OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
SecurityDefinitionResponse301 Struct Reference

#include <OnixS/B3/BOE/messaging/Messages.h>

Public Types

enum  { TemplateId = 301 }
typedef SchemaTraits Schema
typedef SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ThisType
- Public Types inherited from SbeMessage
typedef MessageSize EncodedLength
typedef MessageSize BlockLength

Public Member Functions

 SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ()=default
 SecurityDefinitionResponse301 (void *data, EncodedLength length, SchemaVersion version=Schema::Version)
 SecurityDefinitionResponse301 (void *data, EncodedLength length, NoFieldsInit, SchemaVersion version=Schema::Version)
 SecurityDefinitionResponse301 (void *data, EncodedLength length, NoInit)
 SecurityDefinitionResponse301 (const SbeMessage &message)
 SecurityDefinitionResponse301 (void *data, EncodedLength length, NoInit, NoCheck) noexcept
const OutboundBusinessHeaderbusinessHeader () const noexcept
OutboundBusinessHeaderbusinessHeader () noexcept
SecurityReqRespID securityReqId () const noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityReqId (SecurityReqRespID value) noexcept
bool securityId (SecurityIDOptional &value) const noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityId (SecurityIDOptional value) noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityIdToNull () noexcept
SecurityResponseType::Enum securityResponseType () const noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityResponseType (SecurityResponseType::Enum value) noexcept
bool securityStrategyType (StrRef &value) const noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityStrategyType (StrRef value) noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityStrategyTypeToNull () noexcept
StrRef symbol () const noexcept
ThisTypesetSymbol (StrRef value) noexcept
SecurityReqRespID securityResponseId () const noexcept
ThisTypesetSecurityResponseId (SecurityReqRespID value) noexcept
StrRef senderLocation () const noexcept
ThisTypesetSenderLocation (StrRef value) noexcept
StrRef enteringTrader () const noexcept
ThisTypesetEnteringTrader (StrRef value) noexcept
ThisTyperesetVariableFields () noexcept
ThisTypereset () noexcept
std::string toString () const
const void * tail () const noexcept
EncodedLength calculateBinarySize () const noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from SbeMessage
 SbeMessage () noexcept
 SbeMessage (void *data, MessageSize size, SchemaVersion version)
 SbeMessage (void *data, MessageSize size)
 SbeMessage (void *data, MessageSize size, NoCheck) noexcept
void clear () noexcept
bool valid () const noexcept
MessageTemplateId templateId () const noexcept
SchemaVersion version () const noexcept
SchemaId schemaId () const noexcept
const void * binary () const noexcept
void * binary () noexcept
const void * blockEnd () noexcept
const void * blockEnd () const noexcept
MessageSize bufferSize () const noexcept
void * body () noexcept
BlockLength blockLength () const noexcept
const void * block () const noexcept
void * block () noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize >
Messaging::SbeMessagecontainer () noexcept
void zeroPaddingBytes (MessageSizeoffset) noexcept
void setOrdinary (MessageSizeoffset, FieldValue value) noexcept
void setOrdinary (MessageSizeoffset, FieldValue value, SchemaVersion since)
void setEnumeration (MessageSizeoffset, typename Enumeration::Enum value) noexcept
void setEnumeration (MessageSizeoffset, typename Enumeration::Enum value, SchemaVersion since)
void setFixedStr (MessageSizeoffset, StrRef value) noexcept
void setFixedStr (MessageSizeoffset, StrRef value, SchemaVersion since)

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr MessageType::Enum messageType () noexcept
static constexpr SecurityIDSource::Enum securityIdSource () noexcept
static constexpr StrRef securityExchange () noexcept
static constexpr BlockLength minimalBlockLength (SchemaVersion version) noexcept
static constexpr BlockLength blockLength (SchemaVersion version) noexcept
static constexpr MessageSize getMinimalVariableFieldsSize (SchemaVersion version)
static constexpr UInt64 getMaxMessageSize (UInt8) noexcept
static constexpr const CharclassName ()
static constexpr StrRef fixType () noexcept

