48 accountCode.reserve(200);
49 accountInfo.reserve(200);
101 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
104 std::string toString ()
110 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
TI_FLAG::Enum rateFg
Specifies if Rate is specified.
UInt32 gCMsgId
Unique ID of the General Collateral.
std::string accountInfo
Additional account information.
Data referring to the tradable instrument.
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Specifies whether it is a buy or sell operation (Referred to the member who receives the information)...
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_FLAG::Enum discloseIOIFg
If true, quotation must be sent to providers.
TI_FLAG::Enum bilateralOnlyFlag
Indicates whether the trader that sends the RFCQ wants the trade to be settled bilaterally or not...
TI_FLAG::Enum iOIRateFg
If yes, the IOI rate is specified.
Double originalQuantity
Original quantity.
UInt32 tradeId
Unique ID of the trade.
std::string accountCode
Account code.
Double haircut
Haircut value.