179 TotalReturnFuture = 1,
185 StandardWithNegativePrices = 3
216 LiquidityProvider = 6,
222 StructuredProductMarketMaker = 8,
293 InstrumentBookRetransmissionEnd = 1,
296 TradeRetransmissionStart = 10,
299 TradeRetransmissionEnd = 11
318 CancelPreviouslyScheduledEvent = 0,
324 ResumptionOfTrading = 3,
333 WholesaleLargeInScaleLiSTradesOpenExtension = 6,
336 WholesaleBasisTradesOpenExtension = 7,
339 WholesaleAgainstActualsTradesOpenExtension = 8,
342 WholesaleLargeInScaleLiSPackageTradesOpenExtension = 9,
345 WholesaleExchangeForSwapsTradesOpenExtension = 10,
348 WholesaleTradesOpenExtension = 11,
388 AutomaticReopening = 7,
391 NoLiquidityProvider = 8,
394 KnockInByIssuer = 11,
397 KnockOutByExchange = 12,
400 KnockOutByIssuer = 13,
403 ActionByMarketOperations = 15,
406 WaitingForTradableState = 16,
412 DueToUnderlying = 21,
415 OutsideOfLPQuotes = 22,
474 WarrantsAndCertificates = 3,
489 EuronextFundsServices = 12,
492 INAVIndicativeNetAssetValue = 14,
523 PercentageOfNominalExcludingAccruedInterestClean = 2,
532 PercentageOfNominalIncludingAccruedInterestDirty = 5,
535 PercentageOfParValue = 6,
563 InstrNeitherEligibleForSRDOrLoanAndLendingMkt = 0,
566 InstrEligibleForSRDAndForLoanAndLendingMarket = 1,
569 InstrEligibleForTheSRDLongOnly = 2,
572 InstrEligibleForLoanAndLendingMktAndForSRDLongOnly = 3,
575 EasytoborrowInstrEligibleForSRDAndForLoanAndLendingMkt = 4,
578 InstrEligibleForTheLoanAndLendingMarket = 5,
600 ChangeRateNotAppliedToTheStrikePrice = 0,
603 ChangeRateAppliedToTheStrikePrice = 1
622 ChangeRateNotAppliedToTheTradedPrice = 0,
625 ChangeRateAppliedToTheTradedPrice = 1
706 SpreadInBasisPoints = 2,
728 BasketWithCommodity =
737 DepositaryReceipt =
743 CurrencyLeveragedIndex =
758 LeveragedIndex =
764 OtherDerivative =
767 CommodityIndex =
770 CommodityLeveragedIndex =
794 SecurityLeveragedIndex =
'Z' 819 CallOrPutCabinet =
825 CalendarSpread =
828 DiagonalCalendarSpread =
834 TwoByOneRatioSpread =
852 StraddleCalendarSpread =
858 DiagonalStraddleCalendarSpread =
861 SimpleInterCommoditySpread =
864 ConversionReversal =
870 VolatilityTrade =
882 ReducedTickSpread =
885 LadderVersusUnderlying =
888 ButterflyVersusUnderlying =
891 CallSpreadVersusPutVersusUnderlying =
894 CallOrPutSpreadVersusUnderlying =
897 CallOrPutCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying =
900 CallPutDiagonalCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying =
903 GutsVersusUnderlying =
906 TwoByOneCallOrPutRatioSpreadVersusUnderlying =
909 IronButterflyVersusUnderlying =
912 ComboVersusUnderlying =
915 StrangleVersusUnderlying =
918 ExchangeForPhysical =
921 StraddleCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying =
924 PutSpreadVersusCallVersusUnderlying =
927 DiagonalStraddleCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying =
933 StraddleVersusUnderlying =
936 CondorVersusUnderlying =
942 IronCondorVersusUnderlying =
948 CallSpreadVersusSellAPut =
951 PutSpreadVersusSellACall =
954 PutStraddleVersusSellACallOrAPut =
957 ICSOneSidedCombinationSameExpiry =
960 ICSTwoSidedCombinationSameExpiry =
'U' 982 DeletionOfIdentifiedOrder = 2,
985 DeletionOfAllOrdersBySide = 3,
988 ModificationOfExistingOrderWithoutLossOfPriority = 4,
991 RetransmissionOfAllOrders = 5,
994 ModificationOfExistingOrderWithLossOfPriority = 6,
997 RFQAnswerCreation = 7,
1000 RFQAnswerDeletion = 8
1022 OfficialMarketClose = 4,
1028 ProvisionalIntraday = 7,
1031 OfficialIntraday = 8,
1037 NAVForTheInstrumentsEligibleToTheNAVTradingFacility = 10,
1040 AdjustedClosingPrice = 12,
1043 SubscriptionPrice = 13,
1046 IndicativeMatchingPrice = 14,
1049 MinPriceOutOfSessionTrades = 19,
1052 MaxPriceOutOfSessionTrades = 20,
1055 MinPriceOutOfSessionBlockTrades = 21,
1058 MaxPriceOutOfSessionBlockTrades = 22,
1061 ValuationPrice = 23,
1064 FundSubscription = 24,
1067 FundRedemption = 25,
1070 UncrossingPrice = 26,
1073 LastTradedPrice = 27,
1082 ExternalReferencePrice = 31,
1125 VolatilityIndex = 7,
1128 FutureOnCommodities = 8,
1134 FXEmergingMarkets = 10,
1152 IndustrialProducts = 16,
1158 MultiCommodityExotic = 18,
1167 OfficialEconomicStatistics = 21,
1247 TotalTradedVolume = 7,
1256 RequestForQuote = 10,
1259 RequestForQuoteBid = 11,
1262 RequestForSize = 12,
