OnixS C++ Tullett Prebon SURF Handler  1.6.1
API documentation
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1 /*
2  * Copyright Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS]. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This software owned by Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS] and is protected by copyright law
5  * and international copyright treaties.
6  *
7  * Access to and use of the software is governed by the terms of the applicable ONIXS Software
8  * Services Agreement (the Agreement) and Customer end user license agreements granting
9  * a non-assignable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software
10  * for it's own data processing purposes under the terms defined in the Agreement.
11  *
12  * Except as otherwise granted within the terms of the Agreement, copying or reproduction of any
13  * part of this source code or associated reference material to any other location for further
14  * reproduction or redistribution, and any amendments to this copyright notice, are expressly
15  * prohibited.
16  *
17  * Any reproduction or redistribution for sale or hiring of the Software not in accordance with
18  * the terms of the Agreement is a violation of copyright law.
19  */
21 #pragma once
23 #include <OnixS/SURF/MarketData/Export.h>
25 #include <string>
27 namespace OnixS { namespace SURF { namespace MarketData {
29 /// Enumeration of field ID names.
30 struct FieldIds
31 {
32  enum Enum
33  {
34  PROD_PERM = 1, ///< Product permissions information.
35  RDNDISPLAY = 2, ///< Display information for the IDN terminal device.
36  DSPLY_NAME = 3, ///< Expanded name for the instrument.
37  RDN_EXCHID = 4, ///< Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades.
38  TIMACT = 5, ///< Time when the head-end updated a certain field or fields in the record.
39  ///< Which field depends on the instrument.
40  TRDPRC_1 = 6, ///< Last trade price or value.
41  TRDPRC_2 = 7, ///< Previous last trade prices or values.
42  TRDPRC_3 = 8, ///< Previous last trade prices or values.
43  TRDPRC_4 = 9, ///< Previous last trade prices or values.
44  TRDPRC_5 = 10, ///< Previous last trade prices or values.
45  NETCHNG_1 = 11, ///< Difference between latest trading price or value and the historic
46  ///< closing value or settlement price.
47  HIGH_1 = 12, ///< Today's highest transaction value.
48  LOW_1 = 13, ///< Today's lowest transaction value.
49  PRCTCK_1 = 14, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
50  CURRENCY = 15, ///< The currency in which the instrument is quoted.
51  TRADE_DATE = 16, ///< The date of the value in the field TRDPRC_1.
52  ACTIV_DATE = 17, ///< The date when the time in TIMACT was updated.
53  TRDTIM_1 = 18, ///< Time of the value in the TRDPRC_1.
54  OPEN_PRC = 19, ///< Today's opening price or value. The source of this field depends upon
55  ///< the market and instrument type.
56  HST_CLOSE = 21, ///< Most recent non-zero closing value or settlement price.
57  BID = 22, ///< Latest bid price.For US Composite stock and equity market maker super records
58  ///< the best bid price. For OM type option markets the block bid price.
59  BID_1 = 23, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
60  BID_2 = 24, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
61  ASK = 25, ///< Latest ask price.For US Composite stock and equity market maker super records
62  ///< the best ask price. For OM type option markets the block ask price.
63  ASK_1 = 26, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
64  ASK_2 = 27, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
65  NEWS = 28, ///< News retrieval page code.
66  NEWS_TIME = 29, ///< Time of generation of news item whose page code is given by NEWS.
67  BIDSIZE = 30, ///< The quantity bid at the latest bid price - in the case of equity market
68  ///< maker super records the total quantity bid at the best bid price. For
69  ///< Australian futures the number of buying contracts.
70  ASKSIZE = 31, ///< The quantity offered at the latest ask price - in the case of equity
71  ///< market maker super records the total quantity offered at the best ask
72  ///< price. For Australian futures the number of selling contracts.
73  ACVOL_1 = 32, ///< Today's total trading volume.
74  EARNINGS = 34, ///< Latest reported earnings per share.
75  YIELD = 35, ///< For equities the dividend per share expressed as a percentage of the price.
76  ///< For bonds this is the current or simple yield i.e. the interest expressed
77  ///< as a percentage of the price.
78  PERATIO = 36, ///< Ratio of stock price to earnings per share.
79  DIVIDENDTP = 37, ///< Latest reported dividend type.
80  DIVPAYDATE = 38, ///< Date on which dividend will be paid.
81  EXDIVDATE = 39, ///< The date on which the issue will trade ex-dividend.
82  CTS_QUAL = 40, ///< For NYSE and AMEX listed stocks, the trade price qualifier.
83  CONTR_MNTH = 41, ///< The month in which a contract becomes deliverable if not liquidated or
84  ///< traded out before the date specified.
85  BLKCOUNT = 42, ///< Number of block trades today.
86  BLKVOLUM = 43, ///< Today's total block trading volume.Updated whenever a trade of over 10
87  ///< 000 shares occurs.
88  TRDXID_1 = 44, ///< Exchange identifier of the latest trade.US Composites only.
89  OPEN1 = 47, ///< For commodities the first or only opening price in an open range.
90  OPEN2 = 48, ///< For commodities the second opening price in an open range.
91  OPNRNGTP = 49, ///< Today's open range price(s) type.
92  CLOSE1 = 50, ///< For commodities today's first or only closing price.
93  CLOSE2 = 51, ///< For commodities today's second closing price. Zero if there is only one
94  ///< closing price.
95  CLSRNGTP = 52, ///< Today's closing range price(s) type.
96  TRD_UNITS = 53, ///< The price units in which the issue trades.
97  LOTSZUNITS = 54, ///< Lot size units. Defines physical units in which a contract trades.
98  LOT_SIZE = 55, ///< The smallest quantity of a future which may be traded. For options the
99  ///< contract size. For equities the number of shares traded in a round lot.
101  56, ///< Percentage change in the latest trade price or value from the historic close.
102  OPEN_BID = 57, ///< First bid price of the day; for US Composites the first best bid price.
103  DJTIME = 58, ///< Time of latest Dow Jones news story on the company.
104  OPEN_ASK = 59, ///< First ask price of the day; for US Composites the first best ask price.
105  CLOSE_BID = 60, ///< Last bid price of the day. For US Composites the last best bid price.
106  CLOSE_ASK = 61, ///< Last ask price of the day. For US Composites the last best ask price.
107  LOCHIGH = 62, ///< Highest transaction value during the life of the contract.
108  LOCLOW = 63, ///< Lowest transaction value during the life of the contract.
110  64, ///< Open interest. The total number of option or futures contracts that have not
111  ///< been closed or in the case of commodities liquidated or offset by delivery.
112  OPINTNC = 65, ///< Open interest net change. The difference between the current and previous
113  ///< open interest.
114  STRIKE_PRC = 66, ///< Strike price; the price at which an option is exercisable.
115  EXPIR_DATE = 67, ///< The date on which the future option or warrant expires.
116  MATUR_DATE = 68, ///< The date on which a bond matures.
117  COUPN_RATE = 69, ///< The interest rate assigned to a bond when it is issued.
118  SETTLE = 70, ///< Settlement price. The official closing price of a futures or option
119  ///< contract set by the clearing house at the end of the trading day.
120  DIVIDEND = 71, ///< The latest reported dividend to be paid per share to shareholders.
121  NAVOLCODE = 72, ///< NASD volume code. For NASD bid/ask issues this indicates which day's
122  ///< official volume is contained in today's accumulated volume field.
123  UPLIMIT = 75, ///< Upper trading limit for today's trading.
124  LOLIMIT = 76, ///< Lower limit for today's trading.
125  NUM_MOVES = 77, ///< Number of trades today. For indices the number of times the index has
126  ///< been calculated.
127  OFFCL_CODE = 78, ///< Unique numeric code assigned to the instrument.
128  HSTCLSDATE = 79, ///< Date of the most recent non-zero closing price as held in HST_CLOSE
129  ///< FID 21 and HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.
130  TOT_VOLUME = 80, ///< Today's total market volume.
131  VOLUME_ADV = 81, ///< Accumulated volume of issues that have advanced today.
132  VOLUME_DEC = 82, ///< Accumulated volume of issues that have declined today.
133  VOLUME_UNC = 83, ///< Accumulated volume of issues that are unchanged today.
134  ISSUES_ADV = 84, ///< Number of issues which have advanced today.
135  ISSUES_DEC = 85, ///< Number of issues which have declined today.
136  ISSUES_UNC = 86, ///< Number of issues unchanged today.
137  MOVES_ADV = 87, ///< Accumulated moves of issues that have advanced today.
138  MOVES_DEC = 88, ///< Accumulated moves of issues that have declined today.
139  MOVES_UNC = 89, ///< Accumulated moves of issues that are unchanged today.
140  YRHIGH = 90, ///< The highest value this year or period. The content of this field is
141  ///< further qualified by FID 1075.
142  YRLOW = 91, ///< The lowest value this year or period. The content of this field is further
143  ///< qualified by FID 1076.
144  PRV_YRHIGH = 92, ///< The highest value during the previous calendar year.
145  PRV_YRLOW = 93, ///< The lowest value during the previous calendar year.
146  LIFE_HIGH = 94, ///< The highest value ever achieved by this issue.
147  LIFE_LOW = 95, ///< The lowest value ever achieved by this issue.
148  EPYHSTCLOS = 98, ///< The historic close for the issue at the final trading day in the
149  ///< previous calendar year.
150  LIMIT_IND = 99, ///< Indicates if a commodity or commodity option has reached its upper or
151  ///< lower trading limit.
152  TURNOVER = 100, ///< The daily turnover revenue or value of all shares for either a
153  ///< particular instrument or an exchange. Currently supplied by New Zealand
154  ///< SE Hong Kong SE and Copenhagen SE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
155  ///< The value is scaled according to the field TN.
156  NEW_LOWS = 101, ///< Number of issues making a new yearly low today.
157  COUPN_DATE = 102, ///< The date on which the next bond interest payment is made.
159  103, ///< The rating for a bond. For example for US bonds this could be the Standard and
160  ///< Poor's rating. Where explicitly named rating fields are present in the same
161  ///< record this field will hold the lowest rating of them all.
162  BOND_TYPE = 104, ///< The type of instrument - provides further granularity to FID 259
163  ///< RECORDTYPE where required.
164  BCKGRNDPAG = 105, ///< Page on the international monitor system containing information
165  ///< relevant to the instrument. The code for an individual company is
166  ///< displayed for all exchanges on which the company trades.
167  TOT_ISSUES = 106, ///< The number of issues which have traded today.
168  ISSUE_DATE = 107, ///< The date on which the bond prospectus was issued.
169  NEW_HIGHS = 108, ///< Number of issues which have made a new yearly high today.
170  PUTCALLIND = 109, ///< Indicates whether option is a put or a call.
171  YCHIGH_IND = 110, ///< Year or contract high & low indicators. These indicate whether a new
172  ///< year or contract high or low has been established today.
173  YCLOW_IND = 111, ///< Year or contract high & low indicators. These indicate whether a new
174  ///< year or contract high or low has been established today.
175  CALL_DATE = 112, ///< When a bond is redeemed prior to its expiry date the call date is the
176  ///< date of redemption.
177  RATING_ID = 113, ///< The identity of the security rating agency whose rating is defined in
178  ///< the field RATING FID103.
179  BID_NET_CH = 114, ///< The difference between the latest bid and the historic closing bid.
181  115, ///< The direction of bidding from the previous bid. Can be calculated from either
182  ///< the bid price or for forward rates the offset from the bid price.
183  DAYS_MAT = 116, ///< The number of days to maturity ('countdown') for a debt instrument.
184  CUM_EX_MKR = 117, ///< Cum/ex security marker.
185  PRC_QL_CD = 118, ///< Price qualifier code for equities, bonds, and options, generally
186  ///< related to the quote price.
187  NASDSTATUS = 119, ///< For NASD and SEAQ issues this indicates the market status.
188  NAVALUE = 120, ///< Net asset value for US over the counter mutual funds.
189  NAV_NETCHN = 121, ///< Difference between last and previous closing net asset value.
190  ASSETS = 122, ///< Assets for US over the counter money market funds.
191  AV_MATRTY = 123, ///< Average maturity in days of US over the counter money market funds.
192  YLD_7DAY = 124, ///< 7 day yield of money market funds.
193  EFF7DYLD = 125, ///< Effective 7 day yield of money market funds.
194  SESSION1HI = 126, ///< First session high & low prices of Japanese security.
195  SESSION1LO = 127, ///< First session high & low prices of Japanese security.
196  SESSION2HI = 128, ///< Second session high & low prices of a Japanese security.
197  SESSION2LO = 129, ///< Second session high & low prices of a Japanese security.
198  DURATION = 130, ///< The duration of a debt instrument.
199  PRC_QL2 = 131, ///< Second price qualifier code. Generally the trade price qualifier.
200  YLDTOMAT = 132, ///< For debt instruments the yield to maturity which is the yield taking
201  ///< into account the price discount or premium over face value.
202  MKT_ST_IND = 133, ///< Indicates the current futures market status including whether a fast
203  ///< market condition exists.
204  MID_PRICE = 134, ///< The mid-price between the bid and ask prices supplied by the London
205  ///< ISE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
206  MID_NET_CH = 135, ///< The difference between the current mid-price held in MID_PRICE and
207  ///< the historic mid-price HST_MID. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
208  MID_CLOSE = 136, ///< The closing mid-price.
209  TDY_UN_CLS = 137, ///< Today's unofficial closing price as supplied by an exchange such as
210  ///< LIFFE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
211  AM_CLOSE = 138, ///< The closing prices of the morning and afternoon trading on GAFTA.
212  PM_CLOSE = 139, ///< The closing prices of the morning and afternoon trading on GAFTA.
213  EUROCLR_NO = 140, ///< Euroclear number.
214  CEDEL_NO = 141, ///< CEDEL number.
215  VALOREN_NO = 142, ///< Valoren number.
216  TDY_OF_CLS = 143, ///< Today's official closing price reported for Italian equities.
217  CONTE_CLS = 144, ///< Contante close. Cash price on Italian bond market.
218  TERM_CLS = 145, ///< Termine close. Forward closing price on Italian bond market.
219  CASH_AVGE = 146, ///< Average price input once a month.
220  OFF_BND_NO = 147, ///< Official bond number for Italian bonds.
221  FOOTNOTE1 = 148, ///< Footnotes for mutual and money market funds.
222  FOOTNOTE2 = 149, ///< Footnotes for mutual and money market funds.
223  NAVDATE = 150, ///< Date of net asset value.
224  OFFER = 151, ///< Mutual fund offer price.
225  CAPGAIN_1 = 152, ///< Capital gains.
226  SPLTDIV_1 = 153, ///< Stock split/dividend.
227  NAVALUE_1 = 154, ///< Previous day net asset value of mutual fund.
228  NAVDAT_1 = 155, ///< Date of previous day's net asset value.
229  YTM_BID = 156, ///< For debt instruments the yield to maturity of the of bid & ask prices.
230  YTM_ASK = 157, ///< For debt instruments the yield to maturity of the of bid & ask prices.
231  YTM_HIGH = 158, ///< For debt instruments the daily high & low of the yield to maturity.
232  YTM_LOW = 159, ///< For debt instruments the daily high & low of the yield to maturity.
233  YTM_HIFLAG = 160, ///< A flag indicating whether the trade which generated the yield to
234  ///< maturity high field value YTM_HIGH resulted from one party 'hitting'
235  ///< the bid or 'taking' the ask.
236  YTM_LOFLAG = 161, ///< A flag indicating whether the trade which generated the yield to
237  ///< maturity low field value YTM_LOW resulted from one party 'hitting'
238  ///< the bid or 'taking' the ask.
239  BUYER_ID = 162, ///< Codes identifying the broker on the buy/sell side of a trade reported
240  ///< by the Consolidated Canadian ticker CCN.
241  SELLER_ID = 163, ///< Codes identifying the broker on the buy/sell side of a trade reported
242  ///< by the Consolidated Canadian ticker CCN.
243  KASS_PRC = 164, ///< The Kassakurse price; the cash price established daily.
245  165, ///< Parity price. Value in local currency of foreign stocks quoted on local
246  ///< exchanges on their own domestic exchanges. Used in Switzerland Japan.
247  FPRC_1_MTH = 166, ///< Forward price of Swiss equities.
248  FPRC_2_MTH = 167, ///< Forward price of Swiss equities.
249  FPRC_3_MTH = 168, ///< Forward price of Swiss equities.
250  FPRC_6_MTH = 169, ///< Forward price of Swiss equities.
251  FPRC_9_MTH = 170, ///< Forward price of Swiss equities.
252  YIELD_32ND = 171, ///< For debt instruments the yield value of 1/32nd.
253  YTM_OPEN = 172, ///< For debt instruments the day's opening yield to maturity.
254  KERB_PRC1 = 173, ///< Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.
255  ///< The unofficial trading price when the market has closed. For the
256  ///< London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.
257  KERB_PRC2 = 174, ///< Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.
258  ///< The unofficial trading price when the market has closed. For the
259  ///< London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.
260  KERB_PRC3 = 175, ///< Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.
261  ///< The unofficial trading price when the market has closed. For the
262  ///< London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.
263  KERB_PRC4 = 176, ///< Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.
264  ///< The unofficial trading price when the market has closed. For the
265  ///< London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.
266  KERB_PRC5 = 177, ///< Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.
267  ///< The unofficial trading price when the market has closed. For the
268  ///< London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.
269  TRDVOL_1 = 178, ///< Transactional volume of the trade price reported in TRDPRC_1.
270  BASISVALUE = 179, ///< For debt instruments the dollar value of a single basis point.
271  ISSUE_PRC = 181, ///< The price at which the issue was initially allocated.
272  YTM_OPFLAG = 182, ///< For debt instruments a flag indicating whether the yield to maturity
273  ///< open field value in YTM_OPEN resulted from a trade where one party
274  ///< 'hit' the bid or 'took' the ask.
275  NO_BUYERS = 183, ///< Number of buyers.
276  NO_SELLERS = 184, ///< Number of sellers.
277  RISKFACTOR = 185, ///< The risk factors are calculated daily by LIFFE and indicate the risk
278  ///< of an option relative to that of the related futures contract. They
279  ///< are used as the basis of the option margining system.
280  SHORTADDON = 186, ///< Additional element of margin required by LIFFE on short options
281  ///< positions reflecting higher risk than in long positions.
282  TOT_MOVES = 187, ///< The total number of moves today.
283  STATUS_1 = 188, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
284  STATUS_2 = 189, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
285  STATUS_3 = 190, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
286  STATUS_4 = 191, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
287  STATUS_5 = 192, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
288  STATUS_6 = 193, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
289  STATUS_7 = 194, ///< Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
290  HIGHTP_1 = 196, ///< Indicates today's highest transaction type as held in HIGH_1 FID 12.
291  LOWTP_1 = 197, ///< Indicates today's lowest transaction type as held in LOW_1 FID 13.
292  LOT_SIZE_A = 198, ///< The lot size field which defines the number of contracts physicals or
293  ///< equities traded for a particular instrument.
294  OPENEXID = 199, ///< For US composite quotes the exchange identifier of the exchange where
295  ///< the opening price was made.
296  CLSEXID = 200, ///< For US composite quotes the exchange identifier of the exchange from
297  ///< where the historic close originates.
298  LF_HGH_DAT = 201, ///< Dates on which the life high and Low were established.
299  LF_LOW_DAT = 202, ///< Dates on which the life high and Low were established.
300  BID_HIGH_1 = 203, ///< Today's highest and lowest bid prices.
301  BID_LOW_1 = 204, ///< Today's highest and lowest bid prices.
302  YRBIDHIGH = 205, ///< The highest and lowest bids this calendar year.
303  YRBIDLOW = 206, ///< The highest and lowest bids this calendar year.
304  HST_CLSBID = 207, ///< The historic closing bid i.e. the last non-zero closing bid.
305  HSTCLBDDAT = 208, ///< The historical closing bid date.
306  YRBDHI_IND = 209, ///< Indicator showing whether or not the highest bid this calendar year
307  ///< was made today.
308  YRBDLO_IND = 210, ///< Indicator showing whether or not the lowest bid this calendar year
309  ///< was made today.
310  NUM_BIDS = 211, ///< The number of bids made for a NASDAQ bid ask quoted equity.
311  MKT_MKR_ID = 212, ///< A four character market maker identifier.
312  MKT_SOURCE = 213, ///< The source of the market maker quote e.g. SEAQ. For non-exchange
313  ///< sourced quotes this indicates the city from which the quote came.
314  MKT_MKR_NM = 214, ///< The name of the market maker.
315  ROW64_1 = 215, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
316  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
317  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
318  ROW64_2 = 216, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
319  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
320  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
321  ROW64_3 = 217, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
322  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
323  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
324  ROW64_4 = 218, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
325  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
326  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
327  ROW64_5 = 219, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
328  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
329  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
330  ROW64_6 = 220, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
331  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
332  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
333  ROW64_7 = 221, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
334  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
335  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
336  ROW64_8 = 222, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
337  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
338  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
339  ROW64_9 = 223, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
340  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
341  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
342  ROW64_10 = 224, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
343  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
344  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
345  ROW64_11 = 225, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
346  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
347  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
348  ROW64_12 = 226, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
349  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
350  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
351  ROW64_13 = 227, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
352  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
353  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
354  ROW64_14 = 228, ///< Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the
355  ///< Monitor Gateway record template. These are also used as general
356  ///< 64-character text fields in other records.
357  SPECRLDATE = 229, ///< Date of special release.
358  SP_NAVALUE = 230, ///< Special release beginning net asset value.
359  SPNAVALUE1 = 231, ///< Special release closing net asset value.
360  SPEC_CAP = 232, ///< Special release capital gains.
361  SPECDIV = 233, ///< Special release dividend.
362  PRV_KASSA = 234, ///< The previous reported day's cash or kassakurs price.
363  PNAC = 235, ///< News access code.
364  PREV_LR = 237, ///< Previous record pointer.
365  NEXT_LR = 238, ///< Next record pointer.
366  REF_COUNT = 239, ///< Count of the number of references in a record.
367  LINK_1 = 240, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
368  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
369  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
370  LINK_2 = 241, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
371  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
372  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
373  LINK_3 = 242, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
374  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
375  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
376  LINK_4 = 243, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
377  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
378  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
379  LINK_5 = 244, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
380  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
381  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
382  LINK_6 = 245, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
383  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
384  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
385  LINK_7 = 246, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
386  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
387  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
388  LINK_8 = 247, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
389  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
390  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
391  LINK_9 = 248, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
392  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
393  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
394  LINK_10 = 249, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
395  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
396  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
397  LINK_11 = 250, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
398  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
399  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
400  LINK_12 = 251, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
401  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
402  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
403  LINK_13 = 252, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
404  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
405  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
406  LINK_14 = 253, ///< References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the
407  ///< Marketstream Alpha Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using
408  ///< the null Alpha Name definition.
410  254, ///< This field - the unique story number - enables the recipient to link together
411  ///< successive parts of a news story and provide a unique reference.
412  PROC_DATE = 255, ///< Date when NPS or other head-end processed item.
413  PROC_TIME = 256, ///< Time when NPS or other head-end processed item.
414  FINAL_LINE = 257, ///< The final line text of a story.
415  SEG_TEXT = 258, ///< 255 byte take segment text field.
416  RECORDTYPE = 259, ///< Field which indicates the type of record and also the type of data in
417  ///< that record.
419  260, ///< Forward pointer initially used by PPD to point to the next take of a story.
420  SEG_BACK = 261, ///< Backward pointer initially used by PPD to point to the previous take of
421  ///< a story.
422  NO_TAKES = 262, ///< Count of the number of takes in the story or for chaining the number of
423  ///< link records in a chain.
424  CUR_TAKE = 263, ///< Current take number or for chaining the number of the current link
425  ///< record in the chain.
426  BCAST_TEXT = 264, ///< Variable length broadcast text field.
427  TRADE_1 = 265, ///< Redundant field. To be deleted.
428  BID_TIME = 266, ///< Time of the latest update to the BID field FID 22.
429  ASK_TIME = 267, ///< Time of the latest update to the ASK field FID 25.
430  ACT_TP_1 = 270, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5
431  ///< an associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last
432  ///< activity field.
433  ACT_TP_2 = 271, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5
434  ///< an associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last
435  ///< activity field.
436  ACT_TP_3 = 272, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5
437  ///< an associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last
438  ///< activity field.
439  ACT_TP_4 = 273, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5
440  ///< an associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last
441  ///< activity field.
442  ACT_TP_5 = 274, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5
443  ///< an associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last
444  ///< activity field.
445  SEC_ACT_1 = 275, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
446  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
447  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
448  SEC_ACT_2 = 276, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
449  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
450  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
451  SEC_ACT_3 = 277, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
452  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
453  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
454  SEC_ACT_4 = 278, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
455  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
456  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
457  SEC_ACT_5 = 279, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
458  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
459  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
460  SC_ACT_TP1 = 280, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
461  ///< field SEC_ACT_n. SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.
462  SC_ACT_TP2 = 281, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
463  ///< field SEC_ACT_n. SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.
464  SC_ACT_TP3 = 282, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
465  ///< field SEC_ACT_n. SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.
466  SC_ACT_TP4 = 283, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
467  ///< field SEC_ACT_n. SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.
468  SC_ACT_TP5 = 284, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
469  ///< field SEC_ACT_n. SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.
470  OPEN_TIME = 285, ///< Time at which the opening value held in the fields OPEN_PRC/ OPEN_PRC2
471  ///< was made.
473  286, ///< Time at which the high value held in the fields HIGH_1/ SEC_HIGH was made.
474  LOW_TIME = 287, ///< Time at which the low value held in the fields LOW_1/ SEC_LOW was made.
475  SETTLEDATE = 288, ///< The date of the settlement price held in the SETTLE field.
477  289, ///< The volume of stock available to be sold at the current price held in the
478  ///< TRDPRC_1 field. Originally but no longer required for the Taiwan SE.
479  NO_BIDMMKR = 291, ///< The number of market-makers currently making the best bid for a
480  ///< particular equity.
481  NO_ASKMMKR = 292, ///< The number of market-makers currently making the best ask for a
482  ///< particular equity.
483  BID_MMID1 = 293, ///< Identifiers showing three market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
484  ///< For ISE these represent the three best-bid market-makers BID_MMID1
485  ///< representing the market-maker who has made the best bid.
486  BID_MMID2 = 294, ///< Identifiers showing three market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
487  ///< For ISE these represent the three best-bid market-makers BID_MMID1
488  ///< representing the market-maker who has made the best bid.
489  BID_MMID3 = 295, ///< Identifiers showing three market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
490  ///< For ISE these represent the three best-bid market-makers BID_MMID1
491  ///< representing the market-maker who has made the best bid.
492  ASK_MMID1 = 296, ///< Identifiers showing three market-makers on the ask side of a quote.
493  ///< For ISE these represent the three best-ask market-makers ASK_MMID1
494  ///< representing the market-maker who has made the best ask.
495  ASK_MMID2 = 297, ///< Identifiers showing three market-makers on the ask side of a quote.
496  ///< For ISE these represent the three best-ask market-makers ASK_MMID1
497  ///< representing the market-maker who has made the best ask.
498  ASK_MMID3 = 298, ///< Identifiers showing three market-makers on the ask side of a quote.
499  ///< For ISE these represent the three best-ask market-makers ASK_MMID1
500  ///< representing the market-maker who has made the best ask.
501  P_BUY_Q = 299, ///< The primary & secondary buy-queue lengths reported by Hong Kong SE.
502  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
503  S_BUY_Q = 300, ///< The primary & secondary buy-queue lengths reported by Hong Kong SE.
504  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
505  P_ASK_Q = 301, ///< The primary & secondary ask-queue lengths reported by Hong Kong SE.
506  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
507  S_ASK_Q = 302, ///< The primary & secondary ask-queue lengths reported by Hong Kong SE.
508  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
510  303, ///< First to sixth session prices. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry
511  ///< the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
513  304, ///< First to sixth session prices. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry
514  ///< the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
516  305, ///< First to sixth session prices. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry
517  ///< the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
519  306, ///< First to sixth session prices. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry
520  ///< the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
522  307, ///< First to sixth session prices. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry
523  ///< the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
525  308, ///< First to sixth session prices. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry
526  ///< the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
527  SESS1_FLAG = 309, ///< For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session
528  ///< flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the
529  ///< fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.
530  SESS2_FLAG = 310, ///< For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session
531  ///< flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the
532  ///< fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.
533  SESS3_FLAG = 311, ///< For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session
534  ///< flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the
535  ///< fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.
536  SESS4_FLAG = 312, ///< For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session
537  ///< flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the
538  ///< fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.
539  SESS5_FLAG = 313, ///< For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session
540  ///< flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the
541  ///< fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.
542  SESS6_FLAG = 314, ///< For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session
543  ///< flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the
544  ///< fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.
545  ROW80_1 = 315, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
546  ///< page-style record.
547  ROW80_2 = 316, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
548  ///< page-style record.
549  ROW80_3 = 317, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
550  ///< page-style record.
551  ROW80_4 = 318, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
552  ///< page-style record.
553  ROW80_5 = 319, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
554  ///< page-style record.
555  ROW80_6 = 320, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
556  ///< page-style record.
557  ROW80_7 = 321, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
558  ///< page-style record.
559  ROW80_8 = 322, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
560  ///< page-style record.
561  ROW80_9 = 323, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
562  ///< page-style record.
563  ROW80_10 = 324, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
564  ///< page-style record.
565  ROW80_11 = 325, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
566  ///< page-style record.
567  ROW80_12 = 326, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
568  ///< page-style record.
569  ROW80_13 = 327, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
570  ///< page-style record.
571  ROW80_14 = 328, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
572  ///< page-style record.
573  ROW80_15 = 329, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
574  ///< page-style record.
575  ROW80_16 = 330, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
576  ///< page-style record.
577  ROW80_17 = 331, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
578  ///< page-style record.
579  ROW80_18 = 332, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
580  ///< page-style record.
581  ROW80_19 = 333, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
582  ///< page-style record.
583  ROW80_20 = 334, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
584  ///< page-style record.
585  ROW80_21 = 335, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
586  ///< page-style record.
587  ROW80_22 = 336, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
588  ///< page-style record.
589  ROW80_23 = 337, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
590  ///< page-style record.
591  ROW80_24 = 338, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
592  ///< page-style record.
593  ROW80_25 = 339, ///< Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
594  ///< page-style record.
595  OPTION_XID = 340, ///< An ASCII string holding up to six exchange identifiers of where
596  ///< options on an equity are traded.
597  OPEN_TONE = 343, ///< Open price qualifier associated with the OPEN_PRC field supplied for
598  ///< US government securities.
600  344, ///< Trade price qualifier associated with the TRDPRC_1 field supplied for Japanese
601  ///< instruments and US government securities. Cleared during the pre-market clear.
602  BID_TONE = 345, ///< Japanese bid price qualifier associated with the BID field. This is
603  ///< cleared during the pre-market clear.
604  ASK_TONE = 346, ///< Japanese ask price qualifier associated with the ASK field. This is
605  ///< cleared during the pre-market clear.
606  CLOSE_TONE = 347, ///< Closing price qualifier associated with the HST_CLOSE field. Supplied
607  ///< for Japanese instruments and US Government securities.
608  STOP_HIGH = 348, ///< Flag indicating that trading has occurred at the upper limit
609  ///< permissible supplied for Japanese instruments. This is cleared during
610  ///< the pre-market clear.
611  STOP_LOW = 349, ///< Flag indicating that trading has occurred at the lower permissible
612  ///< limit supplied for Japanese instruments. This is cleared during the
613  ///< pre-market clear.
614  YRHIGHDAT = 350, ///< Date on which the year or contract high as held in the YRHIGH and
615  ///< LOCHIGH fields respectively was made.
616  YRLOWDAT = 351, ///< Date on which the year or contract low as held in the YRLOW and LOCLOW
617  ///< fields respectively was made.
619  352, ///< Security marker for a foreign company trading on a Japanese stock exchange
620  ///< indicating the status of the company on its own domestic market.
621  DOM_STATUS = 353, ///< Market status of the domestic market of a foreign company trading on
622  ///< a Japanese stock exchange.
623  PBR = 354, ///< For Japanese equities the price to book ratio.
625  355, ///< Trading volume qualifier associated with the ACVOL_1 field and cleared during
626  ///< the pre-market clear. Used for Japanese instruments and US futures.
627  RT_YIELD_1 = 356, ///< The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures
628  ///< and money market instruments.
629  RT_YIELD_2 = 357, ///< The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures
630  ///< and money market instruments.
631  RT_YIELD_3 = 358, ///< The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures
632  ///< and money market instruments.
633  RT_YIELD_4 = 359, ///< The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures
634  ///< and money market instruments.
635  RT_YIELD_5 = 360, ///< The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures
636  ///< and money market instruments.
637  YLD_NETCHG = 361, ///< The net change of the current real-time yield from the historic
638  ///< closing yield. This field is cleared during the pre-market clear.
640  362, ///< The bid yield for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.
642  363, ///< The ask yield for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.
643  OPEN_YLD = 364, ///< The opening yield of the day for Japanese instruments cleared during
644  ///< the pre-market clear.
645  HIGH_YLD = 365, ///< The day's highest yield as held in the RT_YIELD_1 field. This is
646  ///< cleared during the pre-market clear.
647  LOW_YLD = 366, ///< The day's lowest yield as held in the RT_YIELD_1 field. This is cleared
648  ///< during the pre-market clear.
649  HST_CLSYLD = 367, ///< The historic closing yield i.e. the last non-zero closing yield
650  ///< derived once daily outside market hours from the RT_YIELD_1 field.
651  OPINT_2 = 368, ///< Previous day's open interest. This is derived once daily from the
652  ///< OPINT_1 field.
653  OPINT_DATE = 369, ///< The date of the open interest value held in the OPINT_1 field. This
654  ///< is derived once daily.
655  ISS_AMOUNT = 370, ///< The total number of debt instruments issued under a single issue.
656  YLD_TICK = 371, ///< The yield tick - the direction of latest yield from the previous yield.
657  ///< The field is derived from RT_YIELD_1 and RT_YIELD_2 if the latter is
658  ///< non-zero or from RT_YIELD_1 and HST_CLSYLD otherwise. If HST_CLSYLD is
659  ///< zero then the field is not calculated.
660  IRGPRC = 372, ///< A cancelled inserted retransmitted or irregular price.
661  IRGVOL = 373, ///< The volume associated with the price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).
662  IRGCOND = 374, ///< An indicator of the type of price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).
663  TIMCOR = 375, ///< The time of a price correction - the time of update to either the IRGPRC
664  ///< (FID 372) or INSPRC (FID 376) fields.
665  INSPRC = 376, ///< When an exchange sends a correction report with details of both the
666  ///< cancelled and inserted price this field holds the inserted price.
667  INSVOL = 377, ///< The volume associated with the price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).
668  INSCOND = 378, ///< An indication of the type of price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).
669  SALTIM = 379, ///< Time of the last trade with precision in seconds - the time of the last
670  ///< update to the field TRDPRC_1 (FID 6).
671  TNOVER_SC = 380, ///< The scaling factor for the TURNOVER field FID 100.
673  381, ///< For Japanese convertible bond indices parity greater than or equal to 100.
674  PARITY100 = 382, ///< For Japanese convertible bond indices parity less than 100.
675  HST_VOL = 383, ///< The previous day's accumulated volume.
676  SESS_HIFLG = 384, ///< For session trading instruments an indication of during which
677  ///< session the daily high price was made.
678  SESS_LOFLG = 385, ///< For session trading instruments an indication of during which
679  ///< session the daily low price was made.
680  SSPRNG1 = 386, ///< The first and second halves respectively of the suspension price range.
681  SSPRNG2 = 387, ///< The first and second halves respectively of the suspension price range.
682  SSPRNGTP = 388, ///< An indicator showing the type of prices held in the suspension range
683  ///< fields SSPRNG1 and SSPRNG2.
684  RSMRNG1 = 389, ///< The first and second halves respectively of the resumption price range.
685  RSMRNG2 = 390, ///< The first and second halves respectively of the resumption price range.
686  RSMRNGTP = 391, ///< An indicator showing the type of prices held in the resumption range
687  ///< fields RSMRNG1 and RSMRNG2.
689  392, ///< The date when a particular volume occurred at present that held in HST_VOL.
690  PRIMACT_1 = 393, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
691  PRIMACT_2 = 394, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
692  PRIMACT_3 = 395, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
693  PRIMACT_4 = 396, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
694  PRIMACT_5 = 397, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
695  EQUIV_YLD = 398, ///< This is a treasury bill yield calculated according to money market
696  ///< standards using a simple rather than compound interest formula.
697  SESSION7 = 399, ///< Seventh session price. For Kobe Rubber Exchange the fourth afternoon
698  ///< session price.
699  SESS7_FLAG = 400, ///< Session flag associated with the 7th session price SESSION7 above.
700  SESS1_VOL = 401, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
701  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
702  SESS2_VOL = 402, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
703  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
704  SESS3_VOL = 403, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
705  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
706  SESS4_VOL = 404, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
707  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
708  SESS5_VOL = 405, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
709  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
710  SESS6_VOL = 406, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
711  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
712  SESS7_VOL = 407, ///< Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose
713  ///< latest price is indicated in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.
714  SELL_FRESH = 408, ///< The number of new sale transactions (short positions) for the market
715  ///< day. Reported by Kobe Rubber Exchange.
716  BUY_FRESH = 409, ///< The number of new purchase transactions (long positions) for the
717  ///< market day. Reported by Kobe Rubber Exchange.
718  LIQUIDTN = 410, ///< The number of transactions which closed out a long position during the
719  ///< market day. Reported by Kobe Rubber Exch.
720  SHORTCOVER = 411, ///< The number of transactions which covered a short position during the
721  ///< market day. Reported by Kobe Rubber Exchange.
722  EXERCISED = 412, ///< The number of options contracts exercised during the trading day.
724  431, ///< Generic secondary bid field whose content is further described by the bid flag
725  ///< O_BID_TONE (FID 1065). For OM type options markets this is the order-book bid.
727  432, ///< Generic secondary ask field whose content is further described by the ask flag
728  ///< O_ASK_TONE (FID 1066). For OM type options markets this is the order-book ask.
729  BEST_BID1 = 436, ///< The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in
730  ///< BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
731  BEST_BID2 = 437, ///< The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in
732  ///< BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
733  BEST_BID3 = 438, ///< The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in
734  ///< BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
735  BEST_BID4 = 439, ///< The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in
736  ///< BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
737  BEST_BID5 = 440, ///< The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in
738  ///< BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
739  BEST_ASK1 = 441, ///< The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in
740  ///< BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
741  BEST_ASK2 = 442, ///< The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in
742  ///< BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
743  BEST_ASK3 = 443, ///< The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in
744  ///< BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
745  BEST_ASK4 = 444, ///< The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in
746  ///< BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
747  BEST_ASK5 = 445, ///< The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in
748  ///< BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
749  IDN_SERNO = 450, ///< Network termination serial number. If the termination is a keystation
750  ///< this is a physical identifier of the keystation which is checked by
751  ///< the keystation on retrieval of the permissions record.
752  REC_COUNT = 451, ///< Number of permissions records for this network termination.
753  REV_LEVEL = 452, ///< Revision level of the permissions record.
754  REG_COUNT = 453, ///< Number of (consecutive) REG_FIELDs in use in this record.
755  FILTER1 = 454, ///< This field is used to allow KCDs to filter permissions records
756  ///< identifying the node group to which a KCD or KCD device belongs.
757  DEVICETYPE = 455, ///< Used to identify the type of device that is being permissioned.
758  REG_ID1 = 456, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are
759  ///< held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
760  REG_FIELD1 = 457, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents
761  ///< are held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
762  REG_ID2 = 458, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are
763  ///< held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
764  REG_FIELD2 = 459, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents
765  ///< are held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
766  REG_ID3 = 460, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are
767  ///< held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
768  REG_FIELD3 = 461, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents
769  ///< are held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
770  REG_ID4 = 462, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are
771  ///< held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
772  REG_FIELD4 = 463, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents
773  ///< are held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
774  REG_ID5 = 464, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are
775  ///< held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
776  REG_FIELD5 = 465, ///< The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents
777  ///< are held in the corresponding REG_FIELD1.
778  PROG_ID = 468, ///< Contains a reference to the first program record of the associated
779  ///< program. The reference is formatted using the alphaname character set.
780  ///< This field is updated using a DRS operator command.
781  EXECUTE_IP = 469, ///< Instruction pointer of the program's initial start address.
782  EXECUTE_CS = 470, ///< Code segment of the program's initial start address.
783  REGISTR_0 = 471, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
784  ///< initialisation.
785  REGISTR_1 = 472, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
786  ///< initialisation.
787  REGISTR_2 = 473, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
788  ///< initialisation.
789  REGISTR_3 = 474, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
790  ///< initialisation.
791  REGISTR_4 = 475, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
792  ///< initialisation.
793  REGISTR_5 = 476, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
794  ///< initialisation.
795  REGISTR_6 = 477, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
796  ///< initialisation.
797  REGISTR_7 = 478, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
798  ///< initialisation.
799  REGISTR_8 = 479, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
800  ///< initialisation.
801  REGISTR_9 = 480, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
802  ///< initialisation.
803  REGISTR_10 = 481, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
804  ///< initialisation.
805  REGISTR_11 = 482, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
806  ///< initialisation.
807  REGISTR_12 = 483, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
808  ///< initialisation.
809  REGISTR_13 = 484, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
810  ///< initialisation.
811  REGISTR_14 = 485, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
812  ///< initialisation.
813  REGISTR_15 = 486, ///< Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register
814  ///< initialisation.
815  DATREC_CNT = 487, ///< Count of the number of subsequent program data records which comprise
816  ///< the component's program image.
817  LD_ADD_IP = 488, ///< Instruction pointer of the load address.
818  LD_ADD_CS = 489, ///< Code segment of the load address.
820  490, ///< Count of valid program data bytes contained in the following SECTOR fields.
821  CHECKSUM = 491, ///< Checksum used for verifying the program header record contents. When
822  ///< the checksum is added to the summation of all other fields in the
823  ///< record the result is zero.
824  SECTOR_1 = 492, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
825  SECTOR_2 = 493, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
826  SECTOR_3 = 494, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
827  SECTOR_4 = 495, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
828  SECTOR_5 = 496, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
829  SECTOR_6 = 497, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
830  SECTOR_7 = 498, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
831  SECTOR_8 = 499, ///< Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
832  SRCOFDATA = 500, ///< Source of Data.
833  SRC_REF1 = 501, ///< Source Reference. The reference that uniquely identifies the deal. For
834  ///< a dealing conversation it is the conversation number. For a Matching
835  ///< deal it is the Match-ID.
836  DATEOFDEAL = 502, ///< The date and time in GMT at which a dealing conversation started or a
837  ///< Matching ticket was received.
838  TIMEOFDEAL = 503, ///< The date and time in GMT at which a dealing conversation started or a
839  ///< Matching ticket was received.
841  504, ///< Dealer ID. Dealer ID of the user who was logged on to the keystation where the
842  ///< Dealing conversation was held or the Matching ticket was delivered (cf 549).
843  DATE_CONFM = 505, ///< The date and time in GMT when the deal was confirmed. For a dealing
844  ///< conversation this is when the [CONFIRM] key is pressed. In the case
845  ///< of matching all tickets are automatically confirmed.
846  TIME_CONFM = 506, ///< The date and time in GMT when the deal was confirmed. For a dealing
847  ///< conversation this is when the [CONFIRM] key is pressed. In the case
848  ///< of matching all tickets are automatically confirmed.
849  CONFIRM_ID = 507, ///< Confirmed-by ID. The dealer ID of the user who was logged on to the
850  ///< keystation where the ticket was confirmed (cf 550).
851  BANK1DCODE = 508, ///< Bank 1 Dealing Code. The tcid of the bank dealt with in an online
852  ///< conversation. In a captured conversation this field may be #### if
853  ///< the tcid is not known. If the conversation contains the text
854  ///< COUNTERPARTY IS ... or BROKER IS ... this a single space.
856  509, ///< Bank 1 Name. The answerback of the bank dealt with in an online conversation.
857  ///< In a captured conversation this field contains the command-line counterparty
858  ///< name added between pressing the keys [CAPTURE] and [TRANSMIT/RETURN].
859  BRKR_DCODE = 510, ///< Broker Dealing Code. The tcid of a broker. This field is blank unless
860  ///< the conversation contains the text COUNTERPARTY IS... when it
861  ///< contains the tcid of the counterparty to the conversation.
863  511, ///< Broker Name. This field is blank unless the conversation contains the text
864  ///< COUNTERPARTY IS... when it contains the online answerback or the conversation
865  ///< contains the text BROKER IS yyyy.... when the field contains the text yyyy...
866  CIF_REASON = 512, ///< Reason for sending (CIF).
867  BANK2_NAME = 513, ///< Bank 2 Name. A single space in current implementations of the Ticket
868  ///< Output Feed.
869  DEAL_TYPE = 514, ///< Deal Type.
870  PERIOD1 = 515, ///< Period 1. The period between the date of the deal and when the
871  ///< transaction will take place or when the first and second legs of the
872  ///< transaction will take place.
873  PERIOD2 = 516, ///< Period 2. The period between the date of the deal and when the
874  ///< transaction will take place or when the first and second legs of the
875  ///< transaction will take place.
876  CCY1 = 517, ///< The Swift codes of the currencies in the deal.
877  CCY2 = 518, ///< The Swift codes of the currencies in the deal.
878  DVOL_CCY1 = 519, ///< Deal Volume Currency 1. The volume of currency quoted in the deal
879  ///< including a decimal point and cents.
880  DEP_RATE = 520, ///< Deposit Rate. The interest rate in a deposit deal.
881  SWAP_RATE = 521, ///< Swap rate. The rate at which a Swap rate was agreed. It may contain
882  ///< plus signs and/or spaces.
883  EXRATEPER1 = 522, ///< Exchange Rate Period 1. The rate for exchange at the first or only
884  ///< period of the deal.
885  EXRATEPER2 = 523, ///< Exchange Rate Period 2. The rate for exchange at the second leg of a
886  ///< two-leg deal.
887  RATE_DIR = 524, ///< Rate Direction.
888  VDATE_P1C1 = 525, ///< Value Date Period 1 Currency 1. The actual dates in GMT on which each
889  ///< payment is to take place.
890  VDATE_P1C2 = 526, ///< Value Date Period 1 Currency 2. The actual dates in GMT on which each
891  ///< payment is to take place.
892  VDATE_P2C1 = 527, ///< Value Date Period 2 Currency 1. The actual dates in GMT on which each
893  ///< payment is to take place.
894  VDATE_P2C2 = 528, ///< Value Date Period 2 Currency 2. The actual dates in GMT on which each
895  ///< payment is to take place.
896  INST_P1_C1 = 529, ///< Payment Instruction Period 1 Currency 1. Instructions specifying how
897  ///< each payment is to be made.
898  INST_P1_C2 = 530, ///< Payment Instruction Period 1 Currency 2. Instructions specifying how
899  ///< each payment is to be made.
900  INST_P2_C1 = 531, ///< Payment Instruction Period 2 Currency 1. Instructions specifying how
901  ///< each payment is to be made.
902  INST_P2_C2 = 532, ///< Payment Instruction Period 2 Currency 2. Instructions specifying how
903  ///< each payment is to be made.
904  OLDESTID = 533, ///< Oldest deal Identifier. The identifier of the oldest deal in the
905  ///< database. If the database is empty the field contains tcid#0.
907  534, ///< Oldest deal date. The date and time in GMT of the oldest deal in the database.
909  535, ///< Oldest deal Time. If the database is empty each field contains a single space.
911  536, ///< Latest Deal Identifier. The data Identifier of the newest deal in the database
912  ///< (see section 4.4.5). If the database is empty the field contains tcid#0.
913  LATESTDATE = 537, ///< The date and time in GMT of the newest deal in the database.
914  LATESTTIME = 538, ///< The date and time in GMT of the newest deal in the database.
915  SEC_SRCREF = 539, ///< Secondary Source reference. For matching deals the Matching Trade-ID.
916  DEALMETHOD = 540, ///< Method of deal.
918  541, ///< Rate Currency 1 against USD. The spot rate for each currency against the US
919  ///< dollar at the time the deal was confirmed as supplied by Reuters.
920  RATE_C2USD = 542, ///< Rate Currency 2 against USD. The rate maybe used by the User Computer
921  ///< for limits calculations.
922  BRATE_USD = 543, ///< Rate Base Currency against USD. The base currency rate against the US
923  ///< dollar may be set and fixed by the user.
924  BASE_CCY = 544, ///< Base Currency. The SWIFT code of the currency chosen to be the bank's
925  ///< local base currency (see 543).
926  CVOL_P1_C2 = 545, ///< Calculated volume Period 1 Currency 2. Currency volumes calculated by
927  ///< Dealing 2000.
928  CVOL_P2_C2 = 546, ///< Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 2. Currency volumes calculated by
929  ///< Dealing 2000.
931  547, ///< Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 1. Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 1.
932  CONV_TEXT = 548, ///< Conversation text. The full text of the conversation associated with
933  ///< the deal formatted exactly as the printed conversation.
934  DEALERNAME = 549, ///< Dealer Name. The user name of the dealer who was logged on to the
935  ///< keystation where the Dealing conversation was held or the matching
936  ///< ticket was delivered (cf504).
937  CONFBYNAME = 550, ///< Confirmed-by Name. The user name of the dealer who was logged on to
938  ///< the keystation where the ticket was confirmed (cf 507).
939  LOCAL_TCID = 551, ///< Local TCID. The tcid of the local Dealing 2000 installation.
940  REVIEW_NUM = 552, ///< Review reference number. The conversation number i.e. the number that
941  ///< can be used to review the conversation.
942  COMMENTTXT = 553, ///< Comment text. Up to two lines of comment from a Dealing Conversation
943  ///< or a Match Deal separated by carriage return line feed characters. If
944  ///< there is no comment text this field will contain a single space.
945  FRA_FIXING = 554, ///< FRA Fixing date. The date on which the parties to the FRA deal will
946  ///< re-establish contact to resolve the outcome.
947  FRA_SETTLE = 555, ///< FRA Settlement date. The date on which the balance of an FRA deal is
948  ///< to change hands.
949  FRA_MAT = 556, ///< FRA Maturity Date. The date on which the period of an FRA deal ends.
950  IMM_INDICA = 557, ///< IMM Indicator.
951  D2000_VNUM = 558, ///< Dealing 2000 Version Number. The overall version number of the
952  ///< Dealing 2000 installation.
953  OUT_PPRATE = 559, ///< Outright Points Premium Rate. In the outright deal the premium above
954  ///< spot at which the deal was struck (maybe negative) see 560. The field
955  ///< may contain a plus sign.
956  SPOT_BASIS = 560, ///< Spot Basis Rate. In an outright deal the spot basis rate used to
957  ///< agree the deal. Spot Basis + Premium=Dealt rate.
959  561, ///< User-defined Title 1. From release 3.30 the user can define the title and
960  ///< content of three ticket fields. This is the title of the first field.
961  USR_DEF_D1 = 562, ///< User-defined data 1. The content of the first user-defined ticket
962  ///< field which is entered via the Graphical Ticket Editor (GTE).
964  563, ///< User-defined Title 2. From release 3.30 the user can define the title and
965  ///< content of three ticket fields. This is the title of the first field.
966  USR_DEF_D2 = 564, ///< User-defined data 2. The content of the first user-defined ticket
967  ///< field which is entered via the Graphical Ticket Editor (GTE).
969  565, ///< User-defined Title 3. From release 3.30 the user can define the title and
970  ///< content of three ticket fields. This is the title of the first field.
971  USR_DEF_D3 = 566, ///< User-defined data 3. The content of the first user-defined ticket
972  ///< field which is entered via the Graphical Ticket Editor (GTE).
974  567, ///< ID of the original if this is a Contra. If a user accidentally confirms a deal
975  ///< with incorrect data a contra-entry can be produced by pressing a single key.
976  CPY_CONVID = 568, ///< ID of previous if this is a next. Users may strike multiple deals in
977  ///< one conversation but Dealing 2000 only extracts one deal from the
978  ///< conversation automatically.
979  PURE_DTYPE = 569, ///< Pure Deal-type.
980  VOL_OF_INT = 570, ///< Volume of Interest. In a deposit deal the difference between the
981  ///< volume given at the start of the period and received at the end.
982  ELAPSDDAYS = 571, ///< Days elapsed during deal. The number of elapsed days covered by the
983  ///< duration of the deal. May be used by the User Computer to verify
984  ///< calculations made by Dealing 2000.
985  YEARLENGTH = 572, ///< Year Length. The length of the financial year used in calculations:
986  ///< either 360 or 365.
987  PRICE_CONV = 573, ///< Price convention.
988  CIF_INTMSG = 574, ///< Interest message (CIF). The interest message sent out by this
989  ///< keystation on a Contact or received by this keystation on an incoming
990  ///< call. Used by the Current Interest Feed only.
992  575, ///< SWIFT-BIC Currency-1 Period-1. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC
993  ///< format. These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.
995  576, ///< SWIFT-BIC Currency-2 Period-1. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC
996  ///< format. These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.
998  577, ///< SWIFT-BIC Currency-1 Period-2. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC
999  ///< format. These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.
1001  578, ///< SWIFT-BIC Currency-2 Period-2. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC
1002  ///< format. These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.
1003  CREDIT_RED = 579, ///< D2000-2 Credit Reduction. D2000-2 Credit Reduction is USD attributed
1004  ///< to the current deal. Will only contain data when FID 500 = 2.
1005  CREDIT_REM = 580, ///< D2000-2 Credit Remaining. D2000-2 Credit Remaining after adjustment
1006  ///< following the current deal. Will only contain data when FID 500 = 2.
1007  SBASE_CCY2 = 581, ///< Base Currency 2. SWIFT code of the second base currency chosen by the
1008  ///< local bank.
1009  SBASE_CCY3 = 582, ///< Base Currency 3. SWIFT code of the third base currency chosen by the
1010  ///< local bank.
1011  BASE_C2USD = 583, ///< Rate Base Currency 2 versus USD. The rate of base currency 2 against
1012  ///< the USD at the time of the deal. (May be set and fixed by the user).
1013  BASE_C3USD = 584, ///< Rate Base Currency 3 versus USD. The rate of base currency 3 against
1014  ///< the USD at the time of the deal. (May be set and fixed by the user).
1015  LOC_ANSBCK = 603, ///< The Answerback of the local server.
1016  DLG_STATUS = 604, ///< The latest Dealing 2000 status message.
1017  CON_KYSTAT = 605, ///< The number of keystations which have connected to the COG.
1018  ACT_KYSTAT = 606, ///< The number of keystations which have connected to the COG and which
1019  ///< have users logged on.
1020  CRRNT_DATE = 607, ///< The current date as reported by the server.
1021  CRRNT_TIME = 608, ///< The current time as reported by the server.
1022  COG_KPALIV = 609, ///< COG keep alive counter which increments every 15 seconds (running
1023  ///< from 0 to 9999 and then starting again.
1024  INSRT_LINE = 611, ///< The text of the insert line. This includes the service and function
1025  ///< identifiers at the start (e.g. 'MON VIEW').
1026  RESPN_LINE = 612, ///< The text of the response line (not including the status message).
1027  KSTAT_ALIV = 613, ///< An indication of whether the COG has a connection to the keystation
1028  ///< (1 if there is a connection 0 if there is not).
1030  614, ///< Which of the four conversation channels (1-4) is the current conversation on
1031  ///< the keystation (0 if there is no current conversation).
1033  615, ///< Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for
1034  ///< conversation channel 1 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).
1036  616, ///< Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for
1037  ///< conversation channel 2 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).
1039  617, ///< Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for
1040  ///< conversation channel 3 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).
1042  618, ///< Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for
1043  ///< conversation channel 4 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).
1044  COG_VERSN = 619, ///< The version number of the COG. This may be up to 10 alpha numeric
1045  ///< characters plus decimal points.
1047  620, ///< The version number of the overview datafeed protocol being used by the COG.
1048  CALL_NUMBR = 621, ///< An arbitrary number to uniquely identify the call.
1049  CALLR_TCID = 622, ///< The TCID of the callers's terminal.
1050  INTRST_MES = 623, ///< The interest message specified in the call.
1051  DEALER_FLG = 624, ///< The dealer flag specified in the call.
1052  CALL_LETTR = 625, ///< The letter used to specify the call on a keystation.
1053  CALL_DELAY = 626, ///< The number of seconds the call was in the incoming call queue.
1054  WITHD_REAS = 627, ///< The reason why the call was withdrawn.
1055  BID_SIDE = 650, ///< The bid side of the quote. For a spot rate or outright deal this is the
1056  ///< actual rate; for a forward deal it is the forward difference; for a
1057  ///< deposit or FRA deal it is the interest rate.
1058  OFFER_SIDE = 651, ///< The offer side of the quote.
1059  CONVR_STAT = 652, ///< Conversation status on the keystation.
1060  ROW1_TIME = 701, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1061  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1062  ROW2_TIME = 702, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1063  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1064  ROW3_TIME = 703, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1065  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1066  ROW4_TIME = 704, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1067  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1068  ROW5_TIME = 705, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1069  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1070  ROW6_TIME = 706, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1071  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1072  ROW7_TIME = 707, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1073  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1074  ROW8_TIME = 708, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1075  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1076  ROW9_TIME = 709, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1077  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1078  ROW10_TIME = 710, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1079  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1080  ROW11_TIME = 711, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1081  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1082  ROW12_TIME = 712, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1083  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1084  ROW13_TIME = 713, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1085  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1086  ROW14_TIME = 714, ///< Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record.
1087  ///< ROWn_TIME corresponds to the field ROW64_n.
1088  STORY_ID = 715, ///< A unique sequential identifier that allows for message loss detection.
1089  ///< Used by NPS and KABS.
1090  COMPANY_ID = 716, ///< A list of the RICs contained in the take as supplied by editorial to
1091  ///< NPS and KABS. Represented as a string with each RIC separated by a
1092  ///< space character with a maximum of four RICs per take.
1093  NW_PRODUCT = 717, ///< A list of market-interest codes supplied by Editorial to NPS and
1094  ///< KABS. Represented as a string with each code separated by a space
1095  ///< character. There is a maximum of 15 products per take.
1096  NW_TOPIC = 718, ///< A list of Topic codes as supplied by Editorial. This is a string with
1097  ///< each topic separated by a space. Maximum of four topics per take.
1099  719, ///< The name of the item or market report supplied by editorial to NPS and KABS.
1100  TAKE_SEQNO = 720, ///< A sequential number designating the take sequence number based on
1101  ///< temporal order of receipt. Contains 0 for alerts 1 for the first take
1102  ///< of a story and 2 through 255 for subsequent takes.
1103  NUM_SEGS = 721, ///< The number of text messages to follow that relate to the take.
1104  STORY_TYPE = 722, ///< The type of take as supplied by editorial.
1105  TABTEXT = 723, ///< The format of the take as supplied by Editorial e.g. tabular or text.
1107  724, ///< The name of the original version of the news story required for Kanji news.
1108  ATTRIBTN = 725, ///< The source of the story e.g. Reuters AP.
1109  BY_LINE = 726, ///< The author of the news story. Field may consist of Kanji.
1110  MORE_NEWS = 727, ///< Specifies the signoff required at the end of this part of the story.
1112  728, ///< A cross-reference to broadcast news data; for use in quotations records.
1114  729, ///< The Monitor page code field of NTM. Required to support alert processing on
1115  ///< Monitor when sourced from a reverse alert terminal with Broadcast News input.
1117  730, ///< The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
1119  731, ///< The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
1121  732, ///< The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
1123  733, ///< The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
1125  734, ///< The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
1127  735, ///< The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
1129  736, ///< The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
1131  737, ///< The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
1133  738, ///< The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
1135  739, ///< The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
1136  NO_BIDMKR2 = 740, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the
1137  ///< fields BEST_BID2 to BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated
1138  ///< with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.
1139  NO_BIDMKR3 = 741, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the
1140  ///< fields BEST_BID2 to BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated
1141  ///< with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.
1142  NO_BIDMKR4 = 742, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the
1143  ///< fields BEST_BID2 to BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated
1144  ///< with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.
1145  NO_BIDMKR5 = 743, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the
1146  ///< fields BEST_BID2 to BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated
1147  ///< with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.
1148  NO_ASKMKR2 = 744, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the
1149  ///< fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated
1150  ///< with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.
1151  NO_ASKMKR3 = 745, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the
1152  ///< fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated
1153  ///< with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.
1154  NO_ASKMKR4 = 746, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the
1155  ///< fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated
1156  ///< with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.
1157  NO_ASKMKR5 = 747, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the
1158  ///< fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated
1159  ///< with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.
1160  DATE_LINE = 748, ///< Date of the news story being issued as well as the location. This
1161  ///< field may contain Kanji.
1163  749, ///< Contains one or more codes generated by editorial which identify the markets
1164  ///< to which the story is of interest. This field replaces FID 717 NW_PRODUCT.
1165  TOPIC_CODE = 750, ///< Provides the main content related coding for the news story.
1166  ///< Generated by editorial. This field replaces FID 718 NW_TOPIC.
1167  CO_IDS = 751, ///< Consists of one or more variable length strings which identify companies
1168  ///< to which the story relates. Generated by editorial. This field replaces
1169  ///< FID 716 COMPANY_ID.
1170  LANG_IND = 752, ///< A two character field designating the language in which all textual
1171  ///< fields are written.
1172  TEXT_WIDTH = 753, ///< If the news item is tabulated (i.e. TABTEXT set to T) this field
1173  ///< indicates the width of the text expressed as the maximum number of
1174  ///< printable characters across the screen.
1175  PRIORITY = 754, ///< Indicates the urgency of an item an alert having top priority of 1.
1176  MEDIA_CODE = 755, ///< Generated by editorial to convey the ANPA/IPTC type of category code.
1177  SLUG = 756, ///< Used by editorial as the keyword/headline/dateline.
1178  SP_QUOTE = 757, ///< Special quotation data for stock index futures sent by the Tokyo and
1179  ///< Osaka SE the day after a contract has expired to prevent market
1180  ///< manipulation on contract expiry.
1181  HST_SESVOL = 758, ///< Generally the previous session volume. For the Kobe Rubber Exchange
1182  ///< the previous day's post-closing session volume whilst for TIFFE the
1183  ///< previous session volume.
1184  PRV_HIGH = 759, ///< The previous trading day's or session's high value. This is currently
1185  ///< required for TIFFE.
1186  PRV_LOW = 760, ///< The previous trading day's or session's low value. This is currently
1187  ///< required for TIFFE.
1188  PRV_OPEN = 761, ///< The previous trading day's or session's open value. This is currently
1189  ///< required for TIFFE.
1190  PRV_LAST = 762, ///< The previous trading day's or session's last value. This is currently
1191  ///< required for TIFFE.
1192  SESS1_OPEN = 763, ///< The opening value for the first session reported by the TSE.
1194  764, ///< The time at which the value in SESS1_OPEN was set reported by the TSE.
1196  765, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION1HI was set reported by the TSE.
1198  766, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION1LO was set reported by the TSE.
1199  SESS1_CLS = 767, ///< The closing value of the first session reported by the TSE.
1201  768, ///< The time at which the value in SESS1_CLS was set. Reported by the TSE.
1203  769, ///< The time at which the value in SESS1_VOL was set. Reported by the TSE.
1204  SESS2_OPEN = 770, ///< The opening value for the second session. Reported by the TSE.
1206  771, ///< The time at which the value in SESS2_OPEN was set. Reported by the TSE.
1208  772, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION2HI was set. Reported by the TSE.
1210  773, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION2LO was set. Reported by the TSE.
1211  EXRTS_DATE = 774, ///< The date on which a stock goes ex-rights.
1212  RTS_TYPE = 775, ///< The type of rights for a rights issue. As reported by Tokyo SE this
1213  ///< can be allotment) 'COMBIN' (combination) 'SPLITS' (share splits).
1214  RTS_VALUE = 776, ///< Amount of the capital increase or ratio of the split associated with a
1215  ///< rights issue.
1216  BUYMARGIN = 777, ///< The margin buy position from Tokyo SE.
1217  BUYMAR_NC = 778, ///< The net change of the current buy margin from the previous.
1218  SELLMARGIN = 779, ///< The margin sell position from Tokyo SE.
1219  SELLMAR_NC = 780, ///< The net change of the current sell margin from the previous.
1220  MARGIN_RTO = 781, ///< The buy margin position divided by the sell margin position.
1221  SESS1_OYLD = 782, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session
1222  ///< open, high, low.
1223  SESS1_HYLD = 783, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session
1224  ///< open, high, low.
1225  SESS1_LYLD = 784, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session
1226  ///< open, high, low.
1227  SESS1_CYLD = 785, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session
1228  ///< open, high, low.
1229  SESS2_OYLD = 786, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the second session
1230  ///< open, high & low price yields.
1231  SESS2_HYLD = 787, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the second session
1232  ///< open, high & low price yields.
1233  SESS2_LYLD = 788, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the second session
1234  ///< open, high & low price yields.
1235  LOCHI_YLD = 789, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the life of
1236  ///< contract high & low price yields.
1237  LOCLO_YLD = 790, ///< Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the life of
1238  ///< contract high & low price yields.
1239  DEALT_VL1 = 791, ///< The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of
1240  ///< DEALT_VLn is scaled as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is
1241  ///< qualified by the field VOL_TPn.
1242  DEALT_VL2 = 792, ///< The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of
1243  ///< DEALT_VLn is scaled as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is
1244  ///< qualified by the field VOL_TPn.
1245  DEALT_VL3 = 793, ///< The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of
1246  ///< DEALT_VLn is scaled as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is
1247  ///< qualified by the field VOL_TPn.
1248  DEALT_VL4 = 794, ///< The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of
1249  ///< DEALT_VLn is scaled as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is
1250  ///< qualified by the field VOL_TPn.
1251  DEALT_VL5 = 795, ///< The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of
1252  ///< DEALT_VLn is scaled as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is
1253  ///< qualified by the field VOL_TPn.
1254  LEG1_RIC = 796, ///< The RIC associated with the first leg of a spread.
1255  LEG2_RIC = 797, ///< The RIC associated with the second leg of a spread.
1256  LEG1_TYPE = 798, ///< The underlying contract type of the first and second legs respectively
1257  ///< of a spread.
1258  LEG2_TYPE = 799, ///< The underlying contract type of the first and second legs respectively
1259  ///< of a spread.
1260  LONGLINK1 = 800, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1261  LONGLINK2 = 801, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1262  LONGLINK3 = 802, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1263  LONGLINK4 = 803, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1264  LONGLINK5 = 804, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1265  LONGLINK6 = 805, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1266  LONGLINK7 = 806, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1267  LONGLINK8 = 807, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1268  LONGLINK9 = 808, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1269  LONGLINK10 = 809, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1270  LONGLINK11 = 810, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1271  LONGLINK12 = 811, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1272  LONGLINK13 = 812, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1273  LONGLINK14 = 813, ///< 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
1274  LONGPREVLR = 814, ///< 17 character equivalent to PREV_LR.
1275  LONGNEXTLR = 815, ///< 17 character equivalent to NEXT_LR.
1276  LEG1_STR = 816, ///< The strike price of the underlying option of the first and second legs
1277  ///< of a spread.
1278  LEG2_STR = 817, ///< The strike price of the underlying option of the first and second legs
1279  ///< of a spread.
1281  818, ///< The expiration date of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.
1283  819, ///< The expiration date of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.
1284  DVOL1_SC = 820, ///< The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the
1285  ///< true value. DVOLn_SC corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.
1286  DVOL2_SC = 821, ///< The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the
1287  ///< true value. DVOLn_SC corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.
1288  DVOL3_SC = 822, ///< The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the
1289  ///< true value. DVOLn_SC corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.
1290  DVOL4_SC = 823, ///< The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the
1291  ///< true value. DVOLn_SC corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.
1292  DVOL5_SC = 824, ///< The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the
1293  ///< true value. DVOLn_SC corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.
1294  CROSS_SC = 825, ///< The scaling to be applied to prices e.g. FOREX cross rate in order to
1295  ///< derive the true value.
1296  DLG_CODE1 = 826, ///< 1st latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
1297  DLG_CODE2 = 827, ///< 2nd latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
1298  DLG_CODE3 = 828, ///< 3rd latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
1299  DLG_CODE4 = 829, ///< 4th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
1300  DLG_CODE5 = 830, ///< 5th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
1301  CTBTR_1 = 831, ///< 1st latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
1302  CTBTR_2 = 832, ///< 2nd latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
1303  CTBTR_3 = 833, ///< 3rd latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
1304  CTBTR_4 = 834, ///< 4th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
1305  CTBTR_5 = 835, ///< 5th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
1306  CTB_LOC1 = 836, ///< 1st latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
1307  CTB_LOC2 = 837, ///< 2nd latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
1308  CTB_LOC3 = 838, ///< 3rd latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
1309  CTB_LOC4 = 839, ///< 4th latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
1310  CTB_LOC5 = 840, ///< 5th latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
1311  CTB_PAGE1 = 841, ///< 1st latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
1312  CTB_PAGE2 = 842, ///< 2nd latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
1313  CTB_PAGE3 = 843, ///< 3rd latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
1314  CTB_PAGE4 = 844, ///< 4th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
1315  CTB_PAGE5 = 845, ///< 5th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
1316  YH_YIELD = 846, ///< The yields of the year high and low.
1317  YL_YIELD = 847, ///< The yields of the year high and low.
1318  LH_YIELD = 848, ///< The yields of the lifetime high and low.
1319  LL_YIELD = 849, ///< The yields of the lifetime high and low.
1320  AMT_OS = 850, ///< For debt or equity instruments the number outstanding and therefore still
1321  ///< tradable.
1322  AMT_OS_SC = 851, ///< The scaling of the amount outstanding field AMT_OS.
1323  NRG_TERMS1 = 852, ///< For energy spot records two text fields giving details about the
1324  ///< terms of the spot commodity e.g. FOB CIF. Input by editorial.
1325  NRG_TERMS2 = 853, ///< For energy spot records two text fields giving details about the
1326  ///< terms of the spot commodity e.g. FOB CIF. Input by editorial.
1327  NRG_SPEC1 = 854, ///< For energy spot records three text fields giving specific details
1328  ///< about the spot commodity e.g. sulphur content specific gravity. These
1329  ///< are input by editorial.
1330  NRG_SPEC2 = 855, ///< For energy spot records three text fields giving specific details
1331  ///< about the spot commodity e.g. sulphur content specific gravity. These
1332  ///< are input by editorial.
1333  NRG_SPEC3 = 856, ///< For energy spot records three text fields giving specific details
1334  ///< about the spot commodity e.g. sulphur content specific gravity. These
1335  ///< are input by editorial.
1337  857, ///< A single character editorially-input field which qualifies spot energy data.
1338  PRC_AREA = 858, ///< The location of a price report for energy spot prices.
1339  DATE_RANGE = 859, ///< The date range of an instrument e.g. spread spot commodity to which
1340  ///< a quote refers.
1341  BENCH_PRC = 860, ///< Benchmark price for crude oil.
1342  BENCH_DATE = 861, ///< The date of the benchmark price BENCH_PRC FID 1155.
1343  NETBACK = 862, ///< A netback is a valuation of a crude oil based on the price of its
1344  ///< refined products allowing for freight.
1345  COMM_TYPE = 863, ///< For spot energy records an indication of whether the quote is for
1346  ///< crude oil or a crude oil product.
1347  NRG_UNITS = 864, ///< For spot energy quotes an indication of the units in which the prices
1348  ///< are being quoted.
1349  NRG_SIZE = 865, ///< For spot energy quotes an indication of the quantity of the commodity
1350  ///< for which the quote is good.
1351  FIXING_1 = 866, ///< For the Taiwan dollar latest and previous fixing values.
1352  FIXING_2 = 867, ///< For the Taiwan dollar latest and previous fixing values.
1353  PAY_FREQ = 868, ///< The frequency of interest payments on a debt instrument.
1354  OFF_CD_IND = 869, ///< An indication of the source of the code in the official code field
1355  ///< OFFCL_CODE FID 78.
1356  MIK_RATING = 870, ///< The Mikuni rating of a debt instrument.
1357  CNV_DATE = 871, ///< The date on or from which a convertible bond may be converted into
1358  ///< other securities.
1360  872, ///< The share price at which the principal amount of a convertible bond may be
1361  ///< used to acquire shares in owned by or related to the issuing company.
1362  CNV_PARITY = 873, ///< The price at which a convertible instrument must sell for it to equal
1363  ///< the current shares to be received upon conversion.
1364  PREMIUM = 874, ///< For warrants and convertible securities the premium over or discount to
1365  ///< the converted security price that the current price implies taking into
1366  ///< account the conversion rate and the rate of exchange where appropriate.
1367  VALUE_DT1 = 875, ///< 1st latest Activity Date.
1368  VALUE_DT2 = 876, ///< 2nd latest Activity Date.
1369  VALUE_DT3 = 877, ///< 3rd latest Activity Date.
1370  VALUE_DT4 = 878, ///< 4th latest Activity Date.
1371  VALUE_DT5 = 879, ///< 5th latest Activity Date.
1372  VALUE_TM1 = 880, ///< 1st latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT1.
1373  VALUE_TM2 = 881, ///< 2nd latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT2.
1374  VALUE_TM3 = 882, ///< 3rd latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT3.
1375  VALUE_TM4 = 883, ///< 4th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT4.
1376  VALUE_TM5 = 884, ///< 5th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT5.
1378  885, ///< Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in
1379  ///< yield points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).
1380  PRC_VOLTY = 886, ///< Price volatility - an indication of price sensitivity.
1381  ANNC_DATE = 887, ///< Date of announcement of a debt issue.
1382  WNT_DATE1 = 888, ///< Respectively the start and finish dates of the life of a warrant i.e.
1383  ///< the period over which a warrant can be exercised.
1384  WNT_DATE2 = 889, ///< Respectively the start and finish dates of the life of a warrant i.e.
1385  ///< the period over which a warrant can be exercised.
1387  890, ///< The theoretical high value. For Dow Jones averages this is calculated by DJ
1388  ///< and is based on the end-of-day highs for all components of the average.
1390  891, ///< The theoretical low value. For Dow Jones averages this is calculated by DJ and
1391  ///< is based on the end-of-day lows for all components of the average.
1392  THEO_YRHI = 892, ///< The theoretical year high and low values.
1393  THEO_YRLO = 893, ///< The theoretical year high and low values.
1394  THEO_LFHI = 894, ///< The theoretical life high and low values.
1395  THEO_LFLO = 895, ///< The theoretical life high and low values.
1396  THEO_LHDAT = 896, ///< The dates of the theoretical life high and low values.
1397  THEO_LLDAT = 897, ///< The dates of the theoretical life high and low values.
1398  WNT_PARITY = 898, ///< The parity of a warrant. The intrinsic value of the warrant expressed
1399  ///< as a percentage of the original bond denomination.
1400  FLOOR_VOL = 899, ///< For bonds reported via the Oslo Bors feed the floor volume which is
1401  ///< the number traded today on the stock floor as opposed to off-floor and
1402  ///< out of hours.
1403  IA_DATE = 900, ///< For bonds reported via the Oslo Bors feed the interest adjustment date.
1404  ///< This applies to FRN's and is the date when the interest rate is fixed
1405  ///< usually about 7 working days before the coupon date.
1407  901, ///< For bonds reported via the Oslo Bors feed the date when the amount outstanding
1408  ///< (FID 965 AMT_OS) was reported. Banks report this information infrequently.
1409  ATTN_BID = 902, ///< Bid and ask fields respectively from the TSE 64 kbps feed that only
1410  ///< members of the TSE within Japan are allowed to see.
1411  ATTN_ASK = 903, ///< Bid and ask fields respectively from the TSE 64 kbps feed that only
1412  ///< members of the TSE within Japan are allowed to see.
1414  904, ///< The time at which the value in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively was report ed.
1416  905, ///< The time at which the value in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively was report ed.
1417  ATTN_BFLAG = 906, ///< Flags qualifying the values in FIDs 902 (ATTN_BID) and 903 (ATTN_ASK)
1418  ///< respectively.
1419  ATTN_AFLAG = 907, ///< Flags qualifying the values in FIDs 902 (ATTN_BID) and 903 (ATTN_ASK)
1420  ///< respectively.
1421  ATTN_BSIZE = 908, ///< The size of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 (ATTN_BID) and 903 (ATTN_ASK)
1422  ///< respectively.
1423  ATTN_ASIZE = 909, ///< The size of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 (ATTN_BID) and 903 (ATTN_ASK)
1424  ///< respectively.
1425  ATTN_BYLD = 910, ///< The yield of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 (ATTN_BID) and 903 (ATTN_ASK)
1426  ///< respectively.
1427  ATTN_AYLD = 911, ///< The yield of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 (ATTN_BID) and 903 (ATTN_ASK)
1428  ///< respectively.
1429  SLOT_TRADE = 912, ///< The latest trade price for small lots reported by the TSE 64k feed
1430  ///< for Japanese government bonds.
1431  SLOT_TTONE = 913, ///< Qualifying flag for the value in FID 912.
1432  SLOT_TTIME = 914, ///< The time when the value in FID 912 was reported.
1433  SLOT_TNETC = 915, ///< The net change of the small lot trade price reported by the TSE 64k
1434  ///< feed for Japanese government bonds.
1435  SLOT_VOL = 916, ///< The volume of small lots traded reported by the TSE 64k feed for
1436  ///< Japanese government bonds.
1437  SLOT_VFLAG = 917, ///< Qualifying flag associated with the value in FID 916.
1438  SLOT_BID = 918, ///< The bid & ask prices for small lots reported by the TSE 64k feed for
1439  ///< Japanese government bonds.
1440  SLOT_ASK = 919, ///< The bid & ask prices for small lots reported by the TSE 64k feed for
1441  ///< Japanese government bonds.
1442  SLOT_BFLAG = 920, ///< Qualifying flag for the value in FIDs 918 (SLOT_BID) & 929 (SLOT_ASK)
1443  ///< respectively.
1444  SLOT_AFLAG = 921, ///< Qualifying flag for the value in FIDs 918 (SLOT_BID) & 929 (SLOT_ASK)
1445  ///< respectively.
1446  SLOT_BTIME = 922, ///< The time when the value in FID 918 (SLOT_BID) & 929 (SLOT_ASK)
1447  ///< respectively were reported.
1448  SLOT_ATIME = 923, ///< The time when the value in FID 918 (SLOT_BID) & 929 (SLOT_ASK)
1449  ///< respectively were reported.
1450  SPLL_HIGH = 924, ///< The daily high & low values of special large lot trades reported by
1451  ///< the TSE 64k feed for Japanese government bonds.
1452  SPLL_LOW = 925, ///< The daily high & low values of special large lot trades reported by the
1453  ///< TSE 64k feed for Japanese government bonds.
1454  SPLL_HYLD = 926, ///< The yield of the values in FID 924 (SPLL_HIGH) & 925 (SPLL_LOW).
1455  SPLL_LYLD = 927, ///< The yield of the values in FID 924 (SPLL_HIGH) & 925 (SPLL_LOW).
1456  SPLL_HTIME = 928, ///< The times when the values in FID 924 (SPLL_HIGH) & 925 (SPLL_LOW)
1457  ///< were reported.
1458  SPLL_LTIME = 929, ///< The times when the values in FID 924 (SPLL_HIGH) & 925 (SPLL_LOW)
1459  ///< were reported.
1460  SPLL_VOL = 930, ///< The volume of special large lot trades reported by the TSE 64k feed for
1461  ///< Japanese government bonds.
1462  SPLL_VFLAG = 931, ///< Qualifying flag for FID 930.
1463  SLOT_ATBID = 932, ///< For small lot trades of Japanese government bonds reported over the
1464  ///< TSE 64k feed the bid and ask respectively which can only be viewed by
1465  ///< members of the TSE within Japan.
1466  SLOT_ATASK = 933, ///< For small lot trades of Japanese government bonds reported over the
1467  ///< TSE 64k feed the bid and ask respectively which can only be viewed by
1468  ///< members of the TSE within Japan.
1469  SLOT_ABFLG = 934, ///< A flag qualifying the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively.
1470  SLOT_AAFLG = 935, ///< A flag qualifying the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively.
1472  936, ///< The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
1474  937, ///< The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
1475  JCR_RATING = 938, ///< JCR bond rating agency rating.
1476  JBR_RATING = 939, ///< JBRI bond rating agency rating.
1477  NIS_RATING = 940, ///< NIS bond rating agency rating.
1478  COUPN_DAT2 = 941, ///< Second coupon payment date when more than one is provided.
1479  CNV_PCT = 942, ///< The percentage of a convertible debt instrument or warrant issue that
1480  ///< has been converted/exercised.
1481  CNV_PDATE = 943, ///< The date when the conversion percentage FID 942 was updated.
1482  CNV_PR_DAT = 944, ///< The date when the conversion price CNV_PRICE FID 872 was updated.
1483  AMT_NONCNV = 945, ///< The amount of a convertible debt instrument or warrant that has not
1484  ///< been converted or exercised into the underlying instrument.
1485  CNV_DATE2 = 946, ///< The date up till when a convertible debt instrument can be converted.
1486  WNT_RATIO = 947, ///< Ratio which represents the warrants per face value usually the value
1487  ///< one but occasionally different.
1488  SESS1_HFLG = 948, ///< Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and
1489  ///< low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs
1490  ///< 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values 'H' and 'L' meaning
1491  ///< trading at stop high and stop low limits respect.
1492  SESS1_LFLG = 949, ///< Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and
1493  ///< low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs
1494  ///< 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values 'H' and 'L' meaning
1495  ///< trading at stop high and stop low limits respect.
1496  SESS2_HFLG = 950, ///< Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and
1497  ///< low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs
1498  ///< 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values 'H' and 'L' meaning
1499  ///< trading at stop high and stop low limits respect.
1500  SESS2_LFLG = 951, ///< Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and
1501  ///< low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs
1502  ///< 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values 'H' and 'L' meaning
1503  ///< trading at stop high and stop low limits respect.
1504  PCT_VOLUME = 952, ///< Volume expressed as a percentage. For Instinet this is the percentage
1505  ///< of total market volume represented by Instinet.
1507  953, ///< Weighted average fields. For Instinet WTD_AVE1 is the average volume-weighted
1508  ///< bid price whilst WTD_AVE2 is the average volume-weighted ask price.