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from SbeMessage
typedef SbeGroupList< MessageSizeGroupList
typedef SbeVariableLengthFieldList< MessageSizeVariableLengthFieldList
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SbeMessage
SbeMessageversion (SchemaVersion version) noexcept
GroupList groups () noexcept
GroupList groups () const noexcept
template<typename Group >
void initGroup (Group &group, typename Group::EntrySize entrySize) noexcept
template<typename Group >
void setupGroup (Group &group, typename Group::Size entryCount, const void *messageTail)
template<typename Group >
void constructGroup (Group &group, typename Group::Size entryCount, const void *messageTail)
template<typename DATA >
void setVarDataField (DATA &data, StrRef value, const void *oldMessageTail)
VariableLengthFieldList variableLengthFields () noexcept
VariableLengthFieldList variableLengthFields () const noexcept
void init (MessageHeader::TemplateId value, MessageHeader::BlockLength minimalBlockLength, MessageHeader::BlockLength blockLength, SchemaId id) noexcept
MessageSize calculateBinarySize (const void *tail) const noexcept
template<class Callable , class Owner >
void setVariableLengthField (Callable callable, StrRef value, Owner &owner)
template<class Callable , class Owner >
void setVariableLengthField (Callable callable, StrRef value, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner)
template<class Callable , class Owner >
StrRef getVariableLengthField (Callable callable, const Owner &owner) const noexcept
template<class Callable , class Owner >
StrRef getVariableLengthField (Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) const noexcept
template<class Callable , class Owner >
void setVariableLengthFieldToNull (Callable callable, Owner &owner) noexcept
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
void resetGroup (Callable callable, Owner &owner) noexcept
template<class Callable , class Owner >
void setVariableLengthFieldToNull (Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) noexcept
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
void resetGroup (Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner)
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group getGroup (Callable callable, Owner &owner) const noexcept
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group getGroup (Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) const noexcept
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group constructGroup (Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner)
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group constructGroup (Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, Owner &owner)
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group setupGroup (Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner)
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group setupGroup (Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, Owner &owner)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize >
 SbeFields ()=default
 ~SbeFields ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize >
 BinaryBlock ()=default
 ~BinaryBlock ()=default
Value ordinary (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool ordinary (Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept
bool ordinary (Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept
const Value & accessOrdinary (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
Value & accessOrdinary (MessageSizeoffset) noexcept
Enumeration::Enum enumeration (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool enumeration (typename Enumeration::Enum &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept
bool enumeration (typename Enumeration::Enum &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept
Value decimal (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool decimal (Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept
bool decimal (Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept
StrRef fixedStr (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool fixedStr (StrRef &value, MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool fixedStr (StrRef &value, MessageSizeoffset, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SbeMessage
static constexpr MessageSize getMaxMessageSize () noexcept

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17232 of file Messages.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Used template schema.

Definition at line 17237 of file Messages.h.

This type alias.

Definition at line 17240 of file Messages.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Message template ID from SBE schema.


Definition at line 17243 of file Messages.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Initializes a blank instance.

SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ( void *  data,
EncodedLength  length,
SchemaVersion  version = Schema::Version 

Initializes an instance over the given memory block.

Definition at line 17249 of file Messages.h.

SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ( void *  data,
EncodedLength  length,
NoFieldsInit  ,
SchemaVersion  version = Schema::Version 

Initializes an instance over the given memory block With no variable-length fields initialization It is assumed that the user does such an initialization manually.

Definition at line 17264 of file Messages.h.

SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ( void *  data,
EncodedLength  length,

Creates an instance over the given memory block.

Definition at line 17278 of file Messages.h.

SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ( const SbeMessage message)

Creates an instance over the given SBE message.

Definition at line 17289 of file Messages.h.

SecurityDefinitionResponse301 ( void *  data,
EncodedLength  length,
NoInit  ,

Creates an instance over the given memory block.

Performs no checks.

Definition at line 17300 of file Messages.h.

Member Function Documentation

static constexpr BlockLength blockLength ( SchemaVersion  version)

Size of message body in bytes.

