▼NOnixS | |
▼NEuronext | |
▼NMarketData | |
▼NOptiqMdg | |
►NMessaging | |
CArgumentException | Argument value error |
CDataSource | Data source |
CEfViFeedEngine | The given class implements the Feed Engine concept using the Solarlfare ef_vi SDK |
CErrorCode | Known (selected) error codes |
CErrorListener | Defines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about errors occurred while processing messages |
CException | Basic exception class for this namespace |
CFeedDescriptor | Feed descriptor |
CFeedEngine | The Feed Engine machinery |
CFeedEngineThreadIdle | Identifies reasons feed engine threads becomes idle |
CFeedEngineThreadPool | A pool of threads executing feed engine tasks |
CFeedEngineThreadPoolListener | Listener for thread-related events |
CFeedEngineThreadPoolSettings | |
CHandler | Euronext Optiq MDG Handler class |
CHandlerSettings | Handler configuration settings |
CHandlerState | Defines the state that the handler is in |
CHandlerStateListener | Status Listener |
CLogFilePermission | Log file read permissions |
CLogLevel | Log level |
CLogSettings | Logging options |
CMessageListener | Message listener |
CMonth | Identifies months in year |
CNetFeedEngineProcessResult | Designed to reflect various aspects of feed engine processing flow |
CNicWatch | The network interface watch |
COperationException | Operation exception |
CReplayListener | Listening interface for log replay-related events |
CReplayOptions | Defines ONIXS_EURONEXT_OPTIQMDG_API which affect logs replay |
CSemaphore | Semaphore |
CServiceDescriptor | Service endpoint description |
CSocketFeedEngine | The given class implements feed engine concept using pool of working threads and standard socket API |
CThisThread | Current thread related tasks |
CThreadAffinity | Represents set of CPU indices |
CTimeSpan | Represents time interval |
CTimeSpanFormat | Collection of timespan formatting patterns |
CTimestamp | Represents time point without time-zone information |
CTimestampFormat | Collection of timestamp formatting patterns |
CTimeTraits | Miscellaneous time characteristics |
CUtcWatch | UTC watch |
CWarningListener | Warning listener |
CWatchService | Abstract watch service |