52 buySideMemberCode.reserve(12);
53 buySideTraderName.reserve(12);
54 sellSideMemberCode.reserve(12);
55 sellSideMemberDesc.reserve(36);
56 sellSideMemberShortDesc.reserve(12);
57 sellSideTraderName.reserve(12);
58 sellSideClearingHouseCode.reserve(12);
59 sellSideClearingHouseDesc.reserve(36);
60 sellSideClearingHouseShortDesc.reserve(12);
61 clientRfcqId.reserve(50);
63 userInfo1.reserve(100);
64 userInfo2.reserve(100);
65 clearingAgentDes.reserve(20);
167 static const size_t providerInfoSize = 20;
187 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
190 std::string toString ()
196 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
UInt32 sellSideMemberId
In case of accepted RFCQ,it is the ID of the sell side member with whom the deal has been made...
UInt64 bookTimestamp
In case of accepted RFCQ, it is the timestamp of the RFCQ book that contained the hit/lifted quote...
std::string userInfo2
Client Free Text.
UInt32 tradingListId
Unique ID of the trading list of bonds.
UInt32 delay
Delay between the RFCQ creation time and the time at which the first quote was received.
UInt16 numOfLegs
Trading List - Number of legs.
UInt32 buySideMemberId
Unique ID of the member the RFCQ summary is addressed to.
std::string sellSideTraderName
Unique name of the trader of the sell side member with whom the deal has been made.
UInt64 closingTime
Closing time of the RFCQ.
unsigned long long UInt64
std::string buySideMemberCode
Unique ID code of the buy side member (ABI/MTS coding)
UInt16 participatingSellSideNr
Number of sell side members who took part in the RFCQ.
UInt32 clearingAgentId
Clearing Agent Id.
Leg Summary information.
std::string sellSideMemberDesc
Long description of the sell side member with whom the deal has been made.
std::string clearingAgentDes
Clearing Agent description.
UInt32 sellSideClearingHouseId
Unique ID of the Clearing House.
TI_RFCQ_TYPE::Enum rfcqType
RFCQ Type (Outright, Double Sided, MultiLeg)
TI_FLAG::Enum applyHaircutFg
Specifies if in the RFCQ the configured Haircut will be used.
UInt32 buySideTraderId
Unique ID of the trader of the buy side member.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_RFCQ_ORIGIN::Enum rfcqOrigin
RFCQ Origin(From Scratch, From Book)
std::string comment
Free Text.
std::string sellSideMemberCode
Unique ID code of the sell side member (ABI/MTS coding)
TI_MSG_INFO rfcqReqMsgInfo
RFCQ Request Info.
UInt16 sellSideNr
Number of sell side members the RFCQ was addressed to.
UInt16 dueInTime
Number of seconds the RFCQ will be deferred (for Multileg RFCQ)
UInt64 dueInTimeout
Time at which the MultiLeg RFCQ will start.
std::string sellSideClearingHouseShortDesc
Short description of the Clearing House.
std::string sellSideMemberShortDesc
Short description of the sell side member with whom the deal has been made.
std::string buySideTraderName
Name of the trader of the buy side member.
std::string sellSideClearingHouseDesc
Description of the Clearing House.
Double rateCoverValue
Rate cover value (only for Outright RFCQs)
std::string sellSideClearingHouseCode
ABI/MTS code of the Clearing House.
Specifies the final status of the RFCQ.
std::string userInfo1
Client Free Text.
UInt16 legId
Unique ID of the trading leg.
TI_FLAG::Enum msgFg
If True, messages have been exchanged during the RFCQ among the buy side member and one or more sell ...
std::vector< REPO_RFCQ_PROVIDER_INFO > providerInfo
std::string clientRfcqId
Client specific information.