1265 RequestForQuoteOffer = 13,
1268 HighDynamicCollar = 14,
1271 LowDynamicCollar = 15,
1283 UpdatedOfferRLP = 19,
1286 ConventionalTrade = 24,
1289 RequestForCrossRFCQueued = 25,
1292 RequestForCrossRFC = 26,
1295 LargeInScaleLiSTrade = 27,
1301 LargeInScaleLiSPackageTrade = 29,
1304 GuaranteedCrossTrade = 30,
1307 AgainstActualTrade = 31,
1310 AssetAllocationTrade = 32,
1313 ExchangeForSwapTrade = 34,
1319 ExchangeForPhysicalTradeCashLeg = 36,
1322 StrategyLegConventionalTrade = 37,
1325 StrategyLegLargeInScaleLiSTrade = 38,
1328 StrategyLegBasisTrade = 39,
1331 StrategyLegGuaranteedCrossTrade = 40,
1334 StrategyLegAgainstActualTrade = 41,
1337 StrategyLegAssetAllocationTrade = 42,
1340 StrategyLegExchangeForSwapTrade = 44,
1343 StrategyLegExchangeForPhysicalTrade = 45,
1352 TradeCancellation = 50,
1355 OutOfMarketTrade = 51,
1358 DeltaNeutralTradeUnderlyingCashLeg = 52,
1361 DeltaNeutralTradeUnderlyingFutureLeg = 53,
1364 EuronextFundServiceTrade = 54,
1367 SecondaryListingTrade = 55,
1370 RequestForCrossTrade = 56,
1373 RequestForCrossStrategyLegTrade = 57,
1376 NewBidWithLiquidityProvider = 58,
1379 NewOfferWithLiquidityProvider = 59,
1382 UpdatedBidWithLiquidityProvider = 60,
1385 UpdatedOfferWithLiquidityProvider = 61,
1388 LowStaticCollar = 63,
1391 HighStaticCollar = 64,
1394 MarketVWAPOperationTrade = 65,
1397 RequestForSizeBid = 66,
1400 RequestForSizeOffer = 67,
1409 ETFMTFNAVTradePriceInBp = 72,
1412 ETFMTFNAVDarkTradePriceInBp = 73,
1415 NewBidOnWholesaleRFC = 74,
1418 NewOfferOnWholesaleRFC = 75,
1421 UpdatedBidOnWholesaleRFC = 76,
1424 UpdatedOfferOnWholesaleRFC = 77,
1427 ClearWholesaleRFC = 78,
1430 GuaranteedCrossNegotiatedDealNLIQ = 79,
1433 GuaranteedCrossNegotiatedDealOILQ = 80,
1436 LargeInScaleTrade = 81,
1439 LargeInScaleTradeInBasisPoints = 82,
1442 LargeInScalePackageTradeInBasisPoints = 83,
1445 StrategyLegLargeInScaleTradeInBasisPoints = 84,
1448 NewBidRFQAnswer = 86,
1451 NewOfferRFQAnswer = 87,
1454 UpdatedBidRFQAnswer = 88,
1457 UpdatedOfferRFQAnswer = 89,
1460 BidExecutionSummary = 90,
1463 AQSExpansionFactor = 91,
1466 CollarsExpansionFactor = 92,
1469 CollarsEnabled = 93,
1472 CollarsDisabled = 94,
1475 DCRPInterMonthSpread = 95,
1478 FSPReferencePrice = 96,
1481 OfferExecutionSummary = 97,
1490 ConventionalTradeProvisionalPrice = 100,
1493 HighOrderPriceControlCollar = 101,
1496 LowOrderPriceControlCollar = 102,
1499 OrderPriceControlCollarReferencePrice = 103,
1502 IssuingOrTenderOfferTrade = 104,
1511 FLIPReferencePrice = 107,
1536 ScheduledEventNotification = 1,
1539 StatusChangeAndScheduledEventNotification = 2
1558 CashAndDerivativeCentralOrderBook = 1,
1561 NAVTradingFacility = 2,
1564 DerivativesWholesales = 4,
1567 CashOnExchangeOffBook = 5,
1570 EuronextOffExchangeTradeReports = 6,
1573 DerivativesOnExchangeOffBook = 7,
1576 ETFMTFNAVCentralOrderBook = 8,
1579 ListedNotTraded = 9,
1582 DeltaNeutralContingencyLeg = 15,
1619 ConditionalUncrossing = 6
1638 OrderEntryCancelModifyDisabled = 0,
1641 OrderEntryCancelModifyEnabled = 1,
1644 CancelAndModifyOnly = 2,
1697 StopMarketOrStopMarketOnQuote = 3,
1700 StopLimitOrStopLimitOnQuote = 4,
1755 ContinuousUncrossing = 7,
1795 ContinuousUncrossing = 7
1817 SuspendedDueToUnderlying = 2,
1826 SuspendedNewListing = 5,
1832 SuspendedTechnical = 7,
1835 ReservedDynamicCollars = 8,
1838 ReservedStaticCollars = 9,
1841 ReservedWaitingForLP = 10,
1844 ReservedLPLimit = 11,
1847 InstrumentDeletion = 12,
1850 SuspendedWaitingForBBO = 13,
1853 SuspendedWaitingForTradableState = 14,
1856 RandomUncrossingPeriod = 15,
1865 ReservedDueToLeg = 18,
1868 SuspendedDueToLeg = 19,
1871 ReservedFutureLimitInterruptionProtection = 21,
1874 SuspendedWaitingForMarketOperations = 22
1893 ConventionalTrade = 1,
1896 LargeInScaleLiSTrade = 2,
1902 LargeInScaleLiSPackageTrade = 4,
1905 GuaranteedCrossTrade = 5,
1908 AgainstActualTrade = 6,
1911 AssetAllocationTrade = 7,
1914 ExchangeForSwapTrade = 9,
1917 ExchangeForPhysicalTradeCashLeg = 10,
1920 StrategyLegConventionalTrade = 11,
1923 StrategyLegLargeInScaleLiSTrade = 12,
1926 StrategyLegBasisTrade = 13,
1929 StrategyLegGuaranteedCrossTrade = 14,
1932 StrategyLegAgainstActualTrade = 15,
1935 StrategyLegAssetAllocationTrade = 16,