Definition at line 17581 of file Messages.h.

const OutboundBusinessHeader& businessHeader ( ) const

Message type = SecurityDefinitionResponse.

Common header to all outbound business messages.

Definition at line 17327 of file Messages.h.

OutboundBusinessHeader& businessHeader ( )

Common header to all outbound business messages.

Definition at line 17336 of file Messages.h.

EncodedLength calculateBinarySize ( ) const
the size occupied by the message.

Definition at line 17673 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr const Char* className ( )
class name.

Definition at line 17638 of file Messages.h.

StrRef enteringTrader ( ) const

Identifies the trader who is inserting an order.

Definition at line 17542 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr StrRef fixType ( )

FIX message type.

Definition at line 17647 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr UInt64 getMaxMessageSize ( UInt8  )

Maximal message size.

Definition at line 17608 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr MessageSize getMinimalVariableFieldsSize ( SchemaVersion  version)

Minimal variable fields size (when variable-length fields are empty).

Definition at line 17596 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr MessageType::Enum messageType ( )

Message type = SecurityDefinitionResponse.

Definition at line 17316 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr BlockLength minimalBlockLength ( SchemaVersion  version)

Minimal size of message body in bytes.

Definition at line 17567 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& reset ( )

Reset all variable-length and optional fields if any.

Definition at line 17624 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& resetVariableFields ( )

Reset all variable-length fields if any.

Definition at line 17617 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr StrRef securityExchange ( )

Identifies the class of the SecurityID (Exchange Symbol).

Market to which the symbol belongs.

Definition at line 17409 of file Messages.h.

bool securityId ( SecurityIDOptional value) const

Security identification as defined by exchange.

Definition at line 17366 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr SecurityIDSource::Enum securityIdSource ( )

Identifies the class of the SecurityID (Exchange Symbol).

Definition at line 17397 of file Messages.h.

SecurityReqRespID securityReqId ( ) const

Unique ID of a Security Definition Request.

Definition at line 17345 of file Messages.h.

SecurityReqRespID securityResponseId ( ) const

Unique ID of a Security Definition message.

Definition at line 17500 of file Messages.h.

SecurityResponseType::Enum securityResponseType ( ) const

Type of Security Definition message response.

Definition at line 17418 of file Messages.h.

bool securityStrategyType ( StrRef value) const

Indicates the type of Strategy created.

This field is not sent on rejects.

Definition at line 17441 of file Messages.h.

StrRef senderLocation ( ) const

Identifies the original location for routing orders.

Definition at line 17520 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setEnteringTrader ( StrRef  value)

Identifies the trader who is inserting an order.

Definition at line 17552 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityId ( SecurityIDOptional  value)

Security identification as defined by exchange.

Definition at line 17376 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityIdToNull ( )

Definition at line 17385 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityReqId ( SecurityReqRespID  value)

Unique ID of a Security Definition Request.

Definition at line 17354 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityResponseId ( SecurityReqRespID  value)

Unique ID of a Security Definition message.

Definition at line 17509 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityResponseType ( SecurityResponseType::Enum  value)

Type of Security Definition message response.

Definition at line 17428 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityStrategyType ( StrRef  value)

Indicates the type of Strategy created.

This field is not sent on rejects.

Definition at line 17452 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSecurityStrategyTypeToNull ( )

Definition at line 17462 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSenderLocation ( StrRef  value)

Identifies the original location for routing orders.

Definition at line 17530 of file Messages.h.

ThisType& setSymbol ( StrRef  value)

B3 requires that this field is properly set.

It contains the human readable form of the SecurityID tag, available in the Security List message in Market Data feed.

Definition at line 17488 of file Messages.h.

StrRef symbol ( ) const

B3 requires that this field is properly set.

It contains the human readable form of the SecurityID tag, available in the Security List message in Market Data feed.

Definition at line 17476 of file Messages.h.

const void* tail ( ) const
the end of the message.

Definition at line 17660 of file Messages.h.

std::string toString ( ) const
a human-readable presentation.

Definition at line 1339 of file MessageSerialization.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: