OnixS C++ Eurex T7 Market and Reference Data (EMDI, MDI, RDI, EOBI) Handlers  18.0.1
API documentation
ProductSnapshot.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  QuoteSideIndicator
struct  QuoteSideModelType
struct  FeedType
class  TickRuleScope
class  TickRuleScopes
class  TickRule
class  TickRules
struct  MatchAlgorithm
struct  MatchType
struct  USApproval
struct  MarketSegmentType
struct  MarketSegmentSubType
struct  DecaySplit
struct  AuctionType
struct  ClosedBookIndicator
struct  MarketImbalanceIndicator
struct  DisableOnBookTrading
struct  MarketSegmentRelationship
struct  AllowOneProductStrip
class  MatchRule
class  MatchRules
class  QuoteSizeRule
class  QuoteSizeRules
class  FlexRule
class  FlexRules
class  AuctionTypeRule
class  AuctionTypeRules
class  Feed
class  Feeds
class  PriceRangeRule
class  PriceRangeRules
class  HHIInterval
class  HHIIntervals
class  InstrumentScope
class  InstrumentScopes
class  RelatedMarketSegment
class  RelatedMarketSegments
class  QuantityScalingFactor
class  QuantityScalingFactors
class  ProductSnapshot