1510  954, ///< Weighted average fields. For Instinet WTD_AVE1 is the average volume-weighted
1511  ///< bid price whilst WTD_AVE2 is the average volume-weighted ask price.
1512  QTE_CNT1 = 955, ///< Two quote count fields. For Instinet QTE_CNT1 is a count of Instinet
1513  ///< subscribers currently quoting a stock whilst QTE_CNT2 is a count of
1514  ///< subscribers who have quoted the stock in the past.
1515  QTE_CNT2 = 956, ///< Two quote count fields. For Instinet QTE_CNT1 is a count of Instinet
1516  ///< subscribers currently quoting a stock whilst QTE_CNT2 is a count of
1517  ///< subscribers who have quoted the stock in the past.
1518  SEC_HIGH = 957, ///< Secondary high value field corresponding to the HIGH_1 field for those
1519  ///< quotations involving more than one high field. For certain Bond Rics
1520  ///< this will display the Ask High value.
1521  SEC_HI_TP = 958, ///< Indicator identifying the type of high value in the SEC_HIGH field.
1522  SEC_LOW = 959, ///< Secondary low value field corresponding to the LOW_1 field for those
1523  ///< quotations involving more than one low field. For certain Bond Rics this
1524  ///< will display the Ask low value.
1525  SEC_LO_TP = 960, ///< Indicator identifying the type of low value in the SEC_LOW field.
1526  OPEN_PRC2 = 961, ///< A secondary open field corresponding to OPEN_PRC for those quotation
1527  ///< types involving more than one open field.
1528  OPEN_TYPE = 962, ///< Open fields indicator identifying the type of open prices held in the
1529  ///< fields OPEN_PRC/OPEN_PRC2.
1530  HST_CLOSE2 = 963, ///< A secondary close field corresponding to HST_CLOSE for those
1531  ///< quotation types involving more than one close field.
1532  CLOSE_TYPE = 964, ///< Close fields indicator identifying the type of close prices held in
1533  ///< the fields HST_CLOSE/HST_CLOSE2.
1535  965, ///< A generic rating field whose source is identified by the field RATING_2.
1537  966, ///< Rating agency identifier whose ratings are given in the field RATING_2.
1538  BKGD_REF = 967, ///< A pointer to a record holding background information relating to the
1539  ///< record in which the pointer occurs.
1540  CTBTR_BKGD = 968, ///< A pointer to a record holding background contributor information.
1541  YIELD_TP = 969, ///< Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the
1542  ///< RT_YIELD_n/SEC_YLD_n stacks.
1543  SEC_YLD_1 = 970, ///< Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack
1544  ///< RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single
1545  ///< yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.
1546  SEC_YLD_2 = 971, ///< Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack
1547  ///< RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single
1548  ///< yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.
1549  SEC_YLD_3 = 972, ///< Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack
1550  ///< RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single
1551  ///< yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.
1552  SEC_YLD_4 = 973, ///< Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack
1553  ///< RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single
1554  ///< yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.
1555  SEC_YLD_5 = 974, ///< Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack
1556  ///< RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single
1557  ///< yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.
1558  ACT_FLAG1 = 975, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_1.
1559  ACT_FLAG2 = 976, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_2.
1560  ACT_FLAG3 = 977, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_3.
1561  ACT_FLAG4 = 978, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_4.
1562  ACT_FLAG5 = 979, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_5.
1563  SC_AFLAG1 = 980, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_1.
1564  SC_AFLAG2 = 981, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_2.
1565  SC_AFLAG3 = 982, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_3.
1566  SC_AFLAG4 = 983, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_4.
1567  SC_AFLAG5 = 984, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_5.
1569  985, ///< The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in
1570  ///< VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for
1571  ///< those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.
1573  986, ///< The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in
1574  ///< VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for
1575  ///< those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.
1577  987, ///< The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in
1578  ///< VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for
1579  ///< those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.
1581  988, ///< The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in
1582  ///< VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for
1583  ///< those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.
1585  989, ///< The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in
1586  ///< VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for
1587  ///< those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.
1588  VOL_TP1 = 990, ///< The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each
1589  ///< DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.
1590  VOL_TP2 = 991, ///< The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each
1591  ///< DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.
1592  VOL_TP3 = 992, ///< The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each
1593  ///< DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.
1594  VOL_TP4 = 993, ///< The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each
1595  ///< DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.
1596  VOL_TP5 = 994, ///< The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each
1597  ///< DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.
1598  GEN_TEXT16 = 995, ///< A general purpose 16 character text field.
1599  GEN_VAL1 = 996, ///< Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market
1600  ///< dependent and described by the following fields GVn_TEXT.
1601  GEN_VAL2 = 997, ///< Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market
1602  ///< dependent and described by the following fields GVn_TEXT.
1603  GEN_VAL3 = 998, ///< Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market
1604  ///< dependent and described by the following fields GVn_TEXT.
1605  GEN_VAL4 = 999, ///< Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market
1606  ///< dependent and described by the following fields GVn_TEXT.
1607  GV1_TEXT = 1000, ///< Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding
1608  ///< generic field GEN_VALn.
1609  GV2_TEXT = 1001, ///< Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding
1610  ///< generic field GEN_VALn.
1611  GV3_TEXT = 1002, ///< Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding
1612  ///< generic field GEN_VALn.
1613  GV4_TEXT = 1003, ///< Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding
1614  ///< generic field GEN_VALn.
1615  QCNT1_IND = 1004, ///< Two indicator fields flagging the content of the FIDs 955 QTE_CNT1
1616  ///< and 956 QTE_CNT2 respectively.
1617  QCNT2_IND = 1005, ///< Two indicator fields flagging the content of the FIDs 955 QTE_CNT1
1618  ///< and 956 QTE_CNT2 respectively.
1619  NM_IND = 1006, ///< Indicator field flagging the content of FID 77 NUM_MOVES.
1620  SOURCE_ID = 1007, ///< Indicates to an IDN component the source of a data record. This field
1621  ///< is not part of any record template definition and is used locally.
1622  REC_STATUS = 1008, ///< Indicates to an IDN component the status of a record e.g. a record
1623  ///< in the KCD cache may be 'up to date'. This field is not part of any
1624  ///< record template definition and is used locally.
1626  1009, ///< Indicates to an IDN component how a record was satisfied e.g. via a snapshot.
1627  ///< This field is not part of any record template definition and is used locally.
1628  VALUE_TS1 = 1010, ///< 1st latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
1629  ///< VALUE_DT1.
1630  VALUE_TS2 = 1011, ///< 2nd latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
1631  ///< VALUE_DT2.
1632  VALUE_TS3 = 1012, ///< 3rd latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
1633  ///< VALUE_DT3.
1634  VALUE_TS4 = 1013, ///< 4th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
1635  ///< VALUE_DT4.
1636  VALUE_TS5 = 1014, ///< 5th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
1637  ///< VALUE_DT5.
1638  TAKE_TIME = 1015, ///< Time in seconds required for broadcast news failure recovery.
1639  BS_FLAG = 1016, ///< Single character flags further qualifying the bidsize and asksize
1640  ///< fields (FIDs 30 & 31) respectively. Their meaning is market dependent.
1641  AS_FLAG = 1017, ///< Single character flags further qualifying the bidsize and asksize
1642  ///< fields (FIDs 30 & 31) respectively. Their meaning is market dependent.
1643  IRGXID = 1018, ///< This field will be used to transmit the Exchange Identifier of all CTS
1644  ///< trades designated as 'not last' trades.
1645  IRGBUY = 1019, ///< Canadian Equity Exchanges 'New Buyer' field for 'not last'
1646  ///< trades/cancellation messages.
1647  IRGSELL = 1020, ///< Canadian Equity Exchanges 'New Seller' field for 'not last'
1648  ///< trades/cancellation messages.
1649  SEQNUM = 1021, ///< This field contains the message sequence number. For NMTS this is a
1650  ///< six-digit number.
1651  PRNTYP = 1022, ///< Label for SIAC trade reports signifying whether the trade report print
1652  ///< contains a single, double or triple trade.
1654  1023, ///< A field transmitted by RQS on receipt of a correction message from SIAC
1655  ///< containing the 'print back' count. This count is derived by SIAC and directly
1656  ///< references the erroneous print received from the participating Exchange.
1657  STORY_TIME = 1024, ///< Broadcast News story time.
1658  QUOTIM = 1025, ///< Quote time given in seconds.
1659  STOCK_RIC = 1026, ///< The RIC of the underlying equity for an option.
1660  STORY_DATE = 1027, ///< Broadcast News story date.
1661  GV1_DATE = 1028, ///< Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL1 where appropriate.
1662  GEN_VAL5 = 1029, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
1663  ///< they occur.
1664  GEN_VAL6 = 1030, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
1665  ///< they occur.
1666  GEN_VAL7 = 1031, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
1667  ///< they occur.
1668  GEN_VAL8 = 1032, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
1669  ///< they occur.
1670  GEN_VAL9 = 1033, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
1671  ///< they occur.
1672  GEN_VAL10 = 1034, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
1673  ///< they occur.
1674  GV5_TEXT = 1035, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
1675  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
1676  GV6_TEXT = 1036, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
1677  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
1678  GV7_TEXT = 1037, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
1679  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
1680  GV8_TEXT = 1038, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
1681  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
1682  GV9_TEXT = 1039, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
1683  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
1684  GV10_TEXT = 1040, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
1685  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
1686  GV1_FLAG = 1041, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1687  GV2_FLAG = 1042, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1688  GV3_FLAG = 1043, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1689  GV4_FLAG = 1044, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1690  GV5_FLAG = 1045, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1691  GV6_FLAG = 1046, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1692  GV7_FLAG = 1047, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1693  GV8_FLAG = 1048, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1694  GV9_FLAG = 1049, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1695  GV10_FLAG = 1050, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
1696  GV2_DATE = 1051, ///< Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL2 where appropriate.
1697  GN_TXT16_2 = 1052, ///< Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.
1698  GN_TXT16_3 = 1053, ///< Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.
1699  GN_TXT16_4 = 1054, ///< Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.
1700  OFF_CD_IN2 = 1055, ///< Unique numeric code assigned to the instrument and indication of
1701  ///< source of code.
1702  OFFC_CODE2 = 1056, ///< Unique numeric code assigned to the instrument and indication of
1703  ///< source of code.
1704  NOMINAL = 1057, ///< Nominal value of share.
1705  CURR_COUPN = 1058, ///< Current coupon rate.
1706  SEG_TEXT_2 = 1059, ///< 255 byte take segment text field.
1707  SEG_TEXT_3 = 1060, ///< 255 byte take segment text field.
1708  GV1_TIME = 1061, ///< Generic time given in seconds.
1709  GV2_TIME = 1062, ///< Second generic time given in seconds.
1710  BIDSIZE_2 = 1063, ///< Second bid size field.
1711  ASKSIZE_2 = 1064, ///< Second ask size field.
1712  O_BID_TONE = 1065, ///< Generic bid price qualifier associated with the ORDER_BID field.
1713  O_ASK_TONE = 1066, ///< Generic ask price qualifier associated with the ORDER_ASK field.
1714  EXCHTIM = 1067, ///< The exchange time with precision in seconds.
1715  CONDCODE_1 = 1068, ///< General two-character condition code field - initially being used to
1716  ///< hold trade qualifier codes for TAS (2 codes one in each character).
1718  1069, ///< General two-character condition code field - initially being used to hold
1719  ///< irregular trade qualifier codes for TAS (2 codes one in each character).
1720  COLID_1 = 1070, ///< 1st thru 5th colour indicator. Sent from head-end. Determines display
1721  ///< colour of any field or group of fields on a display. The field with
1722  ///< which it will be associated is determined by IDN display rules.
1723  COLID_2 = 1071, ///< 1st thru 5th colour indicator. Sent from head-end. Determines display
1724  ///< colour of any field or group of fields on a display. The field with
1725  ///< which it will be associated is determined by IDN display rules.
1726  COLID_3 = 1072, ///< 1st thru 5th colour indicator. Sent from head-end. Determines display
1727  ///< colour of any field or group of fields on a display. The field with
1728  ///< which it will be associated is determined by IDN display rules.
1729  COLID_4 = 1073, ///< 1st thru 5th colour indicator. Sent from head-end. Determines display
1730  ///< colour of any field or group of fields on a display. The field with
1731  ///< which it will be associated is determined by IDN display rules.
1732  COLID_5 = 1074, ///< 1st thru 5th colour indicator. Sent from head-end. Determines display
1733  ///< colour of any field or group of fields on a display. The field with
1734  ///< which it will be associated is determined by IDN display rules.
1735  YRHI_IND = 1075, ///< Indicates to greater detail the content of FID 90 YR HIGH.
1736  YRLO_IND = 1076, ///< Indicates to greater detail the content of FID 91 YR LOW.
1737  BETA_VAL = 1077, ///< Beta value - the sensitivity of the instrument based on index returns.
1738  CONV_FAC = 1078, ///< Conversion factor. In the commodities market this is used to convert
1739  ///< between weights and volumes.
1740  BYTE_BMAP = 1079, ///< Single byte bit map field initially used to carry Monitor network A
1741  ///< page attributes in 64x14 page records.
1742  PREF_DISP = 1080, ///< The 'preferred' display template number.
1743  PREF_LINK = 1081, ///< RIC field containing pointer to 'preferred' link record.
1744  CURRENCY_2 = 1084, ///< Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the
1745  ///< original CURRENCY field FID 15.
1746  CURRENCY_3 = 1085, ///< Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the
1747  ///< original CURRENCY field FID 15.
1748  CURRENCY_4 = 1086, ///< Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the
1749  ///< original CURRENCY field FID 15.
1750  CURRENCY_5 = 1087, ///< Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the
1751  ///< original CURRENCY field FID 15.
1752  STK_RIC_17 = 1093, ///< Seventeen-character stock RIC field.
1753  BASE_PRC = 1262, ///< Base price of today's trading.
1754  LIMIT_FLCT = 1263, ///< Limit price fluctuation.
1755  GN_TXT16_5 = 1269, ///< Sixteen character generic text fields.
1756  GN_TXT16_6 = 1270, ///< Sixteen character generic text fields.
1757  GN_TXT24_1 = 1271, ///< Twenty-four character generic text fields.
1758  GN_TXT24_2 = 1272, ///< Twenty-four character generic text fields.
1759  GN_TXT24_3 = 1273, ///< Twenty-four character generic text fields.
1760  GN_TXT24_4 = 1274, ///< Twenty-four character generic text fields.
1761  GN_TXT32_1 = 1275, ///< Thirty-two character generic text fields.
1762  GN_TXT32_2 = 1276, ///< Thirty-two character generic text fields.
1763  GN_TXT32_3 = 1277, ///< Thirty-two character generic text fields.
1764  GN_TXT32_4 = 1278, ///< Thirty-two character generic text fields.
1765  GV1_TYPE = 1314, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1766  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1767  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1768  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1769  GV2_TYPE = 1315, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1770  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1771  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1772  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1773  GV3_TYPE = 1316, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1774  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1775  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1776  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1777  GV4_TYPE = 1317, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1778  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1779  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1780  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1781  GV5_TYPE = 1318, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1782  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1783  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1784  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1785  GV6_TYPE = 1319, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1786  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1787  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1788  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1789  GV7_TYPE = 1320, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1790  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1791  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1792  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1793  GV8_TYPE = 1321, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1794  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1795  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1796  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1797  GV9_TYPE = 1322, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1798  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1799  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1800  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1801  GV10_TYPE = 1323, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1802  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1803  ///< associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and
1804  ///< FIDs 1029 to 1034).
1806  1324, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings
1807  ///< for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic
1808  ///< time fields GV1_TIME and GV2_TIME (FIDs 1061 and 1062).
1810  1325, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings
1811  ///< for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic
1812  ///< time fields GV1_TIME and GV2_TIME (FIDs 1061 and 1062).
1814  1326, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings
1815  ///< for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic
1816  ///< date fields GV1_DATE and GV2_DATE (FIDs 1028 and 1051).
1818  1327, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings
1819  ///< for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic
1820  ///< date fields GV1_DATE and GV2_DATE (FIDs 1028 and 1051).
1821  GTX1_TYPE = 1328, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1822  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1823  ///< associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2.GN_TXT16_6
1824  ///< (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).
1825  GTX2_TYPE = 1329, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1826  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1827  ///< associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2.GN_TXT16_6
1828  ///< (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).
1829  GTX3_TYPE = 1330, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1830  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1831  ///< associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2.GN_TXT16_6
1832  ///< (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).
1833  GTX4_TYPE = 1331, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1834  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1835  ///< associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2.GN_TXT16_6
1836  ///< (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).
1837  GTX5_TYPE = 1332, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1838  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1839  ///< associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2.GN_TXT16_6
1840  ///< (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).
1841  GTX6_TYPE = 1333, ///< Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character
1842  ///< headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the
1843  ///< associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2.GN_TXT16_6
1844  ///< (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).
1845  YRHI_FLAG = 1334, ///< Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields
1846  ///< for those quotations involving more than two high field.
1847  YRLO_FLAG = 1335, ///< Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields
1848  ///< for those quotations involving more than two high field.
1849  YIELD_FLAG = 1336, ///< Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields
1850  ///< for those quotations involving more than two high field.
1851  THRD_HIGH = 1337, ///< Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields
1852  ///< for those quotations involving more than two high field.
1853  THRD_HI_TP = 1338, ///< Indicator identifying the type of high value in the THRD_HIGH field.
1854  THRD_LOW = 1339, ///< Third low value field in addition to the LOW_1 and SEC_LOW fields for
1855  ///< those quotations involving more than two low field.
1856  THRD_LO_TP = 1340, ///< Indicator identifying the type of low value in the THRD_LOW field.
1857  CLOSE2_TP = 1341, ///< Close fields indicator identifying the type of close price held in
1858  ///< the field HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.
1859  HSTCL2_DAT = 1342, ///< Date of the third close price HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.
1860  HST_CLOSE3 = 1343, ///< A third close field in addition to HST_CLOSE and HST_CLOSE2 for
1861  ///< those quotation types involving more than two close fields.
1862  CLOSE3_TP = 1344, ///< Close fields indicator identifying the type of close price held in
1863  ///< the field HST_CLOSE3 FID 1343.
1864  HSTCL3_DAT = 1345, ///< Date of the third close price HST_CLOSE3 FID 1343.
1865  SECOND_TS1 = 1346, ///< The second activity time in seconds.
1866  QTE_CNT3 = 1347, ///< A third quote count field.
1867  QCNT3_IND = 1348, ///< Indicator field flagging the content of the FID 1347 QTE_CNT3.
1868  SALE_YIELD = 1349, ///< Rate of return of a security over its life from the date of purchase
1869  ///< to redemption.
1870  ACCR_INT = 1350, ///< Interest which has accumulated on a security since payment.
1871  PARCL_SIZE = 1351, ///< Unit size field.
1872  DSPLY_NMLL = 1352, ///< Local language instrument name.
1873  MKT_MKR_LL = 1353, ///< Local language market maker name.
1874  CTBTR_1LL = 1354, ///< The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the
1875  ///< most recent.
1876  CTBTR_2LL = 1355, ///< The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the
1877  ///< most recent.
1878  CTBTR_3LL = 1356, ///< The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the
1879  ///< most recent.
1880  CTBTR_4LL = 1357, ///< The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the
1881  ///< most recent.
1882  CTBTR_5LL = 1358, ///< The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the
1883  ///< most recent.
1884  ROW99_1 = 1359, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1885  ///< page-style record in local language.
1886  ROW99_2 = 1360, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1887  ///< page-style record in local language.
1888  ROW99_3 = 1361, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1889  ///< page-style record in local language.
1890  ROW99_4 = 1362, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1891  ///< page-style record in local language.
1892  ROW99_5 = 1363, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1893  ///< page-style record in local language.
1894  ROW99_6 = 1364, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1895  ///< page-style record in local language.
1896  ROW99_7 = 1365, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1897  ///< page-style record in local language.
1898  ROW99_8 = 1366, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1899  ///< page-style record in local language.
1900  ROW99_9 = 1367, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1901  ///< page-style record in local language.
1902  ROW99_10 = 1368, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1903  ///< page-style record in local language.
1904  ROW99_11 = 1369, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1905  ///< page-style record in local language.
1906  ROW99_12 = 1370, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1907  ///< page-style record in local language.
1908  ROW99_13 = 1371, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1909  ///< page-style record in local language.
1910  ROW99_14 = 1372, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1911  ///< page-style record in local language.
1912  ROW99_15 = 1373, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1913  ///< page-style record in local language.
1914  ROW99_16 = 1374, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1915  ///< page-style record in local language.
1916  ROW99_17 = 1375, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1917  ///< page-style record in local language.
1918  ROW99_18 = 1376, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1919  ///< page-style record in local language.
1920  ROW99_19 = 1377, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1921  ///< page-style record in local language.
1922  ROW99_20 = 1378, ///< Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a
1923  ///< page-style record in local language.
1924  VOL_X_PRC1 = 1379, ///< Numeric field to contain a value equivalent to the product of latest
1925  ///< trade volume and latest trade price (TRDVOL_1 x TRDPRC_1).
1926  OFF_OPNBID = 1380, ///< Official open bid & ask price fields.
1927  OFF_OPNASK = 1381, ///< Official open bid & ask price fields.
1928  SESSION_TP = 1382, ///< Session type enumerated type field.
1929  DSO_ID = 1383, ///< Data source owner identification field.
1930  CALL_PRC = 1384, ///< Call price field.
1931  DH_FEED_ST = 1385, ///< Data Health feed status indicator.
1932  DH_MKT_ST = 1386, ///< Data Health market status indicator.
1933  DH_MKT_INF = 1387, ///< Data Health market information.
1934  RB_RTX_IND = 1388, ///< Rebuild/Retransmission Indicator.
1935  ERROR_DESC = 1389, ///< Error description indicator.
1936  ERROR_DATE = 1390, ///< Date of last error.
1937  ERROR_TIME = 1391, ///< Time today of last error.
1938  CLOSE_TIME = 1392, ///< Market close time.
1940  1393, ///< The weighted average price so far of all the trade price fields TRDPRC_n.
1941  FLOOR_PRC = 1394, ///< The lowest traded price permitted for the current trading day for a
1942  ///< stock before it is halted.
1943  CEILG_PRC = 1395, ///< The highest traded price permitted for trading the following day for
1944  ///< a stock before it is halted.
1945  BG_LOT_VAL = 1396, ///< The threshold turnover a stock can accumulate before it is forced to
1946  ///< trade on the big lot board.
1947  MN_FRN_DL = 1397, ///< The number of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.
1948  MN_FRN_VOL = 1398, ///< The volume of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.
1949  MN_FRN_VAL = 1399, ///< The turnover of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.
1950  BIG_DEAL = 1400, ///< The number of big lot trade deals done so far.
1951  BIG_VOL = 1401, ///< The volume of big lot trade deals done so far.
1952  BIG_VAL = 1402, ///< The turnover of big lot trade deals done so far.
1953  ODD_DEAL = 1403, ///< The number of odd lot trade deals done so far.
1954  ODD_VOLUME = 1404, ///< The volume of odd lot trade deals done so far.
1955  ODD_VALUE = 1405, ///< The value of odd lot trade deals done so far.
1956  ISS_TP_FLG = 1406, ///< Issue Type Flag.
1957  EXT_NET_CH = 1407, ///< External trade - net change.
1958  EXT_LAST = 1408, ///< External trade - last.
1959  EXT_VOLUME = 1409, ///< External trade - volume.
1960  EXT_CLSDAT = 1410, ///< External trade - close date.
1961  EXT_CLOSE = 1411, ///< External trade - close price.
1962  AM_HI_BID = 1412, ///< AM session high bid & ask.
1963  AM_HI_ASK = 1413, ///< AM session high bid & ask.
1964  AM_LO_BID = 1414, ///< AM session low bid & ask.
1965  AM_LO_ASK = 1415, ///< AM session low bid & ask.
1966  PM_HI_BID = 1416, ///< PM session high bid & ask.
1967  PM_HI_ASK = 1417, ///< PM session high bid & ask.
1968  PM_LO_BID = 1418, ///< PM session low bid & ask.
1969  PM_LO_ASK = 1419, ///< PM session low bid & ask.
1970  STOCK_PRC = 1420, ///< Stock price.
1971  CONV_COST = 1421, ///< Conversion cost.
1972  COLID_6 = 1422, ///< Sixth & seventh colour indicators. Similar to COLID_1.
1973  COLID_7 = 1423, ///< Sixth & seventh colour indicators. Similar to COLID_1.
1974  SNP_CLSYLD = 1424, ///< Snap Closing Yield.
1975  UPC71_REST = 1425, ///< A flag which indicates whether or not a Nasdaq security is UPC-71
1976  ///< 'RESTRICTED'.
1977  BIDVAL_1 = 1426, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
1978  BIDVAL_2 = 1427, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
1979  BIDVAL_3 = 1428, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
1980  BIDVAL_4 = 1429, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
1981  BIDVAL_5 = 1430, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
1982  BIDSIZ_1 = 1431, ///< Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
1983  BIDSIZ_2 = 1432, ///< Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
1984  BIDSIZ_3 = 1433, ///< Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
1985  BIDSIZ_4 = 1434, ///< Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
1986  BIDSIZ_5 = 1435, ///< Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
1987  ASKVAL_1 = 1436, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
1988  ASKVAL_2 = 1437, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
1989  ASKVAL_3 = 1438, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
1990  ASKVAL_4 = 1439, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
1991  ASKVAL_5 = 1440, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
1992  ASKSIZ_1 = 1441, ///< Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
1993  ASKSIZ_2 = 1442, ///< Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
1994  ASKSIZ_3 = 1443, ///< Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
1995  ASKSIZ_4 = 1444, ///< Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
1996  ASKSIZ_5 = 1445, ///< Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
1997  CONVEXITY = 1446, ///< A measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to a change in yield.
1998  ///< The calculation is derived from the difference between a straight
1999  ///< line and a convex curve.
2000  AUCTN_DATE = 1447, ///< The date the bond is auctioned.
2001  EXDIV_RULE = 1448, ///< The rule for calculating the ex dividend date.
2002  SETT_RULE = 1449, ///< The rule for calculating the settlement date.
2003  VALUE_DATE = 1450, ///< The date to which interest accrues for settlement.
2004  DAY_COUNT = 1451, ///< The number of days in the year and month on which interest is
2005  ///< calculated for a particular bond.
2006  YLD_TO_CLL = 1452, ///< The yield calculated to the next call date.
2007  PUT_PRC = 1453, ///< The price at which the next put option will be exercised.
2008  PUT_DATE = 1454, ///< The date at which the next put option could be exercised.
2009  YLD_TO_PUT = 1455, ///< The yield calculated to the next put date.
2010  SINK_DATE = 1456, ///< The date at which the next predetermined amount of bonds in the
2011  ///< Sinking Fund will be redeemed.
2012  SINK_PRC = 1457, ///< The price at which the next predetermined amount of bonds in the
2013  ///< Sinking Fund will be redeemed.
2014  SINK_AMT = 1458, ///< The amount of bonds to be redeemed at the next Sinking Fund date on
2015  ///< the schedule.
2016  YLD_TO_AV = 1459, ///< The yield to average life is a calculation which determines the yield
2017  ///< to the average life of all bonds of that issue. The average life is
2018  ///< calculated by taking into account the Sinking Fund repayments each
2019  ///< year and the final payment at maturity.
2020  STRIKE_EX = 1460, ///< The Strike Exchange Rate is a fixed or floating exchange rate
2021  ///< applying to the exercise price of the warrant.
2022  NEUTRL_PRC = 1461, ///< Neutral price.
2023  STRIKE_RAT = 1462, ///< The strike ratio is the number of equity shares per warrant.
2024  INC_DIFF = 1463, ///< The Income differential shows the difference in income between the
2025  ///< bond and the underlying stock.
2026  WNT_GEAR = 1464, ///< The ratio of share price to warrant price when expressed in the same
2027  ///< currency.
2028  ADJUST_CLS = 1465, ///< The last value available for close which is stored for Graphics also
2029  ///< adjusted for capital changes.
2030  PRVSTR_PRC = 1466, ///< Previous strike price.
2031  PRVSTR_RAT = 1467, ///< Previous strike ratio.
2032  SMP_MARGIN = 1468, ///< The average cash return per annum on the FRN through out its life
2033  ///< relative to its index.
2034  DSC_MARGIN = 1469, ///< The Discount Margin is a measure of return from a FRN relative to
2035  ///< that from its index rate e.g. LIBOR calculated by discounting future
2036  ///< cash flows on a money market basis.
2038  1470, ///< The RIC of the appropriate IBOR index from which the coupon is calculated.
2039  IBOR_SPRD = 1471, ///< Spread +/- Index. The number of basis points above or below the index
2040  ///< from the coupon is calculated.
2041  RESET_FREQ = 1472, ///< Reset frequency. The frequency with which the coupon changes.
2042  RESET_DATE = 1473, ///< The date on which the coupon is next reset.
2043  MIN_COUPN = 1474, ///< The Minimum Coupon is the lifetime cap on the coupon rate.
2044  MAX_COUPN = 1475, ///< The Maximum Coupon is the lifetime floor on the coupon rate.
2046  1476, ///< Discount margin to call. The Discount Margin assuming early call of the bond.
2048  1477, ///< Discount margin to put. The Discount Margin assuming early put of the bond.
2049  PAYBK_YRS = 1478, ///< The number of years a convertible is held before the additional
2050  ///< income of the convertible compared to the equity compensates for the
2051  ///< conversion premium paid.
2052  CNVEX_RATE = 1479, ///< The Conversion Exchange Rate is the fixed (sometimes current)
2053  ///< exchange rate for the conversion.
2055  1480, ///< The Conversion Ratio is the number of shares per nominal amount of bond.
2056  CNV_CH_DAT = 1481, ///< Conv change date.
2057  PRVCNV_PRC = 1482, ///< Previous conv price & ratio.
2058  PRVCNV_RAT = 1483, ///< Previous conv price & ratio.
2059  REDEM_DATE = 1484, ///< Redemption date.
2061  1485, ///< Amount issued scaling factor - identical enumeration to AMT_OS_SC FID 965.
2062  MATRIX_PRC = 1486, ///< Matrix price.
2064  1487, ///< Forward pointer used to point to the next take of a story. This is the 17
2065  ///< character equivalent of the SEG_FORW field (FID 260) which is 10 characters.
2066  SEG_BACK17 = 1488, ///< Backward pointer used to point to the previous take of a story. This
2067  ///< is the 17 character equivalent of the SEG_BACK field (FID 261) which
2068  ///< is 10 characters.
2070  1489, ///< The conversion premium indicates positive/negative percent if the cost of
2071  ///< converting into the share is above or below the current cost in the market.
2072  GEN_YLD_1 = 1490, ///< Three generic yield fields which are qualified by the enumerated
2073  ///< type fields GN_YLD1_TP (FID 1493) to GN_YLD3_TP (FID 1495).
2074  GEN_YLD_2 = 1491, ///< Three generic yield fields which are qualified by the enumerated
2075  ///< type fields GN_YLD1_TP (FID 1493) to GN_YLD3_TP (FID 1495).
2076  GEN_YLD_3 = 1492, ///< Three generic yield fields which are qualified by the enumerated
2077  ///< type fields GN_YLD1_TP (FID 1493) to GN_YLD3_TP (FID 1495).
2079  1493, ///< Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
2081  1494, ///< Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
2083  1495, ///< Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
2084  WEIGHTING = 1496, ///< The weighting of a stock within an index.
2085  LBUY = 1497, ///< Number of bid price levels existing at any one time in the market.
2086  LSELL = 1498, ///< Number of ask price levels existing at any one time in the market.
2087  QTY_BUY = 1499, ///< Aggregate volume required at a particular bid price level.
2088  QTY_SELL = 1500, ///< Aggregate volume required at a particular sell price level.
2089  STOCK_TYPE = 1501, ///< This field details stock class Bearer/registered status and any
2090  ///< other security feature affecting security holder rights.
2091  ASX_TC_CD1 = 1502, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2092  ASX_TC_CD2 = 1503, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2093  ASX_TC_CD3 = 1504, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2094  ASX_TC_CD4 = 1505, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2095  ASX_TC_CD5 = 1506, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2096  ASX_TC_CD6 = 1507, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2097  ASX_TC_CD7 = 1508, ///< Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
2098  CONV_FAC2 = 1509, ///< between weights and volumes.
2099  SPEC_GRAV = 1510, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2100  NRG_NTBACK = 1511, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2101  NRG_SWING = 1512, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2102  NRG_TOP = 1513, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2103  NRG_CRACK = 1514, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2104  NRG_FRGHT = 1515, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2105  NRG_5DAY = 1516, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2106  NRG_21DAY = 1517, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2107  DISQTY_BUY = 1518, ///< Undisclosed volume for buyers.
2108  DISQTY_SLL = 1519, ///< Undisclosed volume for sellers.
2109  SRCE_10_ID = 1520, ///< Ten character source Id field.
2110  FOR_AVAIL = 1521, ///< Foreign availability.
2111  FOR_PREM = 1522, ///< Foreign premium.
2112  ROW66_1 = 1523, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2113  ///< in a page-style record.
2114  ROW66_2 = 1524, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2115  ///< in a page-style record.
2116  ROW66_3 = 1525, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2117  ///< in a page-style record.
2118  ROW66_4 = 1526, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2119  ///< in a page-style record.
2120  ROW66_5 = 1527, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2121  ///< in a page-style record.
2122  ROW66_6 = 1528, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2123  ///< in a page-style record.
2124  ROW66_7 = 1529, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2125  ///< in a page-style record.
2126  ROW66_8 = 1530, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2127  ///< in a page-style record.
2128  ROW66_9 = 1531, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2129  ///< in a page-style record.
2130  ROW66_10 = 1532, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2131  ///< in a page-style record.
2132  ROW66_11 = 1533, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2133  ///< in a page-style record.
2134  ROW66_12 = 1534, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2135  ///< in a page-style record.
2136  ROW66_13 = 1535, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2137  ///< in a page-style record.
2138  ROW66_14 = 1536, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2139  ///< in a page-style record.
2140  ROW66_15 = 1537, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2141  ///< in a page-style record.
2142  ROW66_16 = 1538, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2143  ///< in a page-style record.
2144  ROW66_17 = 1539, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2145  ///< in a page-style record.
2146  ROW66_18 = 1540, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2147  ///< in a page-style record.
2148  ROW66_19 = 1541, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2149  ///< in a page-style record.
2150  ROW66_20 = 1542, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2151  ///< in a page-style record.
2152  ROW66_21 = 1543, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2153  ///< in a page-style record.
2154  ROW66_22 = 1544, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2155  ///< in a page-style record.
2156  ROW66_23 = 1545, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2157  ///< in a page-style record.
2158  ROW66_24 = 1546, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2159  ///< in a page-style record.
2160  ROW66_25 = 1547, ///< Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data
2161  ///< in a page-style record.
2162  RW1_TIMSC = 1548, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2163  RW2_TIMSC = 1549, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2164  RW3_TIMSC = 1550, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2165  RW4_TIMSC = 1551, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2166  RW5_TIMSC = 1552, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2167  RW6_TIMSC = 1553, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2168  RW7_TIMSC = 1554, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2169  RW8_TIMSC = 1555, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2170  RW9_TIMSC = 1556, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2171  RW10_TIMSC = 1557, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2172  RW11_TIMSC = 1558, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2173  RW12_TIMSC = 1559, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2174  RW13_TIMSC = 1560, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2175  RW14_TIMSC = 1561, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2176  RW15_TIMSC = 1562, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2177  RW16_TIMSC = 1563, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2178  RW17_TIMSC = 1564, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2179  RW18_TIMSC = 1565, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2180  RW19_TIMSC = 1566, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2181  RW20_TIMSC = 1567, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2182  RW21_TIMSC = 1568, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2183  RW22_TIMSC = 1569, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2184  RW23_TIMSC = 1570, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2185  RW24_TIMSC = 1571, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2186  RW25_TIMSC = 1572, ///< Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
2187  RW1_DATE = 1573, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2188  RW2_DATE = 1574, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2189  RW3_DATE = 1575, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2190  RW4_DATE = 1576, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2191  RW5_DATE = 1577, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2192  RW6_DATE = 1578, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2193  RW7_DATE = 1579, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2194  RW8_DATE = 1580, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2195  RW9_DATE = 1581, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2196  RW10_DATE = 1582, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2197  RW11_DATE = 1583, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2198  RW12_DATE = 1584, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2199  RW13_DATE = 1585, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2200  RW14_DATE = 1586, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2201  RW15_DATE = 1587, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2202  RW16_DATE = 1588, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2203  RW17_DATE = 1589, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2204  RW18_DATE = 1590, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2205  RW19_DATE = 1591, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2206  RW20_DATE = 1592, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2207  RW21_DATE = 1593, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2208  RW22_DATE = 1594, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2209  RW23_DATE = 1595, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2210  RW24_DATE = 1596, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2211  RW25_DATE = 1597, ///< Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
2212  ROW74_1 = 1598, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2213  ///< data in a page-style record.
2214  ROW74_2 = 1599, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2215  ///< data in a page-style record.
2216  ROW74_3 = 1600, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2217  ///< data in a page-style record.
2218  ROW74_4 = 1601, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2219  ///< data in a page-style record.
2220  ROW74_5 = 1602, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2221  ///< data in a page-style record.
2222  ROW74_6 = 1603, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2223  ///< data in a page-style record.
2224  ROW74_7 = 1604, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2225  ///< data in a page-style record.
2226  ROW74_8 = 1605, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2227  ///< data in a page-style record.
2228  ROW74_9 = 1606, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2229  ///< data in a page-style record.
2230  ROW74_10 = 1607, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2231  ///< data in a page-style record.
2232  ROW74_11 = 1608, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2233  ///< data in a page-style record.
2234  ROW74_12 = 1609, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2235  ///< data in a page-style record.
2236  ROW74_13 = 1610, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2237  ///< data in a page-style record.
2238  ROW74_14 = 1611, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2239  ///< data in a page-style record.
2240  ROW74_15 = 1612, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2241  ///< data in a page-style record.
2242  ROW74_16 = 1613, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2243  ///< data in a page-style record.
2244  ROW74_17 = 1614, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2245  ///< data in a page-style record.
2246  ROW74_18 = 1615, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2247  ///< data in a page-style record.
2248  ROW74_19 = 1616, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2249  ///< data in a page-style record.
2250  ROW74_20 = 1617, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2251  ///< data in a page-style record.
2252  ROW74_21 = 1618, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2253  ///< data in a page-style record.
2254  ROW74_22 = 1619, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2255  ///< data in a page-style record.
2256  ROW74_23 = 1620, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2257  ///< data in a page-style record.
2258  ROW74_24 = 1621, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2259  ///< data in a page-style record.
2260  ROW74_25 = 1622, ///< Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of
2261  ///< data in a page-style record.
2262  COLID_8 = 1623, ///< Eighth colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.
2263  BID_TONE_2 = 1624, ///< Second bid price qualifier.
2264  ASK_TONE_2 = 1625, ///< Second ask price qualifier.
2265  AQ_BID = 1626, ///< Auto-quote bid.
2266  AQ_ASK = 1627, ///< Auto-quote ask.
2267  BID_TICK_2 = 1628, ///< Direction of bid.
2268  ASK_TICK_1 = 1629, ///< Direction of ask.
2269  ASK_TICK_2 = 1630, ///< Direction of ask.
2270  TRDTONEA_1 = 1631, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2271  TRDTONEA_2 = 1632, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2272  TRDTONEA_3 = 1633, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2273  TRDTONEA_4 = 1634, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2274  TRDTONEA_5 = 1635, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2275  TRDTONEB_1 = 1636, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2276  TRDTONEB_2 = 1637, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2277  TRDTONEB_3 = 1638, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2278  TRDTONEB_4 = 1639, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2279  TRDTONEB_5 = 1640, ///< Trade Price Qualifiers.
2280  THEO_VALUE = 1641, ///< Theoretical Value.
2281  IMP_VOLT = 1642, ///< Implied Volatility.
2282  PUT_CALL = 1643, ///< Indicates whether option is a put or a call.
2283  TRANVOL_1 = 1644, ///< Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
2284  TRANVOL_2 = 1645, ///< Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
2285  TRANVOL_3 = 1646, ///< Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
2286  TRANVOL_4 = 1647, ///< Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
2287  TRANVOL_5 = 1648, ///< Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
2288  LOWER_SPRD = 1649, ///< Lower spread value.
2289  UPPER_SPRD = 1650, ///< Upper spread value.
2290  HEADLINE = 1651, ///< Headline.
2291  CTRY_ISSUE = 1652, ///< Country in which a bond is officially issued.
2292  CTRY_ISSR = 1653, ///< Country of Issuer.
2294  1654, ///< A generic rating field whose source is identified by the field RATING_ID3.
2296  1655, ///< Rating agency identifier whose ratings are given in the field RATING_3.
2297  FST_COUPON = 1656, ///< The amount paid on the first coupon date.
2298  FST_CPNDAT = 1657, ///< The date on which the first coupon is paid.
2300  1658, ///< The number of days that interest has accrued towards the next coupon payment.
2301  THRD_BUY_Q = 1659, ///< The third fourth and fifth buy-queue lengths reported by HKSE.
2302  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
2303  FRTH_BUY_Q = 1660, ///< The third fourth and fifth buy-queue lengths reported by HKSE.
2304  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
2305  FFTH_BUY_Q = 1661, ///< The third fourth and fifth buy-queue lengths reported by HKSE.
2306  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
2307  THRD_ASK_Q = 1662, ///< The third fourth and fifth ask-queue lengths reported by HKSE.
2308  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
2309  FRTH_ASK_Q = 1663, ///< The third fourth and fifth ask-queue lengths reported by HKSE.
2310  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
2311  FFTH_ASK_Q = 1664, ///< The third fourth and fifth ask-queue lengths reported by HKSE.
2312  ///< Cleared during the pre-market clear.
2313  GN_TX20_1 = 1665, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2314  GN_TX20_2 = 1666, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2315  GN_TX20_3 = 1667, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2316  GN_TX20_4 = 1668, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2317  GN_TX20_5 = 1669, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2318  GN_TX20_6 = 1670, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2319  GN_TX20_7 = 1671, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2320  GN_TX20_8 = 1672, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2321  GN_TX20_9 = 1673, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2322  GN_TX20_10 = 1674, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2323  GN_TX20_11 = 1675, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2324  GN_TX20_12 = 1676, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2325  GN_TX20_13 = 1677, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2326  GN_TX20_14 = 1678, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2327  GN_TX20_15 = 1679, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2328  GN_TX20_16 = 1680, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2329  GN_TX20_17 = 1681, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2330  GN_TX20_18 = 1682, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2331  GN_TX20_19 = 1683, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2332  GN_TX20_20 = 1684, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
2333  AREA_ID = 1685, ///< Creator of MS message.
2334  SF_NAME = 1686, ///< Source feed name.
2335  SPARE_NM1 = 1687, ///< Spare general numeric fields.
2336  SPARE_NM2 = 1688, ///< Spare general numeric fields.
2337  SPARE_NM3 = 1689, ///< Spare general numeric fields.
2338  SPARE_NM4 = 1690, ///< Spare general numeric fields.
2339  SPARE_VL1 = 1691, ///< Spare general volume fields.
2340  SPARE_VL2 = 1692, ///< Spare general volume fields.
2341  SPARE_DT1 = 1693, ///< Spare general date fields.
2342  SPARE_DT2 = 1694, ///< Spare general date fields.
2343  SPARE_TM1 = 1695, ///< Spare general time fields.
2344  SPARE_TM2 = 1696, ///< Spare general time fields.
2345  SPARE_TS1 = 1697, ///< Spare general time in seconds fields.
2346  SPARE_TS2 = 1698, ///< Spare general time in seconds fields.
2347  SPARE_ET1 = 1699, ///< Spare general single-byte enumerated type fields.
2348  SPARE_ET2 = 1700, ///< Spare general single-byte enumerated type fields.
2349  SL_PRIMACT = 1701, ///< Small lots primary latest activity.
2350  SL_YTM = 1702, ///< Small lots yield to maturity.
2351  SL_PRIMFLG = 1703, ///< Small lots primary latest activity flag.
2352  ACVOL_TIM = 1704, ///< Accumulated volume time.
2353  SL_ACTTIME = 1705, ///< Small lots latest activity time, closing value, closing value flag
2354  ///< and closing date.
2355  SL_HSTCLS = 1706, ///< Small lots latest activity time, closing value, closing value flag
2356  ///< and closing date.
2357  SL_HCLSFLG = 1707, ///< Small lots latest activity time, closing value, closing value flag
2358  ///< and closing date.
2359  SL_HCLSDAT = 1708, ///< Small lots latest activity time, closing value, closing value flag
2360  ///< and closing date.
2361  RDN_EXCHD2 = 1709, ///< Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades. This
2362  ///< field is a two-byte replacement for FID4 RDN_EXCHID and contains a
2363  ///< super-set of this field's range of values.
2364  QF_STATUS = 1710, ///< Quick or Final status.
2365  CONT_DATE = 1712, ///< Contract date.
2366  SHRNEW = 1713, ///< Total value of new shares.
2367  SHRSETL = 1714, ///< Total value of settlement shares.
2368  SHROUTG = 1715, ///< Total value of outstanding shares.
2369  SHR_NC = 1716, ///< Net change of total value of outstanding shares.
2370  FNDNEW = 1717, ///< Total value of new funds.
2371  FNDSETL = 1718, ///< Total value of settlement funds.
2372  FNDOUTG = 1719, ///< Total value of outstanding funds.
2373  FND_NC = 1720, ///< Net change of total value of outstanding funds.
2374  NETBLNC = 1721, ///< Total value of net balance.
2375  NETBLNCH = 1722, ///< Total value of net balance change.
2376  SHRNEW3M = 1723, ///< 3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
2377  SHRSETL3M = 1724, ///< 3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
2378  SHROUTG3M = 1725, ///< 3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
2379  SHR_NC3M = 1726, ///< Net change of 3 month value of outstanding shares.
2380  FNDNEW3M = 1727, ///< 3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding funds.
2381  FNDSETL3M = 1728, ///< 3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding funds.
2382  FNDOUTG3M = 1729, ///< 3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding funds.
2383  FND_NC3M = 1730, ///< Net change of 3 month value of outstanding funds.
2384  NETBLNC3M = 1731, ///< 3 month value of net balance, net balance change & turnover.
2385  NETBLNCH3M = 1732, ///< 3 month value of net balance, net balance change & turnover.
2386  TURNOVER3M = 1733, ///< 3 month value of net balance, net balance change & turnover.
2387  SHRNEW6M = 1734, ///< 6 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
2388  SHRSETL6M = 1735, ///< 6 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
2389  SHROUTG6M = 1736, ///< 6 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
2390  SHR_NC6M = 1737, ///< Net change of 6 month value of outstanding shares.
2391  FNDNEW6M = 1738, ///< 6 month value of new funds.
2392  FNDSETL6M = 1739, ///< 6 month value of settlement funds.
2393  FNDOUTG6M = 1740, ///< 6 month value of outstanding funds.
2394  FND_NC6M = 1741, ///< Net change of 6 month value of outstanding funds.
2395  NETBLNC6M = 1742, ///< 6 month value of net balance.
2396  NETBLNCH6M = 1743, ///< 6 month value of net balance change.
2397  TURNOVER6M = 1744, ///< 6 month value of turnover.
2398  MGN_PRICE = 1745, ///< Margin price.
2399  SHTSLRTO = 1746, ///< Short Sale Ratio.
2400  INTRST_DAY = 1747, ///< Number of interest days.
2401  BKWD_ST = 1748, ///< Backwardation status.
2402  BKWDATION = 1750, ///< Backwardation.
2403  STOCKSHTGE = 1751, ///< Stock shortage.
2404  APPLICSELL = 1752, ///< Sell or buy Applicable Order.
2405  APPLICBUY = 1753, ///< Sell or buy Applicable Order.
2406  RENEW_PRC = 1754, ///< Renewal price.
2407  CONTDATE_1 = 1755, ///< The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
2408  CONTDATE_2 = 1756, ///< The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
2409  CONTDATE_3 = 1757, ///< The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
2410  CONTDATE_4 = 1758, ///< The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
2411  CONTDATE_5 = 1759, ///< The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
2412  SHROUTG_1 = 1760, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.
2413  SHROUTG_2 = 1761, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.
2414  SHROUTG_3 = 1762, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.
2415  SHROUTG_4 = 1763, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.
2416  SHROUTG_5 = 1764, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.
2417  FNDOUTG_1 = 1765, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.
2418  FNDOUTG_2 = 1766, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.
2419  FNDOUTG_3 = 1767, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.
2420  FNDOUTG_4 = 1768, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.
2421  FNDOUTG_5 = 1769, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.
2422  NETBLNC_1 = 1770, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.
2423  NETBLNC_2 = 1771, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.
2424  NETBLNC_3 = 1772, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.
2425  NETBLNC_4 = 1773, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.
2426  NETBLNC_5 = 1774, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.
2427  MGNRTO_1 = 1775, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.
2428  MGNRTO_2 = 1776, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.
2429  MGNRTO_3 = 1777, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.
2430  MGNRTO_4 = 1778, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.
2431  MGNRTO_5 = 1779, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.
2432  VOLUME_1 = 1780, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of volume.
2433  VOLUME_2 = 1781, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of volume.
2434  VOLUME_3 = 1782, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of volume.
2435  VOLUME_4 = 1783, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of volume.
2436  VOLUME_5 = 1784, ///< The latest 5 days' total value of volume.
2437  OPEN_DATE = 1785, ///< Open date.
2438  CNV_PTY_NO = 1786, ///< Conversion parity number.
2439  CP_ADJ_FCT = 1787, ///< Capital adjustment factor and date.
2440  CP_ADJ_DAT = 1788, ///< Capital adjustment factor and date.
2441  GV3_DATE = 1789, ///< Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL3 where appropriate.
2442  MAN_AUTO = 1790, ///< Manual/automatic trading indicator.
2443  LST_PRCTCK = 1791, ///< Last price tick.
2444  CALL_PRC2 = 1792, ///< Second call price.
2445  GN_TXT2_1 = 1793, ///< Two-character generic text fields.
2446  GN_TXT2_2 = 1794, ///< Two-character generic text fields.
2447  GN_TXT2_3 = 1795, ///< Two-character generic text fields.
2448  GN_TXT10_1 = 1796, ///< Ten-character generic text fields.
2449  GN_TXT10_2 = 1797, ///< Ten-character generic text fields.
2450  GN_TXT10_3 = 1798, ///< Ten-character generic text fields.
2451  GN_TXT10_4 = 1799, ///< Ten-character generic text fields.
2452  CALL_DATE2 = 1800, ///< Second call date.
2453  LSTBID_IND = 1801, ///< Last bid indicator.
2454  LSTASK_IND = 1802, ///< Last ask indicator.
2455  PR_VAL1_1 = 1803, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest and
2456  ///< previous 4 years.
2457  PR_VAL1_2 = 1804, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest and
2458  ///< previous 4 years.
2459  PR_VAL1_3 = 1805, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest and
2460  ///< previous 4 years.
2461  PR_VAL1_4 = 1806, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest and
2462  ///< previous 4 years.
2463  PR_VAL1_5 = 1807, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest and
2464  ///< previous 4 years.
2465  PR_VAL2_1 = 1808, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 v& 2.
2466  PR_VAL2_2 = 1809, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 v& 2.
2467  PR_VAL3_1 = 1810, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest year.
2469  1811, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest year but 1.
2471  1812, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest year but 2.
2472  PR_VAL4_1 = 1813, ///< The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest and
2473  ///< previous 3 years.
2474  PR_VAL4_2 = 1814, ///< The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest and
2475  ///< previous 3 years.
2476  PR_VAL4_3 = 1815, ///< The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest and
2477  ///< previous 3 years.
2478  PR_VAL4_4 = 1816, ///< The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest and
2479  ///< previous 3 years.
2480  PR_VAL5_1 = 1817, ///< The value of prime settlement item consolidated forecast 1.
2481  PR_PCH1_1 = 1818, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2482  ///< and previous 4 years.
2483  PR_PCH1_2 = 1819, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2484  ///< and previous 4 years.
2485  PR_PCH1_3 = 1820, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2486  ///< and previous 4 years.
2487  PR_PCH1_4 = 1821, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2488  ///< and previous 4 years.
2489  PR_PCH1_5 = 1822, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2490  ///< and previous 4 years.
2491  PR_PCH2_1 = 1823, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2492  ///< and previous 4 years.
2493  PR_PCH2_2 = 1824, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2494  ///< and previous 4 years.
2495  PR_PCH3_1 = 1825, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2496  ///< and previous 4 years.
2497  PR_PCH3_2 = 1826, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2498  ///< and previous 4 years.
2499  PR_PCH3_3 = 1827, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2500  ///< and previous 4 years.
2501  PR_PCH4_1 = 1828, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2502  ///< and previous 4 years.
2503  PR_PCH4_2 = 1829, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2504  ///< and previous 4 years.
2505  PR_PCH4_3 = 1830, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2506  ///< and previous 4 years.
2507  PR_PCH4_4 = 1831, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2508  ///< and previous 4 years.
2509  PR_PCH5_1 = 1832, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2510  ///< and previous 4 years.
2511  SC_VAL1_1 = 1833, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2512  ///< and previous 4 years.
2513  SC_VAL1_2 = 1834, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2514  ///< and previous 4 years.
2515  SC_VAL1_3 = 1835, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2516  ///< and previous 4 years.
2517  SC_VAL1_4 = 1836, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2518  ///< and previous 4 years.
2519  SC_VAL1_5 = 1837, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest
2520  ///< and previous 4 years.
2522  1838, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2524  1839, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2525  SC_VAL3_1 = 1840, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent interim the latest and
2526  ///< previous 2 years.
2527  SC_VAL3_2 = 1841, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent interim the latest and
2528  ///< previous 2 years.
2529  SC_VAL3_3 = 1842, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent interim the latest and
2530  ///< previous 2 years.
2531  SC_VAL4_1 = 1843, ///< The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest and
2532  ///< previous 3 years.
2533  SC_VAL4_2 = 1844, ///< The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest and
2534  ///< previous 3 years.
2535  SC_VAL4_3 = 1845, ///< The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest and
2536  ///< previous 3 years.
2537  SC_VAL4_4 = 1846, ///< The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest and
2538  ///< previous 3 years.
2539  SC_VAL5_1 = 1847, ///< The value of secondary settlement item consolidated forecast 1.
2540  ORDICM1_1 = 1848, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2541  ORDICM1_2 = 1849, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2542  ORDICM1_3 = 1850, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2543  ORDICM1_4 = 1851, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2544  ORDICM1_5 = 1852, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2545  ORDICM2_1 = 1853, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2546  ORDICM2_2 = 1854, ///< Ordinary profit parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2547  ORDICM3_1 = 1855, ///< Ordinary profit parent interim the latest year and previous 2 years.
2548  ORDICM3_2 = 1856, ///< Ordinary profit parent interim the latest year and previous 2 years.
2549  ORDICM3_3 = 1857, ///< Ordinary profit parent interim the latest year and previous 2 years.
2550  ORDICM4_1 = 1858, ///< Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2551  ORDICM4_2 = 1859, ///< Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2552  ORDICM4_3 = 1860, ///< Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2553  ORDICM4_4 = 1861, ///< Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2554  ORDICM5_1 = 1862, ///< Ordinary profit consolidated forecast 1.
2556  1863, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2558  1864, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2560  1865, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2562  1866, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2564  1867, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2565  ORDPCH2_1 = 1868, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2566  ORDPCH2_2 = 1869, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2568  1870, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest ands previous 2 years.
2570  1871, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest ands previous 2 years.
2572  1872, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest ands previous 2 years.
2574  1873, ///< Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2576  1874, ///< Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2578  1875, ///< Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2580  1876, ///< Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2581  ORDPCH5_1 = 1877, ///< Ordinary profit % change consolidated forecast 1.
2582  NETICM1_1 = 1878, ///< Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2583  NETICM1_2 = 1879, ///< Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2584  NETICM1_3 = 1880, ///< Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2585  NETICM1_4 = 1881, ///< Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2586  NETICM1_5 = 1882, ///< Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2587  NETICM2_1 = 1883, ///< Net income parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2588  NETICM2_2 = 1884, ///< Net income parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2589  NETICM3_1 = 1885, ///< Net income parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2590  NETICM3_2 = 1886, ///< Net income parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2591  NETICM3_3 = 1887, ///< Net income parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2592  NETICM4_1 = 1888, ///< Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2593  NETICM4_2 = 1889, ///< Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2594  NETICM4_3 = 1890, ///< Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2595  NETICM4_4 = 1891, ///< Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2596  NETICM5_1 = 1892, ///< Net income consolidated forecast 1.
2597  EPS1_1 = 1893, ///< Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2598  EPS1_2 = 1894, ///< Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2599  EPS1_3 = 1895, ///< Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2600  EPS1_4 = 1896, ///< Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2601  EPS1_5 = 1897, ///< Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2602  EPS2_1 = 1898, ///< Earning per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2603  EPS2_2 = 1899, ///< Earning per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2604  EPS3_1 = 1900, ///< Earning per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2605  EPS3_2 = 1901, ///< Earning per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2606  EPS3_3 = 1902, ///< Earning per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2607  EPS4_1 = 1903, ///< Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2608  EPS4_2 = 1904, ///< Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2609  EPS4_3 = 1905, ///< Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2610  EPS4_4 = 1906, ///< Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2611  EPS5_1 = 1907, ///< Earning per share consolidated forecast 1.
2612  DPS1_1 = 1908, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2613  DPS1_2 = 1909, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2614  DPS1_3 = 1910, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2615  DPS1_4 = 1911, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2616  DPS1_5 = 1912, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
2617  DPS2_1 = 1913, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2618  DPS2_2 = 1914, ///< Dividend per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
2619  DPS3_1 = 1915, ///< Dividend per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2620  DPS3_2 = 1916, ///< Dividend per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2621  DPS3_3 = 1917, ///< Dividend per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2622  BPS4_1 = 1918, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2623  BPS4_2 = 1919, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2624  BPS4_3 = 1920, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2625  BPS4_4 = 1921, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
2626  BPS5_1 = 1922, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated forecast 1.
2627  GNTXT24_LL = 1923, ///< MLSI field for GN_TXT24_1.
2628  SELTRM1_1 = 1924, ///< Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
2629  SELTRM1_2 = 1925, ///< Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
2630  SELTRM1_3 = 1926, ///< Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
2631  SELTRM1_4 = 1927, ///< Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
2632  SELTRM1_5 = 1928, ///< Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
2633  SELTRM2_1 = 1929, ///< Settlement date parent full term forecast 1 & 2.
2634  SELTRM2_2 = 1930, ///< Settlement date parent full term forecast 1 & 2.
2635  SELTRM3_1 = 1931, ///< Settlement date parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2636  SELTRM3_2 = 1932, ///< Settlement date parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2637  SELTRM3_3 = 1933, ///< Settlement date parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
2639  1934, ///< Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
2641  1935, ///< Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
2643  1936, ///< Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
2645  1937, ///< Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
2646  SELTRM5_1 = 1938, ///< Settlement date consolidated full term forecast 1.
2647  PR_TXT = 1939, ///< Primary and secondary settlement item names.
2648  SC_TXT = 1940, ///< Primary and secondary settlement item names.
2649  STLVAL1_1 = 1941, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2650  STLVAL1_2 = 1942, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2651  STLVAL1_3 = 1943, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2652  STLVAL1_4 = 1944, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2653  STLVAL1_5 = 1945, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2654  STLVAL1_6 = 1946, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2655  STLVAL1_7 = 1947, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2656  STLVAL1_8 = 1948, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2657  STLVAL1_9 = 1949, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2658  STLVAL1_10 = 1950, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2659  STLVAL1_11 = 1951, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2660  STLVAL1_12 = 1952, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2661  STLVAL1_13 = 1953, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2662  STLVAL1_14 = 1954, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2663  STLVAL1_15 = 1955, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2664  STLVAL1_16 = 1956, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2665  STLVAL1_17 = 1957, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
2666  STLVAL2_1 = 1958, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2667  STLVAL2_2 = 1959, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2668  STLVAL2_3 = 1960, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2669  STLVAL2_4 = 1961, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2670  STLVAL2_5 = 1962, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2671  STLVAL2_6 = 1963, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2672  STLVAL2_7 = 1964, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2673  STLVAL2_8 = 1965, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2674  STLVAL2_9 = 1966, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2675  STLVAL2_10 = 1967, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2676  STLVAL2_11 = 1968, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2677  STLVAL2_12 = 1969, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2678  STLVAL2_13 = 1970, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2679  STLVAL2_14 = 1971, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2680  STLVAL2_15 = 1972, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2681  STLVAL2_16 = 1973, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2682  STLVAL2_17 = 1974, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
2683  STLVAL3_1 = 1975, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2684  STLVAL3_2 = 1976, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2685  STLVAL3_3 = 1977, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2686  STLVAL3_4 = 1978, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2687  STLVAL3_5 = 1979, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2688  STLVAL3_6 = 1980, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2689  STLVAL3_7 = 1981, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2690  STLVAL3_8 = 1982, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2691  STLVAL3_9 = 1983, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2692  STLVAL3_10 = 1984, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2693  STLVAL3_11 = 1985, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2694  STLVAL3_12 = 1986, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2695  STLVAL3_13 = 1987, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2696  STLVAL3_14 = 1988, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2697  STLVAL3_15 = 1989, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2698  STLVAL3_16 = 1990, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2699  STLVAL3_17 = 1991, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
2700  STLVAL4_1 = 1992, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2701  STLVAL4_2 = 1993, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2702  STLVAL4_3 = 1994, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2703  STLVAL4_4 = 1995, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2704  STLVAL4_5 = 1996, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2705  STLVAL4_6 = 1997, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2706  STLVAL4_7 = 1998, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2707  STLVAL4_8 = 1999, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2708  STLVAL4_9 = 2000, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2709  STLVAL4_10 = 2001, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2710  STLVAL4_11 = 2002, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2711  STLVAL4_12 = 2003, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2712  STLVAL4_13 = 2004, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2713  STLVAL4_14 = 2005, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2714  STLVAL4_15 = 2006, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2715  STLVAL4_16 = 2007, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2716  STLVAL4_17 = 2008, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
2717  STLVAL5_1 = 2009, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2718  STLVAL5_2 = 2010, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2719  STLVAL5_3 = 2011, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2720  STLVAL5_4 = 2012, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2721  STLVAL5_5 = 2013, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2722  STLVAL5_6 = 2014, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2723  STLVAL5_7 = 2015, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2724  STLVAL5_8 = 2016, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2725  STLVAL5_9 = 2017, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2726  STLVAL5_10 = 2018, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2727  STLVAL5_11 = 2019, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2728  STLVAL5_12 = 2020, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2729  STLVAL5_13 = 2021, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2730  STLVAL5_14 = 2022, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2731  STLVAL5_15 = 2023, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2732  STLVAL5_16 = 2024, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2733  STLVAL5_17 = 2025, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
2734  STLITEM_1 = 2026, ///< Settlement item names.
2735  STLITEM_2 = 2027, ///< Settlement item names.
2736  STLITEM_3 = 2028, ///< Settlement item names.
2737  STLITEM_4 = 2029, ///< Settlement item names.
2738  STLITEM_5 = 2030, ///< Settlement item names.
2739  STLITEM_6 = 2031, ///< Settlement item names.
2740  STLITEM_7 = 2032, ///< Settlement item names.
2741  STLITEM_8 = 2033, ///< Settlement item names.
2742  STLITEM_9 = 2034, ///< Settlement item names.
2743  STLITEM_10 = 2035, ///< Settlement item names.
2744  STLITEM_11 = 2036, ///< Settlement item names.
2745  STLITEM_12 = 2037, ///< Settlement item names.
2746  STLITEM_13 = 2038, ///< Settlement item names.
2747  STLITEM_14 = 2039, ///< Settlement item names.
2748  STLITEM_15 = 2040, ///< Settlement item names.
2749  STLITEM_16 = 2041, ///< Settlement item names.
2750  STLITEM_17 = 2042, ///< Settlement item names.
2751  STLDATE1 = 2043, ///< The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
2752  STLDATE2 = 2044, ///< The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
2753  STLDATE3 = 2045, ///< The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
2754  STLDATE4 = 2046, ///< The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
2755  STLDATE5 = 2047, ///< The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
2756  ALLOT1_1 = 2048, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
2757  ALLOT1_2 = 2049, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
2758  ALLOT1_3 = 2050, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
2759  ALLOT1_4 = 2051, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
2760  ALLOT1_5 = 2052, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
2761  ALLOT1_6 = 2053, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
2762  ALLOT2_1 = 2054, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
2763  ALLOT2_2 = 2055, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
2764  ALLOT2_3 = 2056, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
2765  ALLOT2_4 = 2057, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
2766  ALLOT2_5 = 2058, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
2767  ALLOT2_6 = 2059, ///< Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
2768  INCSHR_1 = 2060, ///< Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
2769  INCSHR_2 = 2061, ///< Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
2770  INCSHR_3 = 2062, ///< Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
2771  INCSHR_4 = 2063, ///< Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
2772  INCSHR_5 = 2064, ///< Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
2773  INCSHR_6 = 2065, ///< Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
2774  SUBSCR_1 = 2066, ///< Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
2775  SUBSCR_2 = 2067, ///< Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
2776  SUBSCR_3 = 2068, ///< Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
2777  SUBSCR_4 = 2069, ///< Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
2778  SUBSCR_5 = 2070, ///< Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
2779  SUBSCR_6 = 2071, ///< Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
2780  ADJFCT_1 = 2072, ///< Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
2781  ADJFCT_2 = 2073, ///< Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
2782  ADJFCT_3 = 2074, ///< Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
2783  ADJFCT_4 = 2075, ///< Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
2784  ADJFCT_5 = 2076, ///< Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
2785  ADJFCT_6 = 2077, ///< Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
2786  NEWSHR_1 = 2078, ///< Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
2787  NEWSHR_2 = 2079, ///< Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
2788  NEWSHR_3 = 2080, ///< Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
2789  NEWSHR_4 = 2081, ///< Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
2790  NEWSHR_5 = 2082, ///< Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
2791  NEWSHR_6 = 2083, ///< Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
2792  ISSAMNT_1 = 2084, ///< Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
2793  ISSAMNT_2 = 2085, ///< Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
2794  ISSAMNT_3 = 2086, ///< Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
2795  ISSAMNT_4 = 2087, ///< Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
2796  ISSAMNT_5 = 2088, ///< Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
2797  CNVPRC_1 = 2089, ///< Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
2798  CNVPRC_2 = 2090, ///< Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
2799  CNVPRC_3 = 2091, ///< Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
2800  CNVPRC_4 = 2092, ///< Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
2801  CNVPRC_5 = 2093, ///< Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
2802  COUPON_1 = 2094, ///< Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
2803  COUPON_2 = 2095, ///< Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
2804  COUPON_3 = 2096, ///< Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
2805  COUPON_4 = 2097, ///< Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
2806  COUPON_5 = 2098, ///< Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
2807  DPS_1 = 2099, ///< Dividend per share for the latest commemorative or special dividend.
2809  2100, ///< Dividend per share for the latest but 1 commemorative or special dividend.
2810  CCHTYPE_1 = 2101, ///< Capital change type enumerated fields.
2811  CCHTYPE_2 = 2102, ///< Capital change type enumerated fields.
2812  CCHTYPE_3 = 2103, ///< Capital change type enumerated fields.
2813  CCHTYPE_4 = 2104, ///< Capital change type enumerated fields.
2814  CCHTYPE_5 = 2105, ///< Capital change type enumerated fields.
2815  CCHTYPE_6 = 2106, ///< Capital change type enumerated fields.
2816  DIVTYPE_1 = 2107, ///< Dividend type enumerated fields.
2817  DIVTYPE_2 = 2108, ///< Dividend type enumerated fields.
2818  CCHDATE_1 = 2109, ///< Capital change date the latest and previous.
2819  CCHDATE_2 = 2110, ///< Capital change date the latest and previous.
2820  CCHDATE_3 = 2111, ///< Capital change date the latest and previous.
2821  CCHDATE_4 = 2112, ///< Capital change date the latest and previous.
2822  CCHDATE_5 = 2113, ///< Capital change date the latest and previous.
2823  CCHDATE_6 = 2114, ///< Capital change date the latest and previous.
2824  ISSDATE_1 = 2115, ///< Bond issue date the latest and previous.
2825  ISSDATE_2 = 2116, ///< Bond issue date the latest and previous.
2826  ISSDATE_3 = 2117, ///< Bond issue date the latest and previous.
2827  ISSDATE_4 = 2118, ///< Bond issue date the latest and previous.
2828  ISSDATE_5 = 2119, ///< Bond issue date the latest and previous.
2829  DIVDATE_1 = 2120, ///< Dividend date the latest one.
2830  DIVDATE_2 = 2121, ///< Dividend date the latest one but 1.
2831  BNDTYPE_1 = 2122, ///< Bond type enumerated fields.
2832  BNDTYPE_2 = 2123, ///< Bond type enumerated fields.
2833  BNDTYPE_3 = 2124, ///< Bond type enumerated fields.
2834  BNDTYPE_4 = 2125, ///< Bond type enumerated fields.
2835  BNDTYPE_5 = 2126, ///< Bond type enumerated fields.
2836  YR_PCTCH = 2127, ///< Year percentage change. The percentage change of the instrument
2837  ///< computed on the 'end of previous year historical close' (EPYHSTCLS).
2838  EPYR_PCTCH = 2128, ///< Value of YR_PCTCH for the previous year.
2839  RIC_DESC = 2129, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the
2840  ///< Local Language description of the RIC.
2841  INSTU_NAME = 2130, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with
2842  ///< the Local Language description of futures instrument name.
2843  INDEX_NAME = 2131, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with
2844  ///< the Local Language description of index name.
2845  TILE_DESC = 2132, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the
2846  ///< Local Language description of Money Tile/Futures Chain name.
2847  CTBTR_ID1 = 2133, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the
2848  ///< Local Language description of Money Contributor name.
2849  CTBTR_ID2 = 2134, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the
2850  ///< Local Language description of Money Contributor name.
2851  CTBTR_ID3 = 2135, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the
2852  ///< Local Language description of Money Contributor name.
2853  CTBLOC_ID1 = 2136, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with
2854  ///< the Local Language description of Money Contributor Location code.
2855  CTBLOC_ID2 = 2137, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with
2856  ///< the Local Language description of Money Contributor Location code.
2857  CTBLOC_ID3 = 2138, ///< This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with
2858  ///< the Local Language description of Money Contributor Location code.
2859  ISSUES_NOQ = 2139, ///< Number of issues not quoted today.
2860  DIV_FREQ = 2140, ///< Dividend frequency.
2861  AMT_ISSUE = 2142, ///< Total amount of issued share.
2862  ACVO_X_PR1 = 2143, ///< ACVOL_1 x TRDPRC_1.
2863  IMP_VOLTA = 2144, ///< Implied volatility of ASK price.
2864  IMP_VOLTB = 2145, ///< Implied volatility of BID price.
2865  HST_VOLT = 2146, ///< Historical volatility.
2866  WEEKLY_NC = 2147, ///< Weekly net change.
2867  WEEKLY_PC = 2148, ///< Weekly percent change.
2868  WEEKLY_VOL = 2149, ///< Sum of Accumulated Volume for a week.
2869  MKT_VALUE = 2150, ///< Issue amount x Last Price.
2870  MN30_NC = 2151, ///< Difference between Last and TRDPRC_1 30 minutes ago.
2871  MN30_PC = 2152, ///< Percentage change in Last and TRDPRC_1 30 minutes ago.
2872  FACE_VAL = 2153, ///< Face value.
2873  SL_HCYLD = 2154, ///< Historical Closing Yield to Maturity for JSB Small Lots.
2874  INDX_ID = 2155, ///< Indicator to clarify Nikkei 225/300 Index equity.
2875  SECT_ID = 2156, ///< Indicator to clarify sections in Japanese SE or JASDAQ.
2876  TRAD_ID = 2157, ///< Indicator to clarify System/Post traded equities in Japanese SE.
2877  MRGN_ID = 2158, ///< Indicator to clarify margin type.
2878  BOND_NO = 2159, ///< Issue Number of Bond.
2879  LIST_DATE = 2160, ///< Date of listing in Exchange or starting of trade.
2880  TRDTIM_2 = 2161, ///< Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
2881  TRDTIM_3 = 2162, ///< Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
2882  TRDTIM_4 = 2163, ///< Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
2883  TRDTIM_5 = 2164, ///< Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
2884  GNTXT52_LL = 2165, ///< 52 character text field.
2885  HST_CLSASK = 2166, ///< The historic closing ask i.e. the last non-zero closing ask.
2886  HSTCLAKDAT = 2167, ///< The historical closing ask date.
2887  MID_PCT_CH = 2169, ///< Mid price percent change.
2888  TRD_VALUE = 2170, ///< Traded value.
2889  BASE_PRC1 = 2171, ///< Today's base price.
2890  BASE_PRC2 = 2172, ///< Tomorrow's base price.
2891  BASE_NETC = 2173, ///< Net change of today's and tomorrow's base price.
2892  BASE_PCTC = 2174, ///< Percent change of today's and tomorrow's base price.
2893  LIMIT_FL1 = 2175, ///< Today's limit fluctuation.
2894  LIMIT_FL2 = 2176, ///< Tomorrow's limit fluctuation.
2895  POOL_NUMBR = 2177, ///< Assigned number designating the particular group of mortgages
2896  ///< underlying the security.
2897  CUSIP = 2178, ///< Nine character identification number assigned to U.S. securities.
2898  GROSS_CPN = 2179, ///< Gross Coupon. Weighted average mortgage note rate.
2899  SERV_FEE = 2180, ///< Servicing fee provided to the mortgage servicer to service the loan.
2900  NET_CPN = 2181, ///< Net Coupon. Gross Coupon minus the servicing fee.
2901  AGE = 2182, ///< Age of the loan in months.
2902  ORIG_WAM = 2183, ///< Original Weighted Average Maturity. The weighted average of the
2903  ///< original terms to maturity of the mortgage underlying the pool.
2904  CURR_WAM = 2184, ///< Current Weighted Average Maturity. The weighted average of the
2905  ///< remaining terms to maturity.
2906  DELAY = 2185, ///< The number of days from when the mortgage payment is made by the borrower
2907  ///< to when the holder of the security receives the coupon payment.
2908  POOL_FACTR = 2186, ///< Pool Factor. The ratio of the current principal balance to its
2909  ///< original principal balance expressed as a decimal.
2910  BALN_AMORT = 2187, ///< Balloon Amortization. Period over which amortization is calculated.
2911  MORT_YLD = 2188, ///< Bid-side Mortgage yield based on monthly cash flows.
2912  MORT_YLD1 = 2189, ///< Most recent mortgage yield.
2913  MORT_YLD2 = 2190, ///< Most recent but one mortgage yield.
2914  MTYLD_OPN = 2191, ///< Today's opening bid-side mortgage yield.
2915  CLOS3_MYLD = 2192, ///< The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 , 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2916  CLOS4_MYLD = 2193, ///< The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 , 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2917  CLOS5_MYLD = 2194, ///< The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 , 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2918  BEY = 2195, ///< Bid-side Bond-equivalent yield.
2919  BEY1 = 2196, ///< Most recent bond-equivalent yield.
2920  BEY2 = 2197, ///< Most recent but one bond-equivalent yield.
2921  BEY_OPEN = 2198, ///< Today's opening bid-side bond-equivalent yield.
2922  CLOSE3_BEY = 2199, ///< The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2923  CLOSE4_BEY = 2200, ///< The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2924  CLOSE5_BEY = 2201, ///< The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2925  OAS = 2202, ///< Option-adjusted spread.
2926  OAS1 = 2203, ///< Most recent option-adjusted spreads.
2927  OAS2 = 2204, ///< Most recent but one option-adjusted spreads.
2928  OAS_OPEN = 2205, ///< Today's opening option-adjusted spread.
2929  CLOSE3_OAS = 2206, ///< The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2930  CLOSE4_OAS = 2207, ///< The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2931  CLOSE5_OAS = 2208, ///< The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
2932  AVG_LIFE = 2209, ///< Average Life. The average number of years to repayment of principal.
2933  EFF_DURTN = 2210, ///< Effective Duration. Simulated measure of duration which measures
2934  ///< change in price given change in rates.
2935  EFF_CONVX = 2211, ///< Effective Convexity. Simulated measure of convexity.
2936  ESPRD_TSRY = 2212, ///< Spread-to-Treasury. Basis point difference between yield of MBS and
2937  ///< U.S. Treasury.
2938  TSRY_BENCH = 2213, ///< The U.S. Treasury Benchmark. Comparable average life Treasury.
2939  PRC_DURTN = 2214, ///< Price Duration.
2940  PRC_CONVX = 2215, ///< Price Convexity.
2941  CLOSE3_BID = 2216, ///< Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be
2942  ///< used as the official close.
2943  CLOSE3_ASK = 2217, ///< Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be
2944  ///< used as the official close.
2945  CLOSE4_BID = 2218, ///< Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00 pm any of which may be
2946  ///< used as the official close.
2947  CLOSE4_ASK = 2219, ///< Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00 pm any of which may be
2948  ///< used as the official close.
2949  CLOSE5_BID = 2220, ///< Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00 pm any of which may be
2950  ///< used as the official close.
2951  CLOSE5_ASK = 2221, ///< Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00 pm any of which may be
2952  ///< used as the official close.
2953  FWD1_DROP = 2222, ///< Forward Month Drop. The difference in security prices between the
2954  ///< current month and the forward month.
2955  FWD2_DROP = 2223, ///< The difference in security prices between the one-month forward and
2956  ///< the two-month forward issues.
2957  FWD3_DROP = 2224, ///< The difference in security prices between the two-month forward and
2958  ///< the three-month forward issues.
2959  FWD1_PRICE = 2225, ///< The security price 1, 2 & 3 months forward from the current month.
2960  FWD2_PRICE = 2226, ///< The security price 1, 2 & 3 months forward from the current month.
2961  FWD3_PRICE = 2227, ///< The security price 1, 2 & 3 months forward from the current month.
2963  2228, ///< Balloon Price. Price at which borrower pays back principal on balloon date.
2964  ACIN_FACTR = 2229, ///< Accrued Interest per dollar of principal times 100.
2965  OVN_REPO = 2230, ///< Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
2966  WK1_REPO = 2231, ///< Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
2967  WK2_REPO = 2232, ///< Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
2968  WK3_REPO = 2233, ///< Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
2969  MO1_REPO = 2234, ///< 1, 2 & 3 month Repurchase Agreement rate.
2970  MO2_REPO = 2235, ///< 1, 2 & 3 month Repurchase Agreement rate.
2971  MO3_REPO = 2236, ///< 1, 2 & 3 month Repurchase Agreement rate.
2972  NET_MARGN = 2237, ///< Net Margin. Basis point difference between net coupon and index.
2974  2238, ///< Periodic Payment Cap. Maximum periodic percent increase/ decrease in payment.
2975  PR_CPN_CAP = 2239, ///< Periodic Coupon Cap. Maximum periodic increase/decrease in
2976  ///< amortizing rate expressed in basis points.
2977  LIFE_CEIL = 2240, ///< Lifetime Ceiling. Maximum amortizing rate.
2978  PAYRST_FRQ = 2241, ///< Payment Reset Frequency. Frequency at which payments are reset.
2979  CPNRST_FRQ = 2242, ///< Coupon Reset Frequency. Frequency at which coupon is reset.
2980  BAL_RESET = 2243, ///< Pct Balance Reset. Percent of pool balance with coupon resetting in
2981  ///< stated month.
2982  NEGAM_LIM = 2244, ///< Negative Amortization Limit Pct. Maximum percent increase in pool
2983  ///< balance due to negative amortization.
2984  PAY_RECFRQ = 2245, ///< Payment Recast Frequency. Frequency at which payment is adjusted
2985  ///< without regard to payment cap.
2986  INDEXRT_PR = 2246, ///< Projected Index Rate. Projected change in reference rate used to
2987  ///< reset ARM coupon.
2988  TTLM_PMNT = 2247, ///< Total Mortgage Payment.
2989  INTRST_CAN = 2248, ///< Interest Payment.
2990  INTRST_RTE = 2249, ///< Interest Rate.
2991  INT_PENLTY = 2250, ///< Penalty Interest.
2992  PRINC_CAN = 2251, ///< Principal payment.
2993  PR_SCHEDLD = 2252, ///< Scheduled principal payment.
2994  PR_PREPAY = 2253, ///< Prepaid principal payment.
2995  MTG_LIQUID = 2254, ///< Liquidation.
2996  PR_ADJUST = 2255, ///< Adjustment.
2997  MTGS_REMNG = 2256, ///< Total mortgage remaining.
2998  MTGS_LQDTD = 2257, ///< Liquidated.
2999  MTGS_SUBST = 2258, ///< Substituted.
3000  TIERPRD_MO = 2259, ///< Tiered Period in months.
3001  GRADT_PRD = 2260, ///< Graduation Period.
3002  INCRSE_AN = 2261, ///< Annual Increase.
3003  I_AMRT_RTE = 2262, ///< Amortizing Interest Rate.
3004  INTLPRD_MO = 2263, ///< Initial Period in months.
3005  PSA = 2264, ///< PSA mortgage prepayment speed.
3006  CPR = 2265, ///< Constant Prepayment Rate. The percentage of the mortgage balance
3007  ///< outstanding for the previous month.
3008  SMM = 2266, ///< Single Monthly Mortality. The % of outstanding principal balance prepaid
3009  ///< each month.
3010  SECUR_NAME = 2267, ///< The complete name of the security.
3011  ISSR_NAME = 2268, ///< Issuer of the security.
3012  DROP_TW = 2269, ///< Indicates whether drops from current to forward months have tightened
3013  ///< or widened from the previous trading day.
3014  REPO_ISSUE = 2270, ///< The type of security supporting the repurchase agreement.
3015  INDX_NAME = 2271, ///< The name of the index that determines the rate of the ARM security.
3016  MONTH_PRC = 2272, ///< The current settlement month.
3017  MONTH1_PRC = 2273, ///< The next month after the current month.
3018  MONTH2_PRC = 2274, ///< Two months after the current month.
3019  MONTH3_PRC = 2275, ///< Three months after the current month.
3020  INTCALC_PD = 2276, ///< Interest calculation period (daily/monthly).
3021  BAL_DATE = 2278, ///< Date when balloon payment is due.
3022  CPN_NXTAJ = 2279, ///< Next ARM coupon adjustment date.
3023  PAY_NXTAJ = 2280, ///< Next ARM payment adjustment date.
3024  PAY_NXTREC = 2281, ///< Next ARM payment recast.
3025  CONV_FROM = 2282, ///< Beginning of convertible period.
3026  CONV_TO = 2283, ///< End of convertible period.
3027  FACTR_DATE = 2284, ///< Factor Date.
3029  2285, ///< The underlying market price. This is the average of the first best bid/ask
3030  ///< prices of the future instrument. It is used for volatility calculations.
