OnixS C++ CME MDP Premium Market Data Handler  5.8.10
API Documentation
OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX Namespace Reference




class  AdminHeartbeat12
class  AdminHeartbeat410
class  AdminLogin15
class  AdminLogin408
class  AdminLogout16
class  AdminLogout409
class  ChannelReset4
struct  CharConverter
struct  DecimalConverter
class  Field
struct  FieldSet
class  Group
class  GroupEntry
struct  GroupEntryAccessor
class  IncrementalRefreshBook46
class  IncrementalRefreshDailyStatistics49
class  IncrementalRefreshLimitsBanding50
class  IncrementalRefreshOrderBook47
class  IncrementalRefreshSessionStatistics51
class  IncrementalRefreshTradeSummary48
class  IncrementalRefreshVolume37
class  InstrumentDefinitionFixedIncome57
class  InstrumentDefinitionFuture54
class  InstrumentDefinitionOption55
class  InstrumentDefinitionSpread56
struct  Int16Converter
struct  Int32Converter
struct  Int64Converter
struct  Int8Converter
class  IntegerConverter
struct  MaturityMonthYearConverter
class  Message
struct  MessageAccessor
class  MessageArgs
class  MessageListener
class  MultiContainer
struct  NullConverter
class  QuoteRequest39
class  SecurityStatus30
class  SnapshotFullRefresh52
class  SnapshotFullRefreshOrderBook53
struct  StrRefConverter
class  TagValue
class  TagValueSelectionIterator
class  TagValueSelector
struct  TimestampConverter
struct  UInt16Converter
struct  UInt32Converter
struct  UInt64Converter
struct  UInt8Converter
class  ValueContainer
struct  ValueConversion
struct  ValueConversionTraits
struct  ValueConversionTraits< BitSet, ValueKinds::Bits >
struct  ValueConversionTraits< Enumeration, ValueKinds::Enumeration >
struct  ValueConverter
class  ValueKind
struct  ValueKinds


typedef BinaryGroupEntry< MessageSizeGroupEntrySource
typedef BinaryGroupEntries< GroupEntrySource, MessageSize, MessageSize, MessageSizeGroupEntriesSource
typedef std::vector< TagValueTagValues
typedef TagValues::iterator TagValueIterator
typedef TagValues::const_iterator TagValueConstIterator
typedef UInt32 Tag
typedef MessageArgs< MultiContainerMultiContainerArgs


void throwFieldConversionFailure (const Char *field, const Char *target)
SecurityId securityId (const MultiContainer &message)
StrRef securityGroup (const MultiContainer &message)
StrRef symbol (const MultiContainer &message)
StrRef asset (const MultiContainer &message)
SecurityUpdateAction::Enum securityUpdateAction (const MultiContainer &)
void bookDepths (const MultiContainer &, MbpBookDepth &, MbpBookDepth &)
MatchEventIndicator matchEventIndicator (const MultiContainer &)
Timestamp timestamp (const MultiContainer &, Tag)
void toStr (std::string &str, const Message &message)
std::string toStr (const Message &message)
void toStr (std::string &, const TagValue &)
std::string toStr (const TagValue &tagValue)
MultiContainer::Value valueOrDefault (const MultiContainer &container, Tag tag, const MultiContainer::Value &defaultValue=MultiContainer::Value())
template<class Number >
bool value (Number &number, const MultiContainer &container, Tag tag)
template<class Number >
bool valueOrDefault (Number &number, const MultiContainer &container, Tag tag, Number defaultValue=Number())
void toStr (std::string &, const MultiContainer &)
std::string toStr (const MultiContainer &container)
void throwBadConversion (const Char *typeName)

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 45 of file Message.h.

MessageArgs template instantiation for a FIX multi-container.

Definition at line 165 of file MarketDataListener.h.

typedef UInt32 Tag

The type whose values are used to locate fields in the FIX-like messages.

Definition at line 29 of file Tag.h.

typedef TagValues::const_iterator TagValueConstIterator

Constant iterator over the tag-value sequence.

Definition at line 113 of file MultiContainer.h.

typedef TagValues::iterator TagValueIterator

Iterator over the tag-value sequence.

Definition at line 110 of file MultiContainer.h.

typedef std::vector<TagValue> TagValues

Sequence of tag-value pairs.

Definition at line 107 of file MultiContainer.h.

Function Documentation

StrRef OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::asset ( const MultiContainer message)

Retrieves asset field value assuming the given message represents a security definition.

Returns an empty ref if the field is absent.

Definition at line 75 of file Accessors.h.

void OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::bookDepths ( const MultiContainer ,
MbpBookDepth ,

Retrieves depths of direct and implied books assuming the given message represents a security definition.

MatchEventIndicator OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::matchEventIndicator ( const MultiContainer )

Retrieves match event indicator bits.

Returns an empty bitset if indicator is absent.

StrRef OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::securityGroup ( const MultiContainer message)

Retrieves security group field value assuming the given message represents a security definition.

Returns an empty ref if the field is absent.

Definition at line 57 of file Accessors.h.

SecurityId OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::securityId ( const MultiContainer message)

Extracts security id from the given tag-value container.

Throws an exception if security identifier is not a number.

Definition at line 41 of file Accessors.h.

SecurityUpdateAction::Enum OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::securityUpdateAction ( const MultiContainer )

Retrieves security update action field value assuming the given container represents a security definition.

StrRef OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::symbol ( const MultiContainer message)

Retrieves symbol field value assuming the given message represents a security definition.

Returns an empty ref if the field is absent.

Definition at line 66 of file Accessors.h.

void OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::throwBadConversion ( const Char typeName)

Definition at line 884 of file ValueConverters.h.

void OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::throwFieldConversionFailure ( const Char field,
const Char target 

Raises exception explaining field value conversion failure.

Timestamp OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::timestamp ( const MultiContainer ,

Retrieves last update time field value.

void OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::toStr ( std::string &  ,
const TagValue  

Serializes the given tag-value pair.

std::string OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::toStr ( const TagValue tagValue)

Serializes the given tag-value pair.

Definition at line 95 of file MultiContainer.h.

void OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const Message message 

Serializes FIX message into tag=value format.

Definition at line 318 of file Message.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::toStr ( const Message message)

Serializes FIX message into tag=value format.

Definition at line 324 of file Message.h.

void OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::toStr ( std::string &  ,
const MultiContainer  

Serializes the given tag-value pair.

std::string OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::toStr ( const MultiContainer container)

Serializes the given tag-value pair.

Definition at line 333 of file MultiContainer.h.

bool OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::value ( Number &  number,
const MultiContainer container,
Tag  tag 

Finds a tag-value entry in the given collection by the given tag and returns its value component transformed into a number.

Throws an exception if a value is either absent or can't be transformed into a number of the given type.

Definition at line 297 of file MultiContainer.h.

MultiContainer::Value OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::valueOrDefault ( const MultiContainer container,
Tag  tag,
const MultiContainer::Value defaultValue = MultiContainer::Value() 

Finds a tag-value entry in the given collection by the given tag and returns its value component.

Definition at line 274 of file MultiContainer.h.

bool OnixS::CME::MDH::FIX::valueOrDefault ( Number &  number,
const MultiContainer container,
Tag  tag,
Number  defaultValue = Number() 

Finds a tag-value entry in the given collection by the given tag and returns its value component transformed into a number of the given type.

If value is absent, then returns the default one. If value is found, but can't be transformed into a number, then an exception is trown.

Definition at line 312 of file MultiContainer.h.