OnixS C++ Euronext Optiq MDG Handler  1.3.3
API documentation
Fields.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  PricingAlgorithm
struct  AccountType
struct  Session
struct  TechnicalNotificationType
struct  ScheduledEvent
struct  StatusReason
struct  ImbalanceQuantitySide
struct  InstrumentCategory
struct  InstrumentUnitExpression
struct  RepoIndicator
struct  StrikeCurrencyIndicator
struct  TradingCurrencyIndicator
struct  ContractType
struct  ExpiryCycleType
struct  MessagePriceNotation
struct  UnderlyingType
struct  StrategyCode
struct  MarketDataActionType
struct  MarketDataPriceType
struct  UnderlyingSubtype
struct  QuoteUpdateType
struct  MarketDataUpdateType
struct  MarketDataChangeType
struct  Emm
struct  MarketModel
struct  OrderEntryQualifier
struct  OrderSide
struct  OrderType
struct  BookState
struct  PhaseId
struct  InstrumentState
struct  TradeType
struct  TradingPeriod
struct  TradingSide
struct  PriceLimits
struct  QuoteSpreadMultiplier
struct  ExchangeCode
struct  LegBuyorSell
struct  OptiqSegment
struct  OptionType
struct  IndexLevelType
struct  TransactionType
struct  BlockTradeCode
struct  EffectiveDateIndicator
struct  IndexPriceCode
struct  StatsUpdateType
struct  GuaranteeIndicator
struct  MmtMarketMechanism
struct  EfficientMMTMarketMechanism
struct  MmtTradingMode
struct  EfficientMMTTradingMode
struct  EfficientMMTTransactionCategory
struct  EfficientMMTNegotiationIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTAgencyCrossTradeIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTModificationIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTBenchmarkIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTSpecialDividendIndicator
struct  MmtOffBookAutomatedIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTOffBookAutomatedIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTContributiontoPrice
struct  EfficientMMTAlgorithmicIndicator
struct  EfficientMMTPublicationMode
struct  EfficientMMTPostTradeDeferral
struct  EfficientMMTDuplicativeIndicator
struct  TransparencyIndicator
struct  MiFIDInstrumentCategory
struct  DynamicCollarLogic
struct  ReferencePriceOrigin
struct  TaxCode
struct  TypeOfMarketAdmission
struct  ExerciseStyle
struct  ContractTradingType
struct  OpenedClosedFund
struct  GrossofCDSCIndicator
struct  PaymentFrequency
struct  SecurityCondition
struct  TaxDescriptionAttachingtoaDividend
struct  TradingPolicy
struct  DerivativesMarketModel
struct  DerivativesInstrumentType
struct  Anonymous
struct  PriceQualifier
struct  MmProtections
struct  TradeQualifier
struct  PhaseQualifier
struct  StrategyAuthorized
struct  OrderTypeRules




typedef UInt8 UnsignedChar
typedef Int8 Int8
typedef UInt16 Uint16
typedef UInt32 Uint32
typedef UInt64 Uint64
typedef Int32 Int32
typedef Int64 Int64
typedef UInt64 Time
typedef Char Char1
typedef Char Char2[2]
typedef Char Char3[3]
typedef Char Char4[4]
typedef Char Char5[5]
typedef Char Char6[6]
typedef Char Char7[7]
typedef Char Char8[8]
typedef Char Char10[10]
typedef Char Char11[11]
typedef Char Char12[12]
typedef Char Char13[13]
typedef Char Char15[15]
typedef Char Char16[16]
typedef Char Char18[18]
typedef Char Char20[20]
typedef Char Char24[24]
typedef Char Char25[25]
typedef Char Char27[27]
typedef Char Char30[30]
typedef Char Char32[32]
typedef Char Char50[50]
typedef Char Char52[52]
typedef Char Char60[60]
typedef Char Char100[100]
typedef Char Char102[102]
typedef Char Char250[250]
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullUnsignedChar
typedef IntegralConstant< Int8,-128 > NullInt8
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullUint16
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt32, 4294967295 > NullUint32
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt64, 18446744073709551615ULL > NullUint64
typedef IntegralConstant< Int32,-2147483647-1 > NullInt32
typedef IntegralConstant< Int64,-9223372036854775807LL-1 > NullInt64
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt64, 0ULL > NullTime
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullUInt8
typedef IntegralConstant< Char,-128 > NullChar
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt64, 18446744073709551615ULL > NullUInt64