OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAccountTypeType of Account associated with an order
 CAllocNoOrdersTypeIndicates how the orders being booked and allocated by an Allocation Instruction
 CAllocReportTypeDescribes the specific type or purpose of an Allocation Report message
 CAllocStatusIdentifies status of allocation
 CAllocTransTypeIdentifies allocation transaction type
 CAllocTypeDescribes the specific type or purpose of an Allocation message
 CBase64EncodingBASE64 encoding service
 CBidirectionalBusinessHeaderHeader used for business messages that can go inbound or outbound
 CBinaryBlock< Container, BlockLength >Services to access fields stored in an SBE-encoded block of fixed-length fields
 CBinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize >
 CBinaryBlock< SbeGroupEntry< BodySizeType >, BodySizeType >
 CBinaryBlock< SbeGroupEntry< GroupSizeEncoding::BlockLength >, GroupSizeEncoding::BlockLength >
 CBooleanBoolean type
 CCancelOnDisconnectTypeCriteria used to initiate cancel on disconnect mechanism by the gateway
 CClientAppEncodingDATA Field
 CClientMessageListenerClient's messages Listener
 CClientSessionMessageListenerClient's session messages Listener
 CConditionCondition variable - a synchronization objects that allows threads to wait for certain events (conditions) to occur
 CCounterpartyParameters required to establish the connection with the counterparty
 CCredentialsEncodingDATA Field
 CCrossedIndicatorIndicates cross order purpose
 CCrossPrioritizationIndicates if one side or the other of a cross order should be prioritized
 CCrossTypeType of cross being submitted to a market
 CCustodianInfoCustodian information is required for going private offer
 CCxlRejResponseToIdentifies the type of request that this cancel reject is in response to
 CDayOfWeekThe day of the week
 CSessionSettings::DefaultDefault session settings
 CDeltaInMillisInterval time expressed in milliseconds
 CDeskIDEncodingDATA Field
 CEstablishRejectCodeIdentifies the code of reject establishment
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExecRestatementReasonIndicates reason of cancelation, if available
 CExecRestatementReasonValidForMassCancelUsed to communicate event type which triggers mass cancelation
 CExecRestatementReasonValidForSingleCancelUsed to communicate a reason for a solicited cancel
 CExecTypeDescribes the action that triggered this specific Execution Report - see the OrdStatus (39) tag for the current order status (e.g, Partially Filled)
 CExecuteUnderlyingTradeSpecifies if a simultaneous trade of the underlying is to be performed
 CFieldsInitPolicyThe policy to create messages with null-initialized optional fields
 CFieldsNoInitPolicyThe policy to create messages without initialized optional fields
 CFixedPointDecimal< MantissaType, ExponentType >Forward declarations
 CFloatingPointDecimal< MantissaType, ExponentType >A real number with a floating exponent
 CFlowTypeType of message flow from client to server or from server to client
 CFutureBaseBase implementation of SharedFuture<T>
 CFutureGetReturn< T >
 CFutureGetReturn< void >
 CFutureStatusState of a SharedFuture object (similar to std::future_status,
 CGatewayB3 BOE Gateway Emulator
 CGroupSizeEncodingRepeating group dimensions
 CGuard< Acquirable >Performs automatic acquisition and release of a synchronization object
 CHasEmptyCredentials< Message >Assume the credentials filed of the message is empty
 CHasNoVariableFieldsOrGroups< Message >Assume the message has a constant size
 CInboundBusinessHeaderHeader used for inbound business messages
 CIntegralConstant< Type, Constant >Integral constant
 CInvestorIDSelf trade prevention investor identification is composed of the prefix and document
 CSbeGroupEntries< EntryType, BlockLength, NumInGroup, Length >::IteratorAn iterator over SBE-encoded group entries
 CSessionSettings::KeyThe keys that are used to load settings from the configuration file
 CLocalWatchLocal watch
 CMassActionRejectReasonReason Order Mass Action Request was rejected
 CMassActionResponseSpecifies the action taken by matching engine when it receives the Order Mass Action Request
 CMassActionScopeSpecifies the scope of the action
 CMassActionTypeSpecifies the type of action requested
 CMemoEncodingDATA Field
 CMessageBatch< MessageTypeT, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer >The message batch wrapper
 CMessageBatchCombinerThe class can be used to combine messages with different types to the batch for sending
 CMessageHeaderMessage identifiers and length of message root
 CMessageHolder< MessageTypeT, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer >Contains the SimpleOpenFramingHeader, the SBE message, and the data buffer
 CMessagePtr< Message >Message container
 CMessageTypeDefines message type