3031  ASK_NET_CH = 2286, ///< The difference between the latest ask and the historic closing ask.
3032  TIME_MATUR = 2287, ///< The to maturity for a debt instrument qualified by the field
3033  ///< MATUR_FLAG (2364) which indicates whether the units of time involved
3034  ///< are years, months, weeks or days.
3035  GEN_VAL11 = 2288, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
3036  ///< they occur.
3037  GEN_VAL12 = 2289, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
3038  ///< they occur.
3039  GEN_VAL13 = 2290, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
3040  ///< they occur.
3041  GEN_VAL14 = 2291, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
3042  ///< they occur.
3043  GEN_VAL15 = 2292, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
3044  ///< they occur.
3045  GEN_VAL16 = 2293, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
3046  ///< they occur.
3047  GNTXT18_LL = 2294, ///< 18 character text field.
3048  REF_YIELD = 2295, ///< Simple yield of reference bond.
3049  BID_IMPVLT = 2296, ///< Bid & Ask sides of implied volatility.
3050  ASK_IMPVLT = 2297, ///< Bid & Ask sides of implied volatility.
3051  BID_TCKVLT = 2298, ///< Bid & Ask side of ticker volatility.
3052  ASK_TCKVLT = 2299, ///< Bid & Ask side of ticker volatility.
3053  BID_MCHVLT = 2300, ///< Bid & Ask sides of match volatility.
3054  ASK_MCHVLT = 2301, ///< Bid & Ask sides of match volatility.
3055  PFRJGB_NO = 2302, ///< Issue number of reference JGB.
3056  RJGB_PRICE = 2303, ///< Price of reference JGB.
3057  CRT_YIELD = 2304, ///< Current yield.
3058  DELTA = 2305, ///< Delta.
3059  GAMMA = 2306, ///< Gamma.
3060  THETA = 2307, ///< Theta.
3061  VEGA = 2308, ///< Vega.
3062  RHO = 2309, ///< Rho.
3063  CLT_FNCTON = 2310, ///< Cumulative density function.
3064  INTR_VAL = 2311, ///< Intrinsic value.
3065  TIME_VAL = 2312, ///< Time value.
3066  STRPR_IND = 2313, ///< Strike price indication.
3067  BID_IVTONE = 2314, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
3068  ASK_IVTONE = 2315, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
3069  BID_TVTONE = 2316, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
3070  ASK_TVTONE = 2317, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
3071  BID_MVTONE = 2318, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
3072  ASK_MVTONE = 2319, ///< The direction of trading from the previous trade.
3073  ALIAS = 2320, ///< Alias name (short name) of the RIC.
3074  SPEC_TRADE = 2321, ///< Special terms trading flag (maps to Quotron Cash-All-Day flag).
3075  ODD_LOT = 2322, ///< Transaction mode (size of trading).
3076  FCAST_EARN = 2323, ///< Forecasted earnings.
3077  EARANK_RAT = 2324, ///< Earnings rank ratio.
3078  FCAST_DATE = 2325, ///< Date of the Forecast.
3079  YEAR_FCAST = 2326, ///< Year forecast.
3080  MKT_STRN = 2327, ///< Market strength.
3081  MKT_WEAK = 2328, ///< Market weakness.
3082  MKT_CHNG = 2329, ///< Market change.
3083  MKT_VOLT = 2330, ///< Market volatility.
3084  TRADE_CNT1 = 2331, ///< Non-block trade count first and second sessions.
3085  TRADE_CNT2 = 2332, ///< Non-block trade count first and second sessions.
3086  BLKCNT_2 = 2333, ///< Block trade count second session.
3087  BLKUNIT = 2334, ///< Block unit - number of shares per block.
3088  THEO_OPEN = 2335, ///< Theoretical open. Initially used for Dow Jones Indices.
3089  GV11_FLAG = 2336, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
3090  GV12_FLAG = 2337, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
3091  GV13_FLAG = 2338, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
3092  GV14_FLAG = 2339, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
3093  GV15_FLAG = 2340, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
3094  GV16_FLAG = 2341, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
3095  GV11_TEXT = 2342, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
3096  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
3097  GV12_TEXT = 2343, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
3098  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
3099  GV13_TEXT = 2344, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
3100  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
3101  GV14_TEXT = 2345, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
3102  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
3103  GV15_TEXT = 2346, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
3104  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
3105  GV16_TEXT = 2347, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
3106  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
3108  2348, ///< The second historic closing yield i.e. the last non-zero closing yield
3109  ///< derived once daily outside market hours from the SEC_YLD_1 field.
3111  2349, ///< The net change of the current second yield SEC_YLD_1 from second historic
3112  ///< closing yield. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.
3113  YCR_BID_1 = 2350, ///< The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds
3114  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3115  YCR_BID_2 = 2351, ///< The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds
3116  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3117  YCR_BID_3 = 2352, ///< The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds
3118  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3119  YCR_BID_4 = 2353, ///< The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds
3120  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3121  YCR_BID_5 = 2354, ///< The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds
3122  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3124  2355, ///< The historic closing current bid yield i.e. the last non-zero closing bid
3125  ///< yield derived once daily outside market hours from the YCR_BID_1 field.
3127  2356, ///< The net change of the current bid yield YCR_BID_1 from the historic closing
3128  ///< current bid yield. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.
3129  YCR_ASK_1 = 2357, ///< The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds
3130  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3131  YCR_ASK_2 = 2358, ///< The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds
3132  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3133  YCR_ASK_3 = 2359, ///< The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds
3134  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3135  YCR_ASK_4 = 2360, ///< The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds
3136  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3137  YCR_ASK_5 = 2361, ///< The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds
3138  ///< and futures and money market instruments.
3140  2362, ///< The historic closing current ask yield i.e. the last non-zero closing ask
3141  ///< yield derived once daily outside market hours from the YCR_ASK_1 field.
3143  2363, ///< The net change of the current ask yield YCR_ASK_1 from the historic closing
3144  ///< current ask yield. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.
3145  YTM_BID_1 = 2364, ///< The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese
3146  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3147  YTM_BID_2 = 2365, ///< The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese
3148  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3149  YTM_BID_3 = 2366, ///< The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese
3150  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3151  YTM_BID_4 = 2367, ///< The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese
3152  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3153  YTM_BID_5 = 2368, ///< The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese
3154  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3155  HST_YTMBID = 2369, ///< The historic closing bid yield to maturity i.e. the last non-zero
3156  ///< closing bid yield to maturity derived once daily outside market
3157  ///< hours from the YTM_BID_1 field.
3159  2370, ///< The net change of the bid yield to maturity YTM_BID_1 from the historic
3160  ///< closing bid yield to maturity. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.
3161  YTM_ASK_1 = 2371, ///< The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese
3162  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3163  YTM_ASK_2 = 2372, ///< The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese
3164  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3165  YTM_ASK_3 = 2373, ///< The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese
3166  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3167  YTM_ASK_4 = 2374, ///< The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese
3168  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3169  YTM_ASK_5 = 2375, ///< The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese
3170  ///< bonds and futures and money market instruments.
3172  2376, ///< The historic closing ask yield to maturity i.e. the last non-zero closing ask
3173  ///< yield derived once daily outside market hours from the YTM_ASK_1 field.
3175  2377, ///< The net change of the ask yield to maturity YTM_ASK_1 from the historic
3176  ///< closing ask yield to maturity. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.
3178  2378, ///< This field qualifies the time to maturity field (TIME_MATUR) and indicates
3179  ///< whether the units of time involved are years, months, weeks or days.
3180  BID_CURRCY = 2379, ///< The currency for the BID field.
3181  ASK_CURRCY = 2380, ///< The currency for the ASK field.
3182  GV1_CURRCY = 2381, ///< The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
3183  GV2_CURRCY = 2382, ///< The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
3184  GV3_CURRCY = 2383, ///< The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
3185  GV4_CURRCY = 2384, ///< The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
3186  GV5_CURRCY = 2385, ///< The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
3187  IBEX35_IND = 2386, ///< Indicator to show whether the instrument is included in the IBEX 35
3188  ///< Index or not. Will contain Y or N.
3189  BUYSELL_ID = 2387, ///< Reference pages where Buyer/Seller ID codes are fully explained.
3190  WEIGHT_SPR = 2388, ///< The difference between the weighted average bid price and the
3191  ///< weighted average ask price divided by the mid value of these two
3192  ///< prices. E.g. (B - A) ------- (B + A)/2 where B is the weighted
3193  ///< average bid price and A is the weighted average ask price.
3194  SLOT_YNETC = 2389, ///< Small lots yield net change.
3195  BVPS4_1 = 2390, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
3196  BVPS4_2 = 2391, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
3197  BVPS4_3 = 2392, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
3198  BVPS4_4 = 2393, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
3199  BVPS5_1 = 2394, ///< Bookvalue per share consolidated forecast 1.
3200  SECTR_CODE = 2395, ///< Industrial sector code.
3202  2396, ///< A modifier to the enumerated type field IRGCOND (FID374) which is in turn an
3203  ///< indicator of the type of price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).
3205  2397, ///< A modifier to the enumerated type field INSCOND (FID378) which is in turn an
3206  ///< indicator of the type of price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).
3207  PRCTIM_1 = 2400, ///< Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
3208  PRCTIM_2 = 2401, ///< Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
3209  PRCTIM_3 = 2402, ///< Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
3210  PRCTIM_4 = 2403, ///< Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
3211  PRCTIM_5 = 2404, ///< Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
3212  WEIGHTING2 = 2405, ///< The weighting of a stock within an index.
3213  WEIGHTING3 = 2406, ///< The weighting of a stock within an index.
3214  BEST_BID6 = 2407, ///< Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to
3215  ///< collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers
3216  ///< with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3217  BEST_BID7 = 2408, ///< Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to
3218  ///< collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers
3219  ///< with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3220  BEST_BID8 = 2409, ///< Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to
3221  ///< collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers
3222  ///< with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3223  BEST_BID9 = 2410, ///< Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to
3224  ///< collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers
3225  ///< with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3226  BEST_BID10 = 2411, ///< Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to
3227  ///< collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers
3228  ///< with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3229  BEST_ASK6 = 2412, ///< Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to
3230  ///< collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers
3231  ///< with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3232  BEST_ASK7 = 2413, ///< Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to
3233  ///< collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers
3234  ///< with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3235  BEST_ASK8 = 2414, ///< Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to
3236  ///< collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers
3237  ///< with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3238  BEST_ASK9 = 2415, ///< Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to
3239  ///< collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers
3240  ///< with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3241  BEST_ASK10 = 2416, ///< Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to
3242  ///< collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers
3243  ///< with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
3244  BEST_BSIZ6 = 2417, ///< One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to
3245  ///< BEST_BID10.
3246  BEST_BSIZ7 = 2418, ///< One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to
3247  ///< BEST_BID10.
3248  BEST_BSIZ8 = 2419, ///< One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to
3249  ///< BEST_BID10.
3250  BEST_BSIZ9 = 2420, ///< One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to
3251  ///< BEST_BID10.
3252  BEST_BSZ10 = 2421, ///< One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to
3253  ///< BEST_BID10.
3254  BEST_ASIZ6 = 2422, ///< One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to
3255  ///< BEST_ASK10.
3256  BEST_ASIZ7 = 2423, ///< One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to
3257  ///< BEST_ASK10.
3258  BEST_ASIZ8 = 2424, ///< One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to
3259  ///< BEST_ASK10.
3260  BEST_ASIZ9 = 2425, ///< One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to
3261  ///< BEST_ASK10.
3262  BEST_ASZ10 = 2426, ///< One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to
3263  ///< BEST_ASK10.
3264  NO_BIDMKR6 = 2427, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the
3265  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.
3266  NO_BIDMKR7 = 2428, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the
3267  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.
3268  NO_BIDMKR8 = 2429, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the
3269  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.
3270  NO_BIDMKR9 = 2430, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the
3271  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.
3272  NO_BIDMK10 = 2431, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the
3273  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.
3274  NO_ASKMKR6 = 2432, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best ask held in the
3275  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.
3276  NO_ASKMKR7 = 2433, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best ask held in the
3277  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.
3278  NO_ASKMKR8 = 2434, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best ask held in the
3279  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.
3280  NO_ASKMKR9 = 2435, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best ask held in the
3281  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.
3282  NO_ASKMK10 = 2436, ///< The number of market makers associated with the best ask held in the
3283  ///< appropriate field in the range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.
3284  CTB_2A_1 = 2437, ///< Contributor name for second activity.
3285  CTB_2A_2 = 2438, ///< Contributor name for second activity.
3286  CTB_2A_3 = 2439, ///< Contributor name for second activity.
3287  CTB_2B_1 = 2440, ///< Contributor name for second activity.
3288  CTB_2B_2 = 2441, ///< Contributor name for second activity.
3289  CTB_2B_3 = 2442, ///< Contributor name for second activity.
3290  CTB_2A_1LL = 2443, ///< Local language contributor name for second activity.
3291  CTB_2A_2LL = 2444, ///< Local language contributor name for second activity.
3292  CTB_2A_3LL = 2445, ///< Local language contributor name for second activity.
3293  CTB_2B_1LL = 2446, ///< Local language contributor name for second activity.
3294  CTB_2B_2LL = 2447, ///< Local language contributor name for second activity.
3295  CTB_2B_3LL = 2448, ///< Local language contributor name for second activity.
3296  GV2A_RTIM1 = 2449, ///< One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
3297  GV2A_RTIM2 = 2450, ///< One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
3298  GV2A_RTIM3 = 2451, ///< One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
3299  GV2B_RTIM1 = 2452, ///< One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
3300  GV2B_RTIM2 = 2453, ///< One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
3301  GV2B_RTIM3 = 2454, ///< One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
3302  SLOT_CMPND = 2455, ///< Compound yield for TSE JGB small lot.
3303  SLOT_CMPNC = 2456, ///< Compound yield net change for TSE JGB small lot.
3304  SL_HCCMP = 2457, ///< Compound yield historical close. for TSE JGB small lot.
3305  SL_CRTYLD = 2458, ///< Current yield for TSE JGB small lot.
3306  SL_CRTYNC = 2459, ///< Current yield net change for TSE JGB small lot.
3307  SL_HCCRTY = 2460, ///< Current yield historical close for TSE JGB small lot.
3308  CMP_YIELD = 2461, ///< Compound yield.
3309  CMP_YLDNC = 2462, ///< Compound yield net change.
3310  CMP_YLDHC = 2463, ///< Compound yield historical close.
3311  CRT_YLDNC = 2464, ///< Current yield net change.
3312  CRT_YLDHC = 2465, ///< Current yield historical close.
3313  TIM_TO_MAT = 2466, ///< Time to maturity.
3314  BS_PNT_VAL = 2467, ///< Based Point Value.
3315  SL_CMPTCK = 2468, ///< The direction of compound yield for TSE JGB small lot.
3316  SL_CRTYTCK = 2469, ///< The direction of current yield for TSE JGB small lot.
3317  CMP_YLDTCK = 2470, ///< The direction of compound yield.
3318  CRT_YLDTCK = 2471, ///< The direction of current yield.
3319  A_PRICE_1 = 2472, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3320  A_PRICE_2 = 2473, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3321  A_PRICE_3 = 2474, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3322  A_PRICE_4 = 2475, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3323  A_PRICE_5 = 2476, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3324  A_PRICE_6 = 2477, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3325  A_PRICE_7 = 2478, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3326  A_PRICE_8 = 2479, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3327  A_PRICE_9 = 2480, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3328  A_PRICE_10 = 2481, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3329  A_PRICE_11 = 2482, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3330  A_PRICE_12 = 2483, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3331  A_PRICE_13 = 2484, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3332  A_PRICE_14 = 2485, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3333  A_PRICE_15 = 2486, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3334  A_PRICE_16 = 2487, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3335  A_PRICE_17 = 2488, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3336  A_PRICE_18 = 2489, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3337  A_PRICE_19 = 2490, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3338  A_PRICE_20 = 2491, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3339  A_PRICE_21 = 2492, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3340  A_PRICE_22 = 2493, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3341  A_PRICE_23 = 2494, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3342  A_PRICE_24 = 2495, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3343  A_PRICE_25 = 2496, ///< The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3344  B_PRICE_1 = 2497, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3345  B_PRICE_2 = 2498, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3346  B_PRICE_3 = 2499, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3347  B_PRICE_4 = 2500, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3348  B_PRICE_5 = 2501, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3349  B_PRICE_6 = 2502, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3350  B_PRICE_7 = 2503, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3351  B_PRICE_8 = 2504, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3352  B_PRICE_9 = 2505, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3353  B_PRICE_10 = 2506, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3354  B_PRICE_11 = 2507, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3355  B_PRICE_12 = 2508, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3356  B_PRICE_13 = 2509, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3357  B_PRICE_14 = 2510, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3358  B_PRICE_15 = 2511, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3359  B_PRICE_16 = 2512, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3360  B_PRICE_17 = 2513, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3361  B_PRICE_18 = 2514, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3362  B_PRICE_19 = 2515, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3363  B_PRICE_20 = 2516, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3364  B_PRICE_21 = 2517, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3365  B_PRICE_22 = 2518, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3366  B_PRICE_23 = 2519, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3367  B_PRICE_24 = 2520, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3368  B_PRICE_25 = 2521, ///< The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3369  A_QTY_1 = 2522, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3370  A_QTY_2 = 2523, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3371  A_QTY_3 = 2524, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3372  A_QTY_4 = 2525, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3373  A_QTY_5 = 2526, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3374  A_QTY_6 = 2527, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3375  A_QTY_7 = 2528, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3376  A_QTY_8 = 2529, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3377  A_QTY_9 = 2530, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3378  A_QTY_10 = 2531, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3379  A_QTY_11 = 2532, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3380  A_QTY_12 = 2533, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3381  A_QTY_13 = 2534, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3382  A_QTY_14 = 2535, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3383  A_QTY_15 = 2536, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3384  A_QTY_16 = 2537, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3385  A_QTY_17 = 2538, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3386  A_QTY_18 = 2539, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3387  A_QTY_19 = 2540, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3388  A_QTY_20 = 2541, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3389  A_QTY_21 = 2542, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3390  A_QTY_22 = 2543, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3391  A_QTY_23 = 2544, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3392  A_QTY_24 = 2545, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3393  A_QTY_25 = 2546, ///< The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3394  B_QTY_1 = 2547, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3395  B_QTY_2 = 2548, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3396  B_QTY_3 = 2549, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3397  B_QTY_4 = 2550, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3398  B_QTY_5 = 2551, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3399  B_QTY_6 = 2552, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3400  B_QTY_7 = 2553, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3401  B_QTY_8 = 2554, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3402  B_QTY_9 = 2555, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3403  B_QTY_10 = 2556, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3404  B_QTY_11 = 2557, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3405  B_QTY_12 = 2558, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3406  B_QTY_13 = 2559, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3407  B_QTY_14 = 2560, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3408  B_QTY_15 = 2561, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3409  B_QTY_16 = 2562, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3410  B_QTY_17 = 2563, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3411  B_QTY_18 = 2564, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3412  B_QTY_19 = 2565, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3413  B_QTY_20 = 2566, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3414  B_QTY_21 = 2567, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3415  B_QTY_22 = 2568, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3416  B_QTY_23 = 2569, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3417  B_QTY_24 = 2570, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3418  B_QTY_25 = 2571, ///< The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
3420  2572, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3422  2573, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3424  2574, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3426  2575, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3428  2576, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3430  2577, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3432  2578, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3434  2579, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3436  2580, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3438  2581, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3440  2582, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3442  2583, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3444  2584, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3446  2585, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3448  2586, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3450  2587, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3452  2588, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3454  2589, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3456  2590, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3458  2591, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3460  2592, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3462  2593, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3464  2594, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3466  2595, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3468  2596, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
3470  2597, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3472  2598, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3474  2599, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3476  2600, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3478  2601, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3480  2602, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3482  2603, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3484  2604, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3486  2605, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3488  2606, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3490  2607, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3492  2608, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3494  2609, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3496  2610, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3498  2611, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3500  2612, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3502  2613, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3504  2614, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3506  2615, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3508  2616, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3510  2617, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3512  2618, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3514  2619, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3516  2620, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3518  2621, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
3519  A_DISQY_1 = 2622, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3520  A_DISQY_2 = 2623, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3521  A_DISQY_3 = 2624, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3522  A_DISQY_4 = 2625, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3523  A_DISQY_5 = 2626, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3524  A_DISQY_6 = 2627, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3525  A_DISQY_7 = 2628, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3526  A_DISQY_8 = 2629, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3527  A_DISQY_9 = 2630, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3528  A_DISQY_10 = 2631, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3529  A_DISQY_11 = 2632, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3530  A_DISQY_12 = 2633, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3531  A_DISQY_13 = 2634, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3532  A_DISQY_14 = 2635, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3533  A_DISQY_15 = 2636, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3534  A_DISQY_16 = 2637, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3535  A_DISQY_17 = 2638, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3536  A_DISQY_18 = 2639, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3537  A_DISQY_19 = 2640, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3538  A_DISQY_20 = 2641, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3539  A_DISQY_21 = 2642, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3540  A_DISQY_22 = 2643, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3541  A_DISQY_23 = 2644, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3542  A_DISQY_24 = 2645, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3543  A_DISQY_25 = 2646, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
3544  B_DISQY_1 = 2647, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3545  B_DISQY_2 = 2648, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3546  B_DISQY_3 = 2649, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3547  B_DISQY_4 = 2650, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3548  B_DISQY_5 = 2651, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3549  B_DISQY_6 = 2652, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3550  B_DISQY_7 = 2653, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3551  B_DISQY_8 = 2654, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3552  B_DISQY_9 = 2655, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3553  B_DISQY_10 = 2656, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3554  B_DISQY_11 = 2657, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3555  B_DISQY_12 = 2658, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3556  B_DISQY_13 = 2659, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3557  B_DISQY_14 = 2660, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3558  B_DISQY_15 = 2661, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3559  B_DISQY_16 = 2662, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3560  B_DISQY_17 = 2663, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3561  B_DISQY_18 = 2664, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3562  B_DISQY_19 = 2665, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3563  B_DISQY_20 = 2666, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3564  B_DISQY_21 = 2667, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3565  B_DISQY_22 = 2668, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3566  B_DISQY_23 = 2669, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3567  B_DISQY_24 = 2670, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3568  B_DISQY_25 = 2671, ///< Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
3569  A_LEVEL_1 = 2672, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3570  A_LEVEL_2 = 2673, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3571  A_LEVEL_3 = 2674, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3572  A_LEVEL_4 = 2675, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3573  A_LEVEL_5 = 2676, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3574  A_LEVEL_6 = 2677, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3575  A_LEVEL_7 = 2678, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3576  A_LEVEL_8 = 2679, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3577  A_LEVEL_9 = 2680, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3578  A_LEVEL_10 = 2681, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3579  A_LEVEL_11 = 2682, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3580  A_LEVEL_12 = 2683, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3581  A_LEVEL_13 = 2684, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3582  A_LEVEL_14 = 2685, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3583  A_LEVEL_15 = 2686, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3584  A_LEVEL_16 = 2687, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3585  A_LEVEL_17 = 2688, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3586  A_LEVEL_18 = 2689, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3587  A_LEVEL_19 = 2690, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3588  A_LEVEL_20 = 2691, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3589  A_LEVEL_21 = 2692, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3590  A_LEVEL_22 = 2693, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3591  A_LEVEL_23 = 2694, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3592  A_LEVEL_24 = 2695, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3593  A_LEVEL_25 = 2696, ///< The relative level of the Ask price.
3594  B_LEVEL_1 = 2697, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3595  B_LEVEL_2 = 2698, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3596  B_LEVEL_3 = 2699, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3597  B_LEVEL_4 = 2700, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3598  B_LEVEL_5 = 2701, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3599  B_LEVEL_6 = 2702, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3600  B_LEVEL_7 = 2703, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3601  B_LEVEL_8 = 2704, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3602  B_LEVEL_9 = 2705, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3603  B_LEVEL_10 = 2706, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3604  B_LEVEL_11 = 2707, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3605  B_LEVEL_12 = 2708, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3606  B_LEVEL_13 = 2709, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3607  B_LEVEL_14 = 2710, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3608  B_LEVEL_15 = 2711, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3609  B_LEVEL_16 = 2712, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3610  B_LEVEL_17 = 2713, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3611  B_LEVEL_18 = 2714, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3612  B_LEVEL_19 = 2715, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3613  B_LEVEL_20 = 2716, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3614  B_LEVEL_21 = 2717, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3615  B_LEVEL_22 = 2718, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3616  B_LEVEL_23 = 2719, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3617  B_LEVEL_24 = 2720, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3618  B_LEVEL_25 = 2721, ///< The relative level of the Bid price.
3619  S_STRIKE = 2722, ///< Signed Strike Price accurate to 8 decimal digits.
3620  MM_LOC = 2723, ///< 2 Character NASDAQ Market maker location.
3621  MM_DESK = 2724, ///< Market maker satellite Trading Desk location.
3622  LSTTRDDATE = 2725, ///< Last trading date for contract.
3623  ATM_FLAG = 2726, ///< At the Money Flag.
3624  AM_RANGE = 2727, ///< Price range in AM Session.
3625  PM_RANGE = 2728, ///< Price range in PM Session.
3626  DAY_RANGE = 2729, ///< Price range in Day Session.
3627  CARRY_COST = 2730, ///< Carry cost.
3628  GEN_YLD_4 = 2731, ///< General purpose numeric field.
3629  GEN_YLD_5 = 2732, ///< General purpose numeric field.
3631  2733, ///< Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
3633  2734, ///< Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
3634  SQ_DATE = 2735, ///< Special Quotation date.
3635  GV4_DATE = 2736, ///< Generic date field.
3636  GV5_DATE = 2737, ///< Generic date field.
3637  GV3_TIME = 2738, ///< Generic time fields in Seconds.
3638  GV4_TIME = 2739, ///< Generic time fields in Seconds.
3639  GV5_TIME = 2740, ///< Generic time fields in Seconds.
3640  SESS2_VTIM = 2741, ///< Time at which the value in SESS2_VOL was set.
3641  NETT_ASSET = 2742, ///< Net assets owned by shareholders at balance date.
3642  FRANKING = 2743, ///< Portion of dividend which tax has been paid.
3643  MKT_CAP = 2744, ///< Market Capitalisation of a security.
3644  WEIGHT1 = 2745, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3645  WEIGHT2 = 2746, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3646  WEIGHT3 = 2747, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3647  WEIGHT4 = 2748, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3648  WEIGHT5 = 2749, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3649  WEIGHT6 = 2750, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3650  WEIGHT7 = 2751, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3651  WEIGHT8 = 2752, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3652  WEIGHT9 = 2753, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3653  WEIGHT10 = 2754, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3654  WEIGHT11 = 2755, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3655  WEIGHT12 = 2756, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3656  WEIGHT13 = 2757, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3657  WEIGHT14 = 2758, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3658  WEIGHT15 = 2759, ///< Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
3659  D_COUNT_1 = 2760, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3660  D_COUNT_2 = 2761, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3661  D_COUNT_3 = 2762, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3662  D_COUNT_4 = 2763, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3663  D_COUNT_5 = 2764, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3664  D_COUNT_6 = 2765, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3665  D_COUNT_7 = 2766, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3666  D_COUNT_8 = 2767, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3667  D_COUNT_9 = 2768, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3668  D_COUNT_10 = 2769, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3669  D_COUNT_11 = 2770, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3670  D_COUNT_12 = 2771, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3671  D_COUNT_13 = 2772, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3672  D_COUNT_14 = 2773, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3673  D_COUNT_15 = 2774, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3674  D_COUNT_16 = 2775, ///< Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
3675  BOOKS_CLS = 2776, ///< Date issuing body close share register.
3677  2779, ///< Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
3679  2780, ///< Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
3681  2781, ///< Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
3683  2782, ///< Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
3685  2783, ///< Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
3686  BPS2_1 = 2784, ///< Book value per share parent full-term forecast 1.
3687  BPS2_2 = 2785, ///< Book value per share parent full-term forecast 2.
3688  BPS3_1 = 2786, ///< Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3).
3689  BPS3_2 = 2787, ///< Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3).
3690  BPS3_3 = 2788, ///< Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3).
3691  BPS5_2 = 2789, ///< Book value per share consolidated forecast 2.
3692  BPS6_1 = 2790, ///< Book value per share parent interim forecast (large).
3693  BPS6_2 = 2791, ///< Book value per share parent interim forecast (large).
3694  DPS2_3 = 2792, ///< Dividend Per share data.
3695  DPS2_4 = 2793, ///< Dividend Per share data.
3696  DPS6_1 = 2794, ///< Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
3697  DPS6_2 = 2795, ///< Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
3698  DPS6_3 = 2796, ///< Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
3699  DPS6_4 = 2797, ///< Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
3700  EPS5_2 = 2798, ///< Earning per share consolidated forecast.
3701  EPS6_1 = 2799, ///< Earning per share parent interim forecast.
3702  EPS6_2 = 2800, ///< Earning per share parent interim forecast.
3703  NETICM5_2 = 2801, ///< Net income consolidated forecast 2.
3704  NETICM6_1 = 2802, ///< Net income parent interim forecast.
3705  NETICM6_2 = 2803, ///< Net income parent interim forecast.
3706  ORDICM5_2 = 2804, ///< Ordinary profit consolidated forecast.
3707  ORDICM6_1 = 2805, ///< Ordinary profit parent interim forecast.
3708  ORDICM6_2 = 2806, ///< Ordinary profit parent interim forecast.
3709  ORDPCH5_2 = 2807, ///< Ordinary profit % change consolidated forecast 2.
3710  ORDPCH6_1 = 2808, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent interim forecast.
3711  ORDPCH6_2 = 2809, ///< Ordinary profit % change parent interim forecast.
3712  PR_PCH5_2 = 2810, ///< The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
3713  PR_PCH6_1 = 2811, ///< The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
3714  PR_PCH6_2 = 2812, ///< The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
3715  PR_VAL5_2 = 2813, ///< The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
3716  PR_VAL6_1 = 2814, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent interim forecast.
3717  PR_VAL6_2 = 2815, ///< The value of prime settlement item parent interim forecast.
3718  SC_VAL5_2 = 2816, ///< The value of secondary settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
3719  SC_VAL6_1 = 2817, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent interim forecast.
3720  SC_VAL6_2 = 2818, ///< The value of secondary settlement item parent interim forecast.
3722  2819, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3724  2820, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3726  2821, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3728  2822, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3730  2823, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3732  2824, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3734  2825, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3736  2826, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3738  2827, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3740  2828, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3742  2829, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3744  2830, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3746  2831, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
3748  2832, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3750  2833, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3752  2834, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3754  2835, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3756  2836, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3758  2837, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3760  2838, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3762  2839, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3764  2840, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3766  2841, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3768  2842, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3770  2843, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3772  2844, ///< The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
3774  2845, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3776  2846, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3778  2847, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3780  2848, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3782  2849, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3784  2850, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3786  2851, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3788  2852, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3790  2853, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3792  2854, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3794  2855, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3796  2856, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3798  2857, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
3799  STLVAL4_18 = 2858, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3800  ///< = 18..30).
3801  STLVAL4_19 = 2859, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3802  ///< = 18..30).
3803  STLVAL4_20 = 2860, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3804  ///< = 18..30).
3805  STLVAL4_21 = 2861, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3806  ///< = 18..30).
3807  STLVAL4_22 = 2862, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3808  ///< = 18..30).
3809  STLVAL4_23 = 2863, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3810  ///< = 18..30).
3811  STLVAL4_24 = 2864, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3812  ///< = 18..30).
3813  STLVAL4_25 = 2865, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3814  ///< = 18..30).
3815  STLVAL4_26 = 2866, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3816  ///< = 18..30).
3817  STLVAL4_27 = 2867, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3818  ///< = 18..30).
3819  STLVAL4_28 = 2868, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3820  ///< = 18..30).
3821  STLVAL4_29 = 2869, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3822  ///< = 18..30).
3823  STLVAL4_30 = 2870, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n
3824  ///< = 18..30).
3825  STLVAL5_18 = 2871, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3826  STLVAL5_19 = 2872, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3827  STLVAL5_20 = 2873, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3828  STLVAL5_21 = 2874, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3829  STLVAL5_22 = 2875, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3830  STLVAL5_23 = 2876, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3831  STLVAL5_24 = 2877, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3832  STLVAL5_25 = 2878, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3833  STLVAL5_26 = 2879, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3834  STLVAL5_27 = 2880, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3835  STLVAL5_28 = 2881, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3836  STLVAL5_29 = 2882, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3837  STLVAL5_30 = 2883, ///< The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
3838  DEPS1_1 = 2884, ///< Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest but n (where n
3839  ///< = 1..5).
3840  DEPS1_2 = 2885, ///< Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest but n (where n
3841  ///< = 1..5).
3842  DEPS1_3 = 2886, ///< Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest but n (where n
3843  ///< = 1..5).
3844  DEPS1_4 = 2887, ///< Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest but n (where n
3845  ///< = 1..5).
3846  DEPS1_5 = 2888, ///< Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest but n (where n
3847  ///< = 1..5).
3848  DEPS2_1 = 2889, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent full-term forecast.
3849  DEPS2_2 = 2890, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent full-term forecast.
3851  2891, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3).
3853  2892, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3).
3855  2893, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3).
3856  DEPS4_1 = 2894, ///< Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3857  ///< (where n = 1..4).
3858  DEPS4_2 = 2895, ///< Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3859  ///< (where n = 1..4).
3860  DEPS4_3 = 2896, ///< Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3861  ///< (where n = 1..4).
3862  DEPS4_4 = 2897, ///< Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3863  ///< (where n = 1..4).
3864  DEPS5_1 = 2898, ///< Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term forecast n (where n
3865  ///< = 1..2).
3866  DEPS5_2 = 2899, ///< Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term forecast n (where n
3867  ///< = 1..2).
3868  DEPS6_1 = 2900, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
3869  DEPS6_2 = 2901, ///< Diluted earnings per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
3870  DBPS1_1 = 2902, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n
3871  ///< = 1..5).
3872  DBPS1_2 = 2903, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n
3873  ///< = 1..5).
3874  DBPS1_3 = 2904, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n
3875  ///< = 1..5).
3876  DBPS1_4 = 2905, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n
3877  ///< = 1..5).
3878  DBPS1_5 = 2906, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n
3879  ///< = 1..5).
3881  2907, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2).
3883  2908, ///< Diluted book value per share parent full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2).
3884  DBPS3_1 = 2909, ///< Diluted book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n
3885  ///< = 1..3).
3886  DBPS3_2 = 2910, ///< Diluted book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n
3887  ///< = 1..3).
3888  DBPS3_3 = 2911, ///< Diluted book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n
3889  ///< = 1..3).
3890  DBPS4_1 = 2912, ///< Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3891  ///< (where n =1..4).
3892  DBPS4_2 = 2913, ///< Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3893  ///< (where n =1..4).
3894  DBPS4_3 = 2914, ///< Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3895  ///< (where n =1..4).
3896  DBPS4_4 = 2915, ///< Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n
3897  ///< (where n =1..4).
3898  DBPS5_1 = 2916, ///< The diluted book value per share consolidated full-term forecast n
3899  ///< (where n = 1..2).
3900  DBPS5_2 = 2917, ///< The diluted book value per share consolidated full-term forecast n
3901  ///< (where n = 1..2).
3903  2918, ///< Diluted book value per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
3905  2919, ///< Diluted book value per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
3906  PS_OST = 2920, ///< Outstanding of potential shares.
3907  DS_OST = 2921, ///< Outstanding of diluted shares.
3908  PS_RATIO = 2922, ///< Potential shares ratio.
3909  STLITEM_18 = 2923, ///< Settlement item names.
3910  STLITEM_19 = 2924, ///< Settlement item names.
3911  STLITEM_20 = 2925, ///< Settlement item names.
3912  STLITEM_21 = 2926, ///< Settlement item names.
3913  STLITEM_22 = 2927, ///< Settlement item names.
3914  STLITEM_23 = 2928, ///< Settlement item names.
3915  STLITEM_24 = 2929, ///< Settlement item names.
3916  STLITEM_25 = 2930, ///< Settlement item names.
3917  STLITEM_26 = 2931, ///< Settlement item names.
3918  STLITEM_27 = 2932, ///< Settlement item names.
3919  STLITEM_28 = 2933, ///< Settlement item names.
3920  STLITEM_29 = 2934, ///< Settlement item names.
3921  STLITEM_30 = 2935, ///< Settlement item names.
3922  RENEW_DATE = 2936, ///< Renewal date.
3923  SELTRM5_2 = 2937, ///< Settlement date consolidated full term forecast 2.
3924  SELTRM6_1 = 2938, ///< Settlement date parent interim forecast 1.
3925  SELTRM6_2 = 2939, ///< Settlement date parent interim forecast 2.
3926  PS_DATE = 2940, ///< Potential shares ratio.
3927  ST_FRAG = 2941, ///< The Flag of accounting standards.
3928  ACVOL_DATE = 2942, ///< The date when volume held in the ACVOL_1 field occurred.
3929  OPINT_DAT2 = 2943, ///< The date of the previous open interest held in the OPINT_2 field.
3930  OR_SALE_PR = 2944, ///< Original sale price.
3931  MIN_DESC = 2945, ///< Minimum Description - very short item description.
3932  ORIG_CONC = 2946, ///< Original Take down - Original sale take down.
3933  SHORT_DESC = 2947, ///< Short Description - short item description.
3934  ORIG_TAKDN = 2948, ///< Original Take down - Original sale take down.
3936  2949, ///< Instructions - Item instructions that become part of Bid Wanted descriptions.
3937  ORIG_SALSZ = 2950, ///< original Sale Size.
3938  BW_COMMENT = 2951, ///< Bid Wanted comment - Time limit status for bid wanted.
3939  ORIG_MGR = 2952, ///< Original Manager.
3940  ORIG_SETDT = 2953, ///< Original Settlement Date.
3941  ORIG_SALDT = 2954, ///< Original Sale Date.
3943  2955, ///< Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes
3944  ///< in yield points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).
3946  2956, ///< Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes
3947  ///< in yield points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).
3949  2957, ///< Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes
3950  ///< in yield points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).
3951  ISS_NAME24 = 2958, ///< Issuer name for a bond (24 characters).
3953  2959, ///< An instrument which manages corporate bonds. A company which is trusted by
3954  ///< the issuer and manages the bonds for the creditors on issue of bearer bonds.
3955  AMT_USE = 2960, ///< Amount of fund proceeds.
3956  ARRANGER = 2961, ///< Arranger. An instrument arranges to issue bonds smoothly when issuers
3957  ///< conclude contracts with buyers directly.
3958  BEARER = 2962, ///< Flag for Bearered or non-Bearered bonds.
3959  BULLET = 2963, ///< Flag indicating whether the bonds are redeemed once or not.
3960  CO_MANAGER = 2964, ///< Co Lead Manager. A manager who participates in some of the functions
3961  ///< of the lead manager usually takes a share of the praecipuum but does
3962  ///< not run the books of an issue.
3963  COL_AGENCY = 2965, ///< Collateral Agency. An institution appointed by the borrower to hold
3964  ///< securities or other property pledged by the borrower to secure
3965  ///< repayment of a loan or bond issue in the event of default.
3966  COLLA_TYPE = 2966, ///< The type of collateral. There are Non-collateral/Collateral/General
3967  ///< Security/Company Security/etc.
3969  2967, ///< Denomination Increment. The minimum incremental amount of the bond's face
3970  ///< value that can be purchased (when the amount purchased is restricted to be a
3971  ///< minimum denomination plus any multiple of the denomination increment).
3972  EXCH_RATE = 2968, ///< Float Exchange Rate.
3973  FIN_COVEN = 2969, ///< Financial covenant.
3974  FITTING1 = 2970, ///< Fitting (Interest expenses).
3975  FITTING2 = 2971, ///< Fitting (Interest coverage).
3976  FITTING3 = 2972, ///< Fitting (Interest on borrowing).
3977  FIX_RATE = 2973, ///< Fixed Exchange Rate.
3979  2974, ///< The type of guarantee. There is Government Guarantee/Parent Guarantee/Bank
3980  ///< Guarantee/Parent Inferior Guarantee/Bank Inferior Guarantee.
3981  GUARANTOR = 2975, ///< Guarantor. The company guaranteeing the credit for buyers.
3982  ISS_MARKET = 2976, ///< Issue Market.
3983  ISSUER = 2977, ///< Issuer Name.
3984  JGB_ISSUE = 2978, ///< JGB Issue Number.
3986  2979, ///< Lead Manager. The leader of a new issue responsible for the overall
3987  ///< coordination distribution and documentation of a primary market issue.
3988  LL_ADMIN = 2980, ///< Local language equivalent of ADMIN_COM.
3989  LL_ARRANGR = 2981, ///< Local language equivalent of ARRANGER.
3990  LL_CO_MGR = 2982, ///< Local language equivalent of CO_MANAGER.
3991  LL_COL_CMY = 2983, ///< Local Language equivalent of COLL_CMPNY.
3992  LL_FINCOV = 2984, ///< Local Language equivalent of FIN_COVEN.
3993  LL_GUARNT = 2985, ///< Local Language equivalent of GUARANTOR.
3994  LL_ISSUER = 2986, ///< Local Language equivalent of ISSUER.
3995  LL_LD_MGR = 2987, ///< Local Language equivalent of LD_MANAGER.
3996  LL_RG_AGE = 2988, ///< Local Language equivalent of REG_AGENCY.
3997  LL_TRUSTEE = 2989, ///< Local Language equivalent of TRUSTEE.
3998  LST_CPN_DT = 2990, ///< Final coupon date before redemption.
3999  MIN_DENOM = 2991, ///< Minimum Denomination. The minimum face value of a bond that can be
4000  ///< purchased in units of issuing currency.
4001  NXT_CPNDAT = 2992, ///< Next Coupon Date.
4002  PRV_COUPON = 2993, ///< Previous Coupon Rate.
4003  PRV_CPNDAT = 2994, ///< Previous Coupon Date.
4004  RATING_4 = 2995, ///< Credit Rating 4.
4005  RATING_5 = 2996, ///< Credit Rating 5.
4006  RATING_ID4 = 2997, ///< Credit Rating Agency 4.
4007  RATING_ID5 = 2998, ///< Credit Rating Agency 5.
4008  RDM_AMT = 2999, ///< Redemption Amount.
4009  RDM_CUR = 3000, ///< Redemption Currency.
4010  RDM_METHOD = 3001, ///< Redemption Method.
4011  REDEM_PRC = 3002, ///< Redemption Price. Indicates the percentage of par value of principal
4012  ///< paid to redeem the bond or any portion of the bond.
4013  REG_AGENCY = 3003, ///< Registrar. An institution appointed by the borrower who records the
4014  ///< ownership of registered securities. The registrar works with the
4015  ///< transfer agent and keeps files of the owners of a bond issue.
4016  SINK_SCHD1 = 3004, ///< Sinking Fund Schedule (Start & End Dates).
4017  SINK_SCHD2 = 3005, ///< Sinking Fund Schedule (Start & End Dates).
4018  TRUSTEE = 3006, ///< Trustee. An institution appointed by the issuer who represents the
4019  ///< interests of the investors in a particular issue of securities. The
4020  ///< trustee is responsible for the security of the cash flows and their
4021  ///< timely payment to investors.
4022  TYPE_USE = 3007, ///< Method of fund proceeds.
4023  VAL_DT_RUL = 3008, ///< Rule indicating the convention used to determine the value date.
4024  FIN_CPN_DT = 3009, ///< The final coupon date before redemption.
4026  3010, ///< The local tax rate withheld on income streams (such as interest payments).
4027  ACT_REPO = 3011, ///< Actual Repo Date.
4028  BASISVAL2 = 3012, ///< Basis Value 2 with another instrument.
4029  BASVAL1REF = 3013, ///< Compared instrument name of BASISVALUE.
4030  BASVAL2REF = 3014, ///< Compared instrument name of BASISVAL2.
4031  BORRW_COST = 3015, ///< Borrowing cost.
4032  CHEAP_TD1 = 3016, ///< Cheapest to deliver 1 & 2.
4033  CHEAP_TD2 = 3017, ///< Cheapest to deliver 1 & 2.
4034  CNT_MNTH1 = 3018, ///< Contract months 1 & 2.
4035  CNT_MNTH2 = 3019, ///< Contract months 1 & 2.
4036  CNV_FCTR1 = 3020, ///< Conversion Factors 1 & 2.
4037  CNV_FCTR2 = 3021, ///< Conversion Factors 1 & 2.
4038  CPN_TYPE = 3022, ///< The type of coupon payment.
4039  DCNT_BASIS = 3023, ///< Day Count Basis.
4040  DELIV_PRC1 = 3024, ///< Delivery Prices 1 & 2.
4041  DELIV_PRC2 = 3025, ///< Delivery Prices 1 & 2.
4042  FUT_PRC1 = 3026, ///< Future Prices 1 & 2..
4043  FUT_PRC2 = 3027, ///< Future Prices 1 & 2..
4044  GV_DATE3 = 3028, ///< Third Generic Date.
4045  IMP_REPO = 3029, ///< Implied Repo Date.
4046  IRR = 3030, ///< Internal Rate of Return.
4047  ISSUE_SYLD = 3031, ///< Issue Simple Yield.
4048  NC_CURYLD = 3032, ///< Net Change for Current Yield.
4049  NC_COMYLD = 3033, ///< Net change for Compound Yield.
4050  NC_SIMYLD = 3034, ///< Net change for Simple Yield.
4051  SETTLE1 = 3035, ///< Settlement price 1 & 2.
4052  SETTLE2 = 3036, ///< Settlement price 1 & 2.
4053  SHORT_RATE = 3037, ///< Short Rate of Interest.
4054  SPREAD1 = 3038, ///< Spread 1 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF1.
4055  SPREAD2 = 3039, ///< Spread 2 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF2.
4056  SPREADREF1 = 3040, ///< Instrument name of SPREAD1.
4057  SPREADREF2 = 3041, ///< Instrument name of SPREAD2.
4058  SWAP_SPRD = 3042, ///< Swap Spread.
4059  SWAP_YLD = 3043, ///< Swap Yield.
4060  YEN_VALUE = 3044, ///< Yen Value of 0.01.
4061  YLD_VALUE = 3045, ///< Yield Value of 0.01.
4062  ACTN_DAT1 = 3046, ///< Action Date.
4063  ACTN_DAT2 = 3047, ///< Action Date.
4064  ACTN_DAT3 = 3048, ///< Action Date.
4065  ACTN_DAT4 = 3049, ///< Action Date.
4066  ACTN_DAT5 = 3050, ///< Action Date.
4067  ANN_DATE1 = 3051, ///< Announcement Date.
4068  ANN_DATE2 = 3052, ///< Announcement Date.
4069  ANN_DATE3 = 3053, ///< Announcement Date.
4070  ANN_DATE4 = 3054, ///< Announcement Date.
4071  ANN_DATE5 = 3055, ///< Announcement Date.
4072  BND_TP_TXT = 3056, ///< Bond Type for Text format. This allows for CB/Discount
4073  ///< CB/WB/CP/Registered CP/Registered Bonds/Repackage Bonds/Samurai
4074  ///< Bonds/Shogun Bonds/Daimyo Bonds/etc.
4075  COLLATE1 = 3057, ///< Collateral Company 1.
4076  COLLATE2 = 3058, ///< Collateral Company 2.
4077  COLLATE3 = 3059, ///< Collateral Company 3.
4078  CP_AMT = 3060, ///< The limitation amount for CP issue.
4079  CP_BCLINE = 3061, ///< CP Backline. Non/Expansion/Reduction.
4080  CP_FCHNG1 = 3062, ///< Flag for changing the limitation of amounts for issue CP. Possible
4081  ///< values include No/Expansion/Reduction.
4082  CP_FCHNG2 = 3063, ///< Flag for changing the limitation of amounts for issue CP. Possible
4083  ///< values include No/Expansion/Reduction.
4084  INT_TYPE = 3064, ///< Type of Interest.
4085  KEEPWELL = 3065, ///< Keepwell.
4086  LL_COLLA1 = 3066, ///< Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1, COLLATE2 & COLLATE3.
4087  LL_COLLA2 = 3067, ///< Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1, COLLATE2 & COLLATE3.
4088  LL_COLLA3 = 3068, ///< Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1, COLLATE2 & COLLATE3.
4089  LL_KEEPWLL = 3069, ///< Local Language equivalent of KEEPWELL.
4090  LL_SWGUAR = 3070, ///< Local Language equivalent of SW_GURANTR.
4091  LL_SWPROV = 3071, ///< Local Language equivalent of swap provider.
4092  MTN_DATE = 3072, ///< MTN Programmed Date.
4093  MTN_LIMIT = 3073, ///< The limitation of issue amount for issue MTN.
4094  NUM_COLLA = 3074, ///< Number of collateral companies.
4095  NUM_RATING = 3075, ///< Number of rating.
4097  3076, ///< Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
4099  3077, ///< Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
4101  3078, ///< Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
4103  3079, ///< Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
4105  3080, ///< Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
4106  PR_RATING1 = 3081, ///< Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
4107  PR_RATING2 = 3082, ///< Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
4108  PR_RATING3 = 3083, ///< Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
4109  PR_RATING4 = 3084, ///< Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
4110  PR_RATING5 = 3085, ///< Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
4111  PRE_CW1 = 3086, ///< Former Credit Watch.
4112  PRE_CW2 = 3087, ///< Former Credit Watch.
4113  PRE_CW3 = 3088, ///< Former Credit Watch.
4114  PRE_CW4 = 3089, ///< Former Credit Watch.
4115  PRE_CW5 = 3090, ///< Former Credit Watch.
4116  PRINC_CUR = 3091, ///< Principal Currency.
4118  3092, ///< Principal Type. There are Dual Currency/Reverse Dual Currency Bonds/Foreign
4119  ///< Exchange Rate Link Bonds/Long Term Prime Rate Link Bonds/etc.
4120  RAT_FCHNG = 3093, ///< Flag for rating change.
4121  RATING_CW1 = 3094, ///< Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in
4122  ///< Credit Watch list will be changed within 3 months. There are
4123  ///< Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.
4124  RATING_CW2 = 3095, ///< Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in
4125  ///< Credit Watch list will be changed within 3 months. There are
4126  ///< Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.
4127  RATING_CW3 = 3096, ///< Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in
4128  ///< Credit Watch list will be changed within 3 months. There are
4129  ///< Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.
4130  RATING_CW4 = 3097, ///< Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in
4131  ///< Credit Watch list will be changed within 3 months. There are
4132  ///< Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.
4133  RATING_CW5 = 3098, ///< Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in
4134  ///< Credit Watch list will be changed within 3 months. There are
4135  ///< Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.
4136  RATING_TYP = 3099, ///< Rating Type. Actual/Pre.
4137  REG_LIMIT = 3100, ///< The limitation of issue amount for registered bonds.
4138  REG_PRD1 = 3101, ///< Registration Period 1. The start date effective for registered bonds.
4139  REG_PRD2 = 3102, ///< Registration Period 2. The start date effective for registered bonds.
4140  REG_PRD3 = 3103, ///< Registration Period 3. The start date effective for registered bonds.
4141  REG_PRD4 = 3104, ///< Registration Period 4. The start date effective for registered bonds.
4142  SECTR_AVE = 3105, ///< Sector Average.
4143  SUB_METHOD = 3106, ///< Subscription Method. There are Public Offering/Private
4144  ///< placement/Preferred to stockholders.
4145  SW_GURANTR = 3107, ///< Swap Guarantor.
4146  SW_PROVIDR = 3108, ///< Swap provider.
4147  TC_DATE = 3109, ///< Date of change backgrounds of bonds about the above.
4148  TC_FCHNG = 3110, ///< Flag for change backgrounds of bonds. There are Call/Complete
4149  ///< convertible for CB/Merger/etc.
4150  TICK_1 = 3111, ///< Tick for Credit Rating.
4151  TICK_2 = 3112, ///< Tick for Credit Rating.
4152  TICK_3 = 3113, ///< Tick for Credit Rating.
4153  TICK_4 = 3114, ///< Tick for Credit Rating.
4154  TICK_5 = 3115, ///< Tick for Credit Rating.
4155  BASISVAL3 = 3116, ///< Basis value 3 with another instrument.
4156  BASVAL3REF = 3117, ///< Reference instrument name for BASISVAL3.
4157  BEST_YASK = 3118, ///< Best ask yield.
4158  BEST_YBID = 3119, ///< Best bid yield.
4159  ISMA_YLDAN = 3120, ///< ISMA yield (annual).
4160  ISMA_YLDSA = 3121, ///< ISMA yield (Semi-annual).
4161  JGB_MAT_DT = 3122, ///< Maturity date of compared JGB issue.
4162  JGB_SPREAD = 3123, ///< Spread value of compared JGB issue.
4163  JGB_YLD = 3124, ///< Compared JGB yield.
4164  LIBOR = 3125, ///< Libor rate.
4165  SMP_YIELD = 3126, ///< Simple yield.
4166  SPREAD3 = 3127, ///< Spread 3 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF3.
4167  SPREADREF3 = 3128, ///< Instrument name of SPREAD3.
4168  US_YIELD = 3129, ///< Compound Yield (US.style).
4169  APPL_CODE = 3130, ///< Record classification for terminal/end-user applications.
4170  IRGFID = 3131, ///< Fid number of data in IRGVAL.
4171  IRGVAL = 3132, ///< Correction value for FID defined by IRGFID.
4173  3136, ///< Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the RT_YIELD_n stack.
4175  3137, ///< Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the SEC_YIELD_n stack.
4176  RTYLD_ATP1 = 3138, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4177  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator
4178  ///< describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g.
4179  ///< RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).
4180  RTYLD_ATP2 = 3139, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4181  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator
4182  ///< describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g.
4183  ///< RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).
4184  RTYLD_ATP3 = 3140, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4185  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator
4186  ///< describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g.
4187  ///< RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).
4188  RTYLD_ATP4 = 3141, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4189  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator
4190  ///< describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g.
4191  ///< RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).
4192  RTYLD_ATP5 = 3142, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4193  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator
4194  ///< describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g.
4195  ///< RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).
4197  3143, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4198  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the
4199  ///< content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1).
4201  3144, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4202  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the
4203  ///< content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1).
4205  3145, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4206  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the
4207  ///< content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1).
4209  3146, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4210  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the
4211  ///< content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1).
4213  3147, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to
4214  ///< RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the
4215  ///< content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1).
4216  SCYLD_ATP1 = 3148, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4217  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing
4218  ///< the content of the last yield activity field.
4219  SCYLD_ATP2 = 3149, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4220  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing
4221  ///< the content of the last yield activity field.
4222  SCYLD_ATP3 = 3150, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4223  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing
4224  ///< the content of the last yield activity field.
4225  SCYLD_ATP4 = 3151, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4226  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing
4227  ///< the content of the last yield activity field.
4228  SCYLD_ATP5 = 3152, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4229  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing
4230  ///< the content of the last yield activity field.
4231  SCYLD_FLG1 = 3153, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4232  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification
4233  ///< of the content of the last yield activity field.
4234  SCYLD_FLG2 = 3154, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4235  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification
4236  ///< of the content of the last yield activity field.
4237  SCYLD_FLG3 = 3155, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4238  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification
4239  ///< of the content of the last yield activity field.
4240  SCYLD_FLG4 = 3156, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4241  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification
4242  ///< of the content of the last yield activity field.
4243  SCYLD_FLG5 = 3157, ///< For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to
4244  ///< SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification
4245  ///< of the content of the last yield activity field.
4246  ROE = 3162, ///< ROE.
4247  R2 = 3163, ///< R2.
4248  IDX_POINT = 3164, ///< Index Point.
4249  STK_YLD = 3165, ///< PER divided by1.
4250  PSYCOL_IDX = 3166, ///< Psychological Index.
4251  PERATIO2 = 3169, ///< Price Earning Ratio 2.
4252  BPS = 3170, ///< Book Value Per Share.
4253  EPS_1 = 3171, ///< Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
4254  EPS_2 = 3172, ///< Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
4255  EPS_3 = 3173, ///< Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
4256  EPS_4 = 3174, ///< Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
4257  EPS_5 = 3175, ///< Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
4258  EPS_6 = 3176, ///< Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
4259  PER_1 = 3177, ///< Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
4260  PER_2 = 3178, ///< Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
4261  PER_3 = 3179, ///< Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
4262  PER_4 = 3180, ///< Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
4263  PER_5 = 3181, ///< Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
4264  PER_6 = 3182, ///< Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
4265  LIST_MKT = 3183, ///< Listing Market.
4266  HI_ASK_3RD = 3184, ///< Highest & Lowest Ask of 3rd session.
4267  LO_ASK_3RD = 3185, ///< Highest & Lowest Ask of 3rd session.
4268  HI_BID_3RD = 3186, ///< Highest & Lowest Bid of 3rd Session.
4269  LO_BID_3RD = 3187, ///< Highest & Lowest Bid of 3rd Session.
4270  WNT_PGR = 3188, ///< Warrant Premium Gearing Ratio.
4271  SHTNAME_LL = 3193, ///< Short Company Name for Local Language.
4272  GNTXT14_1 = 3194, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4273  GNTXT14_2 = 3195, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4274  GNTXT14_3 = 3196, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4275  GNTXT14_4 = 3197, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4276  GNTXT14_5 = 3198, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4277  GNTXT14_6 = 3199, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4278  GNTXT14_7 = 3200, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4279  GNTXT14_8 = 3201, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4280  GNTXT14_9 = 3202, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4281  GNTXT14_10 = 3203, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
4282  GNTX14_LL1 = 3204, ///< Generic Text Fields (14 Characters) for local language.
4283  GNTX14_LL2 = 3205, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4284  GNTX14_LL3 = 3206, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4285  GNTX14_LL4 = 3207, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4286  GNTX14_LL5 = 3208, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4287  GNTX14_LL6 = 3209, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4288  GNTX14_LL7 = 3210, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4289  GNTX14_LL8 = 3211, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4290  GNTX14_LL9 = 3212, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4291  GTX14_LL10 = 3213, ///< Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
4292  BPRC_DAT1 = 3218, ///< Date of BASE_PRC1.
4293  BPRC_DAT2 = 3219, ///< Date of BASE_PRC2.
4294  EPSDAT_1 = 3220, ///< Date of EPS_1-6.
4295  EPSDAT_2 = 3221, ///< Date of EPS_1-6.
4296  EPSDAT_3 = 3222, ///< Date of EPS_1-6.
4297  EPSDAT_4 = 3223, ///< Date of EPS_1-6.
4298  EPSDAT_5 = 3224, ///< Date of EPS_1-6.
4299  EPSDAT_6 = 3225, ///< Date of EPS_1-6.
4300  PERDAT_1 = 3226, ///< Date of PER_1-6.
4301  PERDAT_2 = 3227, ///< Date of PER_1-6.
4302  PERDAT_3 = 3228, ///< Date of PER_1-6.
4303  PERDAT_4 = 3229, ///< Date of PER_1-6.
4304  PERDAT_5 = 3230, ///< Date of PER_1-6.
4305  PERDAT_6 = 3231, ///< Date of PER_1-6.
4306  DELIST_DAT = 3232, ///< Date of Delisting.
4307  CUSTDTDAT1 = 3233, ///< Warrant Custody period (start & end).
4308  CUSTDYDAT2 = 3234, ///< Warrant Custody period (start & end).
4309  FACE_VAL2 = 3235, ///< Face Values 2 & 3.
4310  FACE_VAL3 = 3236, ///< Face Values 2 & 3.
4311  PCFR_1 = 3237, ///< Price Cash Flow Ratio parent full-term forecasts 1 & 2.
4312  PCFR_2 = 3238, ///< Price Cash Flow Ratio parent full-term forecasts 1 & 2.
4313  TNOVRRATIO = 3239, ///< Turnover Ratio for securities trading.
4314  DPS_FLG1 = 3240, ///< Flag of Interim/Full-term Dividends (1 & 2).
4315  DPS_FLG2 = 3241, ///< Flag of Interim/Full-term Dividends (1 & 2).
4316  DPS_PDAT1 = 3242, ///< Dividend Pay Dates 1 & 2.
4317  DPS_PDAT2 = 3243, ///< Dividend Pay Dates 1 & 2.
4318  DPS_EXDAT1 = 3244, ///< Dividend Pay Exchange Dates 1 & 2.
4319  DPS_EXDAT2 = 3245, ///< Dividend Pay Exchange Dates 1 & 2.
4320  PCT_ABNVOL = 3246, ///< Percentage of abnormal volume increase based on the last 10-day
4321  ///< moving average volume.
4322  BC_10_50K = 3247, ///< Number of block transactions between 10K and 50K shares.
4323  BC_50_100K = 3248, ///< Number of block transactions above 50K and up to 100K shares.
4324  BC_100K = 3249, ///< Number of block transactions above 100K shares.
4325  PMA_50D = 3250, ///< Price Moving Averages.
4326  PMA_150D = 3251, ///< Price Moving Averages.
4327  PMA_200D = 3252, ///< Price Moving Averages.
4328  VMA_10D = 3253, ///< Volume Moving Averages.
4329  VMA_25D = 3254, ///< Volume Moving Averages.
4330  VMA_50D = 3255, ///< Volume Moving Averages.
4331  OPN_NETCH = 3256, ///< Difference between open price and the previous close price.
4333  3257, ///< The latest reported cash dividend to be paid per share to shareholders.
4334  FAIR_VALUE = 3258, ///< Fair value. For the Options Market, this is a value derived from
4335  ///< the appropriate mathematical equation.
4336  LAMBDA = 3259, ///< The measurement of the leverage of an option.
4337  FCAST_DIV = 3260, ///< Forecast dividend of the underlying security.
4338  MKT_VAL_SC = 3261, ///< The scaling factor for the MKT_VALUE field (FID 2150).
4340  3262, ///< The date on which the issue will trade ex-dividend with cash dividend.
4341  PREV_DISP = 3263, ///< Field to hold original (4 digit) display template for DT upgrades.
4342  ///< Same FID format as PREF_DISP so can hold any values that FID can.
4343  PRC_QL3 = 3264, ///< Extended price qualifier code for equities, bonds, and options,
4344  ///< generally related to the quote price.
4345  _52WK_HIGH = 3265, ///< The high and low from the previous 52 weeks.
4346  _52WK_LOW = 3266, ///< The high and low from the previous 52 weeks.
4347  ACC_DAYS = 3267, ///< Number of accrued days.
4348  AVG_MAT = 3268, ///< The average maturity across a maturity band in years.
4349  ASIA_CL_DT = 3269, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4350  ASIA_CLOSE = 3270, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4351  ASIA_HI_TM = 3271, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4352  ASIA_HIGH = 3272, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4353  ASIA_LOW = 3273, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4354  ASIA_LW_TM = 3274, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4355  ASIA_NETCH = 3275, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4356  ASIA_OP_TM = 3276, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4357  ASIA_OPEN = 3277, ///< For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
4358  EURO_CL_DT = 3278, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4359  EURO_CLOSE = 3279, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4360  EURO_HI_TM = 3280, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4361  EURO_HIGH = 3281, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4362  EURO_LOW = 3282, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4363  EURO_LW_TM = 3283, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4364  EURO_NETCH = 3284, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4365  EURO_OP_TM = 3285, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4366  EURO_OPEN = 3286, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
4367  US_CL_DT = 3287, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4368  US_CLOSE = 3288, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4369  US_HI_TM = 3289, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4370  US_HIGH = 3290, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4371  US_LOW = 3291, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4372  US_LW_TM = 3292, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4373  US_NETCH = 3293, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4374  US_OP_TM = 3294, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4375  US_OPEN = 3295, ///< For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
4376  ASK_SPREAD = 3296, ///< Basis point spread value calculated using the Ask yield.
4377  ASKXID = 3297, ///< Source IDs for Ask Prices. Use same Enum table as TRDXID_1 (FID 44).
4378  BIDXID = 3298, ///< Source IDs for Bid Prices. Use same Enum table as TRDXID_1 (FID 44).
4379  AST_SWPSPD = 3299, ///< Asset Swap Spread.
4380  BEY_ASK = 3300, ///< A calc which converts the Ask yield of a non-treasury instrument into
4381  ///< the equiv Ask yield of a treasury instrument.
4382  BEY_BID = 3301, ///< A calc which converts the Bid yield of a non-treasury instrument into
4383  ///< the equiv Bid yield of a treasury instrument.
4384  BEY_MID = 3302, ///< A calc which converts the Mid yield of a non-treasury instrument into
4385  ///< the equiv Mid yield of a treasury instrument.
4386  BID_SPREAD = 3303, ///< Basis point spread value calculated using the Bid yield.
4387  BMK_SPD = 3304, ///< The spread in basis points between the yield on a bond and it's nearest
4388  ///< benchmark.
4389  BPV = 3305, ///< Change in price with a 1 basis point change in yield.
4390  CAP_DIST = 3306, ///< Capital distribution.
4391  CASHINLIEU = 3307, ///< Cash in lieu of shares.
4392  CLASS_CODE = 3308, ///< Instrument classification.
4393  CLEAN_PRC = 3309, ///< Price excluding accrued interest.
4394  CLOSE_YLD2 = 3310, ///< Second close yield field (associated to HST_CLSYLD) for quotes
4395  ///< involving more than one close yield field.
4396  CLRD_VOL = 3311, ///< Official cleared volume for SSFs.
4397  CNV_CURR = 3312, ///< Convertible currency.
4398  CNV_OPTION = 3313, ///< Convertible option.
4399  CNV_TYPE = 3315, ///< Convertible type.
4400  DIRTY_PRC = 3316, ///< Price including accrued interest.
4401  DISC_RATE = 3317, ///< Discount rate.
4402  DISC_MRGA = 3318, ///< Discount margin A.
4403  DISC_MRGB = 3319, ///< Discount margin B.
4404  DSPLY_NME2 = 3320, ///< Display Name 2.
4405  DY1 = 3321, ///< One day change.
4406  EMAIL_ADRS = 3322, ///< E Mail address.
4407  FOOTNOTE3 = 3323, ///< Footnotes.
4408  FOOTNOTE4 = 3324, ///< Footnotes.
4409  FOOTNOTE5 = 3325, ///< Footnotes.
4410  FRN_FORM = 3326, ///< Floating Rate Note formula.
4411  FRN_IDX_VL = 3327, ///< Floating Rate Note Index value.
4412  FUND_NUM = 3328, ///< Fund index number (US only).
4413  FUND_TYPE = 3329, ///< Fund type.
4414  FUND_UNIV = 3330, ///< Fund universe (asset class).
4415  GEARING = 3331, ///< The share price divided by the warrants price.
4416  GEN_SPREAD = 3332, ///< General purpose spread field.
4417  GN_TX20_21 = 3333, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
4418  GN_TX20_22 = 3334, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
4419  GN_TX20_23 = 3335, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
4420  GN_TX20_24 = 3336, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
4421  GN_TX20_25 = 3337, ///< Twenty-character generic text fields.
4423  3338, ///< Balance. The size difference between Ask and Bid for Japans session trading.
4424  HIGH_YLD2 = 3339, ///< Second High yield field (ass to HIGH_YLD) for quotes involving more
4425  ///< than one High yield field.
4426  INCOME_DIS = 3340, ///< Income distribution, similar to Dividend.
4427  IND_NEWS = 3341, ///< News associated to the industry sector a company/entity belongs to.
4428  ISMA_B_YLD = 3342, ///< ISMA Bid & Ask yields.
4429  ISMA_A_YLD = 3343, ///< ISMA Bid & Ask yields.
4430  ISSUER_DOM = 3344, ///< The country a company/entity originates from.
4431  LAUNCHDATE = 3345, ///< The date on which the Fund launched.
4432  LCAP_GAIN = 3346, ///< Long term capital gain.
4433  LOW_YLD2 = 3347, ///< Second Low yield field (ass to LOW_YLD) for quotes involving more than
4434  ///< one Low yield field.
4435  LT_RETURN = 3348, ///< Long term return.
4436  MID_1 = 3349, ///< Mid-price stack.FIDs.
4437  MID_2 = 3350, ///< Mid-price stack.FIDs.
4438  MID_3 = 3351, ///< Mid-price stack.FIDs.
4439  MID_SPREAD = 3352, ///< Difference in basis point using a mid yield value.
4440  MID_YLD_1 = 3353, ///< Mid Yield stack FIDs.
4441  MID_YLD_2 = 3354, ///< Mid Yield stack FIDs.
4442  MID_YLD_3 = 3355, ///< Mid Yield stack FIDs.
4443  MKTCAP_DTE = 3356, ///< Market capitalization date for an instrument.
4444  MKTCAP_SC = 3357, ///< Market capitalization scaling factor for an instrument. Same
4445  ///< enumerated table as FID 3261.
4446  MM_ASK = 3358, ///< Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
4447  MM_ASKSIZ = 3359, ///< Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
4448  MM_BID = 3360, ///< Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
4449  MM_BIDSIZ = 3361, ///< Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
4450  MONTH_HIGH = 3362, ///< The high & low from the previous month.
4451  MONTH_LOW = 3363, ///< The high & low from the previous month.
4452  MPV = 3364, ///< Minimum price movement - for quotes. Uses same enumeration table as FID 53.
4453  MRGD_RIC = 3365, ///< New RIC for merged companies.
4454  MSG_VER = 3366, ///< IP feed message version.
4455  MTG_A_YLD = 3367, ///< Yields for Mortgage securities.
4456  MTG_B_YLD = 3368, ///< Yields for Mortgage securities.
4457  MTG_M_YLD = 3369, ///< Yields for Mortgage securities.
4458  NUM_SHARES = 3370, ///< Number of shares for a merger or spinoff.
4459  NXT_CPNDUR = 3371, ///< Next coupon duration.
4460  OFF_CLOSE = 3372, ///< The official closing price from Exchange.
4461  OPEN_YLD2 = 3373, ///< Second Open yield field (ass to OPEN_YLD) for quotes involving more
4462  ///< than one open yield field.
4463  OPTION_XD2 = 3374, ///< Alternate field to FID 340.
4464  OTH_CAP_GN = 3375, ///< Other capital gains.
4465  PAR_AMT = 3376, ///< Par Amount.
4466  PAR_VALUE = 3377, ///< Par value.
4467  PCTCHG_3M = 3378, ///< Percentage change over various periods.
4468  PCTCHG_6M = 3379, ///< Percentage change over various periods.
4469  PCTCHG_MTD = 3380, ///< Percentage change over various periods.
4470  PCTCHG_YTD = 3381, ///< Percentage change over various periods.
4471  PCTCHG_TRT = 3382, ///< Percentage change total return.
4472  PCTCHG_INC = 3383, ///< Percentage change increase?.
4474  3384, ///< Premium multiplier (scaling) to provide the total price of the position.
4476  3385, ///< The projected prepayment rate for a particular mortgage issue (months).
4477  QUOTE_DATE = 3386, ///< Date of last quote.
4478  RANK = 3387, ///< Text field ranking the type of debt (i.e. Sr., Subordinate, etc...).
4479  REC_DATE = 3388, ///< Record date.
4480  REF_ASSET = 3389, ///< The actual underlying asset or instrument a rate or spread is being
4481  ///< quoted against.
4482  RETURN_CAP = 3390, ///< Return on capital.
4483  RISK_FREE = 3391, ///< Risk Free rate.
4484  RTN_PRICE = 3392, ///< Rate of return price.
4485  SCAP_GAIN = 3393, ///< Short term capital gain.
4486  STAND_PRC = 3394, ///< Standard Price. Given by Tokyo Commodity Exchange.
4487  TERM = 3395, ///< Term to maturity of a quoted CDS (Credit Default Swaps).
4488  THEO_PRC = 3396, ///< Theoretical price FID. Not stack.
4489  THEO_PRC1 = 3397, ///< Theoretical price FID. Not stack.
4490  TICKER = 3398, ///< The ticker associated with a bond issue.
4491  TRDVOL_2 = 3399, ///< Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
4492  TRDVOL_3 = 3400, ///< Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
4493  TRDVOL_4 = 3401, ///< Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
4494  TRDVOL_5 = 3402, ///< Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
4495  UNALOC_DST = 3403, ///< Unallocated distribution.
4496  VWAP = 3404, ///< Volume Weighted Average Price.
4497  WAL = 3405, ///< The weighted average time to principal repayment displayed in months.
4498  WAM = 3406, ///< The weighted average time to maturity displayed in months.
4499  WEB_ADRS = 3407, ///< World Wide Web address.
4500  WEEK_HIGH = 3408, ///< The high and low from the previous calendar week.
4501  WEEK_LOW = 3409, ///< The high and low from the previous calendar week.
4502  WRAP_PRICE = 3410, ///< Price to purchase units of a trust held in an account managed by an
4503  ///< institution for a fee.
4504  WK1 = 3411, ///< Return over different timescales.
4505  WK4 = 3412, ///< Return over different timescales.
4506  WK13 = 3413, ///< Return over different timescales.
4507  WK26 = 3414, ///< Return over different timescales.
4508  WK39 = 3415, ///< Return over different timescales.
4509  YR1 = 3416, ///< Return over different timescales.
4510  YR2 = 3417, ///< Return over different timescales.
4511  YR3 = 3418, ///< Return over different timescales.
4512  YR5 = 3419, ///< Return over different timescales.
4513  YR10 = 3420, ///< Return over different timescales.
4514  YTD = 3421, ///< Year to date.
4515  PROV_SYMB = 3422, ///< Original symbol of tradable entity provided by exchange/contributor.
4517  3423, ///< Numerical value indicating the rule used to rank an order in an orderbook.
4518  NO_L2_ROWS = 3424, ///< Number of aggregated price levels in consolidated order book.
4519  OR_RNK_RUL = 3425, ///< Order details.
4520  ORDER_ID = 3426, ///< Order details.
4521  ORDER_PRC = 3427, ///< Order details.
4522  ORDER_SIDE = 3428, ///< Order details.
4523  ORDER_SIZE = 3429, ///< Order details.
4524  NO_ORD = 3430, ///< Order details.
4525  LOT_SIZE2 = 3431, ///< Intended as a companion field to LOT_SIZE_A, when an option has
4526  ///< shares of a second stock deliverable.
4527  MULTIPLIER = 3432, ///< Trade price adjustor that is used to calculate extended premium
4528  ///< values for options trading.
4529  STOCK_RIC2 = 3433, ///< Intended as a companion field to STOCK_RIC, when an option has a
4530  ///< second stock deliverable.
4531  PROV_SCHEM = 3434, ///< Provider symbol.
4532  MMID = 3435, ///< A six character market maker identifier.
4533  ASK_IV = 3436, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See fields
4534  ///< #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4535  BID_IV = 3437, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See fields
4536  ///< #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4537  CLOSE_IV = 3438, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See fields
4538  ///< #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4539  _30D_A_IV_C = 3439, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4540  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4541  _30D_A_IV_P = 3440, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4542  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4543  _30D_ATM_IV = 3441, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4544  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4545  _60D_A_IV_C = 3442, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4546  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4547  _60D_A_IV_P = 3443, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4548  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4549  _60D_ATM_IV = 3444, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4550  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4551  _90D_A_IV_C = 3445, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4552  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4553  _90D_A_IV_P = 3446, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4554  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4555  _90D_ATM_IV = 3447, ///< Redundant Implied volatility fields (incorrectly defined). See
4556  ///< fields #4314 - 4326 for replacements.
4557  _52W_HDAT = 3448, ///< Rolling 52 weeks High Price date.
4558  _52W_HIND = 3449, ///< Rolling 52 weeks High Price break indicator.
4559  _52W_LDAT = 3450, ///< Rolling 52 weeks Low Price date.
4560  _52W_LIND = 3451, ///< Rolling 52 weeks Low Price break indicator.
4561  PRV_52WHI = 3452, ///< Previous rolling 52 weeks High Price.
4562  P52WHI_DAT = 3453, ///< Previous rolling 52 weeks High Price date.
4563  PRV_52WLO = 3454, ///< Previous rolling 52 weeks Low Price.
4564  P52WLO_DAT = 3455, ///< Previous rolling 52 weeks Low Price date.
4565  ACC_ASIZ1 = 3456, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4566  ACC_ASIZ2 = 3457, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4567  ACC_ASIZ3 = 3458, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4568  ACC_ASIZ4 = 3459, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4569  ACC_ASIZ5 = 3460, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4570  ACC_ASIZ6 = 3461, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4571  ACC_ASIZ7 = 3462, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4572  ACC_ASIZ8 = 3463, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4573  ACC_ASIZ9 = 3464, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4574  ACC_ASIZ10 = 3465, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4575  ACC_ASIZ11 = 3466, ///< Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
4576  ACC_BSIZ1 = 3467, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4577  ACC_BSIZ2 = 3468, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4578  ACC_BSIZ3 = 3469, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4579  ACC_BSIZ4 = 3470, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4580  ACC_BSIZ5 = 3471, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4581  ACC_BSIZ6 = 3472, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4582  ACC_BSIZ7 = 3473, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4583  ACC_BSIZ8 = 3474, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4584  ACC_BSIZ9 = 3475, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4585  ACC_BSIZ10 = 3476, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4586  ACC_BSIZ11 = 3477, ///< Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
4587  ASK_1_FLAG = 3478, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4588  ASK_2_FLAG = 3479, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4589  ASK_3_FLAG = 3480, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4590  ASK_4_FLAG = 3481, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4591  ASK_5_FLAG = 3482, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4592  ASK_6_FLAG = 3483, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4593  ASK_7_FLAG = 3484, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4594  ASK_8_FLAG = 3485, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4595  ASK_9_FLAG = 3486, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4596  ASK10_FLAG = 3487, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4597  ASK11_FLAG = 3488, ///< Qualifier of Ask 1 - 11.
4598  BID_1_FLAG = 3489, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4599  BID_2_FLAG = 3490, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4600  BID_3_FLAG = 3491, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4601  BID_4_FLAG = 3492, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4602  BID_5_FLAG = 3493, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4603  BID_6_FLAG = 3494, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4604  BID_7_FLAG = 3495, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4605  BID_8_FLAG = 3496, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4606  BID_9_FLAG = 3497, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4607  BID10_FLAG = 3498, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4608  BID11_FLAG = 3499, ///< Qualifier of Bid 1 - 11.
4610  3500, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4612  3501, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4614  3502, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4616  3503, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4618  3504, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4620  3505, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4622  3506, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4624  3507, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4626  3508, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4628  3509, ///< Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
4629  BEST_ASK11 = 3510, ///< Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to
4630  ///< collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers
4631  ///< with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
4632  BEST_BID11 = 3511, ///< Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to
4633  ///< collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers
4634  ///< with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.
4635  ASK_HIGH_1 = 3512, ///< Highest value of recorded ask orders.
4636  ASK_HI_TME = 3513, ///< Time of today's highest ask price.
4637  ASK_LOW_1 = 3514, ///< Lowest value of recorded ask orders.
4638  ASK_LO_TME = 3515, ///< Time of today's low ask price.
4639  ASK_TIME1 = 3516, ///< Best Ask 1 Time.
4640  BID_TIME1 = 3517, ///< Best Bid 1 Time.
4641  ASK_SZ_DIS = 3518, ///< Volume of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
4642  ASK_SZ_TOT = 3519, ///< Total volume of all ask orders (full depth).
4643  BID_SZ_DIS = 3520, ///< Volume of bid orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
4644  BID_SZ_TOT = 3521, ///< Total volume of all bid orders (full depth).
4645  ASK_MMID4 = 3522, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4646  ASK_MMID5 = 3523, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4647  ASK_MMID6 = 3524, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4648  ASK_MMID7 = 3525, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4649  ASK_MMID8 = 3526, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4650  ASK_MMID9 = 3527, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4651  ASK_MMID10 = 3528, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
4652  BID_MMID4 = 3529, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4653  BID_MMID5 = 3530, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4654  BID_MMID6 = 3531, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4655  BID_MMID7 = 3532, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4656  BID_MMID8 = 3533, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4657  BID_MMID9 = 3534, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4658  BID_MMID10 = 3535, ///< 4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
4659  ASK_SUPP1 = 3536, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4660  ASK_SUPP2 = 3537, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4661  ASK_SUPP3 = 3538, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4662  ASK_SUPP4 = 3539, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4663  ASK_SUPP5 = 3540, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4664  ASK_SUPP6 = 3541, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4665  ASK_SUPP7 = 3542, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4666  ASK_SUPP8 = 3543, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4667  ASK_SUPP9 = 3544, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4668  ASK_SUPP10 = 3545, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
4669  BID_SUPP1 = 3546, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4670  BID_SUPP2 = 3547, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4671  BID_SUPP3 = 3548, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4672  BID_SUPP4 = 3549, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4673  BID_SUPP5 = 3550, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4674  BID_SUPP6 = 3551, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4675  BID_SUPP7 = 3552, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4676  BID_SUPP8 = 3553, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4677  BID_SUPP9 = 3554, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4678  BID_SUPP10 = 3555, ///< Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
4679  _1ST_SH_CPN = 3556, ///< First short coupon.
