25 #include "OnixS/Eurex/Trading/Export.h" 34 namespace OnixS {
namespace Eurex {
namespace Trading {
68 std::string toString()
71 friend class Serializer;
109 std::string toString()
112 friend class Serializer;
165 std::string toString()
168 friend class Serializer;
221 std::string toString()
224 friend class Serializer;
266 std::string toString()
269 friend class Serializer;
311 std::string toString()
314 friend class Serializer;
399 std::string toString()
402 friend class Serializer;
404 void nativeSerializeTo(
void* nativeMessage);
SInt32 sideMarketSegmentId
Product ID.
UInt8 instrmtMatchSideId
ID to map element of InstrmtMatchSideGrp and BasketSideAllocGrp.
Indicates a retransmission message.
SInt64 clearingTradePrice
Final trade price.
UInt64 origBasketTrdMatchId
System defined Original Basket ID.
SInt32 sideMarketSegmentId
Product ID.
PartySubIdType::Enum partySubIdType
Party sub-type.
std::string partyExecutingFirm
Owning business unit name.
Basket Roll Broadcast Message.
Used to indicate anonymized trades in baskets.
std::string basketTradeReportText
User defined text message field.
UInt64 basketTrdMatchId
System defined Basket ID.
Old Basket Data BC Group.
TrdType::Enum trdType
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
std::string partyExecutingTrader
Owning user name.
TradePublishIndicator::Enum tradePublishIndicator
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
TradeAllocStatus::Enum tradeAllocStatus
Status of an allocation in a Trade Entry Service trade.
std::vector< NewBasketSideAllocGrpElem > newBasketSideAllocGrp
New Basket Side Alloc Group.
SInt32 marketSegmentId
The product identifier uniquely identifies a Eurex product.
UInt32 basketProfileId
ID of the Basket profile.
SideTrdSubTyp::Enum sideTrdSubTyp
Sub-type of a trade type.
UInt8 instrmtMatchSideId
ID to map element of InstrmtMatchSideGrp and BasketSideAllocGrp.
EffectOnBasket::Enum effectOnBasket
Transaction effect on a basket.
unsigned long long UInt64
Side::Enum side
Side of the order.
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
UInt32 packageId
Identifier for a Trade Entry Service trade, i.e TES trade ID.
std::string tradeReportId
User defined transaction ID. Part of the TES response and TES broadcast.
New Basket Data BC Group.
ApplResendFlag::Enum applResendFlag
Indicates a retransmission message.
UInt64 transBkdTime
Trade Closure Time, the time when an Off-Book trade was concluded outside the Eurex System...
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
UInt32 individualAllocId
Unique identifier for a TES trade side.
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
UInt64 transactTime
Timestamp of the match event (trade).
std::vector< BasketRootPartyGrpElem > basketRootPartyGrp
Basket Root Party Group.
OptionalEarlyTerminationIndicator::Enum optionalEarlyTerminationIndicator
Indicates whether the counterparties have the right for early termination.
Status of an allocation in a Trade Entry Service trade.
UInt32 maturityMonthYear
Month year code for expiry YYYYMM.
ProductComplex::Enum productComplex
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
BasketAnonymity::Enum basketAnonymity
Used to indicate anonymized trades in baskets.
New Basket Instrument Match Side Group Element.
UInt8 instrmtMatchSideId
ID to map element of InstrmtMatchSideGrp and BasketSideAllocGrp.
PositionEffect::Enum positionEffect
SideTrdSubTyp::Enum sideTrdSubTyp
Sub-type of a trade type.
PartySubIdType::Enum partySubIdType
Party sub-type.
std::string basketTradeReportText
User defined text message field.
Side::Enum side
Side of the order.
UInt64 transBkdTime
Trade Closure Time, the time when an Off-Book trade was concluded outside the Eurex System...
LastFragment::Enum lastFragment
BasketTradeReportType::Enum basketTradeReportType
Basket operation.
PositionEffect::Enum positionEffect
Transaction effect on a basket.
TradeReportType::Enum tradeReportType
Identifies the type of trade notification.
UInt8 instrmtMatchSideId
ID to map element of InstrmtMatchSideGrp and BasketSideAllocGrp.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, ConnectionState::Enum)
Make it printable using C++ I/O streams.
SInt64 allocQty
Quantity of the particular trade side in the TES trade.
std::string basketTradeReportText
User defined text message field.
UInt64 basketTrdMatchId
System defined Basket ID.
std::vector< OldBasketSideAllocGrpElem > oldBasketSideAllocGrp
Old Basket Side Alloc Group.
SInt64 securityId
The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
std::string tradeReportId
User defined transaction ID. Part of the TES response and TES broadcast.
std::vector< NewBasketInstrmtMatchSideGrpElem > newBasketInstrmtMatchSideGrp
New Basket Instrument Match Side Group.
UInt16 partitionId
Is required to define the scope of a Retransmission Request.
Receiver of a message.
UInt32 packageId
Identifier for a Trade Entry Service trade, i.e TES trade ID.
std::string tradeReportId
User defined transaction ID. Part of the TES response and TES broadcast.
Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream.
UInt64 origBasketTrdMatchId
System defined Original Basket ID.
SInt64 clearingTradePrice
Final trade price.
UInt32 basketExecId
System generated transaction ID for a Basket transaction.
Old Basket Instrument Match Side Group Element.
Indicates whether the counterparties have the right for early termination.
SInt64 lastPx
Price of this leg fill.
SInt64 allocQty
Quantity of the particular trade side in the TES trade.
Sub-type of a trade type.
UInt32 individualAllocId
Unique identifier for a TES trade side.
UInt64 applSeqNum
Message sequence number assigned to a non-order related Eurex ETI data stream.
std::string tradeReportText
User defined text field.
SInt64 securityId
The instrument identifier uniquely identifies an instrument in the core system.
OldBasketDataBCGrp oldBasketDataBCGrp
Old Basket Data BC Group.
OptionalEarlyTerminationIndicator::Enum optionalEarlyTerminationIndicator
Indicates whether the counterparties have the right for early termination.
SInt64 relatedClosePrice
User defined index price.
Identifies the type of trade notification.
EffectOnBasket::Enum effectOnBasket
Transaction effect on a basket.
New Basket Side Alloc Group Element.
NewBasketDataBCGrp newBasketDataBCGrp
New Basket Data BC Group.
std::string partyExecutingTrader
Owning user name.
Old Basket Side Alloc Group Element.
ApplId::Enum applId
Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream.
UInt64 transactTime
Timestamp of the match event (trade).
TradePublishIndicator::Enum tradePublishIndicator
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
SInt64 lastPx
Price of this leg fill.
ProductComplex::Enum productComplex
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
std::vector< OldBasketInstrmtMatchSideGrpElem > oldBasketInstrmtMatchSideGrp
Old Basket Instrument Match Side Group.
std::string tradeReportText
User defined text field.
std::string partyExecutingFirm
Owning business unit name.
SInt64 relatedClosePrice
User defined index price.
TradeAllocStatus::Enum tradeAllocStatus
Status of an allocation in a Trade Entry Service trade.
BasketTradeReportType::Enum basketTradeReportType
Basket operation.
UInt32 maturityMonthYear
Month year code for expiry YYYYMM.
MessageEventSource::Enum messageEventSource
Receiver of a message.