OnixS ICE iMpact Multicast Price Feed Handler C++ library  8.18.0
API documentation
HandlerStates Struct Reference

#include <HandlerState.h>

Public Types

enum  Enum {
  Stopped = 0, Stopping, Started, SecurityDefinitionsRecoveryStarted,
  SecurityDefinitionsRecoveryFinished, BooksResynchronizationStarted, BooksResynchronizationFinished

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * toString (Enum state)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file HandlerState.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Enum

Available Handler's states.


The Handler is stopped.


The Handler is stopping.


The Handler is started but no data processing is performed yet.


Download of security definition messages is started.


Download of security definition messages is finished.


The correct books state is lost.

    Handler switches to this state when it joins the market and the
    initial books state is built from multicast messages or when the
    message sequence number gap is detected, so the book state should
    be re-built from multicast messages again.

    It should be assumed at this point that all books maintained
    in the Handler may no longer have the correct, latest state
    maintained by ICE, so they are cleared.  

The latest books state is restored.

    Handler switches to this state when the the latest books state
    is restored (all snapshot data is retrieved).

    It should be assumed at this point that all books maintained in
    the Handler have the correct, latest state maintained by ICE.  

Definition at line 30 of file HandlerState.h.

Member Function Documentation

static const char* toString ( Enum  state)

Returns string representation.

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