OnixS C++ CME iLink 3 Binary Order Entry Handler  1.18.2
API Documentation
Condition Class Reference

#include <OnixS/CME/iLink3/threading/Condition.h>

Public Member Functions

 Condition ()
 ~Condition ()
void signal ()
void signalAll ()
void wait (Mutex &lock)

Detailed Description

Condition variable enables threads to atomically block and test condition under protection of mutual exclusion lock (Mutex) until condition is satisfied.

Definition at line 36 of file Condition.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Condition ( )

Initializes the instance.

~Condition ( )

Destructs the instance.

Member Function Documentation

void signal ( )

Signals one waiting thread.

void signalAll ( )

Signals all waiting threads.

void wait ( Mutex lock)

Blocks on a condition.

lockRepresents a reference to Mutex that is used to protect the condition testing.

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