OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.11.0
API Documentation
Logon Password Authentication

While Accepting an incoming FIX connection, additional authentication checks may be required. The typical checks are Logon username/password and source IP address.

The required authentication logic could be added to the OnixS::FIX::ISessionListener::onInboundSessionMsg(..) method. If the authentication fails and the FIX connection needs to be rejected (closed) then the std::runtime_error exception (or the derived one) should be thrown.

For example:

bool doAuthentication(const Message& /*message*/, std::string& /*reason*/)
// Perform some authentication.
return true;
class SessionListener : public ISessionListener
void onInboundSessionMsg(Message& message, Session*) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_OVERRIDE
if (message.type() == OnixS::FIX::FIX40::Values::MsgType::Logon)
std::string reason;
// Do user authentication here
if (!doAuthentication(message, reason))
throw std::runtime_error(reason);

If the std::runtime_error exception is thrown and OnixS::FIX::EngineSettings::sendLogoutOnException(..) or OnixS::FIX::Session::sendLogoutOnException(..) is set to true then the Logout FIX message will be sent before closing the FIX connection. Otherwise, the connection will be closed immediately.