1938 StrategyLegExchangeForSwapTrade = 18,
1941 StrategyLegExchangeForPhysicalTrade = 19,
1950 TradeCancellation = 24,
1953 OutOfMarketTrade = 25,
1956 DeltaNeutralTradeUnderlyingCashLeg = 26,
1959 MarketVWAPOperationTrade = 27,
1962 EuronextFundServiceTrade = 28,
1965 SecondaryListingTrade = 29,
1968 RequestForCrossTrade = 30,
1971 RequestForCrossStrategyLegTrade = 31,
1974 TradePublication = 32,
1980 DeltaNeutralTradeUnderlyingFutureLeg = 34,
1983 TotalTradedVolume = 36,
1986 ETFMTFNAVTradePriceInBp = 37,
1989 ETFMTFNAVDarkTradePriceInBp = 38,
1992 GuaranteedCrossNegotiatedDealNLIQ = 39,
1995 GuaranteedCrossNegotiatedDealOILQ = 40,
1998 LargeInScaleTrade = 41,
2001 LargeInScaleTradeInBasisPoints = 42,
2004 LargeInScalePackageTradeInBasisPoints = 43,
2007 StrategyLegLargeInScaleTradeInBasisPoints = 44,
2013 NonStandardSettlement = 46,
2016 RepurchaseAgreementRepo = 47,
2019 ExchangeGrantedTrade = 48,
2028 ConventionalTradeProvisionalPrice = 100,
2031 LargeInScaleLiSTradeProvisionalPrice = 101,
2034 LargeInScaleLiSPackageTradeProvisionalPrice = 102,
2037 IssuingOrTenderOfferTrade = 103,
2112 PriceLimitsEnabledNormal = 1,
2115 PriceLimitsEnabledWide = 2,
2118 PriceLimitsEnabledWidest = 3,
2121 PriceLimitsDisabled = 4
2140 QuoteSpreadMultiplier1 = 1,
2143 QuoteSpreadMultiplier2 = 2,
2146 QuoteSpreadMultiplier3 = 3
2165 AmsterdamEquityDerivatives =
2168 BrusselsEquityDerivatives =
2171 ParisEquityUnderlyings =
2174 BrusselsCashUnderlyings =
2177 BrusselsIndexDerivatives =
2180 AmsterdamCashUnderlyings =
2183 LisbonCashUnderlyings =
2186 ParisIndexDerivatives =
2189 AmsterdamIndexDerivatives =
2192 LisbonIndexDerivatives =
2195 ParisEquityDerivatives =
2198 AmsterdamCommoditiesDerivatives =
2201 LisbonEquityDerivatives =
2204 ParisCommoditiesDerivatives =
2207 AmsterdamCurrencyDerivatives =
2210 OsloIndexDerivatives =
2213 OsloEquityDerivatives =
2216 OsloCashUnderlying =
2219 MilanCashUnderlying =
2222 MilanIndexDerivatives =
2225 MilanEquityDerivatives =
2228 MilanInterestRateDerivatives =
'T' 2278 WarrantsAndCertificates = 4,
2281 BourseDeLuxembourg = 5,
2296 TradeReportingAndPublication = 10,
2302 IndexDerivatives = 11,
2305 EquityDerivatives = 12,
2308 FinancialDerivatives = 13,
2358 IndicativeIndex = 0,
2361 OfficialOpeningIndex = 1,
2367 AutomaticIndicativeIndex = 3,
2370 PreliminaryReferenceIndex = 4,
2373 ClosingReferenceIndex = 5,
2376 ConfirmedReferenceIndex = 6,
2379 OptionsLiquidationIndex = 7
2398 PlainVanillaTrade = 1,
2410 GiveupGiveinTrade = 5,
2413 ExCumDividendTrade = 6,
2416 TradeWithCondition = 7,
2441 RegularTradeOrNegotiatedDeal =
2463 SellerDeclarationIsReceivedOnTheCurTradingSessionDay = 0,
2466 SellerDeclarationReceivedBeforeTheCurTradingSessionDay = 1
2488 IndexAndSessionHigh = 1,
2491 IndexAndSessionLow = 2,
2494 IndexAndSessionHighAndLowTypicallyFirstPrice = 3,
2497 OnlySessionHigh = 4,
2503 PreviousDayClose = 6
2540 VariationLastPrice = 14,
2549 LastTradedPrice = 17,
2552 PercentVariationPreviousClose = 18,
2555 OffBookCumulQty = 19,
2558 OnBookAuctionCumulQty = 21,
2561 OnBookContinuousCumulQty = 22,
2564 OnAndOffBookCumulQty = 23
2583 ThisInstrumentIsNotGuaranteed = 0,
2586 ThisInstrumentIsGuaranteed = 1,
2589 ThisInstrumentIsNotClearable = 2,
2592 GuaranteedClearedBorrowingLendingService = 8
2611 CentralLimitOrderBook = 1,
2614 QuoteDrivenMarket = 2,
2620 OffBookIncludingVoiceOrMessagingTrading = 4,
2623 PeriodicAuctionEqualUncrossing = 5,
2626 RequestForQuotes = 6,
2632 AnyOtherExcludingHybrid = 9
2651 CentralLimitOrderBook = 1,
2654 QuoteDrivenMarket = 2,
2660 OffBookIncludingVoiceOrMessagingTrading = 4,
2663 PeriodicAuctionEqualUncrossing = 5,
2666 RequestForQuotes = 6,
2688 UndefinedAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2691 ContinuousTrading =
2694 AtMarketCloseTrading =
2697 OutOfMainSessionTrading =
2700 TradeReportingOnExchange =
2703 TradeReportingOffExchange =
2706 TradeReportingSystematicInternaliser =
2709 ScheduledIntradayAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2712 ScheduledClosingAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2715 ScheduledOpeningAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2718 UnscheduledAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2721 OnDemandAuctionEqualFrequentBatchedAuction =
