25 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h" 27 namespace OnixS {
namespace Eurex {
namespace Trading {
Logon 77 std::string toString()
80 ONIXS_EUREX_ETI_EXPORT std::ostream&
const Logon&);
std::string fixEngineName
The name of the infrastructure component being used for session level communication.
Indicates if the participant application is an order routing system.
ApplUsageOrders::Enum applUsageOrders
Type of order processing.
OrderRoutingIndicator::Enum orderRoutingIndicator
Indicates if the participant application is an order routing system.
Initial logon message parameters.
std::string applicationSystemVendor
The vendor of the application system.
std::string fixEngineVendor
The name of the vendor providing the FIX infrastructure component.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, ConnectionState::Enum)
Make it printable using C++ I/O streams.
ApplUsageQuotes::Enum applUsageQuotes
Type of quote processing.
std::string applicationSystemName
The name of the application system being used to generate Eurex ETI application messages.
std::string applicationSystemVersion
The version of the application system being used to initiate Eurex ETI application messages...
Type of quote processing.
UInt32 partyIdSessionId
Identification of a Trading Session provided by Eurex to a certain business unit. ...
Type of order processing.
std::string fixEngineVersion
The version of the FIX infrastructure component.
std::string encryptedPassword