41 return ordinary<DateTime>(0);
47 return fixedStr<20>(8);
53 return ordinary<Binary8>(28);
59 return ordinary<Binary4>(36);
65 return ordinary<BinaryPrice>(40);
71 return ordinary<Binary4>(48);
77 return enumeration<BaseLiquidityIndicator>(52);
83 return enumeration<SubLiquidityIndicator>(53);
89 return enumeration<Side>(54);
95 return fixedStr<8>(55);
101 return fixedStr<4>(63);
107 return fixedStr<16>(67);
113 return fixedStr<2>(83);
119 return ordinary<Date>(85);
125 return ordinary<Binary4>(89);
131 return enumeration<PendingStatus>(93);
137 return enumeration<MultilegReportingType>(94);
143 return ordinary<Binary8>(95);
Side::Enum side() const
Echoed back from the TPH message.
Binary8 secondaryExecId() const
Field indicates whether an execution is a spread or a simple instrument execution that is part of a s...
Binary4 clearingSize() const
Size to clear with OCC.
StrRef clearingFirm() const
Echoed back from the TPH message.
Provides efficient way of accessing text-based field values.
SubLiquidityIndicator::Enum subLiquidityIndicator() const
Additional information about the liquidity of an order.
Encapsulates services for manipulating little endian encoded messages.
MultilegReportingType::Enum multilegReportingType() const
Present on Order Execution, TAS Restatement and Variance Restatement messages representing either Spr...
void toStr(std::string &str, const FixedPointDecimal< Mantissa, Exponent > &number)
Serializes fixed-point decimal into a string.
Binary2 MessageSize
Aliases message length type.
BinaryPrice lastPx() const
Price of this fill.
StrRef securityDesc() const
Echoed back from the TPH message.
StrRef symbol() const
Echoed back from the TPH message.
StrRef clOrdId() const
The order which was executed.
PendingStatus::Enum pendingStatus() const
Field is provided as a convenience to determine whether an Order Execution message is a preliminary n...
Binary4 lastShares() const
Executed contracts quantity.
StrRef feeCode() const
Indicates fee associated with an execution.
Date tradeDate() const
Business date of the execution.
OrderExecutionOptionUSFutures(const void *data, MessageSize size)
Initializes instance over given memory block.
Binary4 leavesQty() const
Quantity still open for further execution.
BaseLiquidityIndicator::Enum baseLiquidityIndicator() const
Indicates whether the trade added or removed liquidity.
DateTime transactionTime() const
The time the event occurred in the CFE Matching Engine.
Binary8 execId() const
Sent to the OCC in the Trade Id field.
Is sent for each fill on an order.