4680  ACCRD_INT = 3557, ///< Accrued interest.
4681  ACVOL_TIM1 = 3558, ///< Accumulated volume time.
4682  ADJ_PRC_ER = 3559, ///< Adjusted price considering ex right.
4683  ADJ_TN_PRC = 3560, ///< Adjusted tone price.
4684  ADJTN_CLFL = 3561, ///< Adjusted tone classification flag.
4685  ADM_FLAG = 3562, ///< Post Flag.
4686  AM_ACC_PRC = 3563, ///< AM accumulated price.
4687  AM_CLS = 3564, ///< AM Session Close.
4688  AM_CLS_FLG = 3565, ///< Flag of AM close.
4689  AM_TNOV = 3566, ///< Turnover for AM Session.
4690  ASIZ_MKTOD = 3567, ///< Ask size of market order.
4691  BSIZ_MKTOD = 3568, ///< Bid size of market order.
4692  ASK_NZERO = 3569, ///< Non-zero value in Ask.
4693  BID_NZERO = 3570, ///< Non-zero value in Bid.
4694  ASTSWPSD_A = 3571, ///< Asset Swap Spread Ask.
4695  ASTSWPSD_B = 3572, ///< Asset Swap Spread Bid.
4696  ATNOVER_SC = 3573, ///< Accumulated Volume scaling factor.
4697  ATTN_ATIM1 = 3574, ///< For Equities and FI instruments used in Asian trading day.
4698  ATTN_BTIM1 = 3575, ///< For Equities and FI instruments used in Asian trading day.
4699  AUCTIONPRC = 3576, ///< Auction Price.
4700  AUCTIONVOL = 3577, ///< Total quantity traded in the Auction.
4701  BARRIER_DN = 3578, ///< Lower Barrier Limit.
4702  BARRIER_UP = 3579, ///< Upper Barrier Limit.
4703  BID_ASK_DT = 3580, ///< For Equities and FI instruments globally.
4704  BOLL_DOWN = 3581, ///< Lower band limit value for a Bollinger indicator analytic.
4705  BOLL_UP = 3582, ///< Upper band limit value for a Bollinger indicator analytic.
4706  C_CNTR_TIM = 3583, ///< Large lot cross trade time.
4707  CB_ID_CD = 3584, ///< CB Identification Codes.
4708  CB_ID_CD1 = 3585, ///< CB Identification Codes.
4709  CB_ID_CD2 = 3586, ///< CB Identification Codes.
4710  CB_ID_CD3 = 3587, ///< CB Identification Codes.
4711  CB_ID_CD4 = 3588, ///< CB Identification Codes.
4712  CB_STT_FLG = 3589, ///< CB State Flag.
4713  CCL_PRC = 3590, ///< Last price for calculation (non-zero value).
4714  CCY_NAME = 3591, ///< Name of currency in which the instrument is denominated.
4715  CLS_INFO1 = 3592, ///< Close Info for single issue trade.
4716  CLS_INFO2 = 3593, ///< Close Info for fixed trade.
4717  CLS_YLD = 3594, ///< Last day's closing yield.
4718  CNCRTD_DT = 3595, ///< Concerted date.
4719  CNV_RTO_DT = 3596, ///< Date of the conversion ratio.
4721  3597, ///< Control Price - price that guides the automatic management of negotiations.
4722  CRSTRD_PRC = 3598, ///< Cross trade price.
4723  CRSTRD_SIZ = 3599, ///< For Equities and FI instruments used in Asian trading day.
4724  DERV_CHN = 3600, ///< Derivative Chain.
4725  DIVIDEND_1 = 3601, ///< Interim Dividend.
4726  DIVIDEND_2 = 3602, ///< Final Dividend.
4727  DIVIDEND_3 = 3603, ///< Special Dividend.
4728  DOM_CHN = 3604, ///< DOM Chain.
4729  DPS_DATE_1 = 3605, ///< Dividend Pay date of Interim Dividend.
4730  DPS_DATE_2 = 3606, ///< Dividend Pay date of Final Dividend.
4731  DPS_DATE_3 = 3607, ///< Dividend Pay date of Special Dividend.
4732  DVDND_IDX = 3608, ///< Dividend for Calculation of Indices.
4733  ELPSD_DAYS = 3609, ///< Elapsed Days.
4734  ER_RDM_AMT = 3610, ///< Early redemption amount.
4735  ER_RDM_DAT = 3611, ///< Early redemption date.
4736  ERR_CNL_TM = 3612, ///< Error cancellation time.
4737  ERROR_TIM1 = 3613, ///< Error Time.
4738  EXPORT = 3614, ///< Statistic export volume or percentage.
4739  EXR_FLG = 3615, ///< Ex-right Flag.
4740  EXR_FRN_HM = 3616, ///< Ex-right foreign Home Market.
4741  FIX_DATE = 3617, ///< Date on which trade fixes against a reference rate.
4742  FNL_TN_PRC = 3618, ///< Final closing price.
4743  GDIVID_YLD = 3619, ///< Gross Dividend Yield.
4744  GS_NT_DSTN = 3620, ///< Gross/net distinction.
4745  HIGH_2 = 3621, ///< Today's 2nd highest trade.
4746  HIGH_3 = 3622, ///< Today's 3rd highest trade.
4747  HIGH_4 = 3623, ///< Today's 4th highest trade.
4748  HIGH_5 = 3624, ///< Today's 5th highest trade.
4749  HIGH_TIME2 = 3625, ///< Time of today's 2nd highest trade.
4750  HIGH_TIME3 = 3626, ///< Time of today's 3rd highest trade.
4751  HIGH_TIME4 = 3627, ///< Time of today's 4th highest trade.
4752  HIGH_TIME5 = 3628, ///< Time of today's 5th highest trade.
4753  LOW_2 = 3629, ///< Today's 2nd lowest trade.
4754  LOW_3 = 3630, ///< Today's 3rd lowest trade.
4755  LOW_4 = 3631, ///< Today's 4th lowest trade.
4756  LOW_5 = 3632, ///< Today's 5th lowest trade.
4757  LOW_TIME2 = 3633, ///< Time of today's 2nd lowest trade.
4758  LOW_TIME3 = 3634, ///< Time of today's 3rd lowest trade.
4759  LOW_TIME4 = 3635, ///< Time of today's 4th lowest trade.
4760  LOW_TIME5 = 3636, ///< Time of today's 5th lowest trade.
4761  HL_FLUCT = 3637, ///< Today's High Price and Low Price fluctuation.
4762  HL_PCT_FL = 3638, ///< Today's High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentage.
4764  3639, ///< Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
4766  3640, ///< Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
4768  3641, ///< Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
4770  3642, ///< Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
4772  3643, ///< Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
4773  HM_STATUS = 3644, ///< Status of Home market.
4774  HOLD_RTO = 3645, ///< Hold Ratio.
4775  HOLD_VOL = 3646, ///< Hold Volume.
4776  HOME_MKT = 3647, ///< Home market price.
4777  HST_DIVID = 3648, ///< Historical Dividend.
4778  IBES_PAGE = 3649, ///< IBES Page Code.
4779  IMPORT = 3650, ///< Statistic import volume or pecentage.
4780  INPUT = 3651, ///< Statistic input volume.
4781  INST_DESC = 3652, ///< Explanation of the instrument.
4782  INVEST_RTO = 3653, ///< Remain Invest Ratio.
4783  INVEST_VOL = 3654, ///< Remain Invest Volume.
4784  ISIN_CODE = 3655, ///< International Security Identification Number.
4785  ISS_REF = 3656, ///< Issue Reference.
4786  ISSUE_CODE = 3657, ///< Issue code.
4787  ITA_STATUS = 3658, ///< ITA status.
4788  L_ASK_SIZE = 3659, ///< Large lot ask size.
4789  LASK_ODTIM = 3660, ///< Large lot ask time.
4790  L_BID_SIZE = 3661, ///< Large lot bid size.
4791  LBID_ODTIM = 3662, ///< Large lot bid time.
4792  L_C_SIZMMB = 3663, ///< Large cross size of the members.
4793  L_CNTR_SIZ = 3664, ///< Large contracted size.
4794  L_C_CNTRP = 3665, ///< Large cross contracted price.
4795  L_CNTR_PRC = 3666, ///< Large contracted price.
4796  L_LOT_PRC = 3667, ///< Large lot price.
4797  LCL_CRRNCY = 3668, ///< Value in Local Currency.
4798  LG_STP_RTO = 3669, ///< Buy or Long Stop Margin Ratio.
4799  LIFE_HIND = 3670, ///< Life High Price break Indicator.
4800  LIFE_LIND = 3671, ///< Life Low Price break Indicator.
4801  LST_CCL_DT = 3672, ///< Date for HST CLOSE 2 (#963).
4802  LST_SH_CPN = 3673, ///< Last short coupon.
4803  LST_TRD_IV = 3674, ///< Last Implied Volatility.
4804  LST_TRD_PR = 3675, ///< Latest Last Traded Price.
4805  LT_CL_DATE = 3676, ///< Date of Latest Closing Price.
4806  LT_CLS_PRC = 3677, ///< Latest Closing Price.
4807  MA5 = 3678, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4808  MA10 = 3679, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4809  MA30 = 3680, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4810  MA60 = 3681, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4811  MA90 = 3682, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4812  MA100 = 3683, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4813  MA200 = 3684, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4814  MA300 = 3685, ///< Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
4815  MARKET_ID = 3686, ///< Market Identification.
4816  MAT_AMT = 3687, ///< Maturity Amount.
4817  MC_CCL_DT = 3688, ///< Calculation date of Market Cap.
4818  MD_PRC_ITA = 3689, ///< Middle price of ITA.
4819  MKTSH_TURN = 3690, ///< Mkt Shortselling Total Turnover.
4820  MKTSH_VOL = 3691, ///< Mkt Shortselling Total Volume.
4821  MM_ATIM = 3692, ///< MM Ask Time.
4822  MM_BTIM = 3693, ///< MM Bid Time.
4823  MNEMONIC = 3694, ///< Contains an alphanumeric stock or (street) ticker symbol used as a
4824  ///< mnemonic to identify publicly traded shares of a corporation on a
4825  ///< particular execution venue.
4826  MTD = 3695, ///< Price change in current calendar month.
4827  NAV = 3696, ///< Net Asset Value of Funds data.
4828  NAV_1 = 3697, ///< Net Assets Value for Fund_1.
4829  NAV_2 = 3698, ///< Net Assets Value for Fund_2.
4830  NETBUY_VOL = 3699, ///< Net Buy volume.
4831  NETCHG_1W = 3700, ///< Net change between the latest value and 1 week ago value.
4832  NETCHG_2W = 3701, ///< Netchange from 2 weeks.
4833  NETCHG_1M = 3702, ///< Net change between the latest value and 1 month ago value.
4834  NETCHG_3M = 3703, ///< Net change between the latest value and 3 month ago value.
4835  NETCHG_6M = 3704, ///< Net change between the latest value and 6 month ago value.
4836  NETCHG_1Y = 3705, ///< Net change between the latest value and 1 year ago value.
4837  NEWS_TIME1 = 3706, ///< Time of generation of news item whose page code is given by NEWS.
4838  NO_ASKMK11 = 3707, ///< Number of ask order (Base).
4839  NO_BIDMK11 = 3708, ///< Number of bid order (Base).
4840  NZERO_VL = 3709, ///< Last price for calculation (non-zero value).
4841  NZERO_VL50 = 3710, ///< Non-zero Value (50-yen Par value).
4842  OAS_ASK = 3711, ///< Option Adjusted Spread Ask.
4843  OAS_BID = 3712, ///< Option Adjusted Spread Bid.
4844  OM_ASK = 3713, ///< On market ASK price.
4845  OM_ASKSIZE = 3714, ///< On market ASK SIZE.
4846  OM_BID = 3715, ///< On market BID price.
4847  OM_BIDSIZE = 3716, ///< On market BID SIZE.
4848  OM_TOTVOL = 3717, ///< On market total volume.
4849  OM_TRDDATE = 3718, ///< On market trade date.
4850  OPEN_TIME1 = 3719, ///< Time at which the opening value held in the fields OPEN_PRC/
4851  ///< OPEN_PRC2 was made.
4852  OPN_PCTCHG = 3720, ///< Open Price Netchange calculation from previous day.
4853  OT_ISS_TYP = 3721, ///< Other Issue type.
4854  OUTPUT = 3722, ///< Statistic output/production volume.
4855  PAR_STK_FG = 3723, ///< Price Flag of Parent Stock (CB only).
4856  PARENT_STK = 3724, ///< Latest Price of Parent Stock (CB only).
4857  PCT_LIQUID = 3725, ///< Percent Liquidation.
4858  PCTCHG_10D = 3726, ///< Trade Price percentage change calculation against 10th previous day.
4859  PCTCHG_5D = 3727, ///< Trade Price percentage change calculation against 5th previous day.
4860  PMTH_HCLOS = 3728, ///< Trade Price Netchange calcuation against previous month.
4861  PQRT_HCLOS = 3729, ///< Trade Price Netchange calcuation against previous quarter.
4862  PRCTIM1_1 = 3730, ///< Five rippled trade-price time fields.
4863  PRCTIM1_2 = 3731, ///< Five rippled trade-price time fields.
4864  PRCTIM1_3 = 3732, ///< Five rippled trade-price time fields.
4865  PRCTIM1_4 = 3733, ///< Five rippled trade-price time fields.
4866  PRCTIM1_5 = 3734, ///< Five rippled trade-price time fields.
4867  PREOPN_VOL = 3735, ///< Open Volume amount during pre-market period.
4868  PREV_LAST = 3736, ///< Last traded price of the previous day.
4869  PRTY_TIME = 3737, ///< Time for Parity.
4870  PU_OFR_PRC = 3738, ///< Public Offering price.
4871  QUT_UNIT = 3739, ///< Quantity Unit.
4872  REL_SPEEDG = 3740, ///< Link to a related speed guide.
4873  REPORT_PRC = 3741, ///< Report Price.
4874  RMN_DYS = 3742, ///< Remaining Days.
4875  RMN_DYS_T = 3743, ///< Remaining Days (based on T+0).
4876  RMN_YRS = 3744, ///< Remaining Years.
4877  RMN_YRS_T = 3745, ///< Remaining Years (based on T+0).
4878  ROA = 3746, ///< Return on Assets.
4879  RSI_7 = 3747, ///< 7 events relative strength indicator value.
4880  RSI_14 = 3748, ///< 14 events relative strength indicator value.
4881  RSI_30 = 3749, ///< 30 events relative strength indicator value.
4882  RTR_OPN_PR = 3750, ///< For Equities instruments used globally.
4883  SA_IPO_ID = 3751, ///< Supervision,Adjustment post/IPO ID.
4884  SCALE1_CD = 3752, ///< Scale code of the issue indicating which Size-based TOPIX Sub-index.
4886  3753, ///< Scale code of the issue indicating which index of TOPIX New Index Series.
4887  SCALING = 3754, ///< Multiplier or divisor applied to price.
4888  SEC_CHN = 3755, ///< Sector Chain.
4889  SEDOL = 3756, ///< SEDOL code.
4890  SESS1_REF = 3757, ///< For Equities instruments used in European trading day.
4892  3758, ///< The time at which the value in SESS1_OPEN was set reported by the TSE.
4894  3759, ///< The time at which the value in SESS1_CLS was set. Reported by the TSE.
4896  3760, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION1HI was set reported by the TSE.
4898  3761, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION1LO was set reported by the TSE.
4900  3762, ///< The time at which the value in SESS1_VOL was set. Reported by the TSE.
4901  SESS1_LAST = 3763, ///< Last Trade Price for the day session.
4903  3764, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION2HI was set. Reported by the TSE.
4905  3765, ///< The time at which the value in SESSION2LO was set. Reported by the TSE.
4907  3766, ///< The time at which the value in SESS2_OPEN was set. Reported by the TSE.
4908  SESS_VWAP1 = 3767, ///< Session VWAP for single issue trade.
4909  SESS_VWAP2 = 3768, ///< Session VWAP for fixed trade.
4910  SH_STP_RTO = 3769, ///< Short Stop Margin ratio.
4911  SHORT_LMT = 3770, ///< Shortsell limit.
4912  SHORT_TURN = 3771, ///< Shortsell turnover.
4913  SHORT_VOL = 3772, ///< Shortsell volume.
4914  SHORTSELL = 3773, ///< For Equities instruments used in Asian trading day.
4915  SHOTLM_PCT = 3774, ///< Short limit in percentage.
4916  SHRS_IDX = 3775, ///< Number of Listed Shares for Calculation of Indices.
4917  SIMP_MGN_A = 3776, ///< Simple Margin Bid.
4918  SIMP_MGN_B = 3777, ///< Simple Margin Ask.
4919  SL_ACTTIM1 = 3778, ///< Small lots latest activity time.
4920  SLOT_ATIM1 = 3779, ///< The time when the value in FID 919 was reported.
4921  SLOT_BTIM1 = 3780, ///< The time when the value in FID 918 was reported.
4922  SLOT_TTIM1 = 3781, ///< The time when the value in FID 912 was reported.
4924  3782, ///< The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
4926  3783, ///< The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
4927  SMARGIN_RO = 3784, ///< Short Margin Ratio.
4928  SPLL_HTIM1 = 3785, ///< The time when the value in FID 924 was reported.
4929  SPLL_LTIM1 = 3786, ///< The time when the value in FID 925 was reported.
4930  SPREAD_4 = 3787, ///< Price differential between a given tenor and the identical instrument
4931  ///< of 30 year maturity.
4932  SPRD_4_REF = 3788, ///< Label for above field.
4933  SPREAD_5 = 3789, ///< Price differential between a given tenor and the identical instrument
4934  ///< of 50 year maturity.
4935  SPRD_5_REF = 3790, ///< Label for above field.
4936  START_DT = 3791, ///< Start date of contract or deal period.
4937  STOCK = 3792, ///< Physical statistic stock volume or percentage.
4938  STRIKE_PR2 = 3793, ///< Second strike reference rate for options.
4939  SWP_SPRD1 = 3794, ///< Price differential between a given tenor and the Treasury benchmark
4940  ///< for the same tenor.
4941  SWP_STYLE = 3795, ///< Interest basis and floating rate index.
4942  TDY_BS_PRC = 3796, ///< Today's Base Price.
4943  THRTCL_PRC = 3797, ///< Theoretical price.
4944  TIMACT1 = 3798, ///< Time when the head-end updated a certain field or fields in the record.
4945  ///< Which field depends on the instrument.
4946  TK_LNK_PG = 3799, ///< Special Background <xxxx. TK1>.
4947  TMR_BS_PRC = 3800, ///< Tomorrow's Base Price.
4948  TNOV_TIME = 3801, ///< Turnover time.
4949  TRD_TNOV = 3802, ///< Traded value.
4950  TRD_TYP_HM = 3803, ///< Trading type flag in Home market.
4951  TRDTIM1_1 = 3804, ///< Time of the value in the TRDPRC_1.
4952  TRDTIM1_2 = 3805, ///< Time of TRDPRC_2.
4953  TRDTIM1_3 = 3806, ///< Time of TRDPRC_3.
4954  TRDTIM1_4 = 3807, ///< Time of TRDPRC_4.
4955  TRDTIM1_5 = 3808, ///< Time of TRDPRC_5.
4956  TRDTONEC_1 = 3809, ///< On market trade flags 1 - 5.
4957  TRDTONEC_2 = 3810, ///< On market trade flags 1 - 5.
4958  TRDTONEC_3 = 3811, ///< On market trade flags 1 - 5.
4959  TRDTONEC_4 = 3812, ///< On market trade flags 1 - 5.
4960  TRDTONEC_5 = 3813, ///< On market trade flags 1 - 5.
4961  UNDERLYING = 3814, ///< Underlying RIC.
4962  LOLIMIT_2 = 3815, ///< The second level lower trading limit for today's trading.
4963  UPLIMIT_2 = 3816, ///< The second level upper trading limit for today's trading.
4964  VALUE1_TM1 = 3817, ///< Base Price calculated times.
4965  VALUE1_TM2 = 3818, ///< Base Price calculated times.
4966  VALUE1_TM3 = 3819, ///< Base Price calculated times.
4967  VALUE1_TM4 = 3820, ///< Base Price calculated times.
4968  VALUE1_TM5 = 3821, ///< Base Price calculated times.
4969  VL_CLSS_FG = 3822, ///< Trade value classification.
4970  VMA_5D = 3823, ///< 5 days moving average volume.
4971  VMA_30D = 3824, ///< 30 days moving average volume.
4972  VMA_60D = 3825, ///< 60 days moving average volume.
4973  VMA_90D = 3826, ///< 90 days moving average volume.
4975  3827, ///< Transactional volume of the trade price reported in TRDPRC_1. With decimals.
4976  VWAP_AM = 3828, ///< VWAP in AM Session.
4977  VWAP_PM = 3829, ///< VWAP in PM Session.
4978  VWAP1 = 3830, ///< VWAP for one single issue trade.
4979  VWAP2 = 3831, ///< VWAP for one fixed trade.
4980  WKHI_DT = 3832, ///< Date of high trade for calendar week.
4981  WKLO_DT = 3833, ///< Date of low trade for calendar week.
4982  MTHHI_DT = 3834, ///< Date of high trade for calendar month.
4983  MTHLO_DT = 3835, ///< Date of low trade for calendar month.
4984  YLD_ADJTNP = 3836, ///< Yield to maturity for FID366.
4985  YLD_BS = 3837, ///< Yield to maturity for FID364.
4986  PV01 = 3838, ///< Impact on the Swap by change of 1 Basis Point.
4987  MKOASK_VOL = 3839, ///< Total size of the Market Orders on the Ask side of the book.
4988  MKOBID_VOL = 3840, ///< Total size of the Market Orders on the Bid side of the book.
4990  3841, ///< Code that defines the sector of the instrument within the market segment.
4991  MKT_SEGMNT = 3842, ///< The Market Segment code in which an instrument trades.
4992  NO_ASK_DIS = 3843, ///< Number of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
4993  NO_ASK_TOT = 3844, ///< Total number of ask orders displayed (full depth).
4994  NO_BID_DIS = 3845, ///< Number of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
4995  NO_BID_TOT = 3846, ///< Total number of bid orders displayed (full depth).
4996  NUM_MKOASK = 3847, ///< Total number of Market Orders on the Ask side of the book.
4997  NUM_MKOBID = 3848, ///< Total number of Market Orders on the Bid side of the book.
4999  3849, ///< Percentage of Ask Orders shown on the Ask side of the aggregated book.
5001  3850, ///< Percentage of Bid Orders shown on the Bid side of the aggregated book.
5002  PD_CDE_TIM = 3851, ///< Start Time of the Current Period for the market segment.
5003  PERIOD_CDE = 3852, ///< Code that defines the current trading period for the market segment.
5004  TRDTIM_MS = 3853, ///< Time of regular trades in milliseconds.
5005  SALTIM_MS = 3854, ///< Time of all trades in milliseconds.
5006  QUOTIM_MS = 3855, ///< Time of quote in milliseconds.
5007  TIMCOR_MS = 3856, ///< Time of correction in milliseconds.
5009  3857, ///< Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
5011  3858, ///< Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
5013  3859, ///< Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
5015  3860, ///< Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
5016  BLK_PRC1 = 3861, ///< Block price.
5017  AUC_BIDSIZ = 3862, ///< Auction Bid and Closing Bid size.
5018  CLS_BIDSIZ = 3863, ///< Auction Bid and Closing Bid size.
5019  AUC_ASKSIZ = 3864, ///< Auction Ask and Closing Ask size.
5020  CLS_ASKSIZ = 3865, ///< Auction Ask and Closing Ask size.
5021  AUC_BID = 3866, ///< Auction Bid and Ask price.
5022  AUC_ASK = 3867, ///< Auction Bid and Ask price.
5023  OPN_AUC = 3868, ///< Opening, Intraday and Closing auction prices.
5024  INT_AUC = 3869, ///< Opening, Intraday and Closing auction prices.
5025  CLS_AUC = 3870, ///< Opening, Intraday and Closing auction prices.
5026  OPN_AUCVOL = 3871, ///< Opening, Intraday and Closing auction volumes.
5027  INT_AUCVOL = 3872, ///< Opening, Intraday and Closing auction volumes.
5028  CLS_AUCVOL = 3873, ///< Opening, Intraday and Closing auction volumes.
5029  ORDBK_VWAP = 3874, ///< Orderbook (on mkt) VWAP.
5030  ORDBK_VOL = 3875, ///< Orderbook traded volume.
5031  OFFBK_VOL = 3876, ///< Off book volume.
5032  MKT_OPEN = 3877, ///< Market Open, Low and High.
5033  MKT_LOW = 3878, ///< Market Open, Low and High.
5034  MKT_HIGH = 3879, ///< Market Open, Low and High.
5035  PDTRDPRC = 3880, ///< Previous day trade price, trade volume and trade date (for prices
5036  ///< reported more than 1 day after they were transacted).
5037  PREDAYVOL = 3881, ///< Previous day trade price, trade volume and trade date (for prices
5038  ///< reported more than 1 day after they were transacted).
5039  PDTRDDATE = 3882, ///< Previous day trade price, trade volume and trade date (for prices
5040  ///< reported more than 1 day after they were transacted).
5041  TIME_VALID = 3883, ///< Time and Date that the order on the order book expires.
5042  DATE_VALID = 3884, ///< Time and Date that the order on the order book expires.
5043  ORDBK_TRD = 3885, ///< Orderbook (on market) trades.
5044  ORDER_TONE = 3886, ///< Market status on order book.
5045  SEQNUM_QT = 3887, ///< Quote Sequence Number.
5046  FIN_STATUS = 3888, ///< Financial Status Indicator.
5047  LS_SUBIND = 3889, ///< SubMarket Indicator (associated with last trade).
5048  IRG_SUBIND = 3890, ///< Submarket indicator (associated with irg price).
5049  IEP_PRICE = 3891, ///< Indicative equilibrium price and volume.
5050  IEP_VOLUME = 3892, ///< Indicative equilibrium price and volume.
5051  LQP_BID = 3893, ///< Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
5052  LQP_ASK = 3894, ///< Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
5053  LQP_BIDSIZ = 3895, ///< Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
5054  LQP_ASKSIZ = 3896, ///< Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
5055  WTD_AVE1SZ = 3897, ///< Size of prices in FIDs 953 and 954.
5056  WTD_AVE2SZ = 3898, ///< Size of prices in FIDs 953 and 954.
5057  TICK_VALUE = 3899, ///< Cash value of 1 tick.
5058  TRADE_ID = 3900, ///< Unique trade identification.
5059  CPU_FREQ = 3901, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5060  TIM_TRK_1 = 3902, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5061  TIM_TRK_2 = 3903, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5062  TIM_TRK_3 = 3904, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5063  TIM_TRK_4 = 3905, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5064  TIM_TRK_5 = 3906, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5065  TIM_TRK_6 = 3907, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5066  TIM_TRK_7 = 3908, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5067  TIM_TRK_8 = 3909, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5068  TIM_TRK_9 = 3910, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5069  MSG_IN_BUF = 3911, ///< RDF-D time trackers.
5070  IND_AUC = 3912, ///< Indicative auction details.
5071  IND_AUCVOL = 3913, ///< Indicative auction details.
5072  INDAUCTYPE = 3914, ///< Indicative auction details.
5073  MKT_STATUS = 3915, ///< Market/session indicator.
5074  MARKET = 3916, ///< Describes the geographical elements of a trading environment its
5075  ///< business calendar and the time zone the market operates in.
5076  EDSP = 3917, ///< Exchange delivery settlement price.
5077  LLEG1_RIC = 3918, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5078  LLEG2_RIC = 3919, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5079  LLEG3_RIC = 3920, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5080  LLEG4_RIC = 3921, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5081  LLEG5_RIC = 3922, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5082  LLEG6_RIC = 3923, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5083  LLEG7_RIC = 3924, ///< The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5085  3925, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5087  3926, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5089  3927, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5091  3928, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5093  3929, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
5094  LEG3_STR = 3930, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the appropriate leg of
5095  ///< a spread.
5096  LEG4_STR = 3931, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the appropriate leg of
5097  ///< a spread.
5098  LEG5_STR = 3932, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the appropriate leg of
5099  ///< a spread.
5100  LEG6_STR = 3933, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the appropriate leg of
5101  ///< a spread.
5102  LEG7_STR = 3934, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the appropriate leg of
5103  ///< a spread.
5104  LEG3_EXP = 3935, ///< The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
5105  LEG4_EXP = 3936, ///< The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
5106  LEG5_EXP = 3937, ///< The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
5107  LEG6_EXP = 3938, ///< The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
5108  LEG7_EXP = 3939, ///< The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
5109  LEG1_RATIO = 3940, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5110  LEG2_RATIO = 3941, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5111  LEG3_RATIO = 3942, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5112  LEG4_RATIO = 3943, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5113  LEG5_RATIO = 3944, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5114  LEG6_RATIO = 3945, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5115  LEG7_RATIO = 3946, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5117  3947, ///< The clearing house or settlement venue associated with this instrument.
5119  3948, ///< Normal Market Size. The NMS indicates the liquidity of that security. For
5120  ///< quote-driven securities, the NMS is used to calculate the minimum quote size
5121  ///< within which market makers are obliged to trade.
5122  BRKEVN_RAT = 3949, ///< Break-even ratio.
5123  CAPFUL_PNT = 3950, ///< Capital Fulcrum Point.
5124  COMP_RATE = 3951, ///< Compensation Rate.
5125  FR_LMSHAR = 3952, ///< Exchange delivery settlement price.
5126  FRGN_ILMT = 3953, ///< Foreigner's trading limit ratio(issue).
5127  FRGN_ORDER = 3954, ///< No. of shares that foreign investors can place order.
5128  FRGN_OWN = 3955, ///< Foreigner's trading limit ratio(personal).
5129  FRGN_PLMT = 3956, ///< Foreigner's trading limit ratio(personal).
5130  IND_PRC = 3957, ///< Indicative price.
5131  IND_VOL = 3958, ///< Indicative volume.
5132  MKT_ACTION = 3959, ///< Market Action Type. Includes the status of the most recent session.
5133  MM_OWN = 3960, ///< Percentage of stocks owned by market maker.
5134  MMASK1_VOL = 3961, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5135  MMASK2_VOL = 3962, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5136  MMASK3_VOL = 3963, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5137  MMASK4_VOL = 3964, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5138  MMASK5_VOL = 3965, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5139  MMASK6_VOL = 3966, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5140  MMASK7_VOL = 3967, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5141  MMASK8_VOL = 3968, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5142  MMASK9_VOL = 3969, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5143  MMASK10_VL = 3970, ///< 1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
5144  MMBID1_VOL = 3971, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5145  MMBID2_VOL = 3972, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5146  MMBID3_VOL = 3973, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5147  MMBID4_VOL = 3974, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5148  MMBID5_VOL = 3975, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5149  MMBID6_VOL = 3976, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5150  MMBID7_VOL = 3977, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5151  MMBID8_VOL = 3978, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5152  MMBID9_VOL = 3979, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5153  MMBID10_VL = 3980, ///< 1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
5154  WNT_PAYDAT = 3981, ///< Warrant Payment Date.
5155  WNTPAYMETH = 3982, ///< Warrant Payment Method.
5156  PRCRSE_PAR = 3983, ///< Price rise Participation rate.
5157  TRD_TYPE = 3984, ///< Instrument Trading Status.
5158  TRTY1_DATE = 3985, ///< Date of last Type 1 Trade (Korea SE).
5159  TRTY1_PRC = 3986, ///< Price of last trade of Type 1 (Korea SE).
5160  TRTY1_TURN = 3987, ///< Turnover of Type 1 Trades.
5161  TRTY1_VOL = 3988, ///< Accumulated Volume of trading type 1.
5162  UNDERLYNG1 = 3989, ///< Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
5163  UNDERLYNG2 = 3990, ///< Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
5164  UNDERLYNG3 = 3991, ///< Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
5165  UNDERLYNG4 = 3992, ///< Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
5166  UNDERLYNG5 = 3993, ///< Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
5167  UNDLY1_PRC = 3994, ///< Price of 1st underlying instrument, set at beginning of day.
5168  NO_ASK1 = 3995, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
5169  NO_ASK2 = 3996, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
5170  NO_ASK3 = 3997, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
5171  NO_ASK4 = 3998, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
5172  NO_ASK5 = 3999, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
5173  NO_BID1 = 4000, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
5174  NO_BID2 = 4001, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
5175  NO_BID3 = 4002, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
5176  NO_BID4 = 4003, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
5177  NO_BID5 = 4004, ///< Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
5178  MATCH_PRC = 4005, ///< Matched price during pre-market trading for broken basket trade.
5179  TRK_ERR_RT = 4006, ///< ETF Tracking Error Rate.
5180  PBL_INFO = 4007, ///< Public Information related to stock/Data Classification.
5181  SESSION_FL = 4008, ///< Type of current market Session.
5182  SURPLS_VOL = 4009, ///< Surplus Volume.
5184  4010, ///< the economic data category or grouping an economic indicator belongs to.
5185  SESS2_CLS = 4011, ///< The closing Value for the second session.
5186  TAX_VALUE1 = 4012, ///< EUTaxSwissTIS TISCH.
5187  TAX_VALUE2 = 4013, ///< EUTaxSwissTIS TISEU PriceDate.
5188  TAX_VALUE3 = 4014, ///< EUTaxSwissTID TIDCH.
5189  TAX_VALUE4 = 4015, ///< EUTaxSwissTID TIDEU Price Date.
5190  DSPL_ACT = 4016, ///< the latest actual data for an economic release, optimised for display
5191  ///< purposes.
5192  DSPL_FCAST = 4017, ///< the most recent Reuters forecast for an economic indicator, sourced
5193  ///< from market participants, optimised for display purposes.
5194  DSPL_PRIOR = 4018, ///< the prior period's data for an economic release, optimised for
5195  ///< display purposes.
5196  DSPL_REV = 4019, ///< a revision to the prior period's data for an economic release,
5197  ///< optimised for display purposes.
5198  ECON_ACT = 4020, ///< the latest actual data for an economic release.
5199  ECON_DES = 4021, ///< link to description page for an economic indicator.
5200  ECON_FCAST = 4022, ///< the most recent Reuters forecast, sourced from market participants,
5201  ///< for an economic indicator.
5202  ECON_HIST = 4023, ///< link to the equivalent time-series RIC for an economic indicator.
5203  ECON_PRIOR = 4024, ///< the prior period's data for an economic release.
5204  ECON_REV = 4025, ///< a revision to the prior period's data for an economic release.
5205  ECON_SRCE = 4026, ///< the primary source for an economic data release.
5206  FCAST_HIGH = 4027, ///< the highest of all the forecasts received by Reuters from market
5207  ///< participants for an economic indicator.
5208  FCAST_LOW = 4028, ///< the lowest of all the forecasts received by Reuters from market
5209  ///< participants for an economic indicator.
5210  FCAST_NUM = 4029, ///< the number of forecasts received by Reuters from market participants
5211  ///< for an economic indicator.
5212  RPT_CALCTP = 4030, ///< the calculation used in order to report an economic data release.
5213  RPT_PERIOD = 4031, ///< the period an economic data release refers to.
5214  RPT_PRPER = 4032, ///< the prior period for an economic data release.
5215  RPT_UNITS = 4033, ///< the units relating to an economic indicator release.
5217  4034, ///< correction flag for actual data entered incorrectly and subsequently amended.
5218  CORR_REV = 4035, ///< correction flag for revised data entered incorrectly and subsequently
5219  ///< amended.
5220  COUNTRY = 4036, ///< country code relating to this data.
5221  DOMICILE = 4037, ///< The jurisdiction under which the fund is legally incorporated.
5222  EIND_AREA = 4038, ///< Country, International Region or sub-country region specificed for an
5223  ///< economic indicator.
5224  END_DATE = 4039, ///< the end date for an economic indicator, where the exact date of
5225  ///< release is unknown.
5226  RCS_EI_TYP = 4040, ///< Metadata that describes the type of Economic Indicator.
5227  RCS_GEOG = 4041, ///< The geographic code of the Reuters Classification Scheme.
5228  URL_DES = 4042, ///< the URL link to further information about an economic indicator.
5229  ACVOL_SC = 4043, ///< The scaling factor for the ACVOL_1 field FID 32.
5230  PRE_SETTLE = 4044, ///< Previous Settlement Price.
5231  FUT_URIC = 4045, ///< Underlying asset for futures.
5232  DPS_FY0 = 4046, ///< Dividend per share, Actual value for last reported annual period.
5233  DPS_FY1 = 4047, ///< Dividend per share, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal year.
5234  DPS_FY2 = 4048, ///< Dividend per share, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal year.
5235  EPS_FY0 = 4049, ///< Earnings per share, Actual value for last reported annual period.
5236  EPS_FY1 = 4050, ///< Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal year.
5237  EPS_FY2 = 4051, ///< Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal year.
5238  EPS_LSTQ = 4052, ///< Earnings per share, Actual value for last reported quarterly period.
5240  4053, ///< Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal quarter.
5242  4054, ///< Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal quarter.
5243  EPSREVDN7 = 4055, ///< Number of Analysts who have revised EPS estimates downwards in the
5244  ///< last 7 days.
5246  4056, ///< Number of Analysts who have revised EPS estimates upwards in the last 7 days.
5247  EST_CURR = 4057, ///< Consensus Estimates Currency.
5248  EXCHCODE = 4058, ///< Code that identify the instrument on the exchange trading platform -
5249  ///< Ticker code.
5250  FY0_DATE = 4059, ///< Period end Date of last Fiscal Annual.
5251  FY1_DATE = 4060, ///< Period end Date of current Fiscal Annual.
5252  FY1ANNDATE = 4061, ///< Expected report Date for current Fiscal Annual.
5253  FY1EPSNEST = 4062, ///< Number of analysts providing forecasts for FY1.
5254  FY2_DATE = 4063, ///< Period end Date of next Fiscal Annual.
5255  FY2EPSNEST = 4064, ///< Number of analysts providing forecasts for FY2.
5256  LSTQ_DATE = 4065, ///< Period end Date of last Fiscal Quarter.
5257  NXQ_1_DATE = 4066, ///< Period end Date of next Fiscal Quarter.
5258  NXTQ_DATE = 4067, ///< Period end Date of current Fiscal Quarter.
5259  NXTQANDATE = 4068, ///< Expected report Date for next Fiscal Quarter.
5260  PER_FY0 = 4069, ///< Price to Earnings Ratio for FY0, based on last reported Actual.
5261  PER_FY1 = 4070, ///< Price to Earnings Ratio for FY1.
5262  PER_FY2 = 4071, ///< Price to Earnings Ratio for FY2.
5263  REV_FY0 = 4072, ///< Revenue, Actual value for last reported annual period.
5264  REV_FY1 = 4073, ///< Revenue, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal year.
5265  REV_FY2 = 4074, ///< Revenue, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal year.
5266  YIELD_FY1 = 4075, ///< Price divided by FY1 Forecast Dividend per share.
5267  ANNCHG = 4076, ///< This is the actual fee paid to the portfolio manager of the fund for the
5268  ///< fund management activity. Stored as a %.
5269  ASSETDATE = 4077, ///< Date for which Fund Size is valid.
5271  4078, ///< Daily EU withholding tax amount based on the daily NAV levied on interest
5272  ///< earnings of EU-foreigners. Can be deducted from Austrian domestic tax load.
5273  ATKESTA = 4079, ///< Daily capital yields tax amount of fund components liable to capital
5274  ///< yields tax.
5275  ATKESTB = 4080, ///< Daily accumulated capital yields tax amount of fund components liable
5276  ///< to and exempted from capital yields tax.
5277  DECAPGNTAX = 4081, ///< Zwist/Zwischengewinn: Interim profit tax that includes not yet paid
5278  ///< or retained dividends from stocks and earnings from stocks.
5279  DEEQCPGNTX = 4082, ///< Aktiengewinn: Capital gains tax on part of the earning after
5280  ///< selling an asset which has gained value.
5281  DERECPGNTX = 4083, ///< Immobiliengewinn: declares the tax-exempt percentage of the bid
5282  ///< price (for example: if foreign properties are being sold, the
5283  ///< returns are taxable over there, but tax-exempt in Germany).
5284  EUTD_TIIA = 4084, ///< Amount of taxable interest income per dividend distribution for in
5285  ///< scope funds.
5286  EUTD_TIS = 4085, ///< The amount of taxable interest income accrued on a daily basis. A
5287  ///< combination of price movement and accrued dividend.
5288  EUTDSTATUS = 4086, ///< The attribute provides details to the EU savings directive tax
5289  ///< status. Provided by the fund management company.
5290  FMBM = 4087, ///< The market index against which the fund manager measures the funds
5291  ///< performance. Differs from the Performance Analysis Benchmark in that the
5292  ///< Fund Company chooses its own benchmark where as the Performance Analysis
5293  ///< Benchmark is the benchmark Lipper compares.
5294  FUNDCO = 4088, ///< The Company responsible for the marketing of the fund. It is usually the
5295  ///< name of this company that is prefixed to the name of the fund. Full
5296  ///< legal name of the company.
5297  FUNDNAME = 4089, ///< Full Legal Name of fund, condensed to 50 characters when necessary.
5298  GEOFOCUS = 4090, ///< Predominant country or region in which the fund invests.
5299  LEGALSTRCT = 4091, ///< The legal structure to which the fund conforms.
5300  LGC = 4092, ///< Proprietary Lipper fund classification scheme that creates homogenous
5301  ///< groups of funds with comparable investment objectives. Funds within one LGC
5302  ///< sector invest in the same financial market(s) or specific segments thereof,
5303  ///< but may adopt different strategies.
5304  LIPPERID = 4093, ///< Lipper's unique numeric identifier, automatically created for all
5305  ///< funds contained in the Lipper database.
5307  4094, ///< Fund classification scheme that is used within a specific market where a fund
5308  ///< is registered for sale. This is often, but not always a scheme created by
5309  ///< the local regulatory body or investment association.
5311  4095, ///< Maximum charge applied to investors initial purchase. Stored as a %.
5313  4096, ///< Maximum charge applied to investors redemption of shares. Stored as a %.
5314  MINADDINV = 4097, ///< Minimum number of shares or currency amount that investors can
5315  ///< subsequently invest.
5316  MININITINV = 4098, ///< Minimum number of shares or currency amount that investors must
5317  ///< purchase. Can be stored in terms of number of shares or in currency
5318  ///< amount, but only in the base currency of the fund.
5319  RCSDOMICLE = 4099, ///< Country or region where a mutual fund (unit trust) is domiciled.
5320  YIELD_FY2 = 4100, ///< Price divided by FY2 Forecast Dividend per share.
5321  TECHINDCTR = 4101, ///< The market index against which the fund is measured as selected by
5322  ///< Lipper according to the Lipper Global Classification of the fund.
5323  THEO_TIME = 4102, ///< Time Of Theoretical Trade.
5324  FLT_RATIO = 4103, ///< Floating Ratio.
5325  FLT_SHARES = 4104, ///< Floating Number of Shares.
5326  IT_CLOSE = 4105, ///< Closing Price in Lira.
5327  MKTMKR_ID = 4106, ///< Market Maker ID.
5328  THEO_VOL = 4107, ///< Volume Of Theoretical Trade.
5329  NUM_STOCKS = 4108, ///< Number Of Stocks.
5330  OFFBK_PRC = 4109, ///< Off Book Trade Price.
5331  CERT_NAME = 4110, ///< This is the certificate type name, like BAREM,TURBO,DISCOUNT.
5332  OFFBK_TYPE = 4111, ///< Type of Off Book Trade.
5333  CLOSE_ASIZ = 4112, ///< Size of Closing Ask.
5334  CLOSE_BSIZ = 4113, ///< Size of Closing Bid.
5335  NETCHNG_2 = 4114, ///< Secondary Net Change Field.
5336  PROT_PRC = 4115, ///< This is the Knock out price, which means when this price is reached
5337  ///< the certificate is automatically expired even if the maturity date is
5338  ///< not reached.
5339  PCTCHNG_2 = 4116, ///< Secondary Percent Change Field.
5340  WEIGHTING4 = 4117, ///< The weighting of a stock within an index.
5341  WEIGHTING5 = 4118, ///< The weighting of a stock within an index.
5342  NUM_WT_B = 4119, ///< Number of warrants bought.
5343  NUM_WT_OUT = 4120, ///< Number of warrants still out in market.
5344  NUM_WT_S = 4121, ///< Number of warrants sold.
5345  PCT_WT_ISS = 4122, ///< Percent of issue still out in the market.
5346  SHSEL_TSHS = 4123, ///< Shortselling turnover in shares.
5347  PMTH_PCTCH = 4124, ///< Previous month and latest close pct change.
5348  PQRT_PCTCH = 4125, ///< Previous quarter and latest close pct change.
5349  PROP_FAPRC = 4126, ///< Pre open first auction matched price.
5350  PROPFP_PCT = 4127, ///< Pre open first auction matched % change between first matched price
5351  ///< and historic close.
5352  PYR_HCLOS = 4128, ///< Previous year historic close.
5353  SHSEL_TVAL = 4129, ///< Shortselling turnover in value.
5354  ASK_RE_SZE = 4130, ///< Indicates the sell order remaining size.
5355  BID_RE_SZE = 4131, ///< Indicates the buy order remaining size.
5356  CLS_PRC_OF = 4132, ///< Indicates the transaction price when there is a transaction based on
5357  ///< the closing price for a fixed price transaction.
5358  CLS_PRC_OL = 4133, ///< Indicates the base price when there is a transaction based on the
5359  ///< closing price for a single issue transaction.
5361  4134, ///< Indicates the transaction price when there is a transaction based on the full
5362  ///< day VWAP for a fixed price transaction. When the Session category is 1st
5363  ///< session or 2nd session, set as zero including when also half day operation.
5364  FL_VWAP_OL = 4135, ///< Indicates the transaction base price when there is a transaction
5365  ///< based on the full day VWAP for a single-issue transaction. When the
5366  ///< Session category is 1st session or 2nd session, set as zero
5367  ///< including when also half day operation.
5368  ORDER_STAT = 4136, ///< Indicates the order remaining size status computation time.(when
5369  ///< FID#30, 31is updated).
5370  PYR_PCTCHG = 4137, ///< Previous year historic close and latest close % change.
5371  RL_TRD_VOL = 4138, ///< Real traded volume. It is calculated by ACVOL_1 as follows:
5372  ///< ACVOL_1(#32)-previous ACVOL_1.
5373  SE_VWAP_OF = 4139, ///< Indicates the transaction base price when there is a transaction
5374  ///< based on the most recent auction VWAP for a Fixed Issue transaction.
5376  4140, ///< Indicates the transaction base price when there is a transaction based on the
5377  ///< most recent auction VWAP for a single-issue transaction.
5378  SEC_CODE = 4141, ///< New Security Code.
5379  VOL_OF_A = 4142, ///< Trading volumes.
5380  VOL_OF_F = 4143, ///< Trading volumes.
5381  VOL_OF_L = 4144, ///< Trading volumes.
5382  VOL_OF_M = 4145, ///< Trading volumes.
5383  VOL_OF_P = 4146, ///< Trading volumes.
5384  ASK_TIM_MS = 4147, ///< Ask time in milliseconds.
5385  TIMACT_MS = 4148, ///< Time of last activity in milliseconds.
5386  VOL_OL = 4149, ///< Trading volume.
5387  BID_TIM_MS = 4150, ///< Bid time in milliseconds.
5388  BST_2ASZ1 = 4151, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5389  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5390  BST_2ASZ2 = 4152, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5391  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5392  BST_2ASZ3 = 4153, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5393  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5394  BST_2ASZ4 = 4154, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5395  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5396  BST_2ASZ5 = 4155, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5397  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5398  BST_2ASZ6 = 4156, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5399  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5400  BST_2ASZ7 = 4157, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5401  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5402  BST_2ASZ8 = 4158, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5403  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5404  BST_2ASZ9 = 4159, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5405  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5406  BST_2ASZ10 = 4160, ///< The second set of the ten best ask sizes associated with the fields
5407  ///< BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK10. Not rippled.
5408  BST_2BSZ1 = 4161, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5409  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5410  BST_2BSZ2 = 4162, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5411  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5412  BST_2BSZ3 = 4163, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5413  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5414  BST_2BSZ4 = 4164, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5415  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5416  BST_2BSZ5 = 4165, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5417  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5418  BST_2BSZ6 = 4166, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5419  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5420  BST_2BSZ7 = 4167, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5421  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5422  BST_2BSZ8 = 4168, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5423  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5424  BST_2BSZ9 = 4169, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5425  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5426  BST_2BSZ10 = 4170, ///< The second set of the ten best bid sizes associated with the fields
5427  ///< BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID10. Not rippled.
5428  THRD_ACT_1 = 4171, ///< This field holds the third field of the most recent activity.
5429  ///< TRD_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n and SEC_ACT_n.
5430  THRD_ACT_2 = 4172, ///< This field holds the third field of the most recent activity.
5431  ///< TRD_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n and SEC_ACT_n.
5432  THRD_ACT_3 = 4173, ///< This field holds the third field of the most recent activity.
5433  ///< TRD_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n and SEC_ACT_n.
5435  4174, ///< Average turnover generated in a product over the last 5 business days.
5436  BIDASK_SPD = 4175, ///< Difference between the bid and ask price in relation to a calculated
5437  ///< average product price.
5438  CAP_PROLVL = 4176, ///< The floor expressed as % of the issue price that will be repaid at
5439  ///< maturity independent of the underlying price.
5440  KO_DIS_PCT = 4177, ///< The relative distance between the knock-out level and actual
5441  ///< underlying price, expressed as a %.
5442  KO_DIST = 4178, ///< The relative distance between the knock-out level and actual underlying
5443  ///< price.
5444  LEVERAGE = 4179, ///< The % by which an instrument can rise or fall when the price of the
5445  ///< underlying rises by 1%.
5446  MANFEE_FLG = 4180, ///< Shows if Management Fees have been taken into account.
5447  MAX_REDEMP = 4181, ///< Maximum possible redemption of a product at its maturity.
5448  MAX_YIELD = 4182, ///< Maximum potential profit that may be expected.
5449  MAX_YLD_PA = 4183, ///< Maximum Yield Perannum.
5450  PR_CLASS = 4184, ///< Instrument classification - top level.
5451  PR_CLASS2 = 4185, ///< Instrument classification - 2nd level.
5452  PR_CLASS3 = 4186, ///< Instrument classification - 3rd level.
5453  PR_NAME = 4187, ///< Instrument Name.
5454  PRC_WDTH = 4188, ///< Tradable price range. (one side).
5455  PREMIUM_PA = 4189, ///< Annualised Premium.
5457  4190, ///< Shows if product is protected against fluctuations in cross-current rates.
5458  STRIKE_CUR = 4191, ///< Strike Price Currency.
5459  STRIKE_NAM = 4192, ///< Strike Price Name.
5460  TERMSHEET = 4193, ///< Link to Instruments Terms and Conditions.
5462  4194, ///< Absolute change in product price when time-to-maturity is reduced by 1 week.
5463  UN_CLASS = 4195, ///< Asset class of underlying instrument.
5464  UN_ISIN = 4196, ///< ISIN of underlying instrument.
5465  UN_NAME = 4197, ///< Name of underlying instrument.
5466  CLS_ASKDAT = 4198, ///< Date for the previous Ask quote.
5467  CLS_BIDDAT = 4199, ///< Date for the previous Bid quote.
5468  UN_SYMBOL = 4200, ///< Symbol of underlying instrument.
5469  QMF_FLAG = 4201, ///< Exchange Data Source for Swiss Instruments.
5470  DIVISOR = 4202, ///< Index Divisor.
5471  PDAYVOLDAT = 4203, ///< Previous Total Off-orderbook Volume Date.
5472  IPO_PRC = 4204, ///< The initial public offering price.
5473  ODD_PRC = 4205, ///< The latest price from odd lot board.
5474  PR_DIVISOR = 4206, ///< Previous Index Divisor.
5475  PREOPEN = 4207, ///< The projected opening price.
5476  PT_ACVOL = 4208, ///< Accumulated volume from put-through deal.
5477  PT_DATE = 4209, ///< Date on which put-through deal was made.
5478  PT_PRC = 4210, ///< The latest price from put-through deal.
5479  PT_VALUE = 4211, ///< Accumulated value from put-through deal.
5480  SS_PRICE = 4212, ///< Short sell price.
5481  SS_VALUE = 4213, ///< Short sell value (in money).
5482  CANCELVOL2 = 4214, ///< Cancellation volume.
5484  4215, ///< Percentage change of current close price comparing to 1 month historic close.
5486  4216, ///< Percentage change of current close price comparing to 1 year historic close.
5488  4217, ///< Percentage change of current close price comparing to 3 month historic close.
5489  VOL_BUY = 4218, ///< Total volume made by buy side.
5490  VOL_CALL = 4219, ///< Total volume done at call market.
5491  CANCELVOL1 = 4220, ///< Cancellation volume.
5492  IRGPRC2 = 4221, ///< a cancelled inserted retransmitted or irregular price.
5493  TOT_VALUE = 4222, ///< Today's total market value (in money).
5494  EXCH_VAL = 4223, ///< Total market value reported by the exchange.
5495  VOL_SELL = 4224, ///< Total volume made by sell side.
5496  EXCH_VOL = 4225, ///< Total market volume reported by the exchange.
5497  ODD_ASK = 4226, ///< Best ODD LOT (offers sizes not multiples of the LOT SIZE) bid and ask
5498  ///< prices and size.
5499  ODD_ASKSIZ = 4227, ///< Best ODD LOT (offers sizes not multiples of the LOT SIZE) bid and
5500  ///< ask prices and size.
5501  ODD_BID = 4228, ///< Best ODD LOT (offers sizes not multiples of the LOT SIZE) bid and ask
5502  ///< prices and size.
5503  ODD_BIDSIZ = 4229, ///< Best ODD LOT (offers sizes not multiples of the LOT SIZE) bid and
5504  ///< ask prices and size.
5505  ANNDIVTYPE = 4230, ///< Annualised Dividend calculation method. This include Latest FY,
5506  ///< Rolling 12 months, Projected Annual or Reuters Derived.
5507  ROUND_VOL = 4231, ///< ROUND LOT (trades sizes multiples of the LOT SIZE) traded volume.
5508  ANNEPSTYPE = 4232, ///< Annualised Earnings calculation method. This include Latest FY,
5509  ///< Rolling 12 months or Reuters Derived.
5510  CNTCT_ID = 4233, ///< A numeric ID of the contact info, a placeholder for a link to a
5511  ///< contact database. Linked information would include names & titles of
5512  ///< individuals, names of a particular 'desk', name of a particular office
5513  ///< and name of contributing firm. Supplements Contac.
5514  NOTION_PRO = 4234, ///< Numeric Identifier for an RCS Notional Product Type (underlying
5515  ///< deliverable for a futures contract).
5516  ORGID = 4235, ///< Organization ID for a company, subsidiary, government, exchequer, or
5517  ///< issuer of a security.
5518  PR_FREQ = 4236, ///< Enumerated type that characterizes how often a price is expected to
5519  ///< update. Examples: '5 seconds' for an index (DAX), 'once per day' for
5520  ///< NAV for exchange listed funds, 'continuous' (during trading hours) for
5521  ///< an exchange traded equity or option.
5522  QUOTE_TYPE = 4237, ///< Enumerated type that states the quality of a quote. Examples are
5523  ///< 'indicative',.
5524  RCS_AS_CLA = 4238, ///< Numeric Identifier for an RCS Asset Classification.
5525  CONVEXITY2 = 4239, ///< A measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to a change in yield.
5526  ///< The calculation is derived from the difference between a straight
5527  ///< line and a convex curve.
5528  QUASI_FVAL = 4240, ///< 50yen basis face value for calculation.
5530  4241, ///< Represents the RIC of the underlying index for an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF).
5531  CLOUD_TOT = 4242, ///< Total sky coverage, taking into account all amounts at all levels.
5532  CLOUD_TYPE = 4243, ///< Type of cloud - high, low or medium.
5533  CONVEXITY3 = 4244, ///< A measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to a change in yield.
5534  ///< The calculation is derived from the difference between a straight
5535  ///< line and a convex curve.
5536  DEW_POINT = 4245, ///< Measure of Atmospheric moisture.
5537  GUST = 4246, ///< For a gust to be reported the speed must be 10 knots or more higher than
5538  ///< the mean speed.
5539  GUST_HIGH = 4247, ///< This is the highest gust speed reported in the 24 hour period of one
5540  ///< day (midnight to midnight).
5541  GUST_MAX = 4248, ///< This includes maximum speed reported in the 10 minutes prior to the
5542  ///< observation and the highest gust recorded in the hour.
5543  HUMIDITY_R = 4249, ///< Measure of water vapour content in the air at a specific temp.
5544  MAX_TEMPS = 4250, ///< Maximum temperature for a given period.
5545  MIN_TEMPS = 4251, ///< Minimum temperature for a given period.
5547  4252, ///< A code figure which best describes the weather that has occurred in the past
5548  ///< hour, the past three hours or the past six hours prior to a particular
5549  ///< observation as well as depending on the time of the observation.
5551  4253, ///< Amount of water particles released from the atmosphere in a given period.
5552  PREC_INTEN = 4254, ///< Measured intensity of precipitation in specific time cycles
5553  ///< indicating Heavy, Light rain etc.
5554  PREC_TYPE = 4255, ///< Precipitation type i.e. rain, snow, sleet etc.
5555  PRECIPIT = 4256, ///< Any form of water particles from the atmosphere.
5556  PRES_WTHR = 4257, ///< Current/most recent weather update.
5557  PRESS_HIGH = 4258, ///< Highest pressure on a given day/24hr period.
5558  PRESS_TEND = 4259, ///< The change in pressure over a given time & location.
5559  PRESS_TRND = 4260, ///< This is what the pressure has done in the past three hours prior to
5560  ///< the time of the observation.
5561  PRESSURE = 4261, ///< Force per unit area.
5562  RAINFALL = 4262, ///< The amount of rainfall for a given time.
5563  SIGN_WTHR = 4263, ///< Adverse or outstanding weather conditions.
5564  TEMPERATUR = 4264, ///< Degree of coldness/hotness measure in a definite temperature scale.
5565  VISIBILITY = 4265, ///< Visible distance from a specified point.
5566  WIND_DIR = 4266, ///< Direction of the wind.
5567  FUTURES = 4267, ///< Futures chain RIC.
5568  OPTIONS = 4268, ///< The primary options chain that relates to this underlying RIC.
5569  WIND_SPEED = 4269, ///< Speed of the wind.
5570  FORMAT = 4270, ///< Format.
5571  GUID = 4271, ///< Globally unique ID.
5572  HEADLINE1 = 4272, ///< Text with markup.
5573  HEADLINE2 = 4273, ///< Text with markup.
5574  LANG_QUAL = 4274, ///< Language qualifier.
5575  NAMEDITEMS = 4275, ///< Named items aka recurring reports.
5576  NEWS_PRIO = 4276, ///< News priority.
5577  NEWSCODE01 = 4277, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5578  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5579  NEWSCODE02 = 4278, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5580  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5581  NEWSCODE03 = 4279, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5582  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5583  NEWSCODE04 = 4280, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5584  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5585  NEWSCODE05 = 4281, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5586  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5587  NEWSCODE06 = 4282, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5588  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5589  NEWSCODE07 = 4283, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5590  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5591  NEWSCODE08 = 4284, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5592  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5593  NEWSCODE09 = 4285, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5594  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5595  NEWSCODE10 = 4286, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5596  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5597  NEWSCODE11 = 4287, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5598  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5599  NEWSCODE12 = 4288, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5600  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5601  NEWSCODE13 = 4289, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5602  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5603  NEWSCODE14 = 4290, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5604  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5605  NEWSCODE15 = 4291, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5606  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5607  NEWSCODE16 = 4292, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5608  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5609  NEWSCODE17 = 4293, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5610  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5611  NEWSCODE18 = 4294, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5612  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5613  NEWSCODE19 = 4295, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5614  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5615  NEWSCODE20 = 4296, ///< For all metadata which doesn't have specific fields in the new
5616  ///< Logical Broadcast Message (LBM).
5617  SEG_NUM = 4297, ///< The number of this physical segment within the Logical Broadcast
5618  ///< Message (LBM).
5619  SLUGLINE = 4298, ///< Slugline.
5620  STORYTM_MS = 4299, ///< Story Time in Milliseconds.
5621  STRIKES = 4300, ///< The range of strike prices and expiry dates for this options chain.
5622  TAKETM_MS = 4301, ///< Take Time in Milliseconds.
5623  TEXT_DIR = 4302, ///< Text directionality indicator.
5624  TOT_SEGS = 4303, ///< The total number of physical segments within the Logical Broadcast
5625  ///< Message (LBM).
5626  VERSION = 4304, ///< Version.
5627  NEWSTM_MS = 4305, ///< News Time in milliseconds.
5628  BASE_VALUE = 4306, ///< Index Base Value.
5629  EXCH_NEWS = 4307, ///< Exchange News retrieval code.
5630  EXCH_SNAME = 4308, ///< Short name for the exchange.
5631  CLEAN_VOL = 4309, ///< Clean last trade volume.
5632  MENU_PAGE = 4310, ///< The main menu page for this instrument.
5633  OFF_OPEN = 4311, ///< Official Opening Price from exchange.
5634  TTL_NUMTRD = 4312, ///< Total number of Trade.
5635  VWAP_EXCH = 4313, ///< Volume weighted average price from exchange.
5636  _30D_A_IM_C = 4314, ///< 30 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for call options.
5637  _30D_A_IM_P = 4315, ///< 30 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for put options.
5638  _30D_ATM_IM = 4316, ///< 30 Day at-the-money implied volatility index.
5639  _60D_A_IM_C = 4317, ///< 60 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for call options.
5640  _60D_A_IM_P = 4318, ///< 60 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for put options.
5641  _60D_ATM_IM = 4319, ///< 60 Day at-the-money implied volatility index.
5642  _90D_A_IM_C = 4320, ///< 90 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for call options.
5643  _90D_A_IM_P = 4321, ///< 90 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for put options.
5644  _90D_ATM_IM = 4322, ///< 90 Day at-the-money implied volatility index.
5645  ASK_IM = 4323, ///< Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
5646  BID_IM = 4324, ///< Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
5647  LST_TRD_IM = 4325, ///< Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
5648  CLOSE_IM = 4326, ///< Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
5649  ASK_VOL_DS = 4327, ///< Volume of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
5650  ASK_VOL_TT = 4328, ///< Total volume of all ask orders (full depth).
5651  BID_VOL_DS = 4329, ///< Volume of bid orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
5652  BID_VOL_TT = 4330, ///< Total volume of all bid orders (full depth).
5653  CONTR_TRD = 4331, ///< Number of Contracts traded for a futures or options contract.
5654  SETTLE_DAY = 4332, ///< Settlement Days for a futures or options contract.
5655  IMB_ACT_TP = 4333, ///< The type of activity (auction, cross, etc) for which the order
5656  ///< imbalance is being generated.
5657  IMB_PR_FR = 4334, ///< The clearing price at which the opening or closing book would clear
5658  ///< against orders ONLY in the opening or closing book.
5660  4335, ///< The clearing price at which the opening or closing book would clear against
5661  ///< orders in BOTH the opening or closing book AND the continuous book.
5662  IMB_PR_REF = 4336, ///< The reference price upon which the paired shares and the imbalance
5663  ///< quantity are based.
5664  IMB_PR_SH = 4337, ///< Total number of shares that are eligible to be matched at the current
5665  ///< reference price.
5666  IMB_SH = 4338, ///< The number of shares not paired at the current reference price.
5667  IMB_SH_MKT = 4339, ///< The number of shares in remaining market orders (or market-on-close
5668  ///< orders for the closing auction) that cannot execute in a market
5669  ///< order or closing auction.
5670  IMB_SIDE = 4340, ///< The market side of the order imbalance.
5671  IMB_TIM_MS = 4341, ///< Time, in number of milliseconds past midnight, of the imbalance.
5672  IMB_VA_IND = 4342, ///< Imbalance price variance indicator - the percentage of how far the
5673  ///< near indicative clearing price is from the current reference price
5674  ///< by calculating the absolute value of the percentage of deviation of
5675  ///< the near indicative clearing price to the current ref.
5676  LOT_IND = 4343, ///< Indicator that stock can trade in only round lots, round lots & odd
5677  ///< lots, or only odd lots.
5678  SEQNUM_IMB = 4344, ///< Sequence number of imbalance msg.
5680  4345, ///< Trade through exempt flags for last price and IRG price, for US instruments.
5682  4346, ///< Trade through exempt flags for last price and IRG price, for US instruments.
5684  4347, ///< FID required for alternate settlement price, for some E-mini products, the
5685  ///< minimum tick increment differs from the minimum tick of the full-size
5686  ///< contract. Since these contracts are fungible, the E-mini contracts must
5687  ///< settle to the same price as the full-size counterpart.
5688  ALTSETLDAT = 4348, ///< Date corresponding to ALT SETTLE.
5689  IRGDATE = 4349, ///< Date relating to IRGPRC, IRGVOL and IRGCOND.
5690  MID_HIGH = 4350, ///< Mid high price.
5691  MID_LOW = 4351, ///< Mid low price.
5692  MID_HTIM = 4352, ///< Mid high time.
5693  MID_LTIM = 4353, ///< Mid low time.
5694  STD_MKT_SZ = 4354, ///< Standard Market Size for MiFID reporting.
5695  TRD_SES_ME = 4355, ///< Trading session method.
5697  4356, ///< In RWF market depth structure, cumulative size of all price points. Need
5698  ///< generic size fid because same fid is used on both sides of structure.
5699  SVC_NAME = 4357, ///< For OPRA we will need to provide the service name for each option
5700  ///< chain so that RMDS knows which OPRA server to get the data from.
5701  ACVOL_GEN = 4358, ///< The activity volume at today's general prices (within limit high and
5702  ///< limit low).
5703  ACVOL_LHI = 4359, ///< The activity volume at today's limit high and limit low prices.
5704  ACVOL_LLO = 4360, ///< The activity volume at today's limit high and limit low prices.
5705  ODDLOT_ASK = 4361, ///< The latest ask price in odd-lot trading session.
5706  ODDLOT_BID = 4362, ///< The latest bid price in odd-lot trading session.
5708  4363, ///< Time of the last trade in odd-lot trading session with precision to seconds.
5709  IMP_ASK = 4364, ///< The implied price at bid and ask..
5710  IMP_BID = 4365, ///< The implied price at bid and ask..
5711  IMP_ASIZE = 4366, ///< The size of implied price at bid and ask.
5712  IMP_BSIZE = 4367, ///< The size of implied price at bid and ask.
5713  COMB_ACVOL = 4368, ///< The day's total combined trading volume included in spread trading.
5714  NO_COM_AO = 4369, ///< The number of combined bid and ask orders included in spread trading.
5715  NO_COM_BO = 4370, ///< The number of combined bid and ask orders included in spread trading.
5717  4371, ///< The total bid and ask quantities that are included in spread trading.
5719  4372, ///< The total bid and ask quantities that are included in spread trading.
5721  4373, ///< Used to report company's compliance with public disclosure requirements.
5722  IRG_SMKTID = 4374, ///< Identifies Trade Reporting Facility SubMarket Center for IRG Trades
5723  ///< - US Equities.
5724  SUB_MKT_ID = 4375, ///< Identifies Trade Reporting Facility SubMarket Center - US Equities.
5725  LOT_SIZE_B = 4376, ///< Intended as a companion field to LOT_SIZE_A, when an option has
5726  ///< shares of a second stock deliverable.
5727  ACT_DOM_EX = 4377, ///< Identifies all domestic markets trading the asset - intended to
5728  ///< facilitate creation of montage displays for domestic market.
5729  ACT_OTH_EX = 4378, ///< Identifies all markets other than domestic markets trading the asset
5730  ///< - intended to facilitate creation of montage displays for
5731  ///< international markets.
5732  TRD_QUAL_2 = 4379, ///< Intended as a replacement for CTS_QUAL, FID 40, which is only
5733  ///< one-byte and running out of space.
5734  CDS_BASIS = 4380, ///< CDS Basis. CDS - Asset Swap Spread (or equivalent).
5735  CDS_DV01 = 4381, ///< CDS DV01 or Spread DV01. The $ change in the value of the CDS for a
5736  ///< given 1bp change in the CDS curve.
5737  CDSSPRDVOL = 4382, ///< Implied Volatility for pricing CDS options.
5738  IMP_CORR = 4383, ///< Implied Correlation.
5739  SUM_SPRD = 4384, ///< Sum of spreads of a CDS Index/Tranche/Basket.
5740  BEVEN_INF = 4385, ///< Breakeven Inflation. Rate the non-zero indexed bond wld generate the
5741  ///< same nominal return to maturity as the conventional bond.
5742  DISC_ASK1 = 4386, ///< The 5 best Ask Discount values.
5743  DISC_ASK2 = 4387, ///< The 5 best Ask Discount values.
5744  DISC_ASK3 = 4388, ///< The 5 best Ask Discount values.
5745  DISC_BID1 = 4389, ///< The 5 best Bid Discount values.
5746  DISC_BID2 = 4390, ///< The 5 best Bid Discount values.
5747  DISC_BID3 = 4391, ///< The 5 best Bid Discount values.
5748  IDX_BASE = 4392, ///< Base Index. Base Value of underlying index at issue.
5749  IDX_LSTCPN = 4393, ///< Index at Last Coupon.
5750  IDX_RATIO = 4394, ///< Index Ratio. Ratio indicating the adjustment required to principal.
5751  ///< Reflects the growth of the index.
5752  INFL_ACCR = 4395, ///< Inflation Accrual. Acc principal at end of yr less acc principal at
5753  ///< beginning of the yr or on purch date, if later.
5754  PRICE_METH = 4396, ///< Price Method. How a bond is quoted. e.g. price, yield, discount,
5755  ///< spread, volatility.
5756  REAL_YLDA = 4397, ///< Real Yield BID and Ask. The bond's bid and ask yields, adjusted for
5757  ///< inflation.
5758  REAL_YLDB = 4398, ///< Real Yield BID and Ask. The bond's bid and ask yields, adjusted for
5759  ///< inflation.
5760  ZSPREAD = 4399, ///< Z Spread. The difference in basis points required to make the bond
5761  ///< perform to par.
5762  DELIV_DATE = 4400, ///< Delivery Date.
5763  CURVE_TYPE = 4401, ///< Denotes the type of yield curve the instrument belongs to.
5764  TENOR = 4402, ///< Time to maturity. Usually indicates the tenor bucket of the instrument.
5765  TOT_RETURN = 4403, ///< Total return yield data calculated for bonds.
5766  VWAP_BID = 4404, ///< Weighted Average Bid and Ask Prices.
5767  VWAP_ASK = 4405, ///< Weighted Average Bid and Ask Prices.
5768  TOT_ASKVOL = 4406, ///< Total BID and Ask Volumes.
5769  TOT_BIDVOL = 4407, ///< Total BID and Ask Volumes.
5770  BIDQUEUE_1 = 4408, ///< Order Queue under Best Bid_1 and Best Ask_1.
5771  ASKQUEUE_1 = 4409, ///< Order Queue under Best Bid_1 and Best Ask_1.
5772  CP_EFF_DAT = 4410, ///< The effective date of the latest capital change.
5773  INAV = 4411, ///< Used to display the INAV, PEA, TAXES and Trade Group values for Euronext
5774  ///< Funds.
5775  PEA = 4412, ///< Used to display the INAV, PEA, TAXES and Trade Group values for Euronext
5776  ///< Funds.
5777  TAXES = 4413, ///< Used to display the INAV, PEA, TAXES and Trade Group values for Euronext
5778  ///< Funds.
5779  TRD_GRP = 4414, ///< Used to display the Trade Group for Euronext Instruments.
5780  ACVL_BASKT = 4415, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading.
5781  ACVL_BLOCK = 4416, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading.
5782  ACVOL_AFT = 4417, ///< Accumulated Volume of After-hour.
5783  ACVOL_PRE = 4418, ///< Accumulated Volume of pre-open market.
5785  4419, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
5787  4420, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
5789  4421, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
5791  4422, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
5793  4423, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during regular session.
5795  4424, ///< Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during regular session.
5796  HST_NAV = 4425, ///< The most recent non-zero Net Asset value.
5797  SUBST_PRC = 4426, ///< Price used to estimate the value of the asset.
5798  TN_AFT_BLK = 4427, ///< Turnover of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
5799  TN_AFT_BSK = 4428, ///< Turnover of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
5800  TN_PRE_BLK = 4429, ///< Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
5801  TN_PRE_BSK = 4430, ///< Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
5802  TN_REG_BLK = 4431, ///< Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Regular session.
5803  TN_REG_BSK = 4432, ///< Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Regular session.
5804  TURN_PRE = 4433, ///< Turnover of Pre-Open and After-hour Markets.
5805  TURN_AFT = 4434, ///< Turnover of Pre-Open and After-hour Markets.
5806  TURN_BASKT = 4435, ///< Turnover of Basket and Block trading.
5807  TURN_BLOCK = 4436, ///< Turnover of Basket and Block trading.
5808  UN_ADJ_CLS = 4437, ///< The most recent non-zero unadjusted Closing Price.
5809  LP_ALLOW = 4438, ///< Allowance of Liquidity Provider - Yes or No.
5810  MKT_MK_NM2 = 4439, ///< Name of Market Makers 2-5.
5811  MKT_MK_NM3 = 4440, ///< Name of Market Makers 2-5.
5812  MKT_MK_NM4 = 4441, ///< Name of Market Makers 2-5.
5813  MKT_MK_NM5 = 4442, ///< Name of Market Makers 2-5.
5814  OPEN_SRC = 4443, ///< Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID OPEN_PRC.
5815  CLOSE_SRC = 4444, ///< Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID HST_CLOSE.
5816  OPBID_SRC = 4445, ///< Source of Opening Bid and Ask.
5817  OPASK_SRC = 4446, ///< Source of Opening Bid and Ask.
5818  CLSBID_SRC = 4447, ///< Source of Closing Bid and Ask.
5819  CLSASK_SRC = 4448, ///< Source of Closing Bid and Ask.
5820  YRHIGH_SRC = 4449, ///< Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID YRHIGH.
5821  YRLOW_SRC = 4450, ///< Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID YRLOW.
5822  BID_SRC = 4451, ///< Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID BID.
5823  ASK_SRC = 4452, ///< Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID ASK.
5824  PRIM_RIC = 4453, ///< Primary RIC for the Issue.
5825  SI_RIC = 4454, ///< Systematic Internaliser Quotes Chain RIC.
5826  UTC_OFFSET = 4455, ///< Displays test for identification of UTC offset for competent
5827  ///< authority in form 'UTC.
5828  HIGH_SRC = 4456, ///< Source ID for update in FID HIGH_1.
5829  LOW_SRC = 4457, ///< Source ID for update in FID LOW_1.
5830  TRD_1_SRC = 4458, ///< Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5831  TRD_2_SRC = 4459, ///< Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5832  TRD_3_SRC = 4460, ///< Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5833  TRD_4_SRC = 4461, ///< Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5834  TRD_5_SRC = 4462, ///< Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5835  IRGPRCSRC = 4463, ///< Source ID for update in FID IRGPRC.
5836  IRGVAL_TIM = 4464, ///< Original trade execution time for trade being cancelled in IRGVAL.
5837  TRD_IND_1 = 4465, ///< Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5838  TRD_IND_2 = 4466, ///< Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5839  TRD_IND_3 = 4467, ///< Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5840  TRD_IND_4 = 4468, ///< Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5841  TRD_IND_5 = 4469, ///< Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5842  PRIM_SRC = 4470, ///< Exchange ID from FID 1709 on the Primary RIC.
5843  BID_IND = 4471, ///< Indicator for BID Price.
5844  ASK_IND = 4472, ///< Indicator for ASK Price.
5845  BID_IND2 = 4473, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5846  BID_IND3 = 4474, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5847  BID_IND4 = 4475, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5848  BID_IND5 = 4476, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5849  BID_IND6 = 4477, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5850  BID_IND7 = 4478, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5851  BID_IND8 = 4479, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5852  BID_IND9 = 4480, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5853  BID_IND10 = 4481, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
5854  ASK_IND2 = 4482, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5855  ASK_IND3 = 4483, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5856  ASK_IND4 = 4484, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5857  ASK_IND5 = 4485, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5858  ASK_IND6 = 4486, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5859  ASK_IND7 = 4487, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5860  ASK_IND8 = 4488, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5861  ASK_IND9 = 4489, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5862  ASK_IND10 = 4490, ///< Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
5863  CV_RIC1 = 4491, ///< Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
5864  CV_RIC2 = 4492, ///< Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
5865  CV_RIC3 = 4493, ///< Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
5866  CV_RIC4 = 4494, ///< Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
5867  CV_RIC5 = 4495, ///< Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
5868  TRD_BIC_1 = 4496, ///< Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5869  TRD_BIC_2 = 4497, ///< Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5870  TRD_BIC_3 = 4498, ///< Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5871  TRD_BIC_4 = 4499, ///< Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5872  TRD_BIC_5 = 4500, ///< Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
5873  ALERT_DATE = 4501, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5874  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5875  ALERT_TIME = 4502, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5876  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5877  UPDATE_DT = 4503, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5878  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5879  UPDATE_TM = 4504, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5880  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5881  NXT_UPD_DT = 4505, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5882  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5883  NXT_UPD_TM = 4506, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5884  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5885  EXP_RES_DT = 4507, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5886  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5887  EXP_RES_TM = 4508, ///< Supplement existing fields ERROR_DATE (1390) and ERROR_TIME (1391).
5888  ///< (TIME: hh:mm / TIME_SECONDS (hh:mm:ss)).
5889  ALERT_PAGE = 4509, ///< Last alert raised (a textual exposition stored within PAGE_25X80
5890  ///< (82) under RICs of the form: 'ALERTnn' (e.g. 'ALERT28')).
5891  DELAY_BM = 4510, ///< Parameter governing DH_FEED_ST (1385) = 'Delayed' (defined versus
5892  ///< matching RAQ DTM RICs (e.g. '.LSECWTDELAY')).
5893  STRUCTNEWS = 4511, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data specially for
5894  ///< machine consumption.
5895  R_LST_LBL = 4512, ///< Label for restricted stock indicator.
5896  R_LST_VAL = 4513, ///< Value of restricted stock indicator.
5897  AN_RAT_LBL = 4514, ///< Label for stock analyst rating.
5898  AN_RAT_VAL = 4515, ///< Value of stock analyst rating.
5899  RST_FLAG = 4516, ///< Restricted list identifier flag.
5900  HEAD_DIR = 4517, ///< The value in this field is used to indicate the direction of the text
5901  ///< used for headline data in the news for common platform environment.
5902  HEAD_LANG = 4518, ///< This field contains values that indicate the language the headline
5903  ///< data is in for the news for common platform environment.
5905  4519, ///< Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
5907  4520, ///< Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
5909  4521, ///< Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
5911  4522, ///< Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
5913  4523, ///< Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
5914  NEWSMGTSTG = 4524, ///< Stage and management information for use within the news for common
5915  ///< platform environment.
5916  PRODCODE_N = 4525, ///< Prodcode values for use in the news for common platform environment.
5917  REFERENCE = 4526, ///< How the headline data should be displayed in the news for common
5918  ///< platform environment.
5919  SUMM_LANG = 4527, ///< The language the summary and story data is in for the news for common
5920  ///< platform environment.
5921  STORY_LANG = 4528, ///< The language the summary and story data is in for the news for
5922  ///< common platform environment.
5923  SUMM_DIR = 4529, ///< The direction of the text used for summary and story data in the news
5924  ///< for common platform environment.
5925  STORY_DIR = 4530, ///< The direction of the text used for summary and story data in the news
5926  ///< for common platform environment.
5927  LEG8_RATIO = 4531, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5928  LEG9_RATIO = 4532, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5929  LEG10_RTIO = 4533, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5930  LEG11_RTIO = 4534, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5931  LEG12_RTIO = 4535, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5932  LEG13_RTIO = 4536, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5933  LEG14_RTIO = 4537, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5934  LEG15_RTIO = 4538, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5935  LEG16_RTIO = 4539, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5936  LEG17_RTIO = 4540, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5937  LEG18_RTIO = 4541, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5938  LEG19_RTIO = 4542, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5939  LEG20_RTIO = 4543, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5940  LEG21_RTIO = 4544, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5941  LEG22_RTIO = 4545, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5942  LEG23_RTIO = 4546, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5943  LEG24_RTIO = 4547, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5944  LEG25_RTIO = 4548, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5945  LEG26_RTIO = 4549, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5946  LEG27_RTIO = 4550, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5947  LEG28_RTIO = 4551, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5948  LEG29_RTIO = 4552, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5949  LEG30_RTIO = 4553, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5950  LEG31_RTIO = 4554, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5951  LEG32_RTIO = 4555, ///< Ratio of lots for the leg.
