▼NOnixS | |
▼NCboeCFE | |
▼NTrading | |
►NBOE | |
►NTesting | |
CConstantCancelOrder | Cancel Order |
CConstantClientHeartbeat | |
►CConstantLoginRequest | |
CUnit | |
CConstantLogoutRequest | |
CConstantMassCancelOrder | Mass Cancel Order |
CConstantModifyOrder | Modify Order |
►CConstantNewOrderOptionUSFutures | New Order Option US Futures V1 |
CLegs | Legs |
CConstantNewOrderV2 | New Order US Futures V2 |
►CConstantPurgeOrders | Purge Orders |
CCustomGroupId | |
►CConstantQuoteUpdate | Quote Update |
CQuote | |
►CConstantQuoteUpdateOptionUSFutures | Quote Update |
CQuote | |
CConstantResetRisk | Reset Risk |
CMutableCancelRejected | A Cancel Rejected message is sent in response to a Cancel Order message to indicate that the cancellation cannot occur |
CMutableLoginResponse | |
CMutableLogoutResponse | |
CMutableMassCancelAcknowledgement | A Mass Cancel Acknowledgment is an unsequenced message sent when a Cancel Order or Purge Orders message requesting a mass cancellation has completed cancelling all individual orders |
CMutableMassCancelRejected | A Mass Cancel Rejected message is sent in response to a Mass Cancel Order message to indicate that the mass cancellation cannot occur |
CMutableModifyRejected | Modify Rejected messages are sent in response to a Modify Order for an order which cannot be modified |
CMutableOrderAcknowledgement | Order Acknowledgement messages are sent in response to a New Order message |
CMutableOrderCancelled | Order cancelled |
CMutableOrderExecution | An Order Execution is sent for each fill on an order |
CMutableOrderExecutionOptionUSFutures | Is sent for each fill on an order |
CMutableOrderModified | Modified messages are sent in response to a Modify Order to indicate that the order has been successfully modified |
CMutableOrderRejected | Order Order rejected |
CMutablePurgeAcknowledgement | A Purge Acknowledgment is an unsequenced message sent when a Purge Orders message requesting an order purge has completed cancelling all individual orders |
CMutablePurgeRejected | A Purge Rejected message is sent in response to a Purge Orders message to indicate that the mass cancellation cannot occur |
CMutableQuoteCancelled | A Quote Cancelled message will be sent to indicate an unsolicited cancellation of a quote entered with a Quote Update message |
CMutableQuoteExecution | A Quote Execution message is used to indicate an execution has occurred on a resting quote |
CMutableQuoteRestated | Quote Restated messages are sent to inform the TPH that an order has been asynchronously modified for some reason by CFE |
CMutableQuoteUpdateRejected | Quote Update Rejected messages are sent in response to a Quote Update message when the entire quote block is rejected by the order handler |
CMutableReplayComplete | |
CMutableResetRiskAcknowledgement | Response to a Reset Risk request |
CMutableServerHeartbeat | |
CMutableTASQuoteRestatement | A TAS Quote Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each TAS (VXT, VXMT) quote execution during the associated business day to communicate the updated Price and Symbol associated with the cleared execution |
CMutableTASRestatement | A TAS Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each TAS execution during the associated business day to communicate the updated Price and Symbol associated with the cleared execution |
CMutableTradeCancelCorrectOptionUSFutures | Used to provide notification that a trade has been cancelled |
CMutableTradeCancelOrCorrect | Used to provide notification that a trade has been cancelled (busted) or corrected (price change only) |
CMutableVarianceQuoteRestatement | A Variance Quote Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each VA and VAO execution during the associated business day to communicate updated Price, Size, and Symbol values associated with the cleared execution |
CMutableVarianceRestatement | A Variance Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each VA and VAO execution during the associated business day to communicate updated Price, Size and Symbol associated with the cleared execution |
►NThreading | |
►NImplementation | |
►CFutureBase | Base implementation of SharedFuture<T> |
Cmoving_init_t | |
CFutureGetReturn | |
CFutureGetReturn< void > | |
CCondition | |
CFutureStatus | State of a SharedFuture object (similar to std::future_status, |
CGuard | Performs automatic acquisition and release of a synchronization object |
CMutex | |
CSemaphore | |
CSharedFuture | |
CThisThread | Current thread related tasks |
CThreadAffinity | Represents set of CPU indices |
CAlpha | |
CAlphanumeric | |
CArgumentException | |
CArgumentRangeException | |
CBaseLiquidityIndicator | BaseLiquidityIndicator |
CBinaryFields | |
CBinaryMessage | Encapsulates services for manipulating little endian encoded messages |
CCancelOrder | Cancel Order |
CCancelOrigOnReject | CancelOrigOnReject |
CCancelRejected | A Cancel Rejected message is sent in response to a Cancel Order message to indicate that the cancellation cannot occur |
CCapacity | Capacity |
CClientHeartbeat | |
CConnectionRetries | |
CCtiCode | CTI codes |
CCustOrderHandlingInst | Execution source code provided during order entry to describe broker service |
CErrorCode | |
CErrorListener | |
CException | |
CFixedPointDecimal | |
CHandler | |
CHandlerSettings | |
CHandlerState | |
CHandlerStateListener | |
CIntegralConstant | Integral constant |
