▼NOnixS | |
▼NICE | |
▼NiMpact | |
►NMarketData | |
CAddModifyOrder | This class represents the Add/Modify Order Message |
CAddModifyOrderExtraFlags | Extra flags for Add/Modify Order message |
CAddPriceLevel | This class represents the Add Price Level Message |
CAdvancedLogOptions | Additional options to control log information |
CAggressorSide | Aggressor side constants |
CArrayRef | |
CBlockType | Block Type |
CBookDepth | Depth of order book constants |
CBundleMarker | This class represents the Message Bundle Marker |
CCancelledTrade | This class represents the Cancelled Trade Message |
CChangePriceLevel | This class represents the Change Price Level Message |
CClosePrice | This class represents the Close Price Message |
CDate | Represents date without time component |
CDaysOfWeek | Identifies day within week |
CDeleteOrder | This class represents the Delete Order Message |
CDeletePriceLevel | This class represents the Delete Price Level Message |
CEndOfDayMarketSummary | This class represents the End of Day Market Summary Message |
CError | Error |
CErrorListener | Defines the interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about errors occurred while processing messages from multicast channels |
CEventCode | Known event codes |
CExchangeListener | Defines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about all received messages |
CExchangeSilo | Exchange silo code for the market |
CFeedEngine | Manages processing machinery for market data received from feeds |
CFeedEngineListener | |
CFeedEngineSettings | Collection of settings affecting Feed Engine behavior |
CFeedEngineThreadIdleReasons | Identifies reasons feed engine threads becomes idle |
CFeedListener | Defines the interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about feed events |
CFixingIndicativePrice | This class represents the Fixing Indicative Price Message |
CFixingLockdown | This class represents the Fixing Lockdown Message |
CFixingTransition | This class represents the Fixing Transition Message |
CFixingTransitionStatus | Fixing Transition Status |
►CFuturesProductDefinition | This class represents the Futures/OTC Product Definition Response Message |
CBlockDetail | This nested class represents block details definition |
►CFuturesStrategyDefinition | This class represents the Futures Strategy Definition Response Message |
CBlockDetail | This nested class represents block details definition |
CLeg | This nested class represents leg definition |
CGroupSubscription | Defines which books should be maintained for given group name |
CHandler | |
CHandlerSettings | Defines set of settings which affect behavior of the Handler |
CHandlerStateChange | Defines the interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about Handler state change events |
CHandlerStateChangeListener | Handler state change listener |
CHandlerStates | Available Handler's states |
CIntervalTieredPriceLimitNotification | This class represents the Interval/Tiered Price Limit Notification Message |
CInvestigatedTrade | This class represents the Investigated Trade Message |
CIPLBoundViolation | Known IPL bound violation types |
CIplTplHoldType | IPL Hold Type |
CIplTplType | IPL/TPL Type |
CKnownErrors | List of known errors |
CKnownMarketTypes | Known market types |
CKnownPcapDataProviderIds | List of known PCAP data provider IDs |
CKnownWarnings | List of known warnings |
CLoginResponse | This class represents the Login Response Message |
CLoginResult | Login result code |
CLogLevels | Log level |
CLogReplayInputStream | Log replay input stream |
CLogReplayListener | Defines the interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about log replay events |
CMarkerIndexPrices | This class represents the Marker/Index Prices Message |
CMarkerIndexPricesStatus | Known marker index prices statuses |
CMarketEvent | This class represents the Market Event Message |
CMarketEventType | Known market event types |
CMarketSnapshot | This class represents the Market Snapshot Message |
CMarketSnapshotOrder | This class represents the Market Snapshot Order Message |
CMarketSnapshotPriceLevel | This class represents the Market Snapshot Price Level Message |
CMarketStateChange | This class represents the Market State Change Message |
CMarketStatistics | This class represents the Market Statistics Message |
CMarketSubscription | Defines which books should be maintained for given market type id |
CMarketSubType | Market sub-type constants |
CMarketTransparencyType | Market Transparency Type |
CMessageInfo | Message info |
CMonths | Identifies months in year |
CMulticastChannelGroupType | Multicast Channel Group Type |
CNewExpiry | This class represents the New Expiry Message |
►CNewFuturesStrategyDefinition | This class represents the New Futures Strategy Definition Message |
CLeg | This nested class represents leg definition |
CNewOptionsMarketDefinition | This class represents the New Options Market Definition Message |
►CNewOptionsStrategyDefinition | This class represents the New Options Strategy Definition Message |
CHedge | This nested class represents hedge definition |
CLeg | This nested class represents leg definition |
COffMarketTradeType | Known types of block trade |
COldStyleOptionsTradeAndMarketStats | This class represents the Old Style Options Trade and Market Stats Message |
COpenInterest | This class represents the Open Interest Message |
COpenPrice | This class represents the Open Price Message |
COptional | |
COptionOpenInterest | This class represents the Option Open Interest Message |
COptionSettlementPrice | This class represents the Option Settlement Price Message |
COptionsExpirationType | Option expiration type constants |
►COptionsProductDefinition | This class represents the Options Product Definition Message |
CBlockDetail | This nested class represents block details definition |
►COptionsStrategyDefinition | This class represents the Options Strategy Definition Message |
CBlockDetail | This nested class represents block details definition |
CHedge | This nested class represents hedge definition |
CLeg | This nested class represents leg definition |
COptionsStyle | Option settlement type constants |
COptionType | Option type constants |
COrder | /brief Defines data for single entry of full order depth book |
COrderBook | Book instance composing price level book and full order depth book |
COrderBookBundleUpdateListener | |
COrderBookChange | |
COrderBookChangeListener | |
COrderBookUpdateListener | |
CPacket | Packet |
CPacketProcessingListener | |
CPacketSource | Packet Type |
CPcapDataAnalyser | PCAP data analyser interface |
CPcapDataAnalyserFactory | PCAP data analyser factory |
CPcapDataProvider | PCAP data provider interface |
CPcapDataProviderFactory | PCAP data provider factory |
CPcapDataProviderSettings | PCAP data provider settings |
CPreOpenPriceIndicator | This class represents the Pre-Open Price Indicator Message |
CPriceLevel | Defines data for single price level of order book |
CRational | Rational number representation |
CRfq | This class represents the RFQ Message |
CSecuritySubType | Known security sub types |
CSecurityType | Security type constants |
CSettlementPrice | This class represents the Settlement Price Message |
CSettlementType | Settlement type constants |
CSide | Trading side constants |
CSnapshotRecoveryOptions | Defines snapshot recovery options |
CSpecialField | This class represents the Special Field Message |
CSpotMarketTrade | This class represents the Spot Market Trade Message |
CStartOrEnd | Known message bundle markers |
CStrategyPreference | Indicates Strategy Publication Preference |
CStripInfo | This class represents the Strip Info Message |
CSystemPricedLegType | Known types of system priced legs |
CSystemText | This class represents the System Text Message |
CTcpServerSettings | Defines TCP server options |
CTcpSettings | Defines TCP connectivity options |
CThreadAffinity | Represents set of CPU indices |
CTimeSpan | |
CTimeSpanFormats | Time span formats supported |
CTimestamp | Represents timestamp without time-zone information |
CTimestampFormats | Collection of timestamp formats supported |
CTrade | This class represents the Trade Message |
CTradeExtraFlags | Extra flags for trade message |
CTradeInvestigationStatus | Defines known trade investigation statuses |
CTradingStatus | Known trading statuses |
CWarning | Warning |
CWarningListener | |
►CYearMonth | |
CNoVerify | Suppresses verification |