'P' 2740 UndefinedAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2743 ContinuousTrading =
2746 AtMarketCloseTrading =
2749 OutOfMainSessionTrading =
2752 TradeReportingOnExchange =
2755 TradeReportingOffExchange =
2758 TradeReportingSystematicInternaliser =
2761 ScheduledIntradayAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2764 ScheduledClosingAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2767 ScheduledOpeningAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2770 UnscheduledAuctionEqualUncrossing =
2773 OnDemandAuctionEqualFrequentBatchedAuction =
'P' 2841 NegotiatedTrade =
2844 NoNegotiatedTrade =
'-' 2866 NoAgencyCrossTrade =
'-' 2916 NoBenchmarkOrReferencePriceTrade =
'-' 2938 NoSpecialDividendTrade =
'-' 2957 OffBookNonAutomated =
2960 OffBookAutomated =
2963 UnspecifiedOrDoesNotApply =
'-' 2982 OffBookNonAutomated =
2985 OffBookAutomated =
2988 UnspecifiedOrDoesNotApply =
'-' 3013 PlainVanillaTrade =
3038 NoAlgorithmicTrade =
'-' 3057 NonImmediatePublication =
3075 ImmediatePublication =
'-' 3149 UniqueTradeReport =
'-' 3168 LitRegularTrade = 0,
3171 DarkTradeAndImmediatePublication = 1,
3174 DarkTradeAndDeferredPublication = 2
3196 RTS1EquityInstrumentFollowingMiFIDDefinition = 1,
3199 RTS2NonEquityInstrumentFollowingMiFIDDefinition = 2
3221 NoHaltWithReject = 2,
3224 HaltWithAcceptation = 3
3252 OpeningCallPrice = 4,
3255 MidBBOOrFairValue = 5,
3261 FutureMarketPrice = 7
3280 NotEligibleToPEATheStockHasNeverBeenAMonoryStock = 0,
3305 InstrumentsTradedOnThePrimaryMarket =
3308 InstrumentsTradedOnTheSecondaryMarket =
3311 InstrumentsTradedOnTheNewMarket =
3314 NonRegulatedMarketInstrumentsTradedOnTheFreeMarket =
3317 NonRegulatedMarketAlternext =
3323 RegulatedMarketNonEquities =
3326 RegulatedMarketEquitiesSegmentA =
3329 RegulatedMarketEquitiesSegmentB =
3332 RegulatedMarketEquitiesSegmentC =
3335 RegulatedMarketAllSecuritiesSpecialSegment =
3338 RegulatedMarketEquitiesOtherInstruments =
3341 OPCVMSICOMINonListedFrenchInvestmentFunds =
3347 GoldCurrenciesAndIndices =
3406 TradedAsAnOutright = 1,
3409 NotTradedButListedInContractDataTradersMaySubscribeTo = 2,
3412 TradedAsASimpleIntercommoditySpread = 3,
3415 TradedAsAnIntercommoditySpread = 4
3511 Capitalization = 12,
3551 ExEntitlement =
3554 DealingsTemporarilySuspended =
3576 DeducedAtSource =
'D' 3595 PriceExplicitTime = 1,
3617 NoSyntheticQuote = 0,
3620 SpontaneousImpliedMatching = 1,
3623 EventDrivenImpliedMatching = 2
3651 IndividualFuture = 3,
3695 LastAdjustedClosingPrice = 1,
3698 LastTradedPrice = 2,
3701 VolumeWeightedAveragePrice = 3,
3704 ClosingUncrossingPrice = 4,
3713 AverageOfBestBid = 7,
3716 UpdatedByMarketOperations = 8,
3719 ClosingPriceOfReferenceMarket = 9
3750 typedef Bits FirstArgType;
3758 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1);
3766 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2);
3796 return !(*
this == other);
3806 return this->bits_ == other.bits_;
3833 typedef Bits FirstArgType;
3841 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1);
3849 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2);
3857 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4);
3865 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8);
3873 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10);
3881 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20);
3889 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40);
3897 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80);
3927 return !(*
this == other);
3937 return this->bits_ == other.bits_;
3964 typedef Bits FirstArgType;
3972 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1);
3980 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2);
3988 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4);
3996 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8);
4004 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10);
4012 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20);
4020 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40);
4028 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80);
4036 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x200);
4044 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x400);
