42 return fixedStr<20>(0);
48 return fixedStr<20>(20);
54 return fixedStr<4>(40);
60 return ordinary<Binary4>(44);
66 return ordinary<BinaryPrice>(48);
72 return enumeration<OrdType>(56);
78 return enumeration<CancelOrigOnReject>(57);
84 return ordinary<BinaryPrice>(58);
90 return enumeration<ManualOrderIndicator>(66);
96 return fixedStr<18>(67);
102 return fixedStr<6>(85);
108 return enumeration<CustOrderHandlingInst>(91);
BinaryPrice price() const
Limit price.
CancelOrigOnReject::Enum cancelOrigOnReject() const
StrRef frequentTraderId() const
Supplemental customer identifier used for billing related programs.
Provides efficient way of accessing text-based field values.
ManualOrderIndicator::Enum manualOrderIndicator() const
Manual order indicator.
CustOrderHandlingInst::Enum custOrderHandlingInst() const
Execution source code provided during order entry to describe broker service.
Encapsulates services for manipulating little endian encoded messages.
StrRef clearingFirm() const
EFID that will clear the trade.
StrRef clOrdId() const
Unique Id chosen by the client.
ConstantModifyOrder(const void *data, MessageSize size)
Initializes instance over given memory block.
Binary2 MessageSize
Aliases message length type.
BinaryPrice stopPx() const
Stop price.
StrRef origClOrdId() const
The ClOrdId of the original order.
Binary4 orderQty() const
Order quantity.
StrRef oEOID() const
Identifies the Order Entry Operator responsible for this message.
ONIXS_CBOE_CFE_BOE_API void toStr(std::string &, const ConstantNewOrderV2 &)
Serializes object into string.
static MessageType::Enum type() ONIXS_BATS_BOE_NOEXCEPT
OrdType::Enum ordType() const
Order type.