting patterns
 CTimeTraitsMiscellaneous time characteristics
 CTinySet< Key >Class implementing set optimized for storing small number of items
 CTinySet< CpuIndex >
 CTinySet< SecurityId >
 CTinyStrSetImplements TinySet for StrRef class
 CTinyStrSetIteratorImplements iterator for the TinyStrSet class
 CTradeOrderDetailsStores information on a trade order like the order identifier and the other details
 CTradeOrderIdsCollection of order details referring to a single trade
 CTradeProcessingDefines different ways trades are processed
 CUpdateActionMDUpdateAction type
 CUseHandlerSettingsAsIsA Marker instructing the log replay procedure to use Handler settings as they are without applying any modifications based on logged information
 CUtcWatchUTC watch
 CValueContainerContainer for a value of any supported kinds
 CValueConversion< Value >Implements value conversion operations through value conversion traits
 CValueConversionTraits< Value, int >The field value traits used in conversion related operations
 CValueConversionTraits< BitSet, ValueKinds::Bits >The field value traits used in conversion related operations
 CValueConversionTraits< Enumeration, ValueKinds::Enumeration >The field value traits used in conversion related operations
 CValueConverterAbstraction gathering operations over a value of a particular type stored as a field in a message
 CValueKind< Value >Traits class used identify a field value kind
 CValueKindsIdentifies kinds of FIX field values
 CVectorOverArray< ItemType, SizeType >Implements vector-like container over built-in array of fixed size being referenced
 CVectorOverArray< Entry, Depth >
 CVersionIdentifies version of the product
 CWatchServiceAbstract watch service
 CWorkupTradingStatusWorkupTradingStatus type