25 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h" 35 namespace OnixS {
namespace Eurex {
namespace Trading {
141 std::string toString()
144 friend class Serializer;
146 void nativeSerializeTo(
void* nativeMessage);
std::string partyExecutingTrader
Owning user name.
OfferPxIsLocked::Enum offerPxIsLocked
OfferPx is locked.
RespondentType::Enum respondentType
Specifies the type of respondents requested.
SInt64 offerPx
Offer price/rate.
std::string chargeId
Charge ID of Third Party Platform.
std::string freeText5
Text field.
unsigned long long UInt64
Specifies the type of respondents requested.
ShowLastDealOnClosure::Enum showLastDealOnClosure
Instruction to show last deal information after negotiation closure.
BidPxIsLocked::Enum bidPxIsLocked
BidPx is locked.
std::string partyOrderOriginationTrader
Buy-side user information.
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
QuoteType::Enum quoteType
Quote type.
SideIsLocked::Enum sideIsLocked
Side is locked.
std::string partyExecutingFirm
Owning business unit name.
std::vector< QuotReqLegsGrpElem > quotReqLegsGrp
Quot Req Legs Group.
SInt64 securityId
The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
Trade Aggregation Identifier.
TradeAggregationTransType::Enum tradeAggregationTransType
Trade Aggregation Identifier.
ProductComplex::Enum productComplex
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
SInt64 underlyingDeltaPercentage
The underlying delta of a Vola-Strategy.
SInt32 securitySubType
This field indicates the type of a Eurex futures spread, Eurex option combination or Eurex Strategy...
QuoteCondition::Enum quoteCondition
Status of the quote.
std::vector< TargetPartiesElem > targetParties
Target Parties.
UInt32 senderSubId
User ID.
std::string quoteReqId
SRQS negotiation report ID.
SInt32 marketSegmentId
The product identifier uniquely identifies a Eurex product.
SInt64 quoteRefPrice
Underlying reference price for an option (for option strategies).
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, ConnectionState::Enum)
Make it printable using C++ I/O streams.
Instruction to show last deal information after negotiation closure.
Instruction to show total number of Respondents in a SRQS event.
OrderQtyIsLocked::Enum orderQtyIsLocked
OrderQty is locked.
QuoteSubType::Enum quoteSubType
Sub-type or qualifier of QuoteType.
UInt64 validUntilTime
Time until a message is valid.
NumberOfRespDisclosureInstruction::Enum numberOfRespDisclosureInstruction
Instruction to show total number of Respondents in a SRQS event.
SInt64 orderQty
Total Order Quantity.
SRQS Open Negotiation Request Message.
Side::Enum side
Side of the order.
Sub-type or qualifier of QuoteType.
SInt64 bidPx
Bid price/rate.