25 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h" 33 namespace OnixS {
namespace Eurex {
namespace Trading {
132 std::string toString()
135 friend class Serializer;
159 std::string toString()
162 friend class Serializer;
236 std::string toString()
239 friend class Serializer;
241 void nativeSerializeTo(
void* nativeMessage);
Party ID investment decision maker qualifier.
std::string rootPartyContraTrader
The identifier of the trader counterparty.
LegPositionEffect::Enum legPositionEffect
Side::Enum side
Side of the order.
std::string partyIdPositionAccount
Flex Account information.
std::string partyIdLocationId
Country code. Valid characters: 0x01-0x7E.
std::string rootPartyContraFirm
The identifier of the member counterparty institution.
TradingCapacity::Enum tradingCapacity
Order attribute risk reduction.
OrderAttributeLiquidityProvision::Enum orderAttributeLiquidityProvision
Order attribute liquidity provision.
Order attribute liquidity provision.
UInt64 partyIdInvestmentDecisionMaker
unsigned long long UInt64
Indicator how price validity check should be performed by the exchange.
Type of the Cross Request.
OrderAttributeRiskReduction::Enum orderAttributeRiskReduction
Order attribute risk reduction.
Instruction to show total quantity.
std::string account
Account to book trades and keep positions on.
SelfMatchPreventionInstruction::Enum selfMatchPreventionInstruction
Price disclosure instruction.
std::string freeText2
Second free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
std::string partyIdTakeUpTradingFirm
Indicates the name of a member institution to which a give-up is designated.
PriceValidityCheckType::Enum priceValidityCheckType
Indicator how price validity check should be performed by the exchange.
CrossPrioritization::Enum crossPrioritization
Prioritization of a cross order.
SInt64 maximumPrice
Maximum Price.
Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access ...
Side Cross Leg Group Element.
SInt32 crossId
User defined CLIP arrangement ID.
OrderOrigination::Enum orderOrigination
Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access ...
SideDisclosureInstruction::Enum sideDisclosureInstruction
Instruction to show side.
ValueCheckTypeValue::Enum valueCheckTypeValue
Indicator for checking the maximum order/quote value by the exchange.
Cross Request Side Group Element.
PositionEffect::Enum positionEffect
std::string sideComplianceText
Side compliance text.
std::string freeText3
Third free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
std::string partyIdBeneficiary
Mandatory final KRX beneficiary account required for orders in KRX products.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, ConnectionState::Enum)
Make it printable using C++ I/O streams.
LegInputSource::Enum legInputSource
Role on/for a message.
std::string freeText1
First free-format text field for trader-specific or customer-related comments.
UInt32 senderSubId
User ID.
Indicator for checking the maximum order/quote value by the exchange.
UInt32 matchInstCrossId
Self Match Prevention ID.
Instruction to show side.
Enter CLIP Request Message.
std::string partyEndClientIdentification
End client identifier.
SInt64 securityId
The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
CrossType::Enum crossType
Type of cross being submitted to a market.
Prioritization of a cross order.
ExecutingTraderQualifier::Enum executingTraderQualifier
Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader. It is required to distinguish between natural persons and Algos...
SInt32 crossRequestId
User defined transaction ID.
SInt32 marketSegmentId
The product identifier uniquely identifies a Eurex product.
PriceDisclosureInstruction::Enum priceDisclosureInstruction
Price disclosure instruction.
Type of cross being submitted to a market.
std::vector< CrossRequestSideGrpElem > crossRequestSideGrp
Cross Request Side Group.
std::vector< SideCrossLegGrpElem > sideCrossLegGrp
Side Cross Leg Group.
std::string legAccount
Leg-specific account to book trades and keep positions on.
std::string partyIdOrderOriginationFirm
Partner identification at the Korea Exchange is required for orders in KRX products.
OrderQtyDisclosureInstruction::Enum orderQtyDisclosureInstruction
Instruction to show total quantity.
SInt64 orderQty
Total Order Quantity.
PartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier::Enum partyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier
Party ID investment decision maker qualifier.
CustOrderHandlingInst::Enum custOrderHandlingInst
CrossRequestType::Enum crossRequestType
Type of the Cross Request.
Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader. It is required to distinguish between natural persons and Algos...
InputSource::Enum inputSource
Role on/for a message.