OnixS Eurex ETI Handler C++ library  9.19.0
API documentation
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1 /*
2  * Copyright Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS]. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This software owned by Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS] and is protected by copyright law
5  * and international copyright treaties.
6  *
7  * Access to and use of the software is governed by the terms of the applicable ONIXS Software
8  * Services Agreement (the Agreement) and Customer end user license agreements granting
9  * a non-assignable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software
10  * for it's own data processing purposes under the terms defined in the Agreement.
11  *
12  * Except as otherwise granted within the terms of the Agreement, copying or reproduction of any part
13  * of this source code or associated reference material to any other location for further reproduction
14  * or redistribution, and any amendments to this copyright notice, are expressly prohibited.
15  *
16  * Any reproduction or redistribution for sale or hiring of the Software not in accordance with
17  * the terms of the Agreement is a violation of copyright law.
18  */
20 #pragma once
22 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h"
28 #include <iosfwd>
29 #include <string>
31 namespace OnixS {
32 namespace Eurex {
33 namespace Trading {
35 /// TES Trade Broadcast Message.
36 class ONIXS_EUREX_ETI_EXPORT TESTradeBroadcast : public Message
37 {
38 public:
39  /// Initialize default instance.
42  /// Message sequence number assigned to a non-order related Eurex ETI data stream.
45  /// Unique ID assigned by the Eurex system during broadcast subscription in order to link broadcasts to the related subscription.
48  /// Is required to define the scope of a Retransmission Request.
51  /// Indicates a retransmission message.
54  /// Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream.
57  /// Indicates whether this message is the last fragment (part) of a sequence of messages belonging to one dedicated transaction.
60  /// The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
63  /// Price of this leg fill.
66  /// Quantity executed in this leg fill.
69  /// Final trade price.
72  /// Final traded quantity.
75  /// Timestamp of the match event (trade).
78  /// Instrument identifier of the originating Eurex strategy.
81  /// Client Identifier field (ESMA Field 3 (Section A)) used to identify the client of an order for agent account of the member or participant of the trading venue.
84  /// Executing Trader data Field (ESMA Field 5 (Section A)) used to identify the person or algorithm within the member or participant of the trading venue who is responsible for the execution of the transaction resulting from the order.
87  /// Investment decision within firm (ESMA Field 4 (Section A)) is the code used to identify the person or the algorithm within the member or participant of the Trading Venue who is responsible for the investment decision.
90  /// System defined Basket ID.
93  /// Fill price for the original Eurex strategy.
96  /// Fill quantity for the original Eurex strategy.
99  /// User defined index price.
102  /// Identifier for a Trade Entry Service trade, i.e TES trade ID.
105  /// The product identifier uniquely identifies a Eurex product.
108  /// Uniquely identifies all order leg allocations referring to the same matching event, simple instrument and price.
111  /// Trade date.
114  /// Private trade identifier of an order or quote match event.
117  /// Identification of the technical session.
120  /// Original trade identifier in case of trade reversals.
123  /// Owning Business Unit.
126  /// Owning User ID.
129  /// Clearing Business Unit ID.
132  /// Identifier that links all trades resulting from a match step of a strategy order.
135  /// Product identifier of the original Eurex strategy.
138  /// Number of leg executions of the original strategy order.
141  /// ID of a SRQS negotiation.
144  /// Trade ID out of a SRQS Negotiation Event.
147  /// ID of the Basket profile.
150  /// This field indicates the type of a Eurex futures spread, Eurex option combination or Eurex Strategy.
153  /// Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
156  /// This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
159  /// Instrument type of the original Eurex strategy.
162  /// Side of the order.
165  /// This field designates if the trader is acting in the capacity of agent, trading for its own account or acting as a market maker.
168  /// Identifies the type of trade notification.
171  /// Identifies the role for which the trade notification is received.
174  /// Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
177  /// Indicates if the trade resulted from a single order or a multi leg order.
180  /// Field is used for Eurex position management purposes and indicates whether the order is submitted to open or close a position.
183  /// Price decomposition method for legs of a complex instrument.
186  /// Order attribute liquidity provision.
189  /// Order attribute risk reduction.
192  /// Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader. It is required to distinguish between natural persons and Algos.
195  /// Qualifier for field PartyIdInvestmentDecisionMaker. Members/participants will have the possibility to specify an Investment qualifier value to distinguish between natural persons and Algos.
198  /// Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access customer.
201  /// Indicator whether the reversal of the TES trade is electronically requested or not.