5952  LEG8_EXP = 4556, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5953  LEG9_EXP = 4557, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5954  LEG10_EXP = 4558, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5955  LEG11_EXP = 4559, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5956  LEG12_EXP = 4560, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5957  LEG13_EXP = 4561, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5958  LEG14_EXP = 4562, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5959  LEG15_EXP = 4563, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5960  LEG16_EXP = 4564, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5961  LEG17_EXP = 4565, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5962  LEG18_EXP = 4566, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5963  LEG19_EXP = 4567, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5964  LEG20_EXP = 4568, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5965  LEG21_EXP = 4569, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5966  LEG22_EXP = 4570, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5967  LEG23_EXP = 4571, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5968  LEG24_EXP = 4572, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5969  LEG25_EXP = 4573, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5970  LEG26_EXP = 4574, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5971  LEG27_EXP = 4575, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5972  LEG28_EXP = 4576, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5973  LEG29_EXP = 4577, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5974  LEG30_EXP = 4578, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5975  LEG31_EXP = 4579, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5976  LEG32_EXP = 4580, ///< The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
5978  4581, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5980  4582, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5982  4583, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5984  4584, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5986  4585, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5988  4586, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5990  4587, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5992  4588, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5994  4589, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5996  4590, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
5998  4591, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6000  4592, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6002  4593, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6004  4594, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6006  4595, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6008  4596, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6010  4597, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6012  4598, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6014  4599, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6016  4600, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6018  4601, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6020  4602, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6022  4603, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6024  4604, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6026  4605, ///< The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6027  LEG8_TYPE = 4606, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6028  LEG9_TYPE = 4607, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6030  4608, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6032  4609, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6034  4610, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6036  4611, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6038  4612, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6040  4613, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6042  4614, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6044  4615, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6046  4616, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6048  4617, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6050  4618, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6052  4619, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6054  4620, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6056  4621, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6058  4622, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6060  4623, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6062  4624, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6064  4625, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6066  4626, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6068  4627, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6070  4628, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6072  4629, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6074  4630, ///< The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6075  LLEG8_RIC = 4631, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6076  LLEG9_RIC = 4632, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6077  LLEG10_RIC = 4633, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6078  LLEG11_RIC = 4634, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6079  LLEG12_RIC = 4635, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6080  LLEG13_RIC = 4636, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6081  LLEG14_RIC = 4637, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6082  LLEG15_RIC = 4638, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6083  LLEG16_RIC = 4639, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6084  LLEG17_RIC = 4640, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6085  LLEG18_RIC = 4641, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6086  LLEG19_RIC = 4642, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6087  LLEG20_RIC = 4643, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6088  LLEG21_RIC = 4644, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6089  LLEG22_RIC = 4645, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6090  LLEG23_RIC = 4646, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6091  LLEG24_RIC = 4647, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6092  LLEG25_RIC = 4648, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6093  LLEG26_RIC = 4649, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6094  LLEG27_RIC = 4650, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6095  LLEG28_RIC = 4651, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6096  LLEG29_RIC = 4652, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6097  LLEG30_RIC = 4653, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6098  LLEG31_RIC = 4654, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6099  LLEG32_RIC = 4655, ///< The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6100  B_YIELD_1 = 4656, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6101  B_YIELD_2 = 4657, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6102  B_YIELD_3 = 4658, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6103  B_YIELD_4 = 4659, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6104  B_YIELD_5 = 4660, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6105  B_YIELD_6 = 4661, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6106  B_YIELD_7 = 4662, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6107  B_YIELD_8 = 4663, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6108  B_YIELD_9 = 4664, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6109  B_YIELD_10 = 4665, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6110  B_YIELD_11 = 4666, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6111  B_YIELD_12 = 4667, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6112  B_YIELD_13 = 4668, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6113  B_YIELD_14 = 4669, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6114  B_YIELD_15 = 4670, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6115  B_YIELD_16 = 4671, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6116  B_YIELD_17 = 4672, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6117  B_YIELD_18 = 4673, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6118  B_YIELD_19 = 4674, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6119  B_YIELD_20 = 4675, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6120  B_YIELD_21 = 4676, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6121  B_YIELD_22 = 4677, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6122  B_YIELD_23 = 4678, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6123  B_YIELD_24 = 4679, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6124  B_YIELD_25 = 4680, ///< The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
6125  A_YIELD_1 = 4681, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6126  A_YIELD_2 = 4682, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6127  A_YIELD_3 = 4683, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6128  A_YIELD_4 = 4684, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6129  A_YIELD_5 = 4685, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6130  A_YIELD_6 = 4686, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6131  A_YIELD_7 = 4687, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6132  A_YIELD_8 = 4688, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6133  A_YIELD_9 = 4689, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6134  A_YIELD_10 = 4690, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6135  A_YIELD_11 = 4691, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6136  A_YIELD_12 = 4692, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6137  A_YIELD_13 = 4693, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6138  A_YIELD_14 = 4694, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6139  A_YIELD_15 = 4695, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6140  A_YIELD_16 = 4696, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6141  A_YIELD_17 = 4697, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6142  A_YIELD_18 = 4698, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6143  A_YIELD_19 = 4699, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6144  A_YIELD_20 = 4700, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6145  A_YIELD_21 = 4701, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6146  A_YIELD_22 = 4702, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6147  A_YIELD_23 = 4703, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6148  A_YIELD_24 = 4704, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6149  A_YIELD_25 = 4705, ///< The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
6150  DEAL_TYPE2 = 4706, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6151  DEAL_TYPE3 = 4707, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6152  DEAL_TYPE4 = 4708, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6153  DEAL_TYPE5 = 4709, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6154  DEAL_TYPE6 = 4710, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6155  DEAL_TYPE7 = 4711, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6156  DEAL_TYPE8 = 4712, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6157  DEAL_TYPE9 = 4713, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6158  DEAL_TYP10 = 4714, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6159  DEAL_TYP11 = 4715, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6160  DEAL_TYP12 = 4716, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6161  DEAL_TYP13 = 4717, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6162  DEAL_TYP14 = 4718, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6163  DEAL_TYP15 = 4719, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6164  DEAL_TYP16 = 4720, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6165  DEAL_TYP17 = 4721, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6166  DEAL_TYP18 = 4722, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6167  DEAL_TYP19 = 4723, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6168  DEAL_TYP20 = 4724, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6169  DEAL_TYP21 = 4725, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6170  DEAL_TYP22 = 4726, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6171  DEAL_TYP23 = 4727, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6172  DEAL_TYP24 = 4728, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6173  DEAL_TYP25 = 4729, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6174  DEAL_TYP26 = 4730, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6175  DEAL_TYP27 = 4731, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6176  DEAL_TYP28 = 4732, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6177  DEAL_TYP29 = 4733, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6178  DEAL_TYP30 = 4734, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6179  DEAL_TYP31 = 4735, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6180  DEAL_TYP32 = 4736, ///< Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
6182  4737, ///< Replacement for FID PUTCALLIND (109) with extended index enumeration values.
6183  DOM_EQ_ID = 4738, ///< Identifies all domestic markets trading the asset.
6184  DOM_OPT_ID = 4739, ///< Identifies all domestic markets trading options.
6185  FOR_EQ_ID = 4740, ///< Identifies all foreign markets trading the asset.
6186  FOR_OPT_ID = 4741, ///< Identifies all foreign markets trading options.
6188  4742, ///< Replacement for CUSIP (2178) which was incorrectly defined as PRICE type.
6189  ALT_ZSCORE = 4743, ///< Altman's Z Score. Bankruptcy predictor.
6190  INDEX_SKEW = 4744, ///< For CDS indices. The difference between the price of the index CDS
6191  ///< traded in the market and the fair value of the index.
6192  RECOV_RATE = 4745, ///< Recovery Rate. % of principal that could be recovered following a
6193  ///< credit event.
6194  A_SWP_SPD2 = 4746, ///< The asset swap spread referenced from the value of the underlying
6195  ///< asset e.g. Bond.
6196  BMK_SPD2 = 4747, ///< Benchmark Spread 2.
6197  SWAP_SPRD2 = 4748, ///< Swap Spread 2.
6198  BMK_YIELD = 4749, ///< Benchmark Bond Yield.
6199  FAIR_PRICE = 4750, ///< Fair Price for Convertible Bond.
6200  BOND_FLR = 4751, ///< Bond Floor Price for Convertible.
6201  SHRS_IDX1 = 4752, ///< Number of listed shares for calculation of Indices. Correction to FID
6202  ///< 3775 which was defined as Alphanumeric type.
6203  IMP_YIELD = 4753, ///< Futures Implied Yield.
6204  FUT_BASIS = 4754, ///< Basis of the deliverable bond.
6205  FUT_RISK = 4755, ///< Approx change in futures contract value for a given 1 bp change in the
6206  ///< yield of the deliverable bond.
6207  LSTSALCOND = 4756, ///< Native sale condition of Last trade.
6208  IRGSALCOND = 4757, ///< Native sale condition of irregular or canceled trade.
6209  INSSALCOND = 4758, ///< Native sale condition of inserted or corrected trade.
6210  LAST_IND = 4759, ///< Last / Not Last Indicator.
6211  THRESH_IND = 4760, ///< Threshold Check Indicator.
6212  CANCEL_IND = 4761, ///< Canceled trade Indicator.
6213  COR_IND = 4762, ///< Corrected trade Indicator.
6214  RETRAN_IND = 4763, ///< Retransmission Indicator.
6215  CANCLSTIND = 4764, ///< Cancellation Last / Not Last Indicator.
6216  CORRLSTIND = 4765, ///< Correction Last / Not Last Indicator.
6217  CANTHRIND = 4766, ///< Cancellation Threshold Check Indicator.
6218  CORRTHRIND = 4767, ///< Correction Threshold Check Indicator.
6219  CANRTRIND = 4768, ///< Cancellation Retransmission Indicator.
6220  CORRRTRIND = 4769, ///< Correction Retransmission Indicator.
6221  AC_TRD_VAL = 4770, ///< Accumulated trading Value.
6222  YR_TO_MAT = 4771, ///< Remaining years to maturity.
6223  AM_AC_PRC = 4772, ///< AM Accumalated Price (Correction to FID3563 which was incorrectly
6224  ///< defined as INTEGER type).
6225  CRV_UNIT = 4773, ///< Curve Unit Indicator (eg Yield, Volatility, BPS, % etc).
6226  HST_VWAP = 4774, ///< Previous trading days volume weighted average price.
6227  HST_VWAP_Y = 4775, ///< Previous trading days volume weighted average yield price.
6228  VWAP_YLD = 4776, ///< Volume weighted average yield price.
6229  BASE_PRC3 = 4777, ///< Tomorrows base price.
6230  BASE_PRCFL = 4778, ///< Tomorrows base price Flag.
6231  LIMIT_LVL = 4779, ///< The latest trading limit level.
6232  LOLIMIT_3 = 4780, ///< The third level lower trading limit for todays trading.
6233  UPLIMIT_3 = 4781, ///< The third level upper trading limit for todays trading.
6234  HI_TIMESEC = 4782, ///< Time of highest price.
6235  LO_TIMESEC = 4783, ///< Time of lowest price.
6236  FRGN_BVOL = 4784, ///< The foreigners buy volume.
6237  FRGN_SVOL = 4785, ///< The foreigners sell volume.
6238  FRGN_TDCHG = 4786, ///< The difference between an investment trusts buy and sell volume.
6239  TRUST_BVOL = 4787, ///< The buy volume of an Investment Trust.
6240  TRUST_SVOL = 4788, ///< The sell volume of an Investment Trust.
6241  TRUST_TCHG = 4789, ///< The difference between an investment trusts buy and sell volume.
6242  ASK_SP1_FL = 4790, ///< A flag field further qualifying ASK SPREAD field.
6244  4791, ///< For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from ASK_SPREAD (FID 3296).
6245  ASK_SPRD_3 = 4792, ///< For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from ASK_SPRD2.
6246  ATTACH_PCT = 4793, ///< Attachment point expressed in percentage terms.
6247  BASE_RT_TP = 4794, ///< The benchmark used for calculating the margin (e.g. LIBOR, EURIBOR,
6248  ///< PRIME..etc).
6249  BID_SP1_FL = 4795, ///< A flag field further qualifying BID SPREAD field.
6251  4796, ///< For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from BID_SPREAD (FID 3303).
6252  BID_SPRD_3 = 4797, ///< For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from BID_SPRD2.
6253  BORR_COUNT = 4798, ///< Date when the composite was built.
6254  COMP_DATE = 4799, ///< Date when the composite was built.
6255  COMP_DEPTH = 4800, ///< Credit Event. A financial event related to a legal entity which
6256  ///< triggers specific protection provided by a credit derivative.
6257  CRED_EVENT = 4801, ///< Credit Event. A financial event related to a legal entity which
6258  ///< triggers specific protection provided by a credit derivative.
6259  DETACH_PCT = 4802, ///< Detachment point expressed in percentage terms.
6260  FAC_SZ_ORG = 4803, ///< Facility Size, Original currency displayed in millions.
6261  FAC_SZ_USD = 4804, ///< Facility Size, US Dollar displayed in millions.
6262  FACILITY = 4805, ///< Loan Facility type.
6263  FACSZ_INST = 4806, ///< Average Institutional Facility Size, displayed in millions of USD.
6265  4807, ///< Average Non-Institutional Facility Size, displayed in millions of USD.
6266  IDXVERSION = 4808, ///< The version number of the index.
6267  LIN = 4809, ///< Loan Identification Number (LIN) Sourced from Loan Price Corporation.
6268  MID_1_FLAG = 4810, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the MID PRICE fields MID_n.
6270  4811, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in MID_1 to MID_3 an associated
6271  ///< activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.
6272  MID_2_FLAG = 4812, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the MID PRICE fields MID_n.
6274  4813, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in MID_1 to MID_3 an associated
6275  ///< activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.
6276  MID_3_FLAG = 4814, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the MID PRICE fields MID_n.
6278  4815, ///< For each of the last activity fields defined in MID_1 to MID_3 an associated
6279  ///< activity indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.
6280  MID_SP1_FL = 4816, ///< A flag fields further qualifying MID SPREAD field.
6282  4817, ///< For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from MID_SPREAD (FID 3352).
6283  MID_SPRD_3 = 4818, ///< For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from MID_SPRD2.
6284  ORG_ID1 = 4819, ///< Organisation Identifier 1.
6285  ORG_ID1_TP = 4820, ///< Further text qualifying Organisation Identifier 1.
6286  ORG_ID2 = 4821, ///< Organisation Identifier 2.
6287  ORG_ID2_TP = 4822, ///< Further text qualifying Organisation Identifier 2.
6288  RED_CODE = 4823, ///< For CDS. Entity Level/Index Family Identifier.
6289  REF_CDS = 4824, ///< Reference Credit Default Swap.
6290  REF_ENTITY = 4825, ///< For CDS. Full Company Name of the Reference Entity.
6291  REF_LCDS = 4826, ///< Reference Loan Credit Default Swap.
6292  SERIES = 4827, ///< The series number of the index.
6293  SIGN_DATE = 4828, ///< Date the loan agreement was signed.
6294  STD_DEV = 4829, ///< Standard deviation of bids for tranches included in the index.
6295  TRD_CNV_FL = 4830, ///< For CDS. Y/N Flag for identifying the traded convention CDS.
6296  TRNCHE_LVL = 4831, ///< The tranche level of the Index (A,B,...E etc).
6298  4832, ///< The tranche level name (e.g. equity, senior, super senior..) of an index.
6299  UPFRNT_FEE = 4833, ///< Upfront fee for loans.
6300  ASP12M = 4834, ///< Asset Swap Spread 12 month basis points.
6301  ASPMTD = 4835, ///< Asset Swap Spread month to date basis points.
6302  ASPYTD = 4836, ///< Asset Swap Spread year to date basis points.
6303  BLEND_YTM = 4837, ///< Blended Yield to Maturity.
6304  BMK_SPDSB = 4838, ///< Semi-annual Index Benchmark Spread.
6305  CASH_TRI = 4839, ///< Cash Return Index.
6306  CLNPI_HD = 4840, ///< Nominal Clean Price Index Hedged.
6307  CLNPI_HD1D = 4841, ///< Nominal Clean Price Index Hedged Yesterday.
6308  CLNPI_UH1D = 4842, ///< Nominal Clean Price Index Yesterday.
6309  CLNPI_UNH = 4843, ///< Nominal Clean Price Index.
6310  CNVX_HAB = 4844, ///< Real Annual Convexity Hedged.
6311  CNVX_HSB = 4845, ///< Real Semi-Annual Convexity Hedged.
6312  CNVX_NH = 4846, ///< Nominal Straight Convexity Hedged.
6313  CNVX_NU = 4847, ///< Nominal Straight Convexity Unhedged.
6314  CNVX_P_AB = 4848, ///< Annual Portfolio Convexity.
6315  CNVX_P_SB = 4849, ///< Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity.
6316  CNVX_P_UAB = 4850, ///< Real Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
6317  CNVX_P_USB = 4851, ///< Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
6318  CNVX_UAB = 4852, ///< Real Annual Convexity Unhedged.
6319  CNVX_USB = 4853, ///< Real Semi-Annual Convexity Unhedged.
6320  CNVXWST_SB = 4854, ///< Convexity to Worst in semi-annual terms.
6321  CONVEXITYH = 4855, ///< Real Straight Convexity Hedged.
6322  CONVEXITYU = 4856, ///< Real Straight Convexity Unhedged.
6323  CPI_CASH = 4857, ///< Cash Price Index.
6324  CPI_RATE = 4858, ///< CPI Today.
6325  CPR_RATE = 4859, ///< Price Index - Clean.
6326  CPR_RATE_U = 4860, ///< Price Index - Clean - USD.
6327  CTB_RTN_IH = 4861, ///< Citigroup daily return index hedged.
6328  CTB_RTNIDX = 4862, ///< Citigroup daily return index.
6329  CUM_TRTN = 4863, ///< Daily Cumulative Total Retrun.
6330  CURR_RTN = 4864, ///< Currency Return.
6331  DRTN_TW = 4865, ///< Duration to Worst.
6332  DURATION_H = 4866, ///< Real Duration Hedged.
6333  DURATION_U = 4867, ///< Real Duration Unhedged.
6334  DURTN_P_H = 4868, ///< Real Portfolio Duration Hedged.
6335  DURTN_P_U = 4869, ///< Real Portfolio Duration Unhedged.
6336  DURTN_TW = 4870, ///< Macauley Duration To Worst.
6337  EFF_YLDSB = 4871, ///< Effective Yield in semi-annual terms.
6338  EIR_DRTN = 4872, ///< Effective Interest Rate Duration.
6339  EXDIVADJ = 4873, ///< Ex-Dividend - Adjustment.
6340  FACTO_CPI = 4874, ///< Cost Factor Price Index.
6341  FACTO_TRI = 4875, ///< Cost Factor Return Index.
6342  HST_CPI = 4876, ///< Cpi Yesterday.
6343  HST_PRCCLN = 4877, ///< Local Clean Price Index Yesterday.
6344  HST_TRTN_H = 4878, ///< Real Total Return Index Hedged Yesterday.
6345  HST_TRTN_I = 4879, ///< Total Return Index Yesterday.
6346  HST_TRTN_L = 4880, ///< Real Total Return Index Currency Yesterday.
6347  HST_TRTN_U = 4881, ///< Real Total Return Index Unhedged Yesterday.
6348  ICP_TRTN = 4882, ///< Total Return since inception.
6349  IDX_CPN = 4883, ///< Coupon Income Index.
6350  IDX_CPN_H = 4884, ///< Coupon Income Index Hedged (USD).
6351  IDX_CPN_U = 4885, ///< Coupon Income Index Unhedged (USD).
6352  IND_LEV0 = 4886, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6353  ///< Sector Level 0 - Currency.
6354  IND_LEV1 = 4887, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6355  ///< Sector Level 1 - Asset Class.
6356  IND_LEV2 = 4888, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6357  ///< Sector Level 2 - Industry.
6358  IND_LEV3 = 4889, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6359  ///< Sector Level 3 - Super Sector.
6360  IND_LEV4 = 4890, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6361  ///< Sector Level 4 - Sector.
6362  IND_LEV5 = 4891, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6363  ///< Sector Level 5 - Subsector.
6364  IND_LEV6 = 4892, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6365  ///< Sector Level 6 - other sector.
6366  IND_LEV7 = 4893, ///< Sector classification scheme derived with Dow Jones and used by iBoxx.
6367  ///< Sector Level 7 - other sector.
6368  INDX_INC = 4894, ///< Income Index.
6369  INT_YLD = 4895, ///< Interest Yield.
6370  INTRTN_IDX = 4896, ///< Interest Rate Return Index.
6371  M_DRTNSB_H = 4897, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
6372  M_DRTNSB_U = 4898, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Modified Duration Unhedged.
6373  MDTN_P_AB = 4899, ///< Annual Portfolio Modified Duration.
6374  MDTN_P_HAB = 4900, ///< Real Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
6375  MDTN_P_HSB = 4901, ///< Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
6376  MDTN_P_SB = 4902, ///< Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration.
6377  MDTN_P_UAB = 4903, ///< Real Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
6378  MDTN_P_USB = 4904, ///< Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
6379  MDTNMAT_SB = 4905, ///< Modified Duration to Maturity in semi annual terms.
6380  MDTNWST_CV = 4906, ///< Modified Duration to Worst in conventional terms.
6381  MDTNWST_SB = 4907, ///< Modified Duration to Worst in semi-annual terms.
6382  MDURTN_AB = 4908, ///< Nominal Annual Modified Duration Unhedged.
6383  MDURTN_HAB = 4909, ///< Real Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
6384  MDURTN_HSB = 4910, ///< Real Semi-Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
6385  MDURTN_SB = 4911, ///< Semi-Annual Modified Duration/ Nominal Semi-Annual Modified Duration.
6386  MDURTN_USB = 4912, ///< Real Annual Modified Duration Unhedged.
6387  MKT_VALUS = 4913, ///< Market Value in US$.
6388  MKTCAP_PCT = 4914, ///< It is the market cap in % terms of the overall market cap of the
6389  ///< aggregate index.
6390  MOD_DHD = 4915, ///< Nominal Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
6391  MTD_CPN = 4916, ///< Month to date Coupon Return.
6392  MTD_EXCESS = 4917, ///< Month to date Excess Returns.
6393  MTD_EXRPCT = 4918, ///< Month-to-date Excess Return Percentage.
6394  MTD_EXSPCT = 4919, ///< Month to date Excess swap Percentage.
6395  MTD_HRTNI = 4920, ///< Month-to-date Hedged Index Return (USD).
6396  MTD_N_RTN = 4921, ///< Nominal Month-to-date Return.
6397  MTD_NH_RTN = 4922, ///< Nominal Month-to-Date Return Hedged.
6398  MTD_OTHRTN = 4923, ///< Month to date Other Return.
6399  MTD_PCTCHG = 4924, ///< Month to date Change Percent.
6400  MTD_RRTN = 4925, ///< Real Month-to-Date Return.
6401  MTD_RRTN_H = 4926, ///< Real Month-to-Date Return Hedged.
6402  MTD_RTN = 4927, ///< Month to date Total Return Hedged.
6403  MTD_RTN_H = 4928, ///< MTD Total Return Hedged %.
6404  MTD_U_IRTN = 4929, ///< Month to date Unhedged Index Return (USD).
6405  MTDLCURRTN = 4930, ///< Month to date Local Currency Return.
6406  MTDPCTTRTN = 4931, ///< Month-to-date Total Return %.
6407  NCX_HD = 4932, ///< Nominal Annual Convexity Hedged.
6408  NCXSB_HD = 4933, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Convexity Hedged.
6409  NCXSB_U = 4934, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Convexity Unhedged.
6410  NDURTN_H = 4935, ///< Nominal Duration Hedged.
6411  NOM_CASH = 4936, ///< Nominal Paid Cash.
6412  NP_CNVX_H = 4937, ///< Nominal Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
6413  NP_CNVX_U = 4938, ///< Nominal Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
6414  NP_DRTN_H = 4939, ///< Nominal Portfolio Duration Hedged.
6415  NP_DRTN_U = 4940, ///< Nominal Portfolio Duration Unhedged.
6416  NP_MD_H = 4941, ///< Nominal Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
6417  NP_MD_U = 4942, ///< Nominal Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
6418  NP_MDSB_H = 4943, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
6419  NP_MDSB_U = 4944, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
6420  NP_YLD_H = 4945, ///< Nominal Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
6421  NP_YLDSB_H = 4946, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
6422  NP_YLDSB_U = 4947, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Unhedged.
6423  NPCNVXSB_H = 4948, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
6424  NPCNVXSB_U = 4949, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
6425  PD_CASH = 4950, ///< Real Paid Cash.
6426  PD_CASH_U = 4951, ///< Unhedged Cash Paid (USD).
6428  4952, ///< Cash paid by the bond month-to-date with daily reinvestment at 1-month LIBID.
6429  PORT_DURTN = 4953, ///< Portfolio Duration.
6430  PRC_GR_IH = 4954, ///< Gross Price Index Hedged.
6431  PRC_IDX = 4955, ///< Price Index.
6432  PRC_IDX_H = 4956, ///< Price index hedged.
6433  PRI_RTNIDX = 4957, ///< Principle Return Index.
6434  RDM_IDX = 4958, ///< Redemption Income Index.
6435  REAL_COUPN = 4959, ///< Real Coupon.
6436  RRTN = 4960, ///< Real Daily Return.
6437  RRTN_H = 4961, ///< Real Daily Return Hedged.
6438  RTN_CPN = 4962, ///< Coupon Return.
6439  RTN_FACTOR = 4963, ///< Return Factor.
6440  RTN_GP_IDX = 4964, ///< Gross Price Index.
6441  RTN_GP_IU = 4965, ///< Gross Price Index Unhedged.
6442  RTN_IDX = 4966, ///< Total Return Index.
6443  RTN_IDX_H = 4967, ///< Total Return Index hedged.
6444  RTN_N = 4968, ///< Nominal Daily Return.
6445  RTN_N_H = 4969, ///< Nominal Daily Return Hedged.
6446  RTN_P_MTD = 4970, ///< MTD Price Return.
6447  RTNINT_IDX = 4971, ///< Interest return index.
6448  RTNP_I_VAL = 4972, ///< Price Rate of Return Index Value in local currency terms unhedged.
6449  RTNPCT_MTD = 4973, ///< Month to date Price Rate of Return percentage in local currency
6450  ///< terms unhedged.
6451  RTRTN_H = 4974, ///< Real Total Return Index Hedged.
6452  RTRTN_U = 4975, ///< Real Total Return Index.
6453  RVAL_U = 4976, ///< Real Market Value Unhedged.
6454  SPD_DURTN = 4977, ///< Spread Duration.
6455  SPD_TSY_AB = 4978, ///< Govt Spread 12mth bps.
6456  SPD_TSYMTD = 4979, ///< Govt Spread MTD bps.
6457  SPD_TSYYTD = 4980, ///< Govt Spread YTD bps.
6458  TRTN = 4981, ///< Total Return.
6459  TRTN_3MT = 4982, ///< total return for the last 3 months.
6460  TRTN_6MT = 4983, ///< total return for the last 6 months.
6461  TRTN_IDX = 4984, ///< Total Return Index Today.
6462  TRTN_IDX_H = 4985, ///< Nominal Total Return Index Hedged.
6463  TRTN_IDX_U = 4986, ///< Nominal Total Return Index Unhedged.
6464  TRTN_LOC = 4987, ///< Local Total Return Index Today.
6465  TRTN_PRICE = 4988, ///< Daily Total Return.
6466  SPONSOR = 4989, ///< The sponsor of the loan.
6467  FRNTRD_PRC = 5001, ///< Foreigners trading price.
6468  FRNTRD_TIM = 5002, ///< Foreigners trading price time.
6469  LQP_SIZE = 5003, ///< Liquidity provider bid/ask size.
6470  AVG_LQP_SZ = 5004, ///< LP holding amount per listed share.
6471  ACVOL_REG = 5005, ///< Trading volume of regular session.
6472  TNOVER_REG = 5006, ///< Trading value of regular session.
6473  PRIMARY_MM = 5007, ///< Flag to indicate whether a market maker is primary.
6474  MM_MODE = 5008, ///< Market maker mode - Indicates the quoting participants registration
6475  ///< status in relation to SEC Rules 101 and 104 of Regulation M.
6476  MM_STATE = 5009, ///< Market Participant State - Indicates the market participants current
6477  ///< registration status in the issue.
6478  A_QTYCLS1 = 5010, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6479  ///< trading.
6480  A_QTYCLS2 = 5011, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6481  ///< trading.
6482  A_QTYCLS3 = 5012, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6483  ///< trading.
6484  A_QTYCLS4 = 5013, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6485  ///< trading.
6486  A_QTYCLS5 = 5014, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6487  ///< trading.
6488  A_QTYCLS6 = 5015, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6489  ///< trading.
6490  A_QTYCLS7 = 5016, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6491  ///< trading.
6492  A_QTYCLS8 = 5017, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6493  ///< trading.
6494  A_QTYCLS9 = 5018, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba
6495  ///< trading.
6496  A_QTYCLS10 = 5019, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6497  ///< Zaraba trading.
6498  A_QTYCLS11 = 5020, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6499  ///< Zaraba trading.
6500  A_QTYCLS12 = 5021, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6501  ///< Zaraba trading.
6502  A_QTYCLS13 = 5022, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6503  ///< Zaraba trading.
6504  A_QTYCLS14 = 5023, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6505  ///< Zaraba trading.
6506  A_QTYCLS15 = 5024, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6507  ///< Zaraba trading.
6508  A_QTYCLS16 = 5025, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6509  ///< Zaraba trading.
6510  A_QTYCLS17 = 5026, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6511  ///< Zaraba trading.
6512  A_QTYCLS18 = 5027, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6513  ///< Zaraba trading.
6514  A_QTYCLS19 = 5028, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6515  ///< Zaraba trading.
6516  A_QTYCLS20 = 5029, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6517  ///< Zaraba trading.
6518  A_QTYCLS21 = 5030, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6519  ///< Zaraba trading.
6520  A_QTYCLS22 = 5031, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6521  ///< Zaraba trading.
6522  A_QTYCLS23 = 5032, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6523  ///< Zaraba trading.
6524  A_QTYCLS24 = 5033, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6525  ///< Zaraba trading.
6526  A_QTYCLS25 = 5034, ///< Sell Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market
6527  ///< Zaraba trading.
6529  5035, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6531  5036, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6533  5037, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6535  5038, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6537  5039, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6539  5040, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6541  5041, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6543  5042, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6545  5043, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6547  5044, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6549  5045, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6551  5046, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6553  5047, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6555  5048, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6557  5049, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6559  5050, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6561  5051, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6563  5052, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6565  5053, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6567  5054, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6569  5055, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6571  5056, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6573  5057, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6575  5058, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6577  5059, ///< Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
6578  A_ACCQTY1 = 5060, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6579  A_ACCQTY2 = 5061, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6580  A_ACCQTY3 = 5062, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6581  A_ACCQTY4 = 5063, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6582  A_ACCQTY5 = 5064, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6583  A_ACCQTY6 = 5065, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6584  A_ACCQTY7 = 5066, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6585  A_ACCQTY8 = 5067, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6586  A_ACCQTY9 = 5068, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6587  A_ACCQTY10 = 5069, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6588  A_ACCQTY11 = 5070, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6589  A_ACCQTY12 = 5071, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6590  A_ACCQTY13 = 5072, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6591  A_ACCQTY14 = 5073, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6592  A_ACCQTY15 = 5074, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6593  A_ACCQTY16 = 5075, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6594  A_ACCQTY17 = 5076, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6595  A_ACCQTY18 = 5077, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6596  A_ACCQTY19 = 5078, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6597  A_ACCQTY20 = 5079, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6598  A_ACCQTY21 = 5080, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6599  A_ACCQTY22 = 5081, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6600  A_ACCQTY23 = 5082, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6601  A_ACCQTY24 = 5083, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6602  A_ACCQTY25 = 5084, ///< Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6603  B_ACCQTY1 = 5085, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6604  B_ACCQTY2 = 5086, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6605  B_ACCQTY3 = 5087, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6606  B_ACCQTY4 = 5088, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6607  B_ACCQTY5 = 5089, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6608  B_ACCQTY6 = 5090, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6609  B_ACCQTY7 = 5091, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6610  B_ACCQTY8 = 5092, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6611  B_ACCQTY9 = 5093, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6612  B_ACCQTY10 = 5094, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6613  B_ACCQTY11 = 5095, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6614  B_ACCQTY12 = 5096, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6615  B_ACCQTY13 = 5097, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6616  B_ACCQTY14 = 5098, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6617  B_ACCQTY15 = 5099, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6618  B_ACCQTY16 = 5100, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6619  B_ACCQTY17 = 5101, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6620  B_ACCQTY18 = 5102, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6621  B_ACCQTY19 = 5103, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6622  B_ACCQTY20 = 5104, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6623  B_ACCQTY21 = 5105, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6624  B_ACCQTY22 = 5106, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6625  B_ACCQTY23 = 5107, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6626  B_ACCQTY24 = 5108, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6627  B_ACCQTY25 = 5109, ///< Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6628  A_TONE_1 = 5110, ///< Sell Code.
6629  A_TONE_2 = 5111, ///< Sell Code.
6630  A_TONE_3 = 5112, ///< Sell Code.
6631  A_TONE_4 = 5113, ///< Sell Code.
6632  A_TONE_5 = 5114, ///< Sell Code.
6633  A_TONE_6 = 5115, ///< Sell Code.
6634  A_TONE_7 = 5116, ///< Sell Code.
6635  A_TONE_8 = 5117, ///< Sell Code.
6636  A_TONE_9 = 5118, ///< Sell Code.
6637  A_TONE_10 = 5119, ///< Sell Code.
6638  A_TONE_11 = 5120, ///< Sell Code.
6639  A_TONE_12 = 5121, ///< Sell Code.
6640  A_TONE_13 = 5122, ///< Sell Code.
6641  A_TONE_14 = 5123, ///< Sell Code.
6642  A_TONE_15 = 5124, ///< Sell Code.
6643  A_TONE_16 = 5125, ///< Sell Code.
6644  A_TONE_17 = 5126, ///< Sell Code.
6645  A_TONE_18 = 5127, ///< Sell Code.
6646  A_TONE_19 = 5128, ///< Sell Code.
6647  A_TONE_20 = 5129, ///< Sell Code.
6648  A_TONE_21 = 5130, ///< Sell Code.
6649  A_TONE_22 = 5131, ///< Sell Code.
6650  A_TONE_23 = 5132, ///< Sell Code.
6651  A_TONE_24 = 5133, ///< Sell Code.
6652  A_TONE_25 = 5134, ///< Sell Code.
6653  B_TONE_1 = 5135, ///< Buy Code.
6654  B_TONE_2 = 5136, ///< Buy Code.
6655  B_TONE_3 = 5137, ///< Buy Code.
6656  B_TONE_4 = 5138, ///< Buy Code.
6657  B_TONE_5 = 5139, ///< Buy Code.
6658  B_TONE_6 = 5140, ///< Buy Code.
6659  B_TONE_7 = 5141, ///< Buy Code.
6660  B_TONE_8 = 5142, ///< Buy Code.
6661  B_TONE_9 = 5143, ///< Buy Code.
6662  B_TONE_10 = 5144, ///< Buy Code.
6663  B_TONE_11 = 5145, ///< Buy Code.
6664  B_TONE_12 = 5146, ///< Buy Code.
6665  B_TONE_13 = 5147, ///< Buy Code.
6666  B_TONE_14 = 5148, ///< Buy Code.
6667  B_TONE_15 = 5149, ///< Buy Code.
6668  B_TONE_16 = 5150, ///< Buy Code.
6669  B_TONE_17 = 5151, ///< Buy Code.
6670  B_TONE_18 = 5152, ///< Buy Code.
6671  B_TONE_19 = 5153, ///< Buy Code.
6672  B_TONE_20 = 5154, ///< Buy Code.
6673  B_TONE_21 = 5155, ///< Buy Code.
6674  B_TONE_22 = 5156, ///< Buy Code.
6675  B_TONE_23 = 5157, ///< Buy Code.
6676  B_TONE_24 = 5158, ///< Buy Code.
6677  B_TONE_25 = 5159, ///< Buy Code.
6678  MKOA_CLSQY = 5160, ///< Sell Market Order Quantity with Closing condition.
6679  MKOB_CLSQY = 5161, ///< Buy Market Order Quantity with Closing condition.
6680  MKOASK_CUM = 5162, ///< Sell Market Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6681  MKOBID_CUM = 5163, ///< Buy Market Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
6682  MKOA_TONE = 5164, ///< Sell Market Order Code.
6683  MKOB_TONE = 5165, ///< Buy Market Order Code.
6684  MKOASK_PRC = 5166, ///< Sell Market Order Price.
6685  MKOBID_PRC = 5167, ///< Buy Market Order Price.
6686  ITEM_ID = 5168, ///< ID of current news item.
6688  5169, ///< Relevance of the item to the underlying scored entity (company, topic code).
6689  SENTIMENT = 5170, ///< Predominant sentiment category, integer representation.
6690  SENT_POS = 5171, ///< Probability that news item has positive sentiment.
6691  SENT_NEUT = 5172, ///< Probability that news item has neutral sentiment.
6692  SENT_NEG = 5173, ///< Probability that news item has negative sentiment.
6693  LNKD_CNT1 = 5174, ///< Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
6694  LNKD_CNT2 = 5175, ///< Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
6695  LNKD_CNT3 = 5176, ///< Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
6696  LNKD_CNT4 = 5177, ///< Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
6697  LNKD_CNT5 = 5178, ///< Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
6698  LNKD_ID1 = 5179, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
6699  LNKD_ID2 = 5180, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
6700  LNKD_ID3 = 5181, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
6701  LNKD_ID4 = 5182, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
6702  LNKD_ID5 = 5183, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
6703  LNKD_IDPV1 = 5184, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
6704  LNKD_IDPV2 = 5185, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
6705  LNKD_IDPV3 = 5186, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
6706  LNKD_IDPV4 = 5187, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
6707  LNKD_IDPV5 = 5188, ///< Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
6708  ITEM_TYPE = 5189, ///< Type of item in story lifecycle, such as:'alert', 'article',
6709  ///< 'append', 'overwrite'.
6710  ITEM_GENRE = 5190, ///< Genre of item such as:'Not Defined', 'Imbalance'.
6711  CACH_CNT = 5191, ///< Current number of items cached within the P2PS from all upstream Line
6712  ///< Handler sources.
6713  CACH_CNTMX = 5192, ///< Highest number of items cached within the P2PS from all upstream
6714  ///< Line Handler sources since last P2PS restart.
6715  ITEM_CNT = 5193, ///< Current number of items available for subscription from the P2PS.
6716  ITEM_CNTMX = 5194, ///< Highest number of items available for subscription from the P2PS
6717  ///< since last restart.
6718  LH_UPDOWN = 5195, ///< Flag to indicate whether a Line Handler is currently up or down.
6719  ///< True=Up, False=Down.
6720  MSGRT_LHIN = 5196, ///< Current Line Handler Message Rate In and Out.
6721  MSGRT_LHOT = 5197, ///< Current Line Handler Message Rate In and Out.
6722  ARB_GAPOUT = 5198, ///< Current number of outstanding arbitrator Gaps.
6723  ARB_GAPTTL = 5199, ///< Total number of daily arbitrator gaps, filled or unfilled.
6724  WTCHL_CT_U = 5200, ///< Current number of unique items under subscription by one or more
6725  ///< connecting applications.
6726  LTNC_MVAVG = 5201, ///< Ten second moving average of latency, in microseconds, as measured
6727  ///< from the top.
6728  WTCHL_CT = 5202, ///< Current number of items under subscription by one or more connecting
6729  ///< applications, where a single item can be counted multiple times if
6730  ///< more than one application is subscribing to it.
6731  DC_POS = 5203, ///< Deal Capture (DC) instance or position.
6732  EX_ORD_TYP = 5204, ///< Exchange order types.
6733  TD_RPT_CDE = 5205, ///< Trade report code.
6734  BID_ORD_ID = 5206, ///< Buy and Sell order identifiers.
6735  ASK_ORD_ID = 5207, ///< Buy and Sell order identifiers.
6736  BIDID_CNL = 5208, ///< Buy and Sell order identifiers for cancelled trades.
6737  ASKID_CNL = 5209, ///< Buy and Sell order identifiers for cancelled trades.
6738  RM_BID_QTY = 5210, ///< Remain Bid and Ask quantities.
6739  RM_ASK_QTY = 5211, ///< Remain Bid and Ask quantities.
6740  RMBIDQTY_C = 5212, ///< Remain Bid and Ask quantities for cancelled trade.
6741  RMASKQTY_C = 5213, ///< Remain Bid and Ask quantities for cancelled trade.
6742  B_DEAL_SRC = 5214, ///< Bid and Ask deal source numbers.
6743  A_DEAL_SRC = 5215, ///< Bid and Ask deal source numbers.
6744  BDEALSRC_C = 5216, ///< Bid and Ask deal source numbers for cancelled trades.
6745  ADEALSRC_C = 5217, ///< Bid and Ask deal source numbers for cancelled trades.
6746  BID_CUSTID = 5218, ///< Unique identifier to Bid and Ask customers.
6747  ASK_CUSTID = 5219, ///< Unique identifier to Bid and Ask customers.
6748  BIDCANCUST = 5220, ///< Cancelled Unique identifiers to Bid and Ask customers.
6749  ASKCANCUST = 5221, ///< Cancelled Unique identifiers to Bid and Ask customers.
6750  EXT_TR_PRC = 5222, ///< Extended price.
6751  BTRDTYP_C = 5223, ///< Bid and Ask Trade types for cancelled trades.
6752  ATRDTYP_C = 5224, ///< Bid and Ask Trade types for cancelled trades.
6753  CHG_REAS = 5225, ///< Reason for change on orders.
6754  NTCH_ESFVL = 5226, ///< Net Change of Estimated Filling Volume.
6755  INVSTALERT = 5227, ///< Investment alert.
6756  TOT_LQPAMT = 5228, ///< Liquidity Provider (Market Maker) holding amount.
6757  PS_LQPAMT = 5229, ///< Liquidity Provider holding amount per listed share.
6758  IND_TNOVER = 5230, ///< Indicative Turnover.
6759  INDTNOV_SC = 5231, ///< The scaling factor for the IDN_TNOVER field.
6760  A_LQPQTY1 = 5232, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6761  A_LQPQTY2 = 5233, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6762  A_LQPQTY3 = 5234, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6763  A_LQPQTY4 = 5235, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6764  A_LQPQTY5 = 5236, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6765  A_LQPQTY6 = 5237, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6766  A_LQPQTY7 = 5238, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6767  A_LQPQTY8 = 5239, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6768  A_LQPQTY9 = 5240, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6769  A_LQPQTY10 = 5241, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6770  A_LQPQTY11 = 5242, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6771  A_LQPQTY12 = 5243, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6772  A_LQPQTY13 = 5244, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6773  A_LQPQTY14 = 5245, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6774  A_LQPQTY15 = 5246, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6775  A_LQPQTY16 = 5247, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6776  A_LQPQTY17 = 5248, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6777  A_LQPQTY18 = 5249, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6778  A_LQPQTY19 = 5250, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6779  A_LQPQTY20 = 5251, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6780  A_LQPQTY21 = 5252, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6781  A_LQPQTY22 = 5253, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6782  A_LQPQTY23 = 5254, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6783  A_LQPQTY24 = 5255, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6784  A_LQPQTY25 = 5256, ///< Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
6785  B_LQPQTY1 = 5257, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6786  B_LQPQTY2 = 5258, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6787  B_LQPQTY3 = 5259, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6788  B_LQPQTY4 = 5260, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6789  B_LQPQTY5 = 5261, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6790  B_LQPQTY6 = 5262, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6791  B_LQPQTY7 = 5263, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6792  B_LQPQTY8 = 5264, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6793  B_LQPQTY9 = 5265, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6794  B_LQPQTY10 = 5266, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6795  B_LQPQTY11 = 5267, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6796  B_LQPQTY12 = 5268, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6797  B_LQPQTY13 = 5269, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6798  B_LQPQTY14 = 5270, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6799  B_LQPQTY15 = 5271, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6800  B_LQPQTY16 = 5272, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6801  B_LQPQTY17 = 5273, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6802  B_LQPQTY18 = 5274, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6803  B_LQPQTY19 = 5275, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6804  B_LQPQTY20 = 5276, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6805  B_LQPQTY21 = 5277, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6806  B_LQPQTY22 = 5278, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6807  B_LQPQTY23 = 5279, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6808  B_LQPQTY24 = 5280, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6809  B_LQPQTY25 = 5281, ///< Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
6810  BASKT_PRC = 5282, ///< Basket Stock price.
6812  5283, ///< Disparate ratio will only given once After Market Hours. The dispartion ratio
6813  ///< is as follows: Dispartion ratio(%) = (market price of ETF - NAV) / (NAV *
6814  ///< 100). Which means, when there's a discrepancy with ETF index price & NAV
6815  ///< price, this difference has been calculated with formula as above.
6816  SPEC_PRICE = 5284, ///< Special Price, special price is an executed price which only used
6817  ///< for Morning's Pre-opening and Afternoon's After-Hours Trading onto
6818  ///< one single fid.
6819  STARTLQP = 5285, ///< Start and End dates of Liquidity Provider.
6820  END_DTLP = 5286, ///< Start and End dates of Liquidity Provider.
6821  LQP_SPREAD = 5287, ///< Liquidity Provider Spread.
6822  FINC_VOL = 5288, ///< Financial Volume = VWAP * Total Volume. Note that this result is
6823  ///< multiplied by a scaling factor CROSS_SC (FID 825).
6825  5289, ///< For options, gives an imputed closing price, which reflects either the last
6826  ///< trade price, or last bid if higher than last trade, or last ask if lower.
6827  PCT_OB_VOL = 5290, ///< Percentage of volume traded using Order Book facilities out of the
6828  ///< total volume, as opposed to other trading facilities.
6829  MID_OPEN = 5291, ///< The average of Bid and Ask prices at market open.
6830  LST_UX_TRD = 5292, ///< Last Uncrossed trade price. LSE will match the bid/ask during each
6831  ///< auction period and determine a price for the final uncrossed trade.
6832  LST_UX_VOL = 5293, ///< Last Uncrossed trade volume. The volume associated with the final
6833  ///< uncrossed trade price LST_UX_TRD.
6835  5294, ///< Upper ceiling on size of trade for this instrument, sent by the exchange. If
6836  ///< the trade size is too large, then trading is delayed to unwind the trades.
6838  5295, ///< The Virtual Weighted Average Price of the trades in the auction period.
6839  PCT_AUC_VL = 5296, ///< Percentage of Auction Volume as compared to Total Volume during
6840  ///< normal trading period.
6841  TOTBID_PCT = 5297, ///< The volume of BUY orders in a stock expressed as a percentage of the
6842  ///< total volume of orders for that stock.
6843  TOTASK_PCT = 5298, ///< The volume of SELL orders in a stock expressed as a percentage of
6844  ///< the total volume of orders for that stock.
6846  5299, ///< Number of Order Book Trades during the day, as opposed to Quote drive trades.
6847  TMW_BASPRD = 5300, ///< Time Weighted Average Spread, avg difference of Bid and Ask prices
6848  ///< calculated periodically.
6849  TURN_ORDB = 5301, ///< The total turnover of trades using the Order Book trading facility.
6851  5302, ///< Reference price after the end of the normal trading day session. Reference
6852  ///< price is the weighted average price of last 10% of the trades for that day.
6853  STL_IMPVLT = 5303, ///< Implied Volatility of the Settlement Price.
6854  OFFBK_DATE = 5304, ///< Date of last off-book transaction price. For Euronext, TCS is the
6855  ///< off-book facility.
6856  OFFBK_TIM = 5305, ///< Time of last off-book transaction price. For Euronext, TCS is the
6857  ///< off-book facility.
6858  CARRYFW_PR = 5306, ///< The Carry Forward Price of instruments trading in deferred
6859  ///< settlement (SRD). Used in Paris Bourse Euronext listings.
6860  CARRYFW_DT = 5307, ///< The date of the Carry Forward Price (CARRYFW_PR).
6861  OFF_OB_IND = 5308, ///< This FID is used to indicate type of Off Order Book Trade (1st Char)
6862  ///< + days elapsed since the last Off Order Book Trades.
6863  IRG_FLAG = 5309, ///< Indicates the kind of price held in FID IRGPRC (372).
6864  KASS_DATE = 5310, ///< Date of Kassa Price.
6865  DIV_CURR = 5311, ///< Currency in which dividend will be given.
6866  TRN_UNDIND = 5312, ///< Turnover of the Index Underlying the particular Fund.
6867  BID_SURVOL = 5313, ///< Surplus auction volume when there are more buyers than sellers.
6868  ASK_SURVOL = 5314, ///< Surplus auction volume when there are more sellers than buyers.
6869  STRIKE_ID = 5315, ///< Strike price with added version number in alphanumeric format.
6870  OFF_FLRVOL = 5316, ///< Accumulated Off Floor Volume.
6871  EFS_VOL = 5317, ///< Volume of Futures exchanged for Swaps.
6872  EFP_VOL = 5318, ///< Volume of Futures exchanged for Physicals.
6873  PCT_OS = 5319, ///< Percentage of issues still available in the market.
6874  INST_BKGRD = 5320, ///< Link to Page with Background information on the instrument. For
6875  ///< Hong Kong Stocks the linked page is populated by the Exchange.
6876  FILT_ACVOL = 5321, ///< Accumulated Volume filtered to only include volumes for trades that
6877  ///< are used in VWAP calculations. For example, for Hong Kong SE, no
6878  ///< special or odd lot trade volumes are included in this total.
6879  FILT_TURN = 5322, ///< Turnover of all 'normal' trades. (Note: For Korea SE this number is
6880  ///< scaled by a factor of 10000).
6881  WNT_EFGEAR = 5323, ///< Effective Gearing Ratio of a Warrant Price to Share Price.
6883  5324, ///< The number of callable bull/bear contracts bought. The CBBC tracks the
6884  ///< performance of an underlying asset, which can be a single stock, or an index.
6885  CBBCAVBUYP = 5325, ///< The average (HK$) per Callable Bull/Bear contracts bought.
6886  CBBCSELVOL = 5326, ///< The number of callable bull/bear contracts sold.
6887  CBBCAVSELP = 5327, ///< The average (HK$) per Callable Bull/Bear contracts sold.
6888  FLTRD_DAT = 5328, ///< The date of a normal trade, with no short sales, odd lots, etc.
6889  FFLT_WGT = 5329, ///< Free Float Rate for an instrument. For Tokyo SE updates along with
6890  ///< the Margin_ID FID.
6891  PRE_BUYMAR = 5330, ///< Previous Days Margin Long.
6892  PRE_SELMAR = 5331, ///< Previous Days Margin Short.
6893  DLR_BUYVOL = 5332, ///< Buy volume of Dealers Trading.
6894  DLR_SELVOL = 5333, ///< Sell volume of Dealers Trading.
6895  DLR_VOL_NT = 5334, ///< Difference between Dealer Buy Volume minus Dealer Sell Volume.
6896  DLR_ESTHLD = 5335, ///< Dealer Estimated Holdings (For Taiwan SE calculated by Reuters).
6897  STP_BUYMAR = 5336, ///< Stop Margin Long.
6898  STP_SELMAR = 5337, ///< Stop Margin Short.
6899  FRNHLD_RTO = 5338, ///< Foreigner Holding Ratio.
6900  FRNHLD_VOL = 5339, ///< Foreigner Holding Volume (For Taiwan SE scaled by 1000).
6901  FRNHLD_NET = 5340, ///< Foreigner Net Hold Volume.
6902  FRNREM_RTO = 5341, ///< Foreigner Remain Invest Ratio.
6903  FRNREM_VOL = 5342, ///< Foreigner Remain Invest Volume (For Taiwan SE scaled by 1000).
6904  FRGN_SHREM = 5343, ///< No. of shares for used-up/remains of foreigner's trading.
6905  FRNTTM_MS = 5344, ///< Foreigners Trading :represents the time for off-board transactions
6906  ///< among the foreign investors.
6907  VOLT_IT_TS = 5345, ///< Volatility Interruption Time.
6908  GEN_ACVOL = 5346, ///< Accumulated Volume which was greater than the Low Limit price and
6909  ///< less than the low limit price, i.e.the volume of the General Price.
6910  IOPV = 5347, ///< Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value.
6911  NEG_OS = 5348, ///< Negotiable Shares outstanding (for Shanghai scaled in Millions.
6912  NONNEG_OS = 5349, ///< Non-Negotiable Shares outstanding (for Shanghai scaled in Millions.
6913  DIVPAY_RTO = 5350, ///< Dividend Pay-out Ratio for an instrument.
6914  MARDL_PR = 5351, ///< Married Deal Price. Married Deals are transactions negotiated in
6915  ///< private between brokers, or even individual parties.
6916  MARDL_VOL = 5352, ///< Married Deal Volume.
6917  MARDL_TS = 5353, ///< Married Deal Time in Seconds.
6918  MARDL_ACVL = 5354, ///< Married Deal Accumulated Volume.
6919  MAR_IRGPRC = 5355, ///< Married Deal Corrected Price.
6920  IND_DCFACT = 5356, ///< Index Double Counting Factor. Indicates the percentage of a
6921  ///< securities market capitalisation used in the calculation of a
6922  ///< securities weighting in a particular index.
6923  CONTEXT_ID = 5357, ///< The numeric identifier for the context of field usage.
6924  CF_ASK = 5358, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6925  CF_BID = 5359, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6926  CF_CLOSE = 5360, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6927  CF_DATE = 5361, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6928  CF_EXCHNG = 5362, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6929  CF_HIGH = 5363, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6930  CF_LAST = 5364, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6931  CF_LOTSIZE = 5365, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6932  CF_LOW = 5366, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6933  CF_NETCHNG = 5367, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6934  CF_OPEN = 5368, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6935  CF_SOURCE = 5369, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6936  CF_TICK = 5370, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6937  CF_TIME = 5371, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6938  CF_VOLUME = 5372, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6939  CF_YIELD = 5373, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6940  SF_DESC = 5374, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
6942  5375, ///< Turnover in Fixed Price Trading Session after the normal trading session.
6944  5376, ///< Volume in Fixed Price Trading Session after the normal trading session.
6945  IS_AMT_NC = 5377, ///< Issue amount (no. of shares) net change.
6946  IS_AMT_DT = 5378, ///< Date of the issue amount (no. of shares).
6948  5379, ///< The cancel issue amount (no. of shares) on the previous business day.
6949  EX_AMT_PDT = 5380, ///< The exercise amount(no. of shares) on the previous business day.
6950  TREND_FLAG = 5381, ///< Trend flag with the intra-day volatility interruption in force.
6951  FRNREM_TYP = 5382, ///< Exchange qualifier to indicate whether Type of used-up or remains of
6952  ///< foreigner's trading. Its referring to Volume.
6953  FRNTRD_TYP = 5383, ///< Exchange qualifier to indicate whether Type for input/cancel unit
6954  ///< price for foreigner's trading.
6955  NAV_TIME = 5384, ///< NAV Time.
6956  INDNAV_TIM = 5385, ///< Indicative NAV Time.
6957  IND_NAV = 5386, ///< Indicative NAV.
6958  SPRD_VOL = 5387, ///< Spread volume for Futures Contract and Options Contract.
6959  BID_MMID11 = 5388, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6960  BID_MMID12 = 5389, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6961  BID_MMID13 = 5390, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6962  BID_MMID14 = 5391, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6963  BID_MMID15 = 5392, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6964  BID_MMID16 = 5393, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6965  BID_MMID17 = 5394, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6966  BID_MMID18 = 5395, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6967  BID_MMID19 = 5396, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6968  BID_MMID20 = 5397, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6969  BID_MMID21 = 5398, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6970  BID_MMID22 = 5399, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6971  BID_MMID23 = 5400, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6972  BID_MMID24 = 5401, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6973  BID_MMID25 = 5402, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
6974  ASK_MMID11 = 5403, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6975  ASK_MMID12 = 5404, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6976  ASK_MMID13 = 5405, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6977  ASK_MMID14 = 5406, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6978  ASK_MMID15 = 5407, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6979  ASK_MMID16 = 5408, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6980  ASK_MMID17 = 5409, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6981  ASK_MMID18 = 5410, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6982  ASK_MMID19 = 5411, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6983  ASK_MMID20 = 5412, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6984  ASK_MMID21 = 5413, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6985  ASK_MMID22 = 5414, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6986  ASK_MMID23 = 5415, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6987  ASK_MMID24 = 5416, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6988  ASK_MMID25 = 5417, ///< Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
6989  CUS_BQTY1 = 5418, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6990  CUS_BQTY2 = 5419, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6991  CUS_BQTY3 = 5420, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6992  CUS_BQTY4 = 5421, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6993  CUS_BQTY5 = 5422, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6994  CUS_BQTY6 = 5423, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6995  CUS_BQTY7 = 5424, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6996  CUS_BQTY8 = 5425, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6997  CUS_BQTY9 = 5426, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6998  CUS_BQTY10 = 5427, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
6999  CUS_BQTY11 = 5428, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7000  CUS_BQTY12 = 5429, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7001  CUS_BQTY13 = 5430, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7002  CUS_BQTY14 = 5431, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7003  CUS_BQTY15 = 5432, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7004  CUS_BQTY16 = 5433, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7005  CUS_BQTY17 = 5434, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7006  CUS_BQTY18 = 5435, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7007  CUS_BQTY19 = 5436, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7008  CUS_BQTY20 = 5437, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7009  CUS_BQTY21 = 5438, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7010  CUS_BQTY22 = 5439, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7011  CUS_BQTY23 = 5440, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7012  CUS_BQTY24 = 5441, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7013  CUS_BQTY25 = 5442, ///< Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7014  CUS_AQTY1 = 5443, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7015  CUS_AQTY2 = 5444, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7016  CUS_AQTY3 = 5445, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7017  CUS_AQTY4 = 5446, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7018  CUS_AQTY5 = 5447, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7019  CUS_AQTY6 = 5448, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7020  CUS_AQTY7 = 5449, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7021  CUS_AQTY8 = 5450, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7022  CUS_AQTY9 = 5451, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7023  CUS_AQTY10 = 5452, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7024  CUS_AQTY11 = 5453, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7025  CUS_AQTY12 = 5454, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7026  CUS_AQTY13 = 5455, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7027  CUS_AQTY14 = 5456, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7028  CUS_AQTY15 = 5457, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7029  CUS_AQTY16 = 5458, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7030  CUS_AQTY17 = 5459, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7031  CUS_AQTY18 = 5460, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7032  CUS_AQTY19 = 5461, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7033  CUS_AQTY20 = 5462, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7034  CUS_AQTY21 = 5463, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7035  CUS_AQTY22 = 5464, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7036  CUS_AQTY23 = 5465, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7037  CUS_AQTY24 = 5466, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7038  CUS_AQTY25 = 5467, ///< Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7039  BKR_BQTY1 = 5468, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7040  BKR_BQTY2 = 5469, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7041  BKR_BQTY3 = 5470, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7042  BKR_BQTY4 = 5471, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7043  BKR_BQTY5 = 5472, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7044  BKR_BQTY6 = 5473, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7045  BKR_BQTY7 = 5474, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7046  BKR_BQTY8 = 5475, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7047  BKR_BQTY9 = 5476, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7048  BKR_BQTY10 = 5477, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7049  BKR_BQTY11 = 5478, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7050  BKR_BQTY12 = 5479, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7051  BKR_BQTY13 = 5480, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7052  BKR_BQTY14 = 5481, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7053  BKR_BQTY15 = 5482, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7054  BKR_BQTY16 = 5483, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7055  BKR_BQTY17 = 5484, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7056  BKR_BQTY18 = 5485, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7057  BKR_BQTY19 = 5486, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7058  BKR_BQTY20 = 5487, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7059  BKR_BQTY21 = 5488, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7060  BKR_BQTY22 = 5489, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7061  BKR_BQTY23 = 5490, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7062  BKR_BQTY24 = 5491, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7063  BKR_BQTY25 = 5492, ///< Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
7064  BKR_AQTY1 = 5493, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7065  BKR_AQTY2 = 5494, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7066  BKR_AQTY3 = 5495, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7067  BKR_AQTY4 = 5496, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7068  BKR_AQTY5 = 5497, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7069  BKR_AQTY6 = 5498, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7070  BKR_AQTY7 = 5499, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7071  BKR_AQTY8 = 5500, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7072  BKR_AQTY9 = 5501, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7073  BKR_AQTY10 = 5502, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7074  BKR_AQTY11 = 5503, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7075  BKR_AQTY12 = 5504, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7076  BKR_AQTY13 = 5505, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7077  BKR_AQTY14 = 5506, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7078  BKR_AQTY15 = 5507, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7079  BKR_AQTY16 = 5508, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7080  BKR_AQTY17 = 5509, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7081  BKR_AQTY18 = 5510, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7082  BKR_AQTY19 = 5511, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7083  BKR_AQTY20 = 5512, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7084  BKR_AQTY21 = 5513, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7085  BKR_AQTY22 = 5514, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7086  BKR_AQTY23 = 5515, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7087  BKR_AQTY24 = 5516, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7088  BKR_AQTY25 = 5517, ///< Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
7089  CUS_QTY = 5518, ///< Customer quantity of a security at N price level.
7090  BKR_QTY = 5519, ///< Broker quantity of a security at N price level.
7091  IRG_TRDID = 5520, ///< Trade ID associated with IRG Price.
7092  IRG_ORDID = 5521, ///< Order ID associated with IRG Price.
7093  IRG_ORDSID = 5522, ///< Side of irregular order.
7094  IRG_TONE = 5523, ///< Tone of irregular order, want alphanumeric rather than enumerated.
7095  TTL_GAPOUT = 5524, ///< Total Number of daily post arbitration sequence gaps, not individual
7096  ///< messages.
7098  5525, ///< Status of one or more network connections to their upstream source(s).
7099  LH_MODE = 5526, ///< One of several possible states a Line Handler can exhibit.
7100  RETRAN_CNT = 5527, ///< Total number of retransmission requests made in a 24 hour period.
7102  5528, ///< Number of north side communication outages since last Line Handler restart.
7103  CMOUT_DATE = 5529, ///< Date of most recent north side communication outage.
7104  CMOUT_TIME = 5530, ///< Time of the most recent north side communication outage.
7105  MRTHI_LHIN = 5531, ///< High per second message rate inbound to the Line Handler.
7106  MRTHI_LHOT = 5532, ///< High per second message rate outbound from the Line Handler.
7107  MRTLO_LHIN = 5533, ///< Low per second message rate inbound to the Line Handler.
7108  MRTLO_LHOT = 5534, ///< Low per second message rate outbound from the Line Handler.
7109  MRTAV_LHIN = 5535, ///< Average per second message rate inbound to the Line Handler.
7110  MRTAV_LHOT = 5536, ///< Average per second message rate outbound from the Line Handler.
7111  RIC_DL_CNT = 5537, ///< Number of RICs deleted since previous day.
7112  RIC_AD_CNT = 5538, ///< Number of RICs added since previous day.
7113  RIC_CG_CNT = 5539, ///< Number of RICs changed since previous day.
7114  ITEM_CT_ST = 5540, ///< Number of Items marked Stale out of the entire universe.
7115  SSL_UPSIZ = 5541, ///< The average size of an SSL update in byes.
7116  RSSL_UPSIZ = 5542, ///< The average size of an RSSL update in bytes.
7117  MNT_USED = 5543, ///< Number of P2PS Mounts in use.
7118  MNT_UNUSED = 5544, ///< Number of P2PS Mounts unused.
7119  MNT_TOTAL = 5545, ///< Total number of P2PS Mounts, used and unused.
7120  DISCON_CT = 5546, ///< Number of daily IPC Buffer Overflow disconnects.
7121  DISCON_US = 5547, ///< Username of most recent disconnect due to IPC Buffer Overflow.
7122  DISCON_IP = 5548, ///< IP Address of most recent disconnect due to IPC Buffer Overflow.
7123  WTCHL_US = 5549, ///< Username of application with the largest watchlist.
7124  WTCHL_IP = 5550, ///< IP Address of application with the largest watchlist.
7125  UPDATE_US = 5551, ///< Username of application with the largest outbound message rate.
7126  UPDATE_IP = 5552, ///< IP Address of application with the largest outbound message rate.
7127  UPDATE_RT = 5553, ///< Aggregate Messages Per Second Update Rate out of the P2PS across all
7128  ///< applications.
7129  CPU_CT = 5554, ///< Number of physical CPUs on the RDF-D.
7130  CPU_SPEED = 5555, ///< Speed of a physical CPU.
7131  CPU_UTIL = 5556, ///< Current percent utilization of a CPU.
7132  TTL_MEM = 5557, ///< Total RAM (MB).
7133  USED_MEM = 5558, ///< Used RAM (MB).
7134  SWAP_MEM = 5559, ///< Amount of memory (MB) designated as Swap.
7135  NIC_IP = 5560, ///< IP Address of the NIC Card.
7136  SITE_ID = 5561, ///< Site ID of the server.
7137  FR_DSK_SPC = 5562, ///< Amount of free disk space (MB) across all partitions on the server.
7138  SESS1_TURN = 5563, ///< Turnover of session 1 (1st normal trading session).
7139  SESS2_TURN = 5564, ///< Turnover of session 2 (2nd normal trading session).
7140  BID_TURN = 5565, ///< The turnover value for trades hitting the bid price.
7141  ASK_TURN = 5566, ///< The turnover value for trades taking the Ask price.
7142  BID_NUMMOV = 5567, ///< The number of trades hitting the bid price.
7143  ASK_NUMMOV = 5568, ///< The number of trades taking the Ask price.
7144  IDX_SHRS = 5569, ///< The number of shares used in index calculation, different from shares
7145  ///< outstanding. Will only be populated for index constituents.
7146  STATREF_PR = 5570, ///< Session Reference price fixed It is the static fixed reference price
7147  ///< resulting out of the latest auction on the particular stock.
7148  TURN_APPL = 5571, ///< The turnover for application trades. An application trade is one
7149  ///< where the market maker exercising the buy and sell part of the trade
7150  ///< is the same company.
7152  5572, ///< The Upper trading limit based on Static Reference price and percentage range.
7154  5573, ///< The Lower trading limit based on Static Reference price and percentage range.
7155  TURN_BUY = 5574, ///< The turnover of shares bought by a particular Market Maker.
7156  TURN_SELL = 5575, ///< The turnover of shares sold by a particular Market Maker.
7157  CLS_RATE = 5576, ///< Last Trade Value of the last session displayed as rate.
7158  UNITARYPRC = 5577, ///< Yesterday's Settle displayed as PU (Preco Unitario - Unitary Price)
7159  ///< adjusted by CDI overnight interest rate calculated by CETIP.
7160  WT_ISSNUM = 5578, ///< The 'number of issuance' - which stands for how many times a warrant
7161  ///< has been issued on this stock.
7162  EFF_GEAR = 5579, ///< Effective Gearing for a warrant. This is calculated by using the
7163  ///< formula : Gearing.
7164  WT_ISS_CAN = 5580, ///< The number of issued warrants cancelled on previous day.
7166  5581, ///< Number of Lots Traded in a day. Accumulated Volume divided by the Lot Size.
7167  PAR_VL_CL = 5582, ///< Par Value Classification.
7168  VAL_TRDPRC = 5583, ///< Valuation trading price of the first month. In usual case, this is
7169  ///< the trading price of the tick immediately prior to spread trading.
7170  ODD_TURN = 5584, ///< This turnover of this instrument in the Odd Lot Trading Session.
7171  POST_MK_DT = 5585, ///< Date of update of After Hour Market information.
7172  POST_MK_TS = 5586, ///< Time in Seconds of update to After Hour Market information.
7173  VAL_BM_U = 5587, ///< Real Base Market Value Unhedged.
7174  VAL_I_TRTN = 5588, ///< Total Return Index Value.
7175  VAL_IDX_H = 5589, ///< Total Return Index hedged.
7176  YLD_H_AB = 5590, ///< Real Annual Yield Hedged.
7177  YLD_H_SB = 5591, ///< Real Semi-Annual Yield Hedged.
7178  YLD_H_STR = 5592, ///< Real Straight Yield Hedged.
7179  YLD_NH_AB = 5593, ///< Nominal Annual Yield Hedged.
7180  YLD_NH_SB = 5594, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Yield Hedged.
7181  YLD_NH_STR = 5595, ///< Nominal Straight Yield Hedged.
7182  YLD_NU_AB = 5596, ///< Nominal Annual Yield Unhedged.
7183  YLD_NU_SB = 5597, ///< Nominal Semi-Annual Yield Unhedged.
7184  YLD_NU_STR = 5598, ///< Nominal Straight Yield Unhedged.
7185  YLD_P_AB = 5599, ///< Annual Portfolio Yield.
7186  YLD_P_H_AB = 5600, ///< Real Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
7187  YLD_P_H_SB = 5601, ///< Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
7188  YLD_P_SB = 5602, ///< Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield.
7189  YLD_P_U_AB = 5603, ///< Real Annual Portfolio Yield Unhedged.
7190  YLD_P_U_SB = 5604, ///< Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Unhedged.
7191  YLD_U_AB = 5605, ///< Real Annual Yield Unhedged.
7192  YLD_U_SB = 5606, ///< Real Semi-Annual Yield Unhedged.
7193  YLD_U_STR = 5607, ///< Real Straight Yield Unhedged.
7194  YLDTOMATAN = 5608, ///< Redemption Yield - Annualised.
7195  YLDTOMATSB = 5609, ///< Semi-Annual Yield.
7196  YLDTOMATST = 5610, ///< Stripped Yield to Maturity.
7197  YLDTOWSTCF = 5611, ///< Common Frequency Yield to Worst.
7198  YLDWST = 5612, ///< Yield To Worst.
7199  YLDWST_DT = 5613, ///< Term to workout (worst) date in years.
7200  YLDWST_SB = 5614, ///< Yield to Worst semi-annual.
7201  YR_TRTN = 5615, ///< total return for the last 12 months.
7202  YR_TRTNPCT = 5616, ///< Twelve Mth Percent.
7203  YTD_EXRPCT = 5617, ///< Year-to-date Excess Return Percentage.
7204  YTD_EXSPCT = 5618, ///< Year-to-date Excess swap Percentage.
7205  YTD_TRTN = 5619, ///< YTD Total Return.
7206  YTDPCTTRTN = 5620, ///< Year to date Total Return Percentage in Local Currency Terms.
7207  MAR_TIM_MS = 5621, ///< Married deal time stamp in milliseconds.
7208  MAR_VOL = 5622, ///< Married deal volume.
7209  SPDIVDATE = 5623, ///< Ex date for special dividend.
7210  SPREAD_LEG = 5624, ///< Number of legs for spread contracts.
7211  SPREAD_VOL = 5625, ///< Spread volume.
7212  TIMSTMP_MS = 5626, ///< Time stamp in heartbeat message in milliseconds.
7213  ADRP_TP_1 = 5627, ///< Type of change to an instrument on IDN Data network.
7214  ADRP_TP_2 = 5628, ///< Type of change to changed instrument on IDN Data network (may be 'not
7215  ///< assigned' in case of add / drop).
7216  DSPLY_NM_1 = 5629, ///< Display name of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
7217  DSPLY_NM_2 = 5630, ///< Changed display name of an instrument (populated only on change,
7218  ///< will be blank in cases of add / drop).
7219  EFF_DATE = 5631, ///< Effective Date of a particular action.
7220  ISIN_1 = 5632, ///< ISIN of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
7221  ISIN_2 = 5633, ///< Changed ISIN of an instrument (populated only on change, will be blank
7222  ///< in cases of add / drop).
7223  OFFCD_1 = 5634, ///< Official Code of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
7224  ///< OFF_CD_IND.
7226  5635, ///< Changed Official code of an instrument (populated only on change, will be
7227  ///< blank in cases of add / drop). OFF_CD_IND (869) describes type of code.
7228  RIC_1 = 5636, ///< RIC of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
7229  RIC_2 = 5637, ///< Changed RIC of an instrument (populated only on change, will be blank in
7230  ///< cases of add / drop).
7231  CNVX_P_HAB = 5638, ///< Real Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
7232  CNVX_P_HSB = 5639, ///< Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
7233  CALCLINK1 = 5640, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7234  CALCLINK2 = 5641, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7235  CALCLINK3 = 5642, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7236  CALCLINK4 = 5643, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7237  CALCLINK5 = 5644, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7238  CALCLINK6 = 5645, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7239  CALCLINK7 = 5646, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7240  CALCLINK8 = 5647, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7241  CALCLINK9 = 5648, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7242  CALCLINK10 = 5649, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7243  CALCLINK11 = 5650, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7244  CALCLINK12 = 5651, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7245  CALCLINK13 = 5652, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7246  CALCLINK14 = 5653, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7247  CALCNEXTLR = 5654, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7248  CALCPREVLR = 5655, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7249  XASSETLNK1 = 5656, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7250  XASSETLNK2 = 5657, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7251  XASSETLNK3 = 5658, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7252  XASSETLNK4 = 5659, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7253  XASSETLNK5 = 5660, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7254  XASSETLNK6 = 5661, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7255  XASSETLNK7 = 5662, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7256  XASSETLNK8 = 5663, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7257  XASSETLNK9 = 5664, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7258  XASSETLK10 = 5665, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7259  XASSETLK11 = 5666, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7260  XASSETLK12 = 5667, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7261  XASSETLK13 = 5668, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7262  XASSETLK14 = 5669, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7263  XASSETNTLR = 5670, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7264  XASSETPRLR = 5671, ///< Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
7265  STRUCTNS02 = 5672, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7266  ///< consumption.
7267  STRUCTNS03 = 5673, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7268  ///< consumption.
7269  STRUCTNS04 = 5674, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7270  ///< consumption.
7271  STRUCTNS05 = 5675, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7272  ///< consumption.
7273  STRUCTNS06 = 5676, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7274  ///< consumption.
7275  STRUCTNS07 = 5677, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7276  ///< consumption.
7277  STRUCTNS08 = 5678, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7278  ///< consumption.
7279  STRUCTNS09 = 5679, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7280  ///< consumption.
7281  STRUCTNS10 = 5680, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7282  ///< consumption.
7283  STRUCTNS11 = 5681, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7284  ///< consumption.
7285  STRUCTNS12 = 5682, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7286  ///< consumption.
7287  STRUCTNS13 = 5683, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7288  ///< consumption.
7289  STRUCTNS14 = 5684, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7290  ///< consumption.
7291  STRUCTNS15 = 5685, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7292  ///< consumption.
7293  STRUCTNS16 = 5686, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7294  ///< consumption.
7295  STRUCTNS17 = 5687, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7296  ///< consumption.
7297  STRUCTNS18 = 5688, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7298  ///< consumption.
7299  STRUCTNS19 = 5689, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7300  ///< consumption.
7301  STRUCTNS20 = 5690, ///< A string of concise XML used to provide key alert data for machine
7302  ///< consumption.
7303  EXTMSGSTG = 5691, ///< Extended message staging value used to provide additional values to
7304  ///< guide processing logic.
7305  AUDIENCE = 5692, ///< The intended audience(s) of a news story, followed by a numerical
7306  ///< value of the story significance to the audience.
7307  PROD_LIST = 5693, ///< List of Products affected by alert.
7308  SAMP_RICS = 5694, ///< Sample RICs for illustration of alert.
7309  PROB_DESC = 5695, ///< Text Description of a Particular Problem.
7310  SEVER_LVL = 5696, ///< Severity Level of particular alert.
7311  RESOLV_TP = 5697, ///< Describes if the resolution time is the expected or actual time.
7313  5698, ///< Describes kind of alert, be informational, maintenance, change or problem.
7314  ALERT_STAT = 5699, ///< Status of an alert, whether a problem is confirmed, planned resolved
7315  ///< or withdrawn.
7316  ALERT_ID = 5700, ///< Unique numeric identifier for a particular alert.
7317  START_TMS = 5701, ///< Start time in seconds of outage or planned maintenance.
7318  PAIR_CLIP1 = 5702, ///< For CDS. Identifier that describes the relationship between an
7319  ///< entity and an underlying debt.
7320  MTMPRC_1 = 5703, ///< Mark-to-market price of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7321  ///< rippled.
7322  MTMPRC_2 = 5704, ///< Mark-to-market price of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7323  ///< rippled.
7324  MTMPRC_3 = 5705, ///< Mark-to-market price of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7325  ///< rippled.
7326  MTMPRC_4 = 5706, ///< Mark-to-market price of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7327  ///< rippled.
7328  MTMPRC_5 = 5707, ///< Mark-to-market price of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7329  ///< rippled.
7330  MTMYLD_1 = 5708, ///< Mark-to-market yield of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7331  ///< rippled.
7332  MTMYLD_2 = 5709, ///< Mark-to-market yield of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7333  ///< rippled.
7334  MTMYLD_3 = 5710, ///< Mark-to-market yield of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7335  ///< rippled.
7336  MTMYLD_4 = 5711, ///< Mark-to-market yield of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7337  ///< rippled.
7338  MTMYLD_5 = 5712, ///< Mark-to-market yield of a bond from a local bond pricing company. Not
7339  ///< rippled.
7340  MTM_SPRD1 = 5713, ///< Difference between latest trading price or yield and the
7341  ///< Mark-to-market price or yield of a bond.
7342  MTM_SPRD2 = 5714, ///< Difference between latest trading price or yield and the
7343  ///< Mark-to-market price or yield of a bond.
7344  MTM_SPRD3 = 5715, ///< Difference between latest trading price or yield and the
7345  ///< Mark-to-market price or yield of a bond.
7346  MTM_SPRD4 = 5716, ///< Difference between latest trading price or yield and the
7347  ///< Mark-to-market price or yield of a bond.
7348  MTM_SPRD5 = 5717, ///< Difference between latest trading price or yield and the
7349  ///< Mark-to-market price or yield of a bond.
7350  MTM_DATE1 = 5718, ///< The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
7351  MTM_DATE2 = 5719, ///< The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
7352  MTM_DATE3 = 5720, ///< The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
7353  MTM_DATE4 = 5721, ///< The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
7354  MTM_DATE5 = 5722, ///< The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
7355  CLEAN_PRC2 = 5723, ///< Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
7356  CLEAN_PRC3 = 5724, ///< Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
7357  CLEAN_PRC4 = 5725, ///< Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
7358  CLEAN_PRC5 = 5726, ///< Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
7359  DIRTY_PRC2 = 5727, ///< Previous Price including accrued interest.
7360  DIRTY_PRC3 = 5728, ///< Previous Price including accrued interest.
7361  DIRTY_PRC4 = 5729, ///< Previous Price including accrued interest.
7362  DIRTY_PRC5 = 5730, ///< Previous Price including accrued interest.
7363  AVGPRC_CHG = 5731, ///< Net change of latest average price of previous trading day and
7364  ///< latest average price of current day.
7365  AVGPCT_CHG = 5732, ///< Percent change of latest average price of previous trading day and
7366  ///< latest average price of current day.
7367  FI_PCPAL = 5733, ///< Traded total principal value of current day (Principle value of all
7368  ///< traded issues).
7369  FI_CAPVAL = 5734, ///< Traded total capital value of current day (includes interest).
7370  EFF_YIELD = 5735, ///< The effective yield of a bond, assuming that the coupon is reinvested
7371  ///< after the payment.
7372  MT_TRTNPCT = 5736, ///< The effective month-to-date rate of return on an investment, taking
7373  ///< into account the effect of compounding.
7374  IDX_VALUE = 5737, ///< An indicator providing a representation of the value of the
7375  ///< securities which constitute it.
7376  SEMI_CONVX = 5738, ///< The convexity of a bond computed using the bond's nearest call date
7377  ///< or maturity. This measure ignores future cash flow fluctuations due
7378  ///< to embedded optionality.
7380  5739, ///< The stated value (par value) of an investment at maturity in USD currency.
7381  PRR_INDEX = 5740, ///< Position Risk Requirement Index Value in local currency.
7382  PRRPCT_MTD = 5741, ///< Month-to-date percentage value of Position Risk Requirement (PRR) in
7383  ///< local currency.
7384  PARWTD_CPN = 5742, ///< Weighted Average Coupon of instruments in an index using Par value.
7386  5743, ///< Weighted Average Coupon of instruments in an index using Market value.
7387  SPDTOWST = 5744, ///< Spread To Worst Value.
7388  MAC_DURTN = 5745, ///< A measure how sensitive a bond or a bond portfolio's price is to
7389  ///< changes in interest rates.
7390  FRA_RATE = 5746, ///< Interest rate for Forward Rate Agreements.
7392  5747, ///< Excess rate for funds in Capital Builder Brokerage account for reinvestment.
7393  ROLL_SWTCH = 5748, ///< Difference in mid yield of current and next month contract.
7394  MIDSPT_YLD = 5749, ///< Difference in Mid yield of current contract and spot.
7396  5750, ///< Difference in Mid yield of current contract and TBA (To-be-announced).
7397  FLOOR_LEV = 5751, ///< The level of fixed reference rate that is below the agreed strike
7398  ///< price of the floor.
7399  DSC_SPREAD = 5752, ///< The Discount Spread for a Cash Loan.
7400  LOANSPD18M = 5753, ///< 18 Month Loan Spread for a Cash Loan.
7401  LOANSPRD3Y = 5754, ///< 3 year Loan Spread for a Cash Loan.
7402  LOANSPRD4Y = 5755, ///< 4 year Loan Spread for a Cash Loan.
7403  RELDATA1 = 5756, ///< The related data for a bond. For example for Cash Loan bonds, this
7404  ///< could be the reference to a CDS.
7405  RELNEWS = 5757, ///< Related News for Credit Instruments.
7406  RELDATA2 = 5758, ///< The related data for a bond. For example for Cash Loan bonds, this
7407  ///< could be the reference to a CDS.
7408  SENIORITY = 5759, ///< The seniority of Debt for Credit Instruments.
7409  BASERATE = 5760, ///< Reference field for the Base Rate linked to credit instruments.
7410  PURPOSE = 5761, ///< The purpose for the issue of the cash loan.
7411  FI_NOTE = 5762, ///< The related note term for the cash loan.
7412  CTBTR_BKG2 = 5763, ///< A pointer to a record holding background contributor information.
7413  BROKER1 = 5764, ///< A description of the brokers pricing pricing the cash loan.
7414  BROKER2 = 5765, ///< A second field for description of the brokers pricing the cash loan.
7415  AVGPRC_YLD = 5766, ///< Average price yield for fixed income and credit instruments.
7416  AVG_PRC1 = 5767, ///< Displays the average price for Fixed Income instruments.
7418  5768, ///< Second field to display the average price for fixed income instruments.
7419  AVG_PRC3 = 5769, ///< Third field to display the average price for fixed income instruments.
7420  COMP_YLD1 = 5770, ///< Displays the composite yield for fixed income instruments.
7422  5771, ///< Second field to display the composite yield for fixed income instruments.
7424  5772, ///< Third field to display the composite yield for fixed income instruments.
7425  REL_BOND = 5773, ///< A reference to the related chain for a list of liquid bonds for the
7426  ///< specific issuer.
7427  DEFLT_PROB = 5774, ///< The initial rate set for each new CDS Index Series.
7428  FIXED_RATE = 5775, ///< The initial rate set for each new CDS Index Series.
7429  COLLAT_FL = 5776, ///< Flag to indicate that in addition to premium, the proceeds exchanged
7430  ///< may also include initial collateral.
7431  ON_RUN_FL = 5777, ///< Flag to indicate if the index RIC is for most recent series.
7432  CDSIDEX_ID = 5778, ///< Official CDS Index ID as defined by the index administrator.
7433  RUN_SPREAD = 5779, ///< Running Spread for upfront quotes.
7434  HEDGERATIO = 5780, ///< Hedge Ratio number of Futures/CDS contracts required to buy or sell
7435  ///< so as to provide the maximum offset of risk.
7436  HEDGE_3M = 5781, ///< Hedge Ratio value 3 months ago.
7437  HEDGE_6M = 5782, ///< Hedge Ratio value 6 months ago.
7438  HEDGE_9M = 5783, ///< Hedge Ratio value 9 months ago.
7439  HEDGE_1Y = 5784, ///< Hedge Ratio value 1Yr ago.
7440  STD_DEV_3M = 5785, ///< Standard Deviation value 3 months ago.
7441  STD_DEV_6M = 5786, ///< Standard Deviation value 6 months ago.
7442  STD_DEV_9M = 5787, ///< Standard Deviation value 9 months ago.
7443  STD_DEV_1Y = 5788, ///< Standard Deviation value 1Yr ago.
7444  GRS_NOTL_1 = 5789, ///< For CDS Volumes. Sum of CDS contracts bought/sold in aggregate,
7445  ///< displayed on a per trade basis as USD equivalents.
7446  GRS_NOTL_2 = 5790, ///< For CDS Volumes. Sum of CDS contracts bought/sold in aggregate,
7447  ///< displayed on a per trade basis as USD equivalents.
7448  GRS_NOTL_3 = 5791, ///< For CDS Volumes. Sum of CDS contracts bought/sold in aggregate,
7449  ///< displayed on a per trade basis as USD equivalents.
7450  NET_NOTL_1 = 5792, ///< For CDS Volumes. The par amt of credit protection to derive coupon
7451  ///< payment and the recovery amts in event of default.
7452  NET_NOTL_2 = 5793, ///< For CDS Volumes. The par amt of credit protection to derive coupon
7453  ///< payment and the recovery amts in event of default.
7454  NET_NOTL_3 = 5794, ///< For CDS Volumes. The par amt of credit protection to derive coupon
7455  ///< payment and the recovery amts in event of default.
