OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.12.0
API Documentation
Thread Pool Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use the ThreadPool mode.

Source code:

#include "../../Common/Helpers.h"
#include "../../Common/Settings.h"
using namespace Settings;
class Listener : public OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener
const std::string name_;
explicit Listener(const std::string & name):name_(name){}
/// Is called when the application-level message is received from the counterparty.
void onInboundApplicationMsg(Message& msg, Session* sn) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_FINAL
std::clog << "\n[" << name_ << "] - Incoming application-level message:\n" << msg << std::endl;
if(msg.type() == Values::MsgType::Order_Single)
Message execReport(Values::MsgType::Execution_Report, FixProtocolVersion);
execReport.set(Tags::OrderID, msg.get(Tags::ClOrdID))
.set(Tags::ExecID, "ExecID")
.set(Tags::ExecType, "0")
.set(Tags::ExecTransType, "0")
.set(Tags::OrdStatus, "0")
.set(Tags::Symbol, msg.get(Tags::Symbol))
.set(Tags::Side, msg.get(Tags::Side))
.set(Tags::CumQty, msg.get(Tags::OrderQty))
.set(Tags::AvgPx, 100.0)
.set(Tags::LeavesQty, msg.get(Tags::OrderQty));
catch(const std::exception & ex)
std::clog << "Exception during the processing of incoming message: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
/// Is called when the session-level message is received from the counterparty.
void onInboundSessionMsg(Message& msg, Session*) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_FINAL
std::clog << "\n[" << name_ << "] - Incoming session-level message:\n" << msg << std::endl;
void onStateChange(SessionState::Enum newState, SessionState::Enum prevState, Session*) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_FINAL
<< "\n[" << name_ << "] - Session's state is changed, prevState="
<< SessionState::toString(prevState)
<< ", newState="
<< SessionState::toString(newState)
<< std::endl;
void onError(ErrorReason::Enum, const std::string& description, Session*) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_FINAL
std::cerr << "\n[" << name_ << "] - Session-level error:" << description << std::endl;
void onWarning(WarningReason::Enum, const std::string& description, Session*) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_FINAL
std::cerr << "\n[" << name_ << "] - Session-level warning:" << description << std::endl;
int main()
std::clog << "ThreadPool Sample." << std::endl << std::endl;
// The default value of thread pool size equals the CPUs number, so it works fine in most cases.
// However, if needs, one can set it to a particular value.
const int ThreadPoolSize = 4;
EngineSettings settings;
Listener acceptorListener(TargetCompId);
Session acceptor(TargetCompId, SenderCompId, FixProtocolVersion, &acceptorListener);
Listener initiatorListener(SenderCompId);
Session initiator(SenderCompId, TargetCompId, FixProtocolVersion, &initiatorListener);
initiator.logonAsInitiator("localhost", ListenPort);
waitUntilEnterKey("Press any key to send the order from the initiator to the acceptor...");
Message order(Values::MsgType::Order_Single, FixProtocolVersion);
order.set(Tags::ClOrdID, "Unique identifier for Order")
.set(Tags::Symbol, "IBM")
.set(Tags::Side, Values::Side::Buy)
.set(Tags::OrderQty, 1000)
.set(Tags::OrdType, Values::OrdType::Market)
.set(Tags::TransactTime, Timestamp::utc(), TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMsec);
std::clog << "The order " << std::endl << order << std::endl << " was sent" << std::endl;
waitUntilEnterKey("Press any key to disconnect sessions and terminate the application.");
initiator.logout("The session is disconnected by BuySide").shutdown();
catch(const std::exception & ex)
return 1;
return 0;