323 NoAveragePricing = 0,
326 TradeispartofanAveragePriceGroupIdentifiedbytheAvgPxGrpID = 1,
329 TradeispartofaNotionalValueAveragePriceGroup = 3
440 FCMprovidedscreen =
443 Otherprovidedscreen =
452 DeskElectronic =
455 ClientElectronic =
'Y' 474 MemberTradingForTheirOwnAccount = 1,
477 MemberFirmTradingForItsProprietaryAccount = 2,
480 MemberTradingForAnotherMemberOrNonMember = 3,
504 UnknownSecurity =
510 QuantityExceedsOrder =
513 NoMatchingOrder =
516 PriceExceedsLimit =
519 CalculationDifference =
522 NoMatchingExecutionReport =
590 MarketExchangeOption = 8,
593 CancelledNotBest = 9,
596 CancelOnDisconnect = 100,
599 SelfMatchPreventionOldestOrderCancelled = 103,
602 CancelOnGlobexCreditControlsViolation = 104,
605 CancelFromFirmsoft = 105,
608 CancelFromRiskManagementAPI = 106,
611 SelfMatchPreventionNewestOrderCancelled = 107,
614 Cancelduetovolquotedoptionorderrestedqtylessthanminordersize = 108,
617 CancelRFCOrder = 109,
620 CancelUponContractExpiration = 110,
642 TradeCorrection =
664 ExpireOnTradingSessionClose = 0,
667 Expirationatgivendate = 2
851 InstrumentGroup = 10,
1020 PartiallyFilled = 1,
1042 TradeCorrection =
1064 PartiallyFilled = 4,
1089 PartiallyFilled =
1101 PendingCancel =
1110 PendingReplace =
1134 MarketWithProtection =
1143 MarketWithLeftoverAsLimit =
'K' 1162 MarketwithProtection =
1168 StopwithProtection =
1174 MarketWithLeftoverAsLimit =
'K' 1198 CustomerAccount = 24,
1207 TakeUpAccount = 1000
1248 CancelperInstrument = 1,
1251 CancelperInstrumentgroup = 3,
1254 Cancelallquotes = 4,
1260 CancelperQuoteSet = 100
1279 CancelperInstrument = 1,
1282 CancelperInstrumentgroup = 3,
1285 Cancelallquotes = 4,
1288 CancelperQuoteSet = 100
1354 NoDataFoundThatMatchedSelectionCriteria = 2,
1357 NotAuthorizedtoRetrieveData = 3,
1360 DataTemporarilyUnavailable = 4
1379 TradeClearingatExecutionPrice = 0,
1382 TradeClearingatAlternateClearingPrice = 1
1425 AcceptSecurityProposalasis = 1,
1428 AcceptSecurityproposalwithrevisionsasindicatedinthemessage = 2,
1431 RejectSecurityProposal = 5
1453 ShortSaleWithNoExemptionSESH = 1,
1456 ShortSaleWithExemptionSSEX = 2,
1459 UndisclosedSellInformationNotAvailableUNDI = 3
1547 SplitMessageDelayed = 0,
1550 OutofOrderMessageDelayed = 1,
1553 CompleteMessageDelayed = 2
1606 PartiallyFilled = 4,
1615 TradeCorrection = 101
1648 typedef Bits FirstArgType;
1656 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1);
1663 if (value) bits_ |= 0x1;
else bits_ &= ~0x1;
1672 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2);
1679 if (value) bits_ |= 0x2;
else bits_ &= ~0x2;
1688 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4);
1695 if (value) bits_ |= 0x4;
else bits_ &= ~0x4;
1704 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8);
1711 if (value) bits_ |= 0x8;
else bits_ &= ~0x8;
1720 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10);
1727 if (value) bits_ |= 0x10;
else bits_ &= ~0x10;
1736 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20);
1743 if (value) bits_ |= 0x20;
else bits_ &= ~0x20;
1752 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40);
1759 if (value) bits_ |= 0x40;
else bits_ &= ~0x40;
1768 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80);
1775 if (value) bits_ |= 0x80;
else bits_ &= ~0x80;
1804 return !(*
this == other);
1812 return this->bits_ == other.bits_;
Bits bits() const noexcept
Char CharNULL
Char with null value.
ThisType & aon(bool value) noexcept
Modifies AON bit.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'E'> ExecTypePendModify
Pending Replace.
IntegralConstant< Char, '6'> ExecTypePendCxl
Pending Cancel Type.