7456  CONTR_OS_1 = 5795, ///< The total # of contracts bought (or equivalently sold) for the
7457  ///< single reference entity displayed.
7458  CONTR_OS_2 = 5796, ///< The total # of contracts bought (or equivalently sold) for the
7459  ///< single reference entity displayed.
7460  CONTR_OS_3 = 5797, ///< The total # of contracts bought (or equivalently sold) for the
7461  ///< single reference entity displayed.
7463  5798, ///< The difference in percentage terms between the NET_NOTL_1 and NET_NOTL_2.
7465  5799, ///< The difference in percentage terms between the GRS_NOTL_1 and GRS_NOTL_2.
7467  5800, ///< The difference in percentage terms between the CONTR_OS_1 and CONTR_OS_2.
7468  LIEN = 5801, ///< A lien is a form of security interest granted over an item of property to
7469  ///< secure the payment of a debt.
7470  YTW_DATE = 5802, ///< Yield to worst date for earliest redemption date assuming the worst
7471  ///< case scenario for the asset without actually defaulting.
7472  YTB_DATE = 5803, ///< Yield to best date for the redemption assuming the best case scenario
7473  ///< for the asset.
7474  INT_BASIS = 5804, ///< Interpolated CDS Spread - Asset Swap Spread (or equivalent).
7475  INT_CDS = 5805, ///< Interpolated CDS spread taking the difference of the yield to maturity
7476  ///< of the underlying bond against the interpolated yield of the same
7477  ///< maturity on the CDS reference curve.
7478  CDS_SPD_FL = 5806, ///< For CDS. Identifier to show whether a price is calculated or traded.
7479  UPF_500_FL = 5807, ///< For CDS. Identifier to show whether a price is calculated or traded.
7480  UPF_100_FL = 5808, ///< For CDS. Identifier to show whether a price is calculated or traded.
7481  UPF500BID = 5809, ///< Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7482  UPF500BID2 = 5810, ///< Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7483  UPF500BID3 = 5811, ///< Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7484  UPF500ASK = 5812, ///< Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7485  UPF500ASK2 = 5813, ///< Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7486  UPF500ASK3 = 5814, ///< Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7487  UPF100BID = 5815, ///< Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7488  UPF100BID2 = 5816, ///< Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7489  UPF100BID3 = 5817, ///< Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7490  UPF100ASK = 5818, ///< Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7491  UPF100ASK2 = 5819, ///< Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7492  UPF100ASK3 = 5820, ///< Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7493  UPF100MID = 5821, ///< Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7494  UPF100MID2 = 5822, ///< Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7495  UPF100MID3 = 5823, ///< Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
7496  UPF500MID = 5824, ///< Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7497  UPF500MID2 = 5825, ///< Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7498  UPF500MID3 = 5826, ///< Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
7499  BMK_SPDBID = 5827, ///< The spread in basis points on bid side between the yield on a fixed
7500  ///< income instrument and its nearest benchmark.
7501  BMK_SPDASK = 5828, ///< The spread in basis points on ask side between the yield on a fixed
7502  ///< income instrument and its nearest benchmark.
7503  SWAP_SPRDB = 5829, ///< The spread in basis points on bid side between the assets compared
7504  ///< in the swap deal.
7505  SWAP_SPRDA = 5830, ///< The spread in basis points on ask side between the assets compared
7506  ///< in the swap deal.
7507  ASK_SP2_FL = 5831, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the ASK SPREAD fields ASK_SPn.
7508  ASK_SP3_FL = 5832, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the ASK SPREAD fields ASK_SPn.
7509  BID_SP2_FL = 5833, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the BID SPREAD fields BID_SPn.
7510  BID_SP3_FL = 5834, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the BID SPREAD fields BID_SPn.
7511  MID_SP2_FL = 5835, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the MID SPREAD fields MID_SPn.
7512  MID_SP3_FL = 5836, ///< 3 flag fields further qualifying the MID SPREAD fields MID_SPn.
7513  ASK_1_TP = 5837, ///< For last activity fields ASK_1 to ASK_3 an associated activity
7514  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7515  ASK_2_TP = 5838, ///< For last activity fields ASK_1 to ASK_3 an associated activity
7516  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7517  ASK_3_TP = 5839, ///< For last activity fields ASK_1 to ASK_3 an associated activity
7518  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7519  BID_1_TP = 5840, ///< For last activity fields BID_1 to BID_3 an associated activity
7520  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7521  BID_2_TP = 5841, ///< For last activity fields BID_1 to BID_3 an associated activity
7522  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7523  BID_3_TP = 5842, ///< For last activity fields BID_1 to BID_3 an associated activity
7524  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7525  A_SPD_1_TP = 5843, ///< For last activity fields ASK_SPRD to ASK_SPRD_3 an activity
7526  ///< indicator to show the nature of the last activity field.
7527  A_SPD_2_TP = 5844, ///< For activity fields ASK_SPRD to ASK_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7528  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7529  A_SPD_3_TP = 5845, ///< For activity fields ASK_SPRD to ASK_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7530  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7531  B_SPD_1_TP = 5846, ///< For activity fields BID_SPRD to BID_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7532  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7533  B_SPD_2_TP = 5847, ///< For activity fields BID_SPRD to BID_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7534  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7535  B_SPD_3_TP = 5848, ///< For activity fields BID_SPRD to BID_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7536  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7537  M_SPD_1_TP = 5849, ///< For activity fields MID_SPRD to MID_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7538  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7539  M_SPD_2_TP = 5850, ///< For activity fields MID_SPRD to MID_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7540  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7541  M_SPD_3_TP = 5851, ///< For activity fields MID_SPRD to MID_SPRD_3 an activity indicator to
7542  ///< show the nature of the last activity field.
7543  PCTCHG_WTD = 5852, ///< Percent Change Week-to-Date.
7544  PAIR_CLIP2 = 5853, ///< For CDS. Identifier that describes the relationship between an
7545  ///< entity and an underlying debt.
7546  PAIR_CLIP3 = 5854, ///< For CDS. Identifier that describes the relationship between an
7547  ///< entity and an underlying debt.
7548  PAIR_CLIP4 = 5855, ///< For CDS. Identifier that describes the relationship between an
7549  ///< entity and an underlying debt.
7550  PAIR_CLIP5 = 5856, ///< For CDS. Identifier that describes the relationship between an
7551  ///< entity and an underlying debt.
7552  DELTA_1D = 5857, ///< For IRS. 1 day bps change.
7553  DELTA_1W = 5858, ///< For IRS. 1 week bps change.
7554  DELTA_2W = 5859, ///< For IRS. 2 week bps change.
7555  DELTA_3W = 5860, ///< For IRS. 3 week bps change.
7556  DELTA_1M = 5861, ///< For IRS. 1 Month bps change.
7557  DELTA_3M = 5862, ///< For IRS. 3 Month bps change.
7558  DELTA_6M = 5863, ///< For IRS. 6 Month bps change.
7559  DELTA_1Y = 5864, ///< For IRS. 1Year bps change.
7560  TR_OWNER = 5865, ///< Internal TR team responsible for maintaining instrument.
7562  5866, ///< Identifies the relationship between swap rates at varying maturities.
7563  PROD_CHN = 5867, ///< TRFIT Chain that the RIC should be placed on.
7564  PROD_GRP = 5868, ///< TRFIT Product code associated to that bond.
7565  PROD_TYP = 5869, ///< TRFIT Price Quote type of a bond of either yield, price or fraction.
7566  ZERO_CURVE = 5870, ///< Link to Zero Curve chain.
7567  CREDT_SPRD = 5871, ///< Difference in the value of two options when the value of the one
7568  ///< sold exceeds the value of the one bought.
7569  INPUT_VOL = 5872, ///< Convertible credit spread input volume.
7570  SIMC_CHAIN = 5873, ///< SIMC chain to show underlying contributors to an instrument.
7571  PRCSRC_CHN = 5874, ///< Chain to show underlying price sources to an instrument.
7572  CNV_EDGE1 = 5875, ///< Ripple from CNV_EDGE1.
7573  CNV_EDGE2 = 5876, ///< Ripple from CNV_EDGE1.
7574  CNV_EDGE3 = 5877, ///< Ripple from CNV_EDGE2.
7576  5878, ///< Related EOD CDS price on the associated or closest maturity instrument.
7577  BOND_LIST1 = 5879, ///< Code indicating on which exchange the instrument (bond) is listed.
7578  BOND_LIST2 = 5880, ///< Code indicating on which exchange the instrument (bond) is listed.
7579  BOND_LIST3 = 5881, ///< Code indicating on which exchange the instrument (bond) is listed.
7580  DENOM_INC1 = 5882, ///< Denomination Increment. The minimum incremental amount of the bond's
7581  ///< face value that can be purchased . The incremental amount will vary
7582  ///< dependent upon on market convention.
7583  DENOM_INC2 = 5883, ///< Denomination Increment. The minimum incremental amount of the bond's
7584  ///< face value that can be purchased . The incremental amount will vary
7585  ///< dependent upon on market convention.
7586  DENOM_INC3 = 5884, ///< Denomination Increment. The minimum incremental amount of the bond's
7587  ///< face value that can be purchased . The incremental amount will vary
7588  ///< dependent upon on market convention.
7589  SWP_POINT = 5885, ///< The Bonds corresponding swap point.
7590  SWP_PT_REF = 5886, ///< Reference to Swap Point (i.e. link to Swaps Curve).
7591  HST_CLOSE4 = 5887, ///< A fourth close field in addition to the HST_CLOSE fields for those
7592  ///< quotation types involving more than three close fields.
7593  HST_CLOSE5 = 5888, ///< A fifth close field in addition to the HST_CLOSE fields for those
7594  ///< quotation types involving more than three close fields.
7595  HSTCLSDT4 = 5889, ///< Date of the most recent non-zero closing price as held in HST_CLOSE4.
7596  HSTCLSDT5 = 5890, ///< Date of the most recent non-zero closing price as held in HST_CLOSE5.
7597  CLOSE4_TP = 5891, ///< Close fields indicator identifying the type of close prices held in
7598  ///< the fields HST_CLOSE4.
7599  CLOSE5_TP = 5892, ///< Close fields indicator identifying the type of close prices held in
7600  ///< the fields HST_CLOSE5.
7601  CLOSE_REF1 = 5893, ///< Reference text field for HST_CLOSE (i.e. 1PM Close).
7602  CLOSE_REF2 = 5894, ///< Reference text field for HST_CLOSE2 (i.e. 2PM Close).
7603  CLOSE_REF3 = 5895, ///< Reference text field for HST_CLOSE3 (i.e. 3PM Close).
7604  CLOSE_REF4 = 5896, ///< Reference text field for HST_CLOSE4 (i.e. 4PM Close).
7605  CLOSE_REF5 = 5897, ///< Reference text field for HST_CLOSE5 (i.e. 5PM Close).
7606  YLDWST2 = 5898, ///< A second field to show the lowest possible yield for a bond without the
7607  ///< issuer defaulting.
7608  YLDWST3 = 5899, ///< A third field to show the lowest possible yield for a bond without the
7609  ///< issuer defaulting.
7610  YLDCALL1 = 5900, ///< A field to show the interest rate that investors would receive if they
7611  ///< held the bond until the call date.
7612  YLDCALL2 = 5901, ///< A second field to show the interest rate that investors would receive
7613  ///< if they held the bond until the call date.
7614  YLDCALL3 = 5902, ///< A third field to show the interest rate that investors would receive
7615  ///< if they held the bond until the call date.
7616  YLDTOMAT2 = 5903, ///< A second field to show rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is
7617  ///< held to maturity.
7618  YLDTOMAT3 = 5904, ///< A third field to show rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is
7619  ///< held to maturity.
7620  DV01 = 5905, ///< Field to display bond valuation showing the dollar value of a one basis
7621  ///< point change in interest rates.
7622  MBS_MTH1 = 5906, ///< Field to display the Current Month - used for MBS.
7623  SOURCE_RIC = 5907, ///< Field to display the source RIC.
7624  CONVX_BIAS = 5908, ///< This field should display the Convexity BIAS.
7625  ACT_SETTLE = 5909, ///< This field should display the Actual Settlement Value.
7626  PTRD_VENUE = 5910, ///< Field to select the Thomson Reuters primary execution venue for
7627  ///< trading the instrument.
7628  STRD_VENUE = 5911, ///< Field to select the Thomson Reuters secondary execution venue for
7629  ///< trading the instrument.
7630  TTRD_VENUE = 5912, ///< Field to select the Thomson Reuters third execution venue for
7631  ///< trading the instrument.
7632  TW_UNI = 5913, ///< Field to show if the instrument is covered in the Tradeweb universe.
7633  NATBK_REPO = 5914, ///< Field to show instrument is eligible for national bank repo market.
7634  OA_CONVX = 5915, ///< Field to show the option adjusted convexity.
7635  GROSS_PRC = 5916, ///< Gross price of an instrument.
7636  CL_PRC_CHG = 5917, ///< Clean price net change.
7637  BRN_FACTR = 5918, ///< Burnout Factor of an MBS bond.
7638  MOD_CONVX = 5919, ///< Modified Convexity of an instrument.
7639  ZR_OAS_PRC = 5920, ///< Zero option adjusted price.
7640  ZR_PRE_PRC = 5921, ///< Zero prepayment price.
7641  OAS_CHG = 5922, ///< Option Adjusted Spread Change.
7642  OA_PVBP = 5923, ///< Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point.
7643  OA_PVBP_CV = 5924, ///< Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point Conversion.
7644  OA_PVBP_UP = 5925, ///< Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point Up.
7645  OA_PVBP_DN = 5926, ///< Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point Down.
7646  OPT_FR_YLD = 5927, ///< Option Free Yield.
7647  OA_DURTN = 5928, ///< Option Adjusted Duration.
7648  M_OA_DURTN = 5929, ///< Modified Option Adjusted Duration.
7649  M_OA_CONVX = 5930, ///< Modified Option Adjusted Convexity.
7650  NXT_PRE_DT = 5931, ///< Next Prepayment Date.
7651  NXT_DRW_DT = 5932, ///< Next Draw Date.
7652  REF_OAS = 5933, ///< Reference Opt Adjusted Spread Price.
7653  REF_OA_SPD = 5934, ///< Reference Opt Adjusted Spread.
7654  REF_OA_CHG = 5935, ///< Reference Opt Adjusted Price Change.
7655  PRELIM_DT = 5936, ///< Preliminary prepayment date for fixed income instruments.
7656  PRPAY_CHG = 5937, ///< Field to show preliminary prepayment rate net change.
7657  MDL_PRE_RT = 5938, ///< Field to show model prepayment rate.
7658  NXT_PRE_RT = 5939, ///< Next estimated prepayment rate.
7659  PRVPRE_RT1 = 5940, ///< Previous Prepayment Rate 1.
7660  PRVPRE_RT2 = 5941, ///< Previous Prepayment Rate 2.
7661  PRVPRE_RT3 = 5942, ///< Previous Prepayment Rate 3.
7662  PRVPRE_RT4 = 5943, ///< Previous Prepayment Rate 4.
7663  GOVT_GAR = 5944, ///< Government Bond Guarantee.
7664  YLDBST = 5945, ///< Yield to best.
7665  EQTY_YLD = 5946, ///< Equity yield of underlying linked equity for convertible bond.
7666  CREDIT_SPD = 5948, ///< Credit spread expressed in basis points.
7667  CHI = 5949, ///< Theoretical Chi (theo vs FX) analytic for convertible issues.
7668  ISS_LOCAT = 5950, ///< Issuer's geographic location.
7669  IS_MAND = 5951, ///< Field detailing if convertible issue is a mandatory issue.
7670  IS_EXCHBLE = 5952, ///< Field detailing if convertible issue is an exchangeable issue.
7671  EQ_UNITS = 5953, ///< Units in which the equity price is expressed.
7672  EQ_VOLTY = 5954, ///< Equity or underlying volatility.
7673  YLDBST_PT = 5955, ///< Yield to Best Point.
7674  DURAT_MP = 5956, ///< Duration to next Put or Mat.
7675  THEO_EDGE = 5957, ///< Theo price premium to market price.
7676  FLOOR_PREM = 5958, ///< Market price premium to bond floor.
7677  CNV_PARPC = 5959, ///< Conversion parity in percent of face.
7678  CNV_FX = 5960, ///< Fixed FX rate in relation to convertible bond issues.
7679  CPN_EXDATE = 5961, ///< Next Coupon Ex Date.
7680  CALL_TRIGG = 5962, ///< Next Call Trigger.
7681  CALL_TTYPE = 5963, ///< Next Call Trigger type.
7682  IS_COCO = 5964, ///< Is contingent convertible.
7683  COCO_TRIG = 5965, ///< Contingent conversion trigger.
7684  CNV_STYPE = 5966, ///< convertible sub-type.
7685  IS_PREF = 5967, ///< Is a preferance share.
7686  CVN_USTRK = 5968, ///< Mandarory convertible upper strike.
7687  CVN_LSTRK = 5969, ///< Mandatory convertible lower strike.
7688  IS_RESET = 5970, ///< Field to show convertible bond with a reset clause to adjust
7689  ///< conversion price.
7690  IS_SYNTH = 5971, ///< Field to show if convertible is synthetic where used bonds and
7691  ///< warrants are combined to resemble the convertible.
7692  RESET_TRIG = 5972, ///< Next reset trigger.
7693  DIV_PROT = 5973, ///< Has dividend protection.
7694  DPT_TRIGG = 5974, ///< Div protection trigger.
7695  MAT_LIFE = 5975, ///< Life to maturity.
7696  PAYBACK = 5976, ///< Convertible payback detailing time it will take for the bond to earn
7697  ///< the conversion premium plus the stock dividends over the period.
7698  MOD_PAYBK = 5977, ///< Modified payback.
7699  DIV_CUTOFF = 5978, ///< Dividend Cut-Off for a Convertible Bond.
7700  IMP_CRISK = 5979, ///< Implied credit risk.
7701  IMP_DIVGRW = 5980, ///< Implied Div growth.
7702  CNV_PAYMNT = 5981, ///< Payment at conversion.
7703  MAKE_WHOLE = 5982, ///< Make-whole type.
7704  MK_WH_AMT = 5983, ///< Make-whole amount.
7705  ACCRET_RAT = 5984, ///< Accretion Rate.
7706  SUPER_RIC = 5985, ///< Related SuperRIC.
7707  PRC_CHAIN = 5986, ///< Related Price Chain.
7708  SEC_BKGRND = 5987, ///< Security background info.
7709  UCBI_WT01 = 5988, ///< Weight of security in Global Index.
7710  UCBI_WT02 = 5989, ///< Weight of security in Global Focus Index.
7711  UCBI_WT03 = 5990, ///< Weight of security in Global Inv Grade Index.
7712  UCBI_WT04 = 5991, ///< Weight of security in Global Focus InvG Index.
7713  UCBI_WT05 = 5992, ///< Weight of security in Europe Index.
7714  UCBI_WT06 = 5993, ///< Weight of security in Europe Focus Index.
7715  UCBI_WT07 = 5994, ///< Weight of security in Europe Inv Grade Index.
7716  UCBI_WT08 = 5995, ///< Weight of security in European Focus Invest Index.
7717  UCBI_WT09 = 5996, ///< Weight of security in Eurozone Index.
7718  UCBI_WT10 = 5997, ///< Weight of security in Eurozone Focus Index.
7719  UCBI_WT11 = 5998, ///< Weight of security in Asia ex Japan Index.
7720  UCBI_WT12 = 5999, ///< Weight of security in Asia ex Japan Focus Index.
7721  UCBI_WT13 = 6000, ///< Weight of security in US Index.
7722  UCBI_WT14 = 6001, ///< Weight of security in US Focus Index.
7723  UCBI_WT15 = 6002, ///< Weight of security in US Inv Grade Index.
7724  UCBI_WT16 = 6003, ///< Weight of security in US Focus InvGrade Index.
7725  UCBI_WT17 = 6004, ///< Weight of security in Japan Index.
7726  UCBI_WT18 = 6005, ///< Weight of security in Japan Focus Index.
7727  UCBI_WT19 = 6006, ///< Weight of security in Japan Inv Grade Index.
7728  UCBI_WT20 = 6007, ///< Weight of security in Other Markets Index.
7729  UCBI_WT21 = 6008, ///< Weight of security in Asia Index.
7730  UCBI_WT22 = 6009, ///< Weight of security in US Vanilla Index.
7731  UCBI_WT23 = 6010, ///< Weight of security in Global Vanilla Index.
7732  UCBI_WT24 = 6011, ///< Weight of security in Global ex US Index.
7733  UCBI_WT25 = 6012, ///< Weight of security in Asia FocusVanilla Index.
7734  UCBI_WT26 = 6013, ///< Weight of security in Global FocusYld Index.
7735  UCBI_WT27 = 6014, ///< Weight of security in Europe InvG (EUR) Index.
7736  UCBI_WT28 = 6015, ///< Weight of security in Spare #1 Index.
7737  UCBI_WT29 = 6016, ///< Weight of security in Spare #2 Index.
7738  UCBI_WT30 = 6017, ///< Weight of security in Spare #3 Index.
7739  UCBI_WT31 = 6018, ///< Weight of security in Spare #4 Index.
7740  UCBI_WT32 = 6019, ///< Weight of security in Spare #5 Index.
7741  UCBI_WT33 = 6020, ///< Weight of security in Spare #6 Index.
7742  UCBI_WT34 = 6021, ///< Weight of security in Spare #7 Index.
7743  UCBI_WT35 = 6022, ///< Weight of security in Spare #8 Index.
7744  UCBI_WT36 = 6023, ///< Weight of security in Spare #9 Index.
7745  UCBI_IDX01 = 6024, ///< Index Description #01.
7746  UCBI_IDX02 = 6025, ///< Index Description #02.
7747  UCBI_IDX03 = 6026, ///< Index Description #03.
7748  UCBI_IDX04 = 6027, ///< Index Description #04.
7749  UCBI_IDX05 = 6028, ///< Index Description #05.
7750  UCBI_IDX06 = 6029, ///< Index Description #06.
7751  UCBI_IDX07 = 6030, ///< Index Description #07.
7752  UCBI_IDX08 = 6031, ///< Index Description #08.
7753  UCBI_IDX09 = 6032, ///< Index Description #09.
7754  UCBI_IDX10 = 6033, ///< Index Description #10.
7755  UCBI_IDX11 = 6034, ///< Index Description #11.
7756  UCBI_IDX12 = 6035, ///< Index Description #12.
7757  UCBI_IDX13 = 6036, ///< Index Description #13.
7758  UCBI_IDX14 = 6037, ///< Index Description #14.
7759  UCBI_IDX15 = 6038, ///< Index Description #15.
7760  UCBI_IDX16 = 6039, ///< Index Description #16.
7761  UCBI_IDX17 = 6040, ///< Index Description #17.
7762  UCBI_IDX18 = 6041, ///< Index Description #18.
7763  UCBI_IDX19 = 6042, ///< Index Description #19.
7764  UCBI_IDX20 = 6043, ///< Index Description #20.
7765  UCBI_IDX21 = 6044, ///< Index Description #21.
7766  UCBI_IDX22 = 6045, ///< Index Description #22.
7767  UCBI_IDX23 = 6046, ///< Index Description #23.
7768  UCBI_IDX24 = 6047, ///< Index Description #24.
7769  UCBI_IDX25 = 6048, ///< Index Description #25.
7770  UCBI_IDX26 = 6049, ///< Index Description #26.
7771  UCBI_IDX27 = 6050, ///< Index Description #27.
7772  UCBI_IDX28 = 6051, ///< Index Description #28.
7773  UCBI_IDX29 = 6052, ///< Index Description #29.
7774  UCBI_IDX30 = 6053, ///< Index Description #30.
7775  UCBI_IDX31 = 6054, ///< Index Description #31.
7776  UCBI_IDX32 = 6055, ///< Index Description #32.
7777  UCBI_IDX33 = 6056, ///< Index Description #33.
7778  UCBI_IDX34 = 6057, ///< Index Description #34.
7779  UCBI_IDX35 = 6058, ///< Index Description #35.
7780  UCBI_IDX36 = 6059, ///< Index Description #36.
7781  FI_GEN_1 = 6060, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 1.
7782  FI_GEN_2 = 6061, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 2.
7783  FI_GEN_3 = 6062, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 3.
7784  FI_GEN_4 = 6063, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 4.
7785  FI_GEN_5 = 6064, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 5.
7786  FI_GEN_6 = 6065, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 6.
7787  FI_GEN_7 = 6066, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 7.
7788  FI_GEN_8 = 6067, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 8.
7789  FI_GEN_9 = 6068, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 9.
7790  FI_GEN_10 = 6069, ///< Fixed Income field for general use 10.
7791  LOCK_RATE = 6070, ///< Rate legacy currency has been fixed at.
7792  LOCK_DATE = 6071, ///< Date legacy currency locking rate applies.
7793  RDEN_RATE = 6072, ///< Value currency has redenominated at.
7794  RDEN_DATE = 6073, ///< Date currency has redenominated at.
7795  CCY_CTRL = 6074, ///< Currency Control Mechanism applied by the central bank. Determines
7796  ///< whether the currency is floating, fixed or controlled.
7797  INFL_INDEX = 6075, ///< Inflation index RIC underlying an Inflation derivative. This is the
7798  ///< rate used for settlement.
7799  BID_HIGH_2 = 6076, ///< Today's 2nd highest bid price.
7800  BID_HIGH_3 = 6077, ///< Today's 3rd highest bid price.
7801  BID_HIGH_4 = 6078, ///< Today's 4th highest bid price.
7802  BID_HIGH_5 = 6079, ///< Today's 5th highest bid price.
7803  BID_LOW_2 = 6080, ///< Today's 2nd lowest bid price.
7804  BID_LOW_3 = 6081, ///< Today's 3rd lowest bid price.
7805  BID_LOW_4 = 6082, ///< Today's 4th lowest bid price.
7806  BID_LOW_5 = 6083, ///< Today's 5th lowest bid price.
7807  ASK_HIGH_2 = 6084, ///< Today's 2nd highest ASK price.
7808  ASK_HIGH_3 = 6085, ///< Today's 3rd highest ASK price.
7809  ASK_HIGH_4 = 6086, ///< Today's 4th highest ASK price.
7810  ASK_HIGH_5 = 6087, ///< Today's 5th highest ASK price.
7811  ASK_LOW_2 = 6088, ///< Today's 2nd lowest ASK price.
7812  ASK_LOW_3 = 6089, ///< Today's 3rd lowest ASK price.
7813  ASK_LOW_4 = 6090, ///< Today's 4th lowest ASK price.
7814  ASK_LOW_5 = 6091, ///< Today's 5th lowest ASK price.
7815  PRIMACT_6 = 6092, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
7816  PRIMACT_7 = 6093, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
7817  PRIMACT_8 = 6094, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
7818  PRIMACT_9 = 6095, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
7819  PRIMACT_10 = 6096, ///< Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
7820  SEC_ACT_6 = 6097, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
7821  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
7822  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
7823  SEC_ACT_7 = 6098, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
7824  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
7825  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
7826  SEC_ACT_8 = 6099, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
7827  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
7828  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
7829  SEC_ACT_9 = 6100, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
7830  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
7831  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
7832  SEC_ACT_10 = 6101, ///< The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case
7833  ///< these field holds the second half of the most recent activity.
7834  ///< SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.
7835  ACT_TP_6 = 6102, ///< An associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the
7836  ///< activity PRIMACT_6.
7837  ACT_TP_7 = 6103, ///< An associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the
7838  ///< activity PRIMACT_7.
7839  ACT_TP_8 = 6104, ///< An associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the
7840  ///< activity PRIMACT_8.
7841  ACT_TP_9 = 6105, ///< An associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the
7842  ///< activity PRIMACT_9.
7843  ACT_TP_10 = 6106, ///< An associated activity indicator which indicates the nature of the
7844  ///< activity PRIMACT_10.
7845  SC_ACT_TP6 = 6107, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
7846  ///< field SEC_ACT_6.
7847  SC_ACT_TP7 = 6108, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
7848  ///< field SEC_ACT_7.
7849  SC_ACT_TP8 = 6109, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
7850  ///< field SEC_ACT_8.
7851  SC_ACT_TP9 = 6110, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
7852  ///< field SEC_ACT_9.
7853  SC_ACT_T10 = 6111, ///< An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity
7854  ///< field SEC_ACT_10.
7855  ACT_FLAG6 = 6112, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_6.
7856  ACT_FLAG7 = 6113, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_7.
7857  ACT_FLAG8 = 6114, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_8.
7858  ACT_FLAG9 = 6115, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_9.
7859  ACT_FLAG10 = 6116, ///< Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_10.
7860  SC_AFLAG6 = 6117, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_6.
7861  SC_AFLAG7 = 6118, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_7.
7862  SC_AFLAG8 = 6119, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_8.
7863  SC_AFLAG9 = 6120, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_9.
7864  SC_AFLAG10 = 6121, ///< Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_10.
7865  BID_3 = 6122, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7866  BID_4 = 6123, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7867  BID_5 = 6124, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7868  BID_6 = 6125, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7869  BID_7 = 6126, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7870  BID_8 = 6127, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7871  BID_9 = 6128, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7872  BID_10 = 6129, ///< Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
7873  ASK_3 = 6130, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7874  ASK_4 = 6131, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7875  ASK_5 = 6132, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7876  ASK_6 = 6133, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7877  ASK_7 = 6134, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7878  ASK_8 = 6135, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7879  ASK_9 = 6136, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7880  ASK_10 = 6137, ///< Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
7882  6138, ///< The future base interest Rate implied from the cash or derivatives market.
7883  IMPLD_BPS = 6139, ///< The change in basis points of the base interest Rate implied from the
7884  ///< cash or derivatives market.
7885  PRV_BID_H = 6140, ///< Previous Day Bid High.
7886  PRV_ASK_H = 6141, ///< Previous Day Ask High.
7887  PRV_BID_L = 6142, ///< Previous Day Bid Low.
7888  PRV_ASK_L = 6143, ///< Previous Day Ask Low.
7889  ATRD_VNE1 = 6144, ///< Alternate Trading Venue 1.
7890  ATRD_VNE2 = 6145, ///< Alternate Trading Venue 2.
7891  SKEWNESS = 6146, ///< Indicates if a dataset is skewed to the left or right relative to a
7892  ///< normal distribution.
7893  KURTOSIS = 6147, ///< Indicates whether a dataset is peaked or flat relative to a normal
7894  ///< distribution.
7895  GEN_VAL17 = 6148, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
7896  ///< they occur.
7897  GEN_VAL18 = 6149, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
7898  ///< they occur.
7899  GEN_VAL19 = 6150, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
7900  ///< they occur.
7901  GEN_VAL20 = 6151, ///< Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which
7902  ///< they occur.
7903  GV17_TEXT = 6152, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
7904  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
7905  GV18_TEXT = 6153, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
7906  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
7907  GV19_TEXT = 6154, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
7908  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
7909  GV20_TEXT = 6155, ///< Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the
7910  ///< corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.
7911  GV17_FLAG = 6156, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
7912  GV18_FLAG = 6157, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
7913  GV19_FLAG = 6158, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
7914  GV20_FLAG = 6159, ///< Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
7915  VALUE_TS6 = 6160, ///< 6th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
7916  ///< VALUE_DT6.
7917  VALUE_TS7 = 6161, ///< 7th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
7918  ///< VALUE_DT7.
7919  VALUE_TS8 = 6162, ///< 8th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
7920  ///< VALUE_DT8.
7921  VALUE_TS9 = 6163, ///< 9th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field is
7922  ///< VALUE_DT9.
7923  VALUE_TS10 = 6164, ///< 10th latest Activity Time in seconds. The corresponding date field
7924  ///< is VALUE_DT10.
7925  VALUE_DT6 = 6165, ///< 6th latest Activity Date.
7926  VALUE_DT7 = 6166, ///< 7th latest Activity Date.
7927  VALUE_DT8 = 6167, ///< 8th latest Activity Date.
7928  VALUE_DT9 = 6168, ///< 9th latest Activity Date.
7929  VALUE_DT10 = 6169, ///< 10th atest Activity Date.
7930  VALUE_TM6 = 6170, ///< 6th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT6.
7931  VALUE_TM7 = 6171, ///< 7th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT7.
7932  VALUE_TM8 = 6172, ///< 8th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT8.
7933  VALUE_TM9 = 6173, ///< 9th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT9.
7935  6174, ///< 10th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT10.
7936  CTBTR_6 = 6175, ///< 6th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
7937  CTBTR_7 = 6176, ///< 7th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
7938  CTBTR_8 = 6177, ///< 8th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
7939  CTBTR_9 = 6178, ///< 9th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
7940  CTBTR_10 = 6179, ///< 10th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
7941  CTB_LOC6 = 6180, ///< 6th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
7942  CTB_LOC7 = 6181, ///< 7th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
7943  CTB_LOC8 = 6182, ///< 8th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
7944  CTB_LOC9 = 6183, ///< 9th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
7945  CTB_LOC10 = 6184, ///< 10th latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
7946  CTB_PAGE6 = 6185, ///< 6th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
7947  CTB_PAGE7 = 6186, ///< 7th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
7948  CTB_PAGE8 = 6187, ///< 8th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
7949  CTB_PAGE9 = 6188, ///< 9th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
7950  CTB_PAGE10 = 6189, ///< 10th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
7951  DLG_CODE6 = 6190, ///< 6th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
7952  DLG_CODE7 = 6191, ///< 7th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
7953  DLG_CODE8 = 6192, ///< 8th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
7954  DLG_CODE9 = 6193, ///< 9th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
7955  DLG_CODE10 = 6194, ///< 10th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
7956  FIXINGDATE = 6195, ///< Date of fixing used for settlement.
7957  HOLIDAY = 6196, ///< Currency code(s) where today is a market holiday.
7958  HOLIDAY_ST = 6197, ///< Currency code(s) where start or value date is a market holiday.
7959  HOLIDAY_MT = 6198, ///< Currency code(s) where maturity or end date is a market holiday.
7960  SETTLEMT1 = 6199, ///< RIC showing rate used for settlement.
7961  SETTLEMT2 = 6200, ///< RIC showing second rate used for settlement.
7962  INVERSE = 6201, ///< Indicates if the rate is quoted inverse to the US Dollar.
7963  BID_PREM = 6202, ///< Bid price premium.
7964  ASK_PREM = 6203, ///< Ask price premium.
7965  BID_STRIKE = 6204, ///< Bid strike price.
7966  ASK_STRIKE = 6205, ///< Ask strike price.
7967  BIG_FIGURE = 6207, ///< End character of big figure.
7968  PIPS_POS = 6208, ///< Start character of Pips.
7969  QUOT_UTS = 6209, ///< Value decode describing the units of display on the quote.
7970  PRC_TICK = 6210, ///< Field to display the quantities at which a given instrument is allowed
7971  ///< to trade in according to Exchange regulations.
7972  IDXWEIGHT = 6211, ///< Field to display the number of shares designated for Index weighting.
7973  TRD_TYPE1 = 6212, ///< Field to provide further granularity on Trade Types, this would
7974  ///< further support ACT_FLAG1 which allows just one trade flag.
7975  TRD_TYPE2 = 6213, ///< Field to provide further granularity on Trade Types, this would
7976  ///< further support ACT_FLAG1 which allows just one trade flag.
7977  NET_TAN_AT = 6214, ///< Net Tangible Assets (NTA) for ASX securities.
7978  IND_OPEN = 6215, ///< This is an indicative open price.
7979  CONDCODE_3 = 6216, ///< Holds upto 3x2 charcater trade condition codes.
7980  TRAN_PRICE = 6217, ///< Any trade transaction price on ASX.
7981  TRD_DISC_1 = 6218, ///< Last Trade Discount, mainly for the bond traded in discounted price.
7982  TRD_DISC_2 = 6219, ///< Previous last trade discount.
7983  TRD_DISC_3 = 6220, ///< Previous last trade discount.
7984  TRD_DISC_4 = 6221, ///< Previous last trade discount.
7985  TRD_DISC_5 = 6222, ///< Previous last trade discount.
7986  DISC_BID4 = 6223, ///< The 5 best Bid Discount values.
7987  DISC_BID5 = 6224, ///< The 5 best Bid Discount values.
7988  DISC_ASK4 = 6225, ///< The 5 best Ask Discount values.
7989  DISC_ASK5 = 6226, ///< The 5 best Ask Discount values.
7990  OPEN_DISC = 6227, ///< Today's opening Discount Price.
7991  HIGH_DISC = 6228, ///< Today's highest Discount traded.
7992  LOW_DISC = 6229, ///< Today's lowest Discount traded.
7993  CLOSE_DISC = 6230, ///< The historical closing discount.
7994  CLSDISCDAT = 6231, ///< Date of most recent non-zero closing price as held in CLOSE_DISC.
7995  YH_DISC = 6232, ///< The discount of the year high.
7996  YL_DISC = 6233, ///< The discount of the year low.
7997  LH_DISC = 6234, ///< The discount of the lifetime high.
7998  LL_DISC = 6235, ///< The discount of the lifetime low.
7999  FACILITY_C = 6236, ///< The facility code to identify a bond issued.
8000  MTHLY_VOL = 6237, ///< Monthly total trading volume.
8001  YEARLY_VOL = 6238, ///< Yearly total trading volume.
8002  THEO_CLOSE = 6239, ///< The theoretical closing price.
8003  SUS_DATE = 6240, ///< Start Date for Suspension of Instrument.
8004  PMA_10D = 6241, ///< Price Moving Averages.
8005  VWAP_VOL = 6242, ///< Volume for calculation of Volume Weighted Average Price.
8006  VWAP_TN = 6243, ///< Turnover for calculation of Volume Weighted Average Price.
8007  AVPRC_WT_B = 6244, ///< Average Price of warrants Bought.
8008  AVPRC_WT_A = 6245, ///< Average Price of warrants Sold.
8009  TAS_RIC = 6246, ///< Instrument's TAS RIC.
8010  REF_PRC_NC = 6247, ///< Basic Price Net Change.
8011  FRGN_BVAL = 6248, ///< Foreign Buy Trading Value.
8012  FRGN_SVAL = 6249, ///< Foreign Sell Trading Value.
8013  PU_THR_VOL = 6250, ///< Put through transaction volume (HASTC and HOSE).
8014  EXCHTIM_MS = 6251, ///< The exchange time with precision in milliseconds.
8015  IRGVAL_MS = 6252, ///< Time when the head-end updated field IRGVAL or fields in the record
8016  ///< in milliseconds. Which field depends on the instrument.
8017  GV1TIME_MS = 6253, ///< Generic time given in milliseconds.
8018  GV2TIME_MS = 6254, ///< Second generic time given in milliseconds.
8019  GV3TIME_MS = 6255, ///< Third generic time given in milliseconds.
8020  GV4TIME_MS = 6256, ///< Fourth generic time given in milliseconds.
8021  GV5TIME_MS = 6257, ///< Fifth generic time given in milliseconds.
8022  OPEN_T_MS = 6258, ///< Time in milliseconds at which the opening value held in the fields
8023  ///< OPEN_PRC/ OPEN_PRC2 was made.
8024  HIGH_T_MS = 6259, ///< Time in milliseconds at which the high value held in the fields
8025  ///< HIGH_1/ SEC_HIGH was made.
8026  LOW_T_MS = 6260, ///< Time in milliseconds at which the low value held in the fields LOW_1/
8027  ///< SEC_LOW was made.
8028  VOL_TICK = 6261, ///< Minimum movement in the number of shares that can be made in an order
8029  ///< for the referred stock and market.
8030  AUC_TIME = 6262, ///< The auction time with precision in seconds.
8031  DN_ID = 6263, ///< Displays a DATA NOTIFICATION id. Search this DN id into the customer zone
8032  ///< website to access the change notification text.
8033  STATUS = 6264, ///< The publisher of the news item.
8034  FRQ_UPDATE = 6265, ///< Displays the theoretical frequency of update.
8035  MORE_INFO = 6266, ///< This fid provides a link (direct link from IDN page or Customer Zone
8036  ///< ID entry) to related information.
8037  REL_SPEED2 = 6267, ///< RELATED SPEEDGUIDE 2.
8038  CHAIN1 = 6268, ///< RELATED CHAIN 1.
8039  CHAIN2 = 6269, ///< RELATED CHAIN 2.
8040  TS_START = 6270, ///< Displays the start date for the timeseries attached to the intrument.
8041  HOLIDAYS = 6271, ///< This provide a link to HOLIDAY list applying for the instrument.
8042  LEG3_RIC = 6272, ///< The RIC associated with the third leg of a spread.
8043  LEG4_RIC = 6273, ///< The RIC associated with the fourth leg of a spread.
8044  LEG5_RIC = 6274, ///< The RIC associated with the fifth leg of a spread.
8045  LEG6_RIC = 6275, ///< The RIC associated with the sixth leg of a spread.
8046  PCT_LEG1 = 6276, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8047  ///< Change between leg1 and leg2.
8048  PCT_LEG2 = 6277, ///< Description of the second leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8049  ///< Change between leg1 and leg2.
8050  PCT_LEG3 = 6278, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8051  ///< Change between leg3 and leg4.
8052  PCT_LEG4 = 6279, ///< Description of the second leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8053  ///< Change between leg3 and leg4.
8054  PCT_LEG5 = 6280, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8055  ///< Change between leg5 and leg6.
8056  PCT_LEG6 = 6281, ///< Description of the second leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8057  ///< Change between leg5 and leg6.
8058  PCT_LEG7 = 6282, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8059  ///< Change between leg7 and leg8.
8060  PCT_LEG8 = 6283, ///< Description of the second leg for the calculation of the Percentage
8061  ///< Change between leg7 and leg8.
8062  PCT_LEG1V2 = 6284, ///< Percentage change value between LEG 1 and 2.
8063  PCT_LEG3V4 = 6285, ///< Percentage change value between LEG 3 and 4.
8064  PCT_LEG5V6 = 6286, ///< Percentage change value between LEG 5 and 6.
8065  PCT_LEG7V8 = 6287, ///< Percentage change value between LEG 7 and 8.
8066  NET_LEG1 = 6288, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8067  ///< between leg1 and leg2.
8068  NET_LEG2 = 6289, ///< Description of the 2nd leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8069  ///< between leg1 and leg2.
8070  NET_LEG3 = 6290, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8071  ///< between leg3 and leg4.
8072  NET_LEG4 = 6291, ///< Description of the 2nd leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8073  ///< between leg3 and leg4.
8074  NET_LEG5 = 6292, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8075  ///< between leg5 and leg6.
8076  NET_LEG6 = 6293, ///< Description of the 2nd leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8077  ///< between leg5 and leg6.
8078  NET_LEG7 = 6294, ///< Description of the first leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8079  ///< between leg7 and leg8.
8080  NET_LEG8 = 6295, ///< Description of the 2nd leg for the calculation of the Net Change
8081  ///< between leg7 and leg8.
8082  NET_LEG1V2 = 6296, ///< Net change value between LEG 1 and 2.
8083  NET_LEG3V4 = 6297, ///< Net change value between LEG 3 and 4.
8084  NET_LEG5V6 = 6298, ///< Net change value between LEG 5 and 6.
8085  NET_LEG7V8 = 6299, ///< Net change value between LEG 7 and 8.
8086  CL_RUNTIME = 6300, ///< The time by when the closing run process is applied.
8087  CLRT_ZONE = 6301, ///< The time zone for the closing run (in line with the CL_RUNTIME fid).
8088  STD_AMOUNT = 6302, ///< The standard amount for the instrument. Indicates the quantity used
8089  ///< to calculate the worst price for the given instrument.
8090  BIDSIZEIND = 6303, ///< Shows whether bid size is greater than the regular amt: '+' if Bid
8091  ///< size greater than regular amount, 'Blank' otherwise.
8092  ASKSIZEIND = 6304, ///< Shows whether ask size is greater than the regular amt: '+' if Ask
8093  ///< size greater than regular amount, 'Blank' otherwise.
8094  ORDSIZEIND = 6305, ///< Shows whether order size is greater than the regular amt: '+' if
8095  ///< order size greater than regular amount, 'Blank' otherwise.
8096  REG_AMOUNT = 6306, ///< The regular amount for the instrument. Blank means the regular
8097  ///< amount has been disabled for the given instrument.
8098  CF_NAME = 6307, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
8099  CF_SRC_PGE = 6308, ///< Consolidated FIDs.
8100  VWAP_TIME = 6309, ///< Time of the last VWAP (All Day) update.
8101  AM_VWAPTIM = 6310, ///< Time of VWAP update in AM Session.
8102  PM_VWAPTIM = 6311, ///< Time of VWAP update in PM Session.
8103  AM_PTYPRC1 = 6312, ///< Parity Price (Main or Secondary Board) in AM Session.
8104  PM_PTYPRC1 = 6313, ///< Parity Price (Main or Secondary Board) in PM Session.
8105  BLKVOL_SC = 6314, ///< The scaling factor of the block ACVOL.
8106  BLKTNOV_SC = 6315, ///< The scaling factor of the block TURNOVER.
8107  A_NPLCLS1 = 6316, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8108  ///< auction (where n.
8109  A_NPLCLS2 = 6317, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8110  ///< auction (where n.
8111  A_NPLCLS3 = 6318, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8112  ///< auction (where n.
8113  A_NPLCLS4 = 6319, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8114  ///< auction (where n.
8115  A_NPLCLS5 = 6320, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8116  ///< auction (where n.
8117  A_NPLCLS6 = 6321, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8118  ///< auction (where n.
8119  A_NPLCLS7 = 6322, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8120  ///< auction (where n.
8121  A_NPLCLS8 = 6323, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8122  ///< auction (where n.
8123  A_NPLCLS9 = 6324, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8124  ///< auction (where n.
8125  A_NPLCLS10 = 6325, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8126  ///< auction (where n.
8127  A_NPLCLS11 = 6326, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8128  ///< auction (where n.
8129  A_NPLCLS12 = 6327, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8130  ///< auction (where n.
8131  A_NPLCLS13 = 6328, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8132  ///< auction (where n.
8133  A_NPLCLS14 = 6329, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8134  ///< auction (where n.
8135  A_NPLCLS15 = 6330, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8136  ///< auction (where n.
8137  A_NPLCLS16 = 6331, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8138  ///< auction (where n.
8139  A_NPLCLS17 = 6332, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8140  ///< auction (where n.
8141  A_NPLCLS18 = 6333, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8142  ///< auction (where n.
8143  A_NPLCLS19 = 6334, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8144  ///< auction (where n.
8145  A_NPLCLS20 = 6335, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8146  ///< auction (where n.
8147  A_NPLCLS21 = 6336, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8148  ///< auction (where n.
8149  A_NPLCLS22 = 6337, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8150  ///< auction (where n.
8151  A_NPLCLS23 = 6338, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8152  ///< auction (where n.
8153  A_NPLCLS24 = 6339, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8154  ///< auction (where n.
8155  A_NPLCLS25 = 6340, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price for closing
8156  ///< auction (where n.
8157  B_NPLCLS1 = 6341, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8158  ///< auction (where n.
8159  B_NPLCLS2 = 6342, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8160  ///< auction (where n.
8161  B_NPLCLS3 = 6343, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8162  ///< auction (where n.
8163  B_NPLCLS4 = 6344, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8164  ///< auction (where n.
8165  B_NPLCLS5 = 6345, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8166  ///< auction (where n.
8167  B_NPLCLS6 = 6346, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8168  ///< auction (where n.
8169  B_NPLCLS7 = 6347, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8170  ///< auction (where n.
8171  B_NPLCLS8 = 6348, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8172  ///< auction (where n.
8173  B_NPLCLS9 = 6349, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8174  ///< auction (where n.
8175  B_NPLCLS10 = 6350, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8176  ///< auction (where n.
8177  B_NPLCLS11 = 6351, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8178  ///< auction (where n.
8179  B_NPLCLS12 = 6352, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8180  ///< auction (where n.
8181  B_NPLCLS13 = 6353, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8182  ///< auction (where n.
8183  B_NPLCLS14 = 6354, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8184  ///< auction (where n.
8185  B_NPLCLS15 = 6355, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8186  ///< auction (where n.
8187  B_NPLCLS16 = 6356, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8188  ///< auction (where n.
8189  B_NPLCLS17 = 6357, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8190  ///< auction (where n.
8191  B_NPLCLS18 = 6358, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8192  ///< auction (where n.
8193  B_NPLCLS19 = 6359, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8194  ///< auction (where n.
8195  B_NPLCLS20 = 6360, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8196  ///< auction (where n.
8197  B_NPLCLS21 = 6361, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8198  ///< auction (where n.
8199  B_NPLCLS22 = 6362, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8200  ///< auction (where n.
8201  B_NPLCLS23 = 6363, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8202  ///< auction (where n.
8203  B_NPLCLS24 = 6364, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8204  ///< auction (where n.
8205  B_NPLCLS25 = 6365, ///< The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price for closing
8206  ///< auction (where n.
8207  MKOA_CLSNP = 6366, ///< Number of Sell market Order at closing auction.
8208  MKOB_CLSNP = 6367, ///< Number of Buy market Order at closing auction.
8209  CLS_AUCNPL = 6368, ///< Number of bid/ask at closing auction for L2 OMM.
8210  POST_PANEL = 6369, ///< The Post and Panel ID where a security is auctioned/traded.
8211  IRG_SEQNO = 6370, ///< Sequence Number of a Not Last Trade.
8212  INS_SEQNO = 6371, ///< Sequence Number of a trade that is inserted out of band or as a
8213  ///< replacement for a correction.
8214  COND_N = 6372, ///< Native alphanumeric trade condition code.
8215  IRG_COND_N = 6373, ///< Native alphanumeric trade condition code for Not Last trade.
8216  INS_COND_N = 6374, ///< Native alphanumeric trade condition code for Inserted trade.
8217  PREV_RIC = 6375, ///< Previous RIC if RIC has been changed.
8218  MBP_RIC = 6376, ///< Traditional MBP RIC for MarketFeed IDN.
8219  OFF_CL_TIM = 6377, ///< Official Close Time.
8220  TIMESTAMP = 6378, ///< Timestamp (GMT) of the item used in calculations in iso8601 format:
8221  ///< YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss.
8222  FEED_ID = 6379, ///< The id of the feed that generated the item.
8223  NEWS_SRC = 6380, ///< The publisher of the news item.
8224  SENT_WORDS = 6381, ///< The number of words used in the sentiment calculation.
8225  TOT_WORDS = 6382, ///< The number of word used in the sentiment calculation.
8226  NBR_WORDS = 6383, ///< The total number of words in the item.
8227  ITEM_CNT1 = 6384, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 1.
8228  ITEM_CNT2 = 6385, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 2.
8229  ITEM_CNT3 = 6386, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 3.
8230  ITEM_CNT4 = 6387, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 4.
8231  ITEM_CNT5 = 6388, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 5.
8232  METADATA1 = 6389, ///< Feed metadata.
8233  METADATA2 = 6390, ///< Feed metadata.
8234  METADATA3 = 6391, ///< Feed metadata.
8235  METADATA4 = 6392, ///< Feed metadata.
8236  METADATA5 = 6393, ///< Feed metadata.
8237  IDN_RTL = 6400, ///< Carries the IDN RTL of an update across DDS where necessary.
8238  DDS_DSO_ID = 6401, ///< DDS equivalent of the IDN FID DSO_ID. Has its own set of values.
8239  BR_PNAC = 6402, ///< News access code. Big RIC equivalent.
8240  BR_UNIQ_SN = 6403, ///< This field - the unique story number - enables the recipient to link
8241  ///< together successive parts of a news story and provide a unique
8242  ///< reference. Big RICequivalent.
8244  6404, ///< Contains a reference to the first program record of the associated program.
8245  ///< The reference is formatted using the alphaname character set. This field is
8246  ///< updated using a DRS operator command. Big RIC equivalent.
8247  BR_STORYID = 6405, ///< A unique sequential identifier that allows for message loss
8248  ///< detection. Used by NPS and KABS. Big RIC equivalent.
8250  6406, ///< The RIC associated with the first leg of a spread. Big RIC equivalent.
8252  6407, ///< The RIC associated with the second leg of a spread. Big RIC equivalent.
8253  BR_ALIAS = 6408, ///< Alias name (short name) of the RIC. Big RIC equivalent.
8254  BR_LINK1 = 6409, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8255  BR_LINK2 = 6410, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8256  BR_LINK3 = 6411, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8257  BR_LINK4 = 6412, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8258  BR_LINK5 = 6413, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8259  BR_LINK6 = 6414, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8260  BR_LINK7 = 6415, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8261  BR_LINK8 = 6416, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8262  BR_LINK9 = 6417, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8263  BR_LINK10 = 6418, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8264  BR_LINK11 = 6419, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8265  BR_LINK12 = 6420, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8266  BR_LINK13 = 6421, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8267  BR_LINK14 = 6422, ///< Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
8268  BR_PREVLR = 6423, ///< Big RIC equivalent to PREV_LR.
8269  BR_NEXTLR = 6424, ///< Big RIC equivalent to NEXT_LR.
8270  BR_BGD_REF = 6425, ///< A pointer to a record holding background information relating to the
8271  ///< record in which the pointer occurs. Big RIC equivalent.
8272  BR_CTB_BGD = 6426, ///< A pointer to a record holding background contributor information.
8273  ///< Big RIC equivalent.
8275  6427, ///< RIC field containing pointer to 'preferred' link record. Big RIC equivalent.
8276  BR_STK_RIC = 6428, ///< Big RIC stock RIC field.
8277  BR_IBOR_BS = 6429, ///< The RIC of the appropriate IBOR index from which the coupon is
8278  ///< calculated. Big RIC equivalent.
8280  6430, ///< Forward pointer used to point to the next take of a story. This is the Big
8281  ///< RIC equivalent of the SEG_FORW field (FID 260) which is 10 characters.
8283  6431, ///< Backward pointer used to point to the previous take of a story. This is the
8284  ///< Big RIC equivalent of the SEG_BACK field (FID 261) which is 10 characters.
8285  OTC_FITYPE = 6432, ///< For CCG only. Identifies Fixed Income contributions to CCG, allowing
8286  ///< automatic record creation and/or non-RIC contribution for enabled
8287  ///< contributors, and indicates contributed identifier type.
8288  OTC_CID = 6433, ///< For CCG only. Overrides the default CID (contributor ID) suffix used
8289  ///< when composing RIC.
8290  OTC_NOMAP = 6434, ///< For CCG only. Forces use of contributed identifier instead of DBoR
8291  ///< root when composing RIC if 'Y'.
8292  OTC_DELETE = 6435, ///< For CCG only. Requests record deletion if 'Y'.
8294  6436, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8296  6437, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8298  6438, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8300  6439, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8302  6440, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8304  6441, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8306  6442, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8308  6443, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8310  6444, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8312  6445, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8314  6446, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8316  6447, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8318  6448, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8320  6449, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8322  6450, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8324  6451, ///< names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
8325  CF_CURR = 6452, ///< Consolidated FID.
8326  RANK_POS = 6453, ///< Map entry position indicator used to sort an ordered symbol list.
8327  BOOK_DEPTH = 6454, ///< Ranking position field in ordered OMM maps.
8328  PRICETHOLD = 6455, ///< Price cut-off threshold specified as an absolute value.
8329  DOMAINTYPE = 6456, ///< DDS FID. The type of domain being used.
8330  NAMETYPE = 6457, ///< DDS FID. EG. The type of name (EG. RIC, ISIN, CUSIP etc).
8331  QOS = 6458, ///< DDS FID. Quality of service (EG Real-time, tick-by-tick etc).
8332  SERVICE_ID = 6459, ///< DDS FID. The service providing the item.
8333  PREV_NAME = 6460, ///< Line Handler name (string).
8334  SPS_PROV = 6469, ///< Line Handler name (string).
8335  DUDT_RIC = 6470, ///< RIC of UDT for same LH (RIC).
8336  SPS_DESCR = 6471, ///< Description of what content the source is providing.
8337  SPS_TME_MS = 6472, ///< GMT timestamp from the provider at the point of SPS transmission.
8338  SPS_FREQ = 6473, ///< Frequency of the SPS publication in milliseconds.
8339  SPS_FD_STS = 6474, ///< For TCP feeds this indicates session disconnect, for UDP feeds this
8340  ///< indicates lack of activity on both feeds where activity is expected.
8341  ARB_GAP_PD = 6475, ///< Sampling period in seconds of the gap count (x).
8342  SPS_GP_DSC = 6476, ///< Defines whether the gap stats are per message or per frame.
8343  SPS_SVC_TM = 6477, ///< Provider process up time in seconds.
8344  SPS_FAIL_T = 6478, ///< Used to inform SPS consumers how many consecutive missed heartbeats
8345  ///< constitute a failure.
8346  SPS_PV_STS = 6479, ///< Provider (LH) status eg. UP/DOWN/UNAVAILABLE etc..
8347  SPS_SP_RIC = 6480, ///< Populated in each underlying instrument by the provider as a
8348  ///< reference to the appropriate SPS sub-provider level RIC.
8349  XLNKD_CNT1 = 6481, ///< Number of related items in history period 1 cross linked across all
8350  ///< News Feeds.
8351  XLNKD_CNT2 = 6482, ///< Number of related items in history period 2 cross linked across all
8352  ///< News Feeds.
8353  XLNKD_CNT3 = 6483, ///< Number of related items in history period 3 cross linked across all
8354  ///< News Feeds.
8355  XLNKD_CNT4 = 6484, ///< Number of related items in history period 4 cross linked across all
8356  ///< News Feeds.
8357  XLNKD_CNT5 = 6485, ///< Number of related items in history period 5 cross linked across all
8358  ///< News Feeds.
8359  XLNKD_ID1 = 6486, ///< Item ID of most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
8360  XLNKD_ID2 = 6487, ///< Item ID of 2nd most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
8361  XLNKD_ID3 = 6488, ///< Item ID of 3rd most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
8362  XLNKD_ID4 = 6489, ///< Item ID of 4th most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
8363  XLNKD_ID5 = 6490, ///< Item ID of 5th most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
8364  XLNK_IDPV1 = 6491, ///< Item ID of 1st historic linked item across all News Feeds.
8365  XLNK_IDPV2 = 6492, ///< Item ID of 2nd historic linked item across all News Feeds.
8366  XLNK_IDPV3 = 6493, ///< Item ID of 3rd historic linked item across all News Feeds.
8367  XLNK_IDPV4 = 6494, ///< Item ID of 4th historic linked item across all News Feeds.
8368  XLNK_IDPV5 = 6495, ///< Item ID of 5th historic linked item across all News Feeds.
8369  XITEM_CNT1 = 6496, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 1
8370  ///< cross linked across all News Feeds.
8371  XITEM_CNT2 = 6497, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 2
8372  ///< cross linked across all News Feeds.
8373  XITEM_CNT3 = 6498, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 3
8374  ///< cross linked across all News Feeds.
8375  XITEM_CNT4 = 6499, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 4
8376  ///< cross linked across all News Feeds.
8377  XITEM_CNT5 = 6500, ///< The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 5
8378  ///< cross linked across all News Feeds.
8379  MENTION_1 = 6501, ///< The first sentence in which the scored entity is mentioned.
8380  TOT_SENTS = 6502, ///< The total number of sentences in the News Item.
8382  6503, ///< Action of a Broker: 'UPGRADE' 'DOWNGRADE' 'MAINTAIN' 'BROKER' 'UNDEFINED'.
8383  MKT_COMM = 6504, ///< Market commentary indicator.
8385  6505, ///< Volume Weighted Average Price - extended to 45bit precision. Full day VWAP.
8386  VWAP_AM_LG = 6506, ///< Volume Weighted Average Price - extended to 45bit precision. Morning
8387  ///< Session VWAP.
8388  VWAP_PM_LG = 6507, ///< Volume Weighted Average Price - extended to 45bit precision. Evening
8389  ///< Session VWAP.
8390  TRNOVR_LNG = 6508, ///< Turnover - extended to 45bit precision.
8391  NUM_CO = 6509, ///< Number of companies mentioned.
8392  TRDVAL_LNG = 6510, ///< Traded value - extended to 45bit precision.
8393  IMB_TYPE = 6511, ///< Descriptive detail of order imbalance type.
8395  6512, ///< Classification of Financial Instruments Code as descfibed in ISO 10962.
8396  SETL_TYPE = 6513, ///< Description of data in SETTLE field.
8397  CON_ORD_ID = 6514, ///< Order ID of Contra Order that was executed in a trade.
8398  MBO_RIC = 6515, ///< Traditional MBO RIC for MarketFeed IDN.
8400  6516, ///< Numerical value indicating whether a book is Normal, Locked, or Crossed.
8402  6517, ///< Native feed code articulating the reason a security is halted or suspended.
8404  6518, ///< Numerical value indicating whether order entry is Enabled or Disabled.
8405  MKT_OR_RUL = 6519, ///< Numerical value indicating whether Market Orders should be combined
8406  ///< with priced orders in the top row of a ranked MBP book.
8407  PR_TIM_MS = 6520, ///< The Priority Time Stamp, in GMT, of the order. Used to rank the
8408  ///< order relative to its peers.
8409  PR_TIM_MSP = 6521, ///< Submillisecond time part for the Priority Time Stamp, covering micro
8410  ///< & nanoseconds.
8411  PR_DATE = 6522, ///< The Date associated with the Order Priority Time Stamp.
8412  OR_COND_CD = 6523, ///< The Order Condition Code as represented in the Native Feed.
8413  OR_TIM_MS = 6524, ///< The time, in GMT, an orderbook row was most recently updated.
8414  OR_TIM_MSP = 6525, ///< Submillisecond time part for the Order Activity Stamp, covering
8415  ///< micro & nanoseconds.
8416  OR_DATE = 6526, ///< The Date associated with the Order Activity Time.
8417  LV_TIM_MS = 6527, ///< The time, in GMT, an aggregated MBP row was most recently updated.
8418  LV_TIM_MSP = 6528, ///< Submillisecond time part for the Level Activity Time, covering micro
8419  ///< & nanoseconds.
8420  LV_DATE = 6529, ///< The Data associated with the Level Activity Time.
8421  QUOTE_SRC = 6530, ///< The source market of a Market Participant quote.
8422  BID_NDS_SZ = 6531, ///< The total non-displayed quantity of shares in the Bid Side MBP book.
8423  BID_NDS_OR = 6532, ///< The total number of non-displayed orders in the Bid Side MBP book.
8424  ASK_NDS_SZ = 6533, ///< The total non-displayed quantity of shares in the Ask Side MBP book.
8425  ASK_NDS_OR = 6534, ///< The total number of non-displayed orders in the Ask Side MBP book.
8426  BID_SZ_TTL = 6535, ///< The total quantity of shares on the Bid Side MBP book.
8427  ASK_SZ_TTL = 6536, ///< The total quantity of shares on the Ask Side MBP book.
8428  BID_SZ_DSP = 6537, ///< The total quantity of displayed shares on the Bid Side MBP book.
8429  ASK_SZ_DSP = 6538, ///< The total quantity of displayed shares on the Ask Side MBP book.
8430  BID_DATE1 = 6539, ///< The date associated with BID_TIME1.
8431  ASK_DATE1 = 6540, ///< The date associated with ASK_TIME1.
8432  INT_PR_RNK = 6541, ///< An integer value used to determine how an aggregated MBP row should
8433  ///< be ranked relative to other aggregated MBP rows with the same price.
8434  LEG_L2_RUL = 6542, ///< A numerical value referencing a translation rule to map Level 2 data
8435  ///< from RWF to MarketFeed.
8436  MBP_AG_RUL = 6543, ///< Rule for MBO>MBP Aggregation.
8437  NO_BIDORD1 = 6544, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8438  NO_BIDORD2 = 6545, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8439  NO_BIDORD3 = 6546, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8440  NO_BIDORD4 = 6547, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8441  NO_BIDORD5 = 6548, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8442  NO_BIDORD6 = 6549, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8443  NO_BIDORD7 = 6550, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8444  NO_BIDORD8 = 6551, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8445  NO_BIDORD9 = 6552, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8446  NO_BIDRD10 = 6553, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
8447  NO_ASKORD1 = 6554, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8448  NO_ASKORD2 = 6555, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8449  NO_ASKORD3 = 6556, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8450  NO_ASKORD4 = 6557, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8451  NO_ASKORD5 = 6558, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8452  NO_ASKORD6 = 6559, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8453  NO_ASKORD7 = 6560, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8454  NO_ASKORD8 = 6561, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8455  NO_ASKORD9 = 6562, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8456  NO_ASKRD10 = 6563, ///< Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
8457  EXP_TYPE = 6564, ///< A description of the style/type of of expiration associated with a
8458  ///< derivatives contract.
8459  MIN_TRD_VO = 6565, ///< The minimum tradeable quantity of an instrument in a single trade.
8460  MAX_TRD_VO = 6566, ///< The maximum tradeable quantity of an instrument in a single trade.
8461  USER_DEF = 6567, ///< Descriptive field designating whether the item, usually a Strategy, is
8462  ///< user defined or exchange listed.
8463  LEG_SIDE = 6568, ///< The side of the market which a Spread Leg represents.
8464  LEG1_SIDE = 6569, ///< The side of the market which a Spread Leg represents.
8465  LEG2_SIDE = 6570, ///< The side of the market which a Spread Leg represents.
8466  LEG_OP_DT = 6571, ///< The difference between the underlying price of the Strategy and the
8467  ///< price of the Leg, when the Leg is an Option.
8468  LEG1_OP_DT = 6572, ///< The difference between the underlying price of the Strategy and the
8469  ///< price of the Leg, when the Leg is an Option.
8470  LEG2_OP_DT = 6573, ///< The difference between the underlying price of the Strategy and the
8471  ///< price of the Leg, when the Leg is an Option.
8472  LEG_PRICE = 6574, ///< The current price of the spread leg.
8473  LEG1_PRICE = 6575, ///< The current price of the spread leg.
8474  LEG2_PRICE = 6576, ///< The current price of the spread leg.
8475  SH_SAL_RES = 6577, ///< Short Sale Restrictred Indicator.
8476  SHRT_VOXXX = 6578, ///< Redundant. Requested in error. Use FID 3772 for Short Sell Volume.
8477  BID_COND_N = 6579, ///< Native Condition code associated with the most recent Bid.
8478  ASK_COND_N = 6580, ///< Native Condition code associated with the most recent Ask.
8479  TRVOL_ONBK = 6581, ///< volume of the most recent individual on-book trade.
8480  TRVOLOFFBK = 6582, ///< volume of the most recent individual off-book trade.
8481  CAN_PRC = 6583, ///< Price of the most recent cancelled trade.
8482  CAN_VOL = 6584, ///< Volume of the most recent cancelled trade.
8483  CAN_COND = 6585, ///< Trade cancellation condition code. This field uses the same set of
8484  ///< enumerated values as field IRGCOND.
8486  6586, ///< trade cancellation flag (native condition code - alphanumeric 4 chars long).
8488  6587, ///< Trade ID of a Cancelled Trade. This should be same the identifier as found
8489  ///< in field TRADE_ID for the executed trade that is now cancelled.
8491  6588, ///< Aggregate volume of all trades reported today including those that have
8492  ///< occurred prior to today. (AC_VOL1 to include trades only executed today.).
8493  MIC_CODE = 6589, ///< Market Identification Code as defined by the Federation for European
8494  ///< Stock Exchanges.
8495  ISS_WRNTS = 6590, ///< Link to the RIC for Issued Warrants related to this instrument.
8496  CVR_WRNTS = 6591, ///< Link to the RIC for Covered Warrants related to the instrument.
8497  LEG_CFI = 6592, ///< ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instrument (CFI) code for a leg
8498  ///< of a spread.
8499  LEG1_CFI = 6593, ///< ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instrument (CFI) code for the
8500  ///< 1st leg of a spread.
8501  LEG2_CFI = 6594, ///< ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instrument (CFI) code for the
8502  ///< 2nd leg of a spread.
8503  CUSIP_XX = 6595, ///< Nine character identification number assigned to U.S. securities.
8504  ///< Redundant field.
8505  SPS_SUCC_T = 6596, ///< Used to inform SPS consumers how many consecutive received
8506  ///< heartbeats constitute a success (ie device back on line).
8507  TYPE = 6597, ///< Exchange Data, News, Contributions, Exchange Transactions.
8508  SRCE_MODE = 6598, ///< Live, Test.
8509  VENUE_STAT = 6599, ///< Open, Closed, Suspended etc.., - not for MC.
8510  SPS_PRV_LV = 6600, ///< link back to the provider level instrument (e.g. .[SPSSIAC) - i.e.
8511  ///< needs same definition as a RIC.
8512  AC_RD_SV_I = 6601, ///< A, B, C, D etc.
8513  PRV_IT_CNT = 6602, ///< Number of items sourced from that provider.
8514  STL_IT_CNT = 6603, ///< Number of items sourced from that provider that are stale.
8515  LST_GAP_TM = 6604, ///< GMT timestamp of the last gap detected by the provider.
8516  PK_GAP_CNT = 6605, ///< Maximum Period Gap Count measured since the daily stats reset.
8517  PK_GAP_TM = 6606, ///< GMT timestamp of the Peak Gap Count.
8518  STS_RST_TM = 6607, ///< GMT time of day at which point the SPS stats are reset.
8519  SPS_DM_GRP = 6608, ///< States which domains the system processes.
8520  HASH_FROM = 6609, ///< Start value of a hash range (served by a MC).
8521  HASH_TO = 6610, ///< End value of a hash range (served by a MC).
8522  RQ_MCST_AD = 6611, ///< The multicast address to be used in communication between the SS and
8523  ///< MC corresponding to the specified hash range.
8524  BID_NO_DIS = 6612, ///< Price for top non-displayed Bid.
8525  ASK_NO_DIS = 6613, ///< Price for top non-displayed Ask.
8526  TRD_STATUS = 6614, ///< Instrument Trading Status.
8527  HALT_RSN = 6615, ///< Enumerated/Standardized Halt Reason Code.
8528  RPT_HLT_DR = 6616, ///< Halt Duration as indicated by exchange feed.
8529  TRG_RSM_TM = 6617, ///< Target resumption time for a halted/suspended security.
8530  HALT_DATE = 6618, ///< Date security was originally halted.
8531  HALT_TIME = 6619, ///< Time security was originally halted, associated with HALT_DATE.
8532  BID_INDCTV = 6620, ///< Indicative Bid Price.
8533  ASK_INDCTV = 6621, ///< Indicative Ask Price.
8534  URL_INFO = 6622, ///< Generic URL field for use with exchange feeds.
8535  PD_ACVOL = 6623, ///< Accumulated Volume for trades reported 1+ days late.
8536  CTRDTIM_MS = 6624, ///< Time of original trade being cancelled, millisecond granularity.
8537  CTRDTIM = 6625, ///< Time of original trade being cancelled, 1 second granularity.
8538  CB_PRICE = 6626, ///< Price of trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
8539  CB_VOLUME = 6627, ///< Volume of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
8540  CB_TIME = 6628, ///< Time of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
8541  CB_TIME_MS = 6629, ///< Millisecond Time of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
8542  CB_EXCHID = 6630, ///< Exchange of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker. Enumerated
8543  ///< Values to match 1709 RDN_EXCHD2.
8544  SVC_STATE = 6633, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8545  SPS_REQRPT = 6634, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8546  RCD_TYP_LG = 6635, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8547  BID_EXID = 6636, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8548  ASK_EXID = 6637, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8549  TRADE_EXID = 6638, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8550  OPEN_EXID = 6639, ///< To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
8551  PRE_TM001 = 6640, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8552  PRE_TM002 = 6641, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8553  PRE_TM003 = 6642, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8554  PRE_TM004 = 6643, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8555  PRE_TM005 = 6644, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8556  PRE_TM006 = 6645, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8557  PRE_TM007 = 6646, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8558  PRE_TM008 = 6647, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8559  PRE_TM009 = 6648, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8560  PRE_TM010 = 6649, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8561  PRE_TM011 = 6650, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8562  PRE_TM012 = 6651, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8563  PRE_TM013 = 6652, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8564  PRE_TM014 = 6653, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8565  PRE_TM015 = 6654, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8566  PRE_TM016 = 6655, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8567  PRE_TM017 = 6656, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8568  PRE_TM018 = 6657, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8569  PRE_TM019 = 6658, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8570  PRE_TM020 = 6659, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8571  PRE_TM021 = 6660, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8572  PRE_TM022 = 6661, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8573  PRE_TM023 = 6662, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8574  PRE_TM024 = 6663, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8575  PRE_TM025 = 6664, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8576  PRE_TM026 = 6665, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8577  PRE_TM027 = 6666, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8578  PRE_TM028 = 6667, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8579  PRE_TM029 = 6668, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8580  PRE_TM030 = 6669, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8581  PRE_TM031 = 6670, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8582  PRE_TM032 = 6671, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8583  PRE_TM033 = 6672, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8584  PRE_TM034 = 6673, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8585  PRE_TM035 = 6674, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8586  PRE_TM036 = 6675, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8587  PRE_TM037 = 6676, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8588  PRE_TM038 = 6677, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8589  PRE_TM039 = 6678, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8590  PRE_TM040 = 6679, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8591  SRC_HB_TM = 6680, ///< Timestamp of last source heartbeat message receipt, used by SPS.
8592  AL_UPD_TM = 6681, ///< Last market data update received Time, used by SPS.
8593  IV_UPDT_TS = 6682, ///< Update time of Implied Volatility.
8594  INTRMKT_TS = 6683, ///< Time of delivery of the intramarket differential price.
8595  L_CNTR_TS = 6684, ///< Time of Block or Large Lot Trade, Seconds Granularity.
8596  ADJ_ENDTIM = 6685, ///< New period end time following reduction or extension of a trading by
8597  ///< the exchange.
8599  6686, ///< The update time for trading price limit, UPLMIT(#75) and LOLIMIT(#76).
8600  PRE_TS008 = 6687, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8601  PRE_TS009 = 6688, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8602  PRE_TS010 = 6689, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8603  PRE_TS011 = 6690, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8604  PRE_TS012 = 6691, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8605  PRE_TS013 = 6692, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8606  PRE_TS014 = 6693, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8607  PRE_TS015 = 6694, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8608  PRE_TS016 = 6695, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8609  PRE_TS017 = 6696, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8610  PRE_TS018 = 6697, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8611  PRE_TS019 = 6698, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8612  PRE_TS020 = 6699, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8613  PRE_TS021 = 6700, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8614  PRE_TS022 = 6701, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8615  PRE_TS023 = 6702, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8616  PRE_TS024 = 6703, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8617  PRE_TS025 = 6704, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8618  PRE_TS026 = 6705, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8619  PRE_TS027 = 6706, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8620  PRE_TS028 = 6707, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8621  PRE_TS029 = 6708, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8622  PRE_TS030 = 6709, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8623  PRE_TS031 = 6710, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8624  PRE_TS032 = 6711, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8625  PRE_TS033 = 6712, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8626  PRE_TS034 = 6713, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8627  PRE_TS035 = 6714, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8628  PRE_TS036 = 6715, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8629  PRE_TS037 = 6716, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8630  PRE_TS038 = 6717, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8631  PRE_TS039 = 6718, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8632  PRE_TS040 = 6719, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8633  PRE_TS041 = 6720, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8634  PRE_TS042 = 6721, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8635  PRE_TS043 = 6722, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8636  PRE_TS044 = 6723, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8637  PRE_TS045 = 6724, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8638  PRE_TS046 = 6725, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8639  PRE_TS047 = 6726, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8640  PRE_TS048 = 6727, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8641  PRE_TS049 = 6728, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8642  PRE_TS050 = 6729, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8643  PRE_TS051 = 6730, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8644  PRE_TS052 = 6731, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8645  PRE_TS053 = 6732, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8646  PRE_TS054 = 6733, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8647  PRE_TS055 = 6734, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8648  PRE_TS056 = 6735, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8649  PRE_TS057 = 6736, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8650  PRE_TS058 = 6737, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8651  PRE_TS059 = 6738, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8652  PRE_TS060 = 6739, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8653  PRE_TS061 = 6740, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8654  PRE_TS062 = 6741, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8655  PRE_TS063 = 6742, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8656  PRE_TS064 = 6743, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8657  PRE_TS065 = 6744, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8658  PRE_TS066 = 6745, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8659  PRE_TS067 = 6746, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8660  PRE_TS068 = 6747, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8661  PRE_TS069 = 6748, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8662  PRE_TS070 = 6749, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8663  PRE_TS071 = 6750, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8664  PRE_TS072 = 6751, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8665  PRE_TS073 = 6752, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8666  PRE_TS074 = 6753, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8667  PRE_TS075 = 6754, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8668  PRE_TS076 = 6755, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8669  PRE_TS077 = 6756, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8670  PRE_TS078 = 6757, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8671  PRE_TS079 = 6758, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8672  PRE_TS080 = 6759, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8673  SRC_HB_DT = 6760, ///< Date upon which last source heartbeat was received, used by SPS.
8674  AL_UPD_DT = 6761, ///< Last market data message update Date, used by SPS.
8675  OFF_CLS_DT = 6762, ///< Date associated with OFF_CLOSE.
8676  IMPUCLS_DT = 6763, ///< Date the imputed closing price was calculated.
8677  THRES_DT = 6764, ///< Date that at knock-out or other contract barrier was breached.
8678  ANA_EXP_DT = 6765, ///< Analytics Expiration Date. Always populated Base the new expiration
8679  ///< date on a European style date. Date for Opra and Montreal is expiry
8680  ///< plus 1, this may vary if used in other markets.
8681  BASE_DATE = 6766, ///< Date on which the base value of an index was set. Associated with the
8682  ///< BASE_VALUE FID 4306.
8683  PRE_DT008 = 6767, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8684  PRE_DT009 = 6768, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8685  PRE_DT010 = 6769, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8686  PRE_DT011 = 6770, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8687  PRE_DT012 = 6771, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8688  PRE_DT013 = 6772, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8689  PRE_DT014 = 6773, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8690  PRE_DT015 = 6774, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8691  PRE_DT016 = 6775, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8692  PRE_DT017 = 6776, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8693  PRE_DT018 = 6777, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8694  PRE_DT019 = 6778, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8695  PRE_DT020 = 6779, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8696  PRE_DT021 = 6780, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8697  PRE_DT022 = 6781, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8698  PRE_DT023 = 6782, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8699  PRE_DT024 = 6783, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8700  PRE_DT025 = 6784, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8701  PRE_DT026 = 6785, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8702  PRE_DT027 = 6786, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8703  PRE_DT028 = 6787, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8704  PRE_DT029 = 6788, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8705  PRE_DT030 = 6789, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8706  PRE_DT031 = 6790, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8707  PRE_DT032 = 6791, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8708  PRE_DT033 = 6792, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8709  PRE_DT034 = 6793, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8710  PRE_DT035 = 6794, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8711  PRE_DT036 = 6795, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8712  PRE_DT037 = 6796, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8713  PRE_DT038 = 6797, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8714  PRE_DT039 = 6798, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8715  PRE_DT040 = 6799, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8716  PRE_DT041 = 6800, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8717  PRE_DT042 = 6801, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8718  PRE_DT043 = 6802, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8719  PRE_DT044 = 6803, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8720  PRE_DT045 = 6804, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8721  PRE_DT046 = 6805, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8722  PRE_DT047 = 6806, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8723  PRE_DT048 = 6807, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8724  PRE_DT049 = 6808, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8725  PRE_DT050 = 6809, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8726  PRE_DT051 = 6810, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8727  PRE_DT052 = 6811, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8728  PRE_DT053 = 6812, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8729  PRE_DT054 = 6813, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8730  PRE_DT055 = 6814, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8731  PRE_DT056 = 6815, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8732  PRE_DT057 = 6816, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8733  PRE_DT058 = 6817, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8734  PRE_DT059 = 6818, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8735  PRE_DT060 = 6819, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8736  PRE_DT061 = 6820, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8737  PRE_DT062 = 6821, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8738  PRE_DT063 = 6822, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8739  PRE_DT064 = 6823, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8740  PRE_DT065 = 6824, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8741  PRE_DT066 = 6825, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8742  PRE_DT067 = 6826, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8743  PRE_DT068 = 6827, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8744  PRE_DT069 = 6828, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8745  PRE_DT070 = 6829, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8746  PRE_DT071 = 6830, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8747  PRE_DT072 = 6831, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8748  PRE_DT073 = 6832, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8749  PRE_DT074 = 6833, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8750  PRE_DT075 = 6834, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8751  PRE_DT076 = 6835, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8752  PRE_DT077 = 6836, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8753  PRE_DT078 = 6837, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8754  PRE_DT079 = 6838, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8755  PRE_DT080 = 6839, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8756  SRC_HB_CYC = 6840, ///< Indication of the heartbeat interval in seconds, used by SPS.
8757  MSG_CNT_I = 6841, ///< Market data message count during the preceding heartbeat interval,
8758  ///< used by SPS.
8759  PRE_BCD003 = 6842, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8760  PRE_BCD004 = 6843, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8761  PRE_BCD005 = 6844, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8762  PRE_BCD006 = 6845, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8763  PRE_BCD007 = 6846, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8764  PRE_BCD008 = 6847, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8765  PRE_BCD009 = 6848, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8766  PRE_BCD010 = 6849, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8767  PRE_BCD011 = 6850, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8768  PRE_BCD012 = 6851, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8769  PRE_BCD013 = 6852, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8770  PRE_BCD014 = 6853, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8771  PRE_BCD015 = 6854, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8772  PRE_BCD016 = 6855, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8773  PRE_BCD017 = 6856, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8774  PRE_BCD018 = 6857, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8775  PRE_BCD019 = 6858, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8776  PRE_BCD020 = 6859, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8777  PRE_BCD021 = 6860, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8778  PRE_BCD022 = 6861, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8779  PRE_BCD023 = 6862, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8780  PRE_BCD024 = 6863, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8781  PRE_BCD025 = 6864, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8782  PRE_BCD026 = 6865, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8783  PRE_BCD027 = 6866, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8784  PRE_BCD028 = 6867, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8785  PRE_BCD029 = 6868, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8786  PRE_BCD030 = 6869, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8787  PRE_BCD031 = 6870, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8788  PRE_BCD032 = 6871, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8789  PRE_BCD033 = 6872, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8790  PRE_BCD034 = 6873, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8791  PRE_BCD035 = 6874, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8792  PRE_BCD036 = 6875, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8793  PRE_BCD037 = 6876, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8794  PRE_BCD038 = 6877, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8795  PRE_BCD039 = 6878, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8796  PRE_BCD040 = 6879, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8797  VOLMTCHTHR = 6880, ///< Minimum threshold volume for a trade to be considered for trading at
8798  ///< volume match fixed price.
