42 return fixedStr<20>(0);
48 return enumeration<Side>(20);
54 return ordinary<Binary4>(21);
60 return fixedStr<4>(25);
66 return fixedStr<4>(29);
72 return ordinary<BinaryPrice>(33);
78 return enumeration<OrdType>(41);
84 return enumeration<TimeInForce>(42);
90 return ordinary<Binary4>(43);
96 return fixedStr<8>(47);
102 return enumeration<Capacity>(55);
108 return fixedStr<16>(56);
114 return fixedStr<3>(72);
120 return ordinary<DateTime>(75);
126 return ordinary<Date>(83);
132 return enumeration<OpenClose>(87);
138 return ordinary<Binary4>(88);
144 return ordinary<BinaryPrice>(92);
150 return ordinary<Binary2>(100);
156 return enumeration<CtiCode>(102);
162 return enumeration<ManualOrderIndicator>(103);
168 return fixedStr<18>(104);
174 return fixedStr<6>(122);
180 return enumeration<CustOrderHandlingInst>(128);
186 return fixedStr<2>(129);
Capacity::Enum capacity() const
The Capacity refers to the OCC account type.
StrRef clearingAccount() const
Supplemental identifier.
Binary2 customGroupId() const
Used to group orders for use in mass cancels where multiple orders can be cancelled by specifying a l...
CustOrderHandlingInst::Enum custOrderHandlingInst() const
Execution source code provided during order entry to describe broker service.
StrRef account() const
Unique account identifier associated with an order.
OrdType::Enum ordType() const
Order type.
Provides efficient way of accessing text-based field values.
Encapsulates services for manipulating little endian encoded messages.
Binary4 orderQty() const
Order quantity. System limit is 999,999 contracts.
BinaryPrice price() const
Limit price. Four implied decimal places.
Binary4 cMTANumber() const
CMTA Number of the firm that will clear the trade.
CtiCode::Enum ctiCode() const
Cti Code.
Binary2 MessageSize
Aliases message length type.
StrRef symbol() const
StrRef preventMatch() const
Prevent match.
StrRef frequentTraderId() const
Supplemental customer identifier used for billing related programs.
static MessageType::Enum type() ONIXS_BATS_BOE_NOEXCEPT
StrRef clearingFirm() const
EFID that will clear the trade.
Binary4 minQty() const
Minimum fill quantity for IOC orders.
StrRef clOrdId() const
Unique Id chosen by the client.
ManualOrderIndicator::Enum manualOrderIndicator() const
Manual order indicator.
OpenClose::Enum openClose() const
Indicates status of client position in a trade resulting from the order.
ConstantNewOrderV2(const void *data, MessageSize size)
Initializes instance over given memory block.
StrRef oEOID() const
Identifies the Order Entry Operator responsible for this message.
ONIXS_CBOE_CFE_BOE_API void toStr(std::string &, const ConstantNewOrderV2 &)
Serializes object into string.
DateTime expireTime() const
Required for TimeInForce = 6 orders, specifies the date-time (in UTC) that the order expires...
Date maturityDate() const
When specifying the Symbol for a New Order message the user can specify the mapped symbol identifier ...
Side::Enum side() const
TimeInForce::Enum timeInForce() const
Time In Force.
StrRef countryCode() const
Identifies the country code of the person or system submitting the order.
BinaryPrice stopPx() const
Stop price.