4074 return !(*
this == other);
4084 return this->bits_ == other.bits_;
4111 typedef Bits FirstArgType;
4119 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1);
4127 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2);
4135 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4);
4143 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8);
4151 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10);
4159 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20);
4167 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40);
4175 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80);
4183 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x100);
4191 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x200);
4199 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x400);
4207 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x800);
4215 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1000);
4223 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2000);
4231 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4000);
4239 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8000);
4247 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10000);
4255 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20000);
4263 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40000);
4271 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80000);
4279 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x100000);
4287 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x200000);
4295 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x400000);
4303 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x800000);
4311 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1000000);
4319 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2000000);
4327 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4000000);
4335 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8000000);
4343 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10000000);
4351 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20000000);
4359 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40000000);
4367 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80000000);
4375 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x100000000);
4383 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x200000000);
4391 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x400000000);
4399 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x800000000);
4407 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1000000000);
4415 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2000000000);
4423 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4000000000);
4431 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8000000000);
4439 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10000000000);
4447 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20000000000);
4455 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x40000000000);
4463 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x80000000000);
4471 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x100000000000);
4479 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x200000000000);
4487 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x400000000000);
4495 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x800000000000);
4503 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1000000000000);
4511 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2000000000000);
4541 return !(*
this == other);
4551 return this->bits_ == other.bits_;
4578 typedef Bits FirstArgType;
4586 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x1);
4594 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x2);
4602 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x4);
4610 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x8);
4618 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x10);
4626 return 0 != (bits_ & 0x20);
4656 return !(*
this == other);
4666 return this->bits_ == other.bits_;
IntegralConstant< UInt64, 18446744073709551615ULL > NullUInt64
bool gutsVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether GutsVersusUnderlying bit is set.
