319 friend class DepthSnapshotWrapper;
TradingSessionSubID::Enum tradingSessionSubID() const
Defines the trading session sub ID.
bool mdEntryPx(Decimal &price) const
InstrumentType::Enum productComplex() const
Type of instrument.
SecurityStatus::Enum securityStatus() const
Security Status.
bool totalNumOfTrades(UInt32 &number) const
MarketSegmentId marketSegmentId() const
Product identifier.
MDEntryType::Enum mdEntryType() const
Defines the entry type.
bool mdPriceLevel(UInt32 &level) const
bool fastMarketIndicator() const
Indicates if product is in the state Fast Market.
bool mdEntryTime(UInt64 &time) const
Time of entry (nanoseconds) for last trade entry only (TradeCondition="U").
bool mdEntrySize(Decimal &size) const
TradSesStatus::Enum tesTradSesStatus() const
Defines the TES trading session status.
SecurityId securityId() const
Instrument identifier.
Decimal type for better precision.
TradingSessionId::Enum tradingSessionId() const
bool lastMsgSeqNumProcessed(UInt32 &seqNum) const
Last message sequence number sent regardless of message type.
Int64 SecurityId
Alias for Security Id type.
SecurityStatus::Enum tesSecurityStatus() const
Defines the TES security status.
bool numberOfOrders(UInt32 &number) const
Number Of Orders.
TradeConditionSet tradeCondition() const
MDOriginType::Enum mdOriginType() const
Origin type.
bool nonDisclosedTradeVolume(Decimal &volume) const
Non disclosed trade volumes.
Exposes list of available sub book types.
MultiLegReportingType::Enum multiLegReportingType() const
RefreshIndicator::Enum refreshIndicator() const
Refresh Indicator.
SubBookType::Enum mdSubBookType() const
Optional qualifier to MDBookType.
MultiLegPriceModel::Enum multiLegPriceModel() const
MarketCondition::Enum marketCondition() const
Indicator for stressed market conditions.
UInt64 lastUpdateTime() const
Time of last change for SecurityID (nanoseconds).
SoldOutIndicator::Enum soldOutIndicator() const
Applicable for cash market products only (trading model continuous auction).
SecurityTradingStatus::Enum securityTradingStatus() const
Defines the security trading status.
UInt32 MarketSegmentId
Alias for Market Segment ID type.
BookType::Enum mdBookType() const
Top-of-book is only applicable to IPS, i.e. requires the presence of MDSubBookType.
bool highPx(Decimal &price) const
Upper boundary price.
TrdType::Enum trdType() const
SecurityTradingEvent::Enum securityTradingEvent() const
Identifies an event related to a securityTradingStatus()
Used to identify absence of value.
QuoteCondition::Enum quoteCondition() const
Potential security trading event.
bool lowPx(Decimal &price) const
Lower boundary price.
MDSnapshotEntries mdEntries() const
SecurityTradingEvent::Enum potentialSecurityTradingEvent() const
Potential security trading event.
Market data snapshot entry.