204  /// Trade Aggregation Identifier.
207  /// Account to book trades and keep positions on.
208  std::string account;
210  /// Flex Account information.
213  /// Identifies the source of an order, in accordance with the FIA guidelines for a rate Identifier. The field is for participant use only. Valid characters: 0x20, 0x22-0x7B, 0x7D, 0x7E.
216  /// First free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
217  std::string freeText1;
219  /// Second free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
220  std::string freeText2;
222  /// Third free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
223  std::string freeText3;
225  /// Participant Short Name.
228  /// Owning User Short Name.
231  /// Clearing Member Short Name.
234  /// Clearing House Short Name.
237  /// Mandatory final KRX beneficiary account required for orders in KRX products.
240  /// Indicates the name of a member institution to which a give-up is designated.
243  /// KRX Member ID.
246  /// Root party ID execution venue.
249  /// TVTIC - Trading Venue Transaction Identification Code.
250  std::string regulatoryTradeId;
252  /// The identifier of the basket member counterparty institution.
255  /// User defined Basket trade ID.
258  /// This field indicates the Fee Code associated with the transaction.
259  std::string feeIdntCode;
261  /// Returns template ID.
262  TemplateId::Enum templateId () const;
264  /// Returns string representation.
265  std::string toString () const;
267 private:
268  friend class Serializer;
269  TESTradeBroadcast (const void* data, size_t dataSize, MessageInfo& msgInfo);
270  void nativeSerializeTo (void* nativeMessage);
271 };
273 ONIXS_EUREX_ETI_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const TESTradeBroadcast&);
275 }
276 }
277 }
Price decomposition method for legs of a complex instrument.
UInt32 rootPartyIdSessionId
Identification of the technical session.
MultilegPriceModel::Enum multilegPriceModel
Price decomposition method for legs of a complex instrument.
Indicates whether this message is the last fragment (part) of a sequence of messages belonging to one...
Definition: Enumerations.h:661
Indicates a retransmission message.
Definition: Enumerations.h:71
SInt64 relatedSecurityId
Instrument identifier of the originating Eurex strategy.
UInt32 negotiationId
ID of a SRQS negotiation.
UInt64 executingTrader
Executing Trader data Field (ESMA Field 5 (Section A)) used to identify the person or algorithm withi...
std::string freeText2
Second free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
Indicator whether the reversal of the TES trade is electronically requested or not.
UInt32 srqsRelatedTradeId
Trade ID out of a SRQS Negotiation Event.
Side of the order.
TradeReportType::Enum tradeReportType
Identifies the type of trade notification.
unsigned long long UInt64
Definition: Defines.h:47
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
SInt64 relatedClosePrice
User defined index price.
UInt32 basketProfileId
ID of the Basket profile.
Qualifier for field PartyIdInvestmentDecisionMaker. Members/participants will have the possibility to...
std::string rootPartyClearingFirm
Clearing Member Short Name.
Field is used for Eurex position management purposes and indicates whether the order is submitted to ...
signed int SInt32
Definition: Defines.h:42
std::string rootPartyIdOrderOriginationFirm
KRX Member ID.
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
UInt32 strategyLinkId
Identifier that links all trades resulting from a match step of a strategy order. ...
TradePublishIndicator::Enum tradePublishIndicator
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
UInt64 basketTrdMatchId
System defined Basket ID.
ProductComplex::Enum productComplex
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
UInt32 origTradeId
Original trade identifier in case of trade reversals.
PositionEffect::Enum positionEffect
Field is used for Eurex position management purposes and indicates whether the order is submitted to ...
UInt32 tradeId
Uniquely identifies all order leg allocations referring to the same matching event, simple instrument and price.
SInt64 securityId
The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
Message base class.
Definition: Message.h:33
Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access ...
ExecutingTraderQualifier::Enum executingTraderQualifier
Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader. It is required to distinguish between natural persons and Algos...
UInt64 transactTime
Timestamp of the match event (trade).
TradingCapacity::Enum tradingCapacity
This field designates if the trader is acting in the capacity of agent, trading for its own account o...
std::string rootPartyIdBeneficiary
Mandatory final KRX beneficiary account required for orders in KRX products.
std::string rootPartyIdPositionAccount
Flex Account information.
Identifies the source of an order, in accordance with the FIA guidelines for a rate Identifier...
Definition: Enumerations.h:271
LastFragment::Enum lastFragment
Indicates whether this message is the last fragment (part) of a sequence of messages belonging to one...