bool synthetic() const noexcept
Indicates whether Synthetic bit is set.
Int64 Int64
Type alias for the Int64_t.
ReferencePriceOrigin_enum type.
bool operator==(const OrderTypeRules &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
bool bundle() const noexcept
Indicates whether Bundle bit is set.
bool uncrossingTrade() const noexcept
Indicates whether UncrossingTrade bit is set.
bool operator!=(const MmProtections &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
IntegralConstant< Char,-128 > NullChar
Char Char16[16]
Type alias for the Char16.
bool strip() const noexcept
Indicates whether Strip bit is set.
EfficientMMTContributiontoPrice_enum type.
bool callSpreadVersusSellAPut() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallSpreadVersusSellAPut bit is set.
UnderlyingType_enum type.
Char Char27[27]
Type alias for the Char27.
Char Char100[100]
Type alias for the Char100.
MessagePriceNotation_enum type.
bool strangle() const noexcept
Indicates whether Strangle bit is set.
bool callOrPutCabinet() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallOrPutCabinet bit is set.
EfficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator_enum type.
bool volume() const noexcept
Indicates whether Volume bit is set.
Int32 Int32
Type alias for the Int32_t.
EfficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator_enum type.
Char Char25[25]
Type alias for the Char25.
UInt16 Bits
Aliases integral type whose bits are used to indicate flag presence.
bool operator!=(const StrategyAuthorized &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullUnsignedChar
Null value for an optional UnsignedChar field.
bool ladderVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether LadderVersusUnderlying bit is set.
IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullUint16
Null value for an optional Uint16 field.
bool simpleInterCommoditySpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether SimpleInterCommoditySpread bit is set.
bool tradingAtLast() const noexcept
Indicates whether TradingAtLast bit is set.
bool box() const noexcept
Indicates whether Box bit is set.
EfficientMMTMarketMechanism_enum type.
IntegralConstant< UInt32, 4294967295 > NullUint32
Null value for an optional Uint32 field.
IntegralConstant< Int8,-128 > NullInt8
Null value for an optional Int8 field.
bool wholesaleAllowed() const noexcept
Indicates whether WholesaleAllowed bit is set.
bool condor() const noexcept
Indicates whether Condor bit is set.
bool conversionReversal() const noexcept
Indicates whether ConversionReversal bit is set.
bool tradeCreationByMarketOperations() const noexcept
Indicates whether TradeCreationByMarketOperations bit is set.
Char Char24[24]
Type alias for the Char24.
Char Char7[7]
Type alias for the Char7.
ContractTradingType_enum type.
Char Char102[102]
Type alias for the Char102.
MiFIDInstrumentCategory_enum type.
MmProtections(Bits bits=0) noexcept
Constructs from a value.
PaymentFrequency_enum type.
bool operator==(const PhaseQualifier &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
bool combo() const noexcept
Indicates whether Combo bit is set.
bool twoByOneRatioSpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether TwoByOneRatioSpread bit is set.
bool stopStopLoss() const noexcept
Indicates whether StopStopLoss bit is set.
UInt64 Bits
Aliases integral type whose bits are used to indicate flag presence.
Char Char250[250]
Type alias for the Char250.
bool exceptionalMarketConditions() const noexcept
Indicates whether ExceptionalMarketConditions bit is set.
SecurityCondition_enum type.
Char Char3[3]
Type alias for the Char3.
EfficientMMTPostTradeDeferral_enum type.
EfficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator_enum type.
TransactionType_enum type.
bool straddleVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether StraddleVersusUnderlying bit is set.
ScheduledEvent_enum type.
bool putSpreadVersusSellACall() const noexcept
Indicates whether PutSpreadVersusSellACall bit is set.
