Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- Uncrossing
: MatchType
- Undefined
: AccruedInterestCalculationMethod
, AlgorithmicTradeIndicator
, AllowOneProductStrip
, AuctionType
, BookType
, BusinessDayType
, CalculationMethodType
, ClosedBookIndicator
, ContractCycleSubType
, ContractCycleType
, ContractDisplayInstruction
, ContractFrequency
, ContractIdentificationEligibility
, ContractMonthType
, ConversionMode
, ConversionModeQualifier
, CouponType
, CoverIndicator
, CrossRequestType
, DecaySplit
, DepositType
, DisableOnBookTrading
, DisplayDayOfWeek
, DisplaySeason
, EventType
, ExerciseStyle
, FeedType
, FlatIndicator
, ImpliedMarketIndicator
, InputSource
, InstrumentAttributeType
, InstrumentAuctionType
, InstrumentPartyIDSource
, InstrumentPartyRole
, InstrumentPartyRoleQualifier
, InstrumentScopeOperator
, InstrumentType
, LastFragment
, LegSecurityType
, LegSide
, ListMethod
, MarketCondition
, MarketImbalanceIndicator
, MarketSegmentRelationship
, MarketSegmentStatus
, MarketSegmentSubType
, MarketSegmentType
, MatchAlgorithm
, MatchType
, MaturityFrequencyUnit
, MDEntryType
, MDOriginType
, MDUpdateAction
, MidpointTrading
, Month
, MultilegModel
, MultiLegPriceModel
, MultiLegReportingType
, NetFeedRole
, PostTradeAnonymityType
, PriceType
, PutOrCall
, QuoteCondition
, QuoteSideIndicator
, QuoteSideModelType
, RefreshIndicator
, SecurityClassificationReasonType
, SecurityClassificationValueType
, SecurityStatus
, SecurityTradingEvent
, SecurityTradingStatus
, SecurityType
, SecurityUpdateAction
, SettlMethod
, SettlPriceType
, SettlSubMethod
, Side
, SoldOutIndicator
, SubBookType
, TradeCondition
, TradingSessionId
, TradingSessionSubID
, TradSesStatus
, TrdType
, USApproval
, ValuationMethod
, WarrantType
- underlyingEntry()
: Trade< TTradeEntry >
- UnderlyingLeg
: LegSecurityType
- underlyingMarketSegmentID()
: InstrumentSnapshot
- underlyingPrevClosePx()
: ProductSnapshot
- underlyingSecurityExchange()
: ProductSnapshot
- underlyingSecurityID()
: InstrumentSnapshot
- underlyingSecurityId()
: ProductSnapshot
- underlyingSecurityIdSource()
: ProductSnapshot
- underlyingSymbol()
: InstrumentSnapshot
, ProductSnapshot
- unitOfMeasure()
: InstrumentSnapshot
- usApproval()
: ProductSnapshot
- useFeedA
: HandlerSettings
- useFeedB
: HandlerSettings
- useFullSnapshotCycle
: RdiHandlerSettings
- UserDefined
: MultiLegPriceModel
- UserDefinedMultilegSecurity
: MultilegModel
- UserRequested
: ListMethod
- utcNow()
: Timestamp