OnixS C++ Euronext Optiq MDG Handler  1.3.1
API documentation
ApaFullTradeInformation Struct Reference

#include <OnixS/Euronext/MarketData/OptiqMdg/messaging/Messages.h>

Public Types

enum  { TemplateId = 1028 }
typedef SchemaTraits Schema
- Public Types inherited from SbeMessage
typedef MessageSize EncodedLength
typedef MessageSize BlockLength

Public Member Functions

 ApaFullTradeInformation ()=default
 ApaFullTradeInformation (const void *data, EncodedLength length)
 ApaFullTradeInformation (const SbeMessage &message)
bool seqNum (Uint64 &value) const noexcept
bool rebroadcastIndicator (UnsignedChar &value) const noexcept
Emm::Enum eMM () const noexcept
bool eventTime (Uint64 &value) const noexcept
StrRef tradingDateTime () const noexcept
bool publicationDateTime (StrRef &value) const noexcept
TradeType::Enum tradeType () const noexcept
bool mifidInstrumentIdType (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool mifidInstrumentId (StrRef &value) const noexcept
StrRef miFIdTransactionId () const noexcept
bool mifidPrice (StrRef &value) const noexcept
StrRef mifidQuantity () const noexcept
bool mifidPriceNotation (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool mifidCurrency (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool miFIdQtyinMsrmtUnitNotation (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool mifidQuantityMeasurementUnit (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool miFIdNotionalAmount (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool notionalCurrency (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool miFIdClearingFlag (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTMarketMechanism (EfficientMMTMarketMechanism::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTTradingMode (EfficientMMTTradingMode::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTTransactionCategory (EfficientMMTTransactionCategory::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTNegotiationIndicator (EfficientMMTNegotiationIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator (EfficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTModificationIndicator (EfficientMMTModificationIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator (EfficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator (EfficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator (EfficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTContributiontoPrice (EfficientMMTContributiontoPrice::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator (EfficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTPublicationMode (EfficientMMTPublicationMode::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTPostTradeDeferral (EfficientMMTPostTradeDeferral::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool efficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator (EfficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept
bool tradeReference (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool originalReportTimestamp (Uint64 &value) const noexcept
bool priceMultiplier (Uint32 &value) const noexcept
bool priceMultiplierDecimals (UnsignedChar &value) const noexcept
StrRef venue () const noexcept
bool miFIdEmissionAllowanceType (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool longTradeReference (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool aPAOrigin (StrRef &value) const noexcept
bool tradeUniqueIdentifier (StrRef &value) const noexcept
std::string toString () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SbeMessage
 SbeMessage () noexcept
 SbeMessage (const void *data, MessageSize size)
 SbeMessage (const void *data, MessageSize size, NoCheck) noexcept
void clear () noexcept
bool valid () const noexcept
MessageTemplateId templateId () const noexcept
SchemaVersion version () const noexcept
SchemaId schemaId () const noexcept
const void * binary () const noexcept
const void * blockEnd () const noexcept
MessageSize bufferSize () const noexcept
BlockLength blockLength () const noexcept
const void * block () const noexcept

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr BlockLength minimalBlockLength (SchemaVersion version) noexcept
static constexpr BlockLength blockLength (SchemaVersion version) noexcept
static constexpr MessageSize getMinimalVariableFieldsSize (SchemaVersion version)
static constexpr const CharclassName ()
static constexpr StrRef fixType () noexcept

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from SbeMessage
typedef SbeGroupList< MessageSizeGroupList
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SbeMessage
GroupList groups () const noexcept
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group getGroup (Callable callable, Owner &owner) const noexcept
template<class Group , class Callable , class Owner >
Group getGroup (Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) const noexcept
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize >
 SbeFields ()=default
 ~SbeFields ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize >
 BinaryBlock ()=default
 ~BinaryBlock ()=default
Value ordinary (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool ordinary (Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept
bool ordinary (Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept
Enumeration::Enum enumeration (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool enumeration (typename Enumeration::Enum &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept
bool enumeration (typename Enumeration::Enum &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept
StrRef fixedStr (MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool fixedStr (StrRef &value, MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept
bool fixedStr (StrRef &value, MessageSizeoffset, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7906 of file Messages.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Used template schema.

Definition at line 7911 of file Messages.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Message template ID from SBE schema.


Definition at line 7914 of file Messages.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Initializes a blank instance.

ApaFullTradeInformation ( const void *  data,
EncodedLength  length 

Creates an instance over the given memory block.

Definition at line 7920 of file Messages.h.

ApaFullTradeInformation ( const SbeMessage message)

Creates an instance over the given SBE message.

Definition at line 7930 of file Messages.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool aPAOrigin ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to aPAOrigin field.

Definition at line 8387 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr BlockLength blockLength ( SchemaVersion  version)

Size of message body in bytes.

Definition at line 8424 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr const Char* className ( )
class name.

Definition at line 8450 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator ( EfficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator field.

Definition at line 8194 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator ( EfficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator field.

