OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
CustodianInfo Class Reference

#include <OnixS/B3/BOE/messaging/Composites.h>

Public Types

enum  { Size = 12 }
typedef UInt32 Custodian
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt32, 0 > NullCustodian
typedef UInt32 CustodyAccount
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt32, 0 > NullCustodyAccount
typedef UInt32 CustodyAllocationType
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt32, 0 > NullCustodyAllocationType

Public Member Functions

std::string toString () const
Custodian custodian () const noexcept
void setCustodian (Custodian value) noexcept
void setCustodianToNull () noexcept
bool custodyAccount (CustodyAccount &value) const noexcept
void setCustodyAccount (CustodyAccount value) noexcept
void setCustodyAccountToNull () noexcept
bool custodyAllocationType (CustodyAllocationType &value) const noexcept
void setCustodyAllocationType (CustodyAllocationType value) noexcept
void setCustodyAllocationTypeToNull () noexcept

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1075 of file Composites.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef UInt32 Custodian

Identifies the custodian.

Definition at line 1082 of file Composites.h.

typedef UInt32 CustodyAccount

Identifies the custody account.

Definition at line 1090 of file Composites.h.

typedef UInt32 CustodyAllocationType

Custody allocation type.

Definition at line 1100 of file Composites.h.

typedef IntegralConstant<UInt32, 0> NullCustodian

Null value for an optional Custodian field.

Definition at line 1087 of file Composites.h.

Null value for an optional CustodyAccount field.

Definition at line 1095 of file Composites.h.

Null value for an optional CustodyAllocationType field.

Definition at line 1105 of file Composites.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Size of the composite.


Definition at line 1079 of file Composites.h.

Member Function Documentation

Custodian custodian ( ) const

Identifies the custodian.

Definition at line 1114 of file Composites.h.

bool custodyAccount ( CustodyAccount value) const

Identifies the custody account.

Definition at line 1135 of file Composites.h.

bool custodyAllocationType ( CustodyAllocationType value) const

Custody allocation type.

Definition at line 1158 of file Composites.h.

void setCustodian ( Custodian  value)

Identifies the custodian.

Definition at line 1121 of file Composites.h.

void setCustodianToNull ( )

Definition at line 1127 of file Composites.h.

void setCustodyAccount ( CustodyAccount  value)

Identifies the custody account.

Definition at line 1143 of file Composites.h.

void setCustodyAccountToNull ( )

Definition at line 1149 of file Composites.h.

void setCustodyAllocationType ( CustodyAllocationType  value)

Custody allocation type.

Definition at line 1168 of file Composites.h.

void setCustodyAllocationTypeToNull ( )

Definition at line 1175 of file Composites.h.

std::string toString ( ) const
a human-readable presentation.

Definition at line 3113 of file Serialization.h.

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