UInt16 Bits
Aliases integral type whose bits are used to indicate flag presence.
Char Char12[12]
Type alias for the Char12.
OrderEntryQualifier_enum type.
bool executionPreventionAcrossAllFirms() const noexcept
Indicates whether ExecutionPreventionAcrossAllFirms bit is set.
DerivativesInstrumentType_enum type.
Bits bits() const noexcept
bool callPutDiagonalCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallPutDiagonalCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying bit is set.
bool calendarSpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether CalendarSpread bit is set.
TradeQualifier(Bits bits=0) noexcept
Constructs from a value.
EfficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator_enum type.
bool twoByOneCallOrPutRatioSpreadVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether TwoByOneCallOrPutRatioSpreadVersusUnderlying bit is set.
GrossofCDSCIndicator_enum type.
bool operator!=(const OrderTypeRules &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
Char Char50[50]
Type alias for the Char50.
TradingCurrencyIndicator_enum type.
EfficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator_enum type.
UInt8 Bits
Aliases integral type whose bits are used to indicate flag presence.
bool butterflyVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether ButterflyVersusUnderlying bit is set.
Char Char1
Type alias for the Char1.
MMTMarketMechanism_enum type.
StrategyAuthorized_set type.
EfficientMMTPublicationMode_enum type.
bool ironCondor() const noexcept
Indicates whether IronCondor bit is set.
MMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator_enum type.
bool limit() const noexcept
Indicates whether Limit bit is set.
bool firstTradePrice() const noexcept
Indicates whether FirstTradePrice bit is set.
bool straddleCalendarSpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether StraddleCalendarSpread bit is set.
bool pack() const noexcept
Indicates whether Pack bit is set.
bool exchangeForPhysical() const noexcept
Indicates whether ExchangeForPhysical bit is set.
ExpiryCycleType_enum type.
MMTTradingMode_enum type.
Char Char32[32]
Type alias for the Char32.
Char Char20[20]
Type alias for the Char20.
bool suspended() const noexcept
Indicates whether Suspended bit is set.
MarketDataChangeType_enum type.
Char Char11[11]
Type alias for the Char11.
Char Char15[15]
Type alias for the Char15.
Char Char10[10]
Type alias for the Char10.
Bits bits() const noexcept
OpenedClosedFund_enum type.
Char Char6[6]
Type alias for the Char6.
DerivativesMarketModel_enum type.
bool ironButterflyVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether IronButterflyVersusUnderlying bit is set.
bool reducedTickSpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether ReducedTickSpread bit is set.
bool putStraddleVersusSellACallOrAPut() const noexcept
Indicates whether PutStraddleVersusSellACallOrAPut bit is set.
QuoteSpreadMultiplier_enum type.
UInt8 UnsignedChar
Type alias for the Unsigned_char.
QuoteUpdateType_enum type.
IntegralConstant< Int64,-9223372036854775807LL-1 > NullInt64
Null value for an optional Int64 field.
Char Char60[60]
Type alias for the Char60.
bool icsOneSidedCombinationSameExpiry() const noexcept
Indicates whether ICSOneSidedCombinationSameExpiry bit is set.
bool diagonalCalendarSpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether DiagonalCalendarSpread bit is set.
bool strangleVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether StrangleVersusUnderlying bit is set.
bool operator==(const StrategyAuthorized &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
bool ladder() const noexcept
Indicates whether Ladder bit is set.
UInt64 Time
Type alias for the Time_t.
InstrumentUnitExpression_enum type.
bool navTradeExpressedInPriceCurrency() const noexcept
Indicates whether NAVTradeExpressedInPriceCurrency bit is set.
bool straddleCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether StraddleCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying bit is set.
TypeOfMarketAdmission_enum type.
bool ironButterfly() const noexcept
Indicates whether IronButterfly bit is set.
MarketDataPriceType_enum type.
bool qualifier() const noexcept
Indicates whether NoQualifier bit is set.
EfficientMMTNegotiationIndicator_enum type.
PhaseQualifier(Bits bits=0) noexcept
Constructs from a value.
Char Char4[4]
Type alias for the Char4.
StatsUpdateType_enum type.
bool deferredPublication() const noexcept
Indicates whether DeferredPublication bit is set.
Int8 Int8
Type alias for the Int8_t.
bool callBBOOnly() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallBBOOnly bit is set.
bool operator==(const MmProtections &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
EfficientMMTModificationIndicator_enum type.
DynamicCollarLogic_enum type.
bool delta() const noexcept
Indicates whether Delta bit is set.
bool putSpreadVersusCallVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether PutSpreadVersusCallVersusUnderlying bit is set.
