OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
TcpDirectAttr Class Reference

#include <OnixS/B3/BOE/TcpDirectAttr.h>

Public Member Functions

 TcpDirectAttr ()
 ~TcpDirectAttr ()
 TcpDirectAttr (const TcpDirectAttr &other)
TcpDirectAttroperator= (const TcpDirectAttr &other)
std::string getString (const std::string &name)
void set (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
int64_t getInt (const std::string &name)
void set (const std::string &name, uint64_t value)


class TcpDirectStack

Detailed Description

The default values for attributes may be overridden by setting the environment variable ZF_ATTR. For example:

1 ZF_ATTR="interface=enp4s0f0;log_level=3;reactor_spin_count=1"

Definition at line 44 of file TcpDirectAttr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Allocates an attribute object.

std::bad_allocif memory could not be allocated.
std::runtime_errorif the ZF_ATTR environment variable is malformed.
TcpDirectAttr ( const TcpDirectAttr other)

Member Function Documentation

int64_t getInt ( const std::string &  name)

Gets an integer attribute.

nameName of the attribute.
std::logic_errorIf name is not a valid attribute name or if name does not have an integer type.
std::string getString ( const std::string &  name)

Gets a string attribute.

nameName of the attribute.
std::logic_errorIf name is not a valid attribute name or if name does not have a string type.
TcpDirectAttr& operator= ( const TcpDirectAttr other)
void set ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value 

Sets the attribute to the given value.

nameName of the attribute.
valueNew value for the attribute (may be NULL).
std::logic_errorIf name is not a valid attribute name or if the attribute is not a string attribute.
void set ( const std::string &  name,
uint64_t  value 

Sets the attribute to the given value.

nameName of the attribute.
valueNew value for the attribute.
std::logic_errorIf name is not a valid attribute name.
std::domain_errorIf value is not within the range of values this attribute can take.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TcpDirectStack

Definition at line 99 of file TcpDirectAttr.h.

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