Sometimes there is a requirement to accept an incoming FIX session 'on the fly', without the prior creation of the OnixS::FIX::Session object. This often happens when an unknown session-initiator is trying to connect to the Engine. For this reason, OnixS C++ FIX Engine exposes an ability to accept such a connection by creating a temporary session-acceptor and to respond to the counterparty. To take advantage of this feature, it is necessary to inherit from the OnixS::FIX::IEngineListener class, to overwrite the OnixS::FIX::IEngineListener::onUnknownIncomingConnection method, and register instance of inherited listener with the OnixS::FIX::Engine instance, using the OnixS::FIX::Engine::registerListener method.
To decline the incoming connection, no action is needed. One thing, that you can do, is to set the rejectReason
parameter and the Engine will use it as a text in the logout message.
Also, there is an ability to validate an incoming FIX connection even if the corresponding acceptor session is present. It can be done in the OnixS::FIX::IEngineListener::onIncomingConnection callback that is called when an incoming logon message is received but before the corresponding acceptor session is found. To decline the incoming connection, you need to set the rejectReason
parameter, and the Engine will use it as a text in the logout message.
Additionally, there is an ability to validate incoming TCP connections before receiving any messages to reject unwanted ones by IP address and port. It can be done in the OnixS::FIX::IEngineListener::onIncomingTelecommunicationLink callback that is called when an incoming TCP connection is detected. To decline the incoming TCP connection, you need to set the rejectReason
parameter, and the Engine will reject it.
using namespace OnixS::FIX::FIX42;
struct AcceptorBehavior
enum Enum
UnknownSessionAcceptor(AcceptorBehavior::Enum acceptorBehavior, const std::string & rejectReason)
: acceptorBehavior_(acceptorBehavior)
, rejectReason_(rejectReason)
virtual ~UnknownSessionAcceptor()
delete session_;
void onUnknownIncomingConnection(
const FlatMessage & incomingLogon,
const int ,
const int ,
const std::string & , std::string * rejectReason) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_OVERRIDE
if(acceptorBehavior_ == AcceptorBehavior::AcceptConnection)
const FlatFieldRef TargetCompIdRef = incomingLogon.find(Tags::TargetCompID);
const FlatFieldRef SenderCompIdRef = incomingLogon.find(Tags::SenderCompID);
const std::string TargetCompId(incomingLogon[TargetCompIdRef].data(), incomingLogon[TargetCompIdRef].size());
const std::string SenderCompId(incomingLogon[SenderCompIdRef].data(), incomingLogon[SenderCompIdRef].size());
session_ =
new Session(TargetCompId, SenderCompId, incomingLogon.version(),
else if(acceptorBehavior_ == AcceptorBehavior::RejectInOnUnknownIncomingConnection)
*rejectReason = rejectReason_;
void onIncomingConnection(
const FlatMessage & ,
const int ,
const int ,
const std::string & , std::string * rejectReason) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_OVERRIDE
if(acceptorBehavior_ == AcceptorBehavior::AcceptConnection)
else if(acceptorBehavior_ == AcceptorBehavior::RejectInOnIncomingConnection)
*rejectReason = rejectReason_;
void onIncomingTelecommunicationLink(const int , const int , const std::string & , std::string * rejectReason) ONIXS_FIXENGINE_OVERRIDE
if(acceptorBehavior_ == AcceptorBehavior::AcceptConnection)
else if(acceptorBehavior_ == AcceptorBehavior::RejectInOnIncomingTelecommunicationLink)
*rejectReason = rejectReason_;
void onInboundApplicationMsg(
std::clog << "Engine ERROR: " << description << std::endl;
std::clog << "Engine WARNING: " << description << std::endl;
std::clog << "Session ERROR: " << description << std::endl;
std::clog << "Session WARNING: " << description << std::endl;
AcceptorBehavior::Enum acceptorBehavior_;
std::string rejectReason_;
UnknownSessionAcceptor unknownSessionAcceptor(AcceptorBehavior::AcceptConnection, std::string());