 CMonthThe months in year
 CMultiLegReportingTypeUsed to indicate what an Execution Report represents
 CNegotiationRejectCodeIdentifies the code of reject negotiation
 CNetworkMessageA network BOE message
 CNicNetwork interface card helpers
 CSbeMessage::NoFieldsInitFor tagged constructors
 CNullCustodianInfoNull values definition for optional CustodianInfo field
 CNullInvestorIDNull values definition for optional InvestorID field
 CNullPercentage8OptionalNull values definition for optional Percentage8Optional field
 CNullPrice8OptionalNull values definition for optional Price8Optional field
 CNullPriceOffsetOptionalNull values definition for optional PriceOffsetOptional field
 CNullPriceOptionalNull values definition for optional PriceOptional field
 CInboundBusinessHeader::NullSendingTimeNull values definition for optional SendingTime field
 COutboundBusinessHeader::NullSendingTimeNull values definition for optional SendingTime field
 CBidirectionalBusinessHeader::NullSendingTimeNull values definition for optional SendingTime field
 CNullUTCTimestampNanosOptionalNull values definition for optional UTCTimestampNanosOptional field
 COrderCategoryDefines the type of interest behind a trade i.e
 COrdStatusIdentifies current status of order
 COrdTypeOrder type
 COutboundBusinessHeaderHeader used for outbound business messages
 CPosMaintActionMaintenance Action to be performed
 CPosMaintStatusStatus of Position Maintenance Request
 CPossResendIndicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number
 CPosTransTypeIdentifies the type of position transaction
 CPosTypeUsed to identify the type of quantity
 CPtrTraits< T >
 CQuoteCancelTypeIdentifies the type of quote cancel
 CQuoteStatusIdentifies the status of the quote acknowledgement
 CQuoteStatusResponseToIdentifies the type of request that a Quote Status Report is in response to
 CReactorTypeNetwork reactor type
 CReceivedDataTimestampRepresents a timestamp of the received data
 CRetransmitRejectCodeIdentifies the code of reject retransmission
 CRoutingInstructionIndicates additional order instruction
 CSbeGroup< EntryType, DimensionType, GroupSizeType >SBE-encoded repeating group
 CSbeGroupEntries< EntryType, BlockLength, NumInGroup, Length >Operations over SBE-encoded repeating group entries
 CSbeGroupList< BinarySize >Groups list
 CSbeVariableLengthFieldList< BinarySize >Variable-length fields list
 CSchemaTraitsAttributes of SBE message schema
 CSecurityIDSourceIdentifies the class of the SecurityID
 CSecurityResponseTypeType of Security Definition message response
 CSecurityTradingStatusIdentifier for the instrument status
 CSelfTradePreventionInstructionIndicates which order should be canceled due to self-trade prevention
 CSessionA FIXP Session
 CSessionConnectionSettingsConnection-related settings
 CSessionErrorReasonSession Error Reason
 CSessionListenerSession's Listener
 CSessionReactorSession's network stack reactor interface
 CSessionScheduleSession Schedule
 CSessionSchedulerSession Scheduler
 CSessionSchedulerListenerSessionScheduler events notifications
 CSessionSchedulerOptionsScheduler options
 CSessionSettingsSession settings
 CSessionStateIdSession state ID
 CSessionStorageSession's storage
 CSessionStorageTypeSession Storage Type
 CSessionWarningReasonSession Warning Reason
 CSettlTypeIndicates who in the contract has control over evoking settlement
 CHasValueStaticMember< T >::SFINAE< U, U::Value >
 CHasMantissa< T >::SFINAE< U >
 CHasExponent< T >::SFINAE< U >
 CHasSerializeMember< T >::SFINAE< U, noexcept >
 CHasMemberTraits< T >::SFINAE< U >
 CSideSide of order
 CSimpleOpenFramingHeaderSimple Open Framing Header
 CSimpleOrdTypeOrder type
 CSimpleTimeInForceSpecifies how long the order remains in effect
 CSocketOptionSocket option of the SOL_SOCKET level
 CTcpInfo::TcpCaStateTCP congestion avoidance state
 CTcpDirectAttrTCPDirect Attributes to pass configuration details (a wrapper around the zf_attr struct)
 CTcpInfoTCP state information
 CTcpInfo::TcpStateState of the connection
 CTerminationCodeIdentifies the code of termination
 CTextEncodingDATA Field
 CThisThreadCurrent thread related tasks
 CThreadAffinityRepresents set of CPU indices
 CThreadingModelThreading model
 CTimeInForceSpecifies how long the order remains in effect
 CTimeOfDayTime of day
 CTimeSpanTime interval
 CTimeSpanFormatTimespan formatting patterns
 CTimestampThe time point without the time-zone information
 CTimestampFormatTimestamp formatting patterns
 CTimeTraitsMiscellaneous time characteristics
 CTimeUnitUnit of time used for measurement
 CTradingSessionIDIdentifier for Trading Session
 CTradingSessionSubIDIdentifier for the instrument group phase
 CUTCTimestampNanosUTC timestamp with nanosecond precision
 CUTCTimestampNanosOptionalOptional UTC timestamp with nanosecond precision