Definition at line 8266 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator ( EfficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator field.

Definition at line 8218 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTContributiontoPrice ( EfficientMMTContributiontoPrice::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTContributiontoPrice field.

Definition at line 8254 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator ( EfficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator field.

Definition at line 8302 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTMarketMechanism ( EfficientMMTMarketMechanism::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTMarketMechanism field.

Definition at line 8146 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTModificationIndicator ( EfficientMMTModificationIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTModificationIndicator field.

Definition at line 8206 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTNegotiationIndicator ( EfficientMMTNegotiationIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTNegotiationIndicator field.

Definition at line 8182 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator ( EfficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator field.

Definition at line 8242 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTPostTradeDeferral ( EfficientMMTPostTradeDeferral::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTPostTradeDeferral field.

Definition at line 8290 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTPublicationMode ( EfficientMMTPublicationMode::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTPublicationMode field.

Definition at line 8278 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator ( EfficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator field.

Definition at line 8230 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTTradingMode ( EfficientMMTTradingMode::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTTradingMode field.

Definition at line 8158 of file Messages.h.

bool efficientMMTTransactionCategory ( EfficientMMTTransactionCategory::Enum value) const

Provides access to efficientMMTTransactionCategory field.

Definition at line 8170 of file Messages.h.

Emm::Enum eMM ( ) const

Provides access to eMM field.

Definition at line 7961 of file Messages.h.

bool eventTime ( Uint64 value) const

Provides access to eventTime field.

Definition at line 7971 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr StrRef fixType ( )

FIX message type.

Definition at line 8459 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr MessageSize getMinimalVariableFieldsSize ( SchemaVersion  version)

Minimal variable fields size (when variable-length fields are empty).

Definition at line 8438 of file Messages.h.

bool longTradeReference ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to longTradeReference field.

Definition at line 8376 of file Messages.h.

bool miFIdClearingFlag ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to miFIDClearingFlag field.

Definition at line 8134 of file Messages.h.

bool mifidCurrency ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to mifidCurrency field.

Definition at line 8079 of file Messages.h.

bool miFIdEmissionAllowanceType ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to miFIDEmissionAllowanceType field.

Definition at line 8365 of file Messages.h.

bool mifidInstrumentId ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to mifidInstrumentID field.

Definition at line 8024 of file Messages.h.

bool mifidInstrumentIdType ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to mifidInstrumentIdType field.

Definition at line 8013 of file Messages.h.

bool miFIdNotionalAmount ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to miFIDNotionalAmount field.

Definition at line 8112 of file Messages.h.

bool mifidPrice ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to mifidPrice field.

Definition at line 8046 of file Messages.h.

bool mifidPriceNotation ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to mifidPriceNotation field.

Definition at line 8068 of file Messages.h.

bool miFIdQtyinMsrmtUnitNotation ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to miFIDQtyinMsrmtUnitNotation field.

Definition at line 8090 of file Messages.h.

StrRef mifidQuantity ( ) const

Provides access to mifidQuantity field.

Definition at line 8057 of file Messages.h.

bool mifidQuantityMeasurementUnit ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to mifidQuantityMeasurementUnit field.

Definition at line 8101 of file Messages.h.

StrRef miFIdTransactionId ( ) const

Provides access to miFIDTransactionID field.

Definition at line 8035 of file Messages.h.

static constexpr BlockLength minimalBlockLength ( SchemaVersion  version)

Minimal size of message body in bytes.

Definition at line 8411 of file Messages.h.

bool notionalCurrency ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to notionalCurrency field.

Definition at line 8123 of file Messages.h.

bool originalReportTimestamp ( Uint64 value) const

Provides access to originalReportTimestamp field.

Definition at line 8324 of file Messages.h.

bool priceMultiplier ( Uint32 value) const

Provides access to priceMultiplier field.

Definition at line 8334 of file Messages.h.

bool priceMultiplierDecimals ( UnsignedChar value) const

Provides access to priceMultiplierDecimals field.

Definition at line 8344 of file Messages.h.

bool publicationDateTime ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to publicationDateTime field.

Definition at line 7992 of file Messages.h.

bool rebroadcastIndicator ( UnsignedChar value) const

Provides access to rebroadcastIndicator field.

Definition at line 7951 of file Messages.h.

bool seqNum ( Uint64 value) const

Provides access to mDSeqNum field.

Definition at line 7941 of file Messages.h.

std::string toString ( ) const
a human-readable presentation.

Definition at line 1460 of file MessageSerialization.h.

bool tradeReference ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to tradeReference field.

Definition at line 8313 of file Messages.h.

TradeType::Enum tradeType ( ) const

Provides access to tradeType field.

Definition at line 8003 of file Messages.h.

bool tradeUniqueIdentifier ( StrRef value) const

Provides access to tradeUniqueIdentifier field.

Definition at line 8398 of file Messages.h.

StrRef tradingDateTime ( ) const

Provides access to tradingDateTime field.

Definition at line 7981 of file Messages.h.

StrRef venue ( ) const

Provides access to venue field.

Definition at line 8354 of file Messages.h.

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