8799  SMS_MKT_SZ = 6881, ///< Number of shares to needed make the standard value trade.
8800  BODY_SIZE = 6882, ///< Size of the current version of the news story body in characters.
8801  UPDATE_SZ = 6883, ///< Size of the last update to the news story body in characters.
8802  DAYS_REM = 6884, ///< Days remaining for the trade of this contract.
8803  WRT_NUM_B = 6885, ///< Numbers of Warrants Bought on a particular day.
8804  WRT_NUM_S = 6886, ///< Numbers of Warrants Sold on a particular day.
8806  6887, ///< Retail Price Improvement Indicator - indicates if prices provided in alert by
8807  ///< Retail Liquidity Providers or others is better than the best protected bid or
8808  ///< the best protected offer. Values refer to which side of the book is flagged.
8810  6888, ///< Days remaining between current date and the Analytics Expiration Date. Always
8811  ///< populated Base the new expiration date on a European style date.
8813  6889, ///< For a futures or options holder with a SELL Position, the quantity (number of
8814  ///< contracts) purchased in order to settle out the trade by last trading date.
8816  6890, ///< For a futures or options holder with a BUY Position, the quantity (number of
8817  ///< contracts) sold in order to settle out the trade by last trading date.
8818  DOM_BVOL = 6891, ///< Buy Volume by Domestic Investor.
8819  DOM_SVOL = 6892, ///< Sell Volume by Domestic Investor.
8820  FR_SRSHR = 6893, ///< Total shares available to Sub-regional investors (maximum amount of
8821  ///< shares Sub-regional investors can own).
8822  FR_SRORDER = 6894, ///< Quantity of shares remaining to Sub-regional investors ('total
8823  ///< shares available to Sub-regional investors (maximum amount of shares
8824  ///< Sub-regional investors can own)' -.
8825  FR_SROWN = 6895, ///< Number of shares currently owned by Sub-regional nationals.
8826  FR_RORDER = 6896, ///< Quantity of shares remaining to Regional investors ('total shares
8827  ///< available to Regional investors (maximum amount of shares Regional
8828  ///< investors can own)' - 'total shares owned by Regional investors').
8829  FR_ROWN = 6897, ///< Number of shares currently owned by Regional nationals.
8830  FR_RSHR = 6898, ///< Total shares available to Regional investors (maximum amount of shares
8831  ///< Regional investors can own).
8832  DOM_SOWN = 6899, ///< Number of shares currently owned by Domestic nationals.
8833  FR_NRORDER = 6900, ///< Quantity of shares remaining to Non-regional investors ('total
8834  ///< shares available to Non-regional investors (maximum amount of shares
8835  ///< Non-regional investors can own)' -.
8836  FR_NROWN = 6901, ///< Number of shares currently owned by Non-regional nationals.
8837  FR_NRSHR = 6902, ///< Total shares available to Non-regional investors (maximum amount of
8838  ///< shares Non-regional investors can own).
8840  6903, ///< Volume of Block or Large Lot Cross Trade, L_CNTR_SIZ #3664 used for the
8841  ///< volume of indvidual block large lot trades during the normal trading session.
8842  BUYIN_VOL = 6904, ///< The volume eligible for the buy-in sessions.
8843  MIN_ACPTQY = 6905, ///< Defines the minimum execution quantity that has to be met every time
8844  ///< an order trades with other order(s). DIRECT FEED ONLY.
8845  PRE_INT027 = 6906, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8846  PRE_INT028 = 6907, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8847  PRE_INT029 = 6908, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8848  PRE_INT030 = 6909, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8849  PRE_INT031 = 6910, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8850  PRE_INT032 = 6911, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8851  PRE_INT033 = 6912, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8852  PRE_INT034 = 6913, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8853  PRE_INT035 = 6914, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8854  PRE_INT036 = 6915, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8855  PRE_INT037 = 6916, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8856  PRE_INT038 = 6917, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8857  PRE_INT039 = 6918, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8858  PRE_INT040 = 6919, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8859  PRE_INT041 = 6920, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8860  PRE_INT042 = 6921, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8861  PRE_INT043 = 6922, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8862  PRE_INT044 = 6923, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8863  PRE_INT045 = 6924, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8864  PRE_INT046 = 6925, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8865  PRE_INT047 = 6926, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8866  PRE_INT048 = 6927, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8867  PRE_INT049 = 6928, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8868  PRE_INT050 = 6929, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8869  PRE_INT051 = 6930, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8870  PRE_INT052 = 6931, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8871  PRE_INT053 = 6932, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8872  PRE_INT054 = 6933, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8873  PRE_INT055 = 6934, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8874  PRE_INT056 = 6935, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8875  PRE_INT057 = 6936, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8876  PRE_INT058 = 6937, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8877  PRE_INT059 = 6938, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8878  PRE_INT060 = 6939, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8879  PRE_INT061 = 6940, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8880  PRE_INT062 = 6941, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8881  PRE_INT063 = 6942, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8882  PRE_INT064 = 6943, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8883  PRE_INT065 = 6944, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8884  PRE_INT066 = 6945, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8885  PRE_INT067 = 6946, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8886  PRE_INT068 = 6947, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8887  PRE_INT069 = 6948, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8888  PRE_INT070 = 6949, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8889  PRE_INT071 = 6950, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8890  PRE_INT072 = 6951, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8891  PRE_INT073 = 6952, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8892  PRE_INT074 = 6953, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8893  PRE_INT075 = 6954, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8894  PRE_INT076 = 6955, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8895  PRE_INT077 = 6956, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8896  PRE_INT078 = 6957, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8897  PRE_INT079 = 6958, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8898  PRE_INT080 = 6959, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8899  PRE_INT081 = 6960, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8900  PRE_INT082 = 6961, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8901  PRE_INT083 = 6962, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8902  PRE_INT084 = 6963, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8903  PRE_INT085 = 6964, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8904  PRE_INT086 = 6965, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8905  PRE_INT087 = 6966, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8906  PRE_INT088 = 6967, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8907  PRE_INT089 = 6968, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8908  PRE_INT090 = 6969, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8909  PRE_INT091 = 6970, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8910  PRE_INT092 = 6971, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8911  PRE_INT093 = 6972, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8912  PRE_INT094 = 6973, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8913  PRE_INT095 = 6974, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8914  PRE_INT096 = 6975, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8915  PRE_INT097 = 6976, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8916  PRE_INT098 = 6977, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8917  PRE_INT099 = 6978, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8918  PRE_INT100 = 6979, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8919  PRE_INT101 = 6980, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8920  PRE_INT102 = 6981, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8921  PRE_INT103 = 6982, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8922  PRE_INT104 = 6983, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8923  PRE_INT105 = 6984, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8924  PRE_INT106 = 6985, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8925  PRE_INT107 = 6986, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8926  PRE_INT108 = 6987, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8927  PRE_INT109 = 6988, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8928  PRE_INT110 = 6989, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8929  PRE_INT111 = 6990, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8930  PRE_INT112 = 6991, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8931  PRE_INT113 = 6992, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8932  PRE_INT114 = 6993, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8933  PRE_INT115 = 6994, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8934  PRE_INT116 = 6995, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8935  PRE_INT117 = 6996, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8936  PRE_INT118 = 6997, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8937  PRE_INT119 = 6998, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8938  PRE_INT120 = 6999, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8939  PRE_INT121 = 7000, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8940  PRE_INT122 = 7001, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8941  PRE_INT123 = 7002, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8942  PRE_INT124 = 7003, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8943  PRE_INT125 = 7004, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8944  PRE_INT126 = 7005, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8945  PRE_INT127 = 7006, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8946  PRE_INT128 = 7007, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8947  PRE_INT129 = 7008, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8948  PRE_INT130 = 7009, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8949  PRE_INT131 = 7010, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8950  PRE_INT132 = 7011, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8951  PRE_INT133 = 7012, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8952  PRE_INT134 = 7013, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8953  PRE_INT135 = 7014, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8954  PRE_INT136 = 7015, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8955  PRE_INT137 = 7016, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8956  PRE_INT138 = 7017, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8957  PRE_INT139 = 7018, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8958  PRE_INT140 = 7019, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8959  PRE_INT141 = 7020, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8960  PRE_INT142 = 7021, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8961  PRE_INT143 = 7022, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8962  PRE_INT144 = 7023, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8963  PRE_INT145 = 7024, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8964  PRE_INT146 = 7025, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8965  PRE_INT147 = 7026, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8966  PRE_INT148 = 7027, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8967  PRE_INT149 = 7028, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8968  PRE_INT150 = 7029, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8969  PRE_INT151 = 7030, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8970  PRE_INT152 = 7031, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8971  PRE_INT153 = 7032, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8972  PRE_INT154 = 7033, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8973  PRE_INT155 = 7034, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8974  PRE_INT156 = 7035, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8975  PRE_INT157 = 7036, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8976  PRE_INT158 = 7037, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8977  PRE_INT159 = 7038, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8978  PRE_INT160 = 7039, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8979  PRE_INT161 = 7040, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8980  PRE_INT162 = 7041, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8981  PRE_INT163 = 7042, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8982  PRE_INT164 = 7043, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8983  PRE_INT165 = 7044, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8984  PRE_INT166 = 7045, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8985  PRE_INT167 = 7046, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8986  PRE_INT168 = 7047, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8987  PRE_INT169 = 7048, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8988  PRE_INT170 = 7049, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8989  PRE_INT171 = 7050, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8990  PRE_INT172 = 7051, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8991  PRE_INT173 = 7052, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8992  PRE_INT174 = 7053, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8993  PRE_INT175 = 7054, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8994  PRE_INT176 = 7055, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8995  PRE_INT177 = 7056, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8996  PRE_INT178 = 7057, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8997  PRE_INT179 = 7058, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8998  PRE_INT180 = 7059, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
8999  PRE_INT181 = 7060, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9000  PRE_INT182 = 7061, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9001  PRE_INT183 = 7062, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9002  PRE_INT184 = 7063, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9003  PRE_INT185 = 7064, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9004  PRE_INT186 = 7065, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9005  PRE_INT187 = 7066, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9006  PRE_INT188 = 7067, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9007  PRE_INT189 = 7068, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9008  PRE_INT190 = 7069, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9009  PRE_INT191 = 7070, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9010  PRE_INT192 = 7071, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9011  PRE_INT193 = 7072, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9012  PRE_INT194 = 7073, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9013  PRE_INT195 = 7074, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9014  PRE_INT196 = 7075, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9015  PRE_INT197 = 7076, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9016  PRE_INT198 = 7077, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9017  PRE_INT199 = 7078, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9018  PRE_INT200 = 7079, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9019  PRE_INT201 = 7080, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9020  PRE_INT202 = 7081, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9021  PRE_INT203 = 7082, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9022  PRE_INT204 = 7083, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9023  PRE_INT205 = 7084, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9024  PRE_INT206 = 7085, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9025  PRE_INT207 = 7086, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9026  PRE_INT208 = 7087, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9027  PRE_INT209 = 7088, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9028  PRE_INT210 = 7089, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9029  PRE_INT211 = 7090, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9030  PRE_INT212 = 7091, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9031  PRE_INT213 = 7092, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9032  PRE_INT214 = 7093, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9033  PRE_INT215 = 7094, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9034  PRE_INT216 = 7095, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9035  PRE_INT217 = 7096, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9036  PRE_INT218 = 7097, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9037  PRE_INT219 = 7098, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9038  PRE_INT220 = 7099, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9039  PRE_INT221 = 7100, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9040  PRE_INT222 = 7101, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9041  PRE_INT223 = 7102, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9042  PRE_INT224 = 7103, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9043  PRE_INT225 = 7104, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9044  PRE_INT226 = 7105, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9045  PRE_INT227 = 7106, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9046  PRE_INT228 = 7107, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9047  PRE_INT229 = 7108, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9048  PRE_INT230 = 7109, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9049  PRE_INT231 = 7110, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9050  PRE_INT232 = 7111, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9051  PRE_INT233 = 7112, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9052  PRE_INT234 = 7113, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9053  PRE_INT235 = 7114, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9054  PRE_INT236 = 7115, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9055  PRE_INT237 = 7116, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9056  PRE_INT238 = 7117, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9057  PRE_INT239 = 7118, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9058  PRE_INT240 = 7119, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9059  PRE_INT241 = 7120, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9060  PRE_INT242 = 7121, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9061  PRE_INT243 = 7122, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9062  PRE_INT244 = 7123, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9063  PRE_INT245 = 7124, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9064  PRE_INT246 = 7125, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9065  PRE_INT247 = 7126, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9066  PRE_INT248 = 7127, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9067  PRE_INT249 = 7128, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9068  PRE_INT250 = 7129, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9069  PRE_INT251 = 7130, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9070  PRE_INT252 = 7131, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9071  PRE_INT253 = 7132, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9072  PRE_INT254 = 7133, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9073  PRE_INT255 = 7134, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9074  PRE_INT256 = 7135, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9075  PRE_INT257 = 7136, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9076  PRE_INT258 = 7137, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9077  PRE_INT259 = 7138, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9078  PRE_INT260 = 7139, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9079  PRE_INT261 = 7140, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9080  PRE_INT262 = 7141, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9081  PRE_INT263 = 7142, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9082  PRE_INT264 = 7143, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9083  PRE_INT265 = 7144, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9084  PRE_INT266 = 7145, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9085  PRE_INT267 = 7146, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9086  PRE_INT268 = 7147, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9087  PRE_INT269 = 7148, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9088  PRE_INT270 = 7149, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9089  PRE_INT271 = 7150, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9090  PRE_INT272 = 7151, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9091  PRE_INT273 = 7152, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9092  PRE_INT274 = 7153, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9093  PRE_INT275 = 7154, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9094  PRE_INT276 = 7155, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9095  PRE_INT277 = 7156, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9096  PRE_INT278 = 7157, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9097  PRE_INT279 = 7158, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9098  PRE_INT280 = 7159, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9099  PRE_INT281 = 7160, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9100  PRE_INT282 = 7161, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9101  PRE_INT283 = 7162, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9102  PRE_INT284 = 7163, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9103  PRE_INT285 = 7164, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9104  PRE_INT286 = 7165, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9105  PRE_INT287 = 7166, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9106  PRE_INT288 = 7167, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9107  PRE_INT289 = 7168, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9108  PRE_INT290 = 7169, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9109  PRE_INT291 = 7170, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9110  PRE_INT292 = 7171, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9111  PRE_INT293 = 7172, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9112  PRE_INT294 = 7173, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9113  PRE_INT295 = 7174, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9114  PRE_INT296 = 7175, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9115  PRE_INT297 = 7176, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9116  PRE_INT298 = 7177, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9117  PRE_INT299 = 7178, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9118  PRE_INT300 = 7179, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9119  PRE_INT301 = 7180, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9120  PRE_INT302 = 7181, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9121  PRE_INT303 = 7182, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9122  PRE_INT304 = 7183, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9123  PRE_INT305 = 7184, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9124  PRE_INT306 = 7185, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9125  PRE_INT307 = 7186, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9126  PRE_INT308 = 7187, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9127  PRE_INT309 = 7188, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9128  PRE_INT310 = 7189, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9129  PRE_INT311 = 7190, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9130  PRE_INT312 = 7191, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9131  PRE_INT313 = 7192, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9132  PRE_INT314 = 7193, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9133  PRE_INT315 = 7194, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9134  PRE_INT316 = 7195, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9135  PRE_INT317 = 7196, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9136  PRE_INT318 = 7197, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9137  PRE_INT319 = 7198, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9138  PRE_INT320 = 7199, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9139  PRE_INT321 = 7200, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9140  PRE_INT322 = 7201, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9141  PRE_INT323 = 7202, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9142  PRE_INT324 = 7203, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9143  PRE_INT325 = 7204, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9144  PRE_INT326 = 7205, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9145  PRE_INT327 = 7206, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9146  PRE_INT328 = 7207, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9147  PRE_INT329 = 7208, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9148  PRE_INT330 = 7209, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9149  PRE_INT331 = 7210, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9150  PRE_INT332 = 7211, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9151  PRE_INT333 = 7212, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9152  PRE_INT334 = 7213, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9153  PRE_INT335 = 7214, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9154  PRE_INT336 = 7215, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9155  PRE_INT337 = 7216, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9156  PRE_INT338 = 7217, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9157  PRE_INT339 = 7218, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9158  PRE_INT340 = 7219, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9159  PRE_INT341 = 7220, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9160  PRE_INT342 = 7221, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9161  PRE_INT343 = 7222, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9162  PRE_INT344 = 7223, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9163  PRE_INT345 = 7224, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9164  PRE_INT346 = 7225, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9165  PRE_INT347 = 7226, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9166  PRE_INT348 = 7227, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9167  PRE_INT349 = 7228, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9168  PRE_INT350 = 7229, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9169  PRE_INT351 = 7230, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9170  PRE_INT352 = 7231, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9171  PRE_INT353 = 7232, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9172  PRE_INT354 = 7233, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9173  PRE_INT355 = 7234, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9174  PRE_INT356 = 7235, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9175  PRE_INT357 = 7236, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9176  PRE_INT358 = 7237, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9177  PRE_INT359 = 7238, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9178  PRE_INT360 = 7239, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9179  PRE_INT361 = 7240, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9180  PRE_INT362 = 7241, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9181  PRE_INT363 = 7242, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9182  PRE_INT364 = 7243, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9183  PRE_INT365 = 7244, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9184  PRE_INT366 = 7245, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9185  PRE_INT367 = 7246, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9186  PRE_INT368 = 7247, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9187  PRE_INT369 = 7248, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9188  PRE_INT370 = 7249, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9189  PRE_INT371 = 7250, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9190  PRE_INT372 = 7251, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9191  PRE_INT373 = 7252, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9192  PRE_INT374 = 7253, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9193  PRE_INT375 = 7254, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9194  PRE_INT376 = 7255, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9195  PRE_INT377 = 7256, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9196  PRE_INT378 = 7257, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9197  PRE_INT379 = 7258, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9198  PRE_INT380 = 7259, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9199  PRE_INT381 = 7260, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9200  PRE_INT382 = 7261, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9201  PRE_INT383 = 7262, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9202  PRE_INT384 = 7263, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9203  PRE_INT385 = 7264, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9204  PRE_INT386 = 7265, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9205  PRE_INT387 = 7266, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9206  PRE_INT388 = 7267, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9207  PRE_INT389 = 7268, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9208  PRE_INT390 = 7269, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9209  PRE_INT391 = 7270, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9210  PRE_INT392 = 7271, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9211  PRE_INT393 = 7272, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9212  PRE_INT394 = 7273, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9213  PRE_INT395 = 7274, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9214  PRE_INT396 = 7275, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9215  PRE_INT397 = 7276, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9216  PRE_INT398 = 7277, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9217  PRE_INT399 = 7278, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9218  PRE_INT400 = 7279, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9219  PRE_INT401 = 7280, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9220  PRE_INT402 = 7281, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9221  PRE_INT403 = 7282, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9222  PRE_INT404 = 7283, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9223  PRE_INT405 = 7284, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9224  PRE_INT406 = 7285, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9225  PRE_INT407 = 7286, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9226  PRE_INT408 = 7287, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9227  PRE_INT409 = 7288, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9228  PRE_INT410 = 7289, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9229  PRE_INT411 = 7290, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9230  PRE_INT412 = 7291, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9231  PRE_INT413 = 7292, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9232  PRE_INT414 = 7293, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9233  PRE_INT415 = 7294, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9234  PRE_INT416 = 7295, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9235  PRE_INT417 = 7296, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9236  PRE_INT418 = 7297, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9237  PRE_INT419 = 7298, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9238  PRE_INT420 = 7299, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9239  PRE_INT421 = 7300, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9240  PRE_INT422 = 7301, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9241  PRE_INT423 = 7302, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9242  PRE_INT424 = 7303, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9243  PRE_INT425 = 7304, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9244  PRE_INT426 = 7305, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9245  PRE_INT427 = 7306, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9246  PRE_INT428 = 7307, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9247  PRE_INT429 = 7308, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9248  PRE_INT430 = 7309, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9249  PRE_INT431 = 7310, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9250  PRE_INT432 = 7311, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9251  PRE_INT433 = 7312, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9252  PRE_INT434 = 7313, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9253  PRE_INT435 = 7314, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9254  PRE_INT436 = 7315, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9255  PRE_INT437 = 7316, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9256  PRE_INT438 = 7317, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9257  PRE_INT439 = 7318, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9258  PRE_INT440 = 7319, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9259  PRE_INT441 = 7320, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9260  PRE_INT442 = 7321, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9261  PRE_INT443 = 7322, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9262  PRE_INT444 = 7323, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9263  PRE_INT445 = 7324, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9264  PRE_INT446 = 7325, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9265  PRE_INT447 = 7326, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9266  PRE_INT448 = 7327, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9267  PRE_INT449 = 7328, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9268  PRE_INT450 = 7329, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9269  PRE_INT451 = 7330, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9270  PRE_INT452 = 7331, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9271  PRE_INT453 = 7332, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9272  PRE_INT454 = 7333, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9273  PRE_INT455 = 7334, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9274  PRE_INT456 = 7335, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9275  PRE_INT457 = 7336, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9276  PRE_INT458 = 7337, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9277  PRE_INT459 = 7338, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9278  PRE_INT460 = 7339, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9279  PRE_INT461 = 7340, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9280  PRE_INT462 = 7341, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9281  PRE_INT463 = 7342, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9282  PRE_INT464 = 7343, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9283  PRE_INT465 = 7344, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9284  PRE_INT466 = 7345, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9285  PRE_INT467 = 7346, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9286  PRE_INT468 = 7347, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9287  PRE_INT469 = 7348, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9288  PRE_INT470 = 7349, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9289  PRE_INT471 = 7350, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9290  PRE_INT472 = 7351, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9291  PRE_INT473 = 7352, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9292  PRE_INT474 = 7353, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9293  PRE_INT475 = 7354, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9294  PRE_INT476 = 7355, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9295  PRE_INT477 = 7356, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9296  PRE_INT478 = 7357, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9297  PRE_INT479 = 7358, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9298  PRE_INT480 = 7359, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9299  PRE_INT481 = 7360, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9300  PRE_INT482 = 7361, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9301  PRE_INT483 = 7362, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9302  PRE_INT484 = 7363, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9303  PRE_INT485 = 7364, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9304  PRE_INT486 = 7365, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9305  PRE_INT487 = 7366, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9306  PRE_INT488 = 7367, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9307  PRE_INT489 = 7368, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9308  PRE_INT490 = 7369, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9309  PRE_INT491 = 7370, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9310  PRE_INT492 = 7371, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9311  PRE_INT493 = 7372, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9312  PRE_INT494 = 7373, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9313  PRE_INT495 = 7374, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9314  PRE_INT496 = 7375, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9315  PRE_INT497 = 7376, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9316  PRE_INT498 = 7377, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9317  PRE_INT499 = 7378, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9318  PRE_INT500 = 7379, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9319  PRE_INT501 = 7380, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9320  PRE_INT502 = 7381, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9321  PRE_INT503 = 7382, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9322  PRE_INT504 = 7383, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9323  PRE_INT505 = 7384, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9324  PRE_INT506 = 7385, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9325  PRE_INT507 = 7386, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9326  PRE_INT508 = 7387, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9327  PRE_INT509 = 7388, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9328  PRE_INT510 = 7389, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9329  PRE_INT511 = 7390, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9330  PRE_INT512 = 7391, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9331  PRE_INT513 = 7392, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9332  PRE_INT514 = 7393, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9333  PRE_INT515 = 7394, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9334  PRE_INT516 = 7395, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9335  PRE_INT517 = 7396, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9336  PRE_INT518 = 7397, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9337  PRE_INT519 = 7398, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9338  PRE_INT520 = 7399, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9339  PRE_INT521 = 7400, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9340  PRE_INT522 = 7401, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9341  PRE_INT523 = 7402, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9342  PRE_INT524 = 7403, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9343  PRE_INT525 = 7404, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9344  PRE_INT526 = 7405, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9345  PRE_INT527 = 7406, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9346  PRE_INT528 = 7407, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9347  PRE_INT529 = 7408, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9348  PRE_INT530 = 7409, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9349  PRE_INT531 = 7410, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9350  PRE_INT532 = 7411, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9351  PRE_INT533 = 7412, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9352  PRE_INT534 = 7413, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9353  PRE_INT535 = 7414, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9354  PRE_INT536 = 7415, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9355  PRE_INT537 = 7416, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9356  PRE_INT538 = 7417, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9357  PRE_INT539 = 7418, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9358  PRE_INT540 = 7419, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9359  PRE_INT541 = 7420, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9360  PRE_INT542 = 7421, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9361  PRE_INT543 = 7422, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9362  PRE_INT544 = 7423, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9363  PRE_INT545 = 7424, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9364  PRE_INT546 = 7425, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9365  PRE_INT547 = 7426, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9366  PRE_INT548 = 7427, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9367  PRE_INT549 = 7428, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9368  PRE_INT550 = 7429, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9369  PRE_INT551 = 7430, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9370  PRE_INT552 = 7431, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9371  PRE_INT553 = 7432, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9372  PRE_INT554 = 7433, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9373  PRE_INT555 = 7434, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9374  PRE_INT556 = 7435, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9375  PRE_INT557 = 7436, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9376  PRE_INT558 = 7437, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9377  PRE_INT559 = 7438, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9378  PRE_INT560 = 7439, ///< Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
9379  IN_BUYMRGN = 7440, ///< Initial margin calculated for one bought contract.
9380  IN_SELMRGN = 7441, ///< Initial margin calculated for one sold contract.
9381  SYN_INMRGN = 7442, ///< For all options contracts the Initial Margin is additionally
9382  ///< calculated for one sold option covered by a futures contract (one
9383  ///< sold Call option covered by one bought futures contract or one sold
9384  ///< Put option covered by one sold futures contract).
9385  VOL_OI_RTO = 7443, ///< Volume open interest ratio.
9386  SSRFILE_PR = 7444, ///< Filing Price for SSR?.
9387  VWAP_EVE = 7445, ///< VWAP for Evening Session.
9388  HSTVLT_40D = 7446, ///< Historical Volatility over a 40 Day period.
9389  HSTVLT_60D = 7447, ///< Historical Volatility over a 60 Day period.
9390  OPEN_TRD = 7448, ///< First traded price of the day, used when venue provides opening price
9391  ///< not based on first trade of the day.
9393  7449, ///< Disparate Ratio [(Closing price - Net asset value) / Net asset value] x 100.
9395  7450, ///< Fixed price for volume match, a price at which a trade which as size at or
9396  ///< above the threshold volume VOLMATCHTHR would trade. Volume Match Fixing
9397  ///< price recalculated based on prices in normal trading session.
9398  OFF_BID = 7451, ///< Official Bid price posted at end of pit or ring trading period.
9399  OFF_ASK = 7452, ///< Official Ask price posted at end of pit or ring trading period.
9400  UNOFF_BID = 7453, ///< Real time bid price as reported by exchange. May continue to update
9401  ///< after Official prices are posted.
9402  UNOFF_ASK = 7454, ///< Real time ask price as reported by exchange. May continue to update
9403  ///< after Official prices are posted.
9404  BID_RMS_PR = 7455, ///< Bid price at reasonable market size, average price of orders to make
9405  ///< a trade of a reasonable value of currency, not number of shares.
9406  ASK_RMS_PR = 7456, ///< Ask price at reasonable market size, average price of orders to make
9407  ///< a trade of a reasonable value of currency, not number of shares.
9408  BID_SMS_PR = 7457, ///< Bid price at standard market size, average price of orders to make a
9409  ///< trade of a standard value.
9410  ASK_SMS_PR = 7458, ///< Ask price at standard market size, average price of orders to make a
9411  ///< trade of a standard value.
9412  SENT_1D = 7459, ///< 1 day rolling window sentiment: Average of news sentiment for relevant
9413  ///< news items within the last day.
9414  SENT_7D = 7460, ///< 7 day rolling window sentiment: Average of news sentiment for relevant
9415  ///< news items within the last 7 days.
9416  SENT_14D = 7461, ///< 14 day rolling window sentiment: Average of news sentiment for
9417  ///< relevant news items within the last 14 days.
9418  SENT_30D = 7462, ///< 30 day rolling window sentiment: Average of news sentiment for
9419  ///< relevant news items within the last 30 days.
9420  SENT_60D = 7463, ///< 60 day rolling window sentiment: Average of news sentiment for
9421  ///< relevant news items within the last 60 days.
9422  SENT_90D = 7464, ///< 90 day rolling window sentiment: Average of news sentiment for
9423  ///< relevant news items within the last 90 days.
9424  DIR_IND = 7465, ///< 90 minute abnormal return indicator: Exponentially dayed indicator from
9425  ///< machine learned model for excess return 90 minutes after news event.
9426  VOLU_IND = 7466, ///< 90 minute volume indicator: Exponentially dayed indicator from
9427  ///< machine learned model for volume 90 minutes after news event.
9429  7467, ///< 90 minute volatility indicator: Exponentially dayed indicator from machine
9430  ///< learned model for realized volatility 90 minutes after news event.
9432  7468, ///< Analytic updated when the price difference between two exchanges for the best
9433  ///< bid or best ask is too large. Also known as adjusted quote or heads up price
9434  ///< in the local market (Osaka SE prices compared with and Tokyo SE).
9435  KNOCK_IN = 7469, ///< Knock-In Threshold price for put type warrants.
9436  OMEGA = 7470, ///< An analytic that compares the count and scale of individual return points
9437  ///< above a minimum accepted return threshold (MAR) against the count and
9438  ///< scale of individual return points below the MAR threshold.
9439  DISCNT_ABS = 7471, ///< Discount for discount call / Discount put warrants as an absolute
9440  ///< price, not a percentage.
9441  SWYSYLD_PA = 7472, ///< The sideways yield per annum is equivalent to the annualised income
9442  ///< expressed as a percent that a discount certificate generates if the
9443  ///< underlying instrument is quoted on maturity at the same level as
9444  ///< when the investment in the certificate was made.
9445  ISS_PR_PCT = 7473, ///< Issue price of a warrant or other contract expressed as a percentage
9446  ///< of the underlying.
9447  ISS_VALUE = 7474, ///< The total value of warrants or other contract issued, in currency
9448  ///< (pecuniary).
9450  7475, ///< Maximum redemption value at the expiration of a derivatives contract.
9451  TRD_YLD1 = 7476, ///< Yield of the Most recent last trade.
9452  IRG_YLD = 7477, ///< Yield of the most recent irregular trade (trade that did not make the
9453  ///< last trade).
9454  CAN_YLD = 7478, ///< Yield of the Most recent cancelled trade.
9455  INS_YLD = 7479, ///< Yield of the Most recent inserted trade.
9456  TICK_VAL = 7480, ///< The cash value of one tick (one minimum price movement). Indicates
9457  ///< the amount in currency of profit or loss of a single tick up or down.
9458  PCTISS_ADV = 7481, ///< Percentage of issues that have advanced.
9459  PCTISS_DEC = 7482, ///< Percentage of issues that have declined.
9460  PCTISS_UNC = 7483, ///< Percentage of issues that are unchanged.
9462  7484, ///< Percentage of issues that have traded today vs. those that have not traded.
9463  STAT_1 = 7485, ///< Generic Statistical Value.
9464  STAT_SC = 7486, ///< Scaling Factor for Statistical Value.
9465  EARN_YIELD = 7487, ///< The earnings per share for an equity or index divided by the current
9466  ///< market price per share/.
9467  ALLSHR_PCT = 7488, ///< The weighting of an index's constituents in relation to the market's
9468  ///< largest (or all share) index, expressed as a percentage.
9469  DOM_BVAL = 7489, ///< Total Buy Value by Domestic Investor.
9470  DOM_SVAL = 7490, ///< Total Sell Value by Domestic Investor.
9472  7491, ///< Net Trading by Foreign Investor based on value. (Net trading = Total buy
9473  ///< value of foreign investors - Total sell value of foreign investors).
9475  7492, ///< Net Trading by Domestic Investor based on value. (Net trading = Total buy
9476  ///< value of domestic investors - Total sell value of domestic investors).
9478  7493, ///< Maximum percentage of shares outstanding that Sub-regional investors can own.
9479  FR_SRHLDRT = 7494, ///< Sub-regional ownership expressed as a percentage of overall shares
9480  ///< outstanding: outstanding' ) * 100 ).
9482  7495, ///< Maximum percentage of shares outstanding that Regional investors can own.
9483  FR_RHLDRT = 7496, ///< Regional ownership expressed as a percentage of overall shares
9484  ///< outstanding: outstanding' ) * 100 ).
9485  DOM_RHLDRT = 7497, ///< Domestic ownership expressed as a percentage of overall shares
9486  ///< outstanding: outstanding' ) * 100 ).
9488  7498, ///< Maximum percentage of shares outstanding that Non-regional investors can own.
9489  FR_NRHLDRT = 7499, ///< Non-regional ownership expressed as a percentage of overall shares
9490  ///< outstanding: outstanding' ) * 100 ).
9491  NEWSCT_1D = 7500, ///< Count of relevant news items in last 1 day.
9492  NEWSCT_7D = 7501, ///< Count of relevant news items in last 7 days.
9493  NEWSCT_14D = 7502, ///< Count of relevant news items in last 14 days.
9494  NEWSCT_30D = 7503, ///< Count of relevant news items in last 30 days.
9495  NEWSCT_60D = 7504, ///< Count of relevant news items in last 60 days.
9496  NEWSCT_90D = 7505, ///< Count of relevant news items in last 90 days.
9497  MP_BUZZ = 7506, ///< 24 hour rolling window sum of pertinent words and phrases, weighted by
9498  ///< expected impact.
9499  MP_SNTMENT = 7507, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9500  ///< to overall positive references, net of negative references.
9501  MP_OPTIMSM = 7508, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9502  ///< to optimism, net of references to pessimism.
9503  MP_GLOOM = 7509, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9504  ///< to gloom and negative future outlook.
9505  MP_FEAR = 7510, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to
9506  ///< expressions of fear and anxiety.
9507  MP_JOY = 7511, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to
9508  ///< happiness and affection.
9509  MP_ANGER = 7512, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9510  ///< to anger and disgust.
9511  MP_INNOVAT = 7513, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9512  ///< to innovation, net of references to stodginess.
9513  MP_TRUST = 7514, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9514  ///< to trustworthiness, net of references connoting corruption.
9515  MP_VIOLENC = 7515, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9516  ///< to violence.
9517  MP_CONFLCT = 7516, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9518  ///< to disagreement and swearing.
9519  MP_STRESS = 7517, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9520  ///< to distress and danger.
9521  MP_URGENCY = 7518, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9522  ///< to urgency and timeliness.
9523  MP_EC_UNCR = 7519, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9524  ///< to uncertainty and confusion.
9525  MP_FUNDSTR = 7520, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9526  ///< to positivity about accounting fundamentals, net to negativity.
9527  MP_MKTRISK = 7521, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9528  ///< to speculation and bubbles.
9529  MP_MKTFCST = 7522, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9530  ///< to predictions of stock price rises, net of predictions of drops.
9531  MP_EARNEXP = 7523, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9532  ///< to expectations about improving fundamentals, less those of
9533  ///< worsening fundamentals.
9534  MP_MRGBUZZ = 7524, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9535  ///< to merger or acquisition activity.
9536  MP_LAYOFFS = 7525, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9537  ///< to staff reductions and layoffs.
9538  MP_LITIG = 7526, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9539  ///< to litigation and legal activity.
9540  MP_UPGDWNG = 7527, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9541  ///< to upgrade activity, net those of downgrade activity.
9542  L_BID_PRC = 7528, ///< Price of Block or Large Lot Bid.
9543  L_ASK_PRC = 7529, ///< Price of Block or Large Lot Ask.
9544  SS_BASE_PR = 7530, ///< Short sale base price, used to determine whether a short sale is
9545  ///< possible or not.
9546  TD_CAP_PCT = 7531, ///< The percentage of total index market capitalization at a given
9547  ///< point in time. The qualifying value aggregated across all current
9548  ///< constituents, based on the constituents that have opened, i.e. that
9549  ///< have relevant price reports as defined by the index.
9551  7532, ///< Nominal price for liquidating deep-out-of-the-money options contracts.
9552  ///< Defined as the lowest possible tradable price for this option. Trades on
9553  ///< options done at a price equal to zero are considered cabinet trades.
9555  7533, ///< The index value with net dividends after applicable taxes reinvested.
9557  7534, ///< The Base Price/Indicative Price for the Buy-In session(s). In KRX, this
9558  ///< price refer to the Last Traded Price from Regular Continuous Trading Session.
9559  CONST_TRD = 7535, ///< The accumulated numbers of trades from the index constituents. (Sum
9560  ///< of index constituents' NUM_MOVE(#77)).
9561  MP_UNCERTN = 7536, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9562  ///< to uncertainty and confusion.
9563  MP_PRICEUP = 7537, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9564  ///< to price increases, net of references to price decreases.
9565  MP_VOLATIL = 7538, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9566  ///< to volatility in market prices or business conditions.
9567  MP_CARYTRD = 7539, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9568  ///< to carry trade.
9569  MP_PEGINST = 7540, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9570  ///< to the instability of a currency peg, net of references to the
9571  ///< stability of a currency peg.
9573  7541, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to
9574  ///< currency price trend strength, net of references to trend weakness.
9575  MP_REGISSU = 7542, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9576  ///< to regulatory issues.
9577  MP_PRODVOL = 7543, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9578  ///< to factors leading to increased production, net of references to
9579  ///< factors leading to decreased production.
9580  MP_CNSMVOL = 7544, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9581  ///< to factors leading to increased consumption, net of references to
9582  ///< factors leading to decreased consumption.
9583  MP_SRPSHRT = 7545, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9584  ///< to supply surplus, net of references to supply shortage.
9585  MP_SDFCST = 7546, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9586  ///< to expectations of supply outstripping demand, net of references to
9587  ///< expectations of demand outstripping supply.
9588  MP_AGDISES = 7547, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9589  ///< to commodity disease.
9590  MP_WTHRDMG = 7548, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9591  ///< to commodity weather damage.
9592  MP_SUBSIDY = 7549, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9593  ///< to subsidies affecting commodity prices.
9594  MP_SBSDYUP = 7550, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9595  ///< to increases in subsidies increasing, net of references to decreases
9596  ///< in subsidies.
9597  MP_ACRECLT = 7551, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9598  ///< to increases in acreage and crop cultivation, net or references to
9599  ///< decreases in acreage and crop cultivation.
9600  MP_SAFEACC = 7552, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9601  ///< to accidents.
9602  MP_NWEXPLR = 7553, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9603  ///< to new ventures.
9604  MP_PRDCOST = 7554, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9605  ///< to production costs.
9606  MP_BDEFCIT = 7555, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9607  ///< to a budget deficit, net of references to a surplus.
9608  MP_CRDTEVT = 7556, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9609  ///< to reports of credit conditions being easy, net of references to
9610  ///< credit conditions being tight.
9611  MP_CENBANK = 7557, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9612  ///< to a central bank.
9613  MP_CNSMSNT = 7558, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9614  ///< to positive consumer sentiment, net of references to negative
9615  ///< consumer sentiment.
9616  MP_ECONCFT = 7559, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9617  ///< to economic disagreements, argumentation and overall stress.
9618  MP_ELECSNT = 7560, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9619  ///< to positive sentiment about an election, net of references to
9620  ///< negative sentiment about an election.
9621  MP_FNSYSIN = 7561, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9622  ///< to financial system instability, net of references to financial
9623  ///< system stability.
9624  MP_GVTANGR = 7562, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9625  ///< to anger and disgust about government officials and departments.
9627  7563, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to fraud
9628  ///< and corruption in government, net of references to trust in government.
9630  7564, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to
9631  ///< governmental instability, net of references to governmental stability.
9632  MP_INTRATE = 7565, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9633  ///< to interest rates.
9635  7566, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to
9636  ///< fiscal policy being loose, net of references to fiscal policy being tight.
9637  MP_REGMCHG = 7567, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9638  ///< to regime change.
9639  MP_SOCINEQ = 7568, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9640  ///< to social inequality.
9641  MP_SOCUNRS = 7569, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9642  ///< to social unrest and calls for political change.
9643  MP_UNEMPLY = 7570, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9644  ///< to unemployment.
9645  MP_MONELVT = 7571, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9646  ///< to monetary policy being loose, net of references to monetary policy
9647  ///< being tight.
9648  MP_INVFLOW = 7572, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9649  ///< to investment inflows, net of references to investment outflows.
9650  MP_TRADBAL = 7573, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9651  ///< to exports, net of references to imports.
9652  MP_ECONGRW = 7574, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9653  ///< to increased business activity, net of references to decreased
9654  ///< business activity.
9656  7575, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media to
9657  ///< consumer price increases, net of references to consumer price decreases.
9658  MP_DEFAULT = 7576, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9659  ///< to debt defaults and bankruptcies.
9660  MP_NATDSST = 7577, ///< 24 hour rolling average score of references in news and social media
9661  ///< to natural disasters.
9663  Count = 7578 ///< for internal use only
9664  };
9665 };
9667 /// Returns string representation.
9668 ONIXS_TP_SURF_EXPORT std::string enumToString(FieldIds::Enum);
9670 }}} // namespace OnixS::SURF::MarketData
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8698
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2701
Effective Convexity. Simulated measure of convexity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2935
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7075
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9046
total return for the last 12 months.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7201
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8763
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6145
Supervision,Adjustment post/IPO ID.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4883
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3402
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6083
Transaction mode (size of trading).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3075
Historical Volatility over a 60 Day period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9389
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8629
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8580
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9174
Any trade transaction price on ASX.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7980
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8551
Third field to display the composite yield for fixed income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7423
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8898
The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1122
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4283
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8948
Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4106
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6121
Credit spread expressed in basis points.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7666
High per second message rate outbound from the Line Handler.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7106
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6961
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9309
Original trade execution time for trade being cancelled in IRGVAL.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5836
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8775
Real Total Return Index Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6451
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8849
The time when the value in FID 925 was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4929
The number of words used in the sentiment calculation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8224
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3386
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6119
Registration Period 4. The start date effective for registered bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4141
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6800
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4287
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3319
Age of the loan in months.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2901
Weight of security in Europe Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7713
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6795
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2415
Field to show the option adjusted convexity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7634
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6769
The name of the item or market report supplied by editorial to NPS and KABS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1098
Time of today&#39;s 4th lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4759
The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2755
Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4257
The current price of the spread leg.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8472
Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4263
Thirty-two character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1761
RIC of UDT for same LH (RIC).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8335
Current number of items available for subscription from the P2PS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6715
Dividend per share, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5233
Dividend for Calculation of Indices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4732
Volume of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5649
9th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7949
Related News for Credit Instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7405
The 5 best Bid Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7987
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9000
Date of the most recent non-zero closing price as held in HST_CLOSE4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7595
contract size. For equities the number of shares traded in a round lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:98
17 character equivalent to NEXT_LR.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1275
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3326
Expanded name for the instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:36
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9365
Total value of settlement funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2371
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3360
On market trade flags 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4959
Short name for the exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5630
The country a company/entity originates from.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4430
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3651
Date when the composite was built.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6253
60 Day at-the-money implied volatility index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5641
Native feed code articulating the reason a security is halted or suspended.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8401
The average size of an SSL update in byes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7115
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3544
Today&#39;s lowest Discount traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7992
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4355
Reference text field for HST_CLOSE3 (i.e. 3PM Close).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7603
The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5086
For Equities and FI instruments used in Asian trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4723
The Data associated with the Level Activity Time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8420
ROUND LOT (trades sizes multiples of the LOT SIZE) traded volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5507
Number of Analysts who have revised EPS estimates upwards in the last 7 days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5245
The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3186
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8996
Foreigner&#39;s trading limit ratio(personal).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5128
The difference between the latest ask and the historic closing ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3031
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8793
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2670
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7016
The time when the value in FID 919 was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4920
The historic closing ask i.e. the last non-zero closing ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2885
The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2407
Local TCID. The tcid of the local Dealing 2000 installation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:939
Time of today&#39;s 2nd highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4749
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7087
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6564
The dealer flag specified in the call.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1051
Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2632
The 5 best Bid Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5747
Spare general time in seconds fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2345
Accumulated Volume of trading type 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5161
Eighth colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2262
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2202
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9334
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8963
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6590
Official CDS Index ID as defined by the index administrator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7432
Local language contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3295
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6156
Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1698
Difference between last and previous closing net asset value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:189
Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6697
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5153
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9258
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7244
Dividend type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2817
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9211
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2726
Rolling 52 weeks Low Price date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4559
Relevance of the item to the underlying scored entity (company, topic code).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6687
Local Language equivalent of ISSUER.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3994
Minimum temperature for a given period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5545
Shows if product is protected against fluctuations in cross-current rates.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5456
The date and time in GMT of the newest deal in the database.
Definition: FieldIds.h:914
Real Daily Return Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6437
The current time as reported by the server.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1021
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6582
10th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7950
Percentage of Ask Orders shown on the Ask side of the aggregated book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4998
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2653
Local Language equivalent of COLL_CMPNY.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3991
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3439
Assets for US over the counter money market funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:190
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9231
For Japanese equities the price to book ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:623
Short Company Name for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4271
the prior period for an economic data release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5214
Minimum Description - very short item description.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3931
The date associated with ASK_TIME1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8431
Size of prices in FIDs 953 and 954.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5056
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9259
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3425
Yield of the Most recent inserted trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9455
Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2593
Number of issues unchanged today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:136
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7053
Next ARM coupon adjustment date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3022
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1687
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9029
The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8228
Accumulated Off Floor Volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6870
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8935
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3791
Local language contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3292
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6620
The volume of big lot trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1951
Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7190
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5083
Real Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7231
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9330
TRFIT Price Quote type of a bond of either yield, price or fraction.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7565
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7257
The local tax rate withheld on income streams (such as interest payments).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4025
Difference in Mid yield of current contract and spot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7394
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9068
Total amount of issued share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2861
Five rippled trade-price time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4864
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6978
Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3698
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4350
The latest reported cash dividend to be paid per share to shareholders.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4332
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8729
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8792
Generated by editorial to convey the ANPA/IPTC type of category code.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1176
The official closing price from Exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4460
The 5 best Bid Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5746
Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4763
Registration Period 3. The start date effective for registered bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4140
Implied volatility of ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2863
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9137
Secondary Source reference. For matching deals the Matching Trade-ID.
Definition: FieldIds.h:915
90 Day at-the-money implied volatility index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5644
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8731
The turnover of shares bought by a particular Market Maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7155
Specifies the signoff required at the end of this part of the story.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1110
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8778
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9340
Bid and Ask deal source numbers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6742
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4352
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2709
Date for the previous Bid quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5467
Previous last trade discount.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7985
Indicator to clarify margin type.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2877
A single character editorially-input field which qualifies spot energy data.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1336
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8902
Excess rate for funds in Capital Builder Brokerage account for reinvestment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7391
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7088
Forward price of Swiss equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:247
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4278
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6102
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2561
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9078
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9195
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:694
Flag indicating whether the bonds are redeemed once or not.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3959
Termine close. Forward closing price on Italian bond market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:218
The Lower trading limit based on Static Reference price and percentage range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7153
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8846
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1560
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6027
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2421
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8667
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3341
Second price qualifier code. Generally the trade price qualifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:199
Nominal Straight Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6313
Story Time in Milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5620
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9254
Degree of coldness/hotness measure in a definite temperature scale.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5564
Nominal Total Return Index Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6462
Coupon Income Index Unhedged (USD).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6351
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8569
Corrected trade Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6213
Beta value - the sensitivity of the instrument based on index returns.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1737
Net change of total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2373
The date of the benchmark price BENCH_PRC FID 1155.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1342
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7007
Native sale condition of irregular or canceled trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6208
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3356
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3775
Generic time given in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8017
Reason for change on orders.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6753
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6059
Date currency has redenominated at.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7794
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3453
Change in price with a 1 basis point change in yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4389
Lower limit for today&#39;s trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:124
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6799
Order Queue under Best Bid_1 and Best Ask_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5770
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9367
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3552
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3409
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8913
Five rippled trade-price time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4863
Today&#39;s lowest transaction value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:48
Indication of the heartbeat interval in seconds, used by SPS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8756
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7033
Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2592
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8707
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4568
Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL3 where appropriate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2441
Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2790
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2095
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4677
Username of application with the largest watchlist.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7123
For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from MID_SPREAD (FID 3352).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6281
Undisclosed volume for sellers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2108
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4619
5th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1305
The volume associated with the price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).
Definition: FieldIds.h:667
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8724
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8883
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2686
Net change between the latest value and 1 month ago value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4833
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5966
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3656
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3071
The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5090
Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5831
For Equities instruments used in Asian trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4914
Auction Bid and Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5021
The yield of the values in FID 924 (SPLL_HIGH) & 925 (SPLL_LOW).
Definition: FieldIds.h:1454
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5853
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5151
Highest & Lowest Ask of 3rd session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4266
Sell Market Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6680
Fixed Income field for general use 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7785
On market trade flags 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4956
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2180
Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2967
For the Taiwan dollar latest and previous fixing values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1351
Weight of security in Asia ex Japan Focus Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7720
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9335
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6985
Original symbol of tradable entity provided by exchange/contributor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4515
Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2764
The yields of the year high and low.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1317
Settlement date consolidated full term forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3923
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8583
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6053
The limitation of issue amount for registered bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4137
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2206
Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5174
Standard Deviation value 9 months ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7442
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8627
Weight of security in Global Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7709
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2196
60 days moving average volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4972
Strike price; the price at which an option is exercisable.
Definition: FieldIds.h:114
Turnover Ratio for securities trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4313
Dividend per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2618
Final coupon date before redemption.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3998
Capital change date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2818
Net change between the latest value and 1 year ago value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4836
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:285
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9240
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3739
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8918
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8971
The total quantity of displayed shares on the Ask Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8429
volume of the most recent individual on-book trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8479
Knock-In Threshold price for put type warrants.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9435
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2185
The day&#39;s total combined trading volume included in spread trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5713
The number of trades hitting the bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7142
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3561
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6091
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2321
Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1994
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5144
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of margin ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2427
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9343
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5963
Indicator field flagging the content of FID 77 NUM_MOVES.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1619
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6178
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6149
Today&#39;s highest and lowest bid prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:301
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8720
Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2608
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6041
Identifies all domestic markets trading the asset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6183
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8982
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3534
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3761
Percentage change over various periods.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4467
Status of one or more network connections to their upstream source(s).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7097
Month to date Local Currency Return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6405
Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5239
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9224
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8668
For CDS. Identifier to show whether a price is calculated or traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7478
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3548
Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5870
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2710
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9242
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8635
Net Tangible Assets (NTA) for ASX securities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7977
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9005
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2412
Ratio of stock price to earnings per share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:78
Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6707
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3347
6th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT6.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7930
3 flag fields further qualifying the ASK SPREAD fields ASK_SPn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7507
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9127
Current percent utilization of a CPU.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7131
Indicates the urgency of an item an alert having top priority of 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1175
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9360
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9296
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8790
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4281
8th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7948
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3751
The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2467
Generic bid price qualifier associated with the ORDER_BID field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1712
Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2777
Percentage change value between LEG 3 and 4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8063
Earning per share consolidated forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3700
Total quantity traded in the Auction.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4700
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6003
Instrument classification - 2nd level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5451
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6558
Price to Earnings Ratio for FY2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5262
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5848
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7034
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8255
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6096
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1566
For debt instruments the day&#39;s opening yield to maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:253
Value decode describing the units of display on the quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7969
The number of keystations which have connected to the COG.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1017
3 flag fields further qualifying the MID SPREAD fields MID_SPn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7512
For Equities instruments used in European trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4890
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3067
Total Return since inception.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6348
The date of the value in the field TRDPRC_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:51
Spread volume for Futures Contract and Options Contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6958
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6622
Type of cloud - high, low or medium.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5532
Balloon Amortization. Period over which amortization is calculated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2910
Turnover of Basket and Block trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5807
The ticker associated with a bond issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4490
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9080
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9002
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3550
Previous last trade discount.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7982
For Equities and FI instruments used in Asian trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4697
Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5241
The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5104
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1991
Last Trade Price for the day session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4901
Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2762
Spare general time in seconds fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2346
Indicates the buy order remaining size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5355
Base Price calculated times.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4968
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5975
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6138
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9055
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9336
Primary RIC for the Issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5824
The projected opening price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5475
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5859
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5081
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8717
Yields for Mortgage securities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4455
Date legacy currency locking rate applies.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7792
Reference text field for HST_CLOSE2 (i.e. 2PM Close).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7602
Dividend per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2617
The date and time in GMT of the newest deal in the database.
Definition: FieldIds.h:913
Non-Negotiable Shares outstanding (for Shanghai scaled in Millions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6912
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4510
Previous year historic close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5352
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8719
LP holding amount per listed share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6470
Real Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6374
Descriptive detail of order imbalance type.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8393
Contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3285
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2732
Time of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8540
End value of a hash range (served by a MC).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8521
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3674
Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2786
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3441
Today&#39;s 5th highest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7802
Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7483
a cancelled inserted retransmitted or irregular price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5492
Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID ASK.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5823
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3665
Footnotes for mutual and money market funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:221
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6610
Nominal Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6420
Weighted Average Bid and Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5767
Code that defines the sector of the instrument within the market segment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4989
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1268
Total value of settlement shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2367
Item ID of 2nd historic linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8365
Fund universe (asset class).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4414
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3558
Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6701
Real Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6377
For Equities and FI instruments globally.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4703
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8694
For debt instruments the dollar value of a single basis point.
Definition: FieldIds.h:270
For CDS. Full Company Name of the Reference Entity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6290
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8854
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2667
Monthly total trading volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8000
The time at which the value in SESS1_CLS was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4893
Time of latest Dow Jones news story on the company.
Definition: FieldIds.h:103
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2175
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5147
Local language equivalent of ADMIN_COM.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3988
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2188
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8713
Value of stock analyst rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5898
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2658
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8915
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9337
Time of the value in the TRDPRC_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4951
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3379
Date upon which last source heartbeat was received, used by SPS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8673
The total number of moves today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:282
Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2595
Nominal Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6417
Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2598
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7072
Indicates whether option is a put or a call.
Definition: FieldIds.h:170
Modified Duration to Worst in semi-annual terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6381
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3451
Date of high trade for calendar month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4982
Used to display the Trade Group for Euronext Instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5779
The average maturity across a maturity band in years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4348
Number of physical CPUs on the RDF-D.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7129
Previous last trade prices or values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:43
The text of the response line (not including the status message).
Definition: FieldIds.h:1026
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3659
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3387
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8672
For IRS. 1 week bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7553
Turnover of Basket and Block trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5806
Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2601
Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7357
9th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7944
Term to maturity of a quoted CDS (Credit Default Swaps).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4487
Field to display the source RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7623
Reset frequency. The frequency with which the coupon changes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2041
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8924
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5973
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5150
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4581
A cancelled inserted retransmitted or irregular price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:660
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6997
Total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2368
Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2586
The initial rate set for each new CDS Index Series.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7428
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6108
Time when NPS or other head-end processed item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:413
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8574
The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2931
volume of the most recent individual off-book trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8480
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9208
Term to workout (worst) date in years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7199
DDS FID. The type of domain being used.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8329
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8612
Number of shares currently owned by Domestic nationals.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8832
Bid Wanted comment - Time limit status for bid wanted.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3938
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7240
Bond issue date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2828
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3477
The turnover of shares sold by a particular Market Maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7156
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7070
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8983
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8739
Generic time fields in Seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3637
Remaining Years (based on T+0).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4877
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of margin ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2431
Simple yield of reference bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3048
Small lots yield to maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2350
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3376
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7031
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3351
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7065
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3423
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6568
Trade value classification.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4969
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8789
Weight of security in Global ex US Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7732
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9362
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:693
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6614
Named items aka recurring reports.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5575
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9370
Nominal Portfolio Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6415
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3394
Contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3289
Settlement date consolidated full term forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2646
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8609
Bid and Ask deal source numbers for cancelled trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6745
Today&#39;s 3rd highest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7808
Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2791
A description of the brokers pricing pricing the cash loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7413
Provider (LH) status eg. UP/DOWN/UNAVAILABLE etc..
Definition: FieldIds.h:8346
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7006
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8753
Running Spread for upfront quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7433
Number of Items marked Stale out of the entire universe.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7114
Last bid price of the day. For US Composites the last best bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:105
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9138
Auction Bid and Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5022
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7877
3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2378
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2183
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3608
Date for which Fund Size is valid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5269
Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2609
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3429
Book value per share parent full-term forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3686
Special release dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:361
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6969
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7913
Percentage change value between LEG 7 and 8.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8065
Difference in basis point using a mid yield value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4439
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8616
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5983
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2210
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7085
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8919
Second generic time given in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1709
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9043
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2319
The activity volume at today&#39;s limit high and limit low prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5703
Variable length broadcast text field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:426
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6802
The difference in percentage terms between the NET_NOTL_1 and NET_NOTL_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7462
Indicator identifying the type of low value in the THRD_LOW field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1856
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8706
The net change of the current buy margin from the previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1217
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4573
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2179
10th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7955
The security price 1, 2 & 3 months forward from the current month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2961
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1265
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2679
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6085
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2162
Benchmark price for crude oil.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1341
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9225
Month-to-date Excess Return Percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6393
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9357
The RIC associated with the fifth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8044
Rolling 52 weeks High Price date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4557
The yield of the values in FID 924 (SPLL_HIGH) & 925 (SPLL_LOW).
Definition: FieldIds.h:1455
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4584
Today&#39;s 2nd lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4753
Real Annual Portfolio Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7189
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2652
The index value with net dividends after applicable taxes reinvested.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9554
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8653
Married Deal Time in Seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6917
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2623
Indicative equilibrium price and volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5050
Standard Deviation value 6 months ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7441
Severity Level of particular alert.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7310
Rating agency identifier whose ratings are given in the field RATING_3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2295
On market trade flags 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4958
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7004
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6992
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9364
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9175
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8685
Previous quarter and latest close pct change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5348
Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4769
The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 , 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2915
Cancellation Threshold Check Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6217
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4811
Time at which the low value held in the fields LOW_1/ SEC_LOW was made.
Definition: FieldIds.h:474
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6125
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2325
Timestamp of last source heartbeat message receipt, used by SPS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8591
Opening, Intraday and Closing auction volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5026
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9312
Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5801
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5142
The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 , 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2916
Link to the RIC for Issued Warrants related to this instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8495
Weight of security in Global Inv Grade Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7711
The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2408
Today&#39;s 3rd lowest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7804
The date to which interest accrues for settlement.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2003
Compound yield for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3302
6 month value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2395
Pre open first auction matched price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5349
Sequence number of imbalance msg.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5678
Total volume of all bid orders (full depth).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5652
Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2756
Effective Date of a particular action.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7219
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8570
Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6418
Settlement Days for a futures or options contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5654
Accrued Interest per dollar of principal times 100.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2964
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8900
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8606
Standard Deviation value 1Yr ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7443
Weighted Average Coupon of instruments in an index using Par value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7384
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2684
Total volume of all ask orders (full depth).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5650
Current Line Handler Message Rate In and Out.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6721
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3501
Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4448
Net change of 3 month value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2379
The turnover value for trades taking the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7141
Date when the composite was built.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6254
Price Cash Flow Ratio parent full-term forecasts 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4312
Dividend per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2621
The U.S. Treasury Benchmark. Comparable average life Treasury.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2938
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9035
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3567
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1565
Number of P2PS Mounts unused.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7118
The initial rate set for each new CDS Index Series.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7427
Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5171
50yen basis face value for calculation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5528
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8991
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1987
Average maturity in days of US over the counter money market funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:191
Compared instrument name of BASISVALUE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4029
Two-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2447
Exchange Data, News, Contributions, Exchange Transactions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8507
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6532
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:49
Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2582
Redundant. Requested in error. Use FID 3772 for Short Sell Volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8476
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2680
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8715
Month to date Change Percent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6399
Book value per share parent interim forecast (large).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3693
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6785
Market Open, Low and High.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5033
Local Language equivalent of KEEPWELL.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4089
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6599
The previous reported day&#39;s cash or kassakurs price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:362
Weighted Average Coupon of instruments in an index using Market value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7385
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2713
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6781
Local Language equivalent of LD_MANAGER.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3995
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6968
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4353
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3572
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9205
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8568
Highest pressure on a given day/24hr period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5557
Total Return Index Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6345
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9133
Tone of irregular order, want alphanumeric rather than enumerated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7094
Native Condition code associated with the most recent Bid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8477
A flag fields further qualifying MID SPREAD field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6280
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6623
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6627
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3582
Third generic time given in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8019
Real Portfolio Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6334
Outstanding of diluted shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3907
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3531
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9125
Adverse or outstanding weather conditions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5563
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3495
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2092
6 month value of net balance change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2396
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1562
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8881
Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7481
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9026
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9013
Effective Yield in semi-annual terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6337
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2720
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3493
3 year Loan Spread for a Cash Loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7401
Item ID of 5th most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8363
Previous Price including accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7362
Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7488
Date of low trade for calendar week.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4981
Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3682
Last market data message update Date, used by SPS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8674
Number of Sell market Order at closing auction.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8207
The latest Dealing 2000 status message.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1016
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2105
Indicator identifying the type of high value in the SEC_HIGH field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1521
Official open bid & ask price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1927
Deposit Rate. The interest rate in a deposit deal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:880
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8442
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9282
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7057
Probability that news item has negative sentiment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6692
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8545
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8759
The average of Bid and Ask prices at market open.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6829
The time at which the value in SESS1_CLS was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1200
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3825
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6971
Today&#39;s 4th lowest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7813
Nominal Semi-Annual Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7180
Number of issues which have declined today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:135
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8564
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7249
Link to Instruments Terms and Conditions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5460
Net Change for Current Yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4048
10th latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7945
Turnover of session 1 (1st normal trading session).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7138
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3399
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9196
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9193
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7248
The 5 best Ask Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5742
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7081
The time at which the value in SESSION2HI was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1207
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9126
Date the imputed closing price was calculated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8676
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8620
EUTaxSwissTIS TISEU PriceDate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5187
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1261
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8976
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8787
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7069
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7241
Small lots latest activity time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4919
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6099
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7260
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_6.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7855
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6165
90 days moving average volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4973
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6990
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4617
Exchange identifier of the latest trade.US Composites only.
Definition: FieldIds.h:88
Replacement for CUSIP (2178) which was incorrectly defined as PRICE type.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6187
Annual Portfolio Modified Duration.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6373
Theoretical Chi (theo vs FX) analytic for convertible issues.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7667
Fourth generic time given in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8020
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9321
Percent change of today&#39;s and tomorrow&#39;s base price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2892
A cross-reference to broadcast news data; for use in quotations records.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1111
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6765
Local Clean Price Index Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6343
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5786
Net change of 3 month value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2383
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9369
Line Handler name (string).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8334
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8267
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9295
Today&#39;s 3rd highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4746
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6542
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6116
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6761
First bid price of the day; for US Composites the first best bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:102
Average Non-Institutional Facility Size, displayed in millions of USD.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6264
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2198
6th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7951
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3601
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6029
Bond issue date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2825
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3389
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1691
2nd latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1312
Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2768
Settlement date parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2635
Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the RT_YIELD_n stack.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4172
Issuer&#39;s geographic location.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7668
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8754
Number of Buy market Order at closing auction.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8208
3 flag fields further qualifying the MID PRICE fields MID_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6272
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3836
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8258
5th latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1310
The average size of an RSSL update in bytes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7116
Twenty-four character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1759
The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2521
Average Price of warrants Sold.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8008
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8945
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9219
The scaling factor for the IDN_TNOVER field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6759
Total market volume reported by the exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5496
Time of correction in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5007
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3325
Net change of today&#39;s and tomorrow&#39;s base price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2891
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9349
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3337
The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2923
Bond Floor Price for Convertible.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6200
Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL1 where appropriate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1661
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8876
Difference between Last and TRDPRC_1 30 minutes ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2870
Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1, COLLATE2 & COLLATE3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4086
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8727
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3344
Sixth & seventh colour indicators. Similar to COLID_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1973
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9058
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3362
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4565
Spare general numeric fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2336
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4513
The average (HK$) per Callable Bull/Bear contracts bought.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6885
Numbers of Warrants Sold on a particular day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8804
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4670
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8886
Facility Size, US Dollar displayed in millions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6261
Fixed Income field for general use 8.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7788
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6982
Days remaining for the trade of this contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8802
Qualifying flag for the value in FID 912.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1431
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5968
Open Volume amount during pre-market period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4867
Settlement date parent interim forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3925
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8634
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7817
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8772
Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6696
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2197
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8856
Issue number of reference JGB.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3055
Millisecond Time of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8541
Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2759
Most recent mortgage yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2912
Contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3288
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8261
The RIC associated with the third leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8042
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6033
For Equities and FI instruments used in Asian trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4698
IP Address of application with the largest watchlist.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7124
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3562
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9135
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8558
Open Price Netchange calculation from previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4852
The date on which the next bond interest payment is made.
Definition: FieldIds.h:157
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3499
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3377
Secondary Percent Change Field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5339
Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7489
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6098
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8649
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9188
Month to date Excess swap Percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6394
The time when the value in FID 912 was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4922
Date of the issue amount (no. of shares).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6946
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9101
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7067
Maximum percentage of shares outstanding that Regional investors can own.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9481
Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5051
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3833
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8867
Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3630
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9117
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3795
Forward price of Swiss equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:248
The weighting of a stock within an index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3212
Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2285
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6176
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7251
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9269
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8959
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8696
The date up till when a convertible debt instrument can be converted.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1485
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6071
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8639
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9062
Earning per share consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2611
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4417
Current yield historical close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3312
the period an economic data release refers to.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5213
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_10.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7864
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2187
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3749
The direction of current yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3318
The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1120
Volatility Interruption Time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6907
Real Annual Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6318
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4507
Price range in Day Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3626
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7013
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2717
Compound yield historical close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3310
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8573
For CDS. Identifier to show whether a price is calculated or traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7479
Flag of Interim/Full-term Dividends (1 & 2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4315
Price range in AM Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3624
Ordinary profit parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3708
The yield calculated to the next call date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2006
Currency in which dividend will be given.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6865
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3363
Time and Date that the order on the order book expires.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5042
Price divided by FY1 Forecast Dividend per share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5266
Number of issues which have made a new yearly high today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:169
Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5648
RIC field containing pointer to &#39;preferred&#39; link record. Big RIC equivalent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8274
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6801
Visible distance from a specified point.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5565
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8998
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of margin ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2429
Count of relevant news items in last 60 days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9495
The purpose for the issue of the cash loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7410
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3354
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3594
Theo price premium to market price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7675
Average Institutional Facility Size, displayed in millions of USD.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6263
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6013
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2432
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8962
The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7353
Big RIC equivalent to NEXT_LR.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8269
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5959
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9048
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8794
90 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for call options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5642
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3533
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8669
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3481
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9215
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6587
The number of trades taking the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7143
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2169
Official Ask price posted at end of pit or ring trading period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9399
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7247
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8970
Sell Market Order Quantity with Closing condition.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6678
Real Market Value Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6453
The Mikuni rating of a debt instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1356
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6775
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3094
The Flag of accounting standards.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3927
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3321
Indicator field flagging the content of the FID 1347 QTE_CNT3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1867
Real Base Market Value Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7173
The Order Condition Code as represented in the Native Feed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8412
The opening value for the second session. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1204
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8659
Cancellation Retransmission Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6219
Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7484
Small lots primary latest activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2349
Total market value reported by the exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5494
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9159
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9064
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9009
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7078
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8658
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6137
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2433
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4579
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3485
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2100
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9187
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:64
Flag to indicate whether a market maker is primary.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6473
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3400
Average Life. The average number of years to repayment of principal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2932
Count of valid program data bytes contained in the following SECTOR fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:819
Real Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7186
For commodities today&#39;s first or only closing price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:92
Volume in Fixed Price Trading Session after the normal trading session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6943
The RIC associated with the second leg of a spread. Big RIC equivalent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8251
Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2638
Maximum Period Gap Count measured since the daily stats reset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8516
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6608
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9109
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7012
Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2553
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3345
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8920
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6105
trade cancellation flag (native condition code - alphanumeric 4 chars long).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8485
Rate legacy currency has been fixed at.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7791
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2177
Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2082
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9169
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3395
The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5084
For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from ASK_SPRD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6245
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9122
A four character market maker identifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:311
Bond type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2833
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:287
DDS FID. Quality of service (EG Real-time, tick-by-tick etc).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8331
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9112
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6790
Previous trading days volume weighted average price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6226
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8933
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3555
Indicates the sell order remaining size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5354
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6602
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6774
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6764
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9376
Thirty-two character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1762
The &#39;preferred&#39; display template number.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1742
For IRS. 1Year bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7559
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8610
Source of Opening Bid and Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5817
The time at which the value in SESS1_VOL was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1202
Curve Unit Indicator (eg Yield, Volatility, BPS, % etc).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6225
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6103
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4657
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9124
Native alphanumeric trade condition code for Inserted trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8216
One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3300
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9274
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8988
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8265
The rule for calculating the ex dividend date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2001
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9059
the units relating to an economic indicator release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5215
Date when balloon payment is due.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3021
The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5088
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:289
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1690
Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2881
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3328
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5146
Instruction pointer of the load address.
Definition: FieldIds.h:817
Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5833
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8547
Total number of P2PS Mounts, used and unused.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7119
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8874
2nd latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1302
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2730
Nominal Straight Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7184
Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2078
Non-zero Value (50-yen Par value).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4841
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2094
Amount of memory (MB) designated as Swap.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7134
Book value per share parent interim forecast (large).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3692
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6544
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9346
The source of the story e.g. Reuters AP.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1108
Display information for the IDN terminal device.
Definition: FieldIds.h:35
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8737
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6141
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4672
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6786
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8882
The side of the market which a Spread Leg represents.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8464
Bid & Ask sides of implied volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3050
Volume open interest ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9385
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8452
Total Sell Value by Domestic Investor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9470
Percent of issue still out in the market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5345
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3586
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3338
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8852
Beginning of convertible period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3025
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2167
Citigroup daily return index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6328
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5136
Price of Block or Large Lot Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9543
The date at which the next put option could be exercised.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2008
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8725
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8641
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8714
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2687
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9134
Percentage change over various periods.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4468
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6135
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4359
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9047
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7259
Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7491
Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1995
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4812
Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5864
Previous rolling 52 weeks High Price date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4562
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2674
Foreigner Holding Volume (For Taiwan SE scaled by 1000).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6900
Turnover of session 2 (2nd normal trading session).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7139
Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2788
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8652
A flag qualifying the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1470
Remain Bid and Ask quantities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6738
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7059
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7912
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4663
Net change between the latest value and 3 month ago value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4834
Non-block trade count first and second sessions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3084
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2685
The difference between an investment trusts buy and sell volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6238
Liquidity Provider (Market Maker) holding amount.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6756
Large cross contracted price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4794
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5139
The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4923
Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6695
The historical closing ask date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2886
Number of items sourced from that provider.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8513
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6049
Semi-annual Index Benchmark Spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6304
Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6705
Month-to-date Hedged Index Return (USD).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6395
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8999
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5858
Dividend Pay date of Final Dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4730
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4365
Bid & Ask side of ticker volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3052
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2664
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8885
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4646
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9214
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6787
No. of shares for used-up/remains of foreigner&#39;s trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6904
Weight of security in Japan Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7725
Item ID of 4th historic linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8367
The third level lower trading limit for todays trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6232
Maturity date of compared JGB issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4161
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4650
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2328
Effective 7 day yield of money market funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:193
Spare general numeric fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2335
Contante close. Cash price on Italian bond market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:217
Source ID for update in FID HIGH_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5828
yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1543
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6789
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9049
Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5869
6 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2388
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2199
The value of odd lot trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1955
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6077
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9040
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2205
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5080
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3837
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9165
Indicates today&#39;s highest transaction type as held in HIGH_1 FID 12.
Definition: FieldIds.h:290
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4651
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6605
Price volatility - an indication of price sensitivity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1380
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2695
Date relating to IRGPRC, IRGVOL and IRGCOND.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5689
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9090
Turnover of Pre-Open and After-hour Markets.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5805
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9347
Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5162
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6534
14 events relative strength indicator value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4880
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9338
Number of Contracts traded for a futures or options contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5653
Percentage of issues that have declined.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9459
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8615
Today&#39;s 5th lowest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7814
The latest trading limit level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6231
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9303
Number of warrants still out in market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5343
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8576
Accumulated value from put-through deal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5479
Dividend Pay-out Ratio for an instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6913
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2712
Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7493
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3410
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3350
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3573
Duration to next Put or Mat.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7674
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4576
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7022
Fid number of data in IRGVAL.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4170
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9306
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7071
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4615
Ordinary profit parent interim the latest year and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2548
Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1982
Guarantor. The company guaranteeing the credit for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3981
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6621
Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7498
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2662
The opening value for the first session reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1192
Number of bid price levels existing at any one time in the market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2085
Warrant Custody period (start & end).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4307
Data source owner identification field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1929
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6092
The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7351
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6576
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3447
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9160
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7237
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6039
Income distribution, similar to Dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4426
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2424
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7076
The date on which a stock goes ex-rights.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1211
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8929
Real Straight Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7193
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7045
The 5 best Ask Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7989
Tomorrow&#39;s limit fluctuation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2894
Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID YRLOW.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5821
The number of options contracts exercised during the trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:722
Traded total capital value of current day (includes interest).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7369
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7061
Foreigners trading price time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6468
For debt instruments the daily high & low of the yield to maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:232
Stripped Yield to Maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7196
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6570
Reference text field for HST_CLOSE4 (i.e. 4PM Close).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7604
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9358
The expiration date of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1280
For commodities the second opening price in an open range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:90
The next month after the current month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3017
Highest & Lowest Ask of 3rd session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4267
Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2543
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3381
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8621
Bid and Ask Trade types for cancelled trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6752
This is an indicative open price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7978
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3092
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8691
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9147
3rd latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1313
The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7354
Field to show if the instrument is covered in the Tradeweb universe.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7632
The Conversion Ratio is the number of shares per nominal amount of bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2054
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8974
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5152
Nominal Straight Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7181
Remain Bid and Ask quantities for cancelled trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6740
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8755
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6613
Weight of security in Global Vanilla Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7731
The time, in GMT, an aggregated MBP row was most recently updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8417
Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3209
Price of 1st underlying instrument, set at beginning of day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5167
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6147
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3416
Compound yield historical close. for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3304
Average turnover generated in a product over the last 5 business days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5434
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2170
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9021
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9086
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9093
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6999
Average Price of warrants Bought.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8007
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2729
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8601
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3753
Fair Price for Convertible Bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6199
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3320
The number of callable bull/bear contracts sold.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6886
Fixed Income field for general use 10.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7790
Weight of security in Spare #5 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7740
For debt instruments the yield to maturity of the of bid & ask prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:229
Today&#39;s 5th lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4756
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8651
Trade ID associated with IRG Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7091
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6572
Implied volatility of BID price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2864
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3331
Error description indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1935
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8548
Ordinary profit % change consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2581
Instrument name of SPREAD3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4167
Accumulated moves of issues that are unchanged today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:139
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9097
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9226
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6556
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8718
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6131
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7003
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4421
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:60
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3787
Calculation date of Market Cap.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4817
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3741
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3322
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4613
The Answerback of the local server.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1015
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8307
Original Take down - Original sale take down.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3932
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6129
Date for the previous Ask quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5466
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2209
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6179
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3580
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9183
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9131
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3727
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3411
Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5008
Close Info for single issue trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4715
Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6702
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8553
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9163
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8968
Number of aggregated price levels in consolidated order book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4518
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6617
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8636
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6626
Start Time of the Current Period for the market segment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5002
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2719
7th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7947
6th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7936
The tranche level of the Index (A,B,...E etc).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6296
Number of companies mentioned.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8391
Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2803
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9213
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8734
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9070
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2659
The amount of rainfall for a given time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5562
Price divided by FY2 Forecast Dividend per share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5320
Accumulated Volume for trades reported 1+ days late.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8535
Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2766
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2673
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_7.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7856
Capital change type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2811
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8934
Registration Period 1. The start date effective for registered bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4138
The Kassakurse price; the cash price established daily.
Definition: FieldIds.h:243
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9161
Time of Block or Large Lot Trade, Seconds Granularity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8595
The historical closing bid date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:305
Dividend per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2620
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3330
Base Index. Base Value of underlying index at issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5748
Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4771
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3353
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8981
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4674
Compound Yield (US.style).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4168
Instructions - Item instructions that become part of Bid Wanted descriptions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3935
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3528
The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2922
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9271
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8859
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8923
The currency for the BID field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3180
Official Bid price posted at end of pit or ring trading period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9398
Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3684
Today&#39;s 4th highest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7809
Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7355
The total number of sentences in the News Item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8380
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3830
Difference between open price and the previous close price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4331
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7254
Upper band limit value for a Bollinger indicator analytic.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4705
The high and low from the previous 52 weeks.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4345
The net change of the current sell margin from the previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1219
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8622
Turnover in Fixed Price Trading Session after the normal trading session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6941
Dividend per share for the latest commemorative or special dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2807
Open, Closed, Suspended etc.., - not for MC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8509
Dealer Estimated Holdings (For Taiwan SE calculated by Reuters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6896
Ordinary profit consolidated forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3706
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9218
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9316
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1264
Market Capitalisation of a security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3643
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6578
Previous Total Off-orderbook Volume Date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5471
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3541
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6788
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8853
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6106
An arbitrary number to uniquely identify the call.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1048
Buy and Sell order identifiers for cancelled trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6736
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4357
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2716
Percentage of stocks owned by market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5133
Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1985
The time, in GMT, an orderbook row was most recently updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8413
Number of daily IPC Buffer Overflow disconnects.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7120
Number of analysts providing forecasts for FY1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5253
The dates of the theoretical life high and low values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1397
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8870
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2668
The bid yield for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.
Definition: FieldIds.h:639
The time at which the value in SESSION2HI was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4902
Five rippled trade-price time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4862
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7879
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3670
Revenue, Actual value for last reported annual period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5263
Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2577
Settlement date parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2637
Indicative auction details.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5072
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3388
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9177
Base Price calculated times.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4967
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2725
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8851
The high & low from the previous month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4450
Text field ranking the type of debt (i.e. Sr., Subordinate, etc...).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4478
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9173
The time at which the value in SESS2_OPEN was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4906
Net change of 6 month value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2394
The date when the time in TIMACT was updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:52
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8795
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2705
Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5646
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8257
Nominal Annual Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7179
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3737
Today&#39;s 4th lowest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7805
The Market Segment code in which an instrument trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4991
Spread 1 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4054
Today&#39;s opening Discount Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7990
Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2613
Fixed Income field for general use 4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7784
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2423
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4661
Low per second message rate outbound from the Line Handler.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7108
Turnover of the Index Underlying the particular Fund.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6866
Oldest deal Time. If the database is empty each field contains a single space.
Definition: FieldIds.h:908
Count of relevant news items in last 14 days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9493
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9075
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9151
Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6704
Servicing fee provided to the mortgage servicer to service the loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2899
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3765
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3519
7th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT7.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7931
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8632
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4273
Small lots yield net change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3194
This turnover of this instrument in the Odd Lot Trading Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7170
The highest value during the previous calendar year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:144
Code segment of the load address.
Definition: FieldIds.h:818
Effective Interest Rate Duration.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6338
The weighting of a stock within an index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5340
Exchange ID from FID 1709 on the Primary RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5842
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5956
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3777
One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3298
Bid & Ask side of ticker volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3051
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8783
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4813
Diluted earnings per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3868
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9355
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3584
Nominal Total Return Index Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6463
Maximum charge applied to investors redemption of shares. Stored as a %.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5312
Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2542
The total non-displayed quantity of shares in the Bid Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8422
Percentage change over various periods.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4470
Tradable price range. (one side).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5454
6 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2387
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8946
The total bid and ask quantities that are included in spread trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5716
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8761
JBRI bond rating agency rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1476
Last price for calculation (non-zero value).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4840
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3747
Previous Price including accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7359
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9136
Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4107
Manual/automatic trading indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2442
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3445
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4649
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8550
Local language contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3293
Market maker satellite Trading Desk location.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3621
RIC showing rate used for settlement.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7960
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2660
Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6424
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8645
The legal structure to which the fund conforms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5299
Scale code of the issue indicating which index of TOPIX New Index Series.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4885
Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest ands previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2567
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4676
Scaling Factor for Statistical Value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9464
Price range in PM Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3625
Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7497
Sell volume of Dealers Trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6894
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4609
The strike ratio is the number of equity shares per warrant.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2023
DDS FID. EG. The type of name (EG. RIC, ISIN, CUSIP etc).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8330
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2419
Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7492
Number of P2PS Mounts in use.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7117
Position Risk Requirement Index Value in local currency.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7381
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4814
The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2754
Local Language equivalent of FIN_COVEN.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3992
Reference text field for HST_CLOSE5 (i.e. 5PM Close).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7605
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2323
Second ask price qualifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2264
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1988
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9200
Real Total Return Index Currency Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6346
Surplus auction volume when there are more buyers than sellers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6867
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5991
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7052
Nominal Annual Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6382
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3413
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8975
SIMC chain to show underlying contributors to an instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7570
Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point Down.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7645
Field to show instrument is eligible for national bank repo market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7633
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8572
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8979
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8633
Time of last activity in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5385
Loan Identification Number (LIN) Sourced from Loan Price Corporation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6267
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3342
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6977
For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from BID_SPREAD (FID 3303).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6250
The stated value (par value) of an investment at maturity in USD currency.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7379
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3397
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2703
Total value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2374
Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3696
Number of block trades today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:85
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8732
Product permissions information.
Definition: FieldIds.h:34
Hedge Ratio value 3 months ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7436
Net change value between LEG 1 and 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8082
Bookvalue per share consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3199
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3654
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8973
The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8227
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9267
Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2612
For NYSE and AMEX listed stocks, the trade price qualifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:82
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3616
Number of block transactions above 100K shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4324
The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2929
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6974
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5993
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3196
Local language equivalent of ARRANGER.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3989
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3329
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8692
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8877
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3783
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3323
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9033
The price at which the issue was initially allocated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:271
a revision to the prior period&#39;s data for an economic release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5204
Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2796
Second field to display the average price for fixed income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7417
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5143
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8702
Second coupon payment date when more than one is provided.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1478
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5846
Thirty-two character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1763
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8617
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5961
Bid & Ask sides of match volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3053
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3644
Weight of security in Global FocusYld Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7734
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5969
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3669
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8646
Restricted list identifier flag.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5899
Previous last trade prices or values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:41
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7041
The direction of current yield for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3316
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3391
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9350
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3763
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4276
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9279
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5970
Carries the IDN RTL of an update across DDS where necessary.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8237
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6994
Source ID for update in FID IRGPRC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5835
Ten-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2448
Net Margin. Basis point difference between net coupon and index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2972
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6998
Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2607
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8709
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9210
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9288
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9061
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7044
Accumulated volume of issues that have declined today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:132
Disparate Ratio [(Closing price - Net asset value) / Net asset value] x 100.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9392
Expected report Date for next Fiscal Quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5259
General purpose numeric field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3629
Net income parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2590
Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7487
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8781
Asset Swap Spread 12 month basis points.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6300
Enumeration of field ID names.
