25 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h" 32 namespace OnixS {
namespace Eurex {
namespace Trading {
66 std::string toString()
69 friend class Serializer;
71 void nativeSerializeTo(
void* nativeMessage);
UInt32 negotiationId
ID of a SRQS negotiation.
std::string partyExecutingFirm
Owning business unit name.
SRQS Quoting Status Request Message.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, ConnectionState::Enum)
Make it printable using C++ I/O streams.
UInt32 senderSubId
User ID.
std::string partyExecutingTrader
Owning user name.
SInt32 marketSegmentId
The product identifier uniquely identifies a Eurex product.
std::string freeText5
Text field.
QuotingStatus::Enum quotingStatus
Quoting status for the executing party.
Quoting status for the executing party.