CLoginRequest | |
►CLoginResponse | |
CUnit | |
CLoginResponseStatus | Login status |
CLogLevel | |
►CLogonSettings | |
CUnit | |
CLogoutRequest | |
CLogoutResponse | |
CLogoutResponseReason | |
CLogSettings | |
CManualOrderIndicator | Manual Order Indicators |
CMassCancelAcknowledgement | A Mass Cancel Acknowledgment is an unsequenced message sent when a Cancel Order or Purge Orders message requesting a mass cancellation has completed cancelling all individual orders |
CMassCancelOrder | Mass Cancel Order |
CMassCancelRejected | A Mass Cancel Rejected message is sent in response to a Mass Cancel Order message to indicate that the mass cancellation cannot occur |
CMessageListener | Incoming (CFE to TPH) message listener |
CMessageType | Message types |
CModifyOrder | Modify Order |
CModifyRejected | Modify Rejected messages are sent in response to a Modify Order for an order which cannot be modified |
CMonth | Identifies months in year |
CMultilegReportingType | MultilegReportingType |
CNewOrderOptionUSFutures | New Order Option US Futures V1 |
CNewOrderV2 | New Order US Futures V2 |
CNotImplementedException | |
CNullArgumentException | |
COpenClose | Indicates status of client position in a trade resulting from the order |
COperationException | |
COrderAcknowledgement | Order Acknowledgement messages are sent in response to a New Order message |
►COrderAcknowledgementOptionUSFutures | Is sent in response to a New Order Option US Futures message |
CLeg | |
COrderCancelled | Order cancelled |
COrderExecution | An Order Execution is sent for each fill on an order |
COrderExecutionOptionUSFutures | Is sent for each fill on an order |
COrderModified | Modified messages are sent in response to a Modify Order to indicate that the order has been successfully modified |
COrderReasonCode | Order Reason Code |
COrderRejected | Order Order rejected |
COrdinaryExtractor | Value extractor helper |
COrdinaryExtractor< FixedPointDecimal< MantissaType, ExponentType > > | |
COrdType | Order types |
COutgoingMessage | Base class for outgoing messages |
CPendingStatus | PendingStatus |
CPurgeAcknowledgement | A Purge Acknowledgment is an unsequenced message sent when a Purge Orders message requesting an order purge has completed cancelling all individual orders |
CPurgeOrders | Purge Orders |
CPurgeRejected | A Purge Rejected message is sent in response to a Purge Orders message to indicate that the mass cancellation cannot occur |
CQuoteCancelled | A Quote Cancelled message will be sent to indicate an unsolicited cancellation of a quote entered with a Quote Update message |
CQuoteExecution | A Quote Execution message is used to indicate an execution has occurred on a resting quote |
CQuoteReasonCode | Quote Reason Code |
CQuoteRestated | Quote Restated messages are sent to inform the TPH that an order has been asynchronously modified for some reason by CFE |
CQuoteResult | QuoteResult |
CQuoteUpdate | Quote Update |
►CQuoteUpdateAcknowledgement | Quote Update Acknowledgment messages are sent in response to a Quote Update message |
CQuote | |
CQuoteUpdateOptionUSFutures | Quote Update |
CQuoteUpdateRejected | Quote Update Rejected messages are sent in response to a Quote Update message when the entire quote block is rejected by the order handler |
CReplayComplete | |
CReplayListener | |
CReplayUnspecifiedUnit | Controls replay behavior for unknown units |
CResetRisk | Reset Risk |
CResetRiskAcknowledgement | Response to a Reset Risk request |
CRestatementReason | Restatement Reasons |
CRiskResetResult | RiskResetResult |
CSeqNumberTraits | |
CServerHeartbeat | |
CSessionListener | |
CSide | Order sides |
CSizeModifier | SizeModifier |
CString | ASCII encoded, right-padded with filler |
CStringTraits | String helpers |
CStrRef | Provides efficient way of accessing text-based field values |
CSubLiquidityIndicator | SubLiquidityIndicator |
CTASQuoteRestatement | A TAS Quote Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each TAS (VXT, VXMT) quote execution during the associated business day to communicate the updated Price and Symbol associated with the cleared execution |
CTASRestatement | A TAS Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each TAS execution during the associated business day to communicate the updated Price and Symbol associated with the cleared execution |
CText | |
CTimeInForce | Time in force |
CTimeSpan | |
CTimeSpanFormat | Collection of timespan formatting patterns |
CTimestamp | Represents time point without time-zone information |
CTimestampFormat | Collection of timestamp formatting patterns |
CTimeTraits | Miscellaneous time characteristics |
CTradeCancelCorrectOptionUSFutures | Used to provide notification that a trade has been cancelled |
CTradeCancelOrCorrect | Used to provide notification that a trade has been cancelled (busted) or corrected (price change only) |
CUnit | |
CVarianceQuoteRestatement | A Variance Quote Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each VA and VAO execution during the associated business day to communicate updated Price, Size, and Symbol values associated with the cleared execution |
CVarianceRestatement | A Variance Restatement is sent post-settlement time for each VA and VAO execution during the associated business day to communicate updated Price, Size and Symbol associated with the cleared execution |
CWarningListener | |