OnixS C++ Euronext Optiq MDG Handler  1.3.3
API documentation
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1 /*
2 * Copyright Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS]. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This software owned by Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS] and is protected by copyright law
5 * and international copyright treaties.
6 *
7 * Access to and use of the software is governed by the terms of the applicable ONIXS Software
8 * Services Agreement (the Agreement) and Customer end user license agreements granting
9 * a non-assignable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software
10 * for it's own data processing purposes under the terms defined in the Agreement.
11 *
12 * Except as otherwise granted within the terms of the Agreement, copying or reproduction of any part
13 * of this source code or associated reference material to any other location for further reproduction
14 * or redistribution, and any amendments to this copyright notice, are expressly prohibited.
15 *
16 * Any reproduction or redistribution for sale or hiring of the Software not in accordance with
17 * the terms of the Agreement is a violation of copyright law.
18 */
20 #pragma once
22 #include <OnixS/Euronext/MarketData/OptiqMdg/messaging/Forwards.h>
25 namespace OnixS {
26 namespace Euronext {
27 namespace MarketData {
28 namespace OptiqMdg {
29 namespace Messaging {
30  class SbeMessage;
31 }
33  /// Message listener
34  class ONIXS_EURONEXT_OPTIQMDG_API MessageListener
35  {
36  public:
37  virtual void onStartOfDay(const Messaging::StartOfDay&, const DataSource&) {}
38  virtual void onEndOfDay(const Messaging::EndOfDay&, const DataSource&) {}
39  virtual void onHealthStatus(const Messaging::HealthStatus&, const DataSource&) {}
41  virtual void onMarketUpdate(const Messaging::MarketUpdate&, const DataSource&) {}
42  virtual void onOrderUpdate(const Messaging::OrderUpdate&, const DataSource&) {}
43  virtual void onPriceUpdate(const Messaging::PriceUpdate&, const DataSource&) {}
46  virtual void onTimetable(const Messaging::Timetable&, const DataSource&) {}
47  virtual void onStandingData(const Messaging::StandingData&, const DataSource&) {}
48  virtual void onRealTimeIndex(const Messaging::RealTimeIndex&, const DataSource&) {}
49  virtual void onStatistics(const Messaging::Statistics&, const DataSource&) {}
50  virtual void onIndexSummary(const Messaging::IndexSummary&, const DataSource&) {}
56  virtual void onApaQuotes(const Messaging::ApaQuotes&, const DataSource&) {}
60  virtual void onBfTrade(const Messaging::BfTrade&, const DataSource&) {}
61  virtual void onBfnav(const Messaging::Bfnav&, const DataSource&) {}
64  virtual void onEndOfSnapshot(const Messaging::EndOfSnapshot&, const DataSource&) {}
66  virtual void onUnknownMessage(const Messaging::SbeMessage&, const DataSource&) {}
68  virtual void onRealtimeGap() {}
69  virtual void onRealtimeInactivity() {}
71  virtual void onSnapshotGap() {}
72  virtual void onSnapshotInactivity() {}
74  protected:
75  virtual ~MessageListener() = 0;
76  };
77 }
78 }
79 }
80 }
virtual void onOrderUpdate(const Messaging::OrderUpdate &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onHealthStatus(const Messaging::HealthStatus &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:4506
virtual void onLongOrderUpdate(const Messaging::LongOrderUpdate &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onApaFullTradeInformation(const Messaging::ApaFullTradeInformation &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:934
virtual void onStartOfDay(const Messaging::StartOfDay &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:172
virtual void onMarketUpdate(const Messaging::MarketUpdate &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onApaStandingData(const Messaging::ApaStandingData &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:7933
virtual void onBfnav(const Messaging::Bfnav &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:5070
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:448
virtual void onTechnicalNotification(const Messaging::TechnicalNotification &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:6655
virtual void onStandingData(const Messaging::StandingData &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onTimetable(const Messaging::Timetable &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onEndOfDay(const Messaging::EndOfDay &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onFullTradeInformation(const Messaging::FullTradeInformation &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onStartOfSnapshot(const Messaging::StartOfSnapshot &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:310
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:10008
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:7025
Definition: Handler.h:26
virtual void onContractStandingData(const Messaging::ContractStandingData &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onBfInstrumentReference(const Messaging::BfInstrumentReference &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:34
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:9480
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:1281
virtual void onPriceUpdate(const Messaging::PriceUpdate &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:9162
virtual void onUnknownMessage(const Messaging::SbeMessage &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:2518
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:627
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:9870
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:7602
virtual void onRealTimeIndex(const Messaging::RealTimeIndex &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onEndOfSnapshot(const Messaging::EndOfSnapshot &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:6215
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:4278
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:5433
virtual void onBfTrade(const Messaging::BfTrade &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:3273
virtual void onMarketStatusChange(const Messaging::MarketStatusChange &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:1612
virtual void onBfInstrumentSuspension(const Messaging::BfInstrumentSuspension &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:2931
virtual void onStrategyStandingData(const Messaging::StrategyStandingData &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onStatistics(const Messaging::Statistics &, const DataSource &)
virtual void onApaQuotes(const Messaging::ApaQuotes &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:4772
virtual void onLisPackageStructure(const Messaging::LisPackageStructure &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:7356
virtual void onOutrightStandingData(const Messaging::OutrightStandingData &, const DataSource &)
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:9700
Message identifiers and length of message root.
Definition: Messages.h:8520
virtual void onIndexSummary(const Messaging::IndexSummary &, const DataSource &)