Definition: FieldIds.h:30
The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1116
Nominal Semi-Annual Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6408
Previous year historic close and latest close % change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5370
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6086
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4671
The exchange time with precision in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8014
Native sale condition of inserted or corrected trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6209
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7051
Instrument classification - 3rd level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5452
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9016
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7074
The scaling of the amount outstanding field AMT_OS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1322
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2426
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8623
Today&#39;s opening option-adjusted spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2928
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9069
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7019
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9310
Number of shares currently owned by Regional nationals.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8829
Earning per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2606
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8559
Foreigner Remain Invest Volume (For Taiwan SE scaled by 1000).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6903
The high and low from the previous calendar week.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4500
Net asset value for US over the counter mutual funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:188
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4669
The total quantity of shares on the Bid Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8426
Average per second message rate outbound from the Line Handler.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7110
Absolute change in product price when time-to-maturity is reduced by 1 week.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5461
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3417
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4511
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8323
The author of the news story. Field may consist of Kanji.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1109
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9243
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7082
Today&#39;s 3rd highest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7800
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9332
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6087
The id of the feed that generated the item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8222
Auction Ask and Closing Ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5019
The second activity time in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1865
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3617
Weight of security in Spare #6 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7741
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6596
For CCG only. Requests record deletion if &#39;Y&#39;.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8292
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6073
The size of implied price at bid and ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5711
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1266
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7010
Submarket indicator (associated with irg price).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5048
Date of previous day&#39;s net asset value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:228
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9076
The clearing house or settlement venue associated with this instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5116
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2672
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8992
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7252
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9179
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9139
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8965
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8914
The weighting of a stock within an index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2084
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1981
Number of (consecutive) REG_FIELDs in use in this record.
Definition: FieldIds.h:754
Most recent but one option-adjusted spreads.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2927
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8872
Text Description of a Particular Problem.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7309
The foreigners sell volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6237
The minimum tradeable quantity of an instrument in a single trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8459
Code that defines the current trading period for the market segment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5003
Interest which has accumulated on a security since payment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1870
The latest ask price in odd-lot trading session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5705
Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2789
Option Adjusted Spread Change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7641
Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2080
Period end Date of next Fiscal Annual.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5254
Nominal Semi-Annual Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6409
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9252
The time zone for the closing run (in line with the CL_RUNTIME fid).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8087
Second strike reference rate for options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4938
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9119
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8922
Local language equivalent of CO_MANAGER.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3990
The Date associated with the Order Activity Time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8416
The value of prime settlement item parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3717
The update time for trading price limit, UPLMIT(#75) and LOLIMIT(#76).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8598
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4809
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9236
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9192
Two-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2446
The latest price from odd lot board.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5473
Real Semi-Annual Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7177
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9042
The range of strike prices and expiry dates for this options chain.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5621
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6960
1, 2 & 3 month Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2969
Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6699
RIC of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7228
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8571
Real Semi-Annual Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6319
The discount of the year high.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7995
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2702
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9077
Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2806
The main menu page for this instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5632
Buy Volume by Domestic Investor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8818
Capital change type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2815
Five rippled trade-price time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4865
The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2752
Traditional MBO RIC for MarketFeed IDN.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8398
Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5872
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2190
Shortselling turnover in shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5346
The volume associated with the price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).
Definition: FieldIds.h:661
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8741
Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4493
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1978
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6793
The time at which the value in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively was report ed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1415
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8986
Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2794
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8884
The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2751
Number of shares for a merger or spinoff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4458
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6112
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3359
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1695
Username of most recent disconnect due to IPC Buffer Overflow.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7121
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2700
Real Month-to-Date Return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6400
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6763
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:691
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7245
Net Change of Estimated Filling Volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6754
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1561
Weight of security in Spare #9 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7744
Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6375
Indicator identifying the type of low value in the SEC_LOW field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1525
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9107
Rule indicating the convention used to determine the value date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4023
Asset Swap Spread month to date basis points.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6301
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9237
The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1132
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4366
Dividend Pay Exchange Dates 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4319
Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1699
Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2541
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:830
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7873
Time of today&#39;s 3rd highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4750
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8770
The time at which the value in SESSION1HI was set reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1195
The price units in which the issue trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:96
Settlement date parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2636
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5976
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9185
Description of data in SETTLE field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8396
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7023
Difference in mid yield of current and next month contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7393
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4504
Today&#39;s highest Discount traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7991
Time of today&#39;s 4th highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4751
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8736
Fixed Income field for general use 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7781
The time at which the value in SESSION2LO was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4904
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8750
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6082
Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2629
Percentage change in Last and TRDPRC_1 30 minutes ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2871
Describes if the resolution time is the expected or actual time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7311
Implied Volatility of the Settlement Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6853
Capital change date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2819
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3581
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6593
The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2410
Special release closing net asset value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:359
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_8.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7862
Identifies the relationship between swap rates at varying maturities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7561
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2181
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8931
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8871
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9102
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8926
3 flag fields further qualifying the ASK SPREAD fields ASK_SPn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7508
Accumulated volume of issues that are unchanged today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:133
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9371
The current settlement month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3016
Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5170
The time at which the value in SESS1_OPEN was set reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1193
The date associated with BID_TIME1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8430
Reference text field for HST_CLOSE (i.e. 1PM Close).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7601
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8869
Ranking position field in ordered OMM maps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8327
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2171
Net Asset Value of Funds data.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4827
Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5176
The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2924
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9294
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5082
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8760
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6798
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3661
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3457
Revenue, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5264
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2200
The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3184
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2651
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9085
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8910
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9015
The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2523
Macauley Duration To Worst.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6336
Indicative auction details.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5071
The value of secondary settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3718
Real Total Return Index Hedged Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6344
The side of the market which a Spread Leg represents.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8465
Net change between the latest value and 6 month ago value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4835
Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6423
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3591
Today&#39;s open range price(s) type.
Definition: FieldIds.h:91
Capital change date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2820
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9275
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4569
Minimum price movement - for quotes. Uses same enumeration table as FID 53.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4452
Definition: Decimal.h:28
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8912
The Swift codes of the currencies in the deal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:877
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6566
Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4494
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4274
Basis point spread value calculated using the Ask yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4376
Low per second message rate inbound to the Line Handler.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7107
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3332
Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5904
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8708
The turnover of big lot trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1952
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9023
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1564
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6120
Measure of water vapour content in the air at a specific temp.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5543
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2694
Percentage of issues that have traded today vs. those that have not traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9461
Amount issued scaling factor - identical enumeration to AMT_OS_SC FID 965.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2060
The date on which the Fund launched.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4431
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3827
Base Price calculated times.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4966
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6161
Generic time fields in Seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3639
Total volume of all ask orders (full depth).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4642
Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7494
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6051
The highest and lowest bids this calendar year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:303
Foreign Sell Trading Value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8012
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8604
Weight of security in US Focus Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7722
The date when a particular volume occurred at present that held in HST_VOL.
Definition: FieldIds.h:688
GMT time of day at which point the SPS stats are reset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8518
Altman&#39;s Z Score. Bankruptcy predictor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6189
Big RIC equivalent to PREV_LR.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8268
The highest value ever achieved by this issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:146
7th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7942
Oldest deal date. The date and time in GMT of the oldest deal in the database.
Definition: FieldIds.h:906
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9088
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6159
List of Products affected by alert.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7307
Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2583
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2313
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6973
The publisher of the news item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8223
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6155
Spare general volume fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2340
Modified Duration to Worst in conventional terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6380
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8297
Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4104
Most recent non-zero closing value or settlement price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:56
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8943
Time of all trades in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5005
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters) for local language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4282
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6760
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4290
Amount of free disk space (MB) across all partitions on the server.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7137
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7079
Fixed Income field for general use 9.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7789
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6766
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6118
Compared instrument name of BASISVAL2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4030
Time stamp in heartbeat message in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7212
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8446
Market capitalization date for an instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4443
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7911
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8643
The value of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 v& 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2465
Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2540
Price excluding accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4393
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6984
Balance. The size difference between Ask and Bid for Japans session trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4422
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3723
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2714
The buy volume of an Investment Trust.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6239
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:831
Bid and Ask deal source numbers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6743
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:288
Capital adjustment factor and date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2440
Auction Bid and Closing Bid size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5018
Unique numeric identifier for a particular alert.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7316
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9325
Current number of outstanding arbitrator Gaps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6722
Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3678
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9022
Flag of Interim/Full-term Dividends (1 & 2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4314
Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5053
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5138
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9322
An indicator of the type of price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).
Definition: FieldIds.h:662
Adjusted price considering ex right.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4682
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5989
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8861
Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3680
Reference Credit Default Swap.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6289
Type of current market Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5181
Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4259
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2191
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6171
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6792
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3673
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9301
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8455
Net change for Simple Yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4050
Settlement date parent full term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2634
Interest Rate Return Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6370
Maximum potential profit that may be expected.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5448
Time in Seconds of update to After Hour Market information.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7172
Lowest transaction value during the life of the contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:108
On market trade flags 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4960
Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7356
the prior period&#39;s data for an economic release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5203
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3576
Statistic export volume or percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4738
The total non-displayed quantity of shares in the Ask Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8424
Dividend Pay date of Special Dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4731
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9045
News retrieval page code.
Definition: FieldIds.h:65
Percentage change over various periods.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4469
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7024
Married deal time stamp in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7207
The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2930
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3373
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1559
Total size of the Market Orders on the Bid side of the book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4988
Latest reported earnings per share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:74
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6783
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3497
Total number of retransmission requests made in a 24 hour period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7100
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3599
Order ID associated with IRG Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7092
Time in seconds required for broadcast news failure recovery.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1638
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6110
Nominal Daily Return Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6445
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9300
Ex-right foreign Home Market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4740
Generic URL field for use with exchange feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8534
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8704
Nominal Month-to-date Return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6396
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9157
Scale code of the issue indicating which Size-based TOPIX Sub-index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4884
The theoretical year high and low values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1393
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6773
One of several possible states a Line Handler can exhibit.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7099
Previous last trade discount.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7984
Sixteen character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1756
Percentage change in the latest trade price or value from the historic close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:100
IP Address of most recent disconnect due to IPC Buffer Overflow.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7122
Numeric Identifier for an RCS Asset Classification.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5524
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4627
Percentage of issues still available in the market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6873
Total number of bid orders displayed (full depth).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4995
The 5 best Ask Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5743
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2696
Standard Deviation value 3 months ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7440
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4367
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9054
Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point Up.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7644
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5997
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5781
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3647
Today&#39;s official closing price reported for Italian equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:216
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8994
Item ID of 3rd historic linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8366
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2182
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7058
Date of the third close price HST_CLOSE3 FID 1343.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1864
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6767
The value of prime settlement item parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3716
Percentage change value between LEG 1 and 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8062
Previous rolling 52 weeks High Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4561
Most recent but one bond-equivalent yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2920
Action of a Broker: &#39;UPGRADE&#39; &#39;DOWNGRADE&#39; &#39;MAINTAIN&#39; &#39;BROKER&#39; &#39;UNDEFINED&#39;.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8381
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8584
link to the equivalent time-series RIC for an economic indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5202
Real Month-to-Date Return Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6401
Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4096
Adjusted tone classification flag.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4684
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2425
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4349
The RIC associated with the sixth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8045
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8908
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8295
Trade Price percentage change calculation against 5th previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4859
The closing value of the first session reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1199
Number of permissions records for this network termination.
Definition: FieldIds.h:752
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8879
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8953
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8941
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3339
Earning per share parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3702
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8878
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9378
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7238
Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2883
Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7485
Session VWAP for single issue trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4908
Lowest value of recorded ask orders.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4637
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3364
Turnover of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5798
Maximum temperature for a given period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5544
Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7495
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during regular session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5794
Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2800
Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4491
Today&#39;s total trading volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:73
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2208
For NASD and SEAQ issues this indicates the market status.
Definition: FieldIds.h:187
Predominant country or region in which the fund invests.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5298
Historical Closing Yield to Maturity for JSB Small Lots.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2873
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9308
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3587
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9317
Secondary Net Change Field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5335
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3564
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9091
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4360
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8911
Large lot cross trade time.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4706
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3437
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9141
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6586
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8690
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8769
Third field to display the average price for fixed income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7419
JCR bond rating agency rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1475
The name of the market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:314
Time of VWAP update in AM Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8101
The limitation of issue amount for issue MTN.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4093
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4571
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9172
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6772
Two-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2445
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3527
3 flag fields further qualifying the MID SPREAD fields MID_SPn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7511
The volume eligible for the buy-in sessions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8842
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2097
Highest transaction value during the life of the contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:107
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8928
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2103
Local Language equivalent of GUARANTOR.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3993
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:828
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6089
Highest value of recorded ask orders.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4635
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3520
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9245
Percentage of issues that have advanced.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9458
Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6376
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6976
Interest calculation period (daily/monthly).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3020
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6080
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8321
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9094
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8655
Halt Duration as indicated by exchange feed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8528
Total volume done at call market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5490
Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5173
Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2597
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7242
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9206
Today&#39;s 2nd highest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7799
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8865
Today&#39;s 2nd lowest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7811
Expected report Date for current Fiscal Annual.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5252
Number of issues making a new yearly low today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:156
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7233
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4356
Number of block transactions above 50K and up to 100K shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4323
Official Opening Price from exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5633
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2688
Spare general numeric fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2338
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9285
Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4253
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8980
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3646
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9199
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8578
Outstanding of potential shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3906
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8786
The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5106
Data Health market information.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1933
Short Sale Restrictred Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8475
Ex date for special dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7209
Base Price calculated times.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4965
Weight of security in Asia ex Japan Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7719
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2194
Interpolated CDS Spread - Asset Swap Spread (or equivalent).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7474
Dividend per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2619
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9130
Date on which put-through deal was made.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5477
The high & low from the previous month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4451
Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2799
Cancellation Last / Not Last Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6215
Time of regular trades in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5004
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3469
Earning per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2602
Official open bid & ask price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1926
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2669
Ten character source Id field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2109
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3403
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2324
Related EOD CDS price on the associated or closest maturity instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7575
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2096
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9082
Previous rolling 52 weeks Low Price date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4564
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9018
Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5168
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8947
Asset class of underlying instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5463
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6776
Parity Price (Main or Secondary Board) in AM Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8103
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3563
Yields for Mortgage securities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4457
Zero option adjusted price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7639
Large cross size of the members.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4792
Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2795
Real Annual Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6386
The date when the conversion price CNV_PRICE FID 872 was updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1482
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7064
Session flag associated with the 7th session price SESSION7 above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:699
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6084
A general purpose 16 character text field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1598
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3672
Alternate field to FID 340.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4463
Item ID of 3rd most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8361
Contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3286
Systematic Internaliser Quotes Chain RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5825
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5145
Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3208
Genre of item such as:&#39;Not Defined&#39;, &#39;Imbalance&#39;.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6710
Historical Volatility over a 40 Day period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9388
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8864
Time of the latest update to the ASK field FID 25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:429
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3650
On market trade flags 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4957
Fitting (Interest on borrowing).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3976
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3793
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9329
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7011
The reason why the call was withdrawn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1054
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9030
Percentage change of current close price comparing to 1 year historic close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5485
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2678
Base price of today&#39;s trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1753
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9028
Number of shares currently owned by Non-regional nationals.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8836
Date of most recent non-zero closing price as held in CLOSE_DISC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7994
Settlement date parent interim forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3924
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9229
Forward price of Swiss equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:250
Married Deal Accumulated Volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6918
The 5 best Ask Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5744
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8927
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8444
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1270
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6101
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6164
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2681
A second field for description of the brokers pricing the cash loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7414
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6079
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3553
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5974
International Security Identification Number.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4784
For Equities instruments used globally.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4882
Alias name (short name) of the RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3073
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8780
Volume of Futures exchanged for Physicals.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6872
The most recent non-zero Net Asset value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5796
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3785
Average price yield for fixed income and credit instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7415
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3598
Amount of water particles released from the atmosphere in a given period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5550
Number of block transactions between 10K and 50K shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4322
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3471
Forward pointer initially used by PPD to point to the next take of a story.
Definition: FieldIds.h:418
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9166
Update time of Implied Volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8593
Link to a related speed guide.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4872
Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7232
Net assets owned by shareholders at balance date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3641
Redundant field. To be deleted.
Definition: FieldIds.h:427
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2715
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8549
Weight of security in Spare #8 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7743
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8451
Ordinary profit parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2546
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2189
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8972
Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4261
Reference instrument name for BASISVAL3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4156
Theoretical price FID. Not stack.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4488
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3198
The date when volume held in the ACVOL_1 field occurred.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3928
Ordinary profit consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2554
Time of today&#39;s 5th lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4760
Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4447
Coupon Income Index Hedged (USD).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6350
Dividend date the latest one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2829
An indication of the type of price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).
Definition: FieldIds.h:668
Discount margin to put. The Discount Margin assuming early put of the bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2047
5th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1300
Coupon Reset Frequency. Frequency at which coupon is reset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2979
Underlying asset for futures.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5231
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7062
The amount paid on the first coupon date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2297
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8785
The total turnover of trades using the Order Book trading facility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6849
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9287
Generic time given in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1708
Price change in current calendar month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4826
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6972
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9353
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9234
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9153
Target resumption time for a halted/suspended security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8529
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8670
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3483
Full Legal Name of fund, condensed to 50 characters when necessary.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5297
Total number of Market Orders on the Ask side of the book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4996
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3556
Trading type flag in Home market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4950
Native alphanumeric trade condition code for Not Last trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8215
Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2801
Semi-Annual Modified Duration/ Nominal Semi-Annual Modified Duration.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6385
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6076
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2204
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9087
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9361
Impact on the Swap by change of 1 Basis Point.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4986
Shows if Management Fees have been taken into account.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5446
Contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3284
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2650
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9056
A flag field further qualifying BID SPREAD field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6249
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8299
Displays the start date for the timeseries attached to the intrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8040
Bid-side Mortgage yield based on monthly cash flows.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2911
Bond type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2831
Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6422
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2704
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:826
The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1128
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8699
Earning per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2605
Total Buy Value by Domestic Investor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9469
5th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1376
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6109
Country or region where a mutual fund (unit trust) is domiciled.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5319
the economic data category or grouping an economic indicator belongs to.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5183
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1692
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8654
8th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT8.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7932
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2099
Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5014
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4678
Gross Coupon. Weighted average mortgage note rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2898
Dates on which the life high and Low were established.
Definition: FieldIds.h:298
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9239
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8579
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9372
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8705
Month to date Other Return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6398
CDS Basis. CDS - Asset Swap Spread (or equivalent).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5734
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3566
The currency for the ASK field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3181
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9276
Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2767
Fixed FX rate in relation to convertible bond issues.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7678
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2327
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2418
Mandatory convertible lower strike.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7687
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_8.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7857
Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2805
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8796
total return for the last 3 months.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6459
The security price 1, 2 & 3 months forward from the current month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2960
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6540
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of margin ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2428
Volume Weighted Average Price - extended to 45bit precision. Full day VWAP.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8384
Ordinary profit parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3707
Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2798
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8889
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8544
Numerical value indicating whether order entry is Enabled or Disabled.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8403
The publisher of the news item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8033
The exchange time with precision in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1714
Map entry position indicator used to sort an ordered symbol list.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8326
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3465
Trade through exempt flags for last price and IRG price, for US instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5679
Data Health feed status indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1931
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3348
Trade Price Netchange calcuation against previous month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4860
Year-to-date Excess Return Percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7203
The closing Value for the second session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5185
Earnings per share, Actual value for last reported quarterly period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5238
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2655
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2164
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7876
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9264
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8891
Fund index number (US only).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4412
7th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7952
Count of relevant news items in last 1 day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9491
Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6315
Payment Reset Frequency. Frequency at which payments are reset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2978
Start value of a hash range (served by a MC).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8520
Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5010
Nominal Clean Price Index Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6308
Used to identify the type of device that is being permissioned.
Definition: FieldIds.h:757
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6017
The turnover value for trades hitting the bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7140
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3745
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6803
Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3854
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2665
Date when NPS or other head-end processed item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:412
Yield of the Most recent cancelled trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9454
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7028
Fixed Income field for general use 3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7783
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6583
60 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for call options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5639
Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5169
The value of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 1 v& 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2466
Start time in seconds of outage or planned maintenance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7317
The turnover of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1949
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8450
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5954
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3759
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6964
Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5175
Start Date for Suspension of Instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8003
6th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7946
Detachment point expressed in percentage terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6259
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3404
link to description page for an economic indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5199
Percent Change Week-to-Date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7543
Local Language equivalent of TRUSTEE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3997
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5953
Ordinary profit % change consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3709
Rating agency identifier whose ratings are given in the field RATING_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1536
Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2286
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9074
Description of what content the source is providing.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8336
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8776
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8749
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2165
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8441
Previous Prepayment Rate 4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7662
The date when the conversion percentage FID 942 was updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1481
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9314
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7018
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2174
The activity volume at today&#39;s limit high and limit low prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5704
Earning per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2610
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9307
Alias name (short name) of the RIC. Big RIC equivalent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8253
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8664
The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1130
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:827
Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2614
Footnotes for mutual and money market funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:222
Sequence Number of a Not Last Trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8211
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3721
Allowance of Liquidity Provider - Yes or No.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5809
The Bonds corresponding swap point.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7589
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9066
Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5839
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4286
Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2573
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4652
Source of Opening Bid and Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5816
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8906
Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2763
Time of today&#39;s low ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4638
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6554
To point to same Enumerated table as RDNEXCHD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8546
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9083
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9209
ISIN of underlying instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5464
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9291
Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for current fiscal year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5236
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8784
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2657
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3733
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9281
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9036
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8942
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9265
Last Trade Value of the last session displayed as rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7157
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3336
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8746
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2330
For debt instruments the yield value of 1/32nd.
Definition: FieldIds.h:252
The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2411
Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 1. Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:930
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2416
Sell Volume by Domestic Investor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8819
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8453
Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5867
Year-to-date Excess swap Percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7204
Spread value of compared JGB issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4162
Nominal Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6413
The duration of a debt instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:198
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8317
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3535
This is the certificate type name, like BAREM,TURBO,DISCOUNT.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5331
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9012
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8586
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6606
A generic rating field whose source is identified by the field RATING_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1534
Total value of new funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2370
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2690
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3725
Accumulated volume from put-through deal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5476
Local Language equivalent of SW_GURANTR.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4090
The Maximum Coupon is the lifetime floor on the coupon rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2044
The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7352
Number of items sourced from that provider that are stale.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8514
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6562
Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2771
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8748
Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2779
Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5163
The difference between an investment trusts buy and sell volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6241
Time of today&#39;s 2nd lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4757
Time to maturity. Usually indicates the tenor bucket of the instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5764
The time at which the value in SESS1_VOL was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4899
Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2630
Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4109
First ask price of the day; for US Composites the first best ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:104
Market commentary indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8383
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9184
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9148
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6136
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2102
Bid & Ask sides of match volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3054
Month to date Unhedged Index Return (USD).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6404
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3614
The number of big lot trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1950
The total number of non-displayed orders in the Ask Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8425
Today&#39;s highest transaction value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:47
Maximum redemption value at the expiration of a derivatives contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9449
1st latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1301
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7032
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2697
Correction Last / Not Last Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6216
Generic ask price qualifier associated with the ORDER_ASK field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1713
2nd latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1297
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:59
Liquidity provider bid/ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6469
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6158
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9251
The Date associated with the Order Priority Time Stamp.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8411
Dividend type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2816
The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8230
Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2880
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6150
For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from BID_SPRD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6252
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6175
Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2782
Minimum size of an order that is guaranteed to be filled upon submission.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5012
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9031
Standard deviation of bids for tranches included in the index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6294
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5981
EUTaxSwissTID TIDEU Price Date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5189
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3667
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2563
Opening, Intraday and Closing auction prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5025
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9167
Net change value between LEG 5 and 6.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8084
Matched price during pre-market trading for broken basket trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5178
Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4102
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1262
Number of north side communication outages since last Line Handler restart.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7101
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9103
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8313
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6067
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4810
Describes kind of alert, be informational, maintenance, change or problem.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7312
3 flag fields further qualifying the MID PRICE fields MID_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6276
Ten-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2449
Turnover of Pre-Open and After-hour Markets.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5804
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3487
Indicator to clarify sections in Japanese SE or JASDAQ.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2875
For IRS. 3 Month bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7557
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3604
PSA mortgage prepayment speed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3005
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9014
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9001
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8930
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8716
Date of the most recent non-zero closing price as held in HST_CLOSE5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7596
Today&#39;s 4th highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4747
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9186
The initial public offering price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5472
Upfront Bid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7482
The type of coupon payment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4038
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9190
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3767
Previous last trade prices or values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:42
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8438
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2093
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8605
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8266
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4577
The yields of the lifetime high and low.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1319
Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2783
The complete name of the security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3010
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4660
Instrument classification - top level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5450
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3554
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6616
The weighted average time to principal repayment displayed in months.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4497
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3610
Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6419
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6779
Option-adjusted spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2925
255 byte take segment text field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1707
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9098
The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 , 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2917
Price of the most recent cancelled trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8481
Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6706
18 Month Loan Spread for a Cash Loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7400
Non-block trade count first and second sessions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3085
The weighting of a stock within an index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5341
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6122
Time of today&#39;s 5th highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4752
Equity yield of underlying linked equity for convertible bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7665
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6114
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3418
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3540
Internal TR team responsible for maintaining instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7560
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6963
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9100
The seniority of Debt for Credit Instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7408
6 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2389
Item ID of 1st thru 5th historic linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6703
Country in which a bond is officially issued.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2291
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9315
Opening, Intraday and Closing auction volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5027
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3757
Bookvalue per share consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2626
Physical statistic stock volume or percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4937
Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2775
Number of bid/ask at closing auction for L2 OMM.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8209
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5855
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6081
The first and second halves respectively of the resumption price range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:685
For CDS. Identifier to show whether a price is calculated or traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7480
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1563
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8722
Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4446
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2192
For CDS. Y/N Flag for identifying the traded convention CDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6295
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3606
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3382
Instrument name of SPREAD1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4056
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6088
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8740
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3414
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2624
Buy and Sell order identifiers for cancelled trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6737
Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3632
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8625
Numbers of Warrants Bought on a particular day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8803
Chain to show underlying price sources to an instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7571
Identifies all domestic markets trading options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6184
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3069
Issuer name for a bond (24 characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3951
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2625
Transactional volume of the trade price reported in TRDPRC_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:269
Cancelled Unique identifiers to Bid and Ask customers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6749
Numerical value indicating whether a book is Normal, Locked, or Crossed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8399
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3592
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9123
Strike price with added version number in alphanumeric format.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6869
Ordinary profit parent interim the latest year and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2549
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8577
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3467
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8263
Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2968
Indicates whether option is a put or a call.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2282
Lifetime Ceiling. Maximum amortizing rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2977
Field to show preliminary prepayment rate net change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7656
Deal Capture (DC) instance or position.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6731
Net income consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2596
Weight of security in Global Focus InvG Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7712
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7084
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9320
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4369
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6980
The direction of compound yield for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3315
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4570
Weight of security in Eurozone Focus Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7718
Net income parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3705
Local language contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3290
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2661
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3390
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3443
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2706
Net change of total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2369
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6797
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4288
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7258
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4506
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2722
The second level lower trading limit for today&#39;s trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4962
The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3713
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4284
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4625
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9249
Identifies all foreign markets trading the asset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6185
Indicator to clarify Nikkei 225/300 Index equity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2874
Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2785
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9143
Today&#39;s 2nd lowest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7803
Rolling 52 weeks High Price break indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4558
Nominal Semi-Annual Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6372
The weighted average price so far of all the trade price fields TRDPRC_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1939
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5135
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3595
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3385
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8556
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3826
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9051
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8921
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8984
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3525
Last ask price of the day. For US Composites the last best ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:106
Date of low trade for calendar month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4983
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3524
Number of analysts providing forecasts for FY2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5255
Used to report company&#39;s compliance with public disclosure requirements.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5720
The number of days that interest has accrued towards the next coupon payment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2299
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3571
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3370
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6777
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3583
Previous last trade discount.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7983
NIS bond rating agency rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1477
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8892
Today&#39;s 5th lowest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7806
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3507
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5999
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3374
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8309
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7250
DDS equivalent of the IDN FID DSO_ID. Has its own set of values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8238
Life Low Price break Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4800
The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4925
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7819
Net income parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2588
Source IDs for Bid Prices. Use same Enum table as TRDXID_1 (FID 44).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4378
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3421
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8894
8th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7938
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9096
Nine character identification number assigned to U.S. securities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2897
Weight of security in US Vanilla Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7730
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3511
Rolling 52 weeks Low Price break indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4560
Weight of security in Europe InvG (EUR) Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7735
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6063
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3835
Highest & Lowest Bid of 3rd Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4269
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8743
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5140
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9111
Name of currency in which the instrument is denominated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4714
Indicates today&#39;s lowest transaction type as held in LOW_1 FID 13.
Definition: FieldIds.h:291
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5854
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2663
Link to the RIC for Covered Warrants related to the instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8496
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8439
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1567
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6770
The theoretical life high and low values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1395
Reference Loan Credit Default Swap.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6291
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4583
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8773
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3596
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6975
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6107
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6127
Revenue, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5265
IP Address of the NIC Card.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7135
For IRS. 1 day bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7552
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9044
Traditional MBP RIC for MarketFeed IDN.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8218
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8619
Capital change date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2822
Bid & Ask sides of implied volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3049
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6601
Capital change date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2823
The volume of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1948
Number of Order Book Trades during the day, as opposed to Quote drive trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6845
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6148
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5079
Period end Date of current Fiscal Quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5258
A pointer to a record holding background contributor information.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1540
Most recent option-adjusted spreads.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2926
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6169
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:825
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2733
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3383
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7050
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8644
Weight of security in Asia FocusVanilla Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7733
Number of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4994
Net income parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3704
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6174
The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5108
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9129
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7867
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5077
Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6378
Customer quantity of a security at N price level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7089
Effective Gearing Ratio of a Warrant Price to Share Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6881
Interest basis and floating rate index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4941
Volume of the most recent cancelled trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8482
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2559
Life High Price break Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4799
This field should display the Convexity BIAS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7624
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3569
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6609
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6585
Short Description - short item description.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3933
The Minimum Coupon is the lifetime cap on the coupon rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2043
Foreigner Remain Invest Ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6902
Seventeen-character stock RIC field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1752
First session high & low prices of Japanese security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:194
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3091
Discount margin to call. The Discount Margin assuming early call of the bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2045
Weight of security in Global Focus Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7710
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7914
Latest reported dividend type.
Definition: FieldIds.h:79
Theoretical open. Initially used for Dow Jones Indices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3088
Five rippled trade-price time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4866
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4272
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7869
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2317
Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3688
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3829
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8662
3 month value of net balance, net balance change & turnover.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2385
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4275
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9244
End character of big figure.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7967
Today&#39;s 5th highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4748
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2434
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4375
The high and low from the previous calendar week.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4501
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6987
Two months after the current month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3018
Spread 2 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4055
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7002
One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3297
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8904
Ten-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2451
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5995
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4580
Total number of Market Orders on the Bid side of the book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4997
4th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1299
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1990
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8262
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8589
std::string enumToString(RecordType::Enum)
Returns string representation.
Sampling period in seconds of the gap count (x).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8341
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3369
Today&#39;s 4th lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4755
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4505
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9191
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3358
The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5105
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3613
Trade Price Netchange calcuation against previous quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4861
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8712
Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5164
Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2966
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6983
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5856
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3666
Maximum percentage of shares outstanding that Sub-regional investors can own.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9477
Dividend per share, Actual value for last reported annual period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5232
Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4254
Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3210
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3612
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4285
Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2640
The limitation amount for CP issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4078
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9170
Native sale condition of Last trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6207
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9241
Instruction pointer of the program&#39;s initial start address.
Definition: FieldIds.h:781
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6967
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8582
the calculation used in order to report an economic data release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5212
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9099
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9073
The frequency of interest payments on a debt instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1353
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8554
Conversation status on the keystation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1059
Price for top non-displayed Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8525
Indicative equilibrium price and volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5049
4th latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1309
The theoretical life high and low values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1394
Yield of the Most recent last trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9451
Date of update of After Hour Market information.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7171
Price Cash Flow Ratio parent full-term forecasts 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4311
Most recent but one mortgage yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2913
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7243
Hedge Ratio value 1Yr ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7439
Initial margin calculated for one sold contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9380
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9326
Field detailing if convertible issue is an exchangeable issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7670
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8305
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4575
Total volume made by buy side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5489
Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2552
Time of the value in the TRDPRC_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:53
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9319
Field to display the number of shares designated for Index weighting.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7972
Measure of Atmospheric moisture.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5536
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5962
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3412
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6090
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3346
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9318
Statistic output/production volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4854
The latest price from put-through deal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5478
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8940
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7056
The related note term for the cash loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7411
7 day yield of money market funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:192
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8560
GMT timestamp of the last gap detected by the provider.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8515
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9299
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3797
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2656
Total size of the Market Orders on the Ask side of the book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4987
Liquidity Provider holding amount per listed share.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6757
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2671
The third level upper trading limit for todays trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6233
Total value of new shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2366
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5784
Precipitation type i.e. rain, snow, sleet etc.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5554
This provide a link to HOLIDAY list applying for the instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8041
Weight of security in US Focus InvGrade Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7724
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8555
The date on which the issue will trade ex-dividend with cash dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4339
Previous Price including accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7360
3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2382
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9260
Special Background <xxxx. TK1>.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4946
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8887
External trade - net change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1957
Value of YR_PCTCH for the previous year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2838
For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from ASK_SPREAD (FID 3296).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6243
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2682
Bond issue date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2827
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9149
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8626
The time by when the closing run process is applied.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8086
Book value per share consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3691
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8552
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8587
The change in pressure over a given time & location.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5558
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2326
Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1, COLLATE2 & COLLATE3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4088
Lower band limit value for a Bollinger indicator analytic.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4704
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2314
Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5868
Number of 1st thru 5th Bid Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5177
Mkt Shortselling Total Turnover.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4819
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3545
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6603
The format of the take as supplied by Editorial e.g. tabular or text.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1105
Session type enumerated type field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1928
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2676
Ordinary profit % change parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3711
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8648
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6043
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6153
The time when the value in FID 924 was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4928
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9286
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9278
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2693
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2322
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1989
Total sky coverage, taking into account all amounts at all levels.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5531
Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2760
The offer side of the quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1058
Put through transaction volume (HASTC and HOSE).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8013
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6001
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4371
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2172
Percentage of issues that are unchanged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9460
Dividend Pay Exchange Dates 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4318
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6598
Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Regular session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5802
Upper trading limit for today&#39;s trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:123
Basis of the deliverable bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6204
The 5 best Bid Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7986
Multiplier or divisor applied to price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4887
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8937
A flag qualifying the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1469
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3658
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8764
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3546
Today&#39;s 5th highest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7810
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7046
Today&#39;s High Price and Low Price fluctuation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4761
The date of the previous open interest held in the OPINT_2 field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3929
Units in which the equity price is expressed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7671
Metadata that describes the type of Economic Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5226
Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3690
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2675
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8964
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8875
Predominant sentiment category, integer representation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6689
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3655
Net change value between LEG 7 and 8.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8085
9th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7954
Volume Of Theoretical Trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5328
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9158
Number of RICs added since previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7112
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3515
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4807
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7048
Price for top non-displayed Bid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8524
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3648
Total value of net balance change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2375
Previous conv price & ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2058
3rd latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1308
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6142
Bond type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2832
Accumulated Volume of After-hour.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5782
1, 2 & 3 month Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2971
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7872
Previous Price including accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7361
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5964
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3649
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9248
Instrument Trading Status.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5157
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2436
Previous Prepayment Rate 3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7661
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3769
Portion of dividend which tax has been paid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3642
Item ID of 4th most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8362
Indicates if the rate is quoted inverse to the US Dollar.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7962
Qualifying flag for FID 930.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1462
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3415
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of net balance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2422
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2420
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9293
The type of security supporting the repurchase agreement.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3014
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3577
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8665
60 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for put options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5640
fields (FIDs 30 & 31) respectively. Their meaning is market dependent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1639
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3662
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8637
A pointer to a record holding background contributor information.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7412
Ten-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2450
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9019
DDS FID. The service providing the item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8332
The jurisdiction under which the fund is legally incorporated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5221
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9060
Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4256
Generic Statistical Value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9463
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8301
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5780
ISIN of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7220
The current price of the spread leg.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8473
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of margin ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2430
Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2784
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2320
Qualifying flag associated with the value in FID 916.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1437
Price Flag of Parent Stock (CB only).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4855
The margin sell position from Tokyo SE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1218
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9366
Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2769
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6035
Primary and secondary settlement item names.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2647
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9120
Last day&#39;s closing yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4717
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6762
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8319
Volume of Trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8539
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3538
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2315
Currency code(s) where today is a market holiday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7957
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9020
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8657
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9168
High per second message rate inbound to the Line Handler.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7105
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9065
Code indicating on which exchange the instrument (bond) is listed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7579
9th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7939
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6019
Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL2 where appropriate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1696
Difference between Dealer Buy Volume minus Dealer Sell Volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6895
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5965
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8711
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7014
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6600
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4361
The series number of the index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6292
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3743
The source market of a Market Participant quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8421
The effective date of the latest capital change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5772
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2184
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8791
Primary and secondary settlement item names.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2648
Date of fixing used for settlement.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7956
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6021
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8701
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8647
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3529
Rebuild/Retransmission Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1934
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8936
Quote time given in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1658
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9171
The final coupon date before redemption.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4024
The lowest value ever achieved by this issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:147
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6796
RIC field containing pointer to &#39;preferred&#39; link record.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1743
The price at which the next put option will be exercised.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2007
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7063
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5960
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6794
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6619
Earnings per share, Actual value for last reported annual period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5235
Percentage change total return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4471
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9363
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4512
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3602
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9041
Probability that news item has positive sentiment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6690
Ripple stack FIDs for TRDVOL_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4492
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3392
Nominal Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6390
Time at which the high value held in the fields HIGH_1/ SEC_HIGH was made.
Definition: FieldIds.h:472
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2707
Period end Date of last Fiscal Quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5256
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2677
Number of warrants bought.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5342
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4647
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8765
Time of the latest update to the BID field FID 22.
Definition: FieldIds.h:428
The size of implied price at bid and ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5712
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6624
Organisation Identifier 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6286
Forecast dividend of the underlying security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4337
The value of secondary settlement item parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3719
Real Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6383
The measurement of the leverage of an option.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4336
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2708
For Japanese convertible bond indices parity greater than or equal to 100.
Definition: FieldIds.h:672
The difference in percentage terms between the GRS_NOTL_1 and GRS_NOTL_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7464
Total number of ask orders displayed (full depth).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4993
Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2585
Diluted book value per share parent full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3882
Weight of security in Spare #2 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7737
Time of the last VWAP (All Day) update.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8100
Displays the composite yield for fixed income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7420
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6162
New RIC for merged companies.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4453
Latest Market Maker BID & Ask prices and quantities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4449
Weight of security in Europe Inv Grade Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7715
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6591
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6111
The settlement date of the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2753
Price Rate of Return Index Value in local currency terms unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6448
The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest year but 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2470
Common Frequency Yield to Worst.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7197
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6168
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8575
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9150
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3729
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8901
Modified Option Adjusted Convexity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7649
The location of a price report for energy spot prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1338
The scaling factor of the block ACVOL.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8105
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3523
For IRS. 6 Month bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7558
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4621
Bond issue date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2824
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8723
Current yield historical close for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3307
The latest bid price in odd-lot trading session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5706
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4665
Annual Portfolio Convexity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6314
6 month value of settlement funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2392
the URL link to further information about an economic indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5228
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8454
Trading value of regular session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6472
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8951
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8895
The number of seconds the call was in the incoming call queue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1053
Convertible credit spread input volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7569
The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1124
Today&#39;s total market volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:130
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7815
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6584
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9007
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2173
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6124
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3585
Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest ands previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2569
3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2376
Local language market maker name.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1873
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8956
Total volume made by sell side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5495
Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4765
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9114
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:283
Further text qualifying Organisation Identifier 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6285
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3473
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8293
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8565
Today&#39;s 3rd lowest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7812
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8969
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3653
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4667
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6097
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8735
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3834
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5971
Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4260
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2727
Number of RICs changed since previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7113
The geographic code of the Reuters Classification Scheme.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5227
The scaling factor for the MKT_VALUE field (FID 2150).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4338
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2106
Aggregate volume required at a particular bid price level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2087
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8897
30 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for put options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5637
Sample RICs for illustration of alert.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7308
The high and low from the previous 52 weeks.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4346
Currency code(s) where maturity or end date is a market holiday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7959
Date of announcement of a debt issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1381
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9071
Date of listing in Exchange or starting of trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2879
The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3183
The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1471
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6132
Source of Closing Bid and Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5819
Count of the number of references in a record.
Definition: FieldIds.h:366
Date of the conversion ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4719
Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest ands previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2571
The date on which the coupon is next reset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2042
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6809
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9359
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9162
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6597
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5851
Gross price of an instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7635
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6128
The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1126
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6560
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6143
Net Assets Value for Fund_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4828
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2724
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6550
Displays the theoretical frequency of update.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8034
Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5830
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3197
Bond issue date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2826
Name of underlying instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5465
Second bid price qualifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2263
Official cleared volume for SSFs.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4396
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7880
Local Total Return Index Today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6464
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3828
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2683
Conversion parity in percent of face.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7677
Unique identifier to Bid and Ask customers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6746
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4358
The volume of odd lot trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1954
Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6317
Time of today&#39;s 3rd lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4758
Weight of security in Spare #3 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7738
Financial Status Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5046
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3565
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5958
Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5834
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9079
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9305
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9142
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5790
The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3185
the latest actual data for an economic release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5198
Yield to maturity for FID366.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4984
The version number of the overview datafeed protocol being used by the COG.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1046
Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2773
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9121
The RIC associated with the second leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1255
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6970
Preliminary prepayment date for fixed income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7655
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6986
Spread 3 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4166
Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2631
The first and second halves respectively of the resumption price range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:684
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8259
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2329
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4567
Sell or buy Applicable Order.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2404
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2104
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2718
The date the bond is auctioned.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2000
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3371
Current yield net change for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3306
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8909
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8437
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5137
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4654
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7039
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6011
Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6910
Net income parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2584
The underlying contract type associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5092
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7000
Real Straight Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6322
The time at which the value in SESS1_OPEN was set reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4891
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2195
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8752
Price of last trade of Type 1 (Korea SE).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5159
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3505
SubMarket Indicator (associated with last trade).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5047
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8916
Latest Price of Parent Stock (CB only).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4856
The Virtual Weighted Average Price of the trades in the auction period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6837
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4418
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_6.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7860
The most recent non-zero unadjusted Closing Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5808
The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1118
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7054
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6530
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6028
Weight of security in Asia Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7729
Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2792
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2193
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2566
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4289
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8449
Foreigner&#39;s trading limit ratio(issue).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5126
Basis Value 2 with another instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4028
Time of the last trade in odd-lot trading session with precision to seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5707
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9247
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6991
Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4255
Correction Threshold Check Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6218
Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1983
9th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT9.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7933
Item ID of 1st historic linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8364
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6588
Option Adjusted Spread Bid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4843
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3735
Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3697
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5862
Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 100 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7490
The number of odd lot trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1953
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8952
1st latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1296
Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2758
Opening, Intraday and Closing auction volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5028
Opening, Intraday and Closing auction prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5023
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8949
Statistic import volume or pecentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4779
Start and End dates of Liquidity Provider.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6819
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9181
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:829
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8638
The date on which the first coupon is paid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2298
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9327
Special terms trading flag (maps to Quotron Cash-All-Day flag).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3074
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1686
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7080
News associated to the industry sector a company/entity belongs to.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4427
Real Semi-Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6384
3 month value of net balance, net balance change & turnover.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2386
Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6694
Earnings per share, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5237
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7865
Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6700
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4280
Basis value 3 with another instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4155
Net Coupon. Gross Coupon minus the servicing fee.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2900
The discount of the lifetime low.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7998
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8863
Today&#39;s 2nd highest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4745
Forward price of Swiss equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:249
Time of generation of news item whose page code is given by NEWS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:66
Date of change backgrounds of bonds about the above.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4147
Time security was originally halted, associated with HALT_DATE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8531
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6023
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3068
The yields of the year high and low.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1316
8th latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7953
Reference field for the Base Rate linked to credit instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7409
1st latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1306
The weighted average time to maturity displayed in months.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4498
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3365
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6581
Indicator to clarify System/Post traded equities in Japanese SE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2876
The closing prices of the morning and afternoon trading on GAFTA.
Definition: FieldIds.h:211
Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5645
Number of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4992
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9182
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7021
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9272
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9039
Interest rate for Forward Rate Agreements.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7390
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2168
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8447
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6005
Buy volume of Dealers Trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6893
Sum of spreads of a CDS Index/Tranche/Basket.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5739
Contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3287
Last trading date for contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3622
7th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7937
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8888
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8663
Nominal Straight Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6312
Date security was originally halted.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8530
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7086
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9257
The time when the value in FID 918 was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4921
the primary source for an economic data release.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5205
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4509
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3522
The theoretical closing price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8002
The date of the Carry Forward Price (CARRYFW_PR).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6860
Volume of bid orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5651
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9356
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4363
Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2778
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8611
Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1697
The total bid and ask quantities that are included in spread trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5718
Fitting (Interest expenses).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3974
The interest message specified in the call.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1050
Redemption Yield - Annualised.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7194
Native alphanumeric trade condition code.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8214
Size of prices in FIDs 953 and 954.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5055
Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2765
Control Price - price that guides the automatic management of negotiations.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4720
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2413
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4351
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8614
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6170
Market Open, Low and High.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5032
Used by editorial as the keyword/headline/dateline.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1177
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6989
Government Bond Guarantee.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7663
The RIC associated with the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5078
Real Annual Portfolio Convexity Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6316
Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5837
Mutual fund offer price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:224
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8950
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2163
Source IDs for Ask Prices. Use same Enum table as TRDXID_1 (FID 44).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4377
30 Day at-the-money implied volatility index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5638
Start date of contract or deal period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4936
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8315
4th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1304
Overnight, and 1, 2 & 3 week Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2965
1st latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1311
Capital adjustment factor and date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2439
One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3299
Bid and Ask deal source numbers for cancelled trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6744
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3357
Capital change type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2812
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6780
Short sell value (in money).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5481
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4420
Option Adjusted Spread Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4842
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9113
The date on which a bond matures.
Definition: FieldIds.h:116
Mandarory convertible upper strike.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7686
Exchange delivery settlement price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5125
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6782
Net income parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2591
The buy margin position divided by the sell margin position.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1220
Dates on which the life high and Low were established.
Definition: FieldIds.h:299
Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the SEC_YIELD_n stack.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4174
The number of days to maturity (&#39;countdown&#39;) for a debt instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:183
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9110
4th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1375
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3401
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7026
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9034
Defines whether the gap stats are per message or per frame.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8342
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7234
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6804
Weight of security in Spare #4 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7739
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9238
Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2287
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6579
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9352
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6025
Trade Price percentage change calculation against 10th previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4858
Percentage change value between LEG 5 and 6.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8064
Classification of Financial Instruments Code as descfibed in ISO 10962.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8394
Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5054
End of convertible period.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3026
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8893
Balloon Price. Price at which borrower pays back principal on balloon date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2962
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5967
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8684
Small lots primary latest activity flag.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2351
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8602
Spare general volume fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2339
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8960
Month to date Coupon Return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6391
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8779
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5850
The yields of the lifetime high and low.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1318
Weight of security in Eurozone Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7717
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9283
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:284
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9010
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9067
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4368
Real Semi-Annual Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6311
Liquidity provider Bid, Ask, Bid size and Ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5052
The time when the value in FID 912 was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1432
Earning per share parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2604
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9289
Username of application with the largest outbound message rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7125
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8967
Internal Rate of Return.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4046
Periodic Payment Cap. Maximum periodic percent increase/ decrease in payment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2973
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9290
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8650
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6993
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9313
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3489
Issue amount (no. of shares) net change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6945
Second generic time given in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8018
Facility Size, Original currency displayed in millions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6260
Moving average of the n last working days indicator values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4808
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1558
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1979
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3513
Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2770
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6160
Count of relevant news items in last 30 days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9494
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3431
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8767
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9053
Turnover - extended to 45bit precision.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8390
Special release beginning net asset value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:358
Nominal Semi-Annual Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7183
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9333
Instrument name of SPREAD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4057
Block trade count second session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3086
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8628
Thirty-two character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1764
Previous RIC if RIC has been changed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8217
The direction of compound yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3317
Fixed Income field for general use 7.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7787
Field to display the Current Month - used for MBS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7622
The second level upper trading limit for today&#39;s trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4963
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3607
Real Annual Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6310
Highest & Lowest Bid of 3rd Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4268
Reference Opt Adjusted Spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7653
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3549
3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2380
Indicator identifying the type of high value in the THRD_HIGH field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1853
Ask, Bid, Last and Close or Settle Implied Volatilities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5647
The number of bids made for a NASDAQ bid ask quoted equity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:310
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7037
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9368
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7043
Percentage change of current close price comparing to 3 month historic close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5487
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8666
Date on which trade fixes against a reference rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4741
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3542
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9351
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7261
Replacement for FID PUTCALLIND (109) with extended index enumeration values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6181
The total number of debt instruments issued under a single issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:655
Nominal Semi-Annual Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6371
The number of issued warrants cancelled on previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7164
Earning per share parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3701
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9253
The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8229
Source ID for update in FID LOW_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5829
Sinking Fund Schedule (Start & End Dates).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4017
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9017
Is contingent convertible.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7682
Standard Market Size for MiFID reporting.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5694
Warrant Premium Gearing Ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4270
Item ID of 5th historic linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8368
Sixteen character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1755
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9084
Fixed Income field for general use 6.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7786
The implied price at bid and ask..
Definition: FieldIds.h:5709
Fifth generic time given in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8021
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7027
Previous last trade prices or values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:44
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6589
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3568
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3368
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2711
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3560
Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2642
The primary options chain that relates to this underlying RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5568
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9256
For IRS. 1 Month bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7556
Today&#39;s 3rd lowest trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4754
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8917
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_7.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7861
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5972
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7036
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6133
Local Language equivalent of swap provider.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4091
Number of ask order (Base).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4838
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3335
Start and End dates of Liquidity Provider.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6820
Revision level of the permissions record.
Definition: FieldIds.h:753
Spare general numeric fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2337
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8742
The RIC associated with the first leg of a spread. Big RIC equivalent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8249
Number of issues not quoted today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2859
Total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2372
Sixth & seventh colour indicators. Similar to COLID_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1972
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9374
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9092
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5849
Date of Latest Closing Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4805
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9145
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2565
Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1993
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6536
Dividend per share for the latest but 1 commemorative or special dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2808
Probability that news item has neutral sentiment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6691
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7263
Upfront Ask traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7486
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6604
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7066
VWAP for one single issue trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4978
Previous trading days volume weighted average yield price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6227
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9233
Ordinary profit parent interim the latest year and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2547
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6548
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7055
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8661
Time of quote in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5006
Month to date Excess Returns.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6392
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3366
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2557
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3355
Weighted Average Bid and Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5766
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6154
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9277
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7818
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9202
The type of take as supplied by editorial.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1104
Previous Price excluding accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7358
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7047
Earning per share parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2603
The expiration date of the appropriate leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5107
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6618
Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3689
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6061
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3367
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2622
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9203
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8903
Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3852
Today&#39;s total market value (in money).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5493
TRFIT Chain that the RIC should be placed on.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7563
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3343
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3755
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3645
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9057
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8642
The number of word used in the sentiment calculation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8225
Previous day net asset value of mutual fund.
Definition: FieldIds.h:227
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8745
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6594
3rd latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1303
Identifies Trade Reporting Facility SubMarket Center - US Equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5724
The tranche level name (e.g. equity, senior, super senior..) of an index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6297
Symbol of underlying instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5468
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2318
Ordinary profit % change parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3710
Consensus Estimates Currency.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5247
Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2284
Price of trade which triggered a circuit breaker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8538
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8440
The number of combined bid and ask orders included in spread trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5715
Organisation Identifier 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6284
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3372
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9072
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8845
Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3850
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9266
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5134
Date corresponding to ALT SETTLE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5688
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6078
Net change for Compound Yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4049
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8899
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9302
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8631
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8607
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8311
3 flag fields further qualifying the MID PRICE fields MID_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6268
Floating Rate Note formula.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4410
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8671
The 5 best Bid Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5745
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3600
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3509
Date the loan agreement was signed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6293
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6009
Burnout Factor of an MBS bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7637
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6100
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5149
Date for HST CLOSE 2 (#963).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4801
Twenty-four character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1757
Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Regular session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5803
Local language instrument name.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1872
Previous rolling 52 weeks Low Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4563
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3406
between weights and volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2098
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7030
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9140
1, 2 & 3 month Repurchase Agreement rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2970
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3375
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9081
General purpose spread field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4416
Turnover for calculation of Volume Weighted Average Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8006
Enumerated/Standardized Halt Reason Code.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8527
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9220
The maximum tradeable quantity of an instrument in a single trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8460
Current/most recent weather update.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5556
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9024
Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4264
Book value per share parent full-term forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3687
Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5840
Reference Opt Adjusted Price Change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7654
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2435
Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5166
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8932
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9250
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7239
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6095
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7015
Nominal Clean Price Index Hedged Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6307
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3536
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2721
Label for stock analyst rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5897
Session VWAP for fixed trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4909
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6979
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6104
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7264
Capital change type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2813
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8557
Period end Date of current Fiscal Annual.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5251
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8955
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8613
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3588
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4586
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5852
Real Total Return Index Unhedged Yesterday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6347
Sum of Accumulated Volume for a week.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2868
Turnover of Block and Basket trading during after-hour market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5799
Trend flag with the intra-day volatility interruption in force.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6950
Attachment point expressed in percentage terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6246
Cash paid by the bond month-to-date with daily reinvestment at 1-month LIBID.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6427
Year to date Total Return Percentage in Local Currency Terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7206
The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1473
Modified Option Adjusted Duration.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7648
Forward price of Swiss equities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:251
Time of original trade being cancelled, 1 second granularity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8537
Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2780
Capital change increased shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2772
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8695
Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID YRHIGH.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5820
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9207
The 5 best Ask Discount values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7988
1st thru 10th Ask size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5141
Data Health market status indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1932
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2728
Remain Bid and Ask quantities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6739
The difference in percentage terms between the CONTR_OS_1 and CONTR_OS_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7466
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3660
Twenty-four character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1760
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8683
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3663
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3408
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8728
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6965
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5987
Accumulated moves of issues that have advanced today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:137
FRA Maturity Date. The date on which the period of an FRA deal ends.
Definition: FieldIds.h:949
Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2283
The highest and lowest bids this calendar year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:302
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3557
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8693
Hedge Ratio value 9 months ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7438
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3618
Registration Period 2. The start date effective for registered bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4139
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7038
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3530
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6807
Modified Duration to Maturity in semi annual terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6379
Code indicating on which exchange the instrument (bond) is listed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7578
Buy Market Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6681
A third quote count field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1866
General purpose numeric field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3628
Time and Date that the order on the order book expires.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5041
Currency code(s) where start or value date is a market holiday.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7958
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3070
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9354
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3089
6 month value of new funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2391
Current yield for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3305
Current Line Handler Message Rate In and Out.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6720
30 events relative strength indicator value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4881
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6546
The first and second halves respectively of the suspension price range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:680
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6047
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3461
Real Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7187
Price to Earnings Ratio for FY0, based on last reported Actual.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5260
Any form of water particles from the atmosphere.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5555
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6574
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7040
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2414
Reference Opt Adjusted Spread Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7652
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9344
The discount of the year low.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7996
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8855
The historical closing discount.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7993
Exchange Data Source for Swiss Instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5469
Last / Not Last Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6210
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3449
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6007
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4659
The numeric identifier for the context of field usage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6923
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9037
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6069
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5857
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9194
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9116
Sell or buy Applicable Order.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2405
Number of shares to needed make the standard value trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8799
Display name of instrument that is to be added, dropped or changed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7216
Negotiable Shares outstanding (for Shanghai scaled in Millions.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6911
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8857
Dividend per share, Consensus forecast value for next fiscal year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5234
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8585
Ordinary profit parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2545
Time of delivery of the intramarket differential price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8594
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6144
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7035
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7005
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9270
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9132
The weighting of a stock within an index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3213
Gross Price Index Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6441
Nominal Clean Price Index Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6306
Net income parent full-term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2587
Real Semi-Annual Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7192
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2107
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8751
Volume of bid orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4643
Official bond number for Italian bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:220
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9342
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5861
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3396
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:692
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5957
Date of high trade for calendar week.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4980
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3435
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9262
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9176
Price Earning Ratio 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4262
3rd latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1374
Settlement date parent full term forecast 1 & 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2633
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8260
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4653
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4648
The current date as reported by the server.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1020
6th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7941
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7255
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8686
Floating Rate Note Index value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4411
The scaling factor of the block TURNOVER.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8106
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9201
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9025
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6959
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8997
Time, in number of milliseconds past midnight, of the imbalance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5671
Previous Days Margin Short.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6892
Unique identifier to Bid and Ask customers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6747
Base Price calculated times.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4964
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8860
Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4098
Percentage change increase?.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4472
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8630
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6057
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9230
Today&#39;s opening bid-side mortgage yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2914
Implied Volatility for pricing CDS options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5737
Number of 1st thru 5th Ask Quotes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5172
Trading volume of regular session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6471
30 days moving average volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4971
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6167
Number of Lots Traded in a day. Accumulated Volume divided by the Lot Size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7165
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6808
Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2802
This field should display the Actual Settlement Value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7625
Most recent bond-equivalent yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2919
Reference pages where Buyer/Seller ID codes are fully explained.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3189
The currency in which the instrument is quoted.
Definition: FieldIds.h:50
Value currency has redenominated at.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7793
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9235
Real Portfolio Duration Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6335
For Japanese convertible bond indices parity less than 100.
Definition: FieldIds.h:674
Yield to Worst semi-annual.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7200
Parity Price (Main or Secondary Board) in PM Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8104
Item ID of 1st thru 5th most recent linked item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6698
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3349
Net change of 6 month value of outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2390
Type of change to an instrument on IDN Data network.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7213
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6139
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3361
Count of relevant news items in last 7 days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9492
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5955
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3611
The difference between the latest bid and the historic closing bid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:179
Volume of Futures exchanged for Swaps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6871
Market Action Type. Includes the status of the most recent session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5132
Date that at knock-out or other contract barrier was breached.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8677
A six character market maker identifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4532
One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3296
Code indicating on which exchange the instrument (bond) is listed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7577
Period end Date of last Fiscal Annual.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5250
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1688
Time of today&#39;s highest ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4636
Contingent conversion trigger.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7683
90 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for put options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5643
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3652
For commodities the first or only opening price in an open range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:89
Previous 1 thru 5 day High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4767
Date of last Type 1 Trade (Korea SE).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5158
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1977
Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5906
Bond issue conversion or excercise price the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2797
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9198
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6093
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9304
The security price 1, 2 & 3 months forward from the current month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2959
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8254
Nominal Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6421
The letter used to specify the call on a keystation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1052
Number of ask price levels existing at any one time in the market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2086
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8958
2 Character NASDAQ Market maker location.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3620
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7870
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9331
The facility code to identify a bond issued.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7999
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3405
The first and second halves respectively of the suspension price range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:681
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9348
Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5863
Settlement date parent full term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2628
The TCID of the callers&#39;s terminal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1049
Capital change date the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2821
Unique trade identification.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5058
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9156
Buy and Sell order identifiers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6734
Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2544
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8880
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8689
4th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1314
Upfront Mid traded with fixed coupon of 500 bps.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7496
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6612
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2689
Percentage change of current close price comparing to 1 month historic close.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5483
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6996
correction flag for actual data entered incorrectly and subsequently amended.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5216
Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2616
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9164
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7874
Transactional volume of the trade price reported in TRDPRC_1. With decimals.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4974
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3831
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9128
The sell volume of an Investment Trust.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6240
TRFIT Product code associated to that bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7564
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3324
2nd latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1373
The lowest value during the previous calendar year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:145
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4664
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6966
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4585
The total number of non-displayed orders in the Bid Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8423
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3578
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9052
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8944
The number of items that mention scored entity in history period 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8231
Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID BID.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5822
For Money/Fx instruments, data for the Tokyo trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4354
Count of relevant news items in last 90 days.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9496
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8782
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2649
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8993
Maximum percentage of shares outstanding that Non-regional investors can own.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9487
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3539
3rd latest dealing code, DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1298
Weight of security in US Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7721
3 flag fields further qualifying the BID SPREAD fields BID_SPn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7509
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the bid side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6962
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3668
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8788
Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2776
Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2757
Diluted book value per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3904
1st thru 10th Bid size by Market maker.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5148
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8738
Compound yield net change for TSE JGB small lot.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3303
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2166
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9118
Generic time fields in Seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3638
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3340
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6130
Number of issues which have advanced today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:134
Diluted book value per share parent full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3880
The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest year but 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2468
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5985
Market status on order book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5044
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3093
Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4100
For IRS. 2 week bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7554
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9106
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2186
Diluted earnings per share parent full-term forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3849
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8588
Volume for calculation of Volume Weighted Average Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8005
The Discount Spread for a Cash Loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7399
Previous conv price & ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2057
Weight of security in Japan Focus Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7726
The RIC associated with the first leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1254
The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1134
Weight of security in Spare #7 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7742
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8850
Field to show model prepayment rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7657
Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5912
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4611
CP Backline. Non/Expansion/Reduction.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4079
The value of prime settlement item consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2480
The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3714
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8264
Last price for calculation (non-zero value).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4713
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9063
External trade - close date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1960
Signed Strike Price accurate to 8 decimal digits.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3619
Theoretical price FID. Not stack.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4489
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1980
Second session high & low prices of a Japanese security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:196
Today&#39;s 4th highest bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7801
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8990
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3537
The auction time with precision in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8030
Net income parent interim the latest and previous 2 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2589
The Post and Panel ID where a security is auctioned/traded.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8210
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9216
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6538
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2699
Number of legs for spread contracts.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7210
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8938
Buy and Sell order identifiers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6735
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6625
17 character equivalent to PREV_LR.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1274
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4655
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6778
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3463
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2332
Basis point spread value calculated using the Bid yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4386
Nominal Annual Portfolio Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6412
30 Day at-the-money implied volatility index for call options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5636
VWAP for one fixed trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4979
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3731
Month-to-date Total Return %.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6406
Nominal Month-to-Date Return Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6397
Text directionality indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5623
The yield calculated to the next put date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2009
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3433
The margin buy position from Tokyo SE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1216
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8624
Number of related items in history periods 1 - 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6693
Accumulated volume of issues that have advanced today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:131
Date on which dividend will be paid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:80
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1272
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3603
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9178
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9050
For the Taiwan dollar latest and previous fixing values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1352
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4374
Time of the most recent north side communication outage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7104
The share price divided by the warrants price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4415
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7878
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1273
Best Bid and Ask time FIDs. Not rippled (iaw equiv BEST_BID & BEST_ASK FIDs).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4623
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8907
Convexity to Worst in semi-annual terms.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6320
The cancel issue amount (no. of shares) on the previous business day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6947
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6163
10th latest contributor short name, CTBTR_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7940
For CDS. Basis point quote value that ripples from MID_SPRD2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6283
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8987
Mkt Shortselling Total Volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4820
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9105
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6611
Volume Weighted Average Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4496
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8957
The expiration date of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1282
Weight of security in Japan Inv Grade Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7727
Block unit - number of shares per block.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3087
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6180
Dividend Cut-Off for a Convertible Bond.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7699
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4572
Date issuing body close share register.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3675
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8774
Accumulated Volume of pre-open market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5783
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2723
Label for restricted stock indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5895
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6146
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3503
Today&#39;s closing range price(s) type.
Definition: FieldIds.h:95
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but one.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2666
Remaining years to maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6222
Price of Block or Large Lot Bid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9542
Auction Ask and Closing Ask size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5020
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8697
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6015
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9003
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8744
Number of bid order (Base).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4839
Standard Price. Given by Tokyo Commodity Exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4486
Accumulated Volume scaling factor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4696
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4372
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8866
Twenty-four character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1758
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8905
Capital change type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2814
No. of shares that foreign investors can place order.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5127
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3380
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6592
The time at which the value in SESS2_OPEN was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1205
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9341
Frequency of the SPS publication in milliseconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8338
4 year Loan Spread for a Cash Loan.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7402
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7008
Daily Cumulative Total Retrun.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6329
Volume of ask orders displayed (top 10 consolidated).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4641
The future base interest Rate implied from the cash or derivatives market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7881
Value of restricted stock indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5896
Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5838
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4419
Correction Retransmission Indicator.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6220
1st latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1372
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9204
News access code. Big RIC equivalent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8239
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8710
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5845
Exchange delivery settlement price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5076
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4662
Nominal Portfolio Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6414
Warrant Custody period (start & end).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4308
Dividend Pay date of Interim Dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4729
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1271
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8978
Weight of security in Europe Focus Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7714
Turnover of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5800
Identifies all foreign markets trading options.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6186
Traded value - extended to 45bit precision.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8392
Earnings Per Share 1-6 (IBES).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4258
country code relating to this data.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5220
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4658
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7025
Diluted book value per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3902
Order ID of Contra Order that was executed in a trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8397
Big RIC equivalent of LONGLINKn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8256
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9273
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9228
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2692
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6580
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3526
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7073
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8687
Auction Bid and Closing Bid size.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5017
Nominal Annual Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6407
Fitting (Interest coverage).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3975
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7866
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3455
The name of the original version of the news story required for Kanji news.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1106
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8721
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3575
Today&#39;s High Price and Low Price fluctuation percentage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4762
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3407
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4277
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3559
The first sentence in which the scored entity is mentioned.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8379
External trade - close price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1961
Initial margin calculated for one bought contract.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9379
Indicative auction details.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5070
RIC showing second rate used for settlement.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7961
Net income consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3703
Date of the third close price HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1859
Weight of security in Other Markets Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7728
Flag to indicate if the index RIC is for most recent series.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7431
Buy Market Order Quantity with Closing condition.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6679
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6140
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2691
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9004
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7020
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2316
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9155
The RIC of the underlying equity for an option.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1659
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1269
The Upper trading limit based on Static Reference price and percentage range.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7151
The closing prices of the morning and afternoon trading on GAFTA.
Definition: FieldIds.h:212
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_10.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7859
Previous Prepayment Rate 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7659
The discount of the lifetime high.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7997
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6134
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5979
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8703
Diluted earnings per share parent full-term forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3848
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3597
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8989
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3521
Size of the last update to the news story body in characters.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8801
Exchange News retrieval code.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5629
Trade indicators for FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5841
A flag field further qualifying ASK SPREAD field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6242
Scheduled principal payment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2993
Capital change type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2810
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8688
Close Info for fixed trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4716
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6771
The date of a normal trade, with no short sales, odd lots, etc.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6888
Twenty-character generic text fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2331
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9006
Last market data update received Time, used by SPS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8592
Trade through exempt flags for last price and IRG price, for US instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5681
Code segment of the program&#39;s initial start address.
Definition: FieldIds.h:782
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9217
Today&#39;s opening bid-side bond-equivalent yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2921
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3593
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8730
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8766
First session high & low prices of Japanese security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:195
Semi-Annual Portfolio Yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7188
Item ID of 2nd most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8360
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during Pre-open market.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5788
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9292
Next estimated prepayment rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7658
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4666
The date of the latest 5 contract dates.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2409
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9104
The latest reported dividend to be paid per share to shareholders.
Definition: FieldIds.h:120
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9223
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3419
Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1, COLLATE2 & COLLATE3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4087
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3532
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3773
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but two.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2698
The dates of the theoretical life high and low values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1396
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4574
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7068
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3574
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9324
The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3771
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8858
The time at which the value in SESSION1LO was set reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1197
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9377
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7060
Price rise Participation rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5156
Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5908
names etc can be updated on request in future Record Template releases.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8303
Summary information for use within the news for common platform environment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5910
The average (HK$) per Callable Bull/Bear contracts sold.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6887
GMT timestamp from the provider at the point of SPS transmission.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8337
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6768
The historic closing bid i.e. the last non-zero closing bid.
Definition: FieldIds.h:304
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7875
The number of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1947
Stop codes entered by the operations staff.
Definition: FieldIds.h:286
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3334
The time at which the value in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively was report ed.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1413
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6045
Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7642
Remaining Days (based on T+0).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4875
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9027
Last Trade Discount, mainly for the bond traded in discounted price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7981
Opening, Intraday and Closing auction prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5024
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7029
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3789
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6113
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8995
Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2575
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9189
The projected prepayment rate for a particular mortgage issue (months).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4475
Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2600
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9246
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Ask Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4668
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4362
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3475
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3615
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9298
The total quantity of displayed shares on the Bid Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8428
The side of the market which a Spread Leg represents.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8463
Reference to Swap Point (i.e. link to Swaps Curve).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7590
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3579
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4373
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2176
Unique numeric code assigned to the instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:127
Today&#39;s highest and lowest bid prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:300
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6173
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3479
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6172
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3589
Local language contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3294
The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3712
Timestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2178
Next ARM payment adjustment date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3023
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7246
Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1992
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8700
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9222
Generic Text Fields (14 Characters).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4279
Real Straight Yield Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7178
7 events relative strength indicator value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4879
Dividend per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2615
The rule for calculating the settlement date.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2002
Prodcode values for use in the news for common platform environment.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5916
Time of TRDPRC_2 - 5 respectively.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2882
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8848
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3664
Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3207
Number of Listed Shares for Calculation of Indices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4916
255 byte take segment text field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1706
Local language contributor name for second activity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3291
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9328
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3551
Maximum charge applied to investors initial purchase. Stored as a %.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5310
Disclosed/Undisclosed Bid volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3547
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6177
Price to Earnings Ratio for FY1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5261
The value of secondary settlement item consolidated forecast 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2539
For debt instruments the daily high & low of the yield to maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:231
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6117
255 byte take segment text field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:415
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8966
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6055
IP Address of application with the largest outbound message rate.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7126
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6805
Return over different timescales.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4508
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9373
Flag field qualifying the primary activity field PRIMACT_9.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7858
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9180
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9311
Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4108
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3090
Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1996
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6037
Nominal Annual Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7182
Bid and Ask Trade types for cancelled trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6751
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8768
The market side of the order imbalance.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5670
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6806
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9323
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9089
Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID HST_CLOSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5815
Cancelled Unique identifiers to Bid and Ask customers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6748
Flag for Bearered or non-Bearered bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3958
Aggregate volume required at a particular sell price level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2088
Indicates to greater detail the content of FID 91 YR LOW.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1736
The date on which the future option or warrant expires.
Definition: FieldIds.h:115
Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.
Definition: FieldIds.h:824
Weight of security in Spare #1 Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7736
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9115
Public Information related to stock/Data Classification.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5180
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8890
Real Annual Yield Unhedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7191
The total number of words in the item.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8226
Accumulated Volume of Block and Basket trading during regular session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5792
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6065
Net change value between LEG 3 and 4.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8083
Foreigner&#39;s trading limit ratio(personal).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5129
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9263
The strike price of the option associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5977
Original Take down - Original sale take down.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3934
Premium multiplier (scaling) to provide the total price of the position.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4473
Orderbook (on market) trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5043
Customer ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7017
The number of text messages to follow that relate to the take.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1103
Percentage weighting within a particular index sector.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3657
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9339
Rippled trade-price time fields. Not a ripple chain.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3211
Net income consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2594
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8600
Broker quantity of a security at N price level.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7090
The time at which the value in SESSION1LO was set reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4897
Field detailing if convertible issue is a mandatory issue.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7669
8th latest contributor location, CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7943
Volume weighted average yield price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6228
Sell order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6784
Percentage of Bid Orders shown on the Bid side of the aggregated book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5000
Holds upto 3x2 charcater trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7979
Citigroup daily return index hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6327
Correction value for FID defined by IRGFID.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4171
Option Adjusted Price Value Basis Point Conversion.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7643
Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:37
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9375
Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2761
The exercise amount(no. of shares) on the previous business day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6949
The total quantity of shares on the Ask Side MBP book.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8427
Time of VWAP update in PM Session.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8102
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3832
Time at which the value in SESS2_VOL was set.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3640
Price cut-off threshold specified as an absolute value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8328
Sell Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6595
Displays the average price for Fixed Income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7416
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4582
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6988
The RIC of the appropriate IBOR index from which the coupon is calculated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2037
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8562
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6995
Order Queue under Best Bid_1 and Best Ask_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5771
6 month value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2393
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9154
Yield to maturity for FID364.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4985
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7009
Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2551
Date of most recent north side communication outage.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7103
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7077
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9261
Weight of security in European Focus Invest Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7716
A generic rating field whose source is identified by the field RATING_ID3.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2293
The date of the settlement price held in the SETTLE field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:475
Second field to display the composite yield for fixed income instruments.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7421
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6152
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3609
5th latest contributor page, CTB_PAGE1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1315
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6552
Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local Language.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4291
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8985
Undisclosed volume for buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2101
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8862
The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3352
Disclosed/Undisclosed Ask volumes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3543
Bond type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2834
The value of the nth settlement item the latest year.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2654
Surplus auction volume when there are more sellers than buyers.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6868
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7042
Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5865
Price including accrued interest.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4400
For Money/FX instruments, data for the New York trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4370
Lot size units. Defines physical units in which a contract trades.
Definition: FieldIds.h:97
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9038
Remain Bid and Ask quantities for cancelled trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6741
Maximum possible redemption of a product at its maturity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5447
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7253
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3781
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8566
Dividend date the latest one but 1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2830
Married Deal Corrected Price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6919
Capital change adjustment factor the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2781
4th thru 10th best MMID, Bid side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4656
Accumulated Ask size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4566
5 days moving average volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4970
Capital change subscription per share the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2774
Time of original trade being cancelled, millisecond granularity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8536
Size of the current version of the news story body in characters.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8800
For Money/FX instruments, data for the London trading day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4364
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7871
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8925
The Swift codes of the currencies in the deal.
Definition: FieldIds.h:876
Line Handler name (string).
Definition: FieldIds.h:8333
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9212
Today&#39;s 2nd highest ASK price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7807
The current price of the spread leg.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8474
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7236
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8618
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7262
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8448
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9280
Explanation of the instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4781
Last trade price or value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:40
Accumulated Bid size 1 - 11.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4578
Number of shares currently owned by Sub-regional nationals.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8825
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9268
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8868
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3779
Customer bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7001
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3327
Provider process up time in seconds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8343
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3570
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9197
Indicates the kind of price held in FID IRGPRC (372).
Definition: FieldIds.h:6863
Hedge Ratio value 6 months ago.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7437
Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2579
Market Open, Low and High.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5034
The scaling factor for the TURNOVER field FID 100.
Definition: FieldIds.h:671
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2207
Bond type enumerated fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2835
Yearly total trading volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8001
Represents the RIC of the underlying index for an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF).
Definition: FieldIds.h:5529
Total volume of all bid orders (full depth).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4644
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8847
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:690
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8961
Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2555
Nominal Annual Portfolio Modified Duration Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6416
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8977
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9146
The number of combined bid and ask orders included in spread trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5714
The date on which the bond prospectus was issued.
Definition: FieldIds.h:168
Spare general single-byte enumerated type fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2347
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8771
For IRS. 3 week bps change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7555
Second session high & low prices of a Japanese security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:197
Date associated with OFF_CLOSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8675
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1689
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8954
Instrument&#39;s TAS RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8009
Underlying Assets 1 thru 5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5165
Broker ask quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7083
Percentage of market capatalisation included in sector weightings.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3671
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Ask Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8456
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9255
GMT timestamp of the Peak Gap Count.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8517
Currency variant no.1 thru 5 RIC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5866
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6094
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1267
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9345
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9032
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6123
Bond issue amount the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2793
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3393
Fixed Income field for general use 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7782
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6157
Buy or Long Stop Margin Ratio.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4798
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9144
The time at which the value in SESSION1HI was set reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4895
Native Condition code associated with the most recent Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8478
Difference in Mid yield of current contract and TBA (To-be-announced).
Definition: FieldIds.h:7395
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1260
Identifiers showing the market-makers on the ASK side of a quote.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6981
The yield corresponding to price in A_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6126
Swift BIC value for updates in FIDs TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5871
Earning per share parent full-term the latest and previous 4 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2599
The ask yield for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.
Definition: FieldIds.h:641
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2203
Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4110
The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3715
3 month value of net balance, net balance change & turnover.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2384
Buy order Liquidity provider quantity.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6791
The expiration date of the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5952
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8608
Real Straight Convexity Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6321
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6166
Shortselling turnover in value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5353
Number of RICs deleted since previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7111
The number of shares not paired at the current reference price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5666
Bond issue coupon the latest one and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2804
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6607
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9152
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5847
Yields for Mortgage securities.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4456
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8726
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3384
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8896
The name of the index that determines the rate of the ARM security.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3015
Net change between the latest value and 1 week ago value.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4831
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9008
The underlying contract type associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6031
2nd latest contributor location, CTBLOC_1 being the most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1307
Number of collateral companies.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4094
The time at which the value in SESSION2LO was set. Reported by the TSE.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1209
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9095
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8777
The final line text of a story.
Definition: FieldIds.h:414
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9297
Accumulated moves of issues that have declined today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:138
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3517
The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3378
Market price premium to bond floor.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7676
Last traded price of the previous day.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4868
Settlement date consolidated full term the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2644
Further text qualifying Organisation Identifier 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6287
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8660
Previous month and latest close pct change.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5347
Indicates to greater detail the content of FID 90 YR HIGH.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1735
Total return yield data calculated for bonds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5765
Source ID for update that is being applied to the FID OPEN_PRC.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5814
The latest 5 days&#39; total value of outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2417
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8563
3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding funds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2381
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8762
Special release capital gains.
Definition: FieldIds.h:360
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7256
17 character equivalents to LINK_n.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1263
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8603
Diluted earnings per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3869
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3459
Period end Date of next Fiscal Quarter.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5257
The value of secondary settlement item parent interim forecast.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3720
Equity or underlying volatility.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7672
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4673
Time of generation of news item whose page code is given by NEWS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4837
Spare general single-byte enumerated type fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2348
Ordinary profit consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2550
Total number of daily arbitrator gaps, filled or unfilled.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6723
The RIC associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6075
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8939
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8747
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8733
total return for the last 6 months.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6460
3 flag fields further qualifying the BID SPREAD fields BID_SPn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7510
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9108
Modified Convexity of an instrument.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7638
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8656
The implied price at bid and ask..
Definition: FieldIds.h:5710
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9221
Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3699
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1693
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9011
Volume weighted average price from exchange.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5635
Record classification for terminal/end-user applications.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4169
The previous day&#39;s accumulated volume.
Definition: FieldIds.h:675
The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3333
The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2731
Net Assets Value for Fund_2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4829
The theoretical year high and low values.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1392
Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2091
Source of Closing Bid and Ask.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5818
4th thru 10th best MMID, Ask side.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4645
The relative level of the Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3590
Item ID of most recent linked item across all News Feeds.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8359
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2211
Chain FID with identical usage as the LONGLINK set of FIDS.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7235
For debt instruments the yield to maturity of the of bid & ask prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:230
The relative level of the Bid price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3605
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8443
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9227
Flag field qualifying the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_9.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7863
The RIC associated with the fourth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8043
Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest and previous.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2787
Previous Prepayment Rate 2.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7660
Number of Orders in the nth Ranked MBP Bid Side Row.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8445
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8567
10th latest Activity Time. The corresponding date field is VALUE_DT10.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7934
The direction of trading from the previous trade.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3072
The number of issues which have traded today.
Definition: FieldIds.h:167
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8590
The currency for the price within the GEN_VALn field.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3182
Month to date Total Return Hedged.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6402
The date of the mark-to-market price or yield updated.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7350
The interest rate assigned to a bond when it is issued.
Definition: FieldIds.h:117
Numerical value indicating the rule used to rank an order in an orderbook.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4516
Indicator for Second thru Tenth Ask price.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5860
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9232
Broker bid quantity at levels 1-25.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7049
The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3491
The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3398
Average price input once a month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:219
Source ID for update in FID TRDPRC_1 thru TRDPRC_5.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5832
Sinking Fund Schedule (Start & End Dates).
Definition: FieldIds.h:4016
Three months after the current month.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3019
Price used to estimate the value of the asset.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5797
Weight of security in US Inv Grade Index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7723
Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest and previous 3 years.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3195
Buy or Sell associated with the Nth leg of a spread.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6151
Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7868
Asset Swap Spread year to date basis points.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6302
Bid-side Bond-equivalent yield.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2918
The version number of the index.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6266
Provider of 1st thru 10th Best Bid Prices.
Definition: FieldIds.h:4675
The scaling factor for the ACVOL_1 field FID 32.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5229
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8873
Datestamps for 25x80 pages.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2201
Denotes the type of yield curve the instrument belongs to.
Definition: FieldIds.h:5763
Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:63
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8640
Rule for MBO>MBP Aggregation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8436
Average per second message rate inbound to the Line Handler.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7109
One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3301
Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3676
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:9284
For CDS. Entity Level/Index Family Identifier.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6288
Buy Order Quantity Cumulative Total.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6615
States which domains the system processes.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8519
Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.
Definition: FieldIds.h:7816
Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1984
Buy Order Quantity with Closing condition for Japanese market Zaraba trading.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6528
Local Language equivalent of REG_AGENCY.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3996
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8581
Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.
Definition: FieldIds.h:8561
The yield corresponding to price in B_PRICE_#.
Definition: FieldIds.h:6115
Today&#39;s limit fluctuation.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2893
Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1986
The date on which the issue will trade ex-dividend.
Definition: FieldIds.h:81
The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).
Definition: FieldIds.h:3427
3 month value of new, settlement & outstanding shares.
Definition: FieldIds.h:2377
Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.
Definition: FieldIds.h:1694
Cumulative density function.
Definition: FieldIds.h:3063