IntegralConstant< UInt32, 4294967295 > NullUInt32
Null value for an optional UInt32 field.
IntegralConstant< Char, '1'> SecurityReqType
Security request type for UDS creation.
IntegralConstant< Char, '0'> CrossPrioritization
Cross Prioritization.
bool reserved1() const noexcept
Indicates whether Reserved1 bit is set.
bool operator==(const ExecInst &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
ThisType & nh(bool value) noexcept
Modifies NH bit.
bool operator!=(const ExecInst &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullLocalMktDate
Null value for an optional LocalMktDate field.
char Char
Character type alias.
bool reserved3() const noexcept
Indicates whether Reserved3 bit is set.
ExecInst(Bits bits=0) noexcept
Constructs from a value.
IntegralConstant< Char, '4'> ExecTypeCxl
Exec Type Cxl.
IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullEnumNULL
Null value for an optional EnumNULL field.
IntegralConstant< Char, '4'> OrdStatusCxl
Ord Status Cxl.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'C'> ExecTypeExp
Exec Type Exp.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'Y'> UDI
IntegralConstant< Char, '8'> SecurityIDSource
IntegralConstant< Char, '8'> OrdStatusRej
Order Status Reject.
IntegralConstant< UInt64, 18446744073709551615ULL > NullUInt64
Null value for an optional UInt64 field.
IntegralConstant< Char, '2'> CrossOrderType
Cross order type supports only limit order.
ThisType & ob(bool value) noexcept
Modifies OB bit.
IntegralConstant< Char, '5'> ExecTypeModify
ExecType Modify.
IntegralConstant< Char, '8'> LegSecIDSource
Leg security ID source in UDS creation.
ThisType & reserved3(bool value) noexcept
Modifies Reserved3 bit.
IntegralConstant< Int32, 2147483647 > NullInt32
Null value for an optional Int32 field.
IntegralConstant< UInt8, 1 > NoPtyUpd
IntegralConstant< Char, 0 > NullCharNULL
Null value for an optional CharNULL field.
IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullUInt16
Null value for an optional UInt16 field.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'F'> ExecTypeTrade
Execution type for trade.
IntegralConstant< Char, '8'> ExecTypRej
Exec Type Reject.
IntegralConstant< Char, '6'> OrdStatusPendCxl
Pending Cancel Status.
bool reserved4() const noexcept
Indicates whether Reserved4 bit is set.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'C'> OrdStatusExp
Order Status Exp.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'U'> OrdStatusCxlRej
ThisType & reserved5(bool value) noexcept
Modifies Reserved5 bit.
UInt8 Bits
Aliases integral type whose bits are used to indicate flag presence.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'C'> PartyIDSource
bool ob() const noexcept
Indicates whether OB bit is set.
UInt8 EnumNULL
Type alias for the EnumNULL.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'U'> OrdStatusCxrRej
LocalMktDate timestampToLocalMktDate(const Timestamp ×tamp) noexcept
Timestamp localMktDateToTimestamp(LocalMktDate days) noexcept
Converts days since epoch to Timestamp value.
bool reserved2() const noexcept
Indicates whether Reserved2 bit is set.
ThisType & reserved2(bool value) noexcept
Modifies Reserved2 bit.
IntegralConstant< Char, '2'> CxrRejRsp
Cancel Replace Reject.
ThisType & reserved4(bool value) noexcept
Modifies Reserved4 bit.
IntegralConstant< Char, '3'> MassAction
Mass action type to represent mass cancel.
ExecInst ThisType
This type alias.
IntegralConstant< Char, '5'> ModifyStatus
IntegralConstant< Char, 'I'> ExecTypStatus
ThisType & reserved1(bool value) noexcept
Modifies Reserved1 bit.
IntegralConstant< Char, '0'> ExecTypNew
bool aon() const noexcept
Indicates whether AON bit is set.
IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullUInt8
Null value for an optional UInt8 field.
The time point without the time-zone information.
bool reserved5() const noexcept
Indicates whether Reserved5 bit is set.
IntegralConstant< Char, '1'> CxlRejRsp
Cancel Reject.
UInt16 LocalMktDate
Type alias for the LocalMktDate.
IntegralConstant< Char, 'E'> PendModStatus
Pending Replace Status.
bool nh() const noexcept
Indicates whether NH bit is set.
IntegralConstant< Char, '3'> CrossType
Cross Type.
IntegralConstant< Char, '0'> OrdStatusNew
Order status of New.