TaxDescriptionAttachingtoaDividend_enum type.
IntegralConstant< UInt64, 18446744073709551615ULL > NullUint64
Null value for an optional Uint64 field.
EfficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator_enum type.
UInt64 Uint64
Type alias for the Uint64_t.
PricingAlgorithm_enum type.
InstrumentCategory_enum type.
bool operator!=(const TradeQualifier &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
bool quotingPeriod() const noexcept
Indicates whether QuotingPeriod bit is set.
Message identifiers and length of message root.
bool randomUncrossing() const noexcept
Indicates whether RandomUncrossing bit is set.
bool condorVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether CondorVersusUnderlying bit is set.
GuaranteeIndicator_enum type.
EffectiveDateIndicator_enum type.
UInt32 Uint32
Type alias for the Uint32_t.
IndexLevelType_enum type.
bool stopLimit() const noexcept
Indicates whether StopLimit bit is set.
TechnicalNotificationType_enum type.
bool operator!=(const PhaseQualifier &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
bool stressedMarketConditions() const noexcept
Indicates whether StressedMarketConditions bit is set.
bool guts() const noexcept
Indicates whether Guts bit is set.
bool comboVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether ComboVersusUnderlying bit is set.
EfficientMMTTransactionCategory_enum type.
IntegralConstant< Int32,-2147483647-1 > NullInt32
Null value for an optional Int32 field.
bool callSpreadVersusPutVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallSpreadVersusPutVersusUnderlying bit is set.
Char Char13[13]
Type alias for the Char13.
bool marketOnOpenMOO() const noexcept
Indicates whether MarketOnOpenMOO bit is set.
bool straddle() const noexcept
Indicates whether Straddle bit is set.
Bits bits() const noexcept
bool passiveOrder() const noexcept
Indicates whether PassiveOrder bit is set.
ImbalanceQuantitySide_enum type.
bool market() const noexcept
Indicates whether Market bit is set.
bool volatilityTrade() const noexcept
Indicates whether VolatilityTrade bit is set.
TransparencyIndicator_enum type.
bool icsTwoSidedCombinationSameExpiry() const noexcept
Indicates whether ICSTwoSidedCombinationSameExpiry bit is set.
Char Char5[5]
Type alias for the Char5.
bool callOrPutSpreadVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallOrPutSpreadVersusUnderlying bit is set.
EfficientMMTTradingMode_enum type.
Bits bits() const noexcept
bool jellyRoll() const noexcept
Indicates whether JellyRoll bit is set.
InstrumentState_enum type.
UnderlyingSubtype_enum type.
bool ironCondorVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether IronCondorVersusUnderlying bit is set.
bool callOrPutCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether CallOrPutCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying bit is set.
IntegralConstant< UInt64, 0ULL > NullTime
Null value for an optional Time field.
bool operator==(const TradeQualifier &other) const noexcept
Compares encoded data.
Bits bits() const noexcept
UInt16 Uint16
Type alias for the Uint16_t.
bool aggressiveOrder() const noexcept
Indicates whether AggressiveOrder bit is set.
bool buyWrite() const noexcept
Indicates whether BuyWrite bit is set.
IndexPriceCode_enum type.
UInt8 Bits
Aliases integral type whose bits are used to indicate flag presence.
OrderTypeRules(Bits bits=0) noexcept
Constructs from a value.
bool diagonalStraddleCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying() const noexcept
Indicates whether DiagonalStraddleCalendarSpreadVersusUnderlying bit is set.
Char Char2[2]
Type alias for the Char2.
StrikeCurrencyIndicator_enum type.
bool diagonalStraddleCalendarSpread() const noexcept
Indicates whether DiagonalStraddleCalendarSpread bit is set.
StrategyAuthorized(Bits bits=0) noexcept
Constructs from a value.
MarketDataActionType_enum type.
MarketDataUpdateType_enum type.
bool tradeAtSettlement() const noexcept
Indicates whether TradeAtSettlement bit is set.
Char Char18[18]
Type alias for the Char18.
bool navTradeExpressedInBps() const noexcept
Indicates whether NAVTradeExpressedInBps bit is set.
char Char
Character type alias.
Char Char52[52]
Type alias for the Char52.
bool spread() const noexcept
Indicates whether Spread bit is set.
Char Char30[30]
Type alias for the Char30.
IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullUInt8
BlockTradeCode_enum type.
PriceQualifier_enum type.
Char Char8[8]
Type alias for the Char8.
bool butterfly() const noexcept
Indicates whether Butterfly bit is set.