std::string | name |
| The description of a tradable instrument. This is commonly known as the ‘Long Name’.
std::string | isin |
| The International Security Identification Number (ISIN)
SecurityId | isix |
| Instrument ID, unique identifier across the corresponding back end environment.
std::string | wkn |
| The German national identification for cash market instruments.
std::string | group |
| Description of Instrument Group.
std::string | maximumSpread |
| Spread for Quote Entries.
std::string | minimumQuoteSize |
| Minimum Quote Size.
std::string | maximumSurplus |
| Maximum surplus quantity which can be accepted by a member in the Designated Sponsor order book balancing phase.
std::string | roundLot |
| The quantity, in number of units for an instrument, which applies for a round lot.
std::string | minTradableUnit |
| This field indicates the Minimum Tradable Unit for a given instrument.
std::string | firstTradingDay |
| First Trading Day.
std::string | maturityDate |
| Maturity Date.
std::string | lastTradingDay |
| The last date when an instrument may be traded (e.g. orders may be entered and trades executed).
std::string | currency |
| Abbreviation for the currency the instrument is traded via Xetra (ISO 4217).
std::string | instrumentType |
| Instrument Type: Equity, Bond, Warrant or Basis.
std::string | tickSize |
| A tick size represents a limit price/range step. Twenty different tick sizes are possible for an instrument.
std::string | upperPriceLimitMax |
| Maximum price for that instrument. Upper Price Limit Max represents a limit range for which a tick size applies.
std::string | interestRate |
| Coupon Rate.
UInt32 | mdiPort |
| Xetra Market Data Interface: port number used for inside market stream.
UInt32 | mdiMarketDepth |
| Xetra Market Data Interface: Market Depth.
std::string | mdiInsideMarketAddressA |
| Multicast address of the Market Data stream (service class: A).
std::string | mdiInsideMarketAddressB |
| Multicast address of the Market Data stream (service class: B).