ReversalIndicator::Enum reversalIndicator
Indicator whether the reversal of the TES trade is electronically requested or not.
UInt16 partitionId
Is required to define the scope of a Retransmission Request.
std::string rootPartyIdExecutionVenue
Root party ID execution venue.
SInt64 lastPx
Price of this leg fill.
SInt64 lastQty
Quantity executed in this leg fill.
MultiLegReportingType::Enum multiLegReportingType
Indicates if the trade resulted from a single order or a multi leg order.
unsigned int UInt32
Definition: Defines.h:46
std::string rootPartyClearingOrganization
Clearing House Short Name.
SInt64 sideLastPx
Fill price for the original Eurex strategy.
signed long long SInt64
Definition: Defines.h:43
UInt32 sideTradeId
Private trade identifier of an order or quote match event.
SInt64 sideLastQty
Fill quantity for the original Eurex strategy.
TrdType::Enum trdType
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
UInt32 rootPartyIdExecutingTrader
Owning User ID.
std::string feeIdntCode
This field indicates the Fee Code associated with the transaction.
Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream.
Definition: Enumerations.h:34
TransferReason::Enum transferReason
Identifies the role for which the trade notification is received.
std::string regulatoryTradeId
TVTIC - Trading Venue Transaction Identification Code.
SInt32 securitySubType
This field indicates the type of a Eurex futures spread, Eurex option combination or Eurex Strategy...
SInt32 totNumTradeReports
Number of leg executions of the original strategy order.
RelatedProductComplex::Enum relatedProductComplex
Instrument type of the original Eurex strategy.
TradeAggregationTransType::Enum tradeAggregationTransType
Trade Aggregation Identifier.
OrderOrigination::Enum orderOrigination
Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access ...
UInt32 rootPartyIdClearingUnit
Clearing Business Unit ID.
RootPartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier::Enum rootPartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier
Qualifier for field PartyIdInvestmentDecisionMaker. Members/participants will have the possibility to...
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const ConnectionStateChange &)
Make it printable to formatted C++ I/O streams.
Indicates if the trade resulted from a single order or a multi leg order.
Definition: Enumerations.h:988
SInt32 relatedSymbol
Product identifier of the original Eurex strategy.
SInt64 clearingTradeQty
Final traded quantity.
std::string freeText1
First free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
std::string basketSideTradeReportId
User defined Basket trade ID.
CustOrderHandlingInst::Enum custOrderHandlingInst
Identifies the source of an order, in accordance with the FIA guidelines for a rate Identifier...
This field designates if the trader is acting in the capacity of agent, trading for its own account o...
OrderAttributeRiskReduction::Enum orderAttributeRiskReduction
Order attribute risk reduction.
Identifies the role for which the trade notification is received.
std::string basketPartyContraFirm
The identifier of the basket member counterparty institution.
Identifies the type of trade notification.
unsigned short UInt16
Definition: Defines.h:45
UInt32 packageId
Identifier for a Trade Entry Service trade, i.e TES trade ID.
std::string rootPartyExecutingTrader
Owning User Short Name.
std::string freeText3
Third free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
Side::Enum side
Side of the order.
std::string account
Account to book trades and keep positions on.
Instrument type of the original Eurex strategy.
UInt64 rootPartyIdClientId
Client Identifier field (ESMA Field 3 (Section A)) used to identify the client of an order for agent ...
std::string rootPartyIdTakeUpTradingFirm
Indicates the name of a member institution to which a give-up is designated.
std::string rootPartyExecutingFirm
Participant Short Name.
UInt32 rootPartyIdExecutingUnit
Owning Business Unit.
SInt32 marketSegmentId
The product identifier uniquely identifies a Eurex product.
OrderAttributeLiquidityProvision::Enum orderAttributeLiquidityProvision
Order attribute liquidity provision.
ApplResendFlag::Enum applResendFlag
Indicates a retransmission message.
Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader. It is required to distinguish between natural persons and Algos...
Definition: Enumerations.h:473
SInt64 clearingTradePrice
Final trade price.
UInt64 rootPartyIdInvestmentDecisionMaker
Investment decision within firm (ESMA Field 4 (Section A)) is the code used to identify the person or...
UInt64 applSeqNum
Message sequence number assigned to a non-order related Eurex ETI data stream.
ApplId::Enum applId
Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream.
UInt32 applSubId
Unique ID assigned by the Eurex system during broadcast